It's ot What You Do But the Way That SUCCESS OF STUDYING IS ALL IN THE METHOD-'U' Stu- sible. Four modern-day methods are here illustrated. ONE: There's dents have been trying for years to find some way to get a semes- the so-called "study-date" method, a campus favorite for years, ter's course material into their heads in as short a time as pos- but not guaranteed for best results-on the finals that is. TWO: The pacer, who'd walk a mile to learn a chapter. THREE: The mass introduction method, most popular with students who feel that if they must suffer they'd rather not be alone. FOUR: And * * * * * * * * * ECONOMIC WARFARE See Page 4 Y Bu t~t 43tI i43ait149 S04 w s 4 Q 04 1"~ Latest Deadline in the State SNOW 906w" VOL. LXV, No. 82 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1955 -. MSC Man's Body Found Near Saline Autopsy Report Not Conclusive The body of Loren King, 2 years old, a Michigan State Colleg freshman from Ironwood, wa found at 3 p.m. yesterday in a swamp near Saline by deputies o the Washtenaw County sheriff department. An autopsy performed last nigh at University hospital showed th cause of death to be either carbo monoxide poisoning or drowning the sheriff's department reported Further examinations will be con- ducted by state officials in Lan- sing. Last Seen By Brother King was last seen by a brother, John G. King, 24, a junior in elec- trical engineering at MSC, on Monday. Loren made a lunch date for the same day, then told his brother, "I'm going for a ride." King's car was sighted Monday on Grass Road a half mile off M- 11 near Saline by Ivan Couper, a Saline farmer. Couper reported the car to the Sheriff's office when he drove by yesterday and saw it in the same place. The fully-clothed body was found in two feet of water in the swamp, a short distance from the car. There were no signs of vio- lence. Enrolled As Freshman King was discharged from the Air Force in November after four years of service, and enrolled Jan. 2 as a freshman in electrical engi- neering.. His brother said Loren was discouraged about his school work after attending classes for two days last week. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loy King, live in Ironwood. There are four other brothers in the family. Union Opera Production To Be Studied A Union Opera Study Commit- tee, set up late last fall, has ta- ckled the job of considering prob- lems related to the production of the annual Union Opera. Such problems as the relation- ship of a professional director to the show, cost of presentation re- lated to use of professional pro- duction personnel, scheduling and cost of road shows and revision of script committee and it's functions after a script has been chosen have all been discussed with no final conclusions. Scenarios for production in De- cember are now being considered, with Feb. 28 set as the deadline. Any male University student is el- igible. Contest entry blanks may Students Here Removed Paul' Pranksters Decline Opportunity To Return Trophy Quietly, Unseen By DAVE BAAD and JIM DYGERT Although no names have been mentioned, The Daily has learned that a group of prominent University students is responsible for Paul Bunyan's disappearance. Through an intermediary who refused to divulge the names of those responsible The Daily offered the opportunity of returning Junior JFC Picks Heads Last night a meeting of fra- ternity pledge presidents elected Robert J. Trost, '58 Sigma Chi, president of the Junior IFC. Joe W. Cox '58A, Delta Upsilon, was elected vice-president. The new secretary and treasurer are Bob Stahl '58, Phi Gamma Delta, and John L. Etber '58, Theta Delta Chi. These new officers, all pledge class presidents, will direct the ac- tivities of the Junior IFC which include tentative plans for a pledge convocation dinner, Tag Day, and fraternity-sorority Help Week at the Fresh Air Camp. The purpose is to "Co-ordinate, and govern all fraternity pledge classes through community ser- vice projects and social activities," said Trost.I 'the trophy to the Student Publi- cations Building quietly and un- seen. But Paul is still missing. Behind the offer was a notion of presenting an opportunity to the pranksters of escaping embarass- ment. Indications are the trophy is now in East Lansing or Lansing at the private home of a University student. The Michigan State News re- ported an anonymous phone call Wednesday suggesting a photog- rapher be at tomorrow's Michi- gan-Michigan S t a t e basketball game because "Paul will be there." The MSC paper also said Lan- sing police have promised to be watching for anyone bringing the trophy to the game. University officials have indi- cated little disciplinary action wuold be taken if the trophy were returned unharmed. But they also said the prank gets more serious as each day passes and the tro- phy is not returned. Longer Life Now Forseen If you're 65 years old in 1970 you can expect to live to the age of 79 and have an even chance of making it, a New York life insurance expert said here yesterday. Speaking at the conference on gerontology, study of old age, at the 'U', Dr. Louis Dub- lin of the Institute of Life In- surance said that by 1970 a to- tal of 21 million Americans will be 65 or over. "White males can expect to live 14.1 years after they reach the age of 65. White females who reach 65 can expect to live 17.8years more," said Dublin speaking of a study he made, SGC BOARD: N ominees Submitted Faculty Senate yesterday sub- mitted nominations to University President Harlan H. Hatcher for the three faculty positions on the Student Government Council Re- view Board. President Hatcher, out of town yesterday, will likely name the three faculty representatives when he returns to Ann Arbor today. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis, speaking to the SGC steering committee yes- terday, said he was pleased the Senate had acted quickly in get- ting nominations to President Hatcher. On a motion by League Presi- dent Lucy Landers, J55, the com- mittee voted yesterday to yester- day to put no residence require- ments on students desiring to run for SGC. Steering committee members voted to institute a provision in petitions allowing students to run for SGC only if they expect to serve the full length of their term. A motion by Inter-House Coun- cil President Stan Levy, '55, to restrict mention of Common Sense Party from the SGC bal- lot was defeated by a large ma- jority. Will Be Released soot Regents May Raise Fees,' Says Lewis Increase $4-$ Seen For Student Center Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis indicated yes- terday an increase in student fees would be discussed by the Board of Regents at its meeting Jan. 21. Informed sources say the pro- posed increase is between $4 and $5. Most of the extra tuition money would be used to finance the new student activities building, with a small portion going to the Stu- dent Government Council. The Regents passed SGC at their Dec. 17 meeting and although approving in principle the part of the plan calling for a student as- sessment to provide revenue for SGC, they did not make specific provisions. Vice-President Lewis said the Regents would consider details of financing the plan at one of their next meetings. He indicated there was no rea- son to believe the Regents would not make specific provisions re- garding SGC finances because without revenue the plan could not operate. Last Issue With this issue, The Daily ceases publication for the se- mester. Publication will be resumed with the special J-Hop issue, Monday, Feb. 7. EX-THAILAND ENVOY: Calls Independence Big IStep Toward Stability By DIANE LaBAKAS Independence was cited by Edwin F. Stanton, former United States ambassador to Thailand, as a big step toward the curing of instability in Southeast Asian countries in his speech, "Security in Southeast Asia." Restlessness and confusion reigns among the Southeastern peo- ples due to the gorilla warfare and underground work of Chinese Communists, Stanton said.f He said that the Communists took advantage of the South- east Asian desire for independence after World War II and infil- trated the countries where manyF still remain. C F EE SALESUC . "Despite the uneasiness in Lodge Confident Fliers -Daily-Dean Morton 'ANTIGONE'-A Guard, Earl Prahl, forces Antigone, Irma Hur- ley, to her knees as Chorus, James Coco, looks on in a scene from the play by Jean Anouilh to be presented at the Dramatic Arts Center tonight. French Play 'Antigone' Opens-T onight cat IAC "Antigone," the Jean Anouilh play adapted from the Greek trag- edy by Sophocles, will open at 8:15 p.m. today at the Dramatic Arts Center. The plot deals with the conflict of the individual in a totalitarian state, and tells the story of the struggle between Antigone, played by Irma Hurley, and her uncle Creon, played by Ralph Drischell. Antigone's Conflict Antigone learns her uncle has ordered the body of her dead broth- er, Polynices ,to be allowed to rot instead of being buried. He does this for political reasons. Insisting upon a burial for her brother, Antigone To Consult E WithDulles On Red Talks Hamrnarsk j old Notes Open Door UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A) - Ambassador Henry Cabot lodge Jr. said yesterday he was confident that U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskj old had made progress in his Peiping talks and "that our fliers will be free." Lodge made his statement after receiving a report from the sec- retary general who returned yes- terday from a globe-circling flight on which he appealed to Premier Chou En-lai to release 11 Ameri- can fliers and other U.N. personnel held by Red China. Lodge Statement Lodge's statement follows: "I intend to consult as soon as possible with Secretary of State Dulles and we will study with close attention what Mr. Hammarskjold said. There is naturally' disap- pointment that the immediate re- lease of our fliers was not effectu- ated, but I am confident that prog- tess has been made and that our fliers will be free. "Assuredly we will not-and must not-cease our efforts until they are. "The situation is delicate and we must have both patience and determination." 'First Stage' On his arrival in New York, Hammarskjold described his Pei- ping irisit as the "first stage" of his efforts to release the fliers. He indicated the door is open to further contact and called for restraint on all sides. Hammarskjold Statement He issued the following state- ment as he stepped off the plane: "My visit to Peiping was a first stage in my efforts to release the 11 American fliers and the other United Nations Command person- nel still detained. I feel that my talks with Mr. Chou En-lai, pre- mier-foreign minister of Red Chi- na, were definitely; useful for this purpose. We hope to be able to continue our contacts. The door that has been opened can be kept open given restraint on all sides." Hammarskjold was met at the airport by high UN officials. He sped to his office ar : then to his home. Less than two hours after his arrival he was closeted in his anartment with chief American / r: Southeast Asia, there is still good will and friendship with the peo- ple of the United States, though this reservoir has declined," stated Stanton. He added, "the future of 200 million or more Southeast Asian people who want the rights which we fought for is something need- ing a lot of support." The experienced Southeast As- ian diplomat cited four proposals directed towards establishing in- dependence for the Southeast As- ian countries, which entailed the manifestation of support by the United States for Southeast Asian independence through United Na- Hom ,hnnn. 'Same Old Symptoms' -Finals Coming +, By JANE HOWARD Lines at movie theatres are dwindling. Drugstore owners report a sharp rise in black coffee sales. More lights burn later into the night at every residence on cam- pus, and it's all for the same rea- son-finals. Almost everyone queried in a brief poll on the effect of the ten- day examination period reported a case, however minor, of "clutch- ing." smiled a housemother. "The maga- zines my girls buy are a sure in- dication. Usually they fill their rooms with fairly high-quality publications, but now they've re- gressed to confessions magazines." "We've got a reason for that," explained one of her charges. "You've got to contrast the fine print of textbooks with something -and those magazines, however trashy, are at the opposite ex- treme." sity tradition, Dean Robertson re- membered that during the war years finals were given in shorter periods - with three two-hour exams scheduled every day. Extra Time Welcomed Faculty members contacted re- ported that the final period doesn't have much effect on them. "It's not really a vacation," an English instructor reported, "but it is nice to have a little extra time." Prof. Shorey Peterson of the World News Roundup By The Associated Press Draft Extension . .. WASHINGTON -President Ei- senhower sent Congress yester- day his blueprint for maintaining "a military force that we can sup- port for the many years that may be necessary to dispel the shadow of Communist threat." Congressional leaders promised to give it careful stud . The President called for a four- year extension of the draft law, an increase in pay and allowances for the "experienceC hard core" of regular fighting men, and a modified form of compulsory mili- tary training to create a powerful >enlists the aid of her sister Is-' mene, played by Susan Lyndon. Ismene fails her. Her lover Haemon, played by Paul Carr, is the son of Creon. He warns his father that if the execu- tion of Antigone is carried out, the city of Thebes will be destroyed. Members of the Cast Other members of the cast are Chorus, James Coco; Nurse, Ruth Volner; Eurydice, Marybeth Barth; First Guard, Mack Woodruff; Sec- ond Guard, Jerold White; Third Guard. Earle Prahl; Messenger, Joe Gistirak. The play is directed by Gistirak. "Antigone" will run during the remainder of the weekend and during the next two weekends, be- ginning 8:15 p.m. Thurs. There will be a 2:30 p.m. matinee Jan. 30, and no evening performances that night. Admission is $1.65 and 99 cents for students. - ,,