PAGL TWENTY THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER tl. 1854 ._ _ _ETYTE MCHG NI __TESA.~ETM~l.~ ~ ... va+vwr :a; r.7a:ia +11Jl iirllti4 Hi; i e7Y i Med School Convocation IU , -U- f,-*' Fletcher Hall Re-done, Converted for Coed Use ACLU Raps Bill To Oust / Soo There is a. new women's dormi- H onor S ix Ctory on campus this semester. $230 per semester. Combined room = Strongly supported by Leonard and board bill would then equal . Honoring five students and a F. Schaadt, Business Manager ofh of a triple other residence In a sharply worded press re- faculty member and welcoming Residence Halls, and Dean of halls, lease, the American Civil Liberties the largest medical class in the Women - Deborah B a c o n , the Remodeling Praised Union announced it's all-out op- country marked yesterday's an- change-over completed during the The former residents seem-to be anoune Clmut oa- ! }as enthusiastic over the remodel- position to the Communist Party nual Medical School convocation. summer was instigated by the sm Outlawry bill, signed) recently by Dr. Thomas S. Durant, profes- growing need for more housing fa- ing as the coeds themselves. House- President Dwight Eisenhower sor of clinical medicine at Temn cilities for women and for cheaper mother Mrs. Dorothy S. Parker,. housing for those who are work- who previously was associate di- Calling the bill a serious in- ple Universityas Lue all i heir way though school. rector at Alice Lloyd Hall, learned fringement on civil liberties," the for the ckam Lctue Hathat the former. residents had do- ACLU claimed that Congress' con- meetng. .The building was originally con- nated their new 'I'V set to the coeds sideration of anti-Communist leg- Dr. Harold John Kitto, '54M, structed by private interests for along with money they had in their islation was a "jumble of confu- of Flint, an interne at the Uni- 52 students and was sold to the treasury.sign.' versity Hospital, was awarded the University when it started to oper- Election Influence Borde Undegradute Reearc ate at a loss. For the past summer "Smtigikthsasner Borden Undergraduate Research hresidnce hallha undeg happened in the past four resi- Attributing the passage of the Award im medicineof $500 for! extensive remodeling enlarging to dence halls," Mrs. Parker ex- bill to "last-minute, pre-election outstanding research i physiol- a capacity large enough for 80 plained. "Usually people take ev-, partisan crossfire," the Union as- ogy. erything with them when they serted that the basic issues at vCited for "excellent field su - Not. Finished Yet move out," she added. stake had been obscured and that. vey of health problems among rb"the time tested principals of civil Michigan's migratory workers." Although the electicians stil A o ems a liberties, which are the core of a 4T freAmrria s at work and the smell of paint is Although the coeds are optimistic fe r sivwnild I t wHS IJl'. i7t ['}IIU MHI'l c;nllrefi "14IVI_ I Ai GG C axita iua N I v W(imn YlA Li 't r a 1 I i I 3 I i I jwb1 .Xe_1 ilIc~rucl av, adpesdwt hi ehme ° cittz uaCuy, woo Q e i in the air, the girls are making and pleased with their new home who won the Sternberg Memorial themselves at home and even help- a number of problems still remain. this legislation." Medal for beig the outstandig dingwith the remaining work to tThere arenopencil sharpeners,ThegL statement conceded student in the field of preventiveThACUsaentccde medicaae. awardeofe$100aandeaMajor feature of the conversion yet and a new government has to th e Communist movement in Acash award of $100 and a e- has been making 52 singles into be planned. this country is "definitely a part two-room suites for three coeds. Scheduling time for using the of the world-wide Soviet conspir- American Medical Women's As- Each suite contains a bunk-type kitchenette poses a problem as acy," but differed with those who sociation went to Dr. Martha Wells and single bed a wash bowl three does the lack of choice in what advocated passage of the bill by Usher of Ann Arbor who graduat- closets built into the wall and a meals to buy at South Quad. Coeds claiming that the movement has ed as the top ranking student in coat closet. eating at the Quad will be charged a dual nature. her class. . Although all the new furniture for all meals whether they eat "The Communist party also con- Frederick Horowitz, '57M of De- hasn't arrived, each coed will have them or not. Another problem is ducts activities of a regular polit- troit won the Rollo E. McCotter her own desk, chest and mirror. raised by the phone system. Each; ical movement, such as publish- Award of $250 for the highest aca- The rooms are painted in pastel floor now has a separate phone, ing newspapers and running can- Sdemic standing in the freshmanyellows, greens and blues to har- One coed who has been active in didates for office. Such activities class. William Reidal Olsen, '57M monize with the light wood furni- organizing the house believed that provide an opportunity for the en- of Frankfort, Mich., received the ture. since most of the residents are up- tire nation to judge-and reject Phi Delta Epsilon Award for fresh- No Meals Served perclassmen, they are approaching -its false doctorines," said the man excellence in gross anatomy. Making possible the low cost of the problem of opening a new press release. Honored among the faculty living at Fletcher Hall is the fact housewith open eyes and are en- Supporting its claim that the members was Dr. William C. that no meals are served. The resi- joyig solvig whatever difficul- Outlawry bill is unnecessary, the Baum, recognized by this year's dents pay only for their room ties arise among themselves. Union's telegram to Congress senior class as the faculty mem- pointed out that, "The puny status ber below the rank of associate which osts $240e two aseme APA ctsof the Communist party in this ters. However, in the basement of Electse omuns professor who has best upheld the'the dorm is a kitchenette, laundry, country is crystal-clear evidence ideals of medical education." lounge and recreation room. ]IcKeache that is possesses no hold on the _ This arrangement makes it pos- Amreican people sible for the coeds to prepare light Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie, of j"Its conspiratorial acts can andL PERSONALITY snacks and to invite friends in for the psychology department, next, should be dealt with under exist. HAIRSTYLING!' taffy pulls and coffee. As yet un- year will become president of the ing law or new legislation. But to finished, the kitchenette will con- Division on Teaching of the Am- outlaw its political agitation, i* * 9 BARBERS tain a large refrigerator, a double erican Psychological Association, addition to driving it into clan. * NO WAITING sink and four double hot-plates. the youngest man ever to hold that destine channels more difficult te * WELCOME Arrangements have also been post. police, will cut directly across the made for those coeds who would The 33-year-old teacher was guarantees of free speech and as- The Dascola Barbers like already-prepared meals to eat elected to the one-year office dur- sociation in our Bill of Rights and Near Michigan Theater at South Quadrangle. This plan ing the association's annual meet- weaken our own faith in this would cost an extra $2. per day or ing in New York City recently. ; charter of freedom." t ;; ;. l Ir t E { 1 t t 1 S i .. s E S GLE CLUB TOURS STAGE RADIO TELEVISION MOVIES For ALL of your Photographic Needs- "Purchase from Purchase Everything Photographic Ann Arbor's Complete Camera Shop f fi i 0 I1 TS yo TR 1 I y' CI Tuesday, Sept. 21 7:15 P.M. Union Ballroom ANSCO ARGUS BESELER CANON DU PONT EASTMANI AUTHORIZED DEALER For Most Nationally Advertised Merchandise Including: EXAKTA P GRAFLEX PF HEILAND RE KEYSTONE.R PENTACON ST KODAC LA BELLE V1 )LAROI D RAKTIFLEX. EVERE OLLEI FLEX TEREO REALIST I EW-MASTER ; . 4 *1" s .. ......... I. ' l 1111 I