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December 10, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-10

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Latest Deadline in the State






Than 6,700 Gtas otes in

Two-Day Election














Leacock, Boorstein
Lead SL Winners
Seven Win Positions on First Ballot;
Early Winners Include 3 From CSP
Shortly after midnight first ballot count of the Student Legis-
lature race showed early winners to be Bob Leacock, 57, Ron Boor-
stein, '57, Sue Levy, '56, Bob Chigrinsky, '55, John Kelly, '55, Ron
Richardson, '56, Charnie Butman, '56, and Janet Neary, '58.
Top ballot went to Leacock, who polled 427 first-place ballots. He
was one of four Common Sense Party candidates who were swept to
victory during the ballot counts.
Leacock's total of 427 is third highest ever polled by an SL
Other CSP candidates who were victorious on the opening count-
Ling were Miss Levy,,who had 353

Proposal Faces
Regental Action
Prof. Brown Calls 10 Per Cent Vote
Increase Significant Aspect of Poll
Student Government Council was overwhelmingly approved by the
student body yesterday in the referendum authorized by the University
Board of Regents.
Students voted seven to two for the proposed change in student
government structure.
The SGC proposal will now go before the Regents at their Dec. 17,
A total of 6,741 votes were cast in the referendum, with 5,102 for
SGC and 1,451 favoring the present structure of student government,
Student Legislature and Student Affairs Committee. .Voided ballots
totaled 188.
Total Vote Over Last Year
Total vote for the two-day referendum was approximately 10 per

Dublin Area
Hit by Flood;
Traps Many
DUBLIN ()-Flood waters surg-
ed through almost all the low-ly-
ing northern area of Dublin yes-
terday, trapping thousands of
Irishmen in their homes.
It was the worst flood in the
memory of this Irish capital of
more than a half-million popula-
Freezing winds and torrential
rains whipped much of Europe.
Ice, sleet and snow added to the
misery. Shipping was hard hit with
64 French fishermen feared lost in
seven trawlers which vanished
along the French coast during
fierce gales.
About 100 seamen were known
dead or presumed lost in two
weeks of almost continuous heavy
In Dublin the Irish army joined
with police and fire services in
the rescue of thousands of persons
marooned in flooded homes. Wa-
ters poured out by raging rivers
hit the northern part of the city
bordering Dublin Bay-an inlet
of the Irish Sea.
Flood victims by the hundreds
received quick hospital treatment
for shock, exposure and exhastion
after 12 hours and more of bat-
tling the surging waters.
Anxiety grew for hundreds ma-
rooned in small farmsteads along-
side upper reaches of the Shannon
River in central Ireland.
San Francisco
Man Admits
Loical Slaying.
A man in San Francisco has vol-
untarily confessed murdering a girl
in Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor police can find no
P: substantiation of the story of Andre
Goosev that he murdered a girl
he knew only as "Jean" in Octo-
ber, 1953. He has since retracted
the statement.
Goosev telephoned the FBI, say-
ing he could not sleep and "suf-
fered mentally" with the knowl-
edge of the girl's murder on his
Goosev, 24 years old, is a black-
smith's helper.
He said she discovered narcotics
in his car. According to his story
he strangled her and threw her
body into a lake whose name he
did not know.
Goosev is being detained in a
San Francisco jail pending final
word from the Ann Arbor police.
Rrek Hrvler

first-place votes, Miss Neary, who
polled 282 first place ballots and
Miss Butman with 237 votes.
Other Early Finishers
Also among the early finishers
were Chigrinsky with 357 first-
place votes and Boorstein with 365
number one votes. Kelly pulled a
total of 337 first-place votes to
bring him into fifth position on
the first ballot.
Richardson finished sixth on the
first ballot with 316 first-place
votes, while Boorstein polled 365
Ballot counting got off to a very
slow start during the long session
last night and this morning in
the League cafeteria.
Only 35.2 per cent of the cam-
pus student population turned out
to the polls during the SL ' elec-
tions Wednesday and yesterday.
The final total of voters was 6,-
409 Ballots Invalidated
Of the total number of ballots
cast, 409 were invalidated. One
of the main reasons for the in-
validation was that some ballots
were not marked in numerical
preference, as the Hare system of
proportional representation re-
quires, but were marked with
"X's". These ballots were counted
only if one "X" was present.
Early in the evening, members
of the psychology department ad-
ministered tests to SL aspirants
who were in the cafeteria waiting
for the evening's activities to be-
gin. Purpose of the tests was to de-
termine how "clutched" the candi-
dates were concerning the final
Took It Easy at First
With ballot counting not yet
started, they apparently were tak-
ing it easy, 'sitting around discuss-
ing the coming ballot count with
each other.
At 1:15 a.m. redistributioi of
ballots for the second-place ballot
counting was nearing completition.
Jelin said counting would be com-
pleted about 4 a.m.
During preliminary b allot
checking, write-in votes were giv-
en to Sen. Joseph McCarthy, (R-
Wis.), the late Senateor Robert
Taft, (R-O.) and Ted Swift, '55L.
At presstime, not enough ballots
had been counted to indicate how
the referendum on appointment
of the J-Hop committee would be
decided. Ballot counting on this
issue was due to be finished at


-Daily-Chuck Kelsey

As The Daily went to press
at 2 a.m. this morning the fol-
lowing candidates had won Stu-
dent Legislature seats in the
following order:
Robert Leacock, '57
Ron Boorstein, '57
Bob Chigrinsky, '55
Sue Levy, '56
John Kelly, '55
Ron Richardson, '56
Janet Neary, '58
Charnie Butman, '56
Joan Bryan, '56
Shir~ey Lawson. '57
Paul Dormoot, '55
Tony Trittipo, '58
The following candidates
were still in the running:
Edward Boseker, '58
Shirlee Clark, '56
Joe Collins, '58
Margie Conn, '57
Cal Covell, '58E
Harlan Givelber, '57
Bill Haney, '58
Bob Kaplan, '57
Robert Liss,'58
George Litwin, '58
Paul Mundinger, '56
James Perkins, '58
Nick Redfield, '57
Jean Schlusber, '58
Ronald Schorr, '58
Si Silver, '58
Bob Sommer, '57J
Sally Staples, '57
Marvin Starman, '58
Brenda Wehbring, '56
Carroll Williams, '55
Sandy Wolf, '58

CSP Stand Condemned
By International Center
Plan To Remove Center Social Functions
Opposed by Unanimous House Resolution
By MARY ANN THOMAS that foreign students should be in-
Common Sense Party's platform' tegrated to the greatest extent.
asking abolishment of the Inter- "However," Davis added, "the
national Center has raised severe means is open to debate and I
criticism from foreign students on doubt the abolition of the Inter-j
campus. national Center is the answer."
The House of Representatives Turning to another point, he
of the International Students As- explained that new students in the
sociation composed of delegates country may not be ready for in-
from all foreign student groups' tegration. Because some studentsI
unanimously passed a resolution are readily integrated and others
opposing the CSP stand on abo- are not, he continued, we need a
lition of the Center and on ap- very' sensitive approach to the
pointing students to the Center's problem.
Board of Governors. CSP Stand Clarified

Car Drives
Into Store

University Vice-President and
secretary emeritus Shirley W.
Smith, was the driver of an auto-
mobile which crashed into the
front of the L. G. Balfour Co.
store on S. University late yes-
Srpith's car, a 1954 Buick, had
been parked on S. University. He
started to pull out to make a 'U'
turn across the street but instead
accelerated into the front of the
Police said damages included
$200 to the car and $30 to a bicy-
cle parked outside the store. The
window and the front construc-
tion of the building were destroy-
ed but damages to the store have
not yet' been estimated

cent hige hn the 6,01 votes
cast in last spring's SL elections,
but fell far short of the 1948 rec-
ord figure of 7,916.
Voting was not expected to be{
heavy yesterday, as windtand snow
sent several polling tables inside.
Election workers at other locations
were severely tested by the incle-
ment weather.
Prof. J. Willcox Brown of the
natural resources school and mem-
ber of SAC, commented,,"The more
than 10 per cent increase in the
vote is the most significant aspect
of the elections. That the vote in-
creased proportionally more than
enrollment since last year indicat-
ed a turn upward in student belief
in the validity of student govern-
ment." ,
Van Antwerp on Hand I
On hand last night to hear the
results of the referendum, Malin
Van Antwerp, '55L, who first sub-
mitted the SGC plan to the Laing
committee, said he was "very hap-
py at the outcome and pleased at
the amount of student 'interest in
the proposed plan."
Elections director Dave Levy,
'57, said he had hoped for a larger
vote. He added, "We will work en-
thusiastically to make SGC as dem-
ocratic and perfect form of student
governmenton this campus as has
ever been achieved."
Prof. Brown thought also the re-
sults "represent a rather surpris-
ing and enheartening endorsement
of SL as a sincere effort on the part
of interested students to maintain
some form of student government
under adverse circumstances. That
nearly as many voted in the SL
elections is certainly significant,"
he added.
Van Antwerp was "certain that'
SGC., if approved by the Regents.
will become a successful and last-
ing form of student government on

Commenting that although he
thought the CSP platform was,
on the whole, a "pretty good man-
ifesto," Tony Wallwork, Grad.,
from England did not agree that
removing social functions of the
International Center will work.
An American student, Milt The-
ros, '58E, was quick in the his re-
sponse, "I am not for it. Where
will the foreign students go?" he
asked, adding that he visits the
Center often to keep up on his
ping pong game.
Americans Are Disinterested
Hitting the lack of interest
among American students, Mounir
El-Khalib, Grad., from Lebanon
said he believed that CSP should;
try to interest Americans in in-
ternational affairs so they would
try to meet foreign students on.
Disinterest a m o n g American
students was also attacked by a
group informally discussing the
CSP stand at the International
Center. An engineering student
commented that American girls
would not date foreign students.
Difficult Meeting People
Many agreed that foreign stu-
dents do not get much encourage-
ment from Americans to become
acquainted and suggested closer
cooperation between SL and ISA
in sponsoring social activities.
Commenting on the fact that
few Americans participate in In-
ternational Center activities, the
group suggested enlarging the fa-
cilities of the Center in order to


Clarifying the CSP stand on the Smith'sviltion as ben re
issue, Leah Marks. '55L, tempo- Smith s violation has been re-
rary chairman of the party, saidcrddbteAn mAr stolc
thatthe SP elieed tat i Department as an "improper start
that the CS? believed that with from a parked position."
an active integration program and f a rd so
the achievement of a student ac- .
tivities center, there would be such P ay Hel( Ver
understanding between foreign
and American students that the "The Moon in the Yellow Riv-
former would no longer feel the er," by Denis Johnston, will be
need for a place which so encour- held over through tomorrow at the
ages their separation from Ameri- Dramatic Arts Center.
cans as the International Center Performances will take place at
does. 'the Dramatic Arts Center.

World News
By The Associated Press
Adenauer Loses .. .
MUNICH - Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer's firm hold on the Bonn
Parliament's upper house was
shaken yesterday in one of the
biggest domestic setbacks he has
suffered this year.
The anti-rearmament Socialists
and three Right Wing parties an-
nounced a decision to form the un-
precedented state coalition which
would end Adenauer's eight-year
control of the Bavarian state gov-
* * *
Benefit Ise *
WASHINGTON -- Chairman
Leonard W. Hall of the Republi-
can National Committee said con-
fidently lesterday that President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will bene-
fit from the attack on him by Sen.
McCarthy (R-Wis.). ,
Hall was replying to a question
which had been asked President
Eisenhower at his Wednesday
news conference. Eisenhower had
referred it to Hall. It asked: "In
what appears to be a declaration
of war by McCarthy, what danger
do you see to the Republican
Sheppard Trial .. .
CLEVELAND -- Dr. Samuel
Sheppard took the witness stand
yesterday in defense of his life.
He swore in a solemnly boyish
voice that he and his slain wife
had no serious disagreement, did
not discuss divorce.
The 30-year-old osteopath is ac-
eued of murdering pregnant, 31-
year-old Marilyn Sheppard, his
wife, in her bed last July 4 after
an illicit love affair with pretty
Susan Hayes.
** *
USSR Warns...
LONDON - The Soviet Union
and its allies will step up their
arming if Western Germany is re-
armed, Moscow warned the West
last night..
In notes to the United States,
Britain and France, the Soviet
Union said the rearming of West
Germany would make impossible
the unification of Germany.
If the Paris pacts for West Ger-
many's rearming are ratified, Mos-
cow said, "The Soviet Union and
other peace loving countries will
carry out all necessary arma-
ments and to safeguard their se-
* * *
Dixon-Yates , .

Gardner, Steeger Begin 'Court'Idea!

Red Cross May Grant
Blood Drive Extension

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of article's on the
Court of Last Resort.)
Erle Stanley Gardner tells of
his trip with Harry Steeger down
the peninsula of Baja California
in his book, "The Court of Last
The trip with Steeger was the
second venture into the twelve
hundred miles of mountain and
desert for Gardner, the first fol-
lowing hecticly the developments
in the Lindley case a year before.
It was a relaxing trip, away
from the burdens of tight. sched-
ules, screeching taxis, and jing-
ling telephones. Because the ex-
pedition had begun in February,
the days were short and the nights

sive openness of the land had
given him. He discovered later
that Steeger had been bothered
the same way.
The sheer immensity of the
space around them was over-
whelming. Usually man must be
deprived of his liberty before he
appreciates it.
But the freedom of exploring
the new experience and environ-
ments was so vivid, they were
compelled to contrast themselves
to men pent up within a walled
enclosure, sleeping at night in a
small, barred cell instead of un-
derneath the myriads of s.tars.
What If Condemned Are Innocent
The life of a condemned man
Pnae1n. nphtmar agai'nst their

in such a plight sent unimagin-
able shudders through the men
who were knowing unlimited free-
dom. And Gardner had come
across several in his spectacular
Aside from the conversations,
Gardner felt a nagging worry
about such unlucky men and one
day mentioned how he felt to
Steeger, only to learn his friend
had been experiencing the same
thoughts. They discussed the sit-
uation that day, and Steeger,
reached a decision. ,
Argosy Would Give Publicity
He told Gardner that Argosy
would give ample publicity to any
other case where Gardner thought
the man had heen wrongfully con-

Alpha Phi Omega's blood drive
enters its third, but possibly not
final day at 10 a.m. today.
Although the drive was sched-
uled to end at 4 p.m. today, an ex-
tention may be granted by the
Red Cross if enough volunteers
sign un hefnre that time.

pints of blood were donated." She
felt the number of students who
signed up and failed to appear
was "disgraceful."
The Michigan chapter of Alpha
Phi Omega which took on the job
in answer to a challenge on the-
part of Michigan State's chapter
has. she feels. "fallen flat" on the

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