See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Drn t
* * Cable Seeks
Court Team
Easily Downs
Butler Squad
Barron, Eaddy Lead
'M' With 16 Points
Michigan guards Don Eaddy and
JimBarron scored 16 points apiece
last night to lead the Wolverine
basketball team to an easy 71-65
win. over an outclassed Butler
Although playing listless ball dur-
ing most of the encounter, the Wol-
verines gained an early 6-0 advan-
tage and were never headed.
Scoring Honors
Butler guard Wally Cox took
scoring honors for the night with an
18-point total, scoring 14 in the
second half as the Wolverines were
unable to halt the 6'-3" Bulldog
Obviously not emotionally up for
the tilt, Coach Bill Perigo's crew
played exceptionally well when
they had to, but Butler failed to
press the Wolverines during most
of the game.
A fast-breaking offense and a vir-
tually airtight defense built up 10-
4 and 27-12 leads in the first half,
which ended with Michigan holding
a 32-16 advantage. As the half was
drawing to a close, however, the
Wolverine offense became slipshod
at times and continued to be so in
the second half, which was an en-
tirely different story.
Outscore 'M
The Bulldogs outscored the!
Maize-and-Blue squad by a single
point during the last 20 minutes of
action, but the Michigan lead was
never seriously threatened. The
visitors managed to come withinF
10 and 11 points of Wolverines on
two occasions, but Perigo's menc
were equal to the challenge -andt
quickly increased their lead bothr
Eaddy, netting five baskets int
the first half, led a Michigan at-
tack which had the Butler squadf
completely befuddled. The fast-
breaking Wolverine guards caughta
the Bulldog defense napping timei
and time again as Eaddy scoredf
on four driving layup shots ande
Barron netted one.s
Guard Jim Shearon, whose speeds
and ballhandling ability seems to
fit right in with Perigo's running
style of offense, drove through and
around the Butler defense although
failing to net a fieldgoal.d
Spectacular DefenseI
Even more spectacular during
the first half was the Wolverinea
defense, which bewildered the visi-t
tors. Butler tried elaborate criss-n
cross patterns to no avail, often-
times failing to get even one shot
See SPARKLING, Page 3 b
Hockey Squad
Rallies Twice
To Draw, 3-3
Montreal Netminder
Guevremont Stars
Sen. Knowland Praises UN
Move on Captured Airmen
WASHINGTON (A-Sen. William F. Knowland (R,-Calif.), Repub-
lican leader, commended the United Nations yesterday for its prompt
-Daily-John Hirtzel
UP FOR TWO POINTS-Don Eaddy, M' Geard, went up in the air to sink two points as the
Wolverine cagers disposed of the Butler Bulldogs, 71-56. Three of the Bdiier squad-Dave Sheetz
(41), Wally Cox (21), and Don Holloway (44)-watch as Eaddy scores.- e
Word News
Dodge Named to New
Foreign Ai;d Policy Post
WASHINGTON (R-President Dwight D. Eisenhower called on his
financial adviser of European days yesterday to organize and coordi-
nate this country's world lvie economic struggle against the spread1
By SOL ROSENIcondemnation of Red China's impri
Michigan's out-manned hockey , called for further UN action if nec
squad continued on its unbeaten The Californian, who initiallyc
path by coming from behind twice of Communist China, said the "fi
last night to tie the highly-touted byteUIeealAsml i
Montreal Carabins 3-3, before 2,- by the UN General Assembly "is
000 screaming fans at the Colis American fliers released."
um. He said it would be "a great mis-
After handing its opponents three take" for UN delegates to think
goals on momentary lapses, the "they have discharged their full
Maize and Blue sextet finally obligation" by passage of the reso-
caught up to Montreal early in the lution condemnNg Red Chna ald
third period when forward Dick instructing UN Secretary General
Dunnigan rammed home a goal. Dag Hammarskjold to make "un-
Only the stellar netminding of remitting efforts" to get the fliers
Montreal's Cy Guevremont, who released.
continually mace seemingly im. Misjudged Temper
possible saves, prevented the Wol- If any of them so think, Sen.
verines from capturing both games Knowland said, they have "mis-
of the weekend series. judged the temper of the American
Scoring Divided people."
Michigan's scoring was divided. Sen. Alexander R. Wiley (R-
as Captain Bill MacFarland, Bob Wis.), chairman of the Senate For-
Pitts and Dunnigan beat the Mon- eign Relations Committee, said a
treal goaltender. Roland Landry, blockade of Red China such as
who beat the Wolverine's Larne Sen. Knowland had proposed might
Howes twice last night, added an- lead the United States into a Com-
other goal to his scoring record.,I munist trap.
Montreal wingers Lameroux and "A blockade is probably the very
Roneck rounded out the Carabins thing the Soviet Communists want
scoring, us to do in order to precipitate us
Dunnigan's tying goal ended two. into an endless, bloody and futile
and a half periods of futility for battle with the Peking govern-
the Maize and Blue pucksters. Tak- ment," he said.
ing a perfect pass from MacFar- 'Act of War'
land, the rookie winger from Ed-! In opposing a blockade, he said
monton, Canada, skated around it would be "very definitely an act
the lone defenseman, and closed in of war." He said it might mean im-
on Guevremont. mediate death for the imprisoned
Faking with his shoulder, Dun- Americans, could ignite World War
nigan made the goalie commit him- III and would possibly bring this
self, and easily blasted the puck country into conflict "With the ships
into the open corner of the net. of neutral nations."
Roneck Scores Sen. Wiley took his stand in a
The spectators had hardly been 1 letter to the Brown County, Wis.,
seated when Roneck broke the Council of the Veterans of Foreign
scoring ice with a goal at 1:56 of Wars.
the first period. Leading a three In making the letter public, Sen.
man rush, he carried the puck be- Wiley said he was replying to a
hind the Wolverine cage, skated up resolution adopted by the council
eeDUNNIGAN, Page 3 asking that Red China be block-
SeeUaaded and any other "military
URVEY-forces be used'if necessary to ob-
S tain the release of the Americans."
Sen. Knowland, asked if he still
Children 'Too favored a blockade, replied that
he didn't know just what other ac-
.D stion the UN itself contemplated if
. $$ it got a negative response from
sonment of 11 American airmen but
essary to free the fliers.
called for a United States blockade
nal test" of the resolution adopted
how effective it is in getting the
By The Associated Press
Mail Speeded Up
WASHINGTON - Delivery of
"regular" letters bearing three-
cent stamps has been speeded up
by from 24 to 48 hours between
major Pacific coast cities during
the first 17 days of operation of
the experimental West coast air-
lift, Postmaster General Summer-
field said yesterday.
"Much business mail is being
advanced 24 hours in delivery and
in some cases 48 hours," Summer-
field said, and reports show deliv-
eries of residential mail "show
similar advances in most in-
* . *
Premier To Visit . .
LONDON - The Red China ra-
dio said yesterday Burma's .Pre-
mier U Nu plans a trip to Wash-
ington soon in an effort to bring
about an understanding between
the United States and Commu-
nist China.
U Nu is winding up a good will
tour of China. Friday night he
told a banquet he felt it would
such an understanding as is gen-
not be as difficult to bring about
erally supposed.
* * *
UN Censure .. .
United Nations General Assembly
voted 50 to 5 yesterday to approve
a report blaming the Soviet Union,
Red China and North Korea for
the breakdown of the Korean
peace talks at Geneva last sum-
The five opposing were the So-
viet bloc. India, Indonesia, Syria
and Burma abstainea.
of Communism.
In an action parallelling in soi
military services, the President nan
a new Cabinet-level council on for
Russia Sends
New Message
On Fightd4s
MOSCOW AP)--Soviet Russia in
a note warned the American gov-
ernment today that providing;
fighter 'coverage for reconnais-
sance flights'near Soviet territory
would increase the danger of loss
of American life.
The warning was contained in
a new note on the shooting down.
of a United States RB29 photo-
mapping bomber near the north-
east tip of Japan Nov. 7. The note
was handed the American ambas-
sador'yesterday and was broad-
cast by Moscow radio early today.
The incident took place near
the northeast tip of the Japanese
island of Hokkaido. The 11 crew-
men bailed out. One was found
dead and the other 10 suffered mi-
nor injuries.
The United States has sent
Russia two notes over the inci-
dent. One note, immediately aft-;
er the shooting, charged the plane
was shot down over Japan byi
Russian MIG fighters.
The second rejected the Soviet
contention that the plane in-,
truded over Russian territory
and called on the Soviet Union to
prevent further incidents.
me respects the unification of the
med Joseph M. Dodge chairman of
eign economic policy.
Assistant to President
Dodge, 63-year-old Detroit bank-
ers and Pres. Eisenhower's first
budget director, will have the non-
salaried title of special assistant to
the President. One of his primary
jobs will be to try to pull together
the conflicting views that have
been reported in the President's
official family on how best to block
Moscow's bid for cold war con-
In a letter made public by the
White House, Pres. Eisenhower
told Dodge he was designating him
to "assist and advise me in accom-
plishing an orderly development of
foreign economic policies and pro-
grams and to assure the effective
coordination of foreign economic
matters of concern to the several
departments and agencies of the
executive branch."
Proper Relation
"Because the formulation of for-
eign economic policy in many in-
stances is an integral part of the
formulation of national security
policy or of international financial
policy," Pres. Eisenhower said, "I
want you, as quickly as possible,
to establish appropriate working
relations with the National Advi-
sory Council on International Mon-
etary and Financial Problems, re-
spectively, to the end that in those
instances referred to the desired
integration will be effected."
Unity Asked
liam F. Knowland (R-Calif) call-E
ed yesterday for Republican unity
behind the Eisenhower legislative
He asserted that the GOP re-
cord in the 84th Congress will
have direct bearing on the out-
come of the 1956 presidential elec-
Sen. Knowland, the Republican
Senate leadet, himself has differ-
ed from Pres. Eisenhower on some.
foreign policy issues, notably in
calling for a blockade of Red Chi-
na. But the California senator
said these and other differences
among Republicans . "have been
overemphasized and exaggerated."
'Hold Party Together'
He said the first task of Re-
publican congressional leaders and
the President is to "hold the par-
ty together and make a construc-
tive record of accomplishments in,
the 84th Congress."
"We have first got to cross the!
bridge of 1955 before we get to
1956," Sen. Knowland said.
He declined fresh comment on
an attack by Sen. Joseph R. Mc-'
Carthy (R-Wis) on President Eis-I
enhower. Sen. McCarthy accused
the President of displaying "a,
shrinking show of weakness" to-
ward Red China. Immediately af-!
ter that attack, Sen. Knowland had
said he did not believe the Eis-
e n h o w e r administration had
shown any softness toward Com-
Third Party Talk
Sen. Knowland today dismissed
talk of a third party movement
drawing out of McCarthy's criti-
cism of the President.'
"I don't think the problem ofI
getting the party together is goingI
to be as great as some people make
it out to be," he said.
He went on to point out that in
the first year of the 83rd CongressI
he personally had been credited'
with support of 88 per cent of
Pres. Eisenhower's legislative pro-
posals, He said this year he had
supported 91 per cent of the Pre-
sidential proposals.
At Peiping
Request Parley
December 26
United Nations Secretary General
Dag Hammarskjold has asked
Prime Minister Chou En-lai of Red
China for direct talks on the case
of the 11 American fliers held as
He suggested a meeting in Pei-
ping around. Dec. 26.
The UN released late yesterday
25 hours after it was dispatched to
Peiping by Hammarskjold, the text
of a brief cable asking for a meet-
ing. Hammarskjold said in the
UN Command Personnel
"The General Assembly of the
UN has requested me to seek the
release of 11 UN Command person-
nel captured by Chinese forces onr
12 January 1953 as well as of all
other captured personnel of the
UN Command still detained.
"Taking into consideration all
facts and circumstances the sec-
retary-general must, in this case,
take on himiself a special respon-
sibility. In the light of the concern
I feel about the issue, I would ap-
preciate an opportunity to take this
matter up with you personally. For
that reason, I would ask you
whether you could receive me in
Peiping. I would suggest a visit
soon after26 December and would,
if you accept my proposal, ask you
what date at about that time would
be suitable to you."
Full Weight of Office
Hammarskjold thus threw the
full weight of his office into what
he regards as the greatest assign-
ment so far handed the secretary
general. He dispatched the cable
at 5 p.m. Friday-within minutes
after the General Assembly ap-
proved 47-5 a resolution condemn-
ing Red China for jailing the avia-
tors and calling on him to act for
their release. -
A diplomat in the Soviet bloc in-
formed of Hammarskjold's dra-
matic and quick action, said he did
not expect much to come from it.
This diplomat pointed out that
the Assembly resolution entrusting
Hammarskjold with the assign-
ment also condemned Red China
for imprisoning the men and hold-
ing the other prisoners who desire
He said this was exactly the
wrong way to go about getting the
men out and he added that he
wondered just how anxious the
West was to have the men re-
leased. If they really wanted ac-
tion, he continued, they would have
left out the condemnation.
Malik Comments
Hammarskjold was reported to
have informed Henry Cabot Lodge
Jr., chief American delegate, and
Anthony Nutting, British minister
of state, of his plans. He also was
reported to have told, in separate
conference, Arthur S. Lall, India's
permanent delegate to the UN, and
Jacob A. Malik, Soviet delegate,
who had maintained throughout
heated Assembly debate that the
resolution would not have any ef-
Malik said the men were spies
and they were handled by China
as spies and got what spies usually
Hammarskjold was believed here
to be placing reliance on India and
Sweden for direct help in his task.
Both have recognized Red China.
A former official of the Swedish
Foreign Office, it was believed he
had drawn on the resources of the
~Stockholm government to assist
him in communicating with the
Slnderground War'
Topic of Lecture
Leland Stowe, news and infor-
mation director of Radio Free Eu-
rope, will speak on "Moscow's Un-
derground War for Germany" at
4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham
Stowe has won three awards for
foreign reporting, including a Pu-
litzer Prize in 1930. He covered the
Pan-American Peace Conference of
Survey Tells
Housing Costs,
Excessive costs end discrimina-
tion are two'chief problems of Ann
Arbor housing, according to a re-
port by the Citizens' Housing Com-
Based on a survey conducted
during the winter of 1953-54 by the
Committee and the University's
Survey Research Center, the re-
port gives no recommendations.
Florence Crane, committee chair-
man, said the purpose of the report
is to give an over-all picture of lo-
cal housing.
Ne Cost to City
The survey was made at no cost
to the city. Procedure used was
similar to that followed by the Cen-
ter in its standard operations.
Interviews were taken at 324
households selected at random. Of
those interviewed, 72 per cent con-
sidered the cost of local housing
too high. Forty-two per cent of the
sample sensed discrimination in
local housing on racial, religious or
other grounds.
Mobile Population
An important part of housing
nrnhlrnc nnnnrc AnnA ,..r nv
By The Associated Press
Today's children are too big for
their benches, says the National
School Service Institute.
The Institute's 90-page report!
of a study conducted by Prof.
Frederick P. Thieme, of the an-
thropology department at the Uni-
versity, and former Ann Arbor
school teacher Dr. W. Edgar Mar-;
tin, also revealed that the old'
style bench-desk type of school
furniture used by previous gen-;
erations is on its way out.
Last summer, the two educa-
tors took 55 separate measure-
ments of 3,318 pupils in ten ele-
mentary and secondary schools in
the Wayne-Washtenaw countys
area. They found that present day
adolescents undergoing the char-'
acteristic "growth spurt" average
the height and weight of those two
years older a quarter century ago.
Martin attributed increased'
weight and growth tendency to
improved nutrition, control of#
communicable diseases, great ad-
vances in medicine, wider diffu-
sion and acceptance of nutritional
knowledge and standards.
To Sing arols
Air Force ROTC band and chorus
will play and sing Christmas car-
ols tomorrow night in Ann 'Arbor.
The 55-member band, under the
direction of Cadet Lt. Col. John
Dudd, will begin its instrumental
caroling at the women's residence
halls on the hill. The cadets will
also visit University and St. Joseph
Hospitals, Newberry - Barbour
houses and South Quad. They will
end their plaving at the Law Quad
Raps NationsI
But he said that he did not be-
lieve Congress or the country
would be "satisfied merely by the
passage" of the resolution of con-
demnation if the American fliers
continue in jail.
While Sen. Knowland commended
the UN Assembly for its prompt-
ness of action, he rapped the na-
tions that abstained from voting.
He said their abstention seemed'
hard to comprehend because "they
are all nations" that did not fur-
nish troops for the UN forces in
Korea and yet secure certain pro-
tection from collective action by
the UN.
Student Architects Build'i
Modern' Christmas Tree
Object of astonished looks of
Supercarrier 'Forrestal' Launched
T h e United States yesterday
launched the mightiest warship
of any navy, the supercarrier For-
restal, in a ceremony marred by
the crashing of a fighter plane.
This huge, steel airdrome of the
sea-built to carry atomic bomber
planes to the far corners of the
earth - becomes a "weapon of
great potency," Navy Secretary
Charles Thomas told the thous-
an.n nP o n1-asn..nrc nvi oenP-, of
that arched above her. Whistles
shrilled, a band played and, under,
the power of winches, the great
ship inched slowly astern a few
feet, symbol that she had come to
the sea.
Backed Clear
Today the Forrestal will be
backed clear of the building spot-
a yawning chasm like a huge canal
dock-and towed to an outfitting
pier for another year of finishing
tal a little before--glanced from a
collier ship moored to a pier, tore
apart and plunged into the water.
Plunges Down
The collier was just arriving and
crewmen were making lines fast
to a pier when the jet plunged
down, in inverted position, and
tore to pieces. Fragments of the
shattered plane rained around
crewmen, but there were no in-
iuries among them. The pilot's
passing pedestrians is the "Christ-
mas tree" erected on the Monroe
St. side of the Architecture Bldg.
The unusual 'tree," constructed
by architectural students of steell
uni-strut, has been painted pink,
red, orange and white. The 25-
foot-tall object is described by Al-1
exander Pickens of the School of
Architecture and Design as 'a new
concept of Christmas decorations
using new materials." It is formed
by three pyramids which, when
spotlighted at night, .give the im-
pression of an object suspended in
air. The "tree" will remain up un-
til after the holidays, and is dec-
orated by ornaments made of black'