THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDA Y, DECEMBER 11, 1954 Mcarthy's Prestige Too Low For Forming 'Third Party' FOUR WORDS used by the junior senator from Wisconsin when asked if he would join a third party movement have not been lost on newsmen. McCarthy's reply to their query was: "I have no interest whatsoever AT THE PRESENT TIME in a third party. I intend to work in the Republican party. In view of recent occurrences McCarthy's ack of interest in a third party is understand- able. Just two short years ago he was riding at the height of his glory, but now he has slip- ed so low in public opinion that his reelection o the Senate is doubtful. Newsmen were quick to pick up the "not at present" phrase in McCarthy's statement be- cause of speculation concerning a possible po- itical alignment of McCarthy with Sen. William Knowland of California, the Senate Republican eader. Knowland deserted the Administration o support McCarthy during the recent censure battle. The alignment of the two senators might levelop into a struggle for Republican party control or a split in the party whereupon a third party might be formed. r HE JUNIOR SENATOR has isolated himself from his party and stands, as a result of he censure action, repudiated by the American >eople. Even Knowland, referring to the recent >lasting of Eisenhower by his colleague, has Mtated that he has gone along with the presi- lent on most votes in the Senate. Party mem- bers are for the most part bitter over the cen- ure battle and McCarthy's latest accusation hat the President has congratulated senators who hamper "the exposure of communism" and >f putting up a "shrinking show of weakness" oward Red Chinese who "are torturing and >rainwashing American uniformed men." Yet ther party members are forceful in their de- iouncement of the Republican senator from Termont, Sen. Ralph Flanders, whose original esolution against McCarthy started the cen- ure procedure moving last summer. Confusion and splitting within the Republican party has resulted from mixed feelings ever ince the censure movement started. In Mc- "arthy's own words, the result of the battle vas certainly not a "vote of confidence." The enator was condemned on two counts, the irst in his failure to help an investigating com- nittee of 1951-52 which was investigating him and his "abuse" of the group's members were :ondemned on the ground that they obstructed 'the constitutional processes of the Senate." McCarthy's "Communist handmaiden" and other charges against the Watkins committee which recommended censure for him were also condemned constituting the second count. While the third, the abuse of Gen. Zwicker, neverF came to a vote, the Senate still adjourned hav- ing for only the fourth time in American history rebuked one of its own members. AND THE gradual downfall went on. While the junior senator was persisting in his ac- cusation denouncing the censure resolution as "a foul job," the nationwide campaign for "ten million patriots for Joe" boasted only one and a half million supporters as the hearings reached their end. Senate members have now realized that this following is a loud noisy one and that actually the number represents only a tiny minority when the entire population of the country is taken into consideration. To climax his actions McCarthy came forth with his accusation concerning Eisenhower in an apparent break with the Administration. He even went so far as to apologize for telling the voters in the 1952 election that by placing Eisen- hower in office they would guarantee "a vigor- ous, forceful fight against Communists in gov- ernment." There is no apathy on this subject. Instead complete bedlam seems to have resulted. The junior senator has created a not-so-mild sensa- tion not only among his fellow colleagues and the American public, but with the Administra- tion also. Republican party members are fight- ing "tooth and nail" about Senator MoCarthy, the Senate has been forced to condemn one of its members, the President has been forced onto the defensive, and the public is left wondering just what is going to happen as a result of the political fray. MC CARTHY'S FUTURE is speculated on with a mixture of fear and wonder. What kind of a man is this who can move his party and a governing body of the country to such lengths? The Senator's tactics have already resulted in a visible attitude of distrust at home and abroad just when this trust in the government is so important. His abuse of his powers has been noticed by the public with amazement. Just where will the junior Senator go from here? We don't think he'll go far. --Gail Goldstein "I Just Want To Know Which Minority?" /41, j fl: Jfr E L: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR nr+c o+w~aPO . UT IT'S WARM IN HERE: Local Salespeople Display Crass Commercialism WHERE'S SHAKESPEARE? Midsummer Night Dream Beautiful'Show At Masonic Temple in Detroit .. . A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM with Moira Shearer, Robert Helpmann and Stanley Holloway. CONSIDERED pictorially, the London Old Vic Company's produc- tion of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is a theatrical presentation of infinite beauty. There are tons and tons of scenery; hundreds of flowing tulle and silken costumes; a corp de ballet; and a stage that dwarfs a CinemaScope screen. The result is a series of big, beautiful, exciting visual images that are almost ethereal in their loveliness. But as for Shakespeare-he is just lost somewhere amid the baroque architecture and spinning dancers. The writer's poetry dis- appears in all the "artiness." But no one seems to notice: the actors are too busy flitting about the stage and the audience is enthralled by Robin and Christopher Ironside's overwhelming decor. For those unfamiliar with the play, there will be some difficulty in following the action if one relies upon the spoken word, for most of the lines are muttered or hushed. It is perhaps best to just sit back and enjoy this heavently tidbit Impresario Sol Hurok has im- ported from England. MOIRA SHEARER of Red Shoes fame is cast as Titania. Miss Shearer is a beautiful women, graceful, poised, and a fine dancer. Her acting, however, is just a little too amateurish. But she is provided with many opportunities to posture gracefully and wave her long, white arms, a feat which she accomplishes with rare skill. A special classical ballet arranged by Frederick Ashton, gives her an opportunity to dance with Robert Helpmann and the corp de ballet. However, creative .dullness shows throughout the movement patterning, which is not very important after all since Miss Shearer blends in so well with the forest backdrop. Robert Helpmann makes a graceful Oberon, while Stanley Hollo- way gets only a limited number of laughs from his Bottom role. It is only in the palace play scene that Michael Redington sparks up the proceedings with a broadly conceived, slapstick Snug. At this point it is very necessary to have some relief before the enormous ballet finale. THERE IS ALSO a colorful Wedding Ball, choreographed by Help- mann, which features graceful girls spinning en point. Their yellow gowns harmonize well with the red-brown backdrop. Mr. Hurok should be thanked for presenting so lovely and color- ful a show, even though the author's fans may object to his works being used as a prop upon which to hang dancers and scenery. Yet, Mr. Hurok has assembled a very memorable evening. The only cau- tion, however, is that future divinely-mounted productions might not be as delightful as the present one once the audience becomes ac- customed to seeing a theatrical "spectacular." -Ernest Theodossin DREW PEARSON: Ike Should, Recall Joe's Army Torture Charges Law School Defense. .. To the Editor: RECOGNIZING that all of us are not endowed with similar tastes in selecting means by which to sat- isfy our, needs for recreation, we do not condemn this fellow's aver- sion to good wholesome fun, i.e., "real blasts," "getting smashed," etc. We suggest simply that, pend- ing his ultimate reorientation, he abstain from untoward outbursts against those whose tastes do not run to such Ivy league diversions as matching dimples on one an- other's knees, playing jacks and hopscotch, and debating thekmerits of lace on male underwear. Against the student body of the Law School he has levelled charges of ill-manners, boisterousness and alcoholism. He further asseverates that crass shenanigans are planned for a major social event this week. From this meagre statement of facts, he concludes that we are im- mature and distasteful. We demur on the ground that his pleading constitutes a patent non sequitur. Should our demurrer be overruled,; we plead confession and avoidance; the complainant has unclean hands (it is a notorious fact that he regu- larly engages in hide and seek games in the law library); defend- ants have been taken by surprise (no rat ever squealed on us like this before); defendants are ignor- ant of the facts (nobody remembers anything occurring during or im- mediately after a refreshment break); defendants will be twice placed in jeopardy (former threats have been to our physical survi- val). Does our rosy cheeked friend be- grudge the acquisition of a rosy red nose? Come come, friend, it's the Christmas season; even Ru- dolph has one. Does he seriously urge that we discriminate in the bars toward which we direct our steps? Sic 'em, SL! -Bob Olsen Dave Roach Wooden Slate .. . To the Editor: BY NOW it seems that the only ones interested in student gov- ernment are either those who see in it a chance for personal prestige or the lawyers who view the whole thing with an amused detachment. The latter with few exceptions have directed at this alphabetical pipe- dream a derision which it richly merits. And yet, there is a touch of pathos in all this. Surely, the ad- vocates of student government can offer more than such cryptic plat- itudes as, "what we are seeking is more students in government and less government in the students." CSP or SL adopts a slate of wood- enly inconsequential proposals; un- dergraduate apathy increases; and thereupon, the hapless students are berated by the leaders for the very attitude they have caused. I think it matters little to the undergradu- ate whether SGC has 18 or 23 mem- bers; and as long as campus lead- ers involve themselves in this sort of nit-picking, they will have un- dergraduate apathy to contend with. I am sincerely distressed at this-I can mock no longer-be- cause I feel that this campus is faced with important problems that should be brought up by some one, some place; and I suggest just one as a good starter: The economic status of the stu- dent in Ann Arbor amounts to raw exploitation. Prices are high, and the wages paid to student labor are unconscionably low. "It's supply and demand," say some. And my answer to this is: thank you, for the profound instruction, but the classical postulates of economics are not necessarily moral law. Some student group should exam- ine this situation and bring the facts to lightso each one might know where he stands. In this way perhaps ameliorative pressures might be applied. Will the students, themselves, act? Certainly their interests are directly concerned, but it is a gam- ble. I, at one time, was about to join a leading student civil rights group here when I discovered that their most important reports were being prepared by faculty patrons. This really cooled my enthusiasm for their cause. A person who won't assert his own rights doesn't de- serve them. Perhaps this will be different. To those interested in weighty student government I suggest that it is worth the try. --J. T. Prendergast, '56L Review Criteria .,.. To the Editor: CONGRAtULATIONS to you, Mr. Malcolm, for your fine review of that insipid parody of culture, "Carmen Jones." Be of good cheer, you are a veritable oasis in the desert of equivocation. Have no ear for your detractors, you are of noble lineage. They, your detractors, will refer to your enlightened sensibilities as pseudo-sophistication and they will say that you imagine yourself as something of an intellectual aris- tocrat. But, though you may be a democratic man, the employment o' your critical faculties must nev- er be democratic. Time will be democratic enough. The progress of criticism as organized reflection demands that each assert his indi- vidual opinion. We have had enough of rank and file reviewing of pedestrian commentary and whimpering, simperin4 evaluations. Yours must be as M. Arnold saw it, a disinterested attempt to prop- agate the "best." "Carmen Jones" demanded the comparison that you made. The outcome wasobvious to both of us. --R. E. Fitch With a Grain .. . To the Editor: FOR two and one half years I have endured the puerile criti- cisms of the Michigan Daily with considerable patience. My amaze- ment at the pedantic mouthings of your reviewers has remained In- audible simply because I assumed that they, although certainly lack- ing in intelligence, possessed a modicum of good taste. However, with Mr. Don Malcolm's "critical analysis" of Carmen Jones, I feel that the boundaries of taste have been grossly blasphemed. As Mr. Malcolm's opinion of this movie was obviously biased by the "chorus(es) of laughter, hisses and mock retching" so indicative of the low level of intelligence epitomized by our typical midwestern provin- cial audiences, I humbly submit that if Mr. Malcolm had ever wit- nessed "Tales of Hoffman" in a popular movie house, he would have undoubtedly noticed similar displays, which certainly did not detract from the purity and beauty of this also most excellent pro- duction. Mr. Malcolm further asserts that Hammerstein forces the Negro into a musical idiom absolutely foreign to him. Is this to be construed that the Negro, having made excellent con- tributions to American music through the fields of ballads, blues, and jazz, should remain in this stereotyped pattern into which our civilization has forced him? . . . The magnificance of Carmen Jones lies in the fact that it liberates the Negro, allowing him to fully ex- plore a 'new medium that quite conceivably could have evolved from his own environment. As far as "destroying the integ- rity of the original production" you cannot destroy that which does not exist. The brilliance of Bizet's Car- men is not derived from its many insipid arias and much saccarin recetative; rather, it is the beauty of Bizet's music which elevates this opera from the common level. And most certainly Mr. Malcolm does not consider Carmen another Don Giovanni. --Gershom Clark Morningstar, 56 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN f ELEVEN MORE shopping days-and as the holiday approaches, it's getting harder and harder for a student to go shopping along State Street's glittering avenue of emporiums. Because collegiate shoppers insist on a firm policy of "just looking," and rarely buying, rapport between some storekeepers and their student customers is dwindling fast. Drifting in and out of the shops in his free hours, the average student differs vastly from ordinary customers He isn't shopping to buy, but to amuse himself-to procrastinate. HE'S FOUND that by inspecting what the stores have to offer, he can price articles he might someday buy, getting on the side a fair idea of the season's fashion innovations. His wallet, most often, is a slim one, with little promise of paying for half the things he wistfully admires. And he assumes, wrongly, that store proprietors are aware of all this. But the unwritten code of most salespeo- ple's tactics doesn't account for student custo- mers' shortcomings. When a student enters a store he's pounced on instantly by at least one, much more often three, idle clerks who im- plore him, in unison, "May I help you?" "Not just now, thanks," he'll answer cor- dially: "I'm just looking." Because of his hon- est face, he expects he'll be allowed to wander through the store unescorted. UT this doesn't stop the clerks, who repeat, at regular three-minute intervals, "May I help you now? Now? Have you found some- thing? Oh, you have? Like to try it on?" "No, thanks," the student responds in a numb, dull voice, "I'm just looking. No thanks, I'm just-" And the dialogue goes on, each side main- taining its stand. Eventually the persecuted student wanders defeated onto the street. No sale. Granted, not all stores or all students use these techniques. In some shops a customer may browse endlessly, never bothered by a clerk until he asks for assistance. But the ma- jority of salespeople haven't yet distinguished between the people who've come to part im- mediately with their money and the students, comprising a much larger group, who are pe- rennially "just looking." --Jane Howard CURRENT MOVIES A#t the Orpheum... CASTLE IN THE AIR with Margaret Ruth- erford and Mr. Magoo. THIS IS another flighty British Comedy which assembles the stock British comedy char- acters in one of the stock British comedy situ- ations; although Margaret Rutherford is pos- sibly in better form than usual. Situation is, in short, this: A decrepit old Scotch castle is about to go broke along with its owner, a baby-faced earl of uncertain de- scent. Other participants in this droll affair are a Scotch henchman, a Denver, Colorado Rich American Woman, a true-blue Englishwoman, and a ghost. More about her later. Also the British Socialist Problem is repre- sented by a beastly little bureaucrat who is sniv- eling about, trying to convert this marvelous castle into a hostel for coal miners. But, America to the rescue, the Denver wom- an wants to buy the place and use it to impress the other stupid American tourists. And so she does. Aside from this paltry plot is Margaret Ruth- erford as a militant historian. Armed with parchment family trees she seeks to prove that the Earl of the Castle, whose name I forget, is descended from King Malcolm, and is, indeed, King of Scotland. Donald Malcolm of this Uni- people. Rutherford is good though; make no mistake. THROWN IN for good measure is a ghost, semi-transparent and semi-clothed. She is dull. She can walk through doors or open them as the fancy strikes her. Impossible. So one might say, aside from a few scenes with Miss Rutherford, this one is not quite good fantasy; not quite bad acting. One ridiculous scene was most out of place though, showing this Earl fellow sitting in a bathtub of mon- strous aspect, singing to a portable radio. This sort of thing is best left to C. B. DeMille & his biblical staff. TWO SHORTS accompany Castle on its weary way. The first, relating the sordid tale of a girl ski champion will doubtless appeal to house mothers, channel swimmers, SL officials, and other forceful women. Me, it somehow fails to amuse. The other, a Mr. Magoo, is another story. It must be admitted that UPA had a good idea when they thought up Magoo. But evidently they are completely unable to make Magoo into anything remotely resembling entertainment after the first few attempts. Somehow, each succeeding Magoo is just a trifle worse than before. This one is, to me, hopeless. I had WASHINGTON-If I were Ike --if I were President Eisen- hower, and had Senator McCarthy accuse me of being nice to "those who are torturing American uni- formed men," I should have come back with McCarthy's own vigor- ous defense of Nazi Storm Troop- ers who shot down helpless, un- defended American prisoners at Malmedys. I would have quoted McCarthy's brazen charge that American officers stuck the ends of lighted matches under the fin- gernails of Nazi Storm Troopers to make them confess the Mal- medy murders. . . I would have shown how he ranted and raved and finally stomped out of the hearings when fellow Senators de- fended American uniformed men ... "whitewash" was McCarthy's hurled accusation . . . the Nazis, he claimed, "were subject to beat- ings and physical violence such as only could be devised by warp- ed minds. They were subjected to sham trials and mock hangings .. .to create the right psycholo- gical atmosphere in which to ob- tain confessions." . . . that was the way McCarthy in 1949 attack- ed the American Army which he now accuses Eisenhower of ne- glecting. I would have reminded him of that-had I been Ike. against regulations for an officer on active duty to run for political office ... and I should have pub- lished McCarthy's first letter ap- plying for a Flying Cross at the time the Marines finally discharg- ed him-at his request-right in the middle of the war ... I might also have published a photo of the banner McCarthy flaunted across his Marine corps tent in the South Pacific: "McCarthy for the Senate"-if I were Ike. If I were Ike-I should also have published McCarthy's request for a Purple Heart for alleged wounds, in action, plus the medical report on how he got the "ten pounds of shrapnel" which he claimed were in his leg . . . I should have let the public read the report show- ing that he had incurred a slight injury to his foot in some horse- play while being initiated by "King Neptune" as a shellback when his Navy transport crossed the equator. I would have shown how McCarthy was climbing down a ladder with a bucket tied to his ankle, when he slipped and broke a bone in his foot . . . for this he wanted the Purple Heart. I would have let the public read this record-had I been Ike. If I Were Ike-I should have made nublie the Marine corns cor- The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concerts, and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1954 Vol. LXV, No. 67 Notices Application blanks for Phoenix Pre- doctoral Fellowships for 1955-56 are available in the Graduate School Office. Applicants should be well advanced in their graduate studies and should pre- sent plans for research or graduate study leading to research in some field dealing with the applications or impli- cations of atomic energy. Research proj- ects may be in the fields of nuclear physics and chemistry, in the use of radiation or fission products in the medical and biological sciences or on the effect that atomic energy develop- ments will have on government, eco- nomics, philosophy and culture. Com- petition will close Feb. 14, 1955. Late Permission. Because of the All- Campus dance, all women students will have a 1:30 late permission Sat., Dec. 11. Women's residences will be open until 1:25 a.m. PERSONNEL INTERVIEW: Representatives from the following will interview at Engineering: Mon., Tues., & Wed., Dec. 13, 14, 15 Proctor & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio-B.S. & M.S. in Civil, Mech., Ind., Elect., Chem. E., E. Mechanics, Math., Physics, & Chemistry, also BusAd. ma- jors for Research and Development, En- gineeringcand Manufacturing. Tues., Dec. 14 American Brake Shoe Co., New York 17, N.Y.-B.S. in Mech. E., and E. Me- chanics, B.S. & M.S. in Ind., Metal. E., and Chem. E. for Sales, Production, En- gineering, Research, and Staff. Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp., Pitts- burgh, Penn.-B.S. in Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., Chem. E.,_ Engrg. Mech.,, B.S. & M.S. in Metal. E. and any Engr. in- terested in Sales for Research and De- v e lo p m e n t, Production, Industrial, Plant, and Maintenance Engrg., and Sales Engrg. Also BusAd for accounting. Wed., Dec. 15 Penberthy Injector Co., Detroit, Mich. -B.S. in Mech. E., or other programs interested for Sales Engrg. Students wishing to make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the Engineering Placement Of- fice, 248 West Engineering, Ext. 2182. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Esterbrook Pen Co., Camden, N.J. is looking for a Sales Representative for the Michigan area (except metropolitan Detroit) and South Bend, Indiana. Man 25-30 years old, must have own car, prefer some experience. Residence in Lansing is preferred, but the headquar- ters may be moved from Lansing to Grand Rapids. unar o ivlCavra'i:rmiwc nation of the above or Math, Survey- ing, or Physics. U.S. Civil Service Commission an- nounces positions for Claims Examiners, GS-7, 8, 9, in the area office at Chicago, Ill. .These positions are open to college trained persons with a legal background or other appropriate experience. Gen- eral experience in Government, busi- ness, or industrial positions requiring a knowledge of laws, regulations, pro- cedures, precedents or business prac- tices based on law. First written test Jan. 8. Applications must be in by Dec. 28. Civil Service,. Chicago Region, also announces exams for positions in the fields of Business and Economics, En- gineering and Science, Inspection, and Stenography and Typing. A Protestant Church in Ann Arbor has an opening for a secretary. Must be a good typist; possibly have to do some dictaphone work. Nosshorthand required. Will need to do some book- keeping. For further information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg. There is an opening in the Ann Arbor area for a secretary with a knowledge of medical vocabulary. Editorial exper- ience helpful. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., Dec. 11, 2:00 p.m., at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory (near Pontiac). Report on the Vacuum Spectrography by the Mc- Math-Hulbert staff members. Doctoral Examination for O. Lee Rigsby, Musicology; thesis: "The Sa- cred Music of Elzear Genet," Sat., Dec. 11, 808 Burton Memorial Tower, 16:00 a.m. Chairman: H. T. David. Doctoral Examination for Abraham Levitsky, Psychology; thesis: "A Study of the Defense Mechanism of Intellec- tualization," Sat., Dec. 11, 7611 Haven Hall, at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, E. S. Bor- din. Doctoral Examination for Karl Daw- son Wood, Aeronautical Engineering; thesis: "Aerodynamic Design of Heli- copters," Sat., Dec. 11, 1077 East Engi- neering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, W. C. Nelson. Doctoral Examination for Claud Aar- on Bosworth, Education, thesis: "A Study of the Development and the Val- idation of a Measure of Citizens' Atti- tudes toward Progress and Some Var- iables Related Thereto," Mon., Dec. 13, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, H. Y. McClusky. Concerts The 80-voice Michigan Singers choir, directed by Marnard Klein, will per- form at the annual Ann Arbor Com- munity Christmas Sing, Sat., Dec. 11, in Hill Auditorium, at 7:30 p.m. "Fan- fare for Christmas Day" by Shaw, "The Three Kings" by Willan, and "Salva- tion Is Created" by Tschesnokoff. T r Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers............City Editor Jon Sobeloff ........Iditorial Director Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart......Associate Editor Dave Livingston .........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ..............,Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor Joy Squires ..Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith .Associate women's Editor Dean Morton ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak........Business Manager Phil Brunskinl, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise......Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 F' 4' x :i