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January 04, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-01-04

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Latest Deadline in the State


See Page 4




:Fire Marshal's
Report Discussed
Gifts, Grants Accepted by Regents;.
Post Created in 'U' Building Project
A dozen University buildings have been condemned by the state
fire marshal, University President Harlan H. Hatcher reported to
the Board of Regents at their December meeting.
Special precautions are being taken in the buildings, which will be
used until the University is able to replace them, President Hatcher
The buildings include Romance Languages, Waterman Gym-
nasium, Barbour Gymnasium, East Hall, Economics, West Medical,
Pharmacology, Music, ROTC Rifle Range, Social Research, Radia-

1954 Called
Worst Polio
Year So Far
With 37,771 cases reported
through its 48th week, 1954 emerg-
ed as the third worst recorded
polio year, according to the Na-
tional Foundation for Infantile
Michigan was listed b, NFIP
as one of 15 states having "more
than their share of the total blow."
Average rate for the continental
United States was 23.5 cases per
100,000 population. The polio rate
last year was exceeded only by
the record high of 57,879 cases set
in 1952 and by :949's mark of
42,0$3 cases.
Prevention CW:t: Ilizing
It was the seventh straight year
of unusually high polio incidence
but, said the NFIP, "polio preven-
tion began at last to crystallize in-
to the promise of eventual freedom
from polio's crippling threat."
The "promise" referred to is the
ualk vaccine. Results of a mam-
moth field test of Salk Vaccine
are ow heing evaluated by Dr.
Thomas Francis, chairman of the
Department of Epidemiology at
the University.
"As usual," a spokesman for the
NFIP said, "the disease struck
without rhyme, reason or discern-
ible pattern."
Alaska Hit Bad
Listed along with Michigan as
having been struck severely were
Alaska, with six times the nation-
al average, Hawaii, Wyoming,
Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, Florida,
Kansas, Texas, California, Utah,
k New Mexico, Ohio, Kentucky and
United States Public Health
Service figures show polio is a
major child-killer. In major epi-
demic years polio has killed more
five-to-14-year-olds than any oth-
er communicable disease.
During 1954, NFIP financial aid
went to 74,000 patients. Of these,
50,000 were carried over from pre-
x vious years and 24,000 were newly
Peiping Says
UN Official
Now in China
By The Associated Press
Peiping radio said United Na-
"r tions Secretary General Dag Ham-
marskjold arrived in Canton, Chi-
na, at 8:30 a.m. yesterday on his
way to Peiping on his "free the
fliers" mission.
The broadcast was heard in
Meanwhile, in New Delhi, India, I
Prime Minister Jauaharial Nehru
was reported yesterday to have
rejected an invitation to send a
senior Indian diplomat along on
Hammarskjold's mission to gain
release of 11 American airmen.
Authoritative sources said Ham-
marskjold made the suggestion,
but Nehru turned it down on the
grounds India had abstained in
} the General Assembly vote which
directed the secretary general to
do his utmost to get the -Red Chi-
nese to free the American air-
men and other UN personnel held 9
by the Peiping regime.
The rejection served to empha-
size Nehru's apparent opposition
to the trip. The Prime Minister
waited 19 hours after Hammar-

skjold arrived here on his way to

tion Laboratory and the tempo-
rary classroom buildings.
Create New Post
The Regents also created a new
post of assistant to the vice-presi-
dent in charge of business and fi-
nance, to serve under Vice-Presi-
dent Wilbur K. Pierpont. The new
assistant will be primarily con-
cerned with details of the Univer-
sity's building program,
An agreement with the National
Music Camp at Interlochen was
renewed for five years. Under the
agreement, the Summer Session
will continue to offer a number of
courses and "such other educa-
tional activities as are mutually
acceptable to the University and
the National Music Camp."
Gifts and grants amounting to
$379,527.28 were also accepted by
the Regents.
Largest of the grants was one
of $200,000 from the National
Foundation for Infantile Paraly-
sis for the Polio Vaccine Evalua-
tion Fund. Evaluation studies of
the field trial of the polio vaccine
are being carried on under the di-
rection of Dr. Thomas Francis,
Jr., chairman of the department
of epidemiology.
Stock Donated
From Regent Leland I. Doan of
Midland, the Regents accepted 300
shares of Mathieson Chemical
Corp. common stock, currently
valued at $17,003.02, as an addi-
tion to the Hester Spencer Doan
Fund, established by Regent Doan
in honor of his mother.
The Michigan State Board of
Alcoholism in Lansing donated
$9,000 to continue research by Dr.
H. M. Pollard.
An anonymous donor has given
200 shares of McLouth Steel Corp.
common stock, with present esti-
mated value of $7,125, for research
in savings and investments in the
School of Business Administra-
From the Buick Motor Division
of General Motors Corporation
in Flint the Regents accepted $6,-
837.83. Of this, $4,337.83 was to
cover expenses of the Michigan
Marching Band at the Northwest-
ern football game, and $2,500 was
given to the University Bands As-
sistance Fund by Buick in appre-
ciation for the appearance of the
band in Flint on Nov. 23 on the
occasion of the building of the
50,000,000th car by GM.
Law Loan Fund
Six thousand dollars were ac-
cepted as a partial payment from
the estate of Ray M. Mann of To-
ledo to establish the Ray M. Mann
Loan Fund for Law Students.
Westwood Pharmaceuticals di-
vision of Foster-Milburn, Co., of
Buffalo, N.Y. has given $5,000 for
a study of the antiseptic proper-
ties of the soapless skin cleanser
and modifications of the product
under the direction of Dr. Arthur
C. Curtis, assisted by Dr. A. H.
Wheeler of the Medical School's
department of dermatology and
The Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Co., of
Detroit, has given $5,000 as the
first year's subscription to the In-
dustry Program of the College of
See GROUP, Page 6
Chair Vacated

A great many people spend a
great deal of money to catch a
Not Florida Roberts, veteran
fishing guide.
He caught 12 Sunday while
fishing from the Port Aranas
"I didn't want to catch the
pesky things," he said. "They'd
been bothering me the last cou-
ple of days."
He was after trout.
M' Cagers
Drop First
Big Ten Tilt
Eaddy Nets 19
In 95-77 Loss
Special to The Daily
After dropping fiv of its seven
non-conference games Big Ten
champion Indiana suddenly came
to life last night in its first con-
ference game to down Michigan,
95-77, at Bloomington.
Three Hoosiers tied or topped
Michigan's leading scorer Don
Eaddy in the scorf' spree. All-
American Don Schlundt posted 30
points for the winners on 16 free
throws and seven field goals to
capture scoring honors. Two team-
mates, Jim Barley and Burke
Scott, neither of which have done
much scoring in pre-conference
tilts, dropped in 19 points apiece.
Schlundt set the Big Ten in-
dividual scoring record of 47 points
against OSU last year.
Fels Made Difference
MicaT fouls provided the
scoring difference in the contest.
The Hoosiers were given 59 shots
from the free throw line, sink-
ing 43 for a new Big Ten record.
The previous record was 42 points,
scored by Indiana against Purdue
in 1953. Schlundt came within one
point of tying his 17 point free
throw record set against Michigan
in 1953.
The floor game went to the Wol-
verines, however, as they ended
up with .368 shooting mark for
the evening, while the Hoosiers
could manage only .306.
Ron Kramer, Tom Jorgenson
and Don Eaddy looked strong from
the floor sinking 12. 16 and 19
points respectively. Jim Shearon,
subbing for Jim Barron, copped
11 points while looking very good
f'- the losers.
Indiana's quintet took an early
6-5 lead -I was r-z'r headed as
they breezed to 51-40 half time
lead. Jorgenson and Paul Groffsky
started a Wolverine rally early in
the second half, cutting the lead
to 69-66, but the Hoosiers over-
came the threat with a flui'ry of
their own, and the contest was in
the bag.
Lead Precarious
Although Indiana was never out
of the lead, its victory was more
precarious than the 18 point mar-
gin showed. Several times, seem-
ingly safe leads dissipated to Wol-
verine onslaughts. At the nine-
minute mark, the Hoosiers had a
22-12 lead, but an Eaddy-inspired
rally cut the lead to 24-21.
The large number of fouls on
the Michigan squad were actually
two handicaps in one. They not
only accounted for almsot half of
the Hoosier points, but forced
three Wolverine players to leave

the game. Groffsky, Jorgenson,.
See BARRON, Page 3









Student Leaders
o MeetToday
Lewis to Discuss SGC Transition
With 7 Ex-Officio Representatives
The Board of, Regents for the first time in University history
has sanctioned a student government.
Taking cognizance of strong campus support for the Student
Government Council proposal, the Regents approved the new form
of. University student government at their Dec. 17 meeting.
SGC,-composed of 11 elected and seven ex-officio members, re-
places Student Legislature and the 15-member Student Affairs Com-
mittee, the student government of the last six years. SL, although
recognized by SAC, has never been recognized by the Regents.
Earlier in December, an all-"

Cobalt Arrives After Delay




An overdue shipment of radio-
active Cobalt 60 was received by
doctors at University Hospital's
AlicerLloyd Memorial Laboratory
Dec. 23. one week after expected
The Cobalt was scheduled to ar-
rive in Ann Arbor the Wednesday
or Thursday before Christmas va-
When the radioactive material
-worth more than $15,000-failed
to arrive on time, University of-
ficials called State Police and the

Knoxville terminal and would not was shipped from Oak Ridge,
arrive in Ann Arbor until the next Tenn., in a two foot square lead
week. box weighing more than two tons.
The size of a stack of eight pen- It will be used in "Theratron,"
nies, the radioactive material pos- a new, $65,000 radiation therapy
sesses 1,800 curies of energy. It unit for treatment of deep tumors
and cancers.
Canadian atomic experts willi
N m eI lehart ;transfer the material to to Therethswekan ao-
~gw~iir~tron sometime this week and com-
plete adjustment of delicate shut-
Art C h rman ter mechanisms.
"Theratron" was built by Atom-
Prof. Robert Iglehart of New ic Energy Commis ion of Canada,
York University has been ap- Ltd. It is one of two'in Michigan
pointed by the Regents to the and six in the country. The oth-
chairmanship of the art depart- er unit in Michigan is at Detroit's
ment of the College of Architec- Ford Hospital.


Detroit branch of the trucking
firm handling delivery in an un-
successful attempt to learn its 1-
Wire services carried news of
the "lost" shipment through to
Knoxville, Tenn.. where a news-
paperman reportedly learned that'
the shipment was tied up at the
New U.S. Rule
Bars Russians
By The Associated Press
Washtenaw County has been in-
cluded in United States counties
declared off limits to Russians
yesterday in reprisal against sim-
ilar curbs against Americans in
the Soviet Union.
The retaliatory action was dis-
closed by the State Department1
after Secretary of State Joh'n Fos-,
ter Dulles notified Soviet Ambas-
sador Georgi N. Zarubin that the
United States had revised its
travel regulations.
According to U.S. officials, the
restricted area covers 27 per cent
of the United States. It includes+
about 1,000 counties in 39 states,
all of the Mexican border except;
Webb County, Tex., and a 15-mile
band around the Great Lakes on
the Canadian border.

ture and Design.
The position was created last
spring when the College was di-
vided into three departments.
Prof. Aarre K. Lahti has been act-
ing chairman for the current ac-
ademic year with Prof. Iglehart
scheduled to take over in Septem-

Dean Stason Made
Member of Atoms
For Peace Board

ber, 1955. Dean E. Blythe Stason of the
In addition to the art depart- law school has been appointed to
ment, the College now includes an the board of the Fund for Peace-
architecture department and a ful Atomic Development, Inc.
landscape - architecture depart- Headed by Walker L. Cisler,
ment. president of Detroit Edison, the
Prof. Iglehart has been a mem- group is composed of scientists,
ber of the New York University educators and industrialists; and
faculty since 1946 and chairman is the first .non-government pro-
of the department of art education gram to carry out the ideas of
there since 1948. President Eisenhower's atoms-for-
Chairman of a session during peace plan.
the recent Ann Arbor Conference 'lAims of the group included the
on consumer design, Prof. Iglehart improvement of international re-
has also taught here during a sum- lations by arranging international
mer session. conferences and providing ex-
In the field of education, the change fellowships for foreign
42 year-old professor has had as- countries.
sociations outside his university In discussing the fund's future
teaching. He does television edu- during a luncheon, it was sug-
cation work and is also connected gested that in connection with the
with' the Museum of Modern Art's Phoenix Memorial Project, Uni-
art education program. versity scientists will be called
A graduate of the Maryland In- upon to do additional research in
stitute of Art, Prof. Iglehart was the field of peacetime uses for
previously a commercial designer. atomic energy.

campus student poll conducted at
request of the Regents gave SGC a
favorable 5,102 to 1,451 vote.
Election To Be Discussed
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis will meet to-
day with the seven ex-officio mem-
bers of SGC and the Dean of Men
and the Dean of Women to initi-
ate procedure for bringing the new
student government into existence.
The group will consider the
election of SC representatives
and other matters pertaining to
transition to the new government.
Vice - President Lewis said he
expects the election of SGC mem-
bers will take place between March
15 and 30 but added the "sooner
the better."
He would like the election as
early as possible so that the ex-
perience of this year's student
leaders. may be utilized as much
as possible in getting SGC organ-
ized and underway.
Election Dates Suggested
A motion to hold the elections
March 29 and 30 will be introduc-
ed to the still functioning SL at
its meeting tomorrow night.
David Levy, '57, SL elections
chairman for the elections held
Dec. 8 and 9, thinks it will take
at least eight weeks to organize
a smooth running election.
Elections for SGC couldn't be
held until after the start of the
spring semester-because of inter-
ference with final examinations.
Although Vice-President Lewis
said yesterday his group will make
final decisions, comment indicat-
ed yesterday there would be gen-
eral cooperation among campus
groups in holding the election.
One SL member suggested a
plan by which all groups repre-
sented by an ex-officio member on
SGC would assist with the elec-
Groups Represented on SGC
Groups represented by ex-officio
members are the Union, League,
Pan-Hellenic, Assembly, Interfra-
ternity Council, Inter-House Coun-
cil and The Daily.
SGC, approved for a two-year
trial period, has various functions
including recognition of new cam-
pus organizations, approval or
disapproval of student-sponsored
activities, coordinating student ac-
tivities and originating student
projects among others.
Subject To Review
SGC action will be subject to
review by a seven member Board
of Review consisting of the Dean
of Men, Dean of Women, three
faculty members and two student
members. Student members will be
the President of SGC and one
other member appointed by the
Council. .
The Board must declare its in-
tention to review a decision of SGC
within 96 hours of its appearance
in' the Daily Official Bulletin or
the decision becomes final.
Wreck delays
'Special T rain
A freight train derailment east
of Buffalo, N.Y., held up return-
ing students aboard the "Wolver-
ine" more than nine hours yester-

French Vote
Falls Short,
'Bretton Says,
Despite approval of the French
National Assembly last week to re-
arm West Germany, the slim plu-
rality of the vote is causing in-
creasing skepticism as to the con-
sistency of the French govern-
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the
political science department, com-
menting on the slim 287 to 260
passage vote, said yesterday, "It is
a sign that there is not a majority
for German rearmament in the
IPench National Assembly."
Coupled with the very difficult
porblems involved in creation of
the German army, this spells out
the future of a European army,.
he added.
Although P r e m i e r Mendes-
France, pushing for passage of the
bill which would put West Ger-
many into the Western European
Union and NATO as a sovereign
armed ally, received 52 per cent
support of those voting, actually
the 187 votes constitute only 46'
per cent of the entire body.
Majority of Total Necessary
Prof. Bretton said that a ma-
jority of the entire membership
would have been necessary. "What
seems to have been a victory for
European integration is instead a
defeat," he said. "It is a declara-
tion, in fact, of no confidence in
the French government and the
German army."
Prof. Bretton was skeptical as
to whether the vote would actual-
ly set the stage for rearmament of
the Bonn government.
"I'll believe it when I see it," he
What can France do now that
the vote has been taken?
Can Be Made Difficult
"France can make it exceeding-
ly difficult for us to introduce
the angle of diplomatic negotia-
tions before the rearmament of
Germany can actually begin,"
Prof. Bretton commented.
"Before the rearmament of
Germany can begin, it will be
necessary for us to mobilize the
people of Europe. That can effec-
tively be sabotaged by a French
government intent on doing that
with the renewal of diplomatic
negotiation with the Soviet Un-
Prof. Bretton said that it would
be more difficult for the Bonn
government now, than before the
French Assembly vote.
"The lack of enthusiasm is clear
repudiation of the spirit of a Eu-
ropean Union and repudiation of
the Adenauer policy of reconcilia-
"It constitutes a boon for anti-
European forces in Germany," he

Musical Society Signs Stevens, Serkin



By McCarthy
seph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) rang
down the curtain-on his investi-
gating committee chairmanship
yesterday with surprise testimony
rom a brunetterwitness who said
she was under a Communist
"death sentence" for FBI under-
cover work.
She identified herself as Mary


Metropolitan Opera, soprano
Rise Stevens and noted pianrat
Rudolph Serkin have been signed
by the University Musical Society
for the 62nd May Festival.
Miss Stevens ..,ade her debut at
the Met in 1938 and has since ap-
peared in numerous operas, her
most famous roles being Delilah
in "Samson and Delilah" and Car-
men in the Bizet opera.
Serkin is known throughout the
country by his concert appear-
ces and recri'dings. A mak-
ing his debut at the age of 12

"Missa Solemnis" with Miss Mar-
shall, Miss Rankin, Meredith Cha-
bay and the University Choral
Saturday afternoon's program
will be an all-Viennese concert
with Ormandy cor--eting a pro-
gram of Strauss, Reznicek and
Mozart selections. Also appearing
on the program will be the Youth
Chorus conducted by Marguerite
Hood. The Chorus will sing a
group of Viennese folk songs
which were, orchestrated by Prof.'
Marion McCartor of the School

witli Bartok's "Concerto for Or-
Carl Off's "Carmina Burana"
will be performed Sunday after-
noon. The choral work will be
sup, by Miss M 'shall, Chabay,1
Meredith and the University Chor-
al Union. After the intermission,
Grant Johannesen will play Pro-
kofieff's "Concerto No. 3 for piano
and orchestra."
Miss Stevens will appear in the
Festival's final concert Sunday
evening. Her selections will include
works by Gluck, Tchaikovsky,
Z int-Saeis and Bizet. The or-

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