AN EDITORIAL See Page 4 Li Latest Deadline in the State :43, a t ty .... ,. __. ,/ i o t i + ' 'V OL. LXV No. 2 ANN ARBOR MfICHIGAN WEDNESDAY. SFPT1.MRFA/ 9.9 74 CLOUDY, COOLER I t' }p ,' AdvisoryGroupEnSian SGC Plans SL Agrees Senior Pictures for the En- T Eo 100 Sianare now being taken every Ma OccupToEndorse afternoon and evening in the R eport vStudent Publications Building. Appointments for the pr egent Meet SGC Plan iterat may be made froge t M et to Flap{ m.' during those days at the Pub- 3-2 Decision To Reinstate Dismissed lications Building. Earlier The By DAVE BAAD taSAC The Ensian will hold an Open TheStudent Legislature voted roessor Made by Faculty SACHouse today for tryouts also at To Set Agenda last night to endorse the StudentAI the Publications Building from Government Council plan with (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second In a series of articles discussing 3 to 5. three principle modifications. evidence presented to University officials and faculty hearing committees _ Consideation of the Student The vote was 25 to two with one, and to The Daily in the case of Prof. Mark Nickerson. Prof. Nickerson ap- Government Council proposed by Thb Chigrinski, 5 abstwo ine, peared before a House Sub-Committee on Un-American Activities at a the Board of Regents may get urn '55 a ai Lansing hearing in May, He was suspended by University President Harlan O fd o Regn E mly gT der way today depending on the , H. Hatcher pending further investigation of his case by University coa-a '57 cast the negative votes. ey mittees. August 26 the Regents authorized his dismissal. outcome of an early morning Today's article is a continuation of findings by University committees on I A lu meeting of the three-man study Its endOrsemet Will b Set with Prof. Nickerson. It should be noted that the University agreed not to make committeeOf the Board and Stu-m public any of the committee reports or testimony transcripts on Pr . dent Affairs Vice-President James Board of Regents which may con- Nickerson. The pharmacologist revealed the reports exclusively to The Daily.) A. Lewis. sider the plan during its meeting By PAT ROELOFS BA dThe committee, made up of Re- today. Associate City Editor y gents Otto E. Eckert, Roscoe O. Ruth Rossner '55, author of the At the time President Hatcher suspended three University fac- Bonisteel and J. Joseph Herbert motion for endorsement asked SL LONDON (AP' - Chancellor Son- was set up to study the SGC pro- to approve three suggested modi- ulty members for refusing to answ~er certain questions put to them dAenurhsakd ora oalndmyrmyntbigI fications for the pa n fe byz the Clardy investigating committee, he crsrbdfute n ad Adenauer has asked for a posal and may or may not bring iainfrth plan and after S . prescribed furtherin-quick Western Big Three declara- the plan before the main body at lengthy discussion it did so with vestigation of the individual cases by the Special Advisory Com- tion ending the occupation of West its afternoon session. two amendments. mittee to the President. Germany and granting her full Work in the proposed SGC got The approved modifications are The five men constituting the group were Prof. Russell Smith sovereignty, Western officials dis- under way in November 1953 when 1> That, immediately upon its of the Law. School, chairman; Prof.. D. M. Dennison of the physics closed Tuesday night. a committee headed by Prof. Lio- institution, the SGC be allowed to department; Prof. William Pal- The German leader's call was nel H. Laing of the political form a committee of its own mem- mer of the economics the day's dominant development science department was appoint- bership to draft a constitution and * fth cnoisdepartment; iilas a se Prof. Paul Barker of the Medical in the tangled maneuvers that sur- ed by President Harlan H. Hatcher by-laws which would go into ef- 4iol n Po.RbrtH hr round free Europe's search for a to review the composition of the feet should the student body ap- lock of the engineering college. means of rearming West Germany Student Affairs Committee. In prove it in the next all-campus Reports from the Special Ad- in the light of France's rejection February. 1954, authority was election: that the committee meet ilttevisory Committee were sent to of the European Defense Commu- granted the committee to widen with the appropriate adminis-t President Hatcher July 13. Three nity. its scope and include the entire trative officials to coordinate the. Hthe group, Prof. Smith, Adenauer's move became known I structure of student government. SGC constitution with the Re- me mer as the Western Allies weighed with Two-Part Group gents' By-Laws. its A u ni of.d P r ndm Prof D son cautious reserve French Premier As outlined by the Laing cor- 2) That after a one year trial voted for reinstatement of Prof. Pierre Mendes-France's new lan mtetenwsuetgoeno e'ol h G ealoe oi ByLEMRSNickerson to the faculty Prof. m ne p mittee, the new student govern- period, the SGC be allowed to in- & By LEE MARKS cBaker and Prof Sherlock dissent- for arming the West Germans. The ment would consist of two bodies, crease its own membership if it "Powerful alumni forces" have3 plan was a rival to the British' dses been blamed for the racial and!y scheme previously advanced by a a rd oeRevewu 31 That, in accordance with the relgiusfraternity bias clauses Majority Report Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden.anaBrdoReiw religious Excerpts from the majority re- T Frenechrosal hae viw Assuming responsibility for the theory of one central student gov-' t y many cled c port, in favor of reinstatement, as only a starting point for hard duties now performed by both einent the SGC be given finan NO AGE posesb y dscommittee of educators read as follows: bargaining when the London nine- Student Legislature and the Stu- cial control over student organiza- A survey of 125 colleges show- b r thrk seson ofpe power conference on the key Eu- dent Affairs Committee, C tions. td or before the two sessions of th ropean problem gets under-way would be composed of 11 elected Formerly theIthird odifica-tadnsyeS d that a deradte Special Advisory Committee to the Sept. 28. and seven ex-officio student mem- tion excluded SGC trom any fi- and frasternity presidents, 80 per President which were held on June Informants here said Adenauer's bers. nancial control over individual ceht opoewhscrmin tinumburinAde4,er94e.d.n. Dr.sNndkeesvaiansr-fhe veswexmeg ndbtrofehigh4.n theNTher1oanweThe11melectedmembersowouldlresidencedunitsaandutheevarious e ohing nmbe r on ed all of the Committee's questions agenda for decision at the London be chosen in much the same man-pubcations with frankness and candor. parley. It was Sept. 2 that he first ner as Student Legislature mem- SL felt that some situation lesse yt. "Dr. Nickerson's first association put the price tag of "full and un- bers are now chosen. The ex-offi- might arise, such as one of these Come old, come young! The surve wa n madeytes -with Communism occurred during diminished sovereignty" on Ger- cio members would be the highest organizations sponsoring a dance, Your age makes no difference. tional committee on fraternities the depression, when at the age man military support for Western officer of the Union, League, Pan- which might call for SGC control. You may meet people, get s Ineuain eddb rf l t oiinwl eepandi red Mc~lung Lee, head of the of 18, 1934, he began workng in defense lines., hellenic Association, Assembly As- Itoiinwl eepandi chance at newswriting and try your a logging camp. It appeared to Adenauer has promised an im- :sociation, Interfraternity Council, a revamped rationale being pre- hand at advertising and business Bredly MClgLeesocileade h r nim that the people who were most mediate counter-declaration in re- Inter-House Council and The pared this morning by a special I management. The Michigan Daily partent. effective in seeking to better the turn for his requested Big Three Michigan Daily. committee designated by SL Presi- offers all these opportunities - and Alumni Objections very poor working conditions that declaration. In it, he would volun- Final Decisions dent Steve Jelin, '55. more. Prof. Lee reported, "When non- then existed were certain Com- tarily cede certain rights to the Decisions of the Studedt Gov- The committee composed of Last Chance - First Chance conforming chapters try to exer- munists, who were active in the three occupying nations - the ernment Council would be final Tom Bleha. '56, David Levy. '57. Today is the last editorial staff cise real autonomy by insisting on local union movement.. . he went United States, Britain and France. unless reversed by the Board of Hank Berliner, '56, Ned Simon, tryout but the first busi- their right to select their own on for graduate work on his Mas- One provision would allow the Review. 55 and Miss Rossner will alter ness staff tryout meeting. Students members without outside interfer- ter's degree and was a member of three nations to keep their armies Two students, including the the rationale to meet with any who wish to join the photography ence, they have been slapped down the Party at that time. He con- on German soil on an agreed cost president of SGC, three faculty changes made by SL to Miss Ross- staff or wi'iting 'staffs - women's, hard by alumni groups." See NICKERSON, rage 4 basis. Another would allow the Al- members, the Dean of Men and ner s original modification s . sports or editorial - may come to Roy Wetterholt, 55, president -lies to remain in control of West the Dean of Women would make Considerable objection was rais- StuentiPg ations Bdgy 420e of Acacia, whose recent attempts UNDIGNIFIED? Berlin, isolated in the Soviet zone. up the Board of Review.meeting to the se- to remove their bias clause were A third would give the Allies con- According to the SGC proposal, and modification. It was thought Maynard St. defeated by a narrow margin at . trol over the problem of German the Board of Review would not recommend an im- Students who wish to t their the national convention, comment- en a cton unification. normally overturn decisions of the mediate increase in the proposed hands at advertisin and bu ed, "I think it's quite accurate." But a Western difficulty is that Council, and would act only in elected SGC membership. management ma attend one Tm not sure," said Wetterholt, -d'the Allies would have to bind Aden- questions involving the jurisdic- It was thought that 11 electedsy but I think most of the rater-er auer legally to forego the right to tion of SGC or if it was felt fur- representatives would not ade- j They will be held at 4:15 and 7g nities that have met with success rearm for the period in which the ther consideration was required. quately represent the students and have done so because they had a Among male students no violent West hammers out an agreement Intent to review a decision would also that conceivably a quorum majority of actives on the floor of objections have met the re-issued on giving the federal republic a have to be announced in the Daily could be present at a meeting with S. s their conventions." rule banning wear of Bermuda full and equal role within the North Official Bulletin within four days less than half of those being elect- Acacia Efforts Told shorts and "undignified legwear" Atlantic Treaty Organization. after passage by EGC. ed members. Explaining Acacia's attempt to In Salestoprvidefooaned from official University buildings In order to provide for an ex- Earier m a the meeting SL ac- remove its clause, which was led by A random poll of faterty orchange of student opinion and cepted the resignation of Berliner, rme its houses yesterday showed that most ! H o 1 (I dsecond member at large from the Already with a record for book th ihgncatr etrotalow debate on campus issues, thieAledwiharcodfrbk noted, "The way it is set up at our men approve the regulation. .Council would hold a forum once cabinet. He will continue however, sales in a fall semester, the Stu- note, "he ay t issetup t or ~ ouln'twea my ermdasI.I to serve as a member of SL. convention, the alumni have a ma- to cla nor to ter A Buildng" .rc 6 [l g j, a month. This would, according sdent Book Exchange yesterday jority of six votes. We swung per- to casses or t edingto the Laing plan, give students Four vacancies on SL were also raised its 'total sales for five days haps 80 per cent of the actives Rmphasized Dick Scroggin, 56. Ta chance to express their opinions announced. Leah Marks, '55L. El- to approximately $7,200, only $500 votin but were defeated nonethe- s For parties, or for just sitting Slated To da'y and at the same time allow SGC lie Loveland, '55, Murray McDon- short of the all-time high of $7- less. In some cases, I think even place, but it's a limited one."mebrtoacutothi on longei' with the organization. In- '70sti h pugo 93 butwee deated nohnehe- arund, sure. Tey have teirn members to account to their con- ald, '57. John Winslow, '54 ai'e no 700 set in the spring of 1953. the actives who voted against re- Di Comlmen To honor t h e i r outstanding stituents. ter for th poition ill The previous record for fall sales moval did so because of alumni Bill Stansell,'55 estimated that achievements in Michigan high Discussions of the building con-s be held Thursday from1 p.m. to was $5,500, set last year. pressures.t e schools, 700 freshmen will receive tract for Union addition andby m Although the Exchange will be prsuenot more thantwpecn of his 3 pm Douglas Hill, '55, president of Sigma Nu fraternity brothers owd the Oreon E. Scott Award at a Re- housing units for married students p*m. open one more day, from 8 a.m. Theta Chi stated that in his fra- " gixents-Alumni Honors Convocation on the new North Camnus are als Larry Harris, SL treasurer, an-n, , :s Clardy Says ~Communists Set Strike Move To Finilsh Strike Continues By the Associated Press DETROIT -- Police Tuesday seized Communist literature and detained five men who two job applicants at the strike-bound Square D Co. said had been trail- ing them. Police said they found a bushel basket of Communist literature in the trunk of the car occupied by the five who were detained. They said they also found a makeshift gun capable of firing .22 cart- ridges. The detentions followed a day of skirmishes on picket lines in which four men were beaten and tires on several cars slashed. Tues- day was the 99th day since Square D's 1,200 independent United Elec- trical Workers walked out in a dis. pute over a new wage contract. Subversion Checked Following the literature seizure, Police Inspector Mason Hirst said "we are checking the possibility that this means subversive activi- ties in the strike." Both Rep. Clardy (R-Mich) SIX PAGE confiscate Red ire, Detain Five Oit Picket Lines 9 -Daily-Dou Campbeti BARRED "icl Business ike Tryouts V. 7 d , p.m. today and at 4:15 p.m. to- and Rep. Kersten (R-Wis.) have morrow at the Student Publica- termed the Square D strike "Com- tions Building. munist-directed." The UE has de- Students who join the Daily will nied it and insists no Communists find themselves part of a staff of are members of its Square D local more than 200 people. The Daily union. has a $500,000 plant which in- All five of those detained by po- cludes four lingtypes, an automatic lice denied Communist activities teletype setter, a photo-engraver and one told reporters: "Don't and a $70,000 rotary press. try to connect me with those Daily Background guys." Behind The Daily lies a 65 year List Literature old tradition of editorial and busi-$Police said the literature seized ness freedom. The professional included: "Is Communism Un- looking Daily of today is vastly American?" by Eugene Dennis, different from the first Daily which "Danger Signals for Organized rolled off the press in 1890. Begun Labor," by William Z. Foster; by a group of students irate over "New 'Times," a Moscow-published campus affairs, the initial paper document in English, and a num- was a four column, eight by 12 ber of papers and pamphlets sheet with front-page advertising. printed in Russian. The Daily continued on its own Police quoted one of the five as until the turn of the century when i saying they were trailing the job the University purchased The Dai- applicants from the struck plant ly's assets. Since that time, The "to inoculate them with the union Daily, edited and managed by stu- spirit." dents, has functioned under Uni- A picket - engineered traffic versity authority through the Board jam and a downpour of rain greet- in 'control of Student Publications. ed workers who joined the com- The Daily moved into its pres- pany's continuing back-to-work ent building in 1932. The Student campaign Tuesday. The company Publications was completely paid started its drive to end the strike for by Daily profits from the prof- Sept. 2. The walkout occurred June itable 1920's. 15. 317 Cross Lines The company reported 317 H arr m aworkers crossqd picket lines Tues- Harriman day. Skirmishes were broken up Tues- day by some 150 policemen who II11141 have been on the scene since the .---'-",- ---' ''IiI;!Il-(Bermudas. "They go well with the ternity's case the trouble lay with new Dior look, though," he added. the undergraduates themselves, "They're fine for women," and not with alumni. agreed Dave Rohn, '56 "but I "All our work is done by under- think they look ridiculous on men, graduates. Alumni pressure isn't even though it's their prerogative." present," said Hill. Men seemed to agree that the Zeta Beta Tau's president, Stan matter of fashion is an individual Laiken, '55, also reported an ab- choice, but that they, personally, sence of alumni pressures, claim- frowned on short legwear. ing "I don't think many under- An exception was Corky Heth- graduates really listen to the al- erington, '56. Contemplating his umni. They don't have too much Swiss liederhausen, he voiced a to say." complaint. "Bermudas are no However, Laiken did say that if worse than tight sweaters," Heth-, alumni had enough votes, "it erington said. would be a different case." He "The University is dodging fash- pointed out that "alumni are much ion trends," he added. "When it's more in favor of bias clauses than warm enough, and when I feel like actives but at our conventions they wearing Bermudas, I will." just dn't have the influence." "I wear them, too," put in Bob to be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the League Ballroom. The award, an American College Dictionary required for every freshman student, will be presented to each winner by the donor, Oreon E. Scott, '94L. Scott and President Harlan H. Hatcher will address the Convocation. A reception will follow the award presentation. during which the freshmen may meet Regents, members of the Administration, and the Honor Awards Committee on University Scholarships. Non-monetary honor certificates will be awarded here for the first time in recognition of outstanding achievement per se and not solely for financial need. I on the Regents' agenda. nounced that Woody Herman had been signed to provide the music Students Pl for the Homecoming dance the 'LawsP1 tt evening of the Minnesota football! New rIeserve Unit "e, m ba f 1gaTh f rn m- , p- f a. ,N A A C P Cla k e s .I lit l gLJleu o1U lxwk UO members who are interested in forming a Marine Corps Reservel Unit in the field of military law will be held Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 6:45 p.m. in the Law Quadrangle Dining Rm. Reservists in all branches of the armed forces are invited to join the prospective unit, which will meet on a wTkly basis during this semester, according to Ned Ro- man, '55L, Plans for Dance A dance featuring the music of Alex Campell was announced as the first social activity of the Na- tional Association for the Advance- ment of Colored People at its or- ganizational meeting yesterday. The dance will be held from 8 to 12 p.m. Friday. Fifty cent ad- mission will be charged and re- freshments will be served. uo o p.m. Loay, more books to sell back-to-work campaign opened. are needed in order that the rec- ATPreviously four had been hurt, oi'd be broken, according to Ham'- jn _NL11 ewiol ii none seriously. vey Freed, '56, who urged stu- n Company and union representa- dents to turn in books they no tives were called upon by state longer want. NEW YORK (P - Averell Harri- anveerealmediator to renew The Exchange is located in the man won the Democratic nomina- and federal mediators to renew quonset hut near Waterman Gym. tion for governor early today after negotiations. a heated state conventioxi battle Circuit Judge Frank B. Fergu- with Rep. Franklin D. Roosevelt son, a volunteer peacemaker, ad- U.1lty Approves Jr. ourned all court actions in the C npp ey cherngde.ntrtin strike yesterday to give both sides F ii fWildly cheering demeachtrationin; one more chance" to reach a set- Iii n s equestfor each candidate preceded the tiement. balloting, which did not begin un- -_emen_. A request for $50,000 more til after midnight. funds for this year by the Social Harriman got sufficient votes for ,Graduate Engineer Welfare Department 'was approved the nomination at 1:07 a.m. yesterday by the Washtenaw Supporters of the late presi- {eminar ( Meet County Board of Supervisors. dent's son failed In their hope of The money was requested be- stampeding the convention. First meeting of the special cause of a drop in employment. Harriman, 62, wealthy former seminar for seniors and graduate Greek Week Plants Moved Forward Social fraternmty presidents voted last Friday at their Zuckey Lake presidents' conference to move an- nual Greek Week festivities for- ward to the week of April 18-23.I Previous plans had been formed to hold the festivities two weeks Gillow, '56, "and I don't see why they're banned." I What Next? Jim Kearful, '56, expressed a rather common fear. "What next?" he asked. "Bermudas are nothing compared to these short, boyish haircuts, new Parisian styles and ladies' pipes. If this keeps up it might be pretty hard to distinguish men from women." Meanwhile, yesterday's classes were filled with conventionally-clad . t DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER: -. Director Gistirak Prefers Off-Broadway Theater New Deal diplomat had entered students of the College of Engineer- the contest a heavy favorite with ing will be held at 4 p~m. today in the backing of the 'most influential Rm. 311 West Engineering Bldg. Democratic state leaders and Tam- Today's meeting will feature an many Hall. address by Dean George G. Brown Roosevelt came into the hall im- of the College of Engineering. At- mediately after Onondaga County's tendance is voluntary for all stu- vop whp Nnrrmn t' ta A,, dents who plan to obtain employ- ___. _.. ..dntsw.ho tinn.. - a m an sLo a over. By PHYLLIS IPSK Y* the 510 majority mark. ment byIJ. Feb. 156. Faculty mem- get a job, feels that his approach he found himself from time to time tion for his own attitudes about the Pau E. Fitzpark. bers a ea. wec. y aAhezhough morst people think of .to the theater "when it can sbe in ea stpostiwhon whre r "directinwg was theater eCtsVso in.salpE .m neitchaatrick the cn en-br r lowlo a theatrical career in terms of made to pay a living wage, is a the most important contribution t Cites Vision tion's permanent chairman, inter- hanging around the theater until much more fun way of doing it." could make." "ihope not simply a direc- rupted the roll call at that point SAp a big break takes them to Broad- Begins at Sixteen a t i to introduce Roosevelt as "a greatI