CONGRESSIONAL IRRESPONSIBILITY j See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State Iaii4 SNOW FLURRIES Ewa ... o., .._ ... I VOI& LXV, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1955 MiTR Patl-l - - p i~ft V 22£ AiN F 'Rights' Fund Gives Davis $2000 Gran] LS&A Faculty Also Donates By MURRY FRYMER Dismissed mathematics instruc tor, H. Chandler Davis has bee awarded a $2,000 grant from th: Bill of Rights Fund to aid in th legal defense of his case now pend ing in court. It was diso disclosed last nig- tha'; a literary college Emergenc Fund Committee for Davis has col lected $2,000 in donations from thi College faculty. Prof. Raoul Bott, of the mathe matics department, chairman c the committee, said yesterday tha Davis has already received abou $1,000 from the Fund. Future de nations, Prof. Bott hoped, woul bring the total collections of th committee to over $3,000. Grant For Legal Defense The Bill of Rights Fund, a Nev York organization headed by Dr Corliss Lamont ,announced yester day that the grant to Davis for hi legal defense was given because h "relied on the First Amendment i refusing to answer improper ques tions asked him by the House Un American Activities Subcommit a tee.: The grant is part of a total dis tribution of $10,750 which th Fund has given to aid legal de fense of 15 civil liberties cases nov pending in courts. The $2,000 giv en to Davis was the largest singl grant given by the Fund. Solicited Through Letters The literary college fund was so licited through letters sent by th Bott committee to the college fac ulty early in December. Othe committee members are Professor Irving M. Copi, of the philosoph: department, Paul V. C. Hough o the physics department and Han Samelson of the mathematics de- partment. Regents' Responsibility Davis when first learning of the College fund said that he was gratified, but "the responsibility for my unemployment is the Re- gents', not my colleagues." According to Prof. Bott, the money collected will be given tc Davis in form of a "gift ... witt no strings attached." He said that many persons were donating "for various reasons,, and that 100 Faculty members hac signed sponsorship of the fund. A second letter has been sent to the faculty by the committee to in- crease the fund total. Any contributions, Prof. Bott said, may be sent to the Emergen- cy Fund Committee for H. C. Da- vis, 3006 Angell Hall. 'Weitzmann Talks on Book Illustrations " Prof. K u r t Weitzmann of Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study spoke yesterday on the con- nection between literature and art that was established early in Greek history. Lecturing on classical book illus- tration, Prof. Weitzmann first dis- cussed the illumination of Homeric texts. He then traced art work in connection with dramatic texts, particularly the plays of Euripi- des. The popularity of Euripides in the Hellenistic world became much greater than that of Aeschylus and Sophocles because of Euripides' keen attention to human nature, said Prof. Weitzmann. A -gauge to the popularity of the literature of the time comes from the evidence of illustration. The reconstruction of the early history of book illustration is a t problem for the archeologist as well as for the art historian. Papy- rus scrolls are highly perishable and few have survived to the pres- ent. DAC Sets Student Price at 99 Cents Establishment of a student ad- mission of 99 cents for all of the remaining shows has been an- nounced by the Dramnati Arts Bunyan Trophy 'Operation Rescue' Letter Admits Theft of Trophy from University By DAVE BAAD The Paul Bunyan figure, standing astride the huge trophy won by Michigan's football team when it beat Michigan State last fall, has been returned to East Lansing. In a letter to the Michigan State News yesterday an anonymous group calling themselves "Operation Rescue," admitted transferring the trophy from a "dusty corner of the U of M locker room" to the Spartan campus. The figure was reported missing earlier yesterday by athletic equipment manager Henry Iatchac- - The three-foot base is tstill intact. East Lansing police are looking for the thieves. . . ! Written on a plain sheet of pa- per in an envelope postmarked East Lansing, 11:30 a.m. yesterday, Sc ho lars hip (before the trophy was reported n'issing) the letter said: - m )theletterThree new scholarships and at The Letter n, ~+h _ ~ 3 McNamara WASHINGTON OP) - Sen. Patrick V. McNamara (D- Mich.) was appointed to three Senate committees yesterday as Democrats exercised their control by replacing Republi- cans. The assignments were an- nounced by Democratic lead- er Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas after a meeting with the party's Steering Committee. Sen. McNamara was appoint- ed to committees on labor, gov- erning of the District of Colum- bia and public works. "I think these assignments are wonderful," Sen. McNa- mara said. "They are much more than I had hoped to get." rs Grants, to W Omen sorority emergency fund have been vailable to University women. Panhellenic Association beginning President Asks For Right To Ci Congress it Tariff s T Calls Free Trade Vital for Peace .. , S . "Paul Bunyan has returned. Be- cause of shabby treatment given Paul Bunyan (leaving him in a dusty corner of the U of M locker adec to the list of financial aids a Both awards will be offered by next semester. is ed F 7 100 pot day gre tal of cra tac da. wh eng I the wh bou T att bon wh swi niq ma Open to independent as well as affiliated women with an academ- standing of 2.5 or better, the three $100 scholarships will be award- on the basis of need and service to the campus and community. Need Cited SChinese The emergency fund was set up because of "a definite need for some kind of grant for affiliated lane R aids women on the basis of need," ac- cording to Marlene Jaffa, '55, who has handled the project. iti achens Panhel is interested in aiding women who do not want to resign. from their sororities, Miss Jaffa TAIPEH, Formosa (P)-At least said. When affiliated women apply Chinese Red planes yesterday for University grants it is usually unded the Tachen Islands from suggested that they resign first, wn until late afternoon in the she explained. atest air raid of the civil war. Applicants must petition to the Nationalist defenders on the vi- Association's finance committee outpost islands 20n miles north which will hold interviews before deciding whether to grant their Formosa threw up firce antiair- requests. ft fire. They claimed two at- Budget Surplus kers were destroyed and two Money for the fund is available maged. There was no indication because of a surplus in Panhel's ether Nationalist planes were present budget. It will go into op- gaged. eration on the first day of the new t was too early to say whether semester. air blows presaged an invasion The scholarship fund was begun ich the Nationalists believe is when Scroll, senior affiliated wom- and to come, en's honorary, gave Panhel $150 The Communists threw into the a few years ago for that purpose. ack propeller - driven light Additional funds have come fron'i nbers and fighter bombers, the Panhel treasury. ich were escorted by at least 28 The number of scholarships ft MIG jet fighters, a commu- which will be awarded annually in ue said. All three types are the future will depend on the As- de by Russia. sociation's budget, Miss Jaffa said. KRAMER SCORES-Ron Kramer (27) nets two points Wisconsin. Waiting for rebound which never came are Clinton (52) and Paul Groffsky (37) of the Wolverines. four-way tie for first place in the Big Ten. -Daily-Dean Morton for Michigan in last night's contest with Wisconsin's Dick Miller (22) and Jim Michigan ,won, 90-63, to move into a Cage Squad Downs PAUL BUNYAN .. . more tricks room) Paul has returned - to a home where he can be appreciated. "If you don't believe this, ask (Herbert 0.) Crisler (University Athletic Director) to produce Paul. Don't fall for the line that it is being engraved, and don't let them pawn off a duplicate on you." Crisler could not be reached for comment. Hatch said earlier he had some of the boys drag it into the dress- ing room until somebody found a place to display it. The Wolverines first gained pos- session of the trophy Nov. 13. "I never got around to check on it again until today, but assumed everything was all right," Hatch said. No Room for Trophy Other University officials said yesterday that neither Yost Field House nor the Athletic business office had a lobby big enough to house the statue. Governor G. Mennen Williams presented the trophy to the two schools in 1953 to be awarded an- nually to the winner of the Michi- gan-Michigan State football game. University officials did not for- mally agree to accept the trophy it case of victory when it was first presented by Gov. Williams. POSSIBLE SPRING USE: National Polio. Group Stockpiles Salk Vaccine (This is the last in a series of articles about polio-its history, its effects and the fight against it.) By LEE MARKS Gambling on the success of Salk vaccine, the National Founda- tion for Infantile Paralysis in stockpiling $9,000,000 worth of vaccine for use this spring. Dr. Kenneth S. Landauer, assistant director of the medical divi- sion of NFIP, explained the gamble by noting "If it is shown to be effective and is licensed, we can't afford to be caught shorthanded-_ By ALAN EISENBERG I Starting slowly, picking up mo- mentum near the end of the first half, and operating at full steam after the intermission, the Michi- gan basketball team trounced a beleagured Wisconsin five, 90-63, last night. A large weekday crowd of 4.500 at Yost Field House saw the Wol- vermnes win their second Big Ten game in three attempts. The vic- tory, coupled with Illinois' 83-73 triumph over Purdue, enabled the Maize and Blue to move into a four-way tie for first place in the wild Western Conference race. It was a team victory for the Bill Perigo-coached squad. Five men scored in double figures for Michigan. Don Eaddy, spunky 5'10" guard led the attack with 19 points. He notched nine field goals in 21 atterppts for an excellent .43 percentage. Following closely were Harvey Williams and Tom Jorgenson with * I Wiring Called Cause of Fire Faulty wiring was blamed yes-' terday for the fire Friday in an; Ann -Arbor store. According to the police detec- tive bureau, electrical wiring in a wall was the source of the fire which caused $60,000 damage to the Modern Appliance Co. The fire began in an office in the rear of the building, police said. 18 markers. Jorgenson had one of his better shooting nights as he whipped in six goals from the field in 17 tries. The scoring splurge en- abled him to maintain his leader- ship of the Michigan attack with 152 points in 10 games. Wisconsin held on tenaciously for most of the first half. During the first 20 minutes of play the score was tied 12 times and the lead changed hands on seven oc- casions. The Wolverines, however, Swimmers down Iowa State;Set Three Marks By BOB JONES Two pool records and an NCAA dual meet record fell yesterday as the Michigan swimming team opened the season by trampling a tough Iowa State squad, 60-24 in the Varsity Pool. Wolverine captain Bumpy Jones set a pool record in the 150 yard individual medley, lowering the old mark by eight-tenths of a second as he covered the distance in 1:28.7. His time also bettered the W 0 " isconsin began to move away in the last two minutes of the half. With the score knotted at 35, Ron Kramer flipped in a one- hander to put the Wolverines ahead for keeps. Eaddy swished one through the cords from 20 feet out and Kramer tapped for another score with only 22 sec- onds left. A free throw by for- ward Jim Clinton gave the Maize and Blue a 41-36 ledd when the See CAGERS, Page 3 Stresses Security, U.S. Leadership WASHINGTON P) - President Dwight . Eisenhower asked Con- gress again yesterday for power to lower tariffs 15 per cent as part of a program to improve foreign trade, to bulwark "the forces of freedom" in their struggle against Communism. "It is essentially for the security of the United States and the rest of the free world," President E- senhower said in a spec'ial mes- sage, "that the United States take the leadership in promoting- the achievement of those high levels of trade that will bring to all the economic strength upon which the freedom and security of all de- pends." As the President himself noted, the "moderate, gradual reciprocal program" he proposed was largely a repetition of the one that got nowhere in the last Congress, "No Sudden Action" The heart of it is a renewed re- quest to continue the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Law for three years, with additional authority for Eisenhower to cut tariffs by 5 per cent each year. He promised there would be "no sudden or radi- cal tariff reductions." With Democrats in control of Congress -now, the program may get friendlier treatment than it did last year. It the Deo- crats who launched the reciprocal trade treaty program in th first place. And Democratic leaders in the new Congress have set a high priority for extending it on the basis President Eisenhower is rec- ommending. Top Priority Asked House- Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) said he would ask the Ways and Means Committee to give top priority to the legisla- tion. Rep. Joseph Martin, Jr. (R- Mass.), the House minority leader, said he was sure Congress would cooperate with the President to put the program through. High trade levels, the President told the lawmakers yesterday, can be promoted not only by lowering tariffs on a give and take basis with other countries, but also by increasing the flow of capital among free nations, by restoring currency convertibility, by expand- ing the trading of technical infor- mation and by inceasing interna- tional travel. Foreign Relations Post Given Morse WASHINGTON () -- S e n. Wayne Morse, the Oregon inde- pendent who lost his two big com- mittee posts two years ago after he broke with the Republicans, got a prized new assignment yester- day. He'll serve on Foreign Relations. Democrats filling the majority sides of all the Senate committees also ditched the cherished senior- ity rule enough to give covetedas- signments to two veterans newly returned as freshmen-Sens. Al ben W. Barkley of Kentucky and Joseph C. O'Mahoney of Wyoming. Sen. Barkley was assigned to Foreign Relations and also to the Finance Committee; Sen. O'Maho- ney to the Judiciary and Interior committees. Lane Hall Invites Guest Lecturers A plan by Lane Hall to bring one outstanding lecturer each month to the University campus has been announced by DeWitt C. Baldwin, coordinator of religious affairs. NCAA dual meet standard which, he held at 1:29.5. Jack Wardrop turned in an out- standing time of 2:05.4 in the 220 yard free-style to lower the pool record of 2:06.3 set by Ford Konno of Ohio State in last year's Big Ten Meet. The Cyclones, captained by breast-stroker Bob Best, were con-{ sidered by Coach Gus Stager to be one of the toughest teams the Wolverines would face this season. See MARKS, Page 3 Establish Relations BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (P) - Yugoslavia and Red China have established full diplomatic rela- tions after negotiations apparently initiated by Russia. Messages between the Yugoslav and Communist Chinese foreign ministers agreeing to an exchange of ambassadors were made public' yesterday. polio is a crippling disease." Commercial pharmaceutical Hart Speech Highlights Democratic Party Day .> ____ "I am a Democrat because his- tory justifies the claim that in the long haul, the nation is a little better, when under Democratic leadership than before," Lieuten- ant-Governor Philip A. Hart said in a Democratic Party Day ad- dress yesterday. Speaking to an audience of about 200 students and faculty members, Hart said, "There seems to be an overemphasis on the Washington picture." He referred to public attitudes toward politics. "We lose perspec- tive, missing the importance of lo- cal and state level politics," he added. Hart's speech culminated the Democr ,tic Day program which began in the morning with a panel of State political leaders who pre- sented their individual experiences and philosophies which caused houses that produce the vaccine it is produced and sold to NEIP at cost) are turning out as much Salk vaccine as possible, banking on the hope that it will be an effective preventative, Combat Epidemics Dr. Landauer said if Dr. Fran- cis' evaluation shows Salk vac- cine is successful, "It will mean for the first time we have an ef- fective agent to combat epidemics and possibly a tool to control polio as completely as smallpox vaccine controls smallpox." "This doesn't necessarily mean," Dr. Landauer continued, "that Salk vaccine will be either the ultimate cure or 100 per cent ef- fective." Refinement Dr. Landauer pointed out his- tory shows that first attempts are always susceptible to refinement. Research is still going on and several improvements have already been made in Salk vaccine used in field trials, the doctor said. Medically, no vaccine has ever been 100 per cent effective, Dr. Landauer noted. "Nothing is bio- TO BE RELEASED SOON: Inquiry Report to Ask Dorm Change By JOEL BERGER "A good number of recommen- dations for changes in the dormi- tory system will probably be made' in the Operation Inquiry report,"' committee member Roger Kidston, '56L, said yesterday. According to Kidston, no dissat- isfaction in general was found by Inquiry members with the present Michigan House Plan, Inter-House Council President Stan Levy, '55, said yesterday pre- liminary reports from Operation Inquiry, now being compiled by Kidston, will be submitted fot fi- nal committee approval early next semester. The final report will go to IHC for approval, Levy said. Comparison will show the mer- its of a large vertical unit such as South Quad and large horizontal units such as East and West Quad- rangles. Certain houses within the three quadrangles will be compared on the basis of details in structure, length of corridors and other mat- ters, he said. Student Government Under the general area of stu- dent government within the resi- dence halls, the Operation Inquiry report will delve into the areas of student government growth in the past. Quad government will be traced from the house groups thrnif e 1 ad: ii nemn-o TH mt, yzed in the report while the goals of house government are probed. Purposes and functions of house judidial groups and other residence hall judiciaries will be examined, according to Kidston. Relationships of student govern- ment and the academic staff, stu- dent government and the business staff, the Board of Governors and the residence halls and Quad- rangle honorarids and the resi- dence halls will be reported in the docunlent, he said. Academic Staff Examined The report concerning residence halls' staffs will be concerned mostly with the academic staff, Kidston added. Probably more conelusions have hb e racnhed in I -D~aily--Del~an Morton