TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1954 THE An CHIIGAN DAMP PAGE 1SEVENTEEN, TUE M1CHIGAI~I flAITY PA(~V ~EVI~NTWi? X 471LAjL:k j X;f T XU.LI jL jWNZjA'% I Much Planning Precedes Choral Union Concerts Faculty Gets New Funds i aste of Army Life , Few people are cognizant of the n srh or S ud es months, and sometimes years, of ance does not interfere with the planning and negotiations that operatic repertoire. preceed the artists' appearance in A second obstacle to be over- Choral Union Series concerts. come is the dates of each concert. Research grants for members Man ofthesolist ar opraThe programs must be steered of the faculty are now available Many of the soloists are opera Teporm utb tee from an annual fund of $125,000 singers, under contract to the away from University vacations according to Dean Ralph A. Saw- Metropolitan Opera Association and exam periods. The congestion ycrdin t o Da RadhA. Saw- in New York. Before an Ann Ar- of dates as well as the repetition yer of the School of Graduate Stud- bor appearance is confirmed, the of similar attractions also has to be avidedAt the present time, about half Met must sign a release for the' be avoided.Athepsntimaotal soloist, so that the local appear- Arrangements for the Concert this amount is available, and re- _Series are usually made a year in quests up to $3,000 to $4,000 are advance. At present, negotiations considered most appropriate. A V Lists are being conducted for artists to The sum of $15,000 has been A Lists perform in next year's Series. made available by the Regents Outside Contacts and an equal amount by the Alum- d Through various contacts in ni Fund for the purchase of re- ReI Satel te Boston, New York and the Euro- search equipment. Icelandic Students Touring University CampusNow Two students from the Univer- sity of Iceland are visiting the Uni- Kristjan Buason and Magnus versity today as part of their 60- Sigurdsson are sightseeing and day tour of student activities in visiting various universities in a the United States sponsored by group of five chosen because of the Foreign Leader Program of the their leadership in student affairs State Department's Internation- and their potential for effective al Exchange Project,. work in their fields. Their busy schedule has includ- ed visits to Harvard, Cornell,-New W riti g ClaSS York City and Washington, DC. Folowing a sightseeing trip to Ni- agara Falls, the group toured the W ill Be Given University or Minnesmia and ob- 1 e - served community and farm life. A In E xtension major feature of their trip has been attendance at the National Workshop in Creative Writing, a Student Association Assemblat University extension course of- fered this fall, will be conducted by Interested in Religious Life Prof. John F. Muehl, of the Eng- A theological student, Buason lish department, it was announced wants to gain first-hand impres- recently. sions of religious life in America. Prof. Muehl, author of "Inter- He is a member of the principal view with India" and other vol- department of the Reykjavik YM- umes, will emphasize the reading CA and has held positions with and criticism of students' writ- s e v e r a I student organizations ings in thes horts tory, the person- there. al essay, and poetry. The oldest member of the team, Highways and Byways of Ameri- Sigurdsson is studying medicine can English is a new course which in Iceland. In addition to his in- will study the differences and ; t~ in pean musical centers, the Musical These grants are intended to Society is able to put a bid in for support normal research and schol- Territories the local presentation of noted arly activities of individual mem- musicians. bers or groups, within the faculty. .This year's appearances of the Graduate Faculty Fellowships The Allied Veterans Council, Inc.I Berlin Philharmonic and the Con- GrdaeFcty elwsis recently sent out a chart explain- i erlinu Phlhrmciandf Athero- for the 1955 summer session, 15 of ing the ar'ea contained in Soviet dam was arranged after years of them, will be available to those Russia at two periods in modern damowas a ge erear of having a definite research proj- histry.negotiations. Governmental per- ect which can be completed or history. minion had to be obtained, trans- etwihcnb opee r r iinhdt eotietas well advanced in one summer. In the years from 1939-49. the So- Atlantic transportation had to be These appointments will be an- viet Union acquired territory in- booked, syncronization with the hnounced in November, applications cluding Finnish, Polish and Ru- home season had to be considered, will be due October 8. manian Provinces; the Baltic and security clearance with the R States of Estonia, Latvia and Lith- United States Government had to Research grants dealing with the uania; Kaliningrad area; Czecho- be obtained before either Orches- social, philosophical, legal or eco-, slovakian area, South Sakhalin, tra could leave their respective na- nomic aspects of nuclear energy Kurile Islands, Tanna Tuva and troul are being offered by thePhoenix 151,000 miles of other increases, IThe st hudet rsbfr Project. Of the $75,000 in the fund, the report read. concert is arranged, is to have the about half will be available at this The Council's report continues New York managers of each artist time. by listing 13,961,954 square miles NwYr aaeso ahats of teitory that,4 are now mi-s plan the continuity of the artists, Other funds have been given for of territory that are now domi- research in medicine and on the noted by the Soviet. Occupied ar- routing so as to keep transporta- rems in cne ne bd the e ntion expenses down to a minimum. problems of cancer. eas include the Soviet zone in Roberta Peters, coloratura sop- Phoenix grant applications may Germany as well as the Soviet sec- rano of the Metropolitan Opera be obtained in Rm. 118, Rackh~am. tor of Berlin. A Soviet zone and will be the first soloist in this Building, and the others in Rm. Vienna in Austria are also now oc- years Choral Union Series. After 1006. All applications are due on cupied by Russians, enveloping Miss Peters' concert on Oct. 4 l October 8. more than 18,000,000 people. Eleanor Steber, also of the Met- European satellites of the Soviet ropolitan, will open the Extra Ser- now include Albania, Bulgaria. ies Concerts on Oct. 12. She will! Ch oral -Union Czechoslovakia, Hungary, oladt!r o~p~dh E SiC or lU i n Czeholoaia tHungry, olan be followed by the Societa Corelli+ and Rumania with their more than111 70 million people. on Oct. 14, the Boston Symphony Iwith Charles Munch directing on! e b rs i Asiatic satellites are China, Mon- Oct. an e ncrtgon golian People's Republic, North Oct. 20, and the Concertgebouw Korea, Tibet and Indo-China. Orchestra concluding October's t.you27. In all, 13,960,954 square miles of concerts an Oct. 27. the world's surface are Soviet .-The University Choral Union is MESS KIT BLUES-Several University students got a taste of army life at Fort Campbell, Kentucky- this summer. Pictured* above at the 1954 Reserve Officers Training Corps summer camp are Ger- ald Munitz, Tim Reiman and Frank Cornwell. Eight Awarded Judicature Scholarships Moves Eight students in the college of The American Judicature So-' architecture and design have been ciety has announced it will awarded University tuition schol- move its offices from Ann Ar- arships, Dean Wells I. Bennett bor to Chicago by Oct. 1. has announced, and two senior stu- Dean E. Blythe Stason of the dents have received the Smith, Law School said "the splendid Hinchmen and Grylls Scholarships facilities" available in the new- in Architecture. ly completed American Bar eceg U erCenter in Chicago "make the Recivig Uivesit t i i n move to Chicago a most desir- scholarships were Sally Huber, Stu- able one from the standpoint ar2t I. Ross, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Mary o h raie a n t c Alice Kuizenga, Suzanne Kitson, of the organized bar and its ac- Charles W. Harris, William De- The society now occupies of- miiene, and Bruce Gabel. fices in Hutchins Hall. The Smith, Hinchmen and Grylls scholarships went to James W. . * Katz Elected Science Fellow Prof. Donald L. Katz, chairman! of the chemical and metallurgical engineering department has beenh elected a fellow of the American; Association for the Advancement of Science. He was chosen in recognition of' his "standing as a scientist," he was informed in a letter from Dael Wolf le, administratvie secretary of' the AAAS. A certificate of fellow-' ship accompanied the letter. ' Fellows in the association are elected after having made a sig-I nificant contribution to science, The AAAS draws its members from sci n istcq inr, ciiifiplcAi.' trends of development in Ameri- can English, interpreted in the light of cultural history and pro- cesses of language change. Some attention will be given to differ- ences in British English and Amer- ican English -and to regional and social differences within the Unit- ed States. Other courses related to the gen-j eral fields of English and litera-' ture are Books and Ideas, which acquaints students with literature and ideas thath ave helped to shape Western civilization; Myths, Stories, and Legends, an examina- tion of classical mythology and its remnants in use today; General Semantics, which deals with the application of the principles of gen- eral semantics in thes olution of personal and social problems; and The Development of M o d e rn Thought. eresi s n me cine and tdenut activities, he is particularly ,inter- ested in university athletic pro- grams. Sigurdsson is active in sev- eral athletic organizations and is chairman of the Association of Reykjavik and surrounding dis- tricts. While in Ann Arbor the two stu- dents will be the guests of Dr. Walter B. Rea, Dean of Men. Art Course Given "Italy: The Country and Its Arts" will be the subject of a 16- week course in art appreciation which will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Rm. 4, Tappan Hall. Presided over by Prof. Marvin J. Eisenberg of. the fine arts depart- ment, the course is sponsored by the University Extension Service. lands, and 32°% of the worlds Pe- ?i r r now being organized for the year's uer and fos the years Professor Katz is known for his ple, or 767,878,000 of them, are in -activities. research on problems in gas and satellite countries, the report' C ter 'V sT imrsarh nprblmtialsany reads.tt cure th e upj More than 300 musicians make Cutler 4iI fl S 1S1 Italy ail production, transportation and reads. .G rades E ual up the Chorus and their member- storage. He has testified before The report is being sent by the 1qa1Corsansherhebe-ptf Prof. James T. Wilson, of the g- soae e a etfidbfr ship includes not only University tlljrjIr tscongressional committees on the VeeasCouncil to all veteran l jo .5 niesty of logy department, is in Rome, It- u can n15;wnteNt leaders in the state and was dis- H igh of 2.58 students, but singers from the city aly, attending the Tenth Genral subject, and in 1950 waon the Nat- tributed to the State Fair in De- and surrounding communities. Appointment of Richard Loyd Assembly of the International Un- Hanlon Award, highest honor of troit recently.Us Last season's Choral Union Cutler ion of Geodesy and Geophysics. Undergraduate students earned members with good attendanceCueas aisanproesso ojIits kind, a grade-point average of 2.58 dur- records will be re-admitted with- psychology was announced recent- He is among the 100 United F (mHgthe" 1953-54school"uenrddoeyerngStates scientists attending the as- Although there are no black or- their 1951-1952 record high aver- yI sembly from throughout the world chids, there is almost every other ai twsanucdbAsi- promptly at the offices of the Uni- The appointment is n a three- C.age, it was announced by Assist- vriyMsclSceyi utnqatr iebssfra thre epi esenting at least 4U countries. shade. versity Musical Society in Burton quarters time basis for a three- !..__.._______ _________ ____ Cve gsaE rdNew applicants for membership academic year of 1954-55. It is be. rTwer.aear priod eginnngawih.th Family Health, a new eight - Undergraduate men, with a 2.54 in the chorus should make an ap- planned to have Prof. Cutler de- First on C week course in a subject of pri- average, gaied .03 of a grade pointment for try-outs with con- vote the other one-quarter of his mary importance to all family point over the average for the re- ductor Lester McCoy either by call- time carrying on research groups, will open Thursday eve- vious year, but did not quite reach ing at the Society offices or by Dr. Cutler, a native of Nottawa, .ning, the University Extension 48 and tied in 1949-50, he said. tlephoning NO 8-7513 Mich., took his undergraduate Service announces. ' The Chorus rehearses Tuesday work at Western Michigan Col- Class sessions will be held at 7:30 He also reported that undergra- evenings, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. lege and received a Bachelor of.3UC p.m. in 171 School of Business Ad- duate women, with a 2.65 average,' with some sectional rehearsals on Science degree in 1949. From 1949 ministration. were .01 of a grade-point behind Thursday as required in the Chor- to 1954, he took graduate work at D The course should have a partic- the average for the previous two al Union rehearsal room in Angell the University of Michigan and rn- Lumbord's University Drug ular appeal for young married years, which were tied records. i Hall.I ceived a Master's degree in 1951I couples who are just beginning a Groesbeck said all freshmen im- and a Doctor of Philosophy degree 1225 S. University family, Mrs. Charles A. Fisher, proved their average .02 of ain95 extension supervisor in charge of grade-point, earning 2.40. Fresh- Professor Danaino1953. the classwork program for the Ann men men, with an average of 2.41,1I_________________________________________________ A rbor area, points out, though it show ed a gain of .03, w hile fresh: i cte thou__t_!_showedagainof_.03,_whilefresh_Re c e iv e s__wa rd covers material of interest to any men women, with an average of family. 1 2.39, earned the same average as Dean Emeritus Samuel T. Dana Dr. Donald C. Smith, the instruc- that of the previous years. of the School of Natural Resourc- tor,. will place the emphasis on Excluded from the report, he es has been named one 'of five maintaining family health, touch- stated, were grades earned by stu- men to receive the American For- mg on some of the individual fam- dents in the School of Dentistry, estry Association's Conservation IIy and community factors essen- the Graduate School, the Law Awards of 1954. tial to family living. Topics to be School, the Medical School, the The Conservation Awards were covered include the physiology of School of Social Work and those originated six years ago to recog- reproduction, pregnancy, labor and for graduate students in the nize those individuals who, accord- delivery, the care of the newborn Schools of Business Administra- ing to AFA, "made outstanding baby, and the growth and develop- tion, Music, Natural Resources accomplishments in the various ment of infants and children. and Public Health. ( fields of conservation." 'I ,} INDIA ART SHOP IMPORTERS 330 Maynard Street PERSIAN PRINTS as WALL HANGINGS I BED SPREADS koO JEWELRY lo DRAPES y" GIFTS I jo' JAPANESE PRINTS I III I! __.._ AML M ..T! a wNOw e0g IF YOU WRITE... WE HAVE IT Headquarters for Student and Office Supplies Typewriters and Fountain Pens { lIQ c eatlh~c1~1' 7 Ot~asp's Authorized Service Station for Sheaf fer and Parker Fountain Pens WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT ...Can give you Copy-writing opportunities? .. . Can make you familiar with Layout and Design? ...Can give you experience in Salesmanship? ...Can give you a chance to learn Personnel Management? Come to ENSIAN Tryout Open House TYPEWHITFERS Portable and Office Models We have for immediate delivery Smith Corona, Roycl, Remington, Underwood, . r,,. '' . r i Wednesday and Thursday 3 till 5 % f a 11 I II i {