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January 09, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-09

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rl'iit' MiI lIGAN .fit'.L


UN Asr .Ya. JN ARY . )1VVV'

The Ladejnsky Case:
The Boys Who Cried Wolf

A MAN, named by one government depart-
ment as a security risk, has been appoint-
ed with the full knowledge of the President
to an important position in a pivotal Asian
The statement sounds fantastic, impossible,
like something Joe McCarthy might dream up.
But what sounds like treason is merely tragedy,
the farcical tragedy of an Administration with
jumbled security -standards and whose poli-
tical motivations dominate its personnel deci-
It all began very quietly when 22-year-old
Wolf Ladejinsky immigrated to America from
the Russian Ukraine after the Revolution. He
learned English, did odd jobs, and finally be-
came a citizen. For a year he worked as an
interpreter for Amtorg, the Soviet trading
agency. Later, he studied agricultural econom-
ics at Columbia and got a job with the De-
partment of Agriculture in 1935. Ladejinsky
worked his way up in the department and was
sent to postwar Japan as General MacAr-
thur's aide on farm policy. Land reform pro-
grams he engineered made farms easily avail-
able to nearly four million Japanese peasants
Ladejinsky was also an advisor on land prob-
lems to the governments of India, Burma and
H E HAD been cleared for security and loyalty
many times, most recently by the State
Department, whose security chief, Scott McLeod
has been attacked by many as "wrecking" our
Foreign Service with his many firings of de-
partment personnel. When a recent law trans-
ferred agricultural attaches from the State
Department to the Department of Agriculture,
the latter promptly fired Ladejinsky on grounds
that he had never "been close to American
farming operations and problems," and that
he was a security risk.
The first of these may be disregarded as a
rationalization included only to bolster a weak
case. After all, Ladejinsky's job in the 'Far
East did not require- a proximity to American
farming-he was not working with American
but rather Japanese farming. He is well known
for his close contact with its operations and
problems, after living in peasant huts and
wading in rice paddies.
The security case was founded on equally
strong logic. The case rested mainly on three
points: his connection with Amtorg;- alleged
membership in two Communist-front organi-
Lations (which he has flatly denied); and the
possibility "he may be subject to coercion"
since three sisters still live behind the Iron
Curtain, though he has not heard from them
In seven years.
INTERESTING evidence is used to back the
"coercion" fear-Ladejinsky's 20-year rec-
ord'of writing against Communism. The idea
is not quite as absurd as it may seem. As the
agriculture department's chief security officer,
John Cassity, puts it, "Would you write articles
critical of the Communist government if close
members of your family were living in Russia
and you knew the tactics the Communists
used?" He adds, "It is doubtful anyone would
do it, unless he had reason to believe his famil
was safe." The implication is clear.
At first glance, the logic might appear to
be valid. Fo the sake of argument' let us
assume that Ladejinsky could have been sent
over to America by the Russian Communists
to gain an established anti-Communist record
and the confidence of the American govern-
ment, all in anticipation of the coming strug-
gle betweei East and West. No doubt persons
did immigrate at that time for just such pur-
But if Ladejinsky's whole purpose in being
in America was secretly to do Communist bid-
ding, if his whole value to the cause was his
concealment and cloak of anti-Communism,
why would he make the supreme blunders of
working for Amtorg in a far-from-indispen-
sible capacity, of making a trip to Russia in
1939 with American approval, and of allegedly
joining two Communist-front organizations?

The agriculture department's flimsy charges
are self-contradictory because they accuse
Ladejinsky of being two very different types of
Communist: the undercover man, whose value
is his secrecy and subtlety of influence: and
the man who tries to promote subversive causes
by openly organizing and joining front groups
and influencing public opinion.
But security officer Cassity's reasoning is
hardly convincing, even in the absence of con-
tradictory evidence. Many Russians have es-'
caped from the Iron Curtain and spoken.
'strongly against Communism. They have been
highly praised for extreme courage in risking
the lives of their loved ones, and not de-
nounced as possible secret collaborators.
No doubt if Ladejinsky had taken the other
approach and not made a strong anti-Com-
munist stand, he would be denounced as beig
under Russian pressure. Such reasoning would
label as a security risk any immigrant from a
Communist-dominated country, be he vocally
anti-Communist or not.
PERHAPS another test should be advanced:
that of Ladejinsky's affect on American
foreign policy. Senator McCarthy has said that
the only reason he ever suspected that there
were Communists in the State Department
was that policies seemed to him to be designed
to favor the Communist cause, especially in
Were there anything to indicate that Lade-
jinsky influenced policy to the detriment of
American interests, there might be cause to
fire him. On the contrary, his record in Asia
led author James Michener to describe him as
"known throughout Asia as Communism's mc
implacable foe and about the only Americab
who has accomplished much in actually stop-
ping the drift of all Asian farmers to Commu
He has received many awards for his work,
including ones from MacArthur and from the
agriculture department itself.
BECAUSE Ladejinsky was well-known,' the
press and radio publicized the details of'
his now-notorious case. Had they not, he
would have joined the 8,008 anonymous men
whom the Eisenhower Administration proudly
claims it has removed from government ser-
vice as "security risks."
The publicity given the Ladejinsky affair has
served a double purpose. It caused Foreign
Operations Administrator Harold Stassen, with
the President's approval, to repudiate the agri-
culture department's action by giving Lade-
jinsky a job working on the land reform pro-
gram for the precarious government of Viet
Nam. His service there will undoubtedly be
The case also served the cause. of public
education, in that the concept of "security
risk" now has a far more realistic connotation
in the public mind. It no longer means "Red"
or "traitor" or even "pink"; the term now may
signify nothing more than the figment of the
imagination of an ambitious and politically-
minded security officer.
The Eisenhower Administration may some-
day learn that if it shouts "Wolf!" long
enough, it will find that no one is listening.
--Pete Eckstein
New Books at the Library
Fatemi, Nasrollah Saifpour-Oil Diplomacy,
New York, Whittier Books, Inc., 1954.
Fermi, Laura-Atoms in the Family, Chica-
go, The University of Chicago Press, 1954.
Grossett, Harry-Down to the Ships in the
Sea, Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company,
Lang, Daniel-The Man in the Thick Lead
Suit, New York, Oxford University Press, 1954.
Longstreet, Stephen-The Lion at Morning,
Simon and Schuster, 1954.
O'Neal, Cothburn-The Dark Lady, New
York, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1954.

May Deflate
W ASHINGTON - Missourian
Morgan Moulder, whose con-
sistently moderate voice has fre-
quently clashed with the raucous
Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities, is ur g ing Chairman
Francis Walter to hold hearings
to calm the country's exaggerated
hysteria over Communist subver-
He would have J. Edgar Hoover
and officials of the Justice De-
partment, the Central Intelligence
Agency, plus other security watch-
men, testify on their work in
executive session. Then the Com-
mittee would issue a report sur-
veying their anti-Red activities.
Congressman Moulder argues
thatgthis would permit the public
to learn just how well protected
the nation is against subversion;
also would permit the hysteria
built up by Velde and McCarthy
to subside.
Note-ex-Chairman Martin Dies
has somewhat the same idea, be-
lieves fascism should be probed
as well as Communism. It would
be ironic if the Un-American Ac-
tivities group applied itself to the
task of deflating unrealistic fears
of Communist infiltration after
spending most of the last 10 years
creating them.
-Dixon, Nixon and Yates-
Robert Gates Dawes, President
of York, Pa., Junior College, is
sending Washington friends the
following views on the Dixon-
Yates power contract, patterned
after the old verse on Byron, 131.-
ley, and Keats:
"Dixon and Nixon and Yates
are a trio of marvelous mates;
for Dixon, it's said, often dabbles
:a stocks;
and Yates plays around with
utilities blocks;
while Nixon keeps occupied
hurling large rocks
at critics of Nixon,
and sometimes of Dixon
but mostly of Dixon and Yates."
UnAmerican Clean-up
Both Democrats i and key Re-
publicans are moving in on the
H o u s e Un-American Activities
Committee to clean out some of
its waterclogged, inflated person-
nel. Not so the SenateJudiciary
Committee, which has an equally
inflated payroll.
Congressman Francis: Walter,
the Pennsylvania Democrat who
takes over the Un-American Com-
mittee, has the cooperation of con-
scientious Republican Pat Kearney
of New York in weeding out Leslie
Scott, the Illinois weekly newspap-
er publisher who this column re-
vealed got a salary of $7,000 from
the Committee out chiefly worked
at mending Chairman Harold
Velde's political fences in Illinois.
They are also firing Mrs. Velde,
who got $8,500 a year as a com-
mittee stenographer Robert Ku-
zig, the committee counsel who
did about as much political cam-
paigning as he did work for the
committee; Charles E. Phillips,
whom this column exposed for
having submitted expense vouch-
ers which included a trip to the
Atlantic City race track; Larry
Kerley, who had the temerity to
call on press associations to com-
plain that the rewspapers were
not properly covering the antics of
Chairman Velde.
These and several others were

enumerated as deadheads in this
column on March 29, 1954, They
will now go down the drain.
In contrast, it looks as if the
padded payroll of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee would remain.
Like the now deposed chairman
Velde, the late Senator McCarran
gorged the Judiciary Committee's
payroll with his political pets. And
for some strange reason, usually
forthright Chairman Langer of
North Dakota seemed afraid to
fire them..
Now Langer has been replaced
by able Sen. Harley Kilgore of
West Virginia, and he too seems
cowed by the holdovers and hang-
overs of Pat McCarran.
Million-Dollar Influence
T HE PUBLIC sei lom realizes
backstage wire-pulling that
takes place over the appointment
of a commissioner to the semi-
judicial agencies which govern the
airways, the railroads, the TV-
radio-telephone channels of the
U. S. A. These commissioners are
all-powerful. They can throw
millions of dollars to certain air-
lines or telephone companies; or
they can throw millions to the
American public.
Such a backstage wire-pulling
contest is now taking place over
a key member of the Civil Aero-
nautics Board-Oswald Ryan, con-
sidered a stanch friend of Pan
American Airways.

"You Sure This Road b afe Now?"

. +
a N
Flashback Contrasts
Twenties with Present
THE HUGE SEASON, by Wright Morris, Viking, 306 pp. $3.75.
M ORRIS' SEVENTH novel is a flashback chronicle of the lives of
four major characters during the age destined to be linked with
jazz and prohibition: The Twenties.
What distinguishes the author's work from similar narratives about
this period is the striking use he makes of the time switch, the imme-
diate flash from the present back into the past. Morris, by using a
mechanical scheme of alternating the past and present by chapters,
succeeds in presenting not only an effective contrast between what the
main characters in the novel are now and were before, but manages
as well a nice bit of broad description of the problem of readjustment
with the society of our times that faced the survivors of that hectic
The book doesn't tell us anything new about the Jazz Age, or
about the people who burned out their souls to keep it the bright, gay,
blinding thing it was. But actually, no new insights have been given
on that period since the death of the Spokesman of the 'Twenties,
Scott Fitzgerald, in Hollywood, in 1940.
Probably not until we are a few more years away from the past-
World War II generation and try to analyze it will we discover a bril-
liant new approach to criticism of that earlier post war society.
THE REWARDING thing about The Huge Season is the honest pic-
ture we get of a segment of the "Lost Generation": the credibility
of the prep school and college years of Charles Lawrence, the rich
tennis star, heir to the barbed wire dynasty, of Proctor who idolized
Lawrence, and of Foley, the frustrated writer who narrates the story;.
the familiar, sympathetic, mixed-up personality of Lou Baker, the
Lady Brett-like comrade of the young men; and, strongly, behind them
all, the moving force of the ideas, the philosophy of their Age, work-
ing on them as surely, as irresistibly as Time.
The author's point is that his characters, who have outlived the
fabled period of their youth, are tragic figures, helpless in the midst
of the society of our times; for it is a foreign society with which they
are incapable of achieving full contact.
The value of a general application of this specific theory can be
disputed, but anyone who has lived the life of the Twenties or who has
had friends with that history cannot deny that Morris has captured
some of the flavor-bitter to the taste as it is-of this much-described
period of the American Experience.
--Donald A. Yates
Michigan Print Exhibit,
New Paintings Shown


At the Michigan..,
with Ava Gardner
MOVIES like this one are some-
thing of a problem for the
critic, being neither good enough
for his applause nor bad enough
to arouse the beast within him.
He finds himself uncertain whe-
ther to damn the venture with
faint praise or praise it with faint
Except for the matter of Miss
Gardner's shoes, The Barefoot
Contessa was a pretty straight-
forward affair. Those shoes were
puzzling. From time to time Miss
Gardner felt compelled to take
them off and get her feet in the
soil. On these occasions she also
felt compelled to distribute her
favors lavishly among gypsies,
guitar players and other unworthy
specimens of the lower classes.
This deplorable tendency to slip
out of her brogans follows Miss
Gardner in her rise from per-
former in a Madrid carabet to her
marriage with a real live Italian
Conte. Throughout this process
she scrupulously withholds from
the millionaires who lenC her a
helping hand those same favors
she distributes among the poor.
I suppose this was intended as a
democratic gesture, but it struck
me as rank ingratitude.
The first millionaire is an
American who reportedly "owns
Wall Street." He takes her out
of the Madrid cabaret and enscon-
ces her in Hollywood, where she
becomes an immediate box-office
success. But she refuses to honor
his request for a token of her ap-
preciation (she keeps a guitar
player in her back yard).
WHEN HE becomes overly de.
manding she goes off with
another millionaire, of South
American extraction this time. He
reportedly "owns the government,"
thereby going the Wall Street man
one better. But even though he
takes her to the Riviera on his
yacht, he doesn't have any better
luck than his American counter-
part (there's a gypsy this time).
Eventually she marries the Italian
Conte and comes to a bad end.
I'm sorry I can't report on the
quality of the shorts, with the
exception of the Magoo cartoon.
I arrived at the theatre just in
time for Magoo and after the fea-
ture I was dutifully sitting through
the first short when an usher ap-
peared with a flashlight. "Pardon
me, sir," he said, poking under the
seats, "this young lady has lost
her shoes." I darted a wild glance
at the young lady hovering behind
him and ran up the aisle and into
the lobby where I could laugh
without disturbing the clientele.
The Magoo was excellent.
-Don Malcolm

At the State...
TAKENFROM Walter Van Til-
burg Clark's superb novel, The
Track of the Cat, while not as
good, is a fine movie.
The novel was concerned main-
ly with one man and his obsessive
searching for a black panther. This
film deals more with the family
back home while the search goes
Track of the Cat is a philoso-
phical story with many symbols
especially around the cat of the
title. , In the compactness of the
literary work, the thoughts of the
hunter were easily expressed; on
the wide CinemaScope screen, it is
the interior scenes of the family
that are expressed the best.
AFTER HIS brother is killed by
the "black cat," Curt Bridges
goes after the animal, overtly for
the skin so he can give his broth-
er's girl a wedding present. By
way of his mother and sister, we
find that he is after the animal
because of egotism and greed.
Joe Sam, an Indian hired hand
who forsees the tragedy (and can
be made to symbolize many
things),. the drunken father, the
third and weak brother, his girl of
a poorer social level, the old-maid
sister and the callous mother are
all handled very well under Wil-
liam Wellman's direction.
But the main stork of the track
of the cat, and the illusions of
Curt and his mental disintegration
in a snowstorm are only hinted at
and never really explained.
THE OUTDOOR shots have ex-
cellent photography and the
harsher interior makes about the
best use of CinemaScope yet for
indoor shots.
a Beula Bondi as the hardened
mother gives a difficult role great
depth in the film's best perform-
ance. Robert Mitchum as the
searcher does well in the exterior
scenes where he has very little
dialogue and must express. him-
self mostly by facial expression.
Teresa Wright as the spinster
sister and Diana Lynn as the girl
do well, though Tab Hunter as the
timid brother is a little stiff.
Track of the Cat is not a gleat
movie. And even though too much
may be read into it, the film is
unusual and worth seeing.
--Harry Strauss
postponed until January its
hearings on how and when racial
segregation' should end in state
schools, since the appointment of
the new Justice, Judge John Mar-
shall Harlan, will not be confirmed
until the new Senate meets.
-The Economist

L.' I




Alumni Hall Features
Japanese Folk Art

TWO SHOWS again occupy our
attention in this space: one is
a travelling exhibition of the
Michigan Print Makers Society
and the other is an exhibition of
paintings selected from the col-
lection of the Museum of Art.
The print show is a nicely bal-
anced presentation of a variety
of artists and a variety of techni-
ques. Probably the most striking
work is J Ghooond
work is John Goodyear's color
lithograph Yellow Man. It is a
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigar under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers..............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director

THE SHOW of Contemporary Folk Art of
Japan at Alumni Hall is a small one; four
showcases of pottery, one of lacquer work, a few
textile and paper prints, and some basket work.
This seems somehow right, for in a country
that has, in the manner of modern countries
opened its arms to industrial technology, there
remains a proportionately small number of peo-
ple who continue to be backward, who continue
plying, their trades and producing what is to
me the most intrinsically complete and beauti-
ful folk art in the world today. It is not so much
a resistance to modern ways as that the old
ways are so strong and traditional. The exhibit
contains a hand printed map of Japanrshow-
ing the country dotted with some forty or
fifty local potteries; a similar map one or two
or five hundred years ago would not have been
greatly different.
The pottery in the show represents the best
of these outlets; the kilns of Hamada, Funaki,
the Onda prefecture, and the rest. On some
there is the mark of the master himself, as in
Hamada's case, and others are the products of
anonymous craftsmen imbued with the same
traditional methods, perhaps without the extra
something of the artist to whom each piece is

quite different in effect from the more sophis-
ticated small-patterned silks.
The hand printed papers are equally as
handsome, and there are a few with an inter-
esting effect something like a repeat pattern
of Rorschachs, done with colored dyes on ab-
sorbent paper.
The lacquer work too is excellent; the tradi-
tional black and red combination is a wonder-
ful contrast to the earthier colors of the stone-
ware pottery. I especially liked an ingenious
bowl and ladle set.
THIS IS the kind of show that comes once
in a great while. It is one that presents no aes-
thetic problem to the viewer, no necessity of
elaborate analysis or evaluation. In fact it
seems quite inappropriate and unjust to in-
dulge in this sort of thing in the face of work
that is so simple, and direct irl its expression.
Every last piece in the show is absolutely
complete in its realization. It seems that each
is so right practically that it cannot help but
be right aesthetically. And although the appre-
ciation of the beauty of these objects in a glass
case is far from what it would be if one were
engaged in their actual use, is in fact an en-

simple and loose arranger.ent of
yellows and line brought into an
arresting unity by a powerful
blacl' oval. It sparkles in color
and vibrates in design like no
other print in the show. On the
other hand Emil Weddige's Ten-
ants Harbor, also a color litho-
graph, strikes a more somber note
evoking through overlays of blue
and red a dense and glowing
image. Some might feel that this
lithograph 's just a little involved,
a criticism with which I would
tend to agree.
Of course this brings up the en-
tire question of the purposes and
limits of certain techniques, a
knotty problem which I do not
have the space to discuss here.
However, Emile Gele's Snorkel, in-
taglio, is a case in point where
in spite of the complexity of
technique and the rich variety of
textures and tones, the work is
so delicately controlled, so surely
integrated that its labyrinthian
character never degenerates into
AS FOR the paintings, let no
one consider them to be just
another collection of familiar
works too often seen. On the con-
trary, over a dozen new purchases
are shown including a painting by
that English "older modern" Gra-
ham Sutherland, one by the Polish
abstractionist Jankel Adler, one
by the Italian Afro Basaldella and
an effective work by a younger
Frenchman, Pierre Soulages.
One can't help being reminded
of those exhibitions decades ago,
with pictures crowded on to walls
from ceiling to floor, which drove
certain artists delt--rately to
create smashing effects just to

(Continued from Page 2)
Levy, of Princeton University, will dis-
cuss "Some Aspects of .Structural-Func-
tional Analysis" at 7:30 p.m. Mon., Jan.
10 in the west Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building. Open to the public.
Correction: Doctoral Examination for
Esther Marcia LaRowe, Education; the-
sis: "The Influence of Certain Non-
School Factors on Children's Response
to a Sixth-Grade Physical Education
Program." Mon., Jan. 10, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman, M. E. Rugen.
Doctoral E.amination for Branch Price
Kerfoot, Jr., Electrical Engineering; the-
sis: "Transitors in Analogue Comput-
ing," Mon., Jan, 10, 2518 East Engineer-
ing Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, L. N.
Stanley Quartet Concert Cancelled.
The concert by the Stanley Quartet
scheduled for Sun. afternoon, Jan. 9,
in Rackham Lecture Hall, has been can-
celled due to the illness, of Robert
Courte, violinist.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall.Michigan Printmakers Society, Jan,
3-23; Contemporary Folk Art of Japan,
Jan. 8-25. Hours: 9:00-5:00 p.m. week-
days, 2:00-5:00 p.m. on Sundays. The
public is invited.

cluding Sat. and Sun., extra showing
wed. at 12:30.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: "An
Archaeologist Looks at the Bible," Dr.
Francis Steele, Home Secretary, North
Africa Mission, 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall.
Wesleyan Guild. Sun. ,Jan 9, 9:30 a.m.
Discussion: Basic Christian Beliefs; 5:30
p.m. Fellowship Supper; 7:00 p.m. Wor-
ship Service and program, Bishop 0.
Bromley Oxnam guest speaker.
Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Lester
Co-op, 900 Oakland, Sun., Jan. 9 at
8:00 p.
Coming Events
Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., Jan. 10 in the East Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m.
Miss Winifred Moore will speak on
"Preview of Operation Cactus."
Democratic Party Day, sponsored by
the Michigan Citizenship Clearing
House, the Poli. Sci. Dept., and the
YD's. Rackham Aud. Mon., Jan. 10.
Professors and students from various
Michigan colleges, and State Party offi-
cials will take part in a morning panel
discussion, afternoon group discussions,
and a luncheon in the Union Ballroom
at 12:15 p.m. Featured speaker will be
Phillip Hart, Lieutenant-governor of
Michigan. Those wishing to participate
in the whole day's activities, register
in the lobby of Rackham Hall between
9:30 and 10:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Mathematics Club will
meet Mon., Jan. 10 at 8:00 p.m. In Room
3G of the Michigan Union. John Ulrich
will speak on "Plucked Strings and the
One-dimensional Wave Equation."
Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will meet
for the last time this semester Mon.,
7:30-10:00 p.m. in Lane Hall Recreation
Room. The first meeting of the second
semester will be Feb. 7. Beginners are
always welcome, and there is instruc-
tion for every dance.
La P'tite Causette meets tomorrow
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the left room
of the Union cafeteria.
Undergraduate Zoology Club, Room
3126 Natural Science Building Mon.,
Jan. 10, at 4:00 p.m. Election of next
semester's club officers.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues.,
Jan. 11, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Con-
ference oam_ R a.v . nIckham'flitldin .y flnf_

Pat Roelofs ... .Associate City
Becky Conrad........Associate
Nan Swinehart ...-Associate
Dave Livingston .... AssSports
Hanley Gurwin ...rAssoc. Sports
Warren Wertheimer


Events Today
Hillel Chorus Rehearsal. Sun.,
p.m. in main chapel.
Hillel:Sun. Supper Club 6:00;
followed by record dance.



.... .Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz . ..W omen's Editor
Joy Squires ..Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith .Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton . ..,Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise . Advertising Manager
Mary .Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun.,
Jan. 9. "Faith of the Church" lecture
series, 4:30 p.m., Sun., Jan. 9, at Can-
terbury House. Epiphany Festival of
Lights and Alice Crocker Lloyd Memo-
rial, 8:00 p.m., Sun., Jan. 9, at St. An-
drew's Church, followeA by coffee hour
at Canterbury House.
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., Jan. 9, at 7:30 p.m. at the church.
There will be a "final exam blues" plr-
ty with hot dogs and marshmallows.



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