Regents Should Approve SGC See Page 4 Yl r e lt rigau Latest Deadline in the State 41P 742 a t 149 L VOL. LXV, No.69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1954 EIGHT PAGES Tax Slash Delay Proposed by Ike Cancellation of Planned Reduction Part of GOP Legislative Program WASHINGTON W-A big chunk of President Eisenhower's legis- lative program was laid before Republican congressional leaders yes- terday including, one of them said, a plan to postpone about three billion dollars in tax relief scheduled for next year. The congressional informant, who declined to be quoted by name, reported the administration will ask the 84th Congress to extend the present corporate income tax rate of 52 per cent and existing excises on automobiles, alcoholic beverages and other big selling items. Sharp cuts in these taxes are scheduled to go into effect April 1 unless Congress acts. The GOP leaders met with Eisenhower and members of his Cabi- Peiping Radio Charges {.::... U.S. Shows Contei pt jt.. kFor International Law +? PARDONFD: Boggie Case Unraveled By 'Court' (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is fourth in a series of articles on Court of Last Resort.) the the By JIM DYGERT The story behind Clarence Bog- gie's arrest for the murder of Mor- itz Peterson was extremely diffi- cult for Erle Stanley Gardner to untangle., Boggie had been involved in a robbery in Idaho with a convict who had forced him to participate in the crime. Gardner, after taking up the case for the Court of Last Resort, interviewed this convict and discovered that he and Boggie had been together in Spokane about the time of Peterson's murder. Spokane police had wanted this convict in connection with a rob- bery and kidnapping. But he was not apprehended until both he and Boggle were caught in the Idaho robbery. Washington wanted to ex- tradite him for trial on the pre- vious charge but the convict saw opportunities in Spokan's anxious- ness to solve the Peterson case. Gardner surmises that he tried to deal with Washington authorities by naming the man who killed Pe- terson. At any rate, he was not ex- tradited to Washington. And the po- lice returned from Idaho claiming they knew who had killed Peterson. "The Fall Guy' They had with them a pair of coveralls and a pair of black shoes which the convict told them Boggie said were the property of "the old man." Boggie was the fall guy. The convict told Washington authorities that Boggie had killed Peterson. But the coveralls did not belong to Peterson and the shoes were the wrong size, and, although the po- lice examined Boggie from all an- gles, the Peterson murder went once again into the unsolved file. Many months later and "on a tip" the officers went to a place near a small Oregon town and found an overcoat, which evidence showed Boggie had worn. Peter- son's daughter identified the coat as her father's. Police swarmed down on Boggie. The murderer had been described as bushy-haired, so officers un- ruffled Boggie's hair when wit- nesses came. Boggie's story of how he got the overcoat was prepos- terous. He claimed to have bought it for a dollar from a man who walked into a clothing store and offered to sell it to the proprietor, who refused. Witnesses who had not seen the murderer's face identified Boggie as "looking like" the man who had been fleeing from Peterson's shack, although this was two years now after the murder. There was not even a line-up. They were just brought in and asked if Boggie was the man, The prosecution's case rested mainly on the identification of the, overcoat, despite the fact that the man seen running from the scene of the crime had been neither car- rying nor wearing an overcoat. There were other angles .to the. case, too, some of which were in Booggie's favor. But, when he tried to explain the situation and tell hisr story, he was asked if it were true that he had twice been convicted of a felony. Sentenced to Lifet Boggie had to admit he had been. He was convicted and sentenced toi life imprisonment. That was how the Court of Last net for six hours and 15 minutes at the White House. Report Doesn't Mention Cuts A statement issued by the White House after the conference did not mention the Administration's re- ported decision to seek a post- ponement of the tax cuts, although it said the government's fiscal situation was discussed. The statement disclosed there was preliminary discussion of these and other proposals the President will submit to Congress in Janu- ary: 1. Extension of the Defense Pro- duction Act and the law providing for reorganization of executive agencies. 2. Continuation of the Small Busi- ness Administration. 3. Statehood for Hawaii shelved by the last Congress. 4. Increased presidential author- 'ity to cut tariffs. 5. A 10-year multibillion dollar program of highway buidling. 6. Wage adjustments for the fed- eral service and elimination of in- equities in pay scales in the post- al service. 7. Revision of the Constitution to lower the voting age to 18 or there- abouts-rejected by the last Con- gress. Humphrey Announcement The administration's tax deci- sion was reported in the wake of Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey's announcement a week ago that the budget cannot be bal- anced for thebfiscal year beginning July 1. A deficit of about 4 mil- lion dollars is in prospect for the current fiscal year. Earlier in the day, Sen. Eugene Millikin (R-Colo.), asked by report- ers whether the session was har- monious, replied with a smile: "Oh, yes-like a cooing dove." It has been generally expected that the Administration would be forced to call for postponement of tax cuts. Will Cost $2 Billion Unless Congress agrees on an extension, the corporation tax rate will drop from 52 per cent to 47 April 1, costing the Treasury about two billion dollars a year in reve- nue. Reductions are also scheduled for the excise tax rates on such big sellers as gasoline, cigarettes, whisky, wine, beer, automobiles and trucks. The corporation income tax rate was hiked by the Truman Admin- istration during the Korean War. Aid For Asia Another congressional leader said Administration aides brought up the subject of an expanded economic aid program for Asia, although no specific figures were mentioned. Eisenhower will lay his plans be- fore the new Congress formally next month in his State of the Un- ion message. --Daily-Dean Morton CHILDREN AND CHRISTMAS-Ann Arborites take their children along In their search for the appropriate Christmas gift for everyone on their lists. This December is no exception as the perennial Christmas rush gathers momentum. Most of the local merchants report business is running slightly ahead of last year's pace. Chamber of Commerce Manager Robert L. Gage said business is "holding steady to last year or better." Gage talked to 16 Ann Arbor businessmen last week while preparing a report on Christmas business. Only exception has occurred in stores selling ladies ready-to-wear apparel, Gage said. He attributed this largely to the unseasonally warm weather so far this month. Contrary to rumors that local business was below par, a downtown jeweler thought there was nothing to worry about, although it "is still too early to tell." Monday evenings have been especially ">i rushed, Gage indicated. Last carport, he said. ACTION FRIDAY?: SL Faces Uncertainty As Regents W eigh SGC By DAVE BAAD Student Legislature, sidelined by students last week in favor of Student Government Council faces uncertainty in the months ahead. The results of last week's two-day student referendum endorsing SGC by a heavy 5,102 to 1.451 count will be sent to University Regents for possible action Friday. SL, regardless of the Regents action, is in a tenuous situation. If~the Regents recognize SGC as the new University student gov- Monday there were only four empty spaces left in the Maynard St. J!)int ,Judic Petitions for Joint Judiciary Council must be turned in by Friday at Student Legislature headquarters in Quonset A near Waterman gym. Five students will be select- ed to serve for one-year terms on the basis of their petitions and subsequent interviews. Charity Drive Called False Two men were arrested by Ann Arbor police yesterday for selling plastic flowers on downtown streets. They were charged with obtain- ing money under false pretenses. Earlier the city Chamber of Com- merce had filed a complaint with Prosecutor Edmond F. Devine that the men falsely claimed to be rep- resenting the Disabled American Veterans. BILL OF RIGHTS DAY: Peek Sees Curtailment Of Freedom of Speech j By PETE ECKSTEIN College students aren't as free to speak as they once were. .This was the observation of Prof. George Peek of the political sci- ence department in connection with Bill of Rights Day tomorrow. It has been 163 years since that Dec. 15 during Washington's administra- tion when the first ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted. Prof. Peek commented that during the 1930's very radical views Official Held In Alabama Murder Case GALVESTON, Tex. P) - Ala bama's attorney general, Sila Garrett III, yesterday was linke to the murder that touched off crackdown on the honky tonk and hoodlums of Phenix City, Ala Sheriff's deputies walked int John Sealy Hospital here, hande Garrett papers naming him a fu gitive on a first degree murder in dictment, and placed him in tech nical arrest in the fatal shootini of Albert L. Patterson. Patterson, a vice-crusading at torney, was shot in an alley i Phenix City a few days after hi won the nomination to sucee Garrett as attorney general. Causes Martial Law The shooting caused martia law to be declared in the free an easy little city on the Chattahoo chee River. Since then, indict ments have been returned agains 749 persons there on charges rang- ing from prostitution and gam- bling to murder. Garrett and two others ar charged with murder in the Pat- terson shooting. Garrett was known to have been in Birmingham, Ala., when Pat- terson was slain last June 8. He had no comment when serv- ed with the papers on his hospita bed. Mental Treatment For several weeks Garrett has been under treatment for a men- tal and physical condition. Garrett, a member of an old-line aristocratic Alabama family, also is under a fraud indictment in connection with the election which Patterson won and faces lunacy charges brought by Alabama's state circuit solicitor at Birming- ham. Public Health Officer Talks Dr. Leonatd O. Scheele, Surgeon General of the United States Pub- lic Health Service lectured yester- day on "The Changing Picture of Public Health." Dr. Scheele discussed a major problem in public health, that of fragmentation. He said that pub- lic health officers must consider political, social and economic con- ditions when solving problems in public health. The Surgeon General mentioned the problem of the diminishing number of high school science teachers and the problem of bet- ter health for children in primary and secondary school. One challenge to mental health programs is the problem of peo- ple in mental hospitals. A pos- sible solution might be the use of foster homes. Pope Weaker After Gaining 1A TI A Al*k T UT P T" IN . ..... n - -. SL will continue to exist and some members are thinking of in- troducing legislation to the body no matter what Regental action is taken, but primarly the Legisla- ture will prepare for transferring appropriate functions to SGC and - dissolving projects not concerned s with the new government. d "Although the Common Sense a Party will start work implement- ing its platform into legislation, SL will have to concentrate on o transferring functions to SGC," d Bob Leacock, '57, said yesterday. - Leacock received more votes - than any other candidate in last - week's SL election. g If the Regents turn down SGC or delay action indefinitely, SL - will still be the student govern- n ment without support of the stu- e dents. d Must Build Confidence "It will then be up to SL and CSP to try again to build the con- l fidence of the students," Sue Levy, d '56, said yesterday. "A student - government must be maintained' - no matter what happens," she t concluded. Despite the 3dr- student vote to drop SL, Leacock thought the margin would not have too great ea detrimental effect on the Legis- - lature. "Ithf no action is taken on SGC e Legislature will have to buckle down. Student support of SL will depend largely on what the or-, ganization accomplishes during the next few years." Leacock add-j Sed. Set First Agenda SL's cabinet met as usual yes- terday to set the agenda for to- morrow's first meeting of the new legislature. Elections for all cabinet posi- tions are on the agenda. 1 Twelve members have already shown interest in joining next se- mester's cabinet, an excellent figure considering five positions were awarded uncontested in a cabinet election two years ago. SL President Steve Jelin, '55, who will officially hand down the gavel tomorrow, told cabinet mem- bers "it was a healthy thing to have so many running for next se- mester's cabinet." Marks, Near y Policy Goals "The main aim of the elected members of the Common Sense1 Party will be to try to realize platform goals," agreed Leah Marks, '55L and Janet Neary, Grad, temporary leaders of CSP yesterday. CSP which now has eight elect-1 ed candidates on SL must formu-3 late new plans of operation. Mrs. Neary explained that a floor lead-' er will be elected from among the < CSP members on SL to see that1 members actively participate on< committees, and attend meetings regularily. "Elected members will take af stand as a party as much as pos- sible," Mrs. Neary continued, "and they will be expected to work as party representatives on past and I enmnent, SL's function will be al- most reduced to one of transition to the new form of government. SL Will Continue Issue Made Over Holding '35 Students Hammarskj old Message Avoided LONDON (-The Peiping radio said yesterday that the United States would be showing "utter contempt for international law" if it insists on holding 35 Chinese stu- dents who want to go home in re- taliation for the jailing of 13 Amer- icans as spies. The broadcast made no mention of efforts by UN Secretary Gen- eral Dag Hammarskjold to arrange a meeting with Red China's Pre- mier Chou En-lai regarding the re- lease of 11 of the 13 Americans be- ing held by the Chinese. Persons close to Hammarskjold said he did not feel the Peiping radio broadcast yesterday amount- ed to rejection of .his suggestion for a face-to-face talk with Prime Minister Chou En-lai in Peiping on the prisoner question. Will Go to Stockholm He is scheduled to go to Stock- holm this weekend to take the seat in the Swedish Academy of Litera- ture held by his late father. If Peiping accepts his bid for di- rect talks while he is in Stockholm, he could easily fly from there to the Red Chinese capital. "No Right to Interfere" The Red radio said the "United Nations has no right to interfere with China's sentencing of the American spies." "While making blustering state- ments about the 13 American spies," the Peiping Broadcasts heard ins London said, "the U.S. State Department announced De. 7 that it refused to allow 35 Chinese students to return to China." "The U.S. government had been forcibly detaining more than 5,000 Chinese students and refusing to al- low them to return to their own country. "Only Showing Contempt" "If it reaffirms its intention to retain Chinese students as a meas- ure of revenge for the conviction of the American spies, it only shows the U.S. government's utter con- tempt for international law." Some 4,500 Chinese nationals were in the United States when the Chinese Communists entered the Korean War. Gradually, those who expressed the desire to return to their homeland have been released. The State Department still has refused to permit 35 of those who wanted to go to China to leave the country. Prof. Palmer Reappointed By 'U'Senate Prof. William B. Palmer of the economics department was re- elected secretary at a meeting of the University Faculty Senate yes- terday. Prof. Otto G. Graf of the German department was re-elected as Sen- ate representative to the Union Board of Directors, and six per- sons were chosen for three-year terms on the 17-member Senate Advisory Committee on Campus Af- fairs. They were Prof. Joseph O. Hal- ford of the chemistry department; Prof. John C. Kohl, director of the Transportation Institute; Prof. Al- bert C. Spaulding, of the Museum of Anthropology; Prof. Fred E Dickinson, of the School of Natur- al Resources; Prof. Walter A. Rei- chart of the German department; and Prof. William G. Dow of the engineering college. were fashionable among students,k have generally limited freedom toe Davies Advocates Middle Course' WASHINGTON (I)-Dismissed diplomat John Paton Davies Jr. told a Democratic gathering here yesterday the United States must stick to a middle course between security against subversion and freedom for the individual. UNSEEN UNDERGROUND: Stowe Discusses Fight for Germany but that social and legal pressures express such opinions. He attributed this curtailment to the pressures of Soviet imperi- alism and a confusion in many quarters of soclalism with Commu- nism. No Permanent Curtailment Prof. Peek does not feel that freedom of speech has been curt- tailed permanently, but rather that interpretations of it go in cycles. Respect for the individual, the fundamental core of our Consti- tutional guarantees, remains a part of American thinking. Prof. Peek said. He named the Alien and Sedition Acts of John Adams' administration as examples of other temporary limitations on the freedoms provided by the Bill of Rights. He pointed out that freedom of religion, another guarantee of the Bill of Rights, is being interpreted more liberally by the courts. Cases of religious groups refusing to sa- lute the American flag and not be- ing punished were cited as exam- ples. Leslie Comments Commenting on recent congres- sional investigations, Prof. William R. Leslie of the history department said there seemed to be a trend toward nsiner the First Amendment. By MERLE MAYERSTEIN "Moscow's unseen underground has been on for years, and there will be no cease-fire in her fight to win Germany," Leland Stowe em- phasized in his lecture, "Moscow's Underground Fight for Germany" yesterday. Formerly a foreign correspondent, Stowe, a Pulitzer Prize win- ning reporter, has been news and information director of Radio Free Europe for the past two years, He has penetrated the Iron Cur- tain before and during World War II as a reporter, and has traveled through the rest of Europe in the same capacity. As one of the directors of Radio Free Europe at the headquarters in Munich, Germany, Stowe was able to see the Soviet underground at work. "Since Stalin's death, we have been hearing many cooing noises Callinig Santa i