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January 08, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-08

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Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 4


VOL. LXV, No. 77



Ike's Speech
Creates Stir
In Congress
Defense Policies
Irk Democrats
WASHINGTON (M) - Congress
took a second look yesterday at
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
State of the Union proposals, and
differences of opinion began to
arise over some of them.

France S bmits Arms Pool

,Project to

European Allies


-Daily-Don Campbell
ONE THAT MISSED--Bill MacFarland (7), captain of the
revitalized Michigan ice team, is thwarted in an attempt to
rack up another Wolverine goal in his squad's 7-.0 drubbing
of the Michigan State Spartans last night.
oW verineStartle
Spartan leers, -0
Continue 27-Year Jinx Over MSC;
Sextets To Meet in Rematch Tonight
Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING - Michigan's underdog hockey team refused to
follow the form sheets here last night as it put on its most dazzling
display of the season to completely rout highly-touted Michigan State,
To the horror of some 2,500 jam-packed onlookers in Demonstra-
tion Hall, Michigan Captain Bill MacFarland led the short-handed
Maize and Blue pucksters to their brilliant win by scoring three goals
for the first hat trick of the year.
The Wolverines scored early and were never in danger through-
out, tallying once in the first, three times in the second, and three

World News
Roundup I
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A mammoth
program of highway building cost-
ing federal and state governments
101 billion dollars over the next
10 years won the backing yester-
day of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's advisory commission on
* * *
Department said yesterday it has
lost touch with Noel and Herta
Field in Budapest and got only a
Red Hungarian "runaround" in
trying to reach them again.
The 50-year-old Field and his
Swiss-born wife were freed Nov.
17 by Hungary after five years'
imprisonment on spy charges.
J S * *
ROME - The United States
and Italy agreed yesterday on a
new trade pact which will send
American coal to Italy in exchange
for Italian-made goods.
Amounts of coal and goods in-
volved were not disclosed.
* * *
LOS ANGELES - Plans for a
new daily newspaper to be dis-
tributed free in major Los Angeles
hotels were announced yesterday.
Publisher Mike Kaplan, former
Hollywood Daily Variety writer,
said publication will start about
Feb. 20 with a circulation of 5,000
in 12 major hotels. There will be
no street sales, he said, and all
revenue Vll come from advertis-
S* * *
NEW YORK - The stock mar-
ket surged ahead in a whirl of
4 buying today to wipe out a sub-
stantial portion of losses suffered
in its two-day break.
Only occasional selling to cash
in on profits stood in the path
of an almost continuous climb in
Right at the opening there was
a rush of buying orders that forc-
ed the ticker to lag most of the
first hour in reporting the course
of trading on the floor of the
stock exchange.
Accuse Unions

4more times in the last period to
sew up the triumph.
"AM' Dominates Play
Despite the loss of its outstand-
ing forward, Tommy Rendall, for
the remainder of the season, Mich-
igan managed to dominate play
completely in recording its twenty-
first consecutive encounter without
defeat against the Spartans.
Coach Vic Heyliger, pleased with
his squad, which equalled its sea-
son's high in scoring, pointed to
the return of defenseman Bob
Schiller as the key to the Wolver-
ine victory.
Wearing a mask: to protect his
face, injured in a pre-Christmas
game, Schiller tallied one goal, had
two assists, and led the stellar de-
fense which aided goalie Lorne
Howes in chalking up hl- first
shutout of the season.
MacFarland Scores
It was Schiller's first assist on
the second goal of the evening
which began the demoralization of
the Spartans. Driving in all alone
on the Michigan State net early
in the second period, Schiller wait-
ed until the last second to pass the
puck to MacFarland who drove it
past the off-balanced Spartan
goalie, Ed Schiller.
Jerry Karpinka, with the aid of
MacFarland and Dick Dunnigan,
had begun the scoring at 11:58 of
the initial period, but Michigan
State's defense held up fairly well
See MacFARLAND, Page 3
Moise To Speak
To Math Students
High school mathematics stu-
dents from Michigan cities and
Toledo will visit the University,
Jan. 15.
Prof. Edwin E. Moise will speak
to the group, sponsored by the
undergraduate Math Club, on
"Variations of the First Topolggi-
cal Problem."
Students from Central Catholic
High School, Toledo, will have a
panel discussion on the duodeci-
mal system.

Several of the Democrats who
now control both houses voiced
uneasiness over the President's
plan to trim the armed forces'
manpower and put more emphasis
on air power and on "new weap-
ons, especially those of rapid and
destructive fighting power."
Sen. Richard A. Russel . (D-Ga.),
who will head the Senate Armed
Services Committee, said he may
re-establish a special preparedness
sub-committee with broad powers
to look into defense policies and
Similar Group Before
"I am seriously considering this
to deal with a number of prob-
lems," Sen. Russell told a reporter.
Such a watchdog group operated
under the chairmanship of Sen.
Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex), now
the majority leader, before the Re-
publicans took over control of
Congress in 1953.
In general, Democrats as well as
Republicans continued to praise-
with some reservations-the 33-
point program outlined by the
President Thursday.
The White House reported pub-
lic reaction, judging from tele-
grams which came in, was "prac-
tically unanimous" in favor of the
President's message, which severa'
Democrats on Capitol Hill de
scribed as "somewhat New Deal-I
ish" in tone.
Complain of Theft
More than one Democrat ex-
pressed the view that President
Eisenhower had stolen much of
the Democrats' campaign thunder
with his program.
Along with the defense ques-
tion, these were some principal
points on which congressional re-
action showed signs of division:
Wages-President Eisenhower'st
proposal to raise the nationwide
minimum wage to 90 cents from 751
an hour got a generally favorablet
reception, though some lawmakers1
called for a bigger raise and oth-
ers said a 15-cent increase mightI
be too much.
Farm Prices-Democrats in both
houses tended to turn thumbsj
down on the President's request t
that Congress let the new flexibleI
price support system alone. t
Sec. Stevens
Denies ReportY
Of Resignin
WASHINGTON tOV) - Secretary
of the Army Robert T. Stevens
yesterday denied persistent reports'
that he is leaving office soon. "I
have never felt better in my life
and I am not resigning," he said.
Stevens' mention of his health
apparently referred to a New York
Times story yesterday which said
the secretary is "reported to be in
poor health as a result of the men-
tal anguish he has been suffer-7
ing" following his bitter dispute!
with Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-
Wis.) last year.
Washington has been filled withl
reports this week that Stevens
might step out around Feb. 4, tak-
ing Army counselor John G. Ad-
ams with him.
Adams told a reporter yester-
day: "I have not resigned, do not
expect to resign, and have not i
been asked to resign."(

--Daily--Chuck Kelsey
TOTAL LOSS-Firemen battled desperately, but to no avail, to save a new and not-yet-furnished home in Pittsfield Township. Own-.
er Robert Jones had left for Illinois to buy furniture, and at last report had not learned of the fire. Pittsfield fire officials said cause
was apparently a faulty oil furnace that Jones must have left operating.
Arson Investigation Follows Fires

. .....M ove H oped '
To Repair.
n~~~ak With Italy',f" {

PARIS WP)-France has submit-
ted detailed plans for an arms
pool project which it hopes will re-
pair the damage inflicted on Allied
unity by French rejection of the
European Defense Community.
Reliable informants said yester-
day a memorandum containing
these details was in the hands of
the six nations to be linked with
France in the new Western Euro-
pean Union-Britain, West Ger-
many, Belgium, the Netherlands,
Italy and Luxembourg.
Part of the ground lost with the
defeat of EDC was recaptured
when the seven nations signed the
WEU treaty establishing a frame-
work for bringing a rearmed West
Germany into NATO.
Premier to Discuss Plan
French Premier Mendes-France,
fresh from his narrow but -solid
parliamentary victory in getting
the National Assembly to ratify
WEU, will discuss the arms pool
idea with Italian and West Ger-
mnleaders in" Rome and Baden-
Baden next week in advance of the
arms pool conference Jan. 17.
He undoubtedly will urge Ital-
ian Premier Mario Scelba. and
West German Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer to endorse the project.
Officially, contents o f t h e,
French memorandum still are se-
cret, but French sources disclosed
enough of it to show that it re-
peats some of the features of the
European Steel and Coal Commu-
nity, Schuman plan, the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization, and
even of the ill-fated EDC itself.
See Premier Wooing 'Europeans'
In this respect, as viewed from a
French domestic political .angle, it
appears to be an effort by Mendes-
France to win support from some
advocates of European unification,
or "Europeans" as they are called

Ann Arbor Police reported there!
was "no evidence of arson" follow-j
ing two simultaneous and devas-
tating fires early yesterday.
An investigation had been
launched in an attempt to explain
the blazes that ruing ' the Quality
Bakery at 347 S. Main St. and the
Modern Appliance Co. at 115 El
Liberty St. The fires caused an es-
timated $100,000 total damage.
While firemen fought the raging
flames in the early morning cold, a
third fire in Pittsfield Township
burned down a brand new home
before firemen doused the blaze.
Nobody Burned
No one was burned in the Ann.
Arbor fires, although one fireman,
Richarc' Hartman, was taken to
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital after
he lost control of a high-pressuire
hose and was hit in the face as it
whipped back and forth.
Yesterday afternocri, workmen
were busy rescuing the belonging
of William Bennett and his wife.
Alice, who lived in an apartment
over the Modern Appliance Co.
'Referee AJ)Jol Ii ldd
Director of the juvenile division)
of the Washtenaw probate court,
Harold A. Nielsen, was appointed
juvenile court referee by Probate
Judge Jay H. Payne yesterday.
Acting in his capacity as referee,j
Nielsen will have the authority toj
administer oaths and take testi-
mony for the record, duties , hich
were formerly under the jurisdic-
tion of Judge Payne.
Under the referee system, the
court will now be able to handle
more hearings with greater expe-
diency, according to Nielsen.


store. Although trapped over the in the Modern Appliance Co. store1
burning store, the Bennetts saved had apparently started either in1
their 11-months-old daughter by a rear office or outside, near the
dropping her into the overcoat of only exit for the dwellers in the
Patrolman George Bluhm, as it upstairs apartment, rickety back
was held by Bluhm and an uniden- steps.j
tified pedestrian. After firemen had brought the
Fire Chief Benjamin J. Zahn ; blaze under control in less than an
said later yesterday that the fire 1 hour, just as flames began to sear

through the ceiling into the up-
stairs apartment, rows of burnt
television sets and scorched appli-
ances stood in black testimony to
the more than $60,000 damage.
Arson Suspected
Arson was considered a possibil-
ity because of the close proximity
of the two fires in both place and
time. Bluhm discovered the Quali-

ty Baking store fire at 2:25 a.m.
Oppenbei Defend SAnti-TrustI and, while directing fire trucks to
the blaze, heard a woman scream,
"Iu ttee Rule of Reaso-n "Help! Help

,i L ~ vLit/i t1 He ran to the Liberty St. store
to find fire flashing up the rear of
By LOUT SAUER. . the building. His alarm on this
Ini a recent article in the Nation magazine, Leland E. Traywick second fire was received by the
charged the Anti-Trust Division of the Department of Justice and Fire Department only five minutes
the Attorney General's National Committee to study the Anti-Trust after his first call.
Laws, co-chairmaned by Prof. S. Chesterfield Oppenheim of the Zahn said it may have been a
University Law School, with policies which will work against the coincidence that the two fires


fusal to go all-out for the EDC.
The German rearmament ac-
cords are expected to go before the
French Council of the Republic
Senate in mid-February for final
The West German Bundestag
(ower House of Parliament) is ex-
pected to take a final vote on the
accords at about the same time.

realization of strong enforcement of the Anti-Trust laws.
Traywick. associate professor of economics at Michigan State,
said the committee is planning to make important policy decisions
by a "select few" of its members. He also said that since Prof.
Oppenheim, in his recent Mich-*,

igan Law Review article on "Fed-
eral Anti-Trust Legislation," sup-1
ported application of the rule of1
reason instead of the "per se" il-
legality rule for determining anti-!
trust violation, a "soft" method
of dealing with restraints of trade1
and monopoly will result.1
Cites Court Deciion
Commenting on the article, Prof.
Oppenheim pointed out that, while
he definitely is in favor of the
rule of reason, the Supreme Court
has itself supported that doctrine
since the historic Standard Oil
case of 1911.
1He added that the rule of rea-
son is not, as Traywick assumes,
in conflict with the "per se" ille-
gality rule. He said that certain
practices are inherently against
competition and are therefore un-
reasonable per se. These would in-
clude any market price fixing
Answering the statement that
major policy decisions would be
made by a select few of the Com-
mittee, Prof Oppenheim referred
to his statements as co-chairman
of the committee. In them he said
"The co-chairmen have the obli-
gation to see that the report sets
forth the thinking of the com-
mittee as a whole, including dis-
senting statements."
Working on Final -Draft
The Committee is now working
on the final report which will be

Convtcion. Date
ocrats announced yesterday they
had picked Monday, Aug. 27-the
second latest date in party his-
tory-to start their 1956 conven-
tion to nominate a candidate for

broke out simultaneously, but ar-
son is usually suspected when such
happens. He reported that in the
Quality Baking store fire, the blaze
was fiercest where a maze of wires
brought in electricity for the com-
pany's equipment.
Fire in the Quality Baking store
broke out in the three-story wood-
en frame building sandwiched be-
tween a brick business offic,-in the
front and a cinder block kitchen
in the rear.

Poll Reveals Students
Like University As It Is
At last it can be reported.
Michigan students are well satisfied with the University.
A Daily poll asking: "If there was one thing you could change
about the University, what would it be?" has found that most stu-
dents would just as soon leave things as they are.
There were some suggested changes, but they were varied. Top-
ping the "proposed change" department was the recommendation to
remove the driving ban.
"Ban Ridiculous"
"It's just plain ridiculous," Sue Brown, '57, said concerning the

To Be Tested
Is the weatherman always, us-
ually, sometimes, or never wrong?
Most everyone, some more often
than others, has found reason to
distrust the weatherman's care-
ful predictions.
The Daily, attempting to deter-
mine whether he deserves all this
abuse, intends to keep score on his
forecasts for thirty days, begin-
ning with Wednesday's prediction
for Thursday.
So far, his batting average is an
even .500. He predicted rain turn-
ing first to a mixture of rain and
snow and then to snow flurries
for Thursday, but the sun was
out all day. One wrong.
For Friday, he said partly cloudy
with no nasty rain or snow. One
Yesterday he predicted partly
cloudy for today. No rain or snow,
is he right?
Joint Judie
Joint Judiciary Council an-
nouncement of five students to
its membership.
Mary Cross, '56, Alice James,
'56A&D. Dave Davis. '55E. Fritz

Scientists. Pave Way for Vaccine

Of Violence
anti - racketeering subcommittee
yesterday accused two AFL Ohio

(This is the .third in a series of ar-
ticles about polio-its history, its
effects and the fight against it.)
Many individual experiments
contributed to the vaccine de-
veloped by Dr. Jonas E. Salk.
The first major discovery was
published in 1949 iDy Drs. John
Ende rToasWelea nFed

Weller and Dr. Robbins received
the 1954 Nobel prize for Medicine
and Physiology. Dr. Salk has com-
mented that their discovery, which
made available unlimited quanti-
ties of polio virus, was necessary
to large-scale use of the Salk vac-
In 1951 a research program car-

stream greatly enhanced the prob-
ability that protection against par-
alysis could be afforded by circu-
lating antibodies at the proper
Such investigations set the stage
for Dr. Salk.
On October 9, 1953 Dr. Salk told
a meeting of the American Aca-

ban. "Anybody can get a permit."
Gil Snyders, '55E, agreed: "It
doesn't operate properly and has
no point," and Don Walker, '56,
claimed that "it's unfair to stu-
dents who could have a car if the
ban were dropped."
\mp-'c h n. enp e i . or

Ken Shoemaker, '56, had a com-
mon complaint: "The weather."
Dick Good, '56A, thought that "a
better integration of the student
body" was necessary. Be-ter par-
ticipation at athletic events was
one eorrective. he said. and noint-




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