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December 10, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-10

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r kUJ)ArY DECEMBER 10.+19V




McCarthyism Strains
'Bonds of Affection'
ER LIPPMANN this grave matter of life and death the Senator
was not speaking for, he was speaking against,
~resident had to address the Administration. Having to disagree with
iences on the subject of Sen. Knowland publicly, the President had to
prisoners of war in Red weaken his own position in dealing with Pek-
.d first of all to speak to ing and Moscow. He had to show more of his
abroad-to our adversar- hand than it was necessary or desirable to
king, to our allies in Lon- show.

two separate aud
the eleven American
Chinese hands. He ha
the diverse audience
ies in Moscow and Pel

don, Paris, Ottawa and in the rest of NATO,
to the uncommitted governments in New Delhi
and in large areas of Asia and of Africa. Here
he was preparing to use the resources of a
worldwide diplomacy to obtain the release of
the prisoners. But at the same time he had to
turn around and explain to the American pub-
lic why he would not do what Sen. Knowland
was publicly advising him to do. The Senator's
advice was to blockade China ad to break off
diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
Lest the whole free world think that Sen.
Knowland .was talking for the United States
government, the President had to make an
elaborate reply to Sen. Knowland. I
Both of the President's conversations were,
of course, heard all over the world. But the
one that made the loudest noise was the Pre-
sident's reply to Mr. Knowland. As the re-
sult, what came out of Washington was a pro-
clamation to the world-including Peking and
Moscow-not of what we do mean to do by
diplomacy, but of what we do not mean to do
by ultimatum and guns. The net effect was to
neutralize what the President was saying to
Peking and to the other capitols. In order to
go along with the Senator and off the deep
end into war, the President had to come very
near to giving the other side an assurance that
the United States would not act at all but
would only talk.
ALL OF THIS was a flagrant disservice to
the American cause. In compelling the
President to reject publicly a specific proposal
for action, Sen. Knowland caused the Presi-
dent to give the embarrassing impression that
he did not intend to act at all. This impaired
seriously the diplomatic bargaining position of
the United States. Before the President had
gotten any response from the other side and
from our allies he was driven into the position
where he had to say precisely what he would
not do.
This can only have encouraged the adven-
turers in Peking who mean to take the biggest
calculated risks. It can only have made the
uncommitted nations believe that the United
States is torn within itself by a struggle with
a war party. It will only have confirmed the
feeling, which is already prevalent among our
allies, that Washington is so divided that it
cannot be depended upon to follow an even
course of action.
R. KNOWtAND'S attempt to drive from the
back seat was an indefensible invasion of
the President's constitutional power to conduct
foreign affairs. For If the President is to con-
duct them, he must have the sole right to speak
for the United States government. And that
right is bound to mean that he must be the
sole and final judge of when to say what the
government will do and of when to say what
the government will not do. He must not be
pushed and jostled into making declarations
of government policy just because a Senator
prefers to talk publicly rather than to confer
and to argue privately.
Coming from the leader pf the Administra-
tion party in the Senate, Mr. Knowland's call
for a blockade, which is an act of war, was not
the mere expression of one more personal opin-
ion in the general free 'expression of opinions
in our democratic society. Because of Sen.
Knowland's official position, the President wa
put immediately into a public dilemma. In any
orderly government Sen. Knowland would be
the spokesman of the Administration. Yet i

SEN. KNOWLAND is apparently under the
impression that there is a choice before us
between action and inaction, between an ulti-
matum backed by acts of war and mere futile
paper protests. This is, I submit, a misunder-
standing of the real situation. As of this mo-
ment, the United States government does not
have the power to decide for itself to impose a
blockade of China. The maritime rights of a
great many nations-allied, neutral, and ad-
verse-would at once be involved in such a
blockade. It is inconceivable that all these na-
tions would acquiesce in a unilateral Ameri-
can decision to intercept their ships. Thus, if
we took Sen. Knowland's advice and issued
the ultimatum to China, we would be com-
mitting ourselves to use American naval force
against the ships of perhaps twenty nations.
Can anyone in his right mind think that the
Chinese would then release the prisoners? By
holding on to them they would have, in addi-
tion to the prisoners, the delightful prospect
of the United States embroiled with all of its
Yet, as I was saying previously, it is a dis-
service to the United States to have to disavow
the idea of a blockade. The right position,
which Sen. Knowland is needlessly spoiling,
is to seek the release of the prisoners by bring-
ing the dispute before some kind of interna-
tional tribual. Our efforts to do that will
either be successful in that they result in the
release of the prisoners, or, if the Chinese re-
fuse; they will help to align many nations, in-
cluding it may well be, some of the uncommit-
ted nations. Only when and only after there is
such an alignment, could a measure like block-
ade have any chance of being made effective
have a right to be treated as a serious and ma-
ture proposal.
THE NOTION that the choice before us is
between a war-like ultimate and nothing
at all leaves out the overriding reality of the
situation. This is that the East-West struggle is
for the allegiance of the peoples living all
around Eurasia from Japan to Morocco.
The Knowland policy of ultimatum would
arouse only hostility in the uncommitted world.
It would, I believe, be opposed even among our
closest allies. On the other hand, if we resort
to the machinery of peaceable settlement -.
which is the alternative to the Knowland pro-
posal-we are sure to find wide and powerful
support among our allies and in the uncom-
mitted nations. Our willingness to take our
case to some kind of impartial tribunal will
be the most convincing kind of evidence that
we truly believe our case is a good one.
The peoples of the world are standing in awe
and in anxiety between the giant military pow-
ers. The way to win their confidence and res-
pect is not by an ultimatum. For they would
regard that as a sentence of death for them-
selves. The way to win their confidence and
respect' is by an exhibition of loyalty to the' in-
stitutions set up to settle issues without going
to war.
The unarmed and undefended peoples of the
world are acutely aware of their own weakness
and their own helplessness in case of war. As
never before, therefore, they are profoundly
interested in the rule that law is the defense of
the weak. It is for the United States, a giant
power itself, to seize the opportuniy of prov-
ing its faith in the principle that law is the de-
fense of all the nations.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

"It BreasMy Heart To See Those Sad Little Tykes"
4 r
r srA
.f", Nla

At Architecture Aud.. ..
is an enjoyable English com-
edy; though it does not have the
uproarious scenes of, say, Alec
Guinness pictures, there are lots
of laughs on the heels of a plaus-
ible plot.
Vacationing on a boat, Kenneth
More and Jean Lodge crash into
and sink the boat of James Don-
ald. Unfortunately, this gentle-
man was on his way to France
to pick up some cargo. It doesn't
take long for More to be convinc-
ed that he should pick up the
cargo; and it isn't long until the
kegs are found to contain brandy.
STILL the helpful young couple,
they help Donald bring the
contraband into shore, slipping
past customs. A slip along the
way brings a custom's officer in
pursuit, and from this point on,
the film is one of narrow es-
Once the plot has been unfold-
ed, after a rather long and heavy
beginning, the picture beconies
more and more amusing. While
the literal cops-and-robbers theme
is an ancient one, it is handled in

this film in a fresh and original
manner: in this case, it's a pack
of circus-trained ponies who sud-
denly become pack-horses.
THE adventures and misadven-
tures of the group, (they've
picked up another somewhere, a
very funny sort of grown-up Lord
Fauntleroy) as they march along
on old Roman roads-the Appian
way-makes for a better than
average film, once the choppy be-
ginning is over,
The leads are all convincing in
their roles, especially the pretty
Miss Lodge and Donald who
gives a winning characterization,
of the smuggler-behind-the-scene-
Britain's John Addison has also
written a good musical background
score, with many musical "jokes"
bantered about.
WHILE A bottle of brandy does
end up in a parson's hand, it
has no connection with the pic-
ture's title. This comes from a
Kipling poem about using pack
horses to bring "brandy for the
-Harry Strauss


Intl. Center .,.
To the Editor:
AS A grant-holder and visiting
scholar I should not like to
take a side in the election cam-
paign, but I feel responsible to say
a word in favor of your actual.In-
ternational Center on campus.
Three Germans at least could
demonstrate what the members of
its staff had done for them: Herr
Oberstudienrat Reisige, from a
teachers' training college in Reck-
linghausen, Germany, expressed
what wonderful help and advice he
got through his one week stay at
Ann Araor from Mr Sigur; to him
he attributed the richness and far-
range of impressions h took home
and which made him leave this
University rather reluctantly. I
witnessed the help given by Mrs.
Mead to a young German whom
I, in her place would have sent to
the Det:',,t German Couns l,
whereas she with just lvab'" pa-
tience found out who could help
her. I do not know the names of
ali those who make me feel at
home in the Center. Still in Ger-
many I was rant by them pmph--
lets to show me my beginning way,
and once taken there by the chair-
man of AAUW, they found out
the very shortest way to handle
preliminaries; I can at any time
call asking valuable advice from
Mr. Klinger, assistant Counselor of
foreign students, Mr. Rasheed
Musiby, Mr. Herman Raju. The
International Center doe not sep-
arate us at all from American stu-
dents. Knowing very well the In-
ternaional Center of my Goth-
ingen University town I should be
sad t h i n k i n g that anybody
thought it wise to abolish the Cen-
ter which I see working efficiently
and devotedly. You should see
what a platform it is for finding
out socially talented people as the
committee of the European Club,
the cradle of which so to speak
stood 306 E. Madison. American
students are very welcome at the
meetings organized at Rackham
Bldg. by "Tony" Walwork who
does a wonderful job as a presi-
dent of the European Club.
-Ida Hakemeyer
* * *
SGC Reporting . ,.
To the Editor:
THE AMERICAN free press has
always stood for the right of
a newspaper to print its own edi-
torial opinions, regardless of exter-
nal pressures, The Michigan Daily
has long justified and defended it-
self on the basis of this right. This
is as it should be; and I have al-
ways stood by The Daily, through
criticism of its individual reporters
by President Hatcher, through ru-
mored administration efforts to
clamp a faculty advisor on The
Daily, and through irrational cen-
sure of Daily rights because of
disagreement with Daily opinions.
However, as the administration
constantly and rightly reminds stu-
dents, with rights come' responsi-
In its coverage of the Tuesday
night forum on "SGC: Yes or No,"
The Daily, Mr. Lee Marks, and
whoever "cut" the coverage be-
cause of space limitations, violat-
ed their journalistic responsibili-
ties. Regardless of any Daily opin-
ion, that newspaper had a respon-
sibility to present both sides of the
debate as they were presented by
the debaters. Certainly every news-
paper has the right of selectivity
concerning what it prints. But se-
lectivity implies fairness and equal-
ity, it in no way implies "out of
context" reporting or complete
omission of one view point.
The Daily's reporting was biased
toward the Pro-SGC side. It stated
almost none of the arguments that
the Anti-SGC side gave, arguments

accidental, necessary, or purpose-
ful, was an inexcusable breach of
journalistic responsibility.
--Steve Jelin
* * *
LYL Stand -. -
To the Editor: r
LYL'S AD expressed what many
students felt about the SL-SGC
controversy. If SL is defeated, it
will not be because LYL spoke out,
but because many liberals fell vic-
tim to the barrage of administra-
tion propaganda and failed to give
leadership in time.
Leah Marks' letter asserting that
most students would vote for SGC
because LYL took a stand against
SGC says, in effect, that our sup-
port hurts the cause of independ-
ent student government. The im-
plicit advice to LYL is to keep
Liberals make a serious mistake
when they take this position. They
retreat before McCarthyism by
failing to fight openly and cour-
ageously against the concept of
judging ideas by labels.
If liberalsjdognot fight for the
concept of judging ideas on their
merits, do not defend ideas they
agree with, and do not expose re-
peatedly and tirelessly the great
danger emanating from the propo-
nents of smear tactics, the liber-
als will pay for their want of cour-
age by falling victim to labels
To stand by idly when the
League, or any organization, is
run down in order to discredit its
ideas-and even to grumble at the
League because it has the "au-
dacity" to refuse to be counted
out-such an approach can only
encourage McCarthyism to be
bolder, to apply its tactics more
widely, to heap abuse on the lib-
erals, and to confuse every issue
by red-baiting.
In our efforts to preserve a free
atmosphere on the campus and a
student voice in University affairs,
the LYL, the liberals and the stu-
dents as a whole, should not be di-
verted by friction among ourselves.
The students' quarrel is with the
forces which want the administra-
tion to act as a policeman. The stu-
dents' business is to put counter-
pressure on the administration to
keep it from submitting to the
pressures of conformity.
If we have differences of opinion,
let us discuss them. If we agree,
let us work together.
-Mike Sharpe
* * ,,
SC Ad..
To the Editor:
[S THE DAILY playing politics
with SGC? On page five of
Wednesday's Daily was the fol-
lowing item: "Vote 'Yes' SGC."
That was all. Nowhere did it say
"Paid Political Advertisement."
Nowhere was the source men-
An ad against the SGC (like
(LYL's in the same issue) got pub-
lished as a "Paid Political Adver-
tisement." Was the pro-SGC an-
nouncement paid for? If so, why
not say so. If not, does The Daily
give free advertisingto only the
supporters of SGC? Or was this a
piece of news?
The Daily owes its readers a
full explanation.
-Paul Dormont
(EDITOR'S NOTE:, Theadre-
ferred to was a paid political ad-
vertisement. This fact was inad-
vertently omittd. )
N~ickged A gain .
To the Editor:
IN REFERENCE to the question
of Messrs. Cornfeld, Braun, and
Goldberg as to whether Santa Claus
exists. Yes, there is still a Santa
Claus. It just got control of the
84th Congress last month.
-Phil Emhnrv !1[6


(Continued from Page 2)

g) climbing fence of University sta-
dium previous to game: One stu-
dent fined $5.00, fine suspended in
view of court costs of $11.85, re-
quired to write letter of apology
to Ticket Manager, and warned.
Violation of University regulations per-
taining to possession and/or con-
sumption of intoxicants on Universi-
ty property: One student fined $10.00,
fine suspended in view of court fine
and costs of $16.85; one student fined
$15.00, fine suspended in view of
court costs of $16.85.
a) and possessing intoxicants in ve-
hicle: One student fined $20.00,
fine suspended in view of court
costs of $21.25 and warned.
b) and drunk and disorderly conduct:
Two students fined $20.00, $15.00
of which is to be suspended in
view of $16.85 in court costs.
Supplying false information on Univer-
sity records: One student given one
week-end of social probation.
For falsification of signatures on chap-
erone cards: One organization se-
verely warned; one organization
Violation of University driving regula-
tions: One student fined $30.00 and
warned (second violation).
a) and driving after drinking and
damaging and/or defacing road
signs: One student fined $45.00,
$10.00 of which was suspended in
view of court costs of $11.00 and
warned severely.
b) and driving after drinking: One
student fined $30.00, $15.00 of
which was suspended in view of
court fine and costs.
c) and reckless driving: One student
fined $25.00, $15.00 of which was
suspended in view of court fine
and costs of $31.85.
Representatives from the following
will interview at Engineering:
Mon., Dec. 13
Carter Oil Co., Research Dept., Tulsa,
Okla.-B.S. & M.S. In Mech. E., Ad-
vanced degrees in Physics, Physical
Chemists, and Chem. E for Research
related to, Petroleum Products.
Nat'l. Cash Register Co., Dayton,
Ohio-BS in Mech., Elect., Metal.,
Chem. E., and Physics for Product Re-
search and Development, Plant and
Production Engineering.
Mon., Tues., & Wed., Dec. 13. 14, 15
Proctor & Gamble Co., Cincinnat,
Ohio-B.S. & M.S. in Civil, Mech., Ind.,
Elect., Chem. E., E. Mechanics, Math.,
Physics, & Chemistry, also BusAd. ma-
jors for Research and Development, En-
gineering and Manufacturing.
Tues., Dec. 14
Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc., Louis-
ville, Ky.-A.M. ONLY-B.S. & M.S. in
Chem, E. for Product Development.
American Brake Shoe Co., New York
17, N.Y.-B.S. in Mech. E., and E. Me-
chanics, B.S. & M.S. in Ind., Metal. E.,
and Chem. E. for Sales, Production, En-
gineering, Research, and Staff,
Alegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp., Pitts-
burgh, Penn.-B.S. in Civil, Elect., Id.,
Mech., Chem. E., Engrg. Mech., B.S.
& M.S. in Metal. E. and any Engr. in-
terested in Sales for Research and De-
v e lo p m e n t, Production, Industrial,
Plant, and Maintenance Engrg., and
Sales Engrg. Also BusAd for accounting.
Wed., Dec. 15
Penberthy Injector Co., Detroit, Mich.
--B.S. in Mech. E., or other programs
interested for Sales Engrg.
Wed. & Thurs., Dec. 15 & 16
Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., Car-
bide & Carbon' Chem. Co., Atomic En-
ergy Installations, Oak Ridge, Tenn.-
All levels of Metal., Mech., Chem. E.,
Engrg. Mech., Engrg. Math., Engrg.
Physics. some Civil, Elect., & Ind. E.
for Development, Design, Production.
Plant Eng., Main Finance, and Re-
Thurs., Dec. 16
Kimberly-Clark Corp., Neenah, Wisc.
--B.S. Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech., Chem,
E for Design, Research, and Develop
New York Air Brake Co., Watertown
Div., Watertown, N.Y.-B.S. & M.S. in
Mech. & Ind. E. for Engineering in
the Fields of Research, Design, & De-
Students wishing to make appoint-
nents with any of the above should
contact the Engineering Placement Of-
fice, Ext. 2182, Room 248.
Tues., Dec. 14 at the Bureau of Ap-
A representative from the U.S. De-
partment of State will interview at the
Bureau of Appointments on Tues., Dec.
14, for men with languages to work as
Investigators on overseas assignments.
This involves liaison with foreign offi-

time requirement for wife's citizen-
ship); college graduation preferred or
equivalent experience.
These are temporary positions run-
ning from April 1955 to December '56.
Students wishing to make appoint-
ments with the above should contact
-the Bureau of Appointments, room
3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371.
A Protestant Church in Ann Arbor
has an openingufora secretary. Must
be a good typist; possibly have to do
some dictaphone work. No shorthand
required. Will need to do some book-
keeping. Forfurther information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext.
371, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar: Dr.
Edna B. Kearney of the Edsel B. Ford
Institute for Medical Research, Henry
Ford Hospital, Detroit, will speak on
"Succinic Dehydrogenase," Room 319,
West Medical Building, Fri., Dec. 10, at
4:00 p.m.
Logic Seminar will meet Fri., Dec. 10
at 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall. Dr.
Buchi will continue his talk: "Some
Remarks on Godel's Completeness The-
orem for the First Order Function
Doctoral Examination for J. wade
VanValkenburg. Jr., Chemistry; thesis:
"Factors that Influence the Magnitude
of the Contact Angle," Fri., Dec. 10,
1565 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Co-
Chairmen, F. E. Bartell and L. C. An-
Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., Dec.
11, 2:00 p.m., at the McMath-Hulbert
Observatory (near Pontiac): Report on
the Vacuum Spectrography by the Mc-
Math-Hulbert staff members.
Doctoral Examination for O. Lee
Rigsby, Musicology; thesis: "The Sa-
cred Music of Elzear Genet," Sat., Dec.
11, 808 Burton Memorial Tower, 10:00
a.m. Chairman: H. T. David.
Doctoral Examination for Abraham
Levitsky, Psychology; thesis: "AStudy
of the Defense Mechanism of Intellec-
tualization." Sat., Dec. 11, 7611 Haven
Hall, at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, E. S. Bor-
Doctoral Examination for Karl Daw-
son Wood, Aeronautical Engineering;
thesis: "Aerodynamic Design of Heli-
copters," Sat., Dec. 11, 1077 East Engi-
neering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman,
W. C. Nelson.
Stanley Quartet Concert, Fifth pro-
gram in the Beethoven Cycle series,
will be presented at 3:30 p.m. Sun.,
Dec. 12, in ltackham Lecture Hall. Gil-
bert Ross and Emil Raab, violins, Rob-
ert Courte, viola, and Oliver Edel, cel-
10. Quartet in G major, Op. 18, No. 2,
Quartet in P major, Op. 59, No. 1, and
Quartet in C-sharp minor, Op. 131.
Public admitted without charge.
Student Recital. William Weber, pi-
anist, will be heard in recital at 8:30
p.m. Mon., Dec. 13, in .Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater. Presented in partial ful-
filiment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree, the pro-
gram will include compositions by Bee-
thoven. Mozart, Chopin, and Debussy,.
and will be open to the general pub-
lic. Mr. Weber is a pupil of John Kol-
Events Today
Dream Girl, Elmer Rice's Broadway
comedy hit, will be presented tonight
at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. This production, under the direc-
tion of Elmer Rice, is presented under
the auspices of the Department of
Speech with the co-operation of the
Department of English. Tickets- are
available at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre Box Office.
Mineralogy-Geology Journal .Club.
"The Relation of Clay Mineralogy to
Geology." Haydn Murray, Professor of
Geology, Indiana University. Fri., Dec.
10, 4:00 p.m., 2054 Natural Science
Lane Hall Coffee Hour, 4:15-6:00 p.m.
Fri. Westminster is the Guild host.
Newman Club Christmas Party Fri.,
Dec. 10, from 9:00-12:00 p.m. at the
Father Richard Center. Paul Brodie
and his orchestra, refreshments, a visit

'Star' Case
Won't Be
WASHINGTON- When the Kan-
sas City Star and" its publisher,
Roy - Roberts, were indicted crim-
inally during the closing days of
the Truman administration, almost
everyone in politics figured this
was one indictment which wouldn't
last long when the Eisenhower
administration took over.
For it was big, burly Roy Rob-
erts who was among the first to
urge Ike for president, and who
advised with him during the pre-
convention draft-Ike campaign.
Furthermore, Roberts, though un-
der indictment, has been a fre-
quent caller at the White House,
has been frequently invited to the
intimate stag dinners the Presi-
dent gives to a chosen few.
However, two years have now
passed and not only has the in-
dictment against the publisher of
the Kansas City Star not been
dropped, but the Justice Depart-
ment plans to begin prosecution
early next year.
Thereby hangs a significant
The man now in charge of the
Justice Department's antitrust
dfvision, Stanley Barnes, a'Cali-
fornia Republican of the Chief Jus-
tice Earl Warren school of politi-
cal thinking, has turned out to be
one of the most forthright mem-
bers of the Eisenhower adminis-
tration. He has also turned out to
be just as tough on big business
and on monopoly as any member
of the Roosevelt-Truman adminis-
tration, even perhaps including
famed trust-buster Thurman Ar-
It's significant that Judge
Barnes, a former California state
judge, is not playing any political
favorites. A close study of the
case has convinced him that it was
by no means a political indictment
brought as a result of rivalry be-
tween Harry Truman and Roy
Roberts; but rather a bona fide
case involving freedom of the
press and the right of people in
Kansas City to advertise where
they please, not where Roy Rob-
erts wanted them to advertise.
So he's proceeding with the pro-
White House advisers aren't pub-
lishing it, but they have been busy
on a new security program which
will head off the Democratic probe
of the so-called "numbers game."
This is the game in which Vice
President Nixon, Attorney General
Brownell, and other GOP cam-
paign speakers have claimed Re-
publicans cleaned out Democratic
security risks which menaced the
The Democrats deny this. And
to prove their case, Sen. Olin
Johnston of South Carolina, chair-
man-to-be of the Civil Service
Committee, plans a sweeping
probe of Republican firings. He be-
lieves he can prove that one-half
the security risks were hired by
To head off this probe, Eisen-
hower has referred the whole
problem to the National Security
Council . which has already pre-
pared top secret report No. 5437-1
which will not be made public for
some time. However, it can be
revealed that the report recom-
mends giving a far better break
to security risks, plus a standard-
ized procedure for all government
agencies, instead of the hit-and-
miss divergent systems of firing

White House advisers are even
considering a plan to help the ac-
cused pay the cost of defending
himself, or else making the cost
of defense cheaper.
(Copyright, 1954,
The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
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New Fry Play Static
Effort in Detroit Run
AT THE CASS IN DETROIT . . .life. At the end, Getner ch
Countess' influence and h
THE DARK IS LIGHT ENOUGH, with deadbdinface hidphs
Katharine Cornell and Tyrone Power. dead body to face his purs
Miss Cornell gives a rem
THE DARK IS LIGHT ENOUGH, now in its the titled lady; and whens
pre-Broadway Detroit run, is an unusual dominates the stage with
'poetic drama which promises much more than charm. Power demonstrate
it ultimately gives. Christopher Fry's verse knowledge and often appea
is very uneven, sometimes rising to great laughter, overdone emotiona
heights of beauty, at other times just so much times a failure to enuncia
rhetoric nonsense. Poet Fry is more interested many of his lines. Next t
in how something should be said than in what suffers even more. The rem;
is being said. have very little to do, but
with polish and poise.
During the Hungarian revolution of 1848-9,
Austrian Countess Rosmarin Ostenburg (Ka- DARK GOES IN for a g
tharine Cornell), a lovely lady who gives Thurs- cal attempts at holdin
day evening salon parties, rescues her ex-son- is the comic-relief team (Do
in-law, Richard .Gettner (Tyrone Power), a Williams, William Podmore
Hungarian deserter. Gettner is a cowardly man as well carry a sign, "We ar
who lacks the moral discipline to stand up for laugh." There is also a gran
his convictions. The action, which occurs on down which players strut in
the Countess' estate, revolves about the in- tion; and Miss Cornell des
trusion of the young man into the lives-of the play her death scene (it tak
Countess' family and friends. Gettner's ex- act). Another difficulty is1
wife, the Countess' daughter (Marian Winters), be postured while one actorg
is distressed to see the deserter; the Countess' verse speech.
son (Paul Roebling) hates Gettner; a Hun- However, no tricks can
garian officer (Arnold Moss) is hunting the +th n .k .i fs iry hnrain'.



ranges through the
e waits beside her
narkable picture of
she is present, she
great ease and
s a lack of stage
ars uneasy. Forced
1 scenes, and some-
ate clearly destroy
o Miss Cornell, he
nainder of the cast
they do that little
reat many theatri-
g attention. There
onald Harron, John
), who might just
e here to make you
nd staircase up and
n the classic tradi-
scends haltingly to
es most of the third
that players must
goes through a long
obscure the fact
Pxnprinre--_in m, v


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