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September 23, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-23

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Daily Managing Editor
FAILURE of the Board of Regents to take action
on the Student Government Council plan yes-
terday puts in jeopardy the effective functioning
of any student government on campus this year.
Indeed the Student Legislature itself is put in
the position of the sick man who goes to his doc-
tor every month and is told each time he has one
more month to live.
While the "responsible +student" will be ex-
'pected to hopefully continue in his campus acti-
vities, the "average student" can hardly be
blamed. for the feelings of futility and apathy
bound to develop as the result of yesterday's
Two specific objections tothe SGC plan were.
raised by the Regents' committee meeting yester-
day morning. The first of these concerned whether
the statement of the plan drawn up by the Laing
committee is a sufficient constitution for the pro-
posed government.
The second, centered on whether the 96-hour.
time limit in which the review board can announce
its intention to review an SGC decision is enough
time for such announcement to be made.

Apparently the Regents' committee felt is neces-
sary to allow more time to study the effects of an
SGC action in order to determine whether it was
at all proper for student government to act along
these lines.
These two objections boil down to only one-
that the plan would place in the hands of stu-
dent government more power and responsibility
than the Regents are prepared to give.
Yet in the face of another frustrating delay,
student leaders are asked to go on actively sup-
porting the present Student Legislature and at
the same time find solutions to the objections
raised so that the plan can be offered to the
Regents again in October.
The failure to act on the plan raises the
whole question of whether the delays in initiat-
ing the new student government will not de-
stroy any value and effectiveness it might have.
If by the time the Regents get around to con-
sidering the plan, conditions in existing student
government have deteriorated so far that w there
is no interest left in the idea of a student govern-
ment, then to hand the campus an SGC or any.
other plan for its approvel would be totally with-
out meaning.

Prof. Nickerson's Appeal Letter Given

(Continued from Page 1)
time, but the only way that they can be evaluated
and the good features incorporated into our way of
life is for them to be freely expressed. Inasmuch
as I had arrived at these conclusions by an in-
tellectually honest process, I felt that it was not
only my right but my democratic responsibility to
express' them through the most effective forms
available. In evaluation this responsibility I con-
sidered only what I believed to be the long-range
best interest of the U.C. and not the interests of
any other country or government.
Nothing Illegal
"I vigorously deny that there has been any-
thing "illegal or destructive" about any of my po-
litical beliefs or activities. I never advocated nor
worked for the adoption of any of my ideas through
channels other than democratically determined
majority decisions. As long as the procedures for
orderly democratic change embodied in our con-
stitution are available, I can condone no other
method of promoting political or economic ideas.
I was never required nor requested by the Com-
munist Party to follow any other course, nor was I
ever involved in or possessed knowledge of es-
ionage or related activities.
".,.. I realize that the Communist Party re-
cently has been accused, often loosely, of a variety of
"illegal and destructive aims." The exact nature
of these depends upon who is making the charges,
and I will not attempt to formulate them in order
subsequently to disavow them. I have unequivo-
cally denied, both under oath before the Clardy
Committee and before tiniversity bodies, any ac-
tions or beliefs which are illegal under or des-
tructive to our democratic form of government,
and I will add that I have not to my knowledge
given direct or indirect support to any such actions
or beliefs,
"I do not feel that I am in a position to make
a blanket denunciation of the present day Ameri-
can Communism Party for two important reasons:
(1) my personal experience with the Party is so

outdated that I have no direct basis for evaluating
the validity of the accusations, and experience with
newspaper distortion of previous party activities of
which I had personal knowledge makes me reluc-
tant to accept the current reports at face value.
(2) I do not believe that blanket denunciations
represent sound political practice. The individual
issues should be considered and accepted or re-
jected on the basis of their individual merits.
'Lack of Loyalty' Charge
"The charge of "lack of loyalty to the Univer-
sity" -and the complaint that my retention would
be harmful to the University and to the Medical
School are subject to a variety of interpretations.
In the present atmosphere where a powerful at-
tempt to force conformity of ideas is being made
through Committee hearings and through the with-
holding of funds by government granting agencies,
my presence on the campus could have an adverse
effect on the flow of grant funds and could lead
to unfavorable newspaper comments by Clardy and
others. However, I felt that the maintenance of in-
tellectual honesty and freedom of thought are ul-
timately much more important to a University than
the size of its immediately available outside grants."
"I have demonstrated my loyalty to the Uni-
versity by going to the appropriate officials short-
ly after receiving my subpoena and informing them
confidentially of my position and of my previous
activities. I risked a great deal in doing this, but
felt that it was necessary to safeguard the Uni-
versity against the possibility of premature, pub-
licity by the Clardy Committee."
Disseminated Information
Following release of this letter to The Daily,
Prof. Nickerson added the following point to the
closing paragraph of the above letter:
"At least one administrative official with whom
I talked relayed the information to the Clardy Com-
mittee, and in addition has widely disseminated
bits of information, out of context, to my scien-
tific associates throughout the country."
(Tomorrow: Excerpts from the Committee on Tn-
tellectual Freedom and Integrity analysis of the case
of Prof. Nickerson.)

"Mind If I Use The Same Text?"
Republican Campaign Strategy
By this time the President must
have heard the post mortems of
his close advisers about the Maine 1
elections. They cannot have been
cheerful. But while there may be.
several explanations for the set-
back, on the main facts there isL
no argument. The election of a
Democrat, Mr. Muskie, as gover-
nor can be attributed in large part,l
perhaps wholly, to the unpopular--
ity of Gov. Cross and to factional \
differences inside the Republican L
party.But the sensational decline
in the vote for Sen. Margaret g
Smith and for the congressmen
must be put down chiefly to dis-
satisfaction among the Maine vot--
ers with national conditions.z
As a statistical exercise the fig-
ures indicate a smashing Republi-
can defeat in November. But that -
is still in the realm of speculation.
What is as certain as anything
can be in politics is that the Re-
publicans had better make an ag-
onizing reappraisal of their cam-
paign strategy if they wish to
avoid the indicated defeat .
* * *
There are two opposed theories ON THE
of how the Republican party can
win in national politics. The one is hWASAIN GT ON
the theory of the old guard. It7
was worked out by the late Sen.4 Mrnny GO ROUND
Taft in his campaign for the nom---U
ination in 1952. The other is the
theory of the Eisenhower men, WITH DREW PEARSON
and the most powerful politician
who has stood for this theory has
been Gov. Dewey.
The Taft strategy holds that as WASHINGTON - The Federal they happened to be on the same
a matter of fact t o th atsasyPower Commission opened hear- plane. The government paid Kuy-
be taken for granted. One is ings yesterday on natural gas rates kendall's fare.
that the independent vote which affecting the housewives of Michi- In Chicago, however, he admits
went preponderantly to the Demo- gan, Wisconsin and other northern that lobbyist Falck threw a dinner
crats after 1932, can not be won states. Simultaneously c e r t a i n for members of the executive com-
over by the Republicans except Commission members have be- mittee. After another executive
by making fatal compromises, come palsy - walsy with gas and committee meeting at the Raleigh
some of them by betraying Repub- electric lobbyists, Hotel last January, lobbyist Falck
lican principles. The second as- In contrast to previous years, invited the members to his home
sumption of the Taft theory is that FP Commissioners t o d a y think for a party. Kuykendall and Com-
the Republicans can get a ma- nothing of going on free junkets missioner Smith attended.
jority big enough to overcome the paid for by the gas and utility in- NOTE-What the Power Com-
Democrats plus the independents dustry in a manner that never mission is now considering is one
by an appeal to an alleged mass could have happened when Sen. of the most important cases in the
of Republicans who have been re- George Norris was watching the nation-the price rates to be
fusing to vote for "me too" Re- power lobby. charged for the transmission of
publicans. And since one of President Tru~ natural gas north from Texas and
The pro-Ike strategy, on the oth- man's assistants, Don Dawson, Louisiana.
er hand, holds that the Republi- reaped headlinesdfor getting his (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)
cans can win only if they can cut hotel bill paid during a visit to
unto what is now the normal ma- Miami, it might be a good idea to
jority, made up of Democrats plus scrutinize the Federal Power Com-
independents w i t h Democratic mission, whose members influence l DAILY
leanings. The 1952 elections show- the nation's economy far more
ed that Eisenhower could cut into than a White House assistant.
that majority. They showed also Last year, the three Republican
that the Republican congressional members of the Power Commis- (Continued from Page 2)
candidates, separated from Eisen-' sion were taken on a grand tour ___ _____
hower, did not have a majority of the Southwest by the Texas Mid- Larkin, Marilyn; Lewis, James L.
even with him at the head of the Continent Oil and Gas Association Lewis, Tamara Johns; Long, Jane
ticket; that running alone they -all expenses paid. Lorber, Sally; Mangus, Janis E.
would have been badly beaten. If .The commissioners who took the Nyberg, Richard; Nirenberg, Marshall
factual evidence means anything, trip were FP Chairman Jerome Martin, Winifred; Malloy, Patricia L.
the 1952 elections proved over- Kuykendall, appointed by Eisen- Marshall, Anne; Mason, Janice Bliss
whelmingly that the Taft strategy hower; Seaborn Digby, also an Miyamoto, Joyce; Matkey, Kay
is based on a fallacy and that the Eisenhower man, and Nelson Lee Monkoski, Mary Jean; Millspaugh, Mar-
pro-Ike strategy is the only one Smith, a Republican holdover. Also asterson, Betty; Monser, Ruth
which offers the Republicans a along was Willard Gatchell, FPC Monser- Martha; Nagle, Jeanne
reasonable chance at national-as general counsel who had ear trou- Newberg, Barbara J.; Outland, Ruth L.
distinguished from local and re- ble and couldn't fly. Olsen, Joan S.; Peabody, Brewster Earl
gional-victory. Asked about the trip, Chairman Price, William S.; Peabody, Brewster
. Kuykendall explained that if he Price, William S.; Paraskevopoulos
If the Republican party is now had been the guest of the company Steve
in trouble, it is because Gen. Eis- only he would not have gone. But Paraskevopoulos, Pandora; P r e s t o n ,
enhower has allowed himself to be he said he considered it was prop- Nancy K.
persuaded too much by politicians er to take the trip as the guest of Preston, Kenneth E.; Ray, R. Richard
who refuse to believe what the the entire industry. ResboldJRodger; Rasbach, ames
1952 elections showed. One of the Democrats AbstainI Raar, Dale J.; Raar Eunice J.
most conspicuous of these politi- Power commissioners of previous
cans who does not believe in the years however would never have Rowlson, Ann; Skentelbury, Ruth
1952s returnsris VicePresidenthNve-Sansone, Fred; Stanley, Emilo J.
1952 returnsiViceP identN let themselves get indebted to the Sheehan, Tom S.; Sickrey, William
on. For his notion of how the Re- gas industry, the electric power mi- Stockwell, Priscilla; Sutherland, Mar-
publicans can win a national elec- dustry or any other industry. And jorie
tion is to unite the two wings of it may be significant that Com- Sutherland, Mr.; Soper, Mary Jane
the Republican party and to de- s Dale E. Doty, appointed Sarko, Alex; Sherwood, Margaret A.
nounce the Democrats all along by President Truman, and Com- Singer, Thorenc ;ho akstad, Karen
'.a li o..e

missioner Claude Draper, who has Tinkham, Mary Ann; Takagi, MargaretI
This .notion is contrary to the been on the Commission for more Uzelac, Mike; Van Atta, Charles
facts of the political situation, and than 20 years, did not attend. Van Dyke, Henry; Vary, Cynthia
there is no reason to think that it Chairman Kuykendall, who seems Visscher, Harry; Visscher, Mary
can lead to victory. The first thing to be a sincere thuh Webb, Albert; West, Ronald
tha is wrongcewithhitgisnthat the-Whitney, James W.; Wright, Patricia
that is wrong with it is that the tleman, also admitted thatvhe at- Weingarten, Rona; Wolfe, John T.
right and left wings of the party tended a cocktail party in his Wassell, Jane Wendy; Wlnney, Patricia

Football Seating.. .
To the Editor:
IT WAS impossible for any per-
son 'associated with this uni-
versity who watched Saturday's
televised football game to avoid a
most interesting contrast between
the athletic departments of the
nation's two outstanding state
universities-Michigan and Cali-
During the halftime interview
of Mr. Brutus Hamilton, Califor-
nia athletic director, a small rep-
lica of the Cal stadium was used
to depict the seating arrangement.
The interviewer showed interest at
Mr. Hamilton's revelation that Cal
students sat from goal line to goal
line spanning the fifty yard line.
Mr. Hamilton's simple statement,
"We feel that the team belongs to
I and represents the students," was
worthfar more than the moun-
tains of verbiage which are releas-
ed by an athletic department
which gobbled the whole of the
20% tax reduction intended as re-
lief for the public-mountains of
words which claim to explain why
both Michigan students and alums
must give seating precedence to
block ticket buyers from the in-
dustrial firms of Detroit and the
surrounding area.
--Mark Woodson
N ** * *
'Double-thin king'
Doctors ...
N YOUR edition of Tuesday,
September 21, you published
(with apparently some minor de-
letions) the report of the Medical
School Executive Committee on
Prof. Nickerson, tendered June 11
to Pres. Hatcher. Anyone who
reads that report carefully must
conclude that in the judgment of
that Committee any faculty mem-{
ber must, at the request of gov-
ernment or University authorities,
(a) make public his attitude to-
ward the Communist Party, and
(b) have the right attitude. The
right attitude will be the one in
conformity with that of the ma-
jority of the American people. IfI

both these requirements are not
met, the faculty membersbecomes
a liability to the' University -- a
threat to its "reputation". In that
case it is necessary, and proper,
to dismiss him. I invite anyone to
study the report of the Commit-
tee and see if, in all honesty, this
is not the essential argument, or
at least one of the two argu-
ments, upon which the Commit-
tee's decision to recommend the
dismissal of Prof. Nickerson was
That being the case, I find it
hard to understand why the Com-
mittee begins its list of "conclu-
sions" with the statement that:
"1.) We support the right of
a Faculty member to the
privacy of his political be-
It seems to me 'obvious that all
Prof. Nickerson wanted to do was
to keep his political beliefs private.
But the Medical School Committee
doesn't in fact admit his right to
do so as a member of their fa-
culty. Why not say so then,
straight out? Why the "double-
think?" Why try to have it' both
ways? One of the most disturb-
ing things about this whole mess
is the apparent ability of respon-
sible men to think "double"--to
believe that they believe, at one
and the same time, absolutely
contradictory things.
It is painful to me to criticize
the doctors who are members of
this committee. They are all first-
rate men, men of high intelligence
and unquestioned integrity. More-
over, we all owe them a debt of
gratitude: they devote themselves
to the improvement of medicine,
for the common good, at some cost
to their private fortunes. But I
feel that their mental processes
on this important issue constis2te
a bad example; and, disagreeing
with -those processes as I do, I
feel it is my duty to make my ob-
jection public if I can. The young
are being educated around here,
and they read the newspapers too.
-John F. Baumgartner
Teaching Fellow, Dept. of English


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any .reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

i,' I






At The State...
HAVING exhausted its supply of Arthurian-
Round-Table romances and how-nasty-Nero-
and-Caligula-were stories, Hollywood is now turn-
ing to the ancient'Egypt of sphinxes, pyramids, and
The Egyptian, directed by Michael Curtiz and
produced by Fox big-man Darryl F. Zanuck, is the
first in a series of up-coming spectacles about the
land of the Nile. It has a cast that reads like a
page out of a Hollywood "Who's Who," some 5,000
extras, and several million dollars worth of- cos-
tumes, scenery, and nautch dancers.
Adopted from Mika Waltari's novel of the
same name, The Egyptian is a better-than-aver-
age Hollywood melodrama; ponderous, sometimes
overlong but generally credible, thanks to the
acting of Edmund Purdon as Sinuhe, an Egyp-
tian physician of about 1300 B.C. Sinuhe has
all sorts of adventures: a Babylonian courtesan,
Nefer (Bella Darvi), seduces him; Merit (Jean
Simmons), a tavern maid, bears him an illigeti-
mate child; Pharoah (Michael Wilding) needs
his help in overcoming epileptic fits; soldier Vic-
tor Mature goes lion hunting with him; and his
half-sister, Princess Baketamon (Gene Tierney),
proposes marriage to him.
The Egyptian is probably as harmless a film
as has ever been produced, although- history was
probably never quite as glamorous as depicted in
this picture. There is also some rather hard strain-
ing to draw a parallel between Christ and the
pharoah's concept of one God.
As a spectacle, The Egyptian is a disasterous
affair. Its three principle sets, the throne room,
temple, room and Nefer's home, are pretty and
authentic in appearance; but next to the Quo Va-
dis sets they look cheap and ordinary. Further-
more, Fox has taken to using painted backdrops
that look as realistic as some of Walt Disney's car-
The process photography is abominable. Inj
one chariot sequence it is quite apparent that
Mature and Purdon are bouncing about in a me-
chanically "jarred" chariot while acres; f "E_-n.

Architecture Auditorium...
THIS FRENCH film version of Fyodor Dostoyev-
sky's famous novel is one of the best foreign
films available to American audiences. It features
Harry Bauer as the pathetic student-murderer and
Pierre Blanchar as the magistrate of police. Both
these men give outstanding performances. In fact,
the entire cast is unusually competent.
The dialogue is in French with subtitles in Eng-
lish. It is slightly annoying to see a sub-titled film,
but in this case an interesting musical score by
Arthur Honegger is sufficient compensation.
The chief personalities of the picture are the
student and the magistrate, opponents in a thrill-
ing battle of wits. There is the money clutching
female pawn-broker, and the young girl who is
forced into prostitution to provide for her family.
All in all, it is an unusual group of people around
whom the story revolves.
On the whole the picture is very well worked
out dramatically, There are a few places, how-
ever, where the scene changes so rapidly that the
viewer may be slightly confused, but these lapses
are not serious.
The setting of Dostoyevsky's novel is czarest
Russia. The use of scenery and the excellent
photography conveys nicely the atmosphere of cold
poverty in which the people eke out a useless
This production is an excellent example of what
can be done with simple, almost crude scenery and
a direct approach to a really fine plot. There are
no blaring trumpets and no magnificent spectacles
here, but rather an honest, straightforward, and
good motion picture.
This is not the kind of movie at which one is
likely to relax very much. The necessity of keep-
ing up with the English subtitles as well as the
profoundness of Dostoyevsky's philosophy makes
it more a picture for stimulation than for relaxa-
-Walter Ransom


are, even when united, still a mi- honor given by Mr. and Mrs.
nority party in the United States. Stanley M. Morley, partner in theI
The Republicans in this gener law firm of Wheat, Shannon and
tion have become the smaller of May, which represents the West-
the two great parties, and in order Coast Transmission Co., then ap-
to win they must do more than plying for a certificate to serve
unite among themselves. They the Pacific Northwest with natural
must attract erstwhile Democrats, gas.I
They cannot attract people who Kuykendall claims le wasn't
have voted for Roosevelt and Tru- keen about going to this party and
man by charging these people, or told his wife to decline it on the
by conniving at thencharge, that grounds that they had another in-
they voted for twenty years of vitiation. However, the Morleyst
treason or for twenty years of na- changed the date, after which thea
tional disgrace and corruption. To Kuykendalls felt they had to ac-s
ask them to vote Republican after cept. At the party were the other=
that charge is to make it too hard Republican commissioners - Nel-
for the independents; they should son Lee Smith and Seaborn Digby.
not be asked to declare that they Big Power LobbyistI
were fools or p e r h a p s even At the party also was Ed Falck,
knaves, one of the most active power con-
The necessary votes to give the pany lobbyists in Washington. And N
Republicans a majority can come after the cocktail party the Kuy-L
only from men and women who I kendalls and the Digbys allowedL
believe, as millions of them did in themselves to be taken to dinnerv
1952, that the fundamental policies by the big utility lobbyist.
they believe in would be served Te activities of lobbyist Falck
better by a change of party. The are so amazing that they will have
vice bresident, who has been des- to be taken up in a separatehcol-
ignated as the official spokesman umn, except perhaps for his social-
of the administration, has yet to activities which can be touched
recognize the Republican problem: upon briefly here.L
which is to attract, not to repel Significantly, Falck flew to Chi-P
and humiliate, men and women cago with Chairman Kuykendall a
who have voted for Democrats. year ago to attend the National
Another way of Dutting all this I Association of Railroad and Utility

Reguzzoni, Marisa; Hynes, Mary Jane
Foster, Emerson; Neuburger, Elisabeth
Trhe following persons will please
pick up their Extra Series Usher tick-
ets at Hill Auditorium between 5 and
6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23, 1954.
Anderson, Hugh B.; Axelrod, Eugene
Anderson, M. Lenore; Aizinas, Stanley
Aizinas, Solveiga; Arnlald, Judith
Alley, John W.; Alley, Ruth Briggs
Ashley, Robert R.; Ashley, Mary T.
Brown, Herbert R.; Brown. Stanley D.
Burstein, Barbara E.; Button, Joanne B.
Ball, Joanne Lois; Becker, Ann Mary
Blum, Lois; Bell, Shirley
Bell, Arlen; Berger, Beatrice
Brill, Jane; Barker, Jane
Bergier, Elissa; Casey, Charles S,
Chigrinski, Bob; Coulter, Fred P.
Curtiss, Dorothy; Celavos, Marlene
Caris, Mary K.; Carroll, Patricia
Cha, Donna; Cacioppo, Betty
Case, Carole E.; Currie, Janet
Cymns, Mary; Cuningham, Carol
Caton, Anita; Clagett, Mary Alice
Clark, Harriett E.; De Bouver, Donald
Freedman, Cyril; Harger, Robert A.
Haan, Robert L.; Harper, Douglas W.
Dickstein. Ruth; Dowsett, Diane
Diamond, Bill; Dolby, Freida
Dombrowski, Helen P.; Douglas, Sonyaj
Dombrowski, George; Dudd, John Ed-'
Dudd, Joan St. Denis; Danielson, Shir-
Dandison, Chloe; Doll, Delores
Durgee, Joan Ellen; Davenport, Kay
Dorpalen, Renate; Dansard, Jane
Edwards, Melvin; Engler, Lois
Fundak, Edward; Fox, Morton G.
Fairman, Marjorie; Franzblau, Beverly
Fleming, Marion; Fluche, Marcia
Fischer, Elizabeth; Failey, Alice JaneC
Failey, Joy S.; Gebler, Charles
Glasgow, Bonnie; Grenard, Susanne
Gonda, Anna; Glasner, Bernice
Ganger, Eleanore; Gross, Marion B.
Galin, Carol; Godfroy, Mary Beth
Goldstein, Anita; Hammer, Clare
Hagerty, Bertha E.; Hoenicke, Janice G.
Herweyer, Dorothy E.; Hamil, Ellanor
Holtrop, Teresa; Hollyer, Julia
Hogh, Ingebord Martha; Irish, Lee
Imus, Agnes; Johnson, Arilyn Ann
Jackson, Betty; Koutsowdas, Andrek
Klein, Glenn; Krans, Cynthia_
Katz, Nina; Knapp, Barbara
Kuehn, Robert; Kinsey, Joan
Kadri, Joan; Kornwlse, Sally
Krawitz, Lois; Kornberg, Honora
Kahn, Barbara; Luttman, Roger
Lord, Margaret; Lucas, Katherine C.
Levy, Susan; Lawler, Joan H.
Litht, Roberta; Levinson, June
Labiner, Marilyn; Mangulis, Janis E.
Metz, J. Richard; Martin, Winifred
Mckillop, Carol; Mason, Janet Bliss
Miyamota, Joyce; Milispaugh, Marilyn
Masterson, Betty; Meier, Dorothy {
Mc Keighan, Sally; Monser, Martha
Monser, Ruth; Meeter, Hermine
Nyberg, Richard; Nirenberg, Martial
Nuberg, Barbara; Nutley, Jean
Peabody, Brewster Earl; Postmus, Rodg-
Price, William S.; Preston, Nancy K.
Preston, Kenneth E.; Olsen, Joan S.
Otto, Carl; Ojala, Dorothy F.
Reynolds, Rodger; Ray, R. Richard
Richards, Mary A.; Rossi, Joan K.
Richter, Betty Jo; Sansone, Fred
Stanley, Emilo J.; Singer, Jerome E.
Stevens, Wynne; Slawson, Mary
Sickrey, William; Stockwell, Priscilla

The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing week-end. Social chairmen are re-
mindedethat requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on the Monday prior to
the event:
Sept, 24 - Hinsdale House, Delta
Theta Phi, Phi Delta Phi, Reeves.
Sept. 25 - Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Phi Alpha, Delta Tau Delta, Delta The-
ta Phi, Kelsey, Kleinstueck, Nu Sigma
Nu, Phi. Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta,
Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Psi
Omega, Scott, Theta Delta Chi, Zeta
Beta Tau.
Sept. 26 - Phi Delta Phi. -
The Detroit Civil Service Commission
is currently seeking qualified appli-
cants for the pobition of Junior Clini.
cal Psychologist for the Psychiatric Di-
vision of Receiving Hospital. Require-
ments include completion of one year
of graduate study in psychology. Resi-
dence requirements will be waived in
the case of veterans. The last filing
date is September 29, 1954.
For additional information concern-
ing this and other employment oppor-
tunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
An organizational meetiig will be held
Thursday, Sept. 23, at 12 noon in Room
3020 A.H. All interested are invited to
401 - Interdisciplinary Seminar on
the Application of Mathematics to So-
cial Science will meet in 3409 Mason
Hall, 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Sept. 23. Nicho-
las Rashevsky, Professor of Mathemati-
cal Biophysics, University of Chicago,
will speak on a mathematical approach
to history.
English 201 will meet MWF 10:00 in
626 Haven Hall, and not in 2439 Ma-
son Hall as listed in the time schedule.
German 133 Goethe and His Faust in
English Translation will meet MWF at
2:00 in Room 102D Tappan Hall.
German 211 (Gothic) will meet Mon.
at 3:00-5:00 in Room 102D, Tappan Hall.
German 207 (Introduction to Old
High German) will meet M 12:00-1:00,
W 8:00-9:00, W 11:00-12:00 in Room
102D Tappan Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Wayne Al-
exander Cassatt, Jr., Chemistry; thesis:
"Decay Scheme and Characterization
Study of Radioactive Products of Deu-
teron Reactions," Friday, September
24, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:30 p.m.
Chairman, W. W. Meinke.
The Extension Service announces the
following courses beginning in Ann
Arbor Thursday evening, September 23:
7:30 p.m. - Italy' The Country and
Its Art. 4 Tappan Hall. 16 weeks -
$18.00. Marvin J. Eisenberg, Instructor.
7:30 p.m. - Painting. Advanced
Course. 415 Architecture Building. 16
- - d.... l1OAnn 143. lWl t ... T n ki~n



Wyche, Marjorie J.; Yagle, Ray A.
Yagle, Anne Joan; Zilber, Norman A.
Zerbel, David W,; Burton, Alice
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig..Managing Editor
orothy Myers, .............City Editor
Jon Sobeloft..........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad.......... Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart........Associate Editor
Dave Livingston......... Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
...............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz........ Women's Editor
Joy Squires....Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey..Chief Photographer


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