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January 12, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-12

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Funds for Davis Show
Unsettling Difference
See. Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State


tt 0

VOL. LXV, No. 80



i __ _

:SL PondersI
D+4 isp osition
Of Surplus:
SGC May Get
$5,000 Remainder
Student Legislature, going out
of existence in two months, is dis-
"cussing disposal of a sizable treas-
According to SL treasurer Bill
Adams, '57, the Legislature will
soon have nearly $5,000 in its gen-
eral treasury, not including $2,500
in the Cinema Guild (Develop-
mpent) fund.
At present the books show only
$2,000 but $3,000 made from the
Homecoming Dance last fall will
be transferred to the records this
w week.
'SGC Transfer Undecided
Although there is a possibility
the money might be transferred
directly to Student Government
Council, the Legislature is pres-
ently considering other destina-
Anscholarship fund, improve-
ments in. the 'SL Book Exchange,
money to help start a new student
book store, and a fund to help
support a 'student in the Free
University of Berlin exchange pro-
gram have been suggested by SL
YOne cabinet member thought
the -money could extend Univer-
sity student government's mem-
bership in the National Student
Association for five years.
The membership would be pre-
sented to SGC as a gift from SL.
Other Student Government
SL Vice-President Ruth Ross-
ner, '55, indicated SL's money
might be frozen in a fund for an-
other student government to use
in case SGC failed to survive the
two-year trial period.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said yes-
terday any disposal of SL inoney
would be satisfactory as long as it
followed regular University policy.
He said however, he would be
happy if SL would transfer its
assets to the new student govern-
Satisfactory Use Foreseen
General sentiment among SL
cabinet members was unless SL
Could find some satisfactory use
for the money it should be pre-
sented to SGC.
SL President Ned Simon, '55,
emphasized yesterday some of the
$5,000 would be needed for regu-
lar operating expenditures during
the remaining two months.
According to Vice-President
Lewis, however, SL will not have
to finance the coming SGC elec-
Hatcher Will
Talk of 'Faith'
President Harlan H. Hatcher
will speak on "The Faith That
Moves Mountains" at 9:30 a.m.
today before the 41st annual
meeting of the Association of
American Colleges in Washington,
Over-all topic for the meeting,
which opened yesterday, is "Lib-
eral Education and America's Fu-
ture." President Hatcher will dis-
cuss the changes that have oc-
curred in the American idea of a
liberal education and the effects
of added emphasis on practical

In his lecture, President Hatch-
er will also consider the purpose
of the humanities in an atomic
Local Men Fined
For Sons' Offense
A wild race to Jackson in stolen
cars has resulted in the convic-
tion of the fathers of three young
local boys involved. .
The men were found guilty yes-
terday of permitting their sons to
be out after curfew. Two of the
fathers were fined $50 each; while
a third will pay $10.
Last June four boys and a girl,
all under 15 years old, stole two
cars and raced to Jackson faster
t than police could erect barriers to
stop them. They made the 26 mile
trip in 36 minutes, finally being
stopped by Jackson police.
They have since been put on
probation by juvenile court au-

SAC Reports on
Student Housing
Brown Investigates Methods
For 'U' Cooperation With City


Still. I

Shot Down in Baltic



Wif e


Student Affairs Committee yes
the University could cooperate wi
campus student housing up to sa
A report on the off-campus h
Prof. J. Willcox Brown of the natu
by SAC. His report suggested th
of approved rental houses and that
deputy inspectors.
A committee was formed to in
tion and make recommendations
to SAC, with Prof. Brown as its
Methods Discussed
Although SAC agreed with
Prof. Brown's report "that the
University has no authority to en-
force the State Building Code di-
rectly," several methods for help-
ing Ann Arbor building inspectors
accomplish their purpose were dis-
Among them was the idea of ed-
ucation, of furnishing students
who live off-campus with infor-
mation as to what they are en-
titled to in the way of safety and.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea .
pointed out the University wants
to "go beyond" the minimum re-
quirements of the State Building
Code. .
Requirements Listed
According to the code the ten
requirements for multiple dwell-
ings and rooming houses are:
1. Each dwelling unit having1
cooking accommodations is re,
quired to have a separate lava-
tory and kitchen sink.
2. All floors above the first must
have two independent means .of
egress as far apart as possible.
3. All parts of the building and
its service equipment shall be kept
in good repair and be adequate.
The heating system must be safe
and must heat the building.
Enough electrical outlets, properly
wired, shall be available so that
not over one appliance is con-
nected to each outlet by drop
cords not over 10 feet in length.
Invasion Hits
Latin Country
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica M-A'
Costa Rican town on a direct in-
vasion route to this capital city
has been seized by an airborne
armed force, officials said yes-
terday. Costa Rica's available
armed man-power was mobilized
quickly for action.
There were no immediate re-
ports of actual fighting, however.
Origin of the force was not
established, but the Foreign Min-
istry said a break in relations be-
tween Costa Rica and neighbor-
ing Nicaragua appeared imminent.
Costa Rican government said a
small rebel aerial force-presum-
ably from Nicaragua-seized the
town. Another source said a force
moved out of San Jose Monday
night in trucks and cars and be-
gan an uprising against the gov-
ernment of President Jose Fig-
Seized was Villa Quesada, a
town of 3,800 about 40 milesthis
side of the Nicaraguan frontier.
Figueres said the town was taken
over by a rebel force that landed
there in light planes yesterday
At the United Nations in New
York, the Rev. Benjamin Nunez,
Costa Rican delegate, said after a
telephone talk with Figueres that
diplomatic relations had been
broken with Nicaraua.

terday delved into ways in which
th city officials in bringing of- Lost rophy
fety and sanitary standards.
.ousing situation by SAC member
oral resources school was endorsed
at the city make available a list
the University consider employingnS
vitiate further study on the situa-
Although both Ann Arbor and
East Lansing police searched yes-
terday for the Paul Bunyan foot-
ball trophy figure, Paul remains
* (1 1 on the missing list.
Evidence indicated Michigan
State students took Paul to East'
yy Lansing from Michigan's dressing,
Fd Chal e room because of "shabby" Uni
versity treatment of the trophy. ;
Rumors yesterday, however,
In a routine business session strongly indicated some University d
Sent ai d Committeeys group pilfered the figure and fakedx
ies evidence implicating Spartan stu
terday approved two mayor chang- dents.
es in Cinema Guild finances. One rumor said the trophy is in 1

Ex-Prisoner Heard
Downed Fliers
Reynolds' Ann Arbor Wife Doesn't
Build Hopes Too High for Return
Daily Editorial Director
The wife of 'a navy flyer lost over the Baltic in 1950 and declared
legally dead nearly four years ago said here yesterday, "I don't want
to get my hopes up," after hearing reports her husband may be .still
alive in a Soviet prison camp.
Jane Edmonds Reynolds, an attractive 33-year-old brunette, said
she picked up the paper yesterday and a line buried in the middle of
a story from Berlin "caught me and took my breath away"
The line quoted John H. Noble of Detroit, who was released Sat-
urday from a Russian slave labor camp as saying he, had "heard one
time there were some pilots who came down in the Baltic Sea" being
held in other camps.
Noble made the statement in an interview with newsmen in Bee-

Included in the changes are the safe-keeping on the Universityj
creation of a Cinema Guild Devel- campus.
Police Search Begun". J
opment Fund to replace the oldPoieSacBgu
Meanwhile, athletic .equipment .;:..
insurance fund, manager Henry Hatch reported
The new fund has been designed the theft to Ann Arbor police whox-Daiy-Dic askill
to provide a more flexible source immediately began search for the GORDIE HOWE, ONE OF THE NHL'S TOP STARS, ROARS IN
for future expansion of Cinema missing award. TO SCORE THE FIRST GOAL OF LAST NIGHT'S 10-3
Guild, to meet unusual expendi- Governor G. Mennen Williams ROUT AS MICHIGAN GOALIE LORNE HOWES
tures such as the recent contribu- yesterday put recovery up to Uni- LOOKS ON HELPLESSLY.
tion to the Fire Relief Fund and versity officials.
to provide for envisioned chahges "I assume the University will"
in the allocation of sponsor's prof- take every necessary step to haveI
its. j the trophy returned," he said. "It
Second of the two alterations might prove very embarrassing 4ermsoeicksters I1
involves reapportioning Cinema for the school if, in some future .3 Loss
Guild profits on the basis of 60 year, Michigan State came up
per cent to sponsors, 20 per cent with a claim, only to find that the
to Student Legislature and 20 per trophy had not been ably and cap- By PHIL DOUGLIS
cznt for the Development Fund. ably guarded by the temporary Detroit's World Champion Red Wings treated some 3,000 scream-
Under the old set-up sponsors trustees. ing Ann Arbor hockey fans to a slick exhibition of ice mastery last
got 50 per cent, 30 per cent went to Williams Comments night as they pounders out a 10-3 victory over Michigan's youthful
SL and the remaining 20 per cent "I hope the recovery will be but eager ice squad at the Coliseum.
to the insurance fund. more colorful than the loss of this Sabring almost at will, the Wings tallied five times in the first
SAC approved the change rec- inteiesting, historical and r i- period, three more in the second, and twice in the final stanza, and
ognizing the relatively greater tional trophy and that this will go in between taught the green Michigan squad a virtual hockey lesson.
need of student organizations oth- a long way toward putting the Lit- More important than the actual outcome, which was anticipated
er tan L fr te moie rocedstle Brown Jug in the shade."
er than SL for the movie proceeds Although President Harlan H by everyone in attendance, were the thrilling performances turned
had alred approved the change.Hatcher is out of town and in by several of Vic Heyliger's freshmen, seeing their first action in
had already approved the changecouldn't be reached for comment, Maize and Blue livery.
The Committee also requested University students responded to Mark well such names as Wally Maxwell, Neil MacDonald, Ed
Gothic Film Society to revise its the ft in various ways. Switzer, and Ross Hudson, 'to name a few. MacDonald led the Maize
method of handling member sub- A few considered the affair a and Blue scoring for the night with two big gop.ls, Switzer got assists
scriptions and admissions to its disgrace to the University. on both of them, and Maxwell turned in a dazzling display of stick

The changes are to be made to
conform with Gothic Film's con-
traet with the Museum of Modern
Art which stipulates that all show-
ings of their films be on a sub-
scription basis.
The Society has followed the
practice of selling tickets at the
door for their art-film programs.
In another action SAC denied a
request of the Wolverine Club to
sponsor a mixer-dance Feb. 3 in
the Teague.
SAC accompanied their refusal
with a statement that the Univer-
sity cannot condone student
groups giving their name as spon-
sor of a program handled entirely
by a non-University group.

"It's about time to stop making
fun of the trophy and start dis-
playing it," one Student Legisla-
ture member who preferred to re-
main unnamed said.
Fred Howhart, '55E, thought the
theft would help make the trophy
traditional and would stimulate
more interest in winning Paul
Many, however, didn't care what
happened to Paul. Stew Evans,
'56BA, suggested sending along
the base to join the figure in East
The Paul Bunyan figure, a two-
foot pine statue, wa:; found miss-
ing from the Michigan dressing
room Monday by Hatch.
A letter signed "Operation Res-
cue" boasting of the theft, was

handling and shooting along with one assist.

Hudson played a brilliant defen-
sive game along with the rocked
ribbed Bob Schiller, who seemed to
forget he was up against the,
world's champions.
The Wings meanwhile leaped off,
to an early two goal lead after just
five minutes of the first period had
elapsed, as Gordie Howe and Alex
Delvecchio tallied within thirty
seconds of each othe:.
Michigan goalie Lorne Howes
played a fine game in the netsi
considering the opposition, but he
let the flood gates open again five,
minutes later when Marty Pave-
lich slipped one around the cor-'
ner of the net, making it 3-0 in
favor of Detroit.
The vast throng had its first op-?
portunity to flex its vocal cords
when just a minute later at 12:44,
Switzer fired at Detroit goalie Lef-
ty Wilson, it caromed off onto the
stick of MacDonald, who slashed it.
past the off-balanced goalie, cut-
ting the lead to 3-1.
Regular Detroit goalie Terry
Sawchuk did not make the trip to
Ann Arbor due to an illness of his
son. Wilson is actually Detroit's
assistant trainer, but proved him-
self quite capable an,' humorous
in the nets.
See RED WINGS, Page 3.

Ask China
tion's top military man and a
prominent Republican senator
yesterday called for a blockade
of Red China if all else fails to
win release of ipaprisoned Amer-
But Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles, said the United
States would be "slow to anger"
in facing issues which could ex-
plode the peace.
Supporting an Allied block-
ade as a last-ditch maneuver'
were Adm. Arthur W. Radford,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, and Sen. H. Alevander
Smith (R-NJ).-
-"If all other measures fail,
the United States should sup-
port a blockade," Adm. Rad-
ford said in response to ques-
tions on returning from a global
trip which took him to the Far

half years imprisonment behind
the Iron Curtain.
Mrs. Reynolds lives with her
daughters, Christina, eight years
old, and Carolyn four, and her
mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Ed-
monds, at 735 Fountain. The miss-
ing flyer's father, Paul E. Rey-
nolds, lives at 1102 Packard.
Her husband, Lt. Robert D. Rey-
nolds, j.g., was one of ten Navy
airmen shot down April 8, 1950
over the Baltic on a routine train-
ing flight in a Navy privateer from
Weisbaden to Copenhagen.
found no trace of survivors. Then
Navy planes searched the area,
six days after the shooting they
discovered the privateers bullet-
ton yellow life raft. Government
spokesmen said the flyers were
presumed dead.
Buddies Give Hope
But reports from her husband's
buddies at Port Lyautey, Morocco
naval air base gave Mrs. Reynolds
hope. They said they had flown
low over the sea because visbiili-
ty was bad. They were sure they
would have seen anything as big
as a life raft much earlier than six
days after the incident.
British radar reports, Mrs. Rey-
nolds says, established the plane
went down about 200 miles from
where the Russians said it did. A
Swedish fishing captain confirmed
that he had seen the plane down-
ed and the airmen picked up alive.
When the big yellow raft ap-
peared suddenly six days later
where the Russians said the plane
went down, Navy fliers told Mrs.
Reynolds they thought it was
planted there by the Russians,
who had probably picked up the
The wife of one of the other
lost fliers, with whom she re-
turned to America from Morocco,
gave Mrs. Reynolds another rea-
son to hope.
German Press Reports
. The woman's relatives in West
Germany reported the press there
carried a story quoting unofficial
East German sources as saying
10 American fliers had just been
captured by the Russians.
Even when the Navy, a year and
a day after the shooting, declared
the ten men legally dead, Mrs.
Reynolds kept on hoping. After
another year, she decided she
would have to go on with her life
as if her husband were dead.
For the past two-and-a-half
years, Mrs. Reynolds says she has
been going out on dates. She has
considered marriage, but says
"there's no one in particular" at
But "there won't be any com-
plications if he's alive," she said.
"I don't want to hope . . . that's
the hardest thing, the uncertain-
ty.' .
For income, she has a govern-
ment pension check and social
security. She owns her house and
rents the upstairs apartment.
Mrs. Reynolds has been attend-
ing special classes at the Univer-
sity, learning to teach English in
foreign countries. She says she
would like to take the children
and go to South America or Af-
rica "because my husband and I
always wanted them to see other
countries and not be limited by

... still alive?
"The challenge for the Republi-
can party is not only to preserve
and continue what is good in
American life, but also to think
anew, to continue to be a party
that seeks emphasis in the field of
social legislation," John Feikins
said yesterday.
Just returned from a visit with
Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the
GOP State Central Committee
Chairman said that although the
party has been charged with only
wanting protection of big business,
"nothing is farther from the Pres-
ident's mind."
"I think the President feels
very deeply that the challenge the
GOP has to face is to provide a
more secure life," Feikens con-
tinued. "We must protect against
the evils of private enterprise, he
told a Republican Party Day audi-
ence, "but we must also encourage
the fullest development of individ-
ual initiative."
Progress Called Important
"It is important that we make
this progress under Eisenhower,"
the young Republican leader com-
mented. "We 'have not yet had
time to complete the program un-
dertaken two years ago," he add-
"Because last year ' we had a
'bum year' it doesn't mean we
can't come back," he emphasized,
"and we can take several lessons
from the November elections."
"In the State elections the only
difference between Democrat and
GOP aims was in degree," Feikens
continued. The idea that Gov. G.
Mennen Williams won because he
stood for some positive action
while Republicans opuosed change
is "nothing farther from the
truth," he said.
Panel Discusses Youth
A panel of GOP leaders discuss-
ed questions from, a capacity au-
dience on how youth can best ex-
press itself in government in the
morning session of the conclave.
Former Auditor-General John
B. Martin suggested that a posi-

Wolverine Club had made a ten- ' sent to the Michigan State News
tative agreement that they would Monday.,
sponsor the dance and take 10
per cent of the proceeds, allowing CH9 Disaster
90 per cent of the net profits to 10 19
the band, who would assume re- Leaves 2 Missm i
sponsibility for the whole affair
including publicity. SEWART AIR FORCE BASE,
Other items on the SAC agenda ' Tenn. (/') - Thirty-four airborne
included calendar changes and ap- infantrymen and three Air Force
proval of the constitutions of the crewmen parachuted to safety
Michigan Singers, the European yesterday when a C119 Flying Box-
Club, Women's Athletic Associa- car crashed and burned after take-
tion and some- change- in the In- off, but two airmen were still miss-
terfraternity Council Constitution. ing four hours later.

Finish of Athletic Administration Building Set for Spring
Completion of the Uiiversity's new Atliletic Administration
Building is tentatively scheduled for late spring of this year.
Construction of the structure is progressing according to plans,
it was announced yesterday by Lester F. Etter, Public Relations Man-
i..-ager for the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. The build-
ing is the second step in the recently announced athletic e'xpansion
program. Already completed and in use is the women's swimming
6 pool, built at a cost of $1,070,000o
f. ,.. , Y The Administration Building, at the corner of State and Hoover,
.will house all offices now in the present athletic administrative head-

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