Economic Warfare, Not Tariff
Level, The Real Problem'
"Anchors Aweigh"
[ EADING the President's message on foreign
economic policy, one is left with a general
npression that American tariff rates are too
igh and that what he is asking for is authority
o lower them a little bit by reciprocal agree-
ients arrived at by international bargaining.
wonder whether this puts the real problem in
is proper focus. Perhaps we can reach a clearer
efinition of that problem by saying that the
vain trouble today is not the level of the tariff
ates. In the United States they are by and
arge not exorbitantly high any longer.
The real problem is economic warfare. All
Le governments have armed themselves with
egal powers which they use to interfere with
hie international markets for goods. They use
bem offensively and they use them defensively
o cut down, to cut off, to divert, to penalize, to
ubsidize buying and selling so that the pattern
f transactions is different from what it would
e under the free operation of supply and de-
* * * *
[THINK I AM RIGHT in saying this, that the
main trouble is not the level of the tariff
ates established by the legislatures. If only
he levels are known and are not subject to
Luick and arbitrary change, the trading com-
nunity throughout the world can and will
dapt itself to the rates. Provided the rate is
table, the question of whether it should be
digher or lower is primarily a domestic issue.
t is a domestic question whether industries
hould be protected for reasons of national de-
ense or whether they should be exposed to
nternational competition for reasons of effi-
iency and for the service of the consumer.
* * * *
THERE is no inherent reason why the level
of the tariff rates should be determined by
eciprocal bargains. The real reason why we
n the United States have used the reciprocal
nethod for twenty years is that we have found
t easier, as a matter of domestic American poli-
ics, to lower a tariff over the protests of a
lomestic producer if we could confront him
with an American exporter who was going to
ain access to a foreign market. Tariff reduc-
ion by reciprocal bargaining has been essen-
tally a device for neutralizing one vested do-
nestic interest by another.
rHE FACT of the matter is that trade is,
that trade has to be, reciprocal and no inter-
national agreements are needed to make it
eciprocal. It is an optical illusion to believe
he contrary. If we lower an American tariff
ate and allow some foreign goods to be sold in
he United States, the dollars earned by the
foreign importers will in the end have to be
ised to buy goods produced in America. The
iotion that the American markets can be
'flooded" with foreign goods all coming one
way cannot be true. For what on earth would
the foreigner want to do with the dollars he
earns? What good are American dollars to a
foreigner unless, he or someone to whom he
sells his dollars, spend them in the markets
where dollars are the currency?
Almost anywhere in the world today, and for
all I know perhaps also in the Communist
world, an American can pay his bills with
dollars. But why should an Italian taxicab
driver or a French shop-keeper be glad to be
paid in American dollars? Because he believes
that he can always exchange the American dol-
lars at a good rate for lire or francs. With
whom can he exchange dollars, With someone
who intends, or with someone who knows some-
one else who intends, to buy something in
America that can be bought only with American
If the foreigners who earned American dollars
by exporting goods to this country did not get
those dollars spent in America, they would not
be selling their imports to us. They would be
giving them to us!
* * * *
ALL OF THIS is to say that, except as a
matter of domestic practical American pol-
itics, tariff rates do not need to be fixed by
reciprocal bargains. The real point of reciprocal
bargaining power lies elsewhere. It lies in the
field of what we might call the ending of eco-
nomic warfare and the beginning of economic
disarmament. Almost all countries, and we are
well in the lead among them, are armed with
economic weapons of offense and defense. These
weapons include such devices as import quotas,
which limit or even prohibit citizens from buy-
ing certain commodities, regardless of the price,
the quality, the supply and demand. The
weapons include exchange restrictions, export
subsidies, preferential treatment for public con-
tracts as in the Buy American Act, preferential
rates as in the British Commonwealth, the
"peril point" gadget and the "escape clause,"
which make almost all tariff rates unstable and
subject to quick and arbitrary change.
The characteristic of these weapons of eco-
nomic warfare is that they are not the fixed
rules and laws of trade but are operated by
administrative decisions made, often under
political pressure, by bureaucracies.
WHAT WE CALL the liberalization of trade
might also, indeed might better, be called
the objective of economic disarmament. The
essential condition of economic peace is that
trade among friendly nations should not be
subject to the arbitrary acts of administrative
and political officials, that trade should be sub-
ject to laws enacted deliberately and openly and
after debate and not changeable except by
equally careful deliberation.
Copyright, 1955, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
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Latest 'How To' Book
Suggests 'What Next'
"HOW TO WRITE A LOVE LETTER" by Marc L'Heureux. Vantage
Press, New York, 1953.
H AMLET says the flesh is heir td a thousand natural shocks, and
no one has ever said him nay on that count. One admits the
truth of the' lines and adds, perhaps, that being unprepared for crises
is another truth. A third might be that one shock presages a series
of lesser ones.
I am unrecovered from a recent shock. Quite by accident I noticed
a small book on a library shelf, one with an interesting title: "How
to Write a Love Letter." Author: Marc L'Heureux. Here, I thought,
is a pleasant trifle, a frightfully cerebral satire, since the author ap-
peared to be French and the Gallic people, however earthly and ac-
complished in the boudoir, have always impressed me as being de-
lightfully intellectual in literary exposition of love.
But no. Numbness fell as I turned pages and recognized the book
as another in a prodigious series of how-to-do-it manuals. Imagine--
anyone needing instruction in writing love letters. Clearly everything
sacred has now gone the way of modern houses; henceforth our
heart's messages are to be as open and uniform as our external lives
must appear through the expanses of glass called picture-windows.
SENTIMENT or sentimentality, modesty or self-consciousness; I
don't know the correct label, but I am loathe to part with my
idea that love and all its pleasures are a private matter. A poet cele-
brates his love for a woman for all the world to see, but he has the
justification of art, the forgiveness of thousands who expect him to
say what they can only feel. Has ever there been a man who could
not write his own love letters?
Think what this can mean. In a decade there will be no vicarious
pleasure for a grown-up lady of ten to join a companion, just become
eleven, in a prowl around the attic to read the courtship letters her
father wrote her mother. The letters will be the same as those they
read the day before at the companion's home, beinning, perhaps, with
one of these greetings suggested by M. L'Heureux:
1. Hello, Magnetic Encouragement,
2. Hi, Little Guided Missile,
3. My Favorite Option,
4. Hi, Root of My Efficiency.
Only four possible salutations are quoted: H. L'Heureux gives exactly
199 more, none better, even though nearly every job or profession is
in some measure reflected. Of course, there may not even be an attic
Lydia Mendelssohn.
T HE THREE one-acts on this
Speech Department bill dem-
onstrate just about the complete
range of the genre: a society
sketch, an historical vignette, and
a fantasy.
Of these three, the last, Paul
Rebillott's "The Foolish One"
seemed to me the most general-
ly satisfactory. Directed by the
author, the production is quite
antic and elegant. The hero,
played very ably by Norman
Hartweg, is a man newly sprung
from the earth and in doubt
whether he is animal, vege-
tablehor whatever. He is beset
on the one hand with a lot of
rather bruitish sensual creatures
(Queen Eetann Runn), and on
the other by an ascetic group
who bandy metaphysical ques-
tions about. The upshot is that
he decides to remain an exile,
and happily finds a kindred soul
of the opposite sex. The charm
of the play-and it has a great
deal - is enhanced by Donald
Harris' music, which smoothly
puts across transitions that
might otherwise have been clum-
sy, and by Edward Andreasen's
set, which corresponds nicely to
the structure of the play itself.
Although the play is full of
subtle touches, it occasionally
seems too glib with its Alice-in-
Wonderlandisms, and tends to
oetize a little too self-conscious-
"Careless Wilderness" is dated
in more ways than just being
about Lincoln's childhood. The air
is sometimes so thick with "O Pi-
oneers" bravery that one wonders
how the characters can get down
to earth enough to eat their por-
ridge. Nevertheless, the director,
George Bamber, and a good cast
manage to breath some life into
the play. Renee Silverman, as Lin-
coln's mother, is the focus of the
play, and she is able to hold things
together most of the time. The
children, young Abe and assorted
little girls, speak their lines with-
out preciosity. Although the cast
occasionally has trouble bringing
off the homespun Ohio dialect,
they move about unaffectedly in
the appurtenances of frontier liv-
Unfortunately the cast in "A
Connecticut Comedy" has no
such facility with its prop: they
often seem to be holding on to
their highballs, pipes, etcetera,
for dear life. The play has what
might have been an interesting
angle in it: the hero is actually
three men, two of them always
taking turns being invisible, in
the Topper mode. Unfortunately,
the production brings out no
contrasts, which might have
lead to humor, in the three. With
the "angle" grossly underplayed,
what is left is a decidedly dull
collection of medium-high so-
ciety jokes.
Altogether, the three plays make
an interesting evening, whether
one wishes to visit the Speech De-
partment's laboratory as a scien-
tist or as jdst an ordinary theatre-
goer. --Bob Holloway
4t the State ... -
IRVING Berlin's There's No Business Like
Show Business is what is known in the cine-
ma world as a "heartwarming musical." This
means chiefly that musical selections are in-
terspersed withsob-scenes, an old device that
by this time provokes only the mild interest.
The story is about The Two Donahues (Ethel
Merman and Dan Dailey), a vaudeville song-
and-dance team who enlarge their act by pro-
ducing children. The Two Donahues eventually
become The Five Donahues, split up after the
intrusions of singer Marilyn Monroe, and are
reunited in a tearjerking finale.
On the musical level, Show Business is a very
unoriginal, dull affair. The main effort is a huge
production number of "Alexander's Ragtime
Band" that goes on and on: first it is sung by
The Five Donahues; then it is given a Tyro-
lean rendition, a Scottish rendition, a Pari-
sienne rendition, a concert, grand piano ren-
dition; it is then reprised by The Five Dona-
hues; later it is re-reprised for the firjale. The
song may never be heard again,
E THEL MERMAN, of course, comes through
with the irrepressible energy and vitality
that is her trademark. But even with all her
energy, her songs and dances with Dailey
("When the Midnight Choo Choo Leaves for
Alabama'," Simple Melody," "A Pretty Girl
Is Like A Melody") are only mediocre, the kind
of entertainment that killed vaudeville.
Miss Monroe solos in the film's best produc-
tion number, "Heat Wave," which is unusual
for its striking background dance patterns and
its opulent coloring. She also has a clever trio
number with Donald O'Connor and Mitz Gay-
nor, "Lazy," and later undulates through "After
You Get What You Want You Don't Want It,"
done in a flesh colored, transparent gown in
one of the freest hip-swinging sessions ever
put on film. Her efforts are hardly brilliant,
but she deserves credit for holding her own
among the film's other members, all polished
MITZI GAYNOR'S main effort is "A Sailor's
Not A Sailor Till A Sailor's Been Tatooed,"
done with Miss Merman. Other than this, her
numerous talents are only lightly touched.
O'Connor, also, has little to do; his chief musi-
cal contribution is a tap dance, "A Man Chases
A Girl," a dreary composition with Grecian
suatues coming to life in a fountained terrace;
his chief dramatic-comic contribution, a series
of drunk scenes which get progressively hu-
Johnnie Ray is disposed of early in the film
when he becomes a priest. His singing manner-
isms are so frenzied that one fears he will fly
apart at any moment,
SHOW BUSINESS is a loud, gaudy, colorful
musical that is just Hollywoodian enough
(six name stars, dozens of songs, Cinema-
Scope, Stereophonic Sound, color, a $4,000,000
budget) to become a financial success.
-Ernest Theodossin
Mixed Ide ttieS .. .
To The Editor:
UNDER A picture of myself and
three Republican Party lead-
ers (Daily, Jan. 12, page 2), there
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigar, under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad..........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart.....,Associate Editor
Dave Livingston .........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin .., Assoc. Sports Editor
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............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ... ....Women's Editor
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Telephone NO 23-24-1
The Associated Press
Michigan Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights or republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second class mail
appears the name of Tim Green.
Evidently your writer has me con-
fused with Merritt ('Tim') Green,
who was captain of the football
team a couple years back.
I was deeply flattered. I once
had the pleasure of meeting the
real Tim Green and found him to
be a pleasant person to chat with
and a rather rugged-looking fel-
low. That The Daily has confused
me with him is ample proof that
my Charles Atlas course was
Many thanks, dear Editor, and
my blessings on thy gentle, lib-
eral heart!
-Tim Richard, President
Young Republican Club
Unwanted Trophy!. ..
To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING letter was
sent this date to the editor
of the "Michigan State News" re-
garding the theft of the governor's
Paul Bunyan trophy:
Many students and alumni here
at the University of Michigan will
be grateful if the "Operation Res-
cue" team will come back and
steal the rest of Governor Wil-
liam's monstrous Paul Bunyan
The trophy was never wanted
here in Ann Arbor, and when of-
fered originally by the honorable
governor, was never officially ac-
cepted by our athletic staff or
coaches. To us it is symbolic of
nothing except Soapy's sense of
publicity. As a trophy representing
victory in a football classic it has
no basic tradition to make it wor-
thy of the great athletic rivalry
between the two schools, nor does
it do justice to the sportsman's
ideal of playing the game for the
pleasure of the nlaving.
the way "Turn Your Attic Into
an Attractive Rumpus Room for
Only a Few Dollars," has caught
PICTURE this same young lady
a few years after. First love
as delivered in bulky, blotted en-
velopes will contain no blush. The
young swain will surreptitiously
appropriate his father's copy of
"How to Write a Love Letter" and
plan his strategy along the same
lines that marginal notes indicate
captured (or wore to desperation)
his mother. Perhaps it was such
a paragraph as this:
"Hurrah! I have another letter
this morning! May I repeat that
you do write lovely letters. You
know, (name), I have not, re-
covered yet from the most wonder-
ful time we had last weekend.
Since then, an endless chain of
sweet memories has haunted me."
(One hopes the recipient of this
paragraph will not have read
Dickens' "A Christmas Carol";
little sweetness was lost between
the fettered ghost of Marley and
old Scrooge, and that is probably
the best-known instance of chain-
Or was it one of these soulful
"As I have told you before,
I just love to change things
around. Last night I moved all
the furniture around. The
dresser is now in the north-
east corner (the side the street
is on). Your sweet face hangs
on the warm south wall right
over my pillow. I bought my-
self a new rug all decorated
with roses. Drop in sometime
and see how you like it."
(If one's lover's head hangs over
the pillow, something may be
amiss; even Bluebeard had the
decency to set aside a special room
for corpses. In addition, I'm not
sure Miss Mae West will be at all
pleased if she hears what her
famous "Come up and see me
sometime, big boy!" has come to.)
"It is now six o'clock in the
evening. The click-a-tick of
silverware has just ceased.
Having downed a good bowl of
vegetable soup, a thick and
juicy slice of ham, boiled po-
tatoes, salad and a succulent
piece of apple pie, I now feel
strong enough to answer your
long and sweet letter."
(With such a bill of fare, two nev-
er could live as cheaply as one.
No letter ever contained so much
passion that it required that much
strength to answer it.)
M. L'HEUREUX provides more
paragraphs of equally sus-
tained and uninspired insipidity;
he even includes a few dozen
things that men and women in a
state of love enjoy hearing, thus
prolonging the notion that being
in love is akin to being moon-
struck. A woman likes to hear
"That shehas a special quality of
beauty all her own," "That she is
ambitious," "That she is enthu-
siastic about everything." A man
likes to hear "That he is intelli-
gent, even though he does not
like to admit it," "That he is a
man of action," "That he is ener-
And after first love has faded
into the dim oblivion of dance
cards, party favors, snapshots, and
other incunabula, second or third
nove will he a state to be dreaded.
nesting robins can swoop to the
sidewalk, and feel blessed at the
shower of shredded paper drifted
there. Not being possessed of great
brains, they'll go on with courtship,
mating, nest-making, family-rais-
ing, and annual trips to south
lands as they always have.
T HINK NEXT of literature. Give
M. L'Heureux two generations
with a good sales program and
some editor, perhaps himself, will
be able to preface a series of let-
ters with "These are anyone's and
everyone's love letters," and he'll
not be puffing his product at all.
His edition of love letters wont
have to be from the same pen;
there won't be any searching for
lost papers in ruined castles. If
one is missing, the editor can sup-
ply another from countless iden-
tical sets, obtainable from Maine
to California. The post office will
do a dead letter business of land
office proportions without even
realizing it. Its pastel-colored res-
ponsibilities will have contents
about as lively as a Peruvian mum-
my. And, if the postmen discover
the truth-I expect this by a third,
at latest a fourth, generation
hence-they'll have no occasion to
look up from the sidewalk or whis-
tle or hum, since they'll never be
rewarded by the sight of any one
tearing open a letter with tremb-
ling hands or a face suddenly
lighted with private pleasure as a
certain hand-writing is recognized.
In such a world a clever young
man in the collections department
of a store plagued with delinquent
accounts might hope for rapid pro-
motion. All he will have to do is
think of how to write an original
invitation to pay up and accounts
will be liquidated first thing in the
morning. With love letters so dull,
people will be excited about receiv-
ing bills. On the other hand, they
may want to get more letters, so
they'll be more delinquent than
before. The young man shouldn't
be too clever or he'll get proposals
rather than cash, and publishing
history will be made when his
'Collected Bills" are rushed into
print in a first edition of a million
copies. Still, some young man eag-
er for commercial success should
have an even chance.
PIERS AND depots and terminals
will be drearier than now.
What man would be even a por-
ter in a place where young couples
part-one hopes they'll still use
tears-screaming to each other:
"Don't bother writing! Get your
rest! Don't Write!" Half the hell-
fire of parting is cooled, it seems
to me, by the prospect of letters
yet unwritten. All this will be gone.
Tremor after tremor racked me
as I stood in the library. The wild
scheme of buying every available
copy passed my mind, but it's too
late because the book has been in
print over a year and while twen-
ty-five cents is more than enough
for the value of all copies, value
has little to do with price. Besides
some diabolical publisher undoubt-
edly has retained the plates.
REALIZED then as my mental
seismograph started working
crazily, indicating shock every-
where, that I was powerless. I
could make a plea for book-burn-
ing, but that's unpopular. Trap-
(Continued from Page 2)
Istration .material at Room 244, West
Engineering Building, Mon., Jan. 17
through Wed., Jan. 19. The hours are
8:00 a.m.-12:00m. and 1:00-5:00 pa. Ma-
terial will also be available Jan. 31
through Feb. 4, from 8:00-12:00m. and
1:00-5:00 p.m., and on Feb. 5 from 8:00-
10:30 a.m.
Doctoral Examination for Elizabeth
Barto, Zoology; thesis: "Bogger, an In-
herited Abnormality of the Deermouse,
Peromyscus maniculatus, Characterized
by a Tremor and a Staggering Gait,"
Mon., Jan. 17, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
L. R. Dice.
Doctoral Examination for In-Cho
Chung, Botany; thesis: "Manual of the
Grasses of Korea," Mon., Jan. 24, 1139
Natural Science Building, at 1:00 pan..
Chairman, H. H. Bartlett.
Doctoral Examination for Catherine
Ann Ackerman, English Language and
Literature; thesis: "Fashionable Pla-
tonism in Caroline Poetry," Mon., Jan.
24, East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, L. I. Bred-
Doctoral Examination for Gerald Dyk-
stra, Romance Languages and Litera-
tures: Spanish; thesis: "pectographi
Analysis of Spanrh Sibilants and its
Relation to Navarro's Physiological Pho-
netic Descriptions," Fri., Feb. 4, Fast
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, L. B. Kiddle.
English 143 (Playwriting) Correction:
Prof. Rowe will be in his office Tues.
Jan. 18, 2:30-4:30 p.m. instead of 9:30-
11:30 a.m.
TheVienn ColrBoys will be heard
inteseventh c-ncert in the Choral
Union Series, Sun., Jan. 16, at 2:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The program
will include a light opera by Franz
Schubert entitled, "Schubert's Prac-
tical Jokes;" and two groups of songs:
Pueri Concinite by J. Gallus; Mozart's
Ave verum; Mensch, steh still by
Bloch; Brhm's Der Brautigam; Dvor-
ak's Humoresque; three GermanFolk-
songs; and Strauss' "On the Beautiful
Blue Danube"
A limited number of standing room
tickets are on sale at the offices of the
University Musical Society until noon
Sat. and after 1:30 p.m. Sun. at the Hill
Auditorium box office.
Events Today
A sacred concert by the Collegians of
Emmanuel Missionary College win be
given in Lane Hall Fri., Jan. 14, at 7:30
p.m.nunder the auspices of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Seventh-day Adventist
Student's Association.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club at 7:30 p.m. Fri., Jan.14, t
Canterbury House. It will be an infor-
mal pizza party and business meeting.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild:
8:30 p.m. Fri., Jan. 14. Guild Open
House at the Congregational Church.
Refreshments, recreation, records, re-
Hillel: Reservations must be mde
and paid for, for Fri. Evening Supper
at Hillel by Thurs., Jan. 13.
Hillel: Fri. Evening Services 7:15 p.m.
Acolytes will meet at 8:00 p.m. Fri.,
Jan. 14 in the East Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. James Frank
will speak on "Freud's Metapsychology."
Coffee Hour will be held in the Li-
brary of Lane Hall Fri., from 4:15-6:00
p.m. The Unitarian Group is guild host.
During the examination period, coffee
and tea will be available at Lane Hall
after 4:00 each afternoon.
Movies. Free movie, "Al-Dhubab, The
Story of the Fly," 4th floor Exhibit.
Hall Museums Building. Daily at 3:00
and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun.,
extra showing Wed. at 12:30. Open to
Wesleyan Guild. Fri., Jan. 14. Meet
in the lounge to go to the Ice Hockey
Game at 7:00 p.m.
Westminster Student Fellowship will
meet at the Presbyterian church at 8:00
p.m. for an Intramural night at the
IM building.
Lutheran Student Association-Fri.,
Jan. 14, 7:30 p.m. A skating party is
panned and if the weather permits, we
will go to Burns Park rink. If the
weather is unfavorable the party will
be at the Center. Meet at the Center
corner Hill St. and Forest Ave.
Coming Events
Roger Williams Guild. First Baptist
Church. Wed., Jan. 19, 4:30-5:45 p.m.
Tea in Guild House. 7:00 MaSawHam,
Burma, will speak on the "Opportuni-
ties and Responsibilities of Christians
in Burma." Sun., Jan. 16, 9:45 a.m.
Guild studies Ephesians. 11:00 The Price
of God's Presents. 6:45 Mrs. C. A. Har-
ris will review "The Mind Alive."
Pershing Rifles. Sat., Jan. 15 our com-
pany will be inspected by regimental'
HQ. Be at TCB at 0900 hrs. in uniform.
International Center Tea. Thurs.,.
Jan. 20 and 27, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Interna-
tional Center.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun.,
Jan. 16. Student Supper Club at 6:00
p.m., Sun., Jan. 16, at Canterbury
House. Coffee hour at the Student Cen-
ter following the 8:00 p.m. Evensong
Sun., Jan. 16.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun., Jan. 16, 9:30
a.m. Discussion-"Basic Christian Be-
liefs;" 6:00 p.m. the movie "John Wes-
ley" will be shown in the social room.
Westminster Student Fellowship will
meet at 6:45 p.m., Sun., Jan. 16 in the
studeclnt ce~nter of the Presbyterian-
k' 1
AP Foreign News Analyst
IMPORTANT inferences may be drawn from
information brought back by a young Ameri-
can from the horrors of a Soviet slave labor
camp in the arctic. The most important of
these seems to be: A totalitarian regime, based
primarily on repression and terror, is caught in
its own trap.
The post-Stalin regime in Moscow has found
in many instances that even if it should want
to open a safety valve and relax its total grip
on the population, it cannot do so without grave
risks. To neople for so many years deprived of
prisoners who had been sentenced to hell on
earth for offenses which no normal nation could
consider serious crimes. There was a notable
relaxation on many fronts in the Soviet Union.
BUT THERE was also a bitter struggle for
power going on. The internment of millions
of Soviet citizens in slave labor camps had
built up a vast bitterness among the popula-
tion which smoldered under the gray ashes of
resignation. Fanned to flame, that could be a
powerful political instrument.
Noble said he and other inmates of Vorkuta
believed the rebellion there was inspired and