PAGE. SI ps'luff 1111 MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1954 PAGE sir THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1954 Survey Sees Engineers' Versatility By GAIL GOLDSTEIN Graduate engineers do not con- fine their, successes to engineering- connected businesses. According to a recent survey on the engineer's increasingly fre- quent role as a leader of industry, many graduates are doing well in other fields remote from engineer- ing. Although the men make little use of their engineering education, the survey shows they agree that if they had it to do ever again they would attend engineering col- lege. SIT Alumi The survey was based on a ques- tionnaire sent to all 5,300 living alumni of Stevens Institute of Tech- nology in Hoboken, N.J. Develop- ment of the role of the engineer in industry is attributed to industry's growing need for men in executive posts who can keep firmly abreast of, scientific and technical develop- ments. Whether the engineering student is too confined in his selection of liberal arts courses has been.,stud- ied by the engineering department at the.University. Dean Emmons Comments Dean Walter J. Emmons of the Engineering School states: "I have heard many engineering students decry lack of a more liberal edu- cation. But these students do not say what should be left out of the technical program to make room for the subjects. An engineering student can take any course on campus he is eligible for. The de- gree to which this is done depends mainly on the mental curiosity of the person involved." Dean Emmons went on to say that many years ago an engineer was strictly confined in his course. Now many new programs have been added to supplement the tech- nical education the students re- ceive. But the Dean is quick to em- phasize that though the literary col- lege courses are desirable, the En- gineering school's main job is still to develop technical engineers. Interrelated Fields He pointed out that the various engineering fields are interrelated and there is a flexibility in them. Twelve degree programs have been started which outline graduation re- quirements and provide for acoun- seling service at the same time. Successful operation of a single program is placed at the discre- tion of a departmental advisor whose main responsibility is to set up required courses and Correlate them with the degree programs. Generalized Curricula Working out generalized curricu- la is made so that the engineers may gain a broader liberal educa- tion along with the necessary knowledge for their own special- ized field. New programs may be added as the necessity arises pro- viding again for that element of flexibility. Also much work is be- ing done in trying to work on the programs and eliminate duplica- tion of courses so that the engi- neers will have more time for elec- tives in their curriculum. "You must remember," conclud- ed Emmons, "t h a t education doesn't end with the degree. There is no law against continuing with available formal coursesfollowing graduation." BIBLE CLASS: Book of Job Explored by Hatcher U' Hospital To Receive Cobalt 60 (Continued from Page 1) NEW CASES, NEW DISCOVERIES: Public Reaction Encourages 'Court' 4 President Harlan H. Hatcher, in the role of guest speaker at Prof. Bennett Weaver's Bible class yes- terday, explored the Book of Job for his listeners. "It is one of the great landmarks in the history of human thought, particularly religious thought," Pres. Hatcher said of it. Former Bible instructor Pres. Hatcher, himself a former professor of English and a Bible instructor at Ohio State University, explained that the Book of Job contains the ever-present problem of evil on the earth and the Bibli- cal concept of justice. "We have never solved this problem of evil; this question is as timely in 1954 as it was in the 4th century B.C.," he said. He continued with the Biblical history of the crime and punish- ment concept: "Throughout the Old Testament we learn that righteous- ness brings reward, sin brings chastisement. Nothing happens without God's direct influence." The story of Job's suffering is "a drama in three acts" according to Pres. Hatcher. The first "act" shows that all suffering is a judg- ment upon sin. Job, in the second "act," learns from his life experi- ences that God does not "seem" to reward or punish men according to their deeds. The final "act" teaches Job that "although pun- ishment may be delayed, it is none the less sure." Self-Penetration While discussing the series of questions with which God confronts Job in order to reveal to him man's inability to penetrate the myster- ies of the physical world, Prof. Hatcher said, "I like to pretend that these are a series of questions on an exam, and I ask them to my- self." "If the mystery of the physical universe is so great," concluded Pres. Hatcher, "how much greater the mystery of the moral universe must be." Award Presented To Naval Group A flag was presented to Naval Security Group Division 9-12 at a special honorary ceremony yester- day. The award comes as a result of the groups' outstanding rating achievement during an annual in- spection last year. The unit is for the special train- ing of communications technicians. 3 Win Industrial Relations Grants Three students have received grants totalifg $2,100 in the field of industrial relations. David McClung, '57L, was the re- cipient of a Clarence Hicks Fellow- ship of $1,000. This fellowship is awarded at a number of universi- ties to candidates giving the great- est promise of a career as an ex- ecutive or teacher in industrial re- lations. An RCA Scholarship of $800 was awarded Glenn Daffern, '55 BAd. Robert E. Croll Grad., won the Burton Arnold French Scholarship of $300. cillation, Prof. Simons said. He explained the patient lies mo- tionless on the steel bed while the machine is used. Precision controls allow a num- ber of varying adjustments fix- ing the number of revolutions per minute the Cobalt makes around the patient and the speed of os- cillations. The average treatment, accord- ing to Prof. Simons, is given, over a four to six week period for sev- eral minutes a day. The patient has no sensation of treatment, the professor said. Block Absorbas Beams A two ton block under the pa- tient absorbs dangerous -radioac- tive beams. The entire room con- taining the machine is under- ground and the walls are made of 18 inch thick concrete. The door leading into the room has a safety device which prevents operation of Theratron unless it is closed. Besides Prof. Simons, Prof. How- ard Latourette and Prof. Isadore Lamb, both in radiation therapy, are qualified to use Theratron. Prof. Simons said, however, that others will be instructed in its use. In March, the professor said, the University expects to get an- other Theratron machine which will be used with cesium. (Continued from Page 1) sometimes is when on trial for a crime. Investigators Hampered The attitude of public officials that has often hampered the Court's investigators in their search for evidence also adds to the chances that an innocent per- son will be convicted of a partic- ular crime. Authorities are anxious to close any case that arises. Prosecutors are prone to measure their suc- cess by the nfimber of convictions they are able to get. Although Gardner found exceptions to this attitude, he regards it as the pre- vailing one. On the other hand authorities a're not usually anxious to reopen a case once a conviction is obtain- ed. They are not prone to admit that the official machinery of the state has made a mistake. Besides, they are kept busy enough with routine matters without attempt- ing to resolve old cases. Going Difficult As a result, a victim of a wrong- ful conviction finds the going difficult if he wants to prove him- self innocent. Agencies of the law do not have the time, nor do they desire to re-investigate his case. And he has no money in most cases to finance an investigation that would probably require, as a start, approximately $1,000 for a transcript of his trial. A petition for a new trial or a pardon must be based on consid- erable evidences that the person convicted is innocent. Since the prisoner, himself, is unable to ob- tain any new evidence, in most cases he serves out his time while protesting his innocence. Now, however, he may appeal to the Court of Last Resort. If a preliminary examination shows.his claim of innocence to be more sub- stantiated than most of the stor- ies the Court receives, his case may find its way onto the Court's crowded schedule. Besides the number of cases, the Court's sche- dule is further. limited by the amount of time its investigators are able to contribute and the ex- pense involved. Many Released Despite the limitations, the Court of Last Resort has, been able to obtain the release of many a prisoner who was wrongfully convicted. There is no feeling among the Court's investigators, however,. that the whole job is being done.I The real answer to the problem, Gardner writes, is finding methods to afford accused criminals the means to establish their own in- nocence, or at least a more im- partial use of scientific methods by law enforcement agencies. The police have experts in every field to back their case for a con- viction they most definitely want, whereas the accused has not even a shadow. of their facilities. The Court of Last Resort has discovered these things in the course of its numerous investiga- tions. They are obvious facts that even the Court's investigators were not entirely aware of until it took up the task of correcting at least a few of the injustices arising from them. Investigations by the Court of Last Resort continues today, al- though its work can no longer be read in Argosy. The Court has found its original premise that public interest could be aroused for justice to be true. But it has also found that public interest is not as effective in bringing about justice as it had hoped. (Next: Dr. Snyder) -Daily-Dean Morton 'res. Hatcher after lecturing to Bible class Government of South Africa Carries Out Race Separation I By DIANE LaBAKAS Despite a United Nations pro- posal, South Africa's new gov- ernment headed by Prime Minister Johannes S. Strijdom has taken steps to carry out its race separa- tion policy. The new Government is going ahead with plans for the removal of 57,000 Negroes from the wes- tern suburbs of Johannesburg to a location farther out of the city. This shift of population in South Africa, the biggest in its history, will begin in March. To Take Time The removal will take several years, no families will be moved until houses have been built for them in the new location. Strijdom, who succeeded Dr. Daniel F. Malan in office last week, is said to be more extreme- ly nationalist and racist than Dr. Malan. He is known to his sup- porters as "the Lion of the Trans- vaal" and to his enemies as "the wildest man of the party." Disturbed by South Africa's ra- cial situation, 20 nations in the United Nations last week spon- sored a revised proposal last week which invited the South African Government "to reconsider its po- sition in the light of the high principle expressed in the UN charter." Charter Violation However, South African repre-# sentative W. C. duPlessis told the UN General Assembly's Special Engineering Selects New Council Members Those elected to the Engineering Honor Council were: Rodger Dalton, '58, Wayne Thies- sen, '56, John Heidgen, '57 and Robert Hoffman, '56. Elected to office through the coming semester were Robert Il- genfritz, '56, president, and Rodger Anderson, '56, secretary. Political Committee that the ques- tion constitutes interference in its domestic affairs in violation of the Charter. He said his gov- ernment could not accept this re- solution. The proposal included a two-! year study of the racial problem by a three-man UN commission. Next draft asked South Africai to consider suggestions made by the commission, which concluded that gradual integration of the 2,600,000 white and 10,000,000 non- whites was the only hope of settle- ment. The United States. which did not support the commission's es- tablishment, reiterated the view that changes in race relations "cannot come at one stroke," and were best pursued by patient ef- forts. Oil Wells Still Drilled Locally Says Landes Exploration is still being car- ried on from the northeast corner of Washtenaw County into Wayne and Oakland Counties where oil was discovered last January. Prof. Kenneth K. Landes of the geology department was in the vi- cinity of the wells when he spoke to the Northville Alumni Club on this subject recently. Forty-Three Wells "They drill around the clock," he remarked. "The place was lit up like a Christmas tree." Forty- three wells are in the process of being either drilled or tested. The importance of the discov- ery has not yet been determined, but it will certainly lead to even more exploration, according to Prof. Landes: Already there has been a temporary influx of oil men in the area. So far one additional producing spot, Chelsea in West- ern Washtenaw County, has been discovered. "The Northville Pool area has developed now so that it is actual- ly producing in an area over three miles. Wells now being tested may extend as far as six miles," Prof. Landes said. First Well How was the oil discovered? "A man just drilled a well in the right spot," ishthe Professor's ex- planation. The first well dug is still the best. Altogether, $250,- 000 worth of oil is being produced as well as gas. Trenton rock formation, from which the oil is being obtained, is the same type of rock that in the 1890's and early 1900s pro- duced a half billion dollars worth of oil in Ohio and Indiana. FO GROUP yRAVEL IN LUXURY CNARTER A N Y GO TOGETHER To: Sports Evts - Parties! Convenient, vate, amazing- ly ow in cost. Try !t! 9,CoqO.tato" P ... - , .9W..f . ..4..ewm m ~ ~ - hoa na S College Roundup Yale University has revised its calendar eliminating Thanksgiving recess and the lame duck Period between Christmas vacation and final examinations. Under the new plan, effective next year, classes will beginathe second week in September. Finals will begin immediately after the two-week Christmas vacation. Yale students will have an 18- day spring vacation instead of the present 10-day one. The Yale Ath- letic Association has approved the plan despite possible conflicting athletic schedules because students will be taking first semester finals when other universities are at- tending classes. * * * Yale instructors and professors will get an increase of 10 to 12% percent. Princeton will raise the salary of 131 full professors and 85 associates by $1,000. Having "lag- ged behind the national cost of liv- ing during recent years," the Yale administration has raised tuition to $200. Part of the higher tuition will be used toward the increased wages. * * * "To meet the lower value of the dollar" there should be an increase in college tuitions, according to the Interim Committee in Higher Edu- cation in Michigan. In view of the fact that college enrollment is expected to be twice the present enrollment in six years, the group met to discuss financial problems. "Each dollar paid by state resi- dents is augmented by an approx- imate five dollar state appropria- tion," according to theMichigan State News. Students at the University of Col- orado seem to have greater voice in student government than most universities, according to the vice- president of National Student As- sociation. Approximately $11,000 is appro- priated from student fees for stu- dent government. Q -J 0. -n '3: 0. -t t J : -J 0 -J WILD WILD to shop for! so certain to please him! our Impressive r WILD'S C., STATE STREET ON THE CAMPUS WILD WILD WILD WILD WILD J LUCKY PROOPJ.ES ?OOPDLS! -----" moib -r t7 WILD WILD WILD I ova P II I WHAT'S THIS? For solution see parogroph below. CONTOUR CHAIR FOR INDIAN FAKIRS Richard S. Nelson Creighton University CENTER LINE ON MOUNTAIN ROAD PAINTED BY MAN WALKING BACKWARDS Philip Wagher Western Illinois State College OX MAKING OXTAIL SOUP Alfred J. Farina Hunter College T 000 EATEN T-BONE STEAK Judy Magaram U.C.L.A. BULLET HOLES FROM SQUARE SHOOTER Allan.;Freund Michigan Normal ----------- * IT'S A FACTI College smokers prefer Luckies to all other brands-and by a wide margin-according to the latest, greatest coast-to-coast college survey. The No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better. They taste better, first of all, because Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then, that tobacco is toasted to taste better. "It's Toasted"-the famous Lucky Strike process-tones up Luckies' light, good-tasting tobacco to make it taste even better. Now for the Droodle above, titled: Inept smoke ring blown by ept smoker. He's ept, of course, because he smokes Luckies. Be ept yourself and enjoy the better-tasting cigarette . .. Lucky Strike. I STODENTS I EARN $ Lucky Droodles* are pouring in! Where Iare yours? We pay I$25 for all we use, Sand for many we Sdon't use.. So send every original Droodle in your I nodlewith its S descriptive title, to Lucky Droodle, P.O. Box 67, New York 46, N.Y. it iHMM.M" a1 i c ; f : " um~um~K II U _I F