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September 21, 1954 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-21

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4avis To Head I uternational Center


"One of my main hopes this year
is that we can get the best pos-
sible relationship between foreign
and American students," expressed
the newly appointed Director of the
Internatiohal Center, James M.
"It has been my experience that
foreign students have so much to
learn from American students and
that students from the United
States have a great deal of enjoy-
ment from associating with stu-
dents from abroad," the affable
young director added.
Davis received n*s appointment
to the post vacated upon the re-!
tirement of Esson M. Gale in Au-
gust and has just assumed his du-
ties here. For the past six years he
was counselor for international
services and executive director of
the Foundation for International
Understanding Through Students
at the University of Washington in
tieattl e.
"Hwever," he commented. "my
loyalty in this Saturday's game will
be completely with Michigan."
"I came to Michigan because it
seems that the University has the
best tradition, interest, and finan-
cial support and gives the best


NEW DIRECTOR-James M. Davis, recently appointed Director
of the International Center chats with a student, emphasizing
that the Center's activities are to be primarily with consideration
of foreign students as students, as foreign persons second,

support to the international stu- more foreign student-American
dent," Davis explained. student joint participation in ac-
University Program tivities. Furthermore he empha-
"It iis my belief that this Univr- sized that his staff at the Center
sity has th'e potential for the best exists mainly to help the students
foreign student program in the promote their own program and
contry," Dr. Davis asserted en- a Also part of his program is to
thusiastically. Continuing, he ex- Arso ave everoy cnider
pressed a hope that the Center in try to have everybody consider
the Union will not just be a for- them as students primarily, for-
eign student center but an inter- eign secondarily. He declared that
national center where, internation- he w elcomes ideas from faculty
and students with regard to the
meet their intercsts. _International Center.
A graduate of Ohio State, Davis
holds a Bachelor of Divinity from"
Oberlin, a Master of Arts and a Ju eni t H
Doctor ok, Educako iondee2t.lHe
will also be an assistant profes-
sot of education a theUnivers Miityed F r
Dursing World War',-,-II Prof.R Da-
vis served as an Army chaplain
in India, Burma and China and Wastienaw County's much-need-
was awarded teBronze Star wi ed juvenile detention home is a
Oak Leaf Cluister. H-e explatined~
that it was due to his experiences step closer to reality today with a
in these countries that his interest proposal authorizing the expendi-
was aroused in his present type of tur e of $i10,000 for its construc-'
work- tion slated to be on the ballot dur-
Since he is so new to the camp
the energetic director has had lit- in 1(' November 2 general elec-
tie time to formulate definite plans tion.

Coimenting on the foreign stu-
dent exchange program, Dr. Davis
said, "It seems to me that the in-
ternational exchange of students
provides one concrete, tangible
way by which people can work to-
ward peace and understanding in
the world." "It isn't automatic,"
he explained. "It takes careful
planning and work."
"America's role as a force in
world affairs is so new, he con-
cluded, we have much to learn
from other countries."
ov. Election
Ipointed out, and no facilities are
present inthe county for children
under 15.
Children over 15 years of age
who have committed serious of-
fenses may be held in the county
jail while waiting for their cases
to come to court, the court officer
said -

Honors Set
For In-State
'Operationdictionary' will be the
culmination of a series of honors
for 700 freshmen picked for their
outstanding achievement in state
high schools, at a Regents-Alumni
Honors Convocation to be held at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Michi-
gan League Ballroom.
Oreon E. Scott, '94, one of the
speakers at the convocation and
donator of the American Colle-
giate Dictionaries which are re-
quired for every freshman student,
will present one to each winner.
President Harlan Hatcher will also
speak during the evening.
Each dictionary has the Univer-
sity seal and the words "A gift
from the Oreon E. Scott Founda-
tion" emblazoned in gold leaf on
the cover.
Following the convocation pre-
sided over by Erich A. Walter, As-
sistant to the President, a recep-
tion will be held on the second floors
of the League. This will give the
winners an opportunity to meet the
Regents, who have been invited,,
members of the administration and
the Honor Awards Committee on
University Scholarships.
Honor certificates will be pre-
sented to the students here at the
convocation for the first time. Pre-
viously they were mailed to the
high schools.
The purpose of the non-monetary
Regents-Alumni Honor awards is
to recognize and reward outstand-
ing achievement per se and not
solely for financial need.
Chosen from more than 1300
Michigan high school students rep-
resenting more than 300 schools,
the 700 winners were picked on the
basis of their high school records,
community status, recommenda-
tions of the high school principal
and teachers, and results of a spe-
cial aptitude test.
Approximately 450 of the recipi-
ents of the Regents Alumni Honor
Award have received scholarships
on the basis of their present finan-
cial need, which can be renewed
to cover four years.
Kingsley Co-op
Plans Capa cityr
Renting in Fall
Housing five student families
with six children, the Married Cou-
ples Cooperative House at 803 E.
Kingsley will be operating on a
full capacity basis this semester.
The house, which was purchased
last year by the Inter-Cooperative
Council, has been remodeled with
the aid of the couples living there
and other ICC members.
Although decoration of the five
apartments has been completed
there is still some work to be done
such as painting the halls and the
outer halls of the building, accord-
ing to Stefan Vail, Grad. ICC pres-
An open house, at which visitors
can take a look at what has been

Architecture Project

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for the Center. Basically he wants According to juvenile court offi-
cer Harold A. Nielsen, the home is With the use of the proposed de-
needed urgently, as facilities are tention home, Nielsen said, maxi-
Rifevs oe(i s not available at present. If passed, mum capacity would be 22 chil-
the propoa 1wxill call for the build- dren. As presently designed, the
To Be Disc ussed ing of a structure to house nine structure will be a one-floor plan
boys and five girls while they built in the form of a T.
"Hoosier Philosophy" will be the await appearance in juvenile court. Work May Begin In Spring
subject of George ,E. Davis, le-. Also housed in the building will be Probable location of the building
turer at the first Speech Depart- children who have come temporar- would be on Platt Rd. about a
uled for October 13. ily under' the care of the court. fourth of a mile behind the county
Davis, director of adult da At present, children under the hospital on Washtenaw Ave. If the
lion and the summer s of 13 who must be detained proposal on the ballot is passed by
Purue University has mad a have to be sent to detention homes the electorate, work on the deten-
stud pofe lfe ndw ofmi-y in other counties, Nielsen said yes- tion home will probably begin in
anpot Jas seitcom riley. terday. 'eenagers have been kept the spring of 1955 and finish next
Dus hi e t(he derleas, -i hoe in Adian and Jackson autumn.
with readings of Riley poems. Lansing and Ingham County upon iounty Commissioner Ruth Dana
The speech assembly, first to two occasions. esaid yesterday that the $110,000
be announced n Fall siisneeded for the construction of the
will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday einquency on Upswing home will be transferred from the
October 13 in the Rackham Lecture Nielsen said that juvenile delin- county general fund to a special
Hall. quncny has been on the upswing in detention home fund if the propo-
____ - Washenaw County during the past sal is passed. According to state
few years. In 1953, 345 cases came law, the money cannot be used for
Red ad Use to the court's attention, while 500 new buildings without the elector-
eass are expected this year. Ap- ate's approval.I
D ily Classifeds proximately of all cases must Nielsen said that there has beenI
~-~ be detained temporarily, Nielsen
mf h favrhnnmatn h



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mnucU iavorae comment on theI at the co-op will boe panned for the
proposed structure. At present, he second or third week of the semes-
has been making the rounds of ter, house members said.
county service, veteran and fra- At the six single student ICC
ternal organizations outlining the houses the summer recess was
need for the home, spent on such general repair jobs
Stealing Most Common Violation as painting walls and replacing
Commenting on the breakdown electric sockets. In addition a new
of juvenile violations in the county, living room, complete with indirect
Nielsen said that the largest group lighting was finished at Michigan
of violations were stealing, which House.
includes breaking and entering, With only a small percentage of
burglary, holdups and taking cars their normal capacity occupying
unlawfully. the houses this summer, seven
caseswomen students at Stevens House
Next in order of number of as joined twenty men at Owen House
were traffic violations, school tru- in a co-ed eating plan which helped
ancy, incorrigibility and disobe-iao-egheting lad.
i nc to lighten their work load.


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