PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14> X954 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 3.954 VOTE MAINLY NEGATIVE: Regents Should Approve SGC On Experimental Basis THE STUDENTS have spoken. The SGC pro- posal has been approved by 5,102 votes to 1,451 for SL, or around seven to two. The vote was taken at the request of the Re- gents, and it is on their shoulders that the decision now rests. Surely the Regents will consider the overwhelming support for SGT; over SL sufficient student backing to warrant approval of the plan. They should approve SGC at their Friday meeting if possible. Student government will not be able to function with any pretense of effectiveness using a vehicle in which the stu- dents have demonstrated so little confidence, and the sooner the attempt is ended, the better. But the Regents must do more than just ap- prove SGC. If it is to have a chance to succeed they must encourage it and give it support correspondent with that expressed by the stu- dent body. They must recognize its leadership of student opinion and respect the differences between that opinion and their own. 'THE STUDENT LEGISLATURE, in consider- ing' SGC, presented several points which should be clarified by the Regents Friday. One was that the SGC plan as approved is not a constitution but merely the broad outlines of one. Once set up, the Council should have the power to draft a full constitution along the lines of the SGC plan. Perhaps the most important of SL's sug- gestions is that SGC, if found impracticably small and short on help, should be allowed to expand its elected membership and provide for whatever appointed agents are needed to carry on a wide program of student service. Such service, while not an inherent part of student government, is essential if SGC is to keep its name constantly before the campus as an or- ganization working for the benefit of the stu- dents. SL's present activities along the service line should be retained, not passed off to other organizations, and in fact augmented if SGC is to gain a reputation as an organization work- ing all year for student welfare and not suffer the loss of prestige that proved so fatal to SL. 'THE POSITION of the very controversial Re- view Board deserves clarification by the Regents. Certainly it should not be able to do more than overrule action by the Council when It is in conflict with announced Regental pol- icy or postpone action when there is serious question as to that policy. Review by the Board should be subject to review by the Regents at the meeting immediately following such action, since the Board of Review will only be acting as an agent, attempting to clarify the Regents' position. At Friday's meeting the Regents should make clear that the Review Board's powers shall not cover expressions of opinion by the SGC no matter how they may conflict with administra- tion or Regental policy, nor would those powers cover any reasonable action to influence that policy. The limit on the time during which the Board of Review may announce its intention to veto Council action is essential to the effectiveness of SGC and is a proper assurance against com- plete stalemate between the Council and the Board. It is one of the few concessions to stu- dent opinion in the Review Board plan and should be retained despite Regental misgivings. As to the problem of financing the organ- ization's activities, a student tax of a nominal sum collected at registration out of tuition fees, much as Union and League finances are now handled, has been suggested. A student tax passed the student body by a two-to-one mar- gin last spring, and the Regents should make clear that SGC will be allowed to take advan- tage of this method of finance. IN APPROVING SGC, with whatever modifi- cations or clarifications, the Regents should keep in mind that the vote for the plan was, largely negative in nature. It was less a vote for SGC than a vote against SL, and many who had serious misgivings about the structure of SGC voted for it simply because there was no third choice on the ballot, namely further study of the question. For this reason it is important to recognize from the outset that the next two years of SGC will be experimental. The plan must be initiated with the understanding that it will be subjected to complete restudy after the two- year trial period suggested by the Laing com- mittee. There will no doubt be a great amount of inertia then, a tendency to let sleeping dogs lie, no matter how unworkable SGC may prove. At that time SGC should not be allowed to make the decision on its own perpetuation, es- pecially if there is strong student sentiment against it. Nor should the Regents place them- selves in the position of not allowing revision of a plan which may well prove itself impotent in expressing student views. INSTEAD THE Regents should indicate Fri- day that within two years after the estab- lishment of SGC there will be held another all- campus referendum on the question of con- tinuing SGC. In the meantime, students, ad- ministration and Regents should keep a close eye on the operation of SGC. Specific altera- tions in theplan must be ready to present to the students after the trial period. More rea- sonable alternatives should be presented than were offered in the recent poll, so that in two years, unlike last week, the voice of the stu- dents may be clear as well as loud. --Pete Eckstein DREW PEARSON: Ike's Idea - To Turn Cheek WASHINGTON - President Ei- senhower got a lot of private ad- vice as to how to handle Joe Mc- Carthy's bitter attack, but he, him- self, made up his own mind what to do. Those who saw Eisenhower in his press conference after McCar- thy's barrage never would have guessed how sore Ike was when McCarthy blistered him. White House friends say the President was purple with anger, though he did not say a word. One of the advisers, Foreign Aid Director Harold Stassen, urged that Ike speak out, name names, and call the score on McCarthy's vari- ous phony pronouncements regard- ing communism. Stassen reminded Ike that Dean Acheson, when secretary of state, had f i r s t ignored McCarthy's charges of communism in the State Department, figuring t h a t the American public would not be tak- en in by them. But McCarthy's Hitlerian tactic of repeating the same chargeover and over again eventually sank home and few peo- ple realize today that McCarthy has not named one Communist in the State Department. Stassen reminded Eisenhower that his administration should not make the same mistake. The President listened carefully, but decided otherwise. The President also listened care- fully when Republican Chairman Leonard Hall discussed the "Mc- Carthy crisis" before Ike met with newsmen last week. Hall, who has leaned toward McCarthy in times cast, felt Joe should be appeased and not be permitted to bolt the administration. But Eisenhower did not appear overly impressed with Chairman Hall's discussion. He listened, but did not even tell Len what he in- tended to do. South American Prosperity Secretary of the Treasury Hum- phrey, returning from the inter- American conference in Rio de Janeiro, told friends: "If I were only 25 years old, I would go to Brazil by the next boat, working my way if necessary, and I guarantee youaby the time I'was 40, I would be a millionaire" Humphrey's brief trip to South America convinced him that Latin America is on the threshold of phenomenal industrial devel- opment. He suggests that, if Amer- ican businessmen are wise, they will put more investment dollars south of the border than in other parts of the world. The economic progress of some of these nations, Humphrey says privately, will amaze the world in the next 20 years. Hatemongers The House Committee on Un- American Activities will soon pub- lish a sensational, but tragic, re- port on "neo-Fascist and h a t e groups," a subject the committee has ignored for almost 10 years. Communism, during that period, offered better headlines. The report singles out the Na- tional Renaissance party for possi- ble prosecution under the Smith Act; and also blasts the hate-ped- dling paper "Common Sense." This is the first official suggestion for applying the anti-subversion stat- ute to a Fascist group during the act's 15-year history. The committee found that "the program and propaganda of the National Renaissance party is vir- tuatly borrowed wholesale from the Fascist and Nazi dictators," The little Hitler in charge is a "young fanatic," James H. Ma- dole, of 10 W. 90th St. ,, New York City, whose sneering boast is that "what Hitler accomplished in Eu- rope, the National Renaissance party s h a 11 yet accomplish in America." The party is replete with a "uni- formed elite guard in the Nazi style," the report goes on, though a bolt of lightning has replaced the swastika as the party symbol. The committee sums up NRP's aimsas "preservation of the white aryan race by gradual deporta- tion of the unassimilable, the de- nial to Jewish people of citizen- ship, professional and poli- tical posts and the right of inter- marriage." While avowedly anti-Communist, NRP isn't above sweet-mouthing the Red line when it serves its purpose. It praised the anti-Semi- tic purges in Prague two years ago and agrees with the Commu- nists that "the economic and poli- tical ambitions of a small coterie of Wall Street bankers" are push- ing the U.S. into war. And it has high praise for "the superbly effi- cient totalitarian economic sys- tems of the Communists." "Common Sense" Second target of the Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee report is the anti-Negro, anti-Semitic hate } k . w " ! c y 'a ± L 1 ' - .i/ ,, }f. .s f, °: .;5: "Are You Sure You Don't Want To Run Away From Home?" . r '' +,.,, "T s i { , , . " rte' _. . .,'. 4 ...u.... ez+ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR REAP THE WILD WIND: Resurrected DeMille Tale No Longer Spectacular At the State.. Reap the Wild Wind with Ray Milland, John Wayne, and Paulette Goddard. rPOSE EXPECTING to see a Cecil B. DeMille "mighty spectacle" will be disappointed with Reap the Wild Wind. DeMille's 1942 effort is about as "spectacular" as a Grade B Cinema- Scope film. The fight between two men and a giant squib, which stunned movie audiences 12 years ago, has been duplicated many times since with much more exciting visual effects; and the then-startling underwater Technicolor photog- raphy seems foggy when compared with the last three Esther Williams' musicals. The result is that only the story can hold interest, and it is a pretty weak affair at that, serving as a ve- hicle to exhibit lush Technicolor shots of the 1840 Florida Keys. Partially based on a Thelma Strabl novel, Reap the Wild Wind is about sailors and sal- vaging crews who clean up the sailors' wrecked ships. But it is mostly about Stephen Tolliver (Ray Millard), a gentleman with fists, and Jack Stuart (John Wayne), a rough-and-tumble ex- captain. Both men are engaged in a struggle for Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig,................Managing Editor Dorothy Myers..............................City Editor Jon Sobeloff..........................Editorial Director Pat Roelofs. ............. Associate City Editor Becky Conrad..........................Associate Editor Nan Swinehart................Associate Editor Dave LUvingston......... ......Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.................Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer.............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shilmovitz............ ... Women's Editor Joy Squires............ Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith................Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.......................Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak.....................Business Manager Phil Brunskill.............. .Associate Business Manager Bill Wise........................Advertising Manager power and for Loxi Claiborne (Paulette God- dard), a tart, saucy, Southern belle who only needs to utter one "y'all" to make both strong men tremble. There is also an auxiliary ro- mance between Drusilla Alston (Susan Hay- ward), a real "yammy, yam crinoline gal," and stalwart Dan Cutler (Robert Preston), brother of wickey, crafty, King Cutler (Raymond Massey), who deliberately plans ship wrecks so he can make money. FOR THE first hour or more, these six have a great deal of fun being nasty or nice, what- ever their character demands. Even the audi- ence might enjoy the humor that DeMille in- jects into his characters (e.g., Loxi shocking Charleston society by singing saucy sea chants, Loxi and Jack trying to get married against Stephen's objections, Stephen spanking Loxi). But suddenly the mood changes and for the second hour everything is very elemental, pas- sionate and melodramatic: brother against brother, stolen kisses, waterfront brawls, ship wrecks, financial panics-,-the whole thing de- generates into a sensational court trial in which King Cutler grimaces so viciously that there can be little doubt he is a very, very wicked man. Somehow the trial's fate depends upon whether Drusilla's shawl (she drowned in a ship wreck) can be recovered from the ocean bot- tom. Thus the Squid enters. FORTUNATELY, all but two of the illustrious sextet die. This makes for a happy ending and leaves behind no unrequited lover or crafty villain. The only reason for viewing this resurrected sea tale is possibly a historical one: as a gage to the development of the motion picture spec- tacle. --Ernest Theodossin New Books at the Library Evans, Bergen-The Spoor of Spooks, and Other Nonsense, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1954. Koestler, Arthur-The Invisible Writing, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1954. O'Hara, John-Sweet and Sour, New York, Vote of Thanks ... To the Editor: THIS IS an open letter to the 800 people who worked in the SL All-Campus Elections as polls at- tendants. We wish to express our great appreciation and also that of the Legislature for the magnifi- cent job that you did. You manned ballot boxes faith- fully in bitterly-cold weather; some of you stayed with the booth for an hour or more than was necessary because your replacement didn't appear; you enthusiastically en- couraged voters even though you and the ballots were drenched. You were, to a great extent, responsible for the vote of 6,500 because you observed above and beyond your responsibility under the worst phys- ical conditions. With true gratitude, we thank you. -David Levy, '57 SL Elections Director ** * Of Hats and Hats . . . To the Editor: IT SEEMS there is a man on your staff who definitely does not belong within 20 feet of a type- writer, let alone on a campus news- paper. I have been reading Mr. Theo- dossin's reviews for quite some time now and have not been im- pressed by any one of them. "But that's all right," I said. All critics appear a little eccentrically high- hatted at times. However, in the December 9 edition of The Michi- gan Daily the epitome of insult was reached. Mr. Theodossin's comments of the Michigan Union Opera, "Hail to Victor," were slanderous, provocative, and com- pletely without justification. I attended the opening night per- formance of "Hail to Victor" and I might add that I haven't spent a more enjoyable evening at the theater in quite some time. Grant- ed, there were several rough spots in the show and some of its jagged edges need a little constructive trimming, but no error so great was made to justify the abusive criticism heaped upon the show by Mr. Theodossin. In the future I suggest that Mr. Theodossin take into considera- tion the feelings of a few of the men on this campus before he proceeds to push their faces in the mud. The men of this year's Un- ion Opera have devoted many hours of rigorous planning and re- hearsals to the production of "Hail to Victor." My hat goes off to these men. However, Mr. Theo- dossin, as per usual, I see you are still wearing yours. -Larry Rosen, '57 s * Dull Polish ... To the Editor: MR. THEODOSSIN'S review of the Union Opera was aptly S- lined "Mass Confusion." However, the confusion was Mr. Theodossin's, and not the casts's nor the writers.' At the beginning of the review, Mr. Theodossin led his readers to believe that the story of "Hail To Victor" was "often very dull," be- gan slowly," and "ended in . mass confusion." Gradually, he began to pardon Frymer's book and lyrics, and Mc- Donough's music. The review's grande finale jour- nalistically sang praises of the writers' material, whilst at the same time, it panned the cast, who, according to Ivr. T, only 'need "polish, polish, polish." now existing in miserable circum- stances, while misguided philan- thropy builds museums and statues in their annihilated ancestors memory. Thousands upon thous- ands of Cherokees, Navajos, and other Indian tribes are starving while Seven million dollars which would certainly help feed, educate and clothe some of this multitude is being used in such a pathetic manner. Perhaps in the final analysis the most ironical statements in the entire article were those in which Professor Volney H, Jones Curator of Ethnology and President of this misguided enterprise, stated that this project would increase the In- dian's "pride" in their own tradi- tions. I fail to see how such a project can instill pride in the In- dians. Instead it is a certainty that the Indians will deeply resent the twisted logic of the Great White Father's newest adventure. Cold, hungry men do not take pride in tradition; they only feel anger for the fat, well-clothed men who suggest building statues contain- ing balconies in the arms with money thatcould better buy food. It is a pity that such intelligent men do not have common sense enough to realize that such a pro- ject is placing the "cart before the horse." To take a people's country, place them on reserva- tions to starve, and then raise statues and build parks under their very noses is the height of hypocracy. -Shirley Ann Powell, '55L.S.&A. ** * Fire Inspection. To the Editor: I WAS quite unhappy about the caption on the article by Lee Marks which said, "Chi Psi Guilty of One Violation." While we are all glad to see that something is finally being done about fire in- spection, I believe that it should start where the majority of the trouble lies. That is, in the many privately owned rooming houses. I fear that after the inspectors have covered the sorority and fraternity houses, the whole in- spection program will slack off once again. The rooming houses are by far the most frequent and overt vio- lators of the fire regulations. So let's take the bull by the horns and start at the beginning be- fore we have a recurrence of the Monroe Street episode. -W. Peter Kramer, '56 TODAY AND TOMORROW Knowland Puts President In Unfortunate Spot By WALTER LIPPMANN A FEW YEARS AGO I would have felt differently than I did last Tuesday morning in London when I had the good luck to see the state opening of Parliament and the tribute to Churchill in West- minster Hall. Anyone at any time would be fascinated by the splendor and brilliance of the ceremony in the House of Lords, and deeply moved by seeing full juttice done publicly to the great man. But for an Am- erican today there was also, I could not help feeling, a poignant re- minder that something at home, which in infinitely precious, is in danger of being lost. That something is a loyalty to the enduring nation which is so com- pelling that it keeps party politics, and the competition for votes and for popular applause, in their proper place. That proper place is well below, and far apart from, the high concerns of the state in its dealings abroad and, at home, in the administration of justice. Churchill, in his speech replying to Mr. Attlee, spoke of "that characteristic British parliamentary principle, cherished in both Lords and Commons 'don't bring politics into private life'." The principle,,so an American can feel, is broader than that. It is not to let politics invade every nook and cranny of public life until the whole institutional framework of the nation is submerged and overwhelmed by ambitious and quarreling men. The British have their own way of applying the principle that the nation is above politicians and voters and the tides of opinion. Their way is unique, the product of their, own history, and impossible, of course, to duplicate. But the principle itselft does not depend upon having a radiant Queen to play the central part in an ancient rite. It depends upon the things for which Lincoln on the eve of the Civil War was reaching in the closing paragraph of his first inaugural add- ress. "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break, our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." It is not necessary, as our own history has shown, to have the pomp and circumstance of a monarchy and of an hereditary aristocracy in order to remember that there is a limit beyond which political pas- sions must not go, or they will break the bonds of affection which hold the nation together in time of trouble. Our American unity has been a plainer one than is the British: it has been made up of respect for the principles and the usages and, above all, for the spirit of the Constitution. IT IS THAT respect is now so gravely jeopardized. For what we call McCarthyism has begun to have something of the smell and sound of insurrection. The offense of this man is not only his contempt of the Senate but his contempt for those bonds of affection, for those mystic chords of memory, which make it possible for men to be free, and to differ, and yet to be one people. He has come into our midst not in order to unite us against our enemies but in order to divide us among ourselves. He claims for himself the right to treat all who oppose Mc- Carthy as the enemies of American, and to contend, with the approval of his own infatuated supporters, that to keep McCarthy within the bounds of law and order is to betray the country. SEN. KNOWLAND, who is a civilized man and a likeable one, said on Wednesday in announcing that he would not vote to censure, that "certainly we must . . . continue the power of the Senate to conduct investigations into the Executive branch of the government .We have a constitutional obligation to do that, and we must resist with all the power at our command, and it is a substantial power, an effort to curtail to the slightest degree that power of investigation." Just what, it may fairly be asked, does the Senator mean by "curtail?" For this is a government of equal powers, and if the Senator's words are to be taken as meant at face value, he was proclaiming that the rights of Congress are, as against those of the Executive and the'Judiciary, un- limited rights. For if they cannot be curtailed "to the slightest degree," then they are absolute and unlimited. What, I would like to know, is the Senator's constitutional philo- sophy? It is a serious question. For if he means what his vehement words say, he is claiming that Congress alone is the judge of how far it may go with the investigating process, that the Executive has n right and duty to defend his own constitutional prerogative. THE CLAIM, as Sen. Knowland sets it forth, is unconstitutional, in violent opposition to the spirit and the meaning of the Constitu- tion. The right of Congress to investigate is not uncurtailed It is cur- taled by the prerogatives of the Executive in dealing with his consti- tutional responsibilities. The claim that Congressional investigation cannot be curtailed to the slightest degree would mean, if it were taken serously, that Congress could read every paper in the Executive branch, could listen to every telephone conversation, could put its agents into every conference. There is no such absolute right under the American system of government and the President would be false to his own oath of office if he allowed Congress to exercise such uncur- tailed right. It is ominous-ominous for the spirit of constitutionalism in this land-that the leader of the administration party in the Senate should make such a claim to unlimited power. For if he means to enforce that claim, as his support of McCarthy indicates that he does, then we must look forward to implacable political warfare within the govern- ment. This is hardly the way to unite our people, and to give them the resolution and the confidence to meet the ordeal abroad about which Sen. Knowland is so rightly, though often so unwisely, concerned. (Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) I C f4 I h A A A I T DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Titration of Antiserum and its Applica- tion to Anti-Tumor Serum," Dec. 15, 1566 East Medical Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester. Doctoral Examination for Martha Te- rosse Boaz, Library Science; thesis: "A Qualitative Analysis of the Criticism of Best Sellers: A Study of the Reviews and Reviewers of Best Selling Books from 1944 to 1953," wed., Dec. 15, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, R. H. Gjelsness. Concerts Faculty Recital Cancelled. The pro- gram by Helen Titus, Associate Profes- sor of Piano in the School of Music, previously anounced for Tues., Dec. 14, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, has been cancelled. Christmas Concert by UNIVERSITY CHOIR, Maynard Klein, Conductor, 8:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 15, in Hill Auditorium. Soloists: Phyllis McFarland, soprano, speak on, "Contemporary French Pol- itics." Congregational-Disciples Guild. Tues., 4:30-5:45 p.m. Tea at the Guild House. Varsity Debate Team. No meeting of the Debate Squad Tues., Dec. 14. All students are invited to view the tele- vision debate in the Trueblood Room, 3227 Angell, at 7:30 p.m. Mon. Deutscher Verein's annual Weihn- achtsfeier Tues., Dec. 14, at 7:30 p.m., Christmas trees, Santa Claus with Christmas party in the Union Ballroom. gifts for the children, community sing- ing, folk dancing, and refreshments. Five films: "Merry Christmas," Boys' Choir of Vienna; "Beautiful Bavaria," "Christmas Rhapsody," "Harmonicas," and the story of the writing of 'Silent Night." Adults 35c, children 15c, mem- bers free. Co-recreational Badminton Club will meet tonight in Barbour gym at 8:00 p.m. Bring your own shuttlecocks. The ladder tournament is still open. Christmas Vespers will be held in the sanctuary of the Presbyterian church at 5:10 p.m. this afternoon. Coming Events La Sociedad Hispanica will combine with LE CERCLE FRANCAIS for the an- nual Christmas party Wed., Dec. 15, at the Union at 7:30 p.m. Entertainment, refreshments, and caroling iafterward. Michigan Dames: The Bridge Group will meet Wed., Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m. at the League. Short discussion about chang- ing the time of the meeting. Members are asked to bring a deck of cards. Mrs. Hunter, Group Sponsor will helpe beginners. Research Club. Dec. 15, at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers will be presented by H. R. Crane (Physics), on, "Dating the Past by Means of Ra- dioactivity," and by Russell H. Fifield (Political Science) on, "The Armistice in Indochina." Open to members only. Episcopal student Foundation. Stu- I