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January 09, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-09

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From Burgers to Missiles-
Subject of Folsom Lecture

Conn Discovers Uncommon Disease

"Research Developments - from
Hamburgers to Guided Missiles,"
will be the topic of an address by
Prof. Richard G. Folsom of the en-!
gineering college at R p.m. Jan.
11 at Rackham Auditorium.
Prof. Folsom, director of the En-
gineering Research Institute, will
discuss how the Institute aids mo-
dern industry. Recent projects in
fission products, radar, ultra-son-
ics, combustion, air pollution and
rockets will be emphasized.
Joint Meeting
The talk will be given at a joint
meeting of the Michigan section
of the American Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers, the student
Branch of AIEE and the student
branch of the Institute of Radio'
It will follow a 6:30 p.m. dinner
at the League and will be attend-
ed by engineers from Jackson,
Lansing, Detroit and surrounding
Certificates To Be Presented
Fellow Certificates will be pre-
sented to Messrs. L. I. Komives and
Joseph Sticher by AIEE vice-pre-
sident C. M. Summers.
Fellow grade membership in the
AIEE is conferred by the Board of
Directors of the Institute based on
distinguished service of a scien-
tific and engineering nature.
Sticher and Komives have been
approved for this award because
of their contributions to the know-
ledge of the behavior of high volt-
age cables.
Classical Art
Topic of Talk
"Classical Antiquity: Homer and
Euripides" will be the subject of
a lecture to be given by Prof. Kurt
Weitzmann of Princeton's Insti-
tute for Advanced Study at 4 p.m.
tomorrow, Auditorium B. Angell
Hall. -.
A distinguished art historian,
Prof. Weitzmann specializes in
medieval and classical art. He is
also a professor of art and arch-
eology at Princeton.
Prof. Weitzmann will be visiting
the University for a week during
which he will deliver a series of
four lectures on book illustration.
The lectures begin with classical
antiquity and 'will cover illustra-
tion through the middle ages.
Book illustration is particularly
important in the development of
medieval art since classical art was
mainly conveyed torthe middle
ages through manuscript work.
Join the
March of Dimes.

Salk Vaccine
Given .Field
'Trials in '54
(Continued from Page 1)
municable Disease Control in New
York State.
No Laboratory Work
Dr. Francis deals entirely with
statistics and records. The center
does not receive any blood samples
and does no laboratory work. Each
of the 2,000,000 children partici-
pating in the field trials has a
punch record card at the center.
IMore than 144,OO,000 separate
pieces of information will be as-
sembled at the evaluation center.
David Preston of the Public Reia-
tions Department of National
Foundation of Infantile Paralysis
told The Daily it was not unusual
for thousands of pieces of mail to
flow into the center in one day.
Double Checked
Preston said each piece of infor-
mation must be double-checked
since a few mistakes could serious-
ly impair the accuracy of the stu-
"The job of setting up basic
records," Preston continued, "has
been so complex and enormous
that as of Oct. 1, 1954, it was not
yet completed."
Twenty-seven laboratories across
the country are performing the
delicate virus tests. necessary to
Dr. Francis' evaluation. They are
examining blood and fecal sam-
ples from approximately 40,000
children and will send reports of
their findings to Dr. Francis for
assembling and evaluating.
In April the answer will be

A University professor has dis-
covered an uncommon disease that
may lead doctors to answers on
high blood pressure and some heart
Dr. Jerome W. Conn; of the
Medical School, said the disease
and its surgical treatments are
based on a little known hormone
called "aldosterone."
Secreted by the adrenal gland,
"aldosterone" governs the delicate
balance in the humar. body be-
tween potassium and sodium. Dr.
Conn said its over-production
causes salt retention by the body,
hence, high blood pressure.
"Primary Aldesteronism"
Dr. Conn called the disease "pri-
mory aldosteronism."
"It is a fascinating new clinical
syndrome," the doctor commented.
Medically a syndrome is a def-
inite set of symptoms based on
chemical disturbances in the body,
not a disease.
Dr. Conn said it was too early
to determine the manifestations of
the discovery, but he said it could
well advance knowledge of high
blood pressure, heart and kidney
diseases and hardening of the ar-
The January issue of the Jour-
nal of Laboratory and Clinical
Medicine will carry portions of
Dr. Conn's discovery.
Dr. Conn said the adrenal hor-
mone is found in tiny amounts in
human blood and regulates the
amount of salt the human body
loses through perspiration and
In scientific papers published in
1949 the doctor claimed that after
six years of work he was convinced
such a hormone existed. Two Eng-
lishmen isolated it in 1952.
Diseased Adrenal Suspected
A diseased adrenal system was
suspected, Dr. Conn said, when a
patient came to him with spasm,
Opera Scenario
Contest Now Open
Scenarios for the 1955 Union
Opera may be submitted until, Feb.
28, according to Jay Grant, '55,
Union Opera chairman.
Blanks for the script contest
can be picked up at the Union's
main desk.
The contest is open to all Uni-
versity male students.
Grant said that scenarios should
be fairly brief, but should include
a plot outline, song suggestions,
production recommendations and
a few pages of dialogue.
Additional information can be
obtained from Grant at NO 3-5347.

Problems of adolescence will
be the topic on the University
of Michigan Television Hour
at 1 p.m.. today on WWJ-TV,
Such questions as going
steady, preparation for adult-
hood, and implications of early,
marriage will be considered. Ap-
pearing on the program will be
Prof. William C. Morse, tele-
course instructor, and Dr. Ralph
Rabinovitch of the Neuropsy-
chiatric Institute.
Bethell Notes
SMI Research
In Hematology
Hematology, or research into
disorders of the blood, is carried
on near University Hospital in the
Thomas Henry Simpsc Memorial
Established in 1927, the Insti-
tute originally paid particular at-
tention to the study of the cause
and treatment of pernicious ane-
mia, according to Dr. Frank H.
Bethell, associate director of the
Other Blood Disorders Studied
"But with the discovery of ef-
fective methods of treating perni-
cious anemia," Dr. Bethell said,
"the emphasis of research has
changed to the study of other
blood disorders. We're still inter-
ested in the cause of pernicious
anemia, however," he explained.
Named for a Detroit industrial-
ist who died of pernicious anemia
just before the effect of liver ex-
tract on the disease was discover-
ed, SMI was established as a re-
sult of a bequest by his widow.
Closely Connected with 'U'
Although it is closely connected,
with University Hospital and the
medical school, its administration'
is independent.
Staffed by six physicians, three!
chemists, three medical technolo-
gists, a nursing staff and a build-
ing service staff, the Institute con-
ducts studies on persons suffering
from blood disorders. They also
carry on active investigations of
experimental blood diseases pro-
duced in animals.

Unusual Questions on Deer
Hit Expert DuringSeason

"What do deer think of red
During' the recently completed
deer hunting season wildlife ex-
perts found themselves suddenly
beleagured with questions like this.
The answer is that deer don't
GE Launches
College Fund
For Alumni
(Continued from Page 1)
University officials will make fi-
nal allocation of the contributions.
"Although all industries. have
been seeking a sound formula for
aid to educational institutions,"
Tapping commented, "GE is prob-
ably the first to come up with such.
an idea." He indicated other con-
cerns eventually may well devise
similar programs.
Obligation to Education
"Industry in general," he ex-
plained, "has assumed an obliga-
tion to education." History of the
fast-growing relationship between
the two fields, he said, traces back
about 15 years.
In that time the University has
benefitted from many joint pro-
grams with industrial concerns,
with important research facilities
and developments resulting.
Announce Contest
For Best Designs
University architecture students!
are eligible for a national design
contest, according to an announce-
ment of the Tile Council of Amer-
ica in cooperation with the Beaux-
Arts Institute of Design in New
Best designs for the headquart-
ers of a suburban corporation will
be awarded prizes of $100, $50 and
The contest closes May 1 and
will be judged May 21. Informa-
tion may be obtained from the
Beaux-Arts Institute of Design, 115
East 40th Street, New York, 16,
New York.

have any reaction to red shirts.
"There is good reason to believe
deer are color blind," according
to Prof. Warren W. Chase of the
natural resources school.
Nutrition Not Age
"Can you tell a deer's age by his
antlers?" is another question
which arouses curiosity. Accord-
ing to Prof. Chase, the size of a
deer's antlers depends not so much
or his age as upon his nutrition.
Antlers are made of a bony sub-
stance, at first sheathed in a vel-
vety covering, and are a secondary
sex characteristic restricted to the
Antlers begin to develop in the
spring and the buck has a full-
blown set by the breeding season
in October and November.
Lop-Sided Buck
A buck in January who holds his
head tipped drunkenly to one side
is not hung-over but merely pla-
gued with a case of one-antler-
shed, while the other is still with
him temporarily, Prof. Chase said.
"Most people don't realize that
all deer look alike between Febru-
ary and June when the bucks have
shed their antlers," he pointed
Useful to Rodents
Rodents, squirrels and porcu-
pines keep the forest floor clear of
discarded.antlers because these are
a valuable source of calcium and
phosphate for the small animals.
The deer seem to !-now how wide
their antlers are and don't try to
go between too-closely-set trees,
but they sometimes get locked in
combat with other bucks and die
in the head-on entanglement.
A buck could probably run a
mile or more at a stretch bat since
deer have a tendency to run in
circles they usually end.up behind
the hunters in their attempts t.


Courtesy University News Service
the Medical School works on experiments connected with his
discovery of "primary aldosteronism." His discovery could ad-
vance knowledge of high blood prestsure, heart and kidney
diseases and hardening of the arteries. A diseased adrenal system
and salt in the body were areas which Dr. Conn studied.

weakness and beriodic paralysis of
The patient also had high blood
pressure, excessive day and night
urination, extensive kidney dam-
age and had been ill for seven
Tests Performed
To determine how much of the
salt hormone was being produced,
Dr. Conn noted, "highly difficult
tests extending over a period of
nine months were perfomed on the
Of all the hormones produced by
the adrenal gland only the salt
hormone was in excess, thus lead-
ing to high amount of salt re-
tention. The patient's potassium
content was low, the doctor added.
After an operation found and re-
moved a tumor from the adrenal
gland, the gland was normal, and
so, the patient's blood pressure
lowered and the salt and potass-
ium balanced.

But Dr. Conn said the disease
was not always to be associated
with a tumor. "In cases where a
tumor is not found," he said,
"some adrenal tissue should be
removed to restore the normal
productoin of aldosterone."
'Veranda' Author
To Open New Play
Eugene Hochman, winner of the
1952 Avery Hopwood Award in
drama, will present the premiere
of his new play, "Pepik and Pavel,"
at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, at the University of
The award was won for his
drama "Veranda on the Highway."
Visiting teacher for the Toledo
Board of Education, Hochman will
direct the play which is set in
war-torn Europe. It depicts the
emotional rehabilitation of two
lonely persons.



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Material of
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4 u Sizes 7 to 18
vX/ ij y't
One of the most complete lines we have ever had
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Monday Through Saturday
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Two superb new SIP N SHoRE tailor-features:
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shirt elegance...
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HERE THEY ARE! The fashions you've loved .,.
winter's newest styles of rich fabric, soft color,
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Groups of frocks - Tailored casuals,
cocktails and evening dresses of wools, rayons, silks
Originals were $19.95 to $49.95
Now from $10.00 to $25.00
Sizes from 7-15; 10-44; 121/2 to 241-Tall 10-18



Famous Fabrics - Smart
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BLOUSES . . * wool jerseys,
rayons, tissue failles, orlons
and nylons-Orig. $5.95 to
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$3.98 to $10.00.
SWEATERS of all kinds -
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to $5.48.

100% Wools. Fitted Boxy
and Costume Types.
Originally $49.95 to $79.95
Now $25 to
- $39.95
HATS . , . all beautiful styles
and . colors - orig. $3.95 to
$16.95 . . . NOW $1.49,
$3.98, $5.00.
earrings, necklaces, rings --
Orig. $1.00 to $10.95 . .
NOW 49c to $5.00.

Famous little gentry neckband collar....
custom placket front...rich pearl buttons..
stay-down shirt tails. Sparkle-washing combed
ina broadcloth...white, soft pastels, glow-tones.
Sizes 30 to 38.1..Come see our other
SwIPN Suon. pima blouses!


i ...

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