SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12,1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ID A OV1R lrrTm SUDA, ECMBR 2,194 WU MUUa~f .BaI.Va PAGE FIV w Traditions Highlight Celebrations e Unforgettable Christmases Remembered by 'U' Coeds DO IT YOURSELF: Gift Making Saves Rush, Expense By BERT CORWIN University men and women cele- brate Christmas with various tra- ditions. Christmas is celebrated at Mar- tha Cook with traditiona' caroling at 5:30 a.m. An elaborate Christ- mas breakfast climaxes this car- oling, which starts on the fourth floor and proceeds down the suc- ceeding floors until all the mem- bers are gathered in the dining room for breakfast. Besides the traditional decorat- ing of the tree, the women hold a Messiah supper inviting the solo- ists and members of the admin- istration. Besides the traditional pledge formal and stag party, Alpha Sig- ma Phi holds a banquet ;to which they invite a speaker from the Uni- versity. Awards are given to some members of the house at the ban- quet. Members Draw Names Chi Omega has a formal dinner at which the members draw names and write appropriate poems. One or two of the women read them, while the others try to guess where they are directed. The sophomores of Pi Beta Phi decorate their tree at 6 a.m. and wake the members at 7 a.m. Toys are exchanged as presents, and given away later to a children's group. Along with their traditional Christmas formal, caroling, and dinner, Alpha Phi members wait on the bus boys, and tote the dishes afterwards. Sophomores Decorate Kappa Kappa Gamma sopho- mores decorate the house after ev- eryone else is in bed, and make breakfast the next morning. The juniors plan festivities and give a skit. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will ac- company them as they carol through the campus. Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Alpha Theta entertain a group of Pantomine The Christmas pantomime still is the favorite holiday entertain- ment for the English. The modern pantomime, a type of musical comedy for children. based on fairy stories and nursery rhymes, goes back in origin to the mime plays of the Greeks and Romans. It also has picked up some of the characteristics of the Middle Age morality plays in which Right always triumphs. --Daily-Dean Morton DRAGON, BEWARE!-Traditionally for their Christmas dinner, the freshmen of Helen Newberry Residence present "St. George and the Dragon." Pictured above as the good knight is Sara James, with Randa Rowland as the Dragon and Julie Marx in the role of Jack the Giant Killer. Pennies thrown at the players at the end of the skit are given to some charitable organization. By MARJI BLUTTMAN An unforgettable Christmas- what was it like? University coeds looked back at past Yuletide seasons with mixed feelings. Some remembered the times when tiny puppies were found dozing under the trees, other re- called humorous holiday incidents and still others thought of sad- ness-tinged Christmases when childish faiths were shattered by the discovery that Santa Claus was an age-old myth. Celebrity Assists Lenni Edelman remembered a Christmas day spent in New York City with a friend. They attend- ed a stage show and later got in line in front of Lindy's res- taurant for a late lunch. She suddenly realized that she only had enough money for carfare, and her friend had little more. "We were quite ready to go," Miss Edelman explained, "when a dark-haired young man in front of us turned around. He offered to treat us to Lindy's fam- ous cheesecake and coffee, for he said it was Christmas. The young man was none other than Julius LaRosa." An unusual trip has been un- forgettable to Phyllis Philko. She and a friend took an unplanned drive to Virginia to visit the lat- ter's fiance one Christmas vaca- tion in a delapidated, old car. Miss Philko explained, "when we reached Virginia, my friend and her fiance decided to get married immediately. Honeymoon Trip "Five of us were on the honey- moon, including my friend's younger brother and his friend. The hood of the car fell on a gas station attendant. The groom was stopped by the Shore Patrol for driving a 'road menace.' But best of all was our "white Christ- mas," Miss Philko concluded. "Since the car windows wouldn't go up, we were completely snowed under-in the car." A near misfortune is unforget- table to Clara Schein. Her fam- ily was entertaining a large num- ber of guests at their home when the electricity unexpectedly went off. Picnic Style The partially-cooked turkey was removed from the electric oven. The one possible solution was to cook the turkey in the fireplace. This was done barbecue style. with the guests sitting on the carpet and later eating the fowl in picnic fashion. "And," Miss Schein added, "it was the best turkey we ever had." This year will mark a memor- able Yuletide for Alice Umemoto. "This is the first Christmas that I will be away from my home in Hawaii," she explained. "It will be just like I've heard-my first Christmas with snow." Miss Um- emoto added expectantly, "I hope." Seeing her baby brother last Christmas for the second time was a memorable occasion for Marilyn Little. Also as momentous but in a different vein, was Alice Ko-. val's visit to Santa Claus at Macy's Department Store in New York. ."I fell off his lap," Miss Koval reminisced. Surprise Results Elspeth Evans hasn't forgotten one Christmas during the war years. "Mother was ill in the hos- pital and my father was overseas with the Air Force that Decem- ber," Miss Evans said. "It looked like the bleakest Christmas ever, until Daddy was able to fly home from his sta- tion in Germany. Although we spent our Christmas around my mother's oxygen tent, we were all together once again." Mary Ann Norton spent her first Christmas without snow last year in California. She stated that she was so lonesome for Michigan weather that she insisted upon going up into the mountains of San Jose "to make snowballs and feel at home." Memorable Trees Christmas trees have provided long-remembered incidents. Jane Lenard's memorable Christmas consisted of blowing out five fus- es in a row while putting up the tree lights. Chloe Dandison remembers a Christmas even when the family took "down" the tree. "We had just been invited away for the holidays, so we decided that we couldn't leave the recently-de- corated tree standing," Miss Dan- dison explained. There is something about De- cember 25 that makes it a little different from any other day. It may be a time of sadness or joy or fun, but it is sure to linger just a little longer. Christmas is, in- deed, a very special day. By ROSE PERLBERG Many a weary shopper returning home from a hectic shopping ex- cursion vows that next year he will "begin earlier and miss the Christmas rush." This year, millions of people- re- laxing in the comfort of their homes are avoiding the crowds by making' Christmas gifts themselves. Contrary to popular belief, mak- ing gifts requires little special tal- ent. An inexpensive way to sur- prise your friends with attractive presents, this activity is fun for every member of the family. Hobbles Gained Children and parents often en- joy working with their hands and may gain life-long hobbies while making the gifts. One favorite medium for gift making is felt. Elaine Smith, whose gifts have delighted her friends for several years, prefers felt to other materials. She said, "It doesn't ravel when cut, and thus you don't have to worry about seams." Stuffed animals are one of Miss Smith's specialties. She finds them easy to make and a big hit with the recipients. Many magazines carry patterns for such animals and the prospective creator need only follow a few simplerdirections to achieve a rewarding resultĀ« Felt Animals Cutting felt to match the pattern, Miss Smith sews the pieces to- gether, leaving a seam open on the bottom through which sheI stuffs cotton until she has the de- sired shape. Ears, eyes and nose, made of oddj pieces of colored felt and buttons are attached from the outside. The animal can be made more attrac- tive by adding ribbons and sequins. Daily-Lynn Walas STUFFED ANIMALS Miss Smith makes a kleenex hold- er from two squares of felt, with a slit in one square, decorated with odd pieces of felt and sequins. Circular Skirt By simply cutting a round hole in the middle of four yards of felt, a coed may add an attractive skirt to a friend's wardrobe. With the material cut off the bottom to make it round, a waist band may be fashioned. Then dress up the skirt with sequins or decorated bits of colored felt. Pin cushions and fancy book- marks are a few more of the gifts that can be made from felt. The toddler in your family will love a little hobby horse that can easily be put together with a heavy work sock filled with cotton and attached to a sawed-off, painted 4 broom handle. The eyes and ears can be made from buttons and bright pieces of felt, while colored yarn adds a flowing mane. Terrycloth Slippers Terrycloth slippers, ideal for trips to shower or tub, can be made by folding a square of terrycloth into a rectangle, stitching one end on the inside for the heel and the other on the outside for the toe. Elastic under the turned down top makes these snappy articles snug on any size foot. A post card wastebasket makes an interesting and colorful gift. Cards are split in half from top to bottom before being coated with glue or paste. Arranged in overlap- ping designs on the basket, they are most attractive when lightly sprayed with a clear shellac. With a paint brush, several cans of enamel paint, very little talent and a lot of imagination, you can transform trays, plates, pie pans and just plain tin cans into unus- ually attractive gifts that friends and relatives will appreciate. Painted Gifts After washing and thoroughly drying the articles, smooth down any rough spots with sand paper. Apply a background coat of paint and allow it to dry. While waiting for the paint to dry, beginners often find it helpful to experiment with designs in wa- ter color on paper. These can then be copied on the object. Simple col- or schemes-two colors and a dash of gold for accent are most effect- ive on a black background. These items are but a few of the many useful gifts that can be a joy to make and equally a joy to receive. orphans each year. Faculty and Greek letter men and women are given a tea on the last Sunday be- fore vacation. The Kappa Delt's have two Christmas parties, one given by the alumnae and the other given by the house for the pledges and ac- tive members. A formal dinner is the tradition of the Kappa Delt's, with small candles placed at each woman's place. The one whose candle goes out first is supposed to remain the old maid, while the one with the longest burning can- dle will be married first. Give Presents Stockwell Hall gives Christmas presents to the house director and the maintenance people. The mem- bers hang greens to decorate the dormitory, and have a reception in- viting the Deans, University ad- ministration, and professors. At their Christmas formal, the Alpha Chi Omega's buy their dates humorous gifts and write poems for them. A Santa Claus to hand out presents is featured. Alpha Gamma Delta gives a par- ty at which the bus boys play San- ta Claus. The pledges and mem- bers draw names, buy toys and write poems for those women whose names they have drawn. The toys are later given to a worthy children's group. At the party each member reads aloud the poem she has received. Reception at Couzens At Couzens Hall on the last day before vacation begins, the sopho- mores carol through the halls at 6 a.m. carrying lighted candles. They hold a Christmas reception for the nursing faculty and a party for the women, at which a Christ- mas story is read and the glee club sings. A party after hours on the night before vacation starts is tradition- al at the Delta Delta Delta house. Names are drawn, and poems are written appropriate to the person- ality of the worien. These are then read while the whole group tries to discover who is being represented by the poems. U OPEN TOMORROW NIGHT, MONDAY TILL 8:30! DOWNTOWN LITTLE GIFTS MEAN A LOT! Christmas Gifts * FROM THE QUARRY * COSMETICS PHOTOGRAPHIC tI%49argus 75 . GIFT BoX I ,r $ Here's the gift with everything argusd Worlts easiest camiera to use Here's your chance to sample this C 4--the popular +Argus 75--with extravagant array of famous fragrances . . . big picture-window viewfinder Superb performance but simple that lets you see the picture Aneiqes hteStiGodSaman lakto use! Greaw Cintar f:2.8 lens, exactly as you'll take it ..-.- Satin Colognes . .. a thrilling threesome valued at $3.40, specially priced combined rangefinder-view- Simple, automatically synchrs- fn es ut rs ed to1 3 0p u -n g s unt - ub ieor the budget-minded glamour girl (or gift-giver) second, built-in flash synchro- b teis flm lah r c r nization, Color-matic guide for atre-fl-eth c- ot only $1.75, plus taxi easy color shots. Lock-on flash y rying case--everything needed " ; W" . ,unit. Takes the finest pictures for easy picture-taking in color } anywhere! See it todayl or black-and-white! Complete $camera $8 50 package-only .00 Y fash $$.9s case $7.50 $19 95 $" $ .* ForEvertin tat* 7 w -sv gat rry ofmos faganes... -ig icr- widwvefne Please her with New Clip Spring Tips 1.19 to 3.00 YrI Wonderful wool jersey with reversible silk print, gay yarn tassle . . . corduroys, wool plaids, versatile silk scarves than tie so many different ways! New, clever winter prints and colors. Slip several in her Christmas stocking. ACCESSORI ES-MAIN FLOOR I 4, (7 - - -.- - - . ..for the loveliest Christmas ever For the loveliest woman in your life, a new perfume inspired by her... for Ishah means woman in all her beauty. Bottled, packaged, sealed in France. Perfume 1/Z ounce 10.00; Dram 2.50; Toilet Water 2.50; Dusting Powder 2.00. (prices plus tax)