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December 12, 1954 - Image 4

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es i " r i w w r

'Angell Legend' Basis Revealed
In Biograp hy by Smith

"Hey - We've Found A Ship Over Here Too"

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of the following
review is Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde of the his-
tory department, director of the Michigan His-
torical Collection.)
Shirley W. Smith, JAMES BURRILL AN-
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1954,
xv plus 380 pp. $7.50.
JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, the University's
third president following its establish-
ment in Ann Arbor, ranks as one of the great
American educators of the nineteenth century.
His fame was nation-wide; his accomplish-
ments many and diverse; his following of de-
voted alumni, legion. When Angell resigned in
1909 as President of the University of Michi-
gan, the thirty-eight years of his service con-
stituted more than one-half of the period
which had elapsed. since the University had
been established in Ann Arbor, two thirds of
the time since the coming of its first Presi-
dent in 1852. To Michigan aluumni-and Mi-
chigan at the turn of the century had the larg-
est body of living alumni of any university in
the land--President Angell was the very em-
bodiment of everything the University of Mi-
chigan stood for.
Nevertheless, for more than forty years after
his resignation in 1909, the frequently reiterat-
ed demand for a full-length biography of An-
gell went unheeded. In June, 1952, however, the
Regents decided to take the matter in hand,
and Shirley W. Smith, Vice-President and Se-
cretary Emeritus of the University, was invited
to bring out a biography under University spon-
sorship. The book here reviewed represents the
fruition of this invitation.
THE REGENTS' choice of a biographer was a
very happy one: no one else was so ad-
mirably equipped to tell the story. Shirley Smith
is an experienced writer: many articles have
come from his pen, and in 1951 he brought out
an excellent biography of Angell's successor
in the Presidency, Harry B. Hutchins. His ver-
satility as a writer is illustrated by the fact
that at the very time he was working on the
Hutchins biography, he was co-author of a
successful movie script: "It Happens Every
Spring." As far as knowledge of the subject of
the biography is concerned, his acquaintance
with President Angell covered the period from
1893, when the President enrolled him as a
freshman, until Angell's death in 1916. As gen-
eral secretary of the Alumni Association for
three years, and later as Secretary of the Uni-
versity, he came into almost daily contact with
Angell. Few persons have had so excellent an
opportunity to understand the Angell per-
Mr. Smith accepted the more readily the
Regents' invitation because there was available
to him in the Michigan Historical Collections
of the University a vast body of source mater-
tal for an Angell biography: a large collection
of Angell papers; the official records of the
University, of many of its individual units, and
of related organizations like the Student Chris-
tian Association and the Student Lecture Asso-
ciation; voluminous collections of letters and
diaries of Regents and faculty members close
to Angell; not to mention the background ma-
terial available in the non-University records
of the Collections. Small wonder that for the
greater part of two years he was regularly in
the special room set aside for him in the Mi-
chigan Historical Collections' headquarters in
the Rackham Building, busily engaged in re-
search and writing. Seldom has there been a
biography in which the author's closeness to
his subject, the availability of source mater-
ials, and the environmental atmosphere of the
writing have combined to achieve so sympa-
thetic and understanding an interpretation as
Mr. Smith has given.
THE CENTRAL THEME of this biography is
that the explanation of the outstanding
success of Angell's career, and particularly of
his hold on students and former students, lay
in the extraordinary strength of his person,
ality. Michigan men and women were happy
that their President was counted among the
three or four greatest University presidents of
his generation; they were proud of the fact
that four times he was called to important dip.

lomatic services; but their devotion to Angell
was founded upon their respect for him as a
man. One cannot imagine an alumnus of the
Angell period who would not heartily endorse
the sentiments which one of the most disting-
uished of Michigan graduates, Alice Freeman
Palmer, 1876, expressed when she wrote to
President Angell in 1896, upon the occasion of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of his arrival in
Ann Arbor. Mrs. Palmer's words are the more
impressive because they were those of an ex-
perienced college president (six years at Well-
esley) and dean of women (three years at the
University of Chicago). "To me," she wrote,
"you have always been the ideal College Presi-
dent! As an undergraduate I watched you from
the immeasurable distance and felt the power
that made for righteousness and peace, and
unconsciously trusted that all the place was
good and safe to be in because you stood there
at the head of it! And since, as a woman I
came a little closer to College Presidents, and
had occasion to study a great many of them
and their work, I have better understood how
rare and how fine is the combination of quali-
ties and of forces which you have brought to
my University." Commenting on the widely dif-
ferent areas in which his influence had been
exerted, she asserted, "In all these years not
a single educational reform has escaped your
influence; you have found time and means for
bettering every scholar in Michigan, from the
kindergarten into his professional life,-and
so helping on the reign of right reason every-
where; whether in California or Massachusetts,
which are rivals in indebtedness to you ,-not
to mention China indeed!" It is this pervasive-
ness of the power exerted by Angell which in-
spired the appropriate subtitle of Shirley
Smith's biography.
IN ORGANIZATION, Mr. Smith's book is ad-
mirably balanced. The first quarter of the
book deals with family background, educa-
tional training, Angell's professorship at Brown,
his editorship of the Providence Journal, and
his five-year presidency of the University of
Vermont. Then follow chapters on the transfer
to Michigan and the early years here. Angell's
important service as Minister to China, 1880-
1881; the other three diplomatic assignments
(member of the British-American Fisheries
Commission, 1887-1888, member of the Deep
Waterways Commission, 1896, and Minister to
Turkey, 1897-1898) receive due attention at
the appropriate points in the chonological story.
Meantime, consideration of the University's
Semicentennial Celebration in 1887 and of the
President's twenty-fifth anniversary in 1896
afford an opportunity to appraise achieve-
ments accomplished as of those particular
dates. The story of the concluding years of
'Angell's life naturally has a particularly inti-
mate touch.
In the four last chapters, "Addresses and
Writings," "Group Participations," "Religion
As He Lived It," and "The Trail He Left Be-
hind Him," the author can devote himself more
exclusively to interpretation than was possible
in the main body of the book. The chapter on
Angell's religion is particularly effective, and
may be regarded as furnishing the key-note
of the dominant theme of the book.
THE AUTHOR'S purpose is serious, but the
book is by no means a solemn one. In fact,
no one who knows Shirley Smith could expect
that it possibly could be; one may, indeed, sus-
pect that the many bits of humor attributed to
the subject have been sometimes at least slight-
ly embellished by the author! Throughout, the
style is lively, individual, and interesting. The
text is sprinkled with anecdotes of faculty and
student behavior, and of campus traditions. By
the same token, the account of how some of
the more weighty problems were handled is
dramatic and arresting.
In his opening chapter, Mr. Smith expresses
the hope that his book may impart to its read-
ers "some small knowledge of the life on which
the so-called 'Angell legend' was so firmly and
enduringly and honestly established by the
multitude of those who knew and loved him."
There is no doubt that he has succeeded in
=making the legend meaningful to all readers of
the book. May their number be great!
-Prof. Lewis G. VenderVelde


Russian Survey.. .
To the Editor:
N REFERENCE to Mr. Wuerth-
ner's letter that appeared in
The Daily about the state of Rus-
sian language study in the Uni-
versity, I think that it might be
useful to call his attention to the
fact that the drop of 25% in the
total enrollment of students in
Russian language courses does not
apply, as he would seem to inti-
mate, to the University alone.
"The New York Times" has only
recently completed a survey of
183 college and university depart-
ments offering courses in Slavics.
Among the departments contact-
ed were those considered as the
very best in the country. In every
case, however, it was revealed that
enrollment in Russian language
courses had fallen off appreciably.
The results of this survey were
printed only a few weeks ago. Pro-
fessor Sevcenko's were, I think,
based on these over-all findings
and were not, it seems to be, in-
tended to single out the Univer-
sity as an isolated case. Mr.
Wuerthner may not find the "bill
of fare" offered by the taste. But
it does not seem to me that this is
a sufficient answer to the question
of the general movement away
from Russian language study in
as many schools as were surveyed
by the "Times." Odd as it very
well may seem, "guilt by associa-
tion" may have spilled over on de-
partments that should, one would
think, be among the very best at-
tended at a time when Russia and
Russian are of such intense imn-
portance. ,
-L. H. Scott, '55

Union Art Show...
To the Editor:
MICHIGAN has scored once
more! The general apathy of
the student body again has not
been impeached by any overt act
of enthusiasm. Sunday, December
4th, was the second launching of
the Michigan Union Student Art Ex-
hibit and coffee hour, climaxing a
month of preparation and hard
work. The exhibit was prepared
for the entire campus but it was
primarily expected to be supported
by the College of Architecture and
Design, the Department of Fine
Arts, and by the pretentious aes-
thetic group on campus.
The publicity staff of the Union
mailed 150 invitations to students
and faculty of the above mentioned
schools to attend the coffee hour
after the opening of the exhibit.
The complete absence of faculty
members was most embarrassing
to the dozen people who attended
the affair. The obvious lack of in-
terest displayed by the faculty and
students was a definite discredit
to the people who p. on the show,
the artists represented and to all
future shows. Hereafter if all art
exhibits and other cultural activi-
ties are to continue, there must be
more active participation and less
inactive conversation.
We would personally like to com-
mend the Michigan Union Execu-
tive Committee who worked so
hard to plan what they hoped
would be a very enjoyable and
worthwhile inauguration of the
Michigan Union Student Art Ex-
hibit and coffee hour.
-Jane Brill
Judy Howe
Gloria Anton
* * *
Linguistics Studies ..
To the Editor:
AS FORMER director of the
Army Special Training Pro-
gram and of the Civil Affairs
Training Program on this campus,
I believe that your article in Fri-
day's Daily on the excellent work
in Japanese studies should be sup-
plemented by a word about the
work in the other area and lang-
uage areas.
In preparation for service in
European and Near East countries,
studies of the French, German,
Spanish, Italian, and Persian lang-
uages and cultures were under-
taken. Owing to the greater im-
mediacy of occupation in these re-
gions the periods of study were
necessarily shorter, but the labors
of the University and other spec-
ialists should not be forgotten.
Particular mention should be
made of the conscientious efforts
of the language teachers to adapt
to the then new linguistic ap-
proach and provide the intensive
instruction called for.
A somewhat unusual outcome
was a 661-page volume entitled
"German in Power and Eclipse"
by James K. Pollock, Homer F.
Thomas and others, published by
Van Nostrand in 1952, which
brought together and supplement-
ed the teaching materials provided
in that area.
-Prof. Wm. Clark Trow
Union Opera .
To the Editor:
IT OCCURRED to me on reading
Mr. Theodossin's article that
he might have forgotten the func-
tion of his role as student critic
of the Union Opera. To be sure,
there is need for constructive crit-
icism of any presentation, what-
ever its form, in our learning pro-
cess. His extremely derogatory re-
marks aimed at certain individuals
went beyond the bounds of good

(Continued from Page 2)
be a good typist; possibly have to do
some dictaphone work. No shorthand
required. Will need to do some book-
keeping. For further information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext.
371, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
There is an opening in the Ann Arbor
area for a secretary with a knowledge
of medical vocabulary. Editorial exper-
ience helpful.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
University Lecture in Journalism by
Leland Stowe,noted foreign correspon-
dent and radio and TV news an-alyst
on "Moscow's Underground War for
Germany," Mon., Dec. 13, 4:15 p.m.
Rackhom Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Claud Aar-
on Bosworth, Education, thesis: "A
Study of the Development and the Val-
idation of a Measure of Citizens' Atti-
tudes toward Progress and Some Var-
iables Related Thereto," Mon., Dec. 13,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
2:30 p'm. Chairman, H. Y. McClusky.
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Dec.
14 at 4:10 p.m., Room 3011 Angell Hall.
Dr. E. L.. Griffin will speak on, "Rings
of Operators."
Seminar in Complex Variables will
meet TSues. De. 14, at 3:00 p.m., Room
247 W. E. Prof. J. L. Ullman will speak
on, 'Approximation to Continuous
Function; Lavrentieff's Theorem."
Stanley Quartet Concert, Fifth pro-
gram in the Beethoven Cycle series, will
be presented at 3:30 p.m. Sun., Dec. 12,
in Rackham Lecture Hall. Gilbert Ross
and Emil Raab, violins, Robert Courte,
violaviola, and Oliver Adel, cello, Quar-
tet in F major, Op. 59, No. 1, and Quar-
tet in C-sharp minor, Op. 131. Public
admitted without charge.
Student Recital. William Weber, pi-
anist, will be heard in recital at 8:30
p.m. Mon., Dec. 13, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. Presented in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree, the pro-
gram will include compositions by Bee-
thoven, Mozart, Chopin, and Debussy,
and will be open to the general public.
Mr. Weber is a pupil of John Kollen.
Faculty Recital Cancelled. The pro-
gram by Helen Titus, Associate Profes-
sor of Piano in the School of Music,
previously anounced for Tues., Dec. 14,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, has
been cewcelled.
Union Student Art Exhibit in the
lobby of the Michigan Union through
Dec. 15.
Events Today
Movies. Free movie, "Realm of the
Wild," Dec. 7-13. 4th floor Exhibit
Hall, Museums Building, daily at 3:00
and 4:00 p.m., including Sat, and Sun.;
extra showing Wed. at 12:30. Open to
the public.
Hillel: Chorus Rehearsal Sun. at 4:30
p.m. in the main chapel. Accompanist
needed. Sun. 6:00 p.m. Supper Club and
Record Dance.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sun. at 2:00 p.m. in front of the north
entrance of the Rackam Building.
Wear old clothes.
Fireside Forum of the First Methodist
Church will meet at the Youth Room
of the Church at 7:30 p.m. Sun., Dec.
12, to go Christmasvcarolingrreturning
to the home of Rev, and Mrs. Wang-
dahl for refreshments. Single gradu-
ate students.
Communion Breakfast Sun., Dec. 12
following 9:30 a.m. Mass at the Newman
Club. Three guest speakers will de-
scribe their experiences in Communist-
controlled countries,
S.R.A. All-Campus Carol Sing on the
General Library steps, followed by hot

wassail at Lane Hall. Come in groups
or alone. Dress warmly and comfortably.
8:15 p.m. Sun., Dec. 12.
Lutheran Student Association Sun.,
7:00 p.m. Annual Christmas Program.
Hill St. and Forest Ave.
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m. at the
church. Recording of "Don Juan in
Hell." Those wanting transportation
meet at Lane Hall or in front of Alice
Lloyd Hall at 7:15 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild Sun., Dec, 12. 9:30
a.m. Discsussion-"Basic Christian Be-
liefs," 10:30 a.m. Discussion-"Great
Ideas of the Bible," 5:30 p.m. Fellow-
ship Supper, 6:45 p.m. Worship Serv-
ice and Program. Gene Ransom will
Michigan Christian Fellowship: The
Rev. Charles R. MacDonald, of the First
Baptist Church, Detroit, will speak on
"The Purposeof Christ's Coming" at
4:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Refrehhments.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. 6:00
p.m., Christmas Buffet at the Guild
House (reservations necessary), pro-
gram led by Marcia Ahbe.
WSF supper in the Presbyterian stu-
dent center at 5:30 p.m., followed by
Christmas caroling.
First Baptist Church. Sun., Dec. 12.
9:45 a.m. Bible Class studies Luke; 11:00
keener that they have the right
to castigate with reckless abandon
and utter disregard for conse-
quences. (Big Blitz Inc. V. G. P.
Moosewell Publishing Co. 399
Mich. 1164 [19531).
I enjoyed with others the Wed-
nesday performance of a typical


(at 8 Wednesday, January 19
(at 9 Saturday, January 22
(at 10 Tuesday, January 25
(at 11 Monday, January 17
(at 12 Tuesday, January 18
(at 1 Tuesday, January 18
(at 2 Thursday, January 27
(at 3 Thursday, January 20

University of Michigan
January 17 to January 27, 1955
For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of
class is the time of the first lecture period of the week. For
courses having recitations only, the time of class is the time of
the first recitation period. Certain courses will be examined at
special periods as noted below the regular schedule.
Courses not included in either the regular schedule or the
special periods may use any examination period provided there
is no conflict or provided that, in case of a conflict, the conflict
is resolved by the class which conflicts with the regular schedule.
Each student should receive notification from his instructor
as to the time and place of his examination.






Friday, January 21
Monday, January 24
Wednesday, January 26
Tuesday, January 18
Thursday, January 27
Thursday, January 20
Monday, January 17

Literature, Science and the Arts

English 1, 2
Zoology 1
Botany 1, 2, 122
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54,
101, 153
French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32
Russian 1
Political Science 1
Sociology 1, 54, 60
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32
German 1, 2, 11, 31
Chemistry 1, 3, 5E, 20, 23
Psychology 31

Monday, January 17
Wednesday, January 19
Wednesday, January 19
Thursday, January 20
Friday, January 21
Friday, January 21
Saturday, January 22
Saturday, January 22
Monday, January 24
Monday, January 24
Tuesday, January 25
Wednesday, January 26


English 11
Drawing 3
M.I.E. 136
C.E. 23, 151
Drawing 1
M.I.E. 135
C.M. 107
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54,
101, 153
Drawing 2
E.E. 5
P.E. 31, 32
E.M. 1, 2
C.M. 113, 115
Chemistry 1, 3, 5E, 20, 23
C.E. 21, 22

Monday, January 17
Monday, January -17
Monday, January 17
Monday, January 17
Wednesday, January 19
Wednesday, January 19
Wednesday, January 19
Thursday, January 20
Friday, January 21
Friday, January 21
Saturday, January 22
Monday, January 24
Monday, January 24
Tuesday, January 25
Tuesday, January 25






Literature, Science and the Arts
No date of examination may be changed without the consent
of the Committee on Examination Schedules.
No date of examination may be changed without the con-
sent of the Classification Committee. All cases of conflicts be-
tween assigned examination periods must be reported for ad-
justment. See bulletin board outside Room 301 West Engineer-
ing Building before January 7 for instruction.
Individual examinations will be given for all applied music
courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of
the University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin
board in the School of Music.
Courses not covered by this schedule, as well as any neces-
sary changes, will be indicated on the School bulletin board.


Illrl M


The Last Time I Saw Paris ... at the Michigan
BABYLON REVISITED is probably the best
short story F. Scott Fitzgerald ever wrote,
telling his tragic story in a few words. Expand-
ed into a two hour film, The Last Time I Saw
Paris still manages to be a good movie.
It does suffer somewhat from this lengthi-
ness, especially in the many love scenes which,
for effect's sake, are drawn out.
Charles Wills (Van Johnson) returns to Par-
is to try and get back his daughter that his
sister-in-law has in custody since the death
of his wife Helen (Elizabeth Taylor).
The main part of the picture deals with the
life of Helen and Charley,
ELIZABETH TAYLOR couldn't be more beau-
tiful as the spoiled young wife, wearing
some of the most beautiful clothes this side
of -the Seine, and she appears most convincing
in her role. Johnson again hands in a good
performance especially in the more somber mo-
ments near the film's end.
Stealing many of the scenes is Walter Pid-
geon as the father, who has here his best role
in years. In fact, most of the picture's perform-

this movie will be something of an event, in
fact THE.
I myself found it quite moo-ving.
On a decidedly ethnic and German-occupied
Island off the mainland somewhere, lives a
pregnant cow called Venus, which fact has no
small import for The Commonwealth. David
Niven, who for reasons of his very own sashays
about in kilts, is told to get that cow.
The "complications" are not, on second
thought, very interesting. The aforementioned
enthusiasts, being a dour islander, morose
painter, dumb German and extremely small
child, are, however, at all times so pleasant,
that any dreary objections to be made have
to be made only after we have safely reached
our respective beaneries and they their happy
forever afters.
This, it occurs to me, is the "gimmick" of
British movie comedies. The ado, with notable
exceptions, is about less than nothing; the
people, with few exceptions, are much more
than nothing and have such extraordinarily
good fun doing whatever it happens they do,
that-we also have good fun. This Is not the
place for a discussion of humour-mechanisms.

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ...Managing Editor
DorothyMyers..............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
...............Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ........Women's Editor
Joy Squires ..Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith .Associate Womren's Editor
Dean Morton. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak.........Business Manager
Phi] Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise. .....Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights or republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan. as second class mail
matter. Published daily except Monday.
Subscription during regular school


a.m. Sermon, "Keeping Christ in
Chrismas"; 6:45 p.m. Mrs. Reed will
give a Christmas reading.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club. Candlelight song service, "Carols
by Candlelight," 7:00 p.m. at the chapel.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury House breakfasts following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services. "Faith
of the Church" lecture series, 4:30 p.m.
at Canterbury House. Student Supper
Club, 6:00 p.m. at Canterbury House.
Coffee Hour at the Student Center fol-
lowing the 8:00 p.m. Evensong.
Comning Events
Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., Dec. 13 in the East Lecture
Room, Rackham Buildig, at 8:00 p.m.
Dr. Avery Test will talk on, "A Zoolo-
gist Explores a Tropical Cloud Forest."
Colored slides. New members will be
welcomed into the Club.

13, 8:00 p.m. at the International Cen-
ter. A play will be given by students
in the Russian Department. Refresh-
La P'tite Causette will meet Mon.
from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the left room of
the Michigan Union cafeteria. Venez
tous et parlez francais.
Lane Hall Folk Dance Group will
meet Mon. 7:30-10 p.m. in recreation
room. Hopak, a Cossacks dance, will
be taught and other dances reviewed.
Political Science Round Table will
meet Tues., Dec. 14, at 7:45 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheater. M o n si e u r
Georges Louis Rebattet, Secretary Gen-
eral of the European Movement, will
speak on, "Contemporary French Pol-
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Tues.,
4:30-5:45 p.m. Tea at the Guild House.
Varsity Debate Team. No meeting of
the Debate Squad Tues., Dec. 14. All

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