I1 FOUR I'liE AtCuiWAIN Dti&,Jtju V THURkSDAY, DECEMBER 9._1954 .a as Vwvf.7.a/Ai.i , idL'1iliilTli i/14 T;...lt7ti'i. r SGC: Deception of the Age Or Logical Student Choice "Of Course, You Might Want To Fix It Up A Little" DRAMA REVIEW IT IS OF VITAL importance that the student voters know the originally proposed name of SGC: that name was Student Executive Council. This fact implicitly speaks for itself --student executive council connotes anything but democratic student representation; it con- notes rather, undemocratic student deprivation. It connotes perhaps the unhappy and "last resort" step of an administration faced with a student body that stood up on its hind legs and spoke for itself. It connotes an action incited by the accusations of students who despised discrimination, students who want to drive cars, and women students who want to stay out after 10:30. This original name, this Stu- dent Executive Council, was rejected, however. It was rejected because it was too obviously the name- of an administration-controlled stu- dent reference bureau. It was not the name of a flexible, free-functioning type of democratic body; it was, rather, the name of an adminis- tration controlled parody of student represen- tation. The administration's laughter was too loud. Now we have before us a Student Govern- ment Council and we rather unhappily and skeptically wonder if this new "form" is not a' disguised duplicate of Student Executive Coun- cil. Indeed, it is the same student government with a changed name. SEC obviously would have done away with the protests of campus minority groups. The changed name does not remedy that evil. SL, a body of 40 members, might not have been substantially representa- tive, but it was obviously more representative than SEC or SGC. SGC has only 11 elected representatives. Since one of that group serves as a non-voting chairman, the body is then actually comprised of only 10 representatives. Ten ELECTED RE- PRESENTATIVES FOR A STUDENT BODY OF 18,000. THERE IS a further de-emphasis of demo- cracy in the SGC plan. For the 10 elected could seldom if ever override a bloc vote of the 7 ex officio members of SGC. It is unfair to suppose that these 7 would vote uniformly, but in those instances when they did (and the very homogeneous nature of at least 5 of them suggests this possibility) any sort of democratic process would necessarily be crucified. Ithas beenaclaimedthat SL elections are merely a popularity contest. It has been claim- ed that ranged among the members of SL have been the ignorant, and the mediocre- this may very well be true. But democracy never insures the quality of the elected. Re- gardless of form, only voter intelligence can do that. It is of paramount importance to realize that this degeneration into a popularity contest would be even more pronounced in an SGC election because SGC is smaller and its mem. bers would have to poll enormous votes. Also it is wise to remember that this intense empha- sis on popularity is neither perverse nor ig- norant in the majority of American college students. Student government obviously plays an in- tegral part in the shaping of a student's edu- cation; but at this state-sponsored, and there- fore, necessarily state-controlled University students must have the opportunity for res- ponsible rational protest and constructive co- operation with the administration. This is the far more tangible purpose of student represen- tation. This would be lost, necessarily, in a 10 man representative body. PROPONENTS OF the SGC tell us that the proposed 2-year trial period will allow for a more democratic readjustment of the Coun- cil. But we seriously wonder if a smooth func- tioning body will care to re-adjust after 2 years of development. And in this doubt lies the es- sence of the readjustment factor. SGC will function smoothly, but in an unfettered demo- cracy, smooth functioning is never possible. An "elitist" government is subject to NO frustration, mistakes, or slow but rewarding progress. An elitist government moves quickly and painlessly to seemingly ideal achievements. But these achievements are not representative of the majority's will. They are representative, rather, of the currently Ā°"popular" elite. WE FIRMLY believe that today's student, to- morrow's citizen, must assume his respon- sibilities in a world both bewildered and con- fused. Intellectual growth cannot be built by those without. It must be erected within our- selves by each one of us. The University is not a rarified, traditional- ized school. It is, rather, ever subject to growth, to new progress. It is truly cosmopolitan in student beliefs as well as student nationalities. Today is the second and final day of elec- tions. For those who have not as yet voted there is a significant and decisive role to be played. The total number of those who did not vote yesterday can absolutely decide the future of student representation on this campus. If the SGC-SL vote is prejudiced, if it is pre-de- termined by the pressuring of -other groups whether they be fraternities, or the Ann Arbor Labor Youth League, then the $700.00 and 800 man-hours that have been devoted to the elec- tions are wasted. The vote must be decided by individual selection. If it is not, then it will not matter if we have SGC, SL, student represen- tation, or no sudent representation. SGC may undoubtedly have benefits and ad- vantages, but the sum total of opinion on the SGC-SL question must be heard and consider- ed. If it is not; no one, absolutely no one, has the right to complain about student rights at the University of Michigan. -David Levy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR At .Lydia Mendelssohn.... DREAM GIRL, by Elmer Rice, presented by the Department of Speech in co-operation with the Department of English. WHAT is, I suspect, their most successful production in the last couple of years was opened last night by the Speech Department at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. It is "Dream Girl," a comedy by Elmer Rice, who is serving briefly as a member of the University faculty this semester, and as a result has been able to lend his talent not only as a writer but also as a director to the current production. The double use of Mr. Rice has proved indeed fortunate. His knowledge of stage- craft, his flawless, casting, and his understanding of the limitations, as well as the possibilities, of his script have given us a sparkling and uniformly expert interpretation of a "Broadway comedy" that is "Broadway" in one of the better senses of the word. THERE IS, in fact, a temptation to say that Mr. Rice, a writer by trade, proves himself more competent as a director than he is as a playwright in "Dream Girl." For what he has done in his script is to take a central situation of very little promise and a collection of characters out of slick magazine fiction and on stage transform them into exceptionally live comedy. He has further managed a set of dream- scene parodies of the most obvious sort with a touch that never lets them spill over into burlesque. Thus, he keeps the transition between "dream" and reality under the most delicate control. He knows his play and he does not permit his actors to push for belly laughs at the cost of the overall coherence of the thing. The plot of the play is clearly the least of Mr. Rice's concerns. It tells, of course, of a young New York shopgirl whose dreams of glory place her in various glamorous relationships with the men in her life. The "real" action takes place in a series of prosaic locations: a break- fast room, a book shop, a couple of cafes, and a hotel room. Most of the dialogue is posaic in these places too. The dream action, however, ranges from a criminal court where she is on trial for her life, to a Mexican veranda complete with serenaders, to a Broadway opening night where she is starring as Portia. In these locations, the people in Georgina's life perform as she wants them to perform, like good knights and bad knights with herself the fair lady. Georgina's illusion, it is clear, derives chiefly from cheap novels and cheap movies and Rice satirizes them easily. Still, he keeps his comedy from becoming brittle and his abundant set manipulation from becoming merely tricky by maintaining a hu- ,mainity in his characters. Gwen Amer enacts Georgina with charm and fine stage presence. She is never coy or disagreeably naive. She does not get too drunk or too dewy-eyed; she knows it is a comedy and she shifts gears between worlds again and again without any difficulty. John Olson, as the male lead does pretty well too. He is the slightly cyn- ical, typical magazine hero, but the actor gets out of him most of what Rice intended. If Olson understood the words he was saying as well as he did the movements required, he would be excellent. Still he brings off the sensitive final scenes with real grace. THE CASTING of Claribel Baird and William Halstead in a num-. ber of parts adds greatly to the general skill of the production. In other roles, Norman Hartweg falls into burlesque of his role as an idealist somewhat too easily, Paul Rebillot is relaxed and mature as usual, and numerous bit parts are well performed. Jack E. Bender's sets are economical and ingenious-a great part of the show. But it is Mr. Rice himself and Miss Amer who are, I think, pri- marily responsible for the pep of the production. -Bill Wiegand TEST OF OBJECTIVITY: Three Kinds of Open Minds: A Dialogue CONSIDER the man with an open mind. "it is good he is so broadminded," says a first friend. "Bah," says a second friend (for this man has no enemies, only friends), "He is an imbecile." Enter a stranger with an equally open mind. "You are of the opinion that broadmindedness is of -value?" he asks the first friend. "Ah, he continues, smiling at the other's confidence, "That is your opinion. That broadmindedness is good. But that is only an opinion, your opinion. What is to be said of another who thinks broad- mindedness is not good?" "He is an imbecile," says the first friend. S ATISFIED, the stranger turns to the second friend. "Why, may I ask, do you call your friend an imbecile?" ' "Well," the second friend begins, "there are many ways to look at it. I think he's an imbecile because he's decided he is openminded, just like that. Now, of course," he smiles and g'es- tures, "that is only my opinion, I may be wrong." . "Granted," observes the stranger. "But what is to be said of one who has no opinion?" "He is - openminded indeed." "What?" You imply it is good not to have opinions?" "Please, sir. I did not say being openminded was good." A SHADOW of confusion darkened the stran- ger's worry. "Then you contend that open- mindedness is bad?" "You misunderstand. I did not say it was bad. It may or may not be. You refer to what kind of openmindedness?" "The only kind, of course." The second friend now takes up the question- ing with eagerness. "It is your opinion there is but one kind of openmindedness?" "There could only be one possible kind." "You surprise me, sir. I've already seen three kinds today." --Jim Dygert LYL Ad,.. To the Editor: . WONDER IF Labor Youth League's advertisement against SGC was placed in the knowledge that if LYL takes a stand against SGC, most students will vote for SGC. Perhaps LYL hopes to use cam- pus dissatisfaction resulting from the passage of SGC to its own ad- vantage. -Leah Marks LYL Opportunism . . To the Editor: IN RE Jon Sobeloff's pro-SGC editorial. Mr. Sobeloff is obvious- ly inspired by the Labor Youth League ad which follows. The LYL has taken its stand late in the game, and is open to a charge of opportunism in this sudden pro- nouncement on a popular issue. Mr. Sobeloff has responded by brack- eting opposition to SGC with this organization. To follow his lead is to give the LYL a veto on all cam- pus activities, at the same time that he puts real substance into their charge of a McCarthyite at- mosphere at the University. In fact, he has demonstrated the fallacy of the basic SGC con- tention. A large portion of the new organ are to be heads of student organizations alleged to be more in- terested and experienced than oth- er students, and more responsible. The Daily is one of these organiza- tions, and Mr. Sobeloff, one of its more important officials, has shown us what kind of responsibility we can expect. In student affairs, as in national life, the holding of of- fice is no guarantee of either com- petencenor responsibility. As for the LYL coming out of the wood- work, their ad indicates that they are in far too deep for that to be an immediate problem. -John M. Morgan, Grad. Irratonal . . . To the Editor: JON SOBELOFF'S case for the SGC in Wednesday's Daily was an unwelcome change from the so- ber, intelligent discussions previ- ously held on this topic. His irra- tional attack on the SL demon- strates misunderstanding of SL's representative basis and actual ac- complishments deplorable in a per- son of Mr. Sobeloff's campus posi- tion, His contention that the electoral process produces "deadheads" and "nonentities" shows an alarming distrust of democratic institutions. It might be pointed out, in this re- gard, that the appointive and elec- tive processes by which the ex- officio members of the SGC would get their posts, indeed, the very process by which Mr. Sobeloff was named Editorial Director of The Daily, contain no safeguards against "deadheads" and "nonen- tities." A "weak, discredited" SL has in the past accomplished such var- ied goals as removal of discrimina- tory questions from application blanks, longer library hours, Thanksgiving holiday, faculty eval- uations, study of the University calendar to insure a dead period before finals, gaining of student representation on many University policy-making committees, permis- sion for women to remain at par- ties until 1:00 on 1:30 nights, stu- dent advisors, an efficient used book exchange and Cinema Guild program, removal of sales-tax from student putchases in the League and Union, as well as pol- icy stands expressing student opin- ion on a variety of issues. On some matters, such as the driving ban, accomplishment was impossible be- causp of hagi rIifference of oin- nounce the SL, Mr. Sobeloff missed these positive points. -Sandy Hoffman -Bill Adams * * * Efficiency Plus . .. To the Editor: BECAUSE we believe that in the present situation efficient use of power possessed is a more impor- tant criteria than the amount of power possessed, we strongly urge the student body to support SGC. -Members of Triangles, Engineer Junior Men's Honorary * Forum Coverage . .. To the Editor: A MODERATOR of the Student Government Council debate yes- terday evening I can only say I am disgusted with The Daily cov- erage of this event. Although The Daily reported the arguments of Miss Landers favoring SGC, an attempt at Professor Heyns dis- cussion against, and Professor Britton's arguments for, there was not one mention of the dozen or so arguments M. Jelin presented against the plan. In fact, as far as The Daily was concerned, he was not there at all. Although I may seem somewhat prejudiced it seems to me that his discussion was not so totally devoid of merit that it deserved no mention what- soever. The Daily has found time and space in the past to present every conceivable argument for the SC and I should think would find space enough to report both sides of last night's debate accurately as part of its responsibility to the public. -Ned B. Simon SGC Support ... To the Editor: T IS editorials like Dorothy My- ers' discussion of SGC in Tues- day's Daily that from time to time make the editorial page suitable only for wrapping garbage. Presi- dent Hatcher and the administra- tion do not, we are sure, resent all criticism but only the malicious, whining variety evidenced by Miss Myers. Miss Myers states that SGC could never undertake the volume of work currently handled by SL. in our opinion this would be a desirable feature, since running a movie projector and selling books are far removed from the function of student government, i.e. voicing student opinion. Miss Myers speaks fondly of a. "vociferous minority" which "has contributed most to student gov- ernment and has dared to criti- eize the administration, the towns- people, and the student body." Come now, Drothy, isn't it pos- sible that these "middle-of-the- road believers in status quo" which the minority is courageous enough to criticize actually do constitute a majority of student opinion and think this is a pretty nice place to go to school after all? While it is true that the majority i1 not al- ways right, it is not a corollary to state that the minority is never wrong, "Haranguing" and "argu- ing" also seem to be singularly odd methods for a supposedly mature gioup of students to find necessary to use in order to accomplish any- thing. Miss Myers terms the organiza- tiorns that would have their heads as rx officio members of SGC a "minute part of the entire cam- pus' The IFC, the IHC, Assembly, and Pan-Hellenic represent rough-- ly 8200 students-hardly "minute" in any sense. It is obvious that SL is beyond resurrection. It's time to stop walking around with our heads in the clouds regarding anything of- fered by the University as having strins attached. (as Miss Myers DREW PEARSON: 'No More Visitors,' Ike Asks WASHINGTON - Ambassador Clare Boothe Luce is -urging Ike to invite Italy's Prime Minister Scelba to visit the U.S.A. Mrs. Lucebbelieves such a trip would vastly increase Scelba's prestige, help his battle against the Reds, and that it would be disastrous if Marshal Tito came to the White House this spring while Scelba was forced to sit at home. . . .Ike's reaction is: "No more visitors." ...He is so tired entertaining for- eign visitors that last week he asked Secretary Dulles to discour- age any more state visits until next summer. . .But cheer up- the Shah of Iran and his queen are already on their way. . . .Brit- ish diplomats have reported that the Chinese Reds may be willing to release the 15 Americans in- volved in the phony spy charges, as part of a deal. The Reds have hinted they would free all the Americans if the U.S.A. will turn ov.er all Chinese assets frozen in the United States belonging to Chi- nese living on the mainland. Flat - tops and flat budget - Despite Field Marshal Montgom- ery's blast against flat-tops, the new defense budget will authorize another supercarrier for the Navy. These new flat-tops are so big they can't sail through Panama Canal but must steam all the way around South America to get from one ocean to the other. Further- more, the Air Force warns that three Russian jets, equipped with radar, can spot every carrier in the Mediterranean within two hours. Despite this and budget- balancing, tpe admirals love their flat-tops - and will get a new one... .The Russians intend to make one more sensational move to frighten the West Germans into forgetting about an alliance with the West. American intelligence has learned that the Soviets soon will announce not only that a big army is to be raised in East Ger- many-but that it will be equip- ped with atomic weapons. Mos- cow is hoping the mere thought of atomic bombs close to West Ger- many will so terrorize Chancellor Adenauer's government that it will refuse to rearm. . . .Secretary of Commerce Wees is pulling wires to abolish, or at least supervise the Small Business Administra- tion. One of the frankest disciples of big business, Weeks wants small business put under his dom- ination, has~ been privately coaxing other Cabinet officers and con- gressional leaders to support him. Weeks' staff has also conferred unofficially with the House Bank- ing and Currency Committee staff about abolishing the Small Busi- ness Administration altogether. NAM Man Of Year Last week, the National Asso- ciation of Manufacturers singled out Secretary of Commerce Sin- clair Weeks as "NAM's Man of the Year." If you have studied what Mr. Weeks has done backstage in Washington, you can understand why. Among other things, he prac- ticed the John Foster Dulles tech- nique of trying to settle inter-Cab- inet feuds while other Cabinet members were away. While Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey was in Rio de Janeiro, Secretary Dulles managed to sew up his plan for a huge new Mar- shall Plan for Asia-which Hum- phrey had opposed. And while At- torney General Brownell also was in Rio, and Assistant Attorney General Stanley Barnes was in California, Secretary Weeks tried to pull some fast footwork on the Justice Department. What he tried to do was change the Sherman Antitrust Act to ap- ply to labor unions. (Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate) (continued from Page 2) Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. P. M. Naghdi of Engineering Mechanics will speak on "The Effect of Elliptic Holes on the Bending of Thick Plates." Physical Therapy Meeting, Thurs., Dee. 9, 7:15 p.m.. Room 1142 Main Building.'-University Hospital. Impor- tant for all Juniors and Seniors ex- pecting to apply for admission to ei- ther the degree or certificate curricu- lum in physical therapy beginning in June 1955. 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., Dec. 9, Room 3401 Mason Hall, 4:00-5:30 p.m. F. Ha- rary will speak on 'A Generalization of Heider's Theory of Group Behavior." History of Mathematics Seminar will meet at 4:30 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 9, in 3231 A.H. Prof. P. S. Jones will speak on "Some Contributions of Monge to the Development of the Modern Concept of Geometry." Biological Chemistry Seminar: Dr. Edna B. Kearney of the Edsel B. Ford Institute for Medical Research, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, will speak on "Succinic Dehydrogenase," Room 319, West Medical Building, Fri., Dec. 10, at 4 :00p.m. Logic Seminar will meet Fri., Dec. 10 at 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall. Dr. Buchi will continue his talk: "Some Remarks on Godel's Completeness The- orem for the First Order Function Calculus." Doctoral Examination for J. Wade VanValkenburg, Jr., Chemistry; thesis: "Factors that Influence the Magnitude of the Contact Angle," Fri., Dec. 10, 1565 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00. p.m., Co- Chairmen, F. E. Bartell and L. C. An- derson. Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., Dec. 11, 2:00 p.m., at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory (near Pontiac). Report on the Vacuum Spectrography by the Mc- Math-Hulbert staff members. Events Today Dream Girl, Elmer Rice's Broadway comedy hit, will be presented tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. This production, under the direc- tion of Elmer Rice, is presented under the auspices of the Department of Speech with the co-operation of the Department of English. Tickets are availablenat the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Office. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 5:05-5:30 p.m., Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chapel, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible Class at the Guild House. Christian Science Organization Testi- nonial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hall- will speak on "Human Evolution."1 freshments. Open to the public. NAACP presents a discussion "How to Implement the Supreme Co Decision on Segregation." Prof. Da Katz of Psychology, Hubert M. Blal Instructor in Sociology, and Prof. seph E. Kallenbach of PoliticalĀ£ ence, with Ronald Edmonds as mode tor. Michigan Union Thurs., Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m. Social Seminar of the Michigan Ch ter of the American Society for Pu Administration will be held in West Conference Room of the Rackh Building Thurs., Dec. 9 at 7:30p vice-President Wilbur K. Pierponti speak on "Problems of University ministration." First Baptist Church. Thurs., De 7:00 a.m. Yoke fellowship in pra room. Alpha Phi Omega: Men countingt lots for campus elections should be the League cafeteria between 7:30- p.m. tonight. Hillel: Musicale sponsored by Stud Zionist Group. Israeli music. Th 8:00 p.m. Hillel. Reservations for Fri. Din must be made and paid for by Th at Hillel from 7:00-10:00 p.m, Hillel: Dec. 12 Hillel Brunch at I a.m. vice-President James A. Le dean of student affairs, will speak "The Role of the Student on Camp Reservations must be made and p for by Thurs. at Hillel from 7:00 y Members 50c, non-members 75c. Sailing Club-Important meeting night 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineeri Elections will be held and thex posed constitutional changes ve upon. All members are required to tend. Christmas Vespers will be held in sanctuary of the Presbyterian chui today at 5:10 p.m. Baha'i Student Group will meet the League tonight at 8:30 p.m. A sic summary of the Baha'i World F will be presented. Coming Events Mineralogy-Geology Journal .C "The Relation of Clay Mineralogy Geology." Haydn Murray, Professo Geology, Indiana University. Fri.,I 10, 4:00 p.m., 2054 Natural Sci Building. Lane Hall Coffee Hour, 4:15-6:00x Fri. Westminster is the Guild hos Newman Club Christmas Party3 Dec. 10, from 9:00-12:00 p.m. at Father Richard Center. Paul Br( DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI N Re- on ourt niel ock, Jo- Sci- [era- 1,at hap- blic the ham p.m. will Ad- c. 9. ayer bal- e in 8:30 dent ,urs., aner furs. I i; d MASS CONFUSION: Union Opera Proves Very Dull Business At the Michigan .. . HAIL TO VICTOR. DESPITE a great deal of apparent effort, Hail to Victor emerged last night, in its premiere, as a routine and often very dull at- tempt at musical comedy. The story of the fight for co-educational facilities began slowly, picked up considerably in- the middle of the first act, and ended in such mass confusion as has seldom been seen on the legitimate stage. There were laughs-but a majority of them were for blunders and general incompetence. It was not Murry Frymer's book nor Frymer's and Paul McDonough's music which were at fault. Frymer's efforts are hardly spectacular, but they could provide a competent cast with an opportunity to project humor and interest. And the music and lyrics, although somewhat Tango in The Living Desert was more pulsating. The cast contains one outstanding singer with an amazing voice-Earl Sayer, the feminine lead. Sayer stopped the show in the "How Was I To Know" second-act number. He was so realistic, as to be disturbing to the audience. But his songs did provide a few high points. Male lead Gordon Epding, as Victor, used a pleasant voice and had fine comic timing. The Baldacci-Morrow-Bates song-and-dance act went over big; and Don Cohodes made an amusing landlady. But to have to listen to Tom Lewy's voice, consistently off-key, screeching, blaring-this was too much. Don Weinberger wasted the Bur- lesque Queen Zsa Zsa role pathetically. The other members of the cast were present-little more. Polish. nolish. nolish-only this can change 0:00 ewis, on us." paid p.m. to- 'ing. pro- ,oted at- the urch t in ba- 'aith "lub. y to r of Dec. ence p.m. ;t. Fri., the 'odie iit i Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers.............City Editor Jon Sobeloff ........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad .........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor Dave Livingston .........Sports Editor Hanley'Gurwin ....Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer .r ,Wt.Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz........Women's Editor Joy Squires ..Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith .Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton ......Chief Photographer Buisiness Staff Lois Pollak .. .._.....Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise.........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski ,Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 -i -1 I