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December 12, 1954 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-12

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Delinquency Study Examines TV Shows


Narrow, Conservative
Ties Become Popular
Narrower and more conserva- Q

As the holiday season approaches,
many worried parents are turning
doubtful eyes to the television sets
that their offspring will soon be
The recent furor raised by the
Senate investigating group into the
relationship between television and
juvenile delinquency has alarmed
many of the country's parents.
Sen. Robert C. Hendrickson's (R-
N.J.) committee has not reached
any general conclusions or solu-
tions yet. It has received a lot of
advice and opinions from special-
ists on juvenile delinquency who
don't agree among themselves on
the cause or cure.
No Difference
Campus sociologists, however,
agree on the problem. Professors
Lowell J. Carr and Guy E. Swan-
son have both stated their skepti-
cism of any relationship. They feel
that if a child's emotional makeup
is such that he has delinquency
leanings, these programs make no
"They may give him a little ex-
tra push," Prof. Carr said, "but
if he didn't get it from TV mystery
and horror programs, he'd find it

somewhere else. The child who is
emotionally secure will not be af-
fected by the disputed shows."
Prof. Swanson went even further
to say, "One can't be absolutely
sure that the banning of these pro-
grams would make no difference
whatsoever in delinquency statis-
Attitude Study
Elizabeth M. Douvan of the Sur-
vey Research Center was more
concerned about the situation. In a
study of adolescent boys, she dis-
covered that nearly all of the 1,000
boys between 14 to 16 years of age
questioned watched television.
"Because children are unsettled
in their own standards of behav-
ior," she commented, "they rely
on other people's. As they are un-
sure, any kind of imposition of a
stimulus of violence at the very
least makes it harder for them to
build standards, and at the worst
it breaks down the standards com-

No Control
Hazen J. Schmacher,
and Production Manager
Studio explained that the;
not control the programsl

of the TV
FCC does

Ann Arborites Expect Dead'
Campus, No Holiday Spirit

on television, although they can
refuse to renew a station's license.
"Broadcasters deny the rela-
tionship between television and de-
linquency," he said. "They feel
that any existing problem can and
shogd be taken care of by them-
selves, and that no government in-
terference is necessary."
The feeling that no connection
exists between the two was fur-
ther expounded by Dr. Ralph D.
Rabinovitch, Chief of the Children's
Service, Neuropsychiatric Institute
of the University Hospital.
Traumatic Force
"The problem in our world isn't
fantasy violence, but real violence,'
and in my department we feel that
listening to daily news is far more
traumatic to children than seeing
Captain Video rescue the heroine
and defeat the forces of evil.
"Crime around us, the violence
of our culture, the tremendous pub-
licity given real crimes for which
there is no escape and in which
there is no hero to come to the
rescue in the nick of time consti-
tutes the real traumatic force.
"Ethics, integrity and a meaning-
ful moral code in the home and in
the culture give children adequate
protection, but unfortunately today
these qualities have lost the ring
of truth for many children, not be-
cause of the worst comic books and
TV shows, but because of the same
forces that produce them.
"Comics and TV reflect life-
they don't produce it."
Carols To Aid
Holiday Spirit
To celebrate the approaching
Christmas holidays, residence
halls, fraternities and sororities
hold carolling parties.
The students go out in one or
two groups and sing carols at
other houses. Unpredictable Ann
Arbor weather, usually far from
white around Christmas time,
seems to save up all its snow for
these nights.
Although this lends the proper
atmosphere for the ancient and
laudable practice of carolling,
many singers turn up the next
day at Health Service with frost-
bitten tonsils.
you're the man who said to drive
carefully," said motorist No. 2 to
Bill Crawford, Indianapolis TV
weatherman, when Crawford's car
skidded into another auto shortly
after he had warned motorists
streets were slick Thursday night.

-Daily-Dean Morton
Churches Sponsor Numerous
Affairs as Holidays Approach

Ann Arbor, in a matter of days,
will resemble a deserted ghost
town more than a college campus.
And for the few students who live
here permanently, the thought of
spending Christmas here is discour-
"It's like another world," com-
plained Dotty Ham, '55Ed. "You
are surprised how depressing it is'
to cross the, Diag without bumping
into anybody."
"She's right; it's ghastly," added
a prospective engineer. "Even
though there are parties and a
little social life, Christmas without
the other nine-tenths of the campus
isn't much fun."
Stores Miss Students
Stores in the vicinity remain
open for the Christmas shopping
rush, but find, as one employe put
it, "It always seems pretty dead
without the deluge of perpetually-
broke student customers. They
don't buy much, but it's nice to
have them around."
Bob Sharp, '56M, had one em-
phatic comment: "it's pretty dull."
"Christmas," sighed a sopho-
more architect, ."is worse than

spring or Thanksgiving or any oth-
er holiday. You get completely en-
thusiastic about it when 'every-
body's here, partying it up, but the
spirit seems to leave on the trains
for New York and Chicago."
Some Adults Anticipate
Older residents of Ann Arbor
have varyingdreactions to the mass
exodus from campus. Many who
were questioned admitted the town
seems hollow and lifeless without
the thousands of non-resident stu-
dents, but a few anticipate the va-
cation eagerly.
"One thing I always appreciate
during vacations," a pedestrian re-
marked, "is the improved traffic
situation. Sometimes I can actual-j
ly cross South University at noonI
without having my life threatened!
by hordes of bicycles."
Motorists, in general, agreed that
without students rushing to and
from classes it's much easier to
travel around the city.
Only one Ann Arbor student con-
tacted will welcome the holiday.
"We live right behind a fraternity
house," she said, "and we'll enjoy
the sudden lack of noise all night."

Carols, Christmas trees, and rep-
resentations of the Nativity are the
order of the season for campus
Presbyterian church, 1432 Wash-
tenaw, sponsored three sets of
Christmas vespers and an outgoing
partyhatswhich members of the
church sang at a convalescent
home. They are also giving a sup-
per-caroling party today.
The adult group of the Unitar-
ian church, 1917 Washtenaw, at-
tended a pot luck supper with a
Yuletide theme. The children of
the church school will give a pro-
gram on Dec. 19. Decorations there
Ship Launched
WASHINGTON (R --The launch-
ing of the supercarrier Forrestal
got under way Friday.
The Navy said the sea valves in
the big graving dock at Newport
News, Va., where the 60,000-ton
ship has been under construction,
were opened at 4 a.m., to have the
ship afloat by the time of the cere-
monial christening at noon satur-
The ship has been under con-
struction since July 1952, and
there's still a year's work to be
done on her. She will be towed out
of the building dock into the James
River and taken to a fitting out

consist of traditional trees and
Episcopal Student Foundation of
St. Andrew's Episcopal church, 306
N. Division, held a caroling party
during which they sang to invalids
and older members of the parish.
The Lutheran Student Center will
sponsor a caroling party Dec. 15,
and hold a program- consisting of
anthems, solos and carols by can-
dlelight, including biblical texts,
today. The Freshman Council dec-
orated the Center tree.
St. Mary's Student Chapel, 331
Thompson, will have a creche in-
side the church. The Newman club
had a Christmas party and z'1
hold a caroling party Dec. 15. They
are also sponsoring a student-fac-
ulty retreat today, tomorrow and
Monday at which the speaker will
be Rev. Fr.' Theodore Hesberg,
president of the University of No-
tre Dame.
The speech and music choir of
the First Baptist church, 512 E.
Huron, is putting on the Christmas
story with tableaux Dec. 19. The
church's Christmas project is the
home for children in Royal Oak.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, will hold candlelight
carols today with "Now sing we,
now rejoice" as its theme. Gamma
Delta services will also be today.
The Chapel's interior decorations
consist of trees in the chancel and

This state of affairs in the tie
world has come about only within
the last two years or so. The trend
to more subtle men's accessories
began a while ago. But the die-
hard hipsters herd back the forces
of this radicalism.
Together with the charcoal grey
or black suits which are musts for
an ycampus, the slim, plain tie
has evolved into a must with it.
Magazine Article
A recent magazine article said
that nine out of ten men who buy
ties buy striped ties. At the same
time, nine out of ten women do
not buy striped ties but rather,
ties of more extravagant design.
Here on campus, though, most
of the ties bought are in the style
of the day. One men's haberdash-
ery noted that striped ties are
also popular with professional and
business men.
Second in popularity to the
striped or repp ties are the solid
colored ones closely followed by
ties with one simple design. A
solid colored tie is often referred
to as a "neat" tie and the one-
design ones, called "under the
knot" tie.
One-Pattern Ties
Also popular are the 'one-pat-
tern ties with a small design
found throughout thesmaterial.
These are not quite as pale as
the Paisleys which another men's
store said are definitely "out" and
which are not being featured by
most stores,
Another recent inovation is the
thin (and apparently getting even
thinner) Western-style tie which
was originally worn only to square
dances but can now be seen as a
regular four-in-hand knotted tie.
Women are sometimes seen
wearing tiesron their new-found
BAYONNE, France W) - A
court sentenced Paul Fayet, a
postman, to eight months in
prison Thursday after finding
For 10 years he had taken
five letters a day from his bag
of mail. Fayet had picked the
letters at random, he said. The
ones the inquisitive letter-car-
rier found interesting he kept.
The others he tore up in little
Motive? Not blackmail, not
money, the judge said. Just
plain curiosity.

W~hite, Silver,
Gold Trees
Add Variety
White, silver and gold coated
Christmas trees are becoming in-
creasingly popular.
. The colored trees are just as
good for decorating as green ones
and no more of a fire hazard, ac-
cording to Prof. Stephen H. Spurr
of the botany department.
Prof. Spurr went on to give some
tips on -how to keep trees fresh
during the holiday. One way is by
cutting a little of the bottom of the
tree to expose a fresh surface that
can absorb moisture, stand it in
water, and keep it in a cool place.
This keeps the needles from dry-
ing out too quickly.
The balsam firs stay green long-
est, 'while spruces are fast needle
shedders. Scotch Pine is growing in
popularity because its needles stay
stiff and on the tree even when
they dry out, but this makes them
an added fire hazard.
The average Christmas tree this
season will be a fir, six feet tall,
cut last September and costing
about $4.50.

job: men's shirts. As yet, they
have not taken to wearing hand-
painted ties.



It's Christmas Time
Our gift selection is complete, and
prices are the lowest in town . . .
Crested and Seal Jewelry, Badges, Rings,
Rhinestone Necklaces, Bracelets,
Cigarette Lighters . .. Jewel Boxes
Animal Novelties . . . Ceramics
Greeting Cards, Gift Wrap, Corsages
L. G. Balfour Company
.1321 South University Avenue
Ann Ar1 or, Michigan



-Daily-Dick Gaskill






These Dates on


acti0 Calendar



- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- - -- -- --I
University of Michigan Club of Buffalo
510 Erie County Band Bldg.
Buffalo 2, New York .
I enclose $ for Buffalo performance of
"Hail to Victor!" at Erlanger Theater for the number of
tickets indicated below.
$4.00 Orchestra
S___$3.00 Balcony1

University of Michigan Club of Akron
I Akron, Ohio I
1 1
I I enclose $ for Akron performance of "Hail
to Victor!" at the Goodyear Theater for the number of
N tickets indicated below. I
1 I
$4.40 Main Floor
$3.60 Main Floor
$4.40 First 3 Rows Balcony j
$3.60Next 8 Rows Balcony
$1.50 Balcony
IAddress ___ _j
I City and State__________________

City and State_
Make checks payable to U. of M. Club of Buffalo.

~a in


Hait to Victor!
University of Michigan Club of Detroit1
60 Farnsworth Avenue M
Detroit 2, Michigan1
I enclose $ for the Detroit performance of I
"Hail to Victor!" at the Masonic Temple Theatre for 1
the number of tickets indicated below: 1
$4.00 Orchestra j
$3.00 Main Floor I
$2.00 Balcony 1
Na me1

C Leonard Nemerovski
175 West Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, Illinois
I enclose $ for the Chicago performance of
"Hail to Victor!" at the Eighth Street Theater for the
number of tickets indicated below.
I Name


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