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December 09, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-09

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SGC: Deception of Age
or Logical Choice
See Page 4




~ .e"°

Latest Deadline in the State




Smith Given
Bench Post
By Governor
Set To Succeed
Justice Bushnell
Talbot Smith, Ann Arbor attor-

Blood Donations Continue
In Alpha Phi Omega Drive
Alpha Phi Omega's blood drive will swing into its second day at
10 a.m. today in Hinsdale House of East Quadrangle.
Donations may be made from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and tomor-
row in the drive being conducted under the auspices of the Red Cross.
"We are way behind our anticipated amount," said Alpha Phi
Omega publicity director Mal Leibowitz. Only 110 of the 800 who vol-
unteered during the two-week sign-up period from November 15-27

World News
Investigations ...
ate Investigations subcommittee
closed down its public hearings on
communism in defense plants yes-
terday after hearing 11 witnesses
in open session.
* * *

Tally Falls Short
Of1948 Record
WHRV To Broadcast Ballot Results;
Poor Weather Predicted for Today
More than 4,000 students went to the polls yesterday during
first day voting on the Student Government Council proposal, Stu-
dent Legislature elections and the J-Hop referendum.
Voting will be concluded today with polls open from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m.
Ballot counting starts after 7:30 p.m. today in the League cafe-
teria and will continue well into tomorrow morning.
The Daily in cooperation with station WHRV will broadcast
election results during five-minute spot broadcasts until the station
_ ±L c ff fl i at 1 5.n,5 Mf:,- tu



ney and member of the state cor-
the State Supreme Court bench
yesterday by Gov. G. Mennen Wil-"
liams.Hearing Gets
He will succeed Justice George
E. Bushnell, who is retiring Jan. " e
10 to take a high masonic office. N o D ecision
Smith is a graduate of the Uni-
versity Law School and the Unit-
ed States Naval Academy. He No finding on the deportation'
served in the Navy from 1917 to warrant for Buick Navidzadeh,'
1931 and was admitted to the bar Grad., was made during his De-
in 1934. troit hearing yesterday, Prof.'
Gov. Williams termed him "one Beauford J. George of the Law
of the most brilliant students ever Schoolsadyterda
enrolled at the University of Mich- sai yestay.
igan. However Prof. George, who is
"He will bring vigor and pro- handling the student's case, said a
found learning with him to the warrant may arrive in three or
bench;" the governor added. four days. According to immigra-
tion laws, he said, appeal of the
Smith was campaign manager finding for deportation may be ob-
for Prof. John P. Dawson of the tained during the subsequent 10
Law School when he ran for con- days.
gress in 1952.
Varied experience in teaching Petition for Navidzadeh's politi-
and practicing law preceeded cal asylum was not filed during the
Smiths apointent.Immigration Service hearing yes-
_mih's __pp __ntment. terday, as the petition would not
be legally pertinent until a depor-
Brcktatiohrownnorder arrives, Prof. George
Bric '[bown continued.
During the hour-long hearing
Into H atcher s Navidzadeh was again questioned
on the circumstances of the with-
drawal of his passport by the Iran-
Front Widow ian - government. Under oath the
student again denied he ever had
A brick was hurled through a any Communist affiliations or had
window in University President given them assistance.
Harlan H. Hatcher's home early Navidzadeh has claimed he willI
yesterday morning, according to be executed if returned to his na-
Detective John Walters. tive Iran, because he made pow-
Discovered e a r 1 y Wednesday erful enemies there before coming
morning, the brick had a note to the University.
wrapped around it. Walters said
the note was not threatening or,
warning and described it as "not Washburn Lecture
really connected with anything.''"
He said it was a "crank note or Prof. S. L. Washburn, chairman
possibly a prank." Neither Wal- of the anthropology department
ters nor President Hatcher would at the University of Chicago, will
comment on the contents of the speak on "Human Evolution" at
note. 4:15 p.m. today in Auditorium A,
Walters, who is investigating the Angell Hall.

gave blood yesterday.
In the competition for trophies,
which are to be awarded to lead-
ers in six categories of campus or-
ganizations on a percentage basis,
Gomberg House, of South Quad, is
far head of the field, with a signup
of 116.
The trophies will be awarded to
the winner in the men's residence
halls, women's dormitories, fra-
ternities, sororities, independent
organizations, and ROTC units.
Thus far Adams House in West
Quad, Delta Delta Delta sorority,
and the Naval and Air Force ROTC
units are the only organizations
which have donated as a group.
The biggest problem is the fail-
ure of those who signed up to ap-
pear at Hinsdale House to con-

Word Battle...
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower shunned a
personal word battle with Sen. Jo-
seph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) yes-
terday while declaring the Ameri-
can people want a government run
by "progressive moderates."
* * *
American Airmen ...
The UN General Assembly late
yesterday overrode Soviet objec-
tions and voted to take up the case
of American airmen held by Red
China as alleged spies.
, , ,
Disarmament. . .



Leibowitz felt that the Michigan Russia and the Western powers
State chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, signed tentatively yesterday to be-
which challenged the local service gin private disarmament talks in
fraternity, would win easily. The London late in February.

State drive netted a total of 1247
The Red Cross is aiding in the
drive by carrying the donations to
their Detroit headquarters in the'
"bloodmobile" and serving refresh-
ments during the drive.
grandmother says there's just
no understanding 13-year-olds
now days, especially when they
keep two boa constrictors in the
coal bin.
"When I was a girl, we used
to kill snakes and raise chick-
ens," mused Mrs. Louis Ann
Herron, who's 80 years old.
Not Mike Herron, though .
He raises chickens to feed hisI
pets, Bombo, the Central Amer-
ican boa, and Atlas, Bombo's
South American cousin. Both
snakes and Mike, too, are about
five feet long.

case, said the note was thrown
through a downstairs front window:
about 1 a.m. yesterday. A drape
muffled the noise and deflected the
brick so it landed on a piano.
Only damage was a broken win-
dow and slight scraping to the pi-
ano. No clues have been found yet
to indicate who threw the brick,
Walters said.
Surgery Gains
Told by O'Neill
Dr. Thomas O'Neill, noted heart
surgeon, described the advances
that have been made in his field
during the past few years at a
Sigma Xi lecture last night.
He described the reconstruction
of parts of the human heart, and
said that accomplishments in


Helen Sobell Refuses
To Quit Husband's Case
Although Morton Sobsellhas filled fiverofyhis 30 year sentence
in Alcatraz prison, the case of the University graduate linked in
the Rosenberg-Greenglass atomic espionage ring of 1950 is not
At least its decision does not satisfy his wife - Helen, who is
now touring the country in an effort to gain popular support for
Sobell's transfer to a "more liberal" prison.
Last week Mrs. Sobell addressed the Socialist Club at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota, following a marked controversy between the
club and University officials over the justification of her speaking.
Reluctantly Approved
Two hundred persons attended the meeting, which has finally
approved "with some reluctance" by Minnesota Dean of Students

. * *
Atom Pool . .
WASHINGTON (P} - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles re-
ported yesterday the United States
has taken "concrete steps" toward
pooling atomic energy for peace-
ful purposes and that apparentN,
Russian interest in the project is
Hemingway V
Nobel Prize P
When the Nobel Prize for Liter
week, its recipient, Ernest Heming
Hemingway, American novelist
in his Cuban home while he "r
during his plane crash last winter
The Sixth American to receiv
Hemingway is the subject of a le
magazine. Interviewed by writer
friends call the 55-year-old winner
and writers.
Pound 'Great Poet'
"Ezra Pound is a great poet,"
Hemingway is quoted, "and what-
ever he did he has been punished
greatly and I believe should be
freed togo and write poems in It-
aly where he is loved and under-
stood." Pound is, at present, in
Washington's St. Elizabeth Hospi-
tal, having been declared "mental-
ly incompetent" in 1946 after in-
dictment for treason during World
War II.
Continuing on Pound, Hemingway
said the poet "was the master of
T. S. Eliot. Eliot is a winner of the
Nobel Prize. I believe it might
well have gone to Pound."
Recalling his acquaintance with
writer James Joyce, Hemingway
relates that Joyce told him that
"maybe his writing was too sub-
urban and that maybe he should
get around a bit and see the world.
He was afraid of some things,
lightning and things, but a won-
derful man."
Symbols Like Raisins
"The right way to do it-style--
is not just an idle concept. It his
simply the way to get done what
is supposed to be done. The fact
that the right way also looks beau-
tiful when its done is just inciden-
tal," Hemingway is quoted.
About his book, "The Old Man
and the Sea," which was a sur-
prise to critics because of its sym-
bolism, Hemingway says, "No
good book has ever been written
that has in it symbols arrived at
before hand and stuck. That kind
of symbol sticks out like raisins in
raisin bread. Raisin bread is all
right, but plain bread is better."

tino fe ar a :za a.m.To-
YFar Short of 1948 Record Fraternities
tiY Yesterday's total vote eclipses
f"last spring's first day mark of
S 3,500 but falls far short of the
-Daily-John.Hirtzel record set in 1948 when 5,756 stu- ass V aied
BACKSTAGE-'Hail to Victor' chorus members rest between acts dents went to the polls in the SL
of the opening performance. elections. I
In 1948 with approximately n-
U ltion15,000 enrolled in the University,
Union Opera re ins itun7,916 voted duigtewod
Almost 19,000 are attending the Chi Psi Guilty
University isfall.
efo CapaCI C owdHowever, SL elections chairman Of One Violation
David Levy, '57, said, "We have
been slightly disappointed by the By LEE MARK
By WALLY EBERHARD turnout so far in light of the over- By LEtMAS
whelming amount of SGC-SL pub- Follow-up inspections made on
Opening-night jitters vanished in the glare of spotlights as the 1954 licity. We must certainly have a recommendations submitted by
Union Opera, "Hail to Victor!" opened before a capacity crowd of larger vote tomorrow." former University Sanitarian Har-
more than 1,800 persons at the Michigan Theater last night. The weather, cold but clear most old Dunstan show fraternity
The crowd jammed the doors of the theater as the cast waited of yesterday, is expected to take a houses alth, scomplance with all
nervously backstage, making last-minute preparations for the open- er doreatinan i
ing number. A chorus of scantily-clad "angels" in white costumes Light rain is predicted with the rglyton.
nnutemperature na 0dgesi Only one house, Chi Psi, is in
opened the performance with a high-sicking dance routine, the afternoon4 violation of major fire regula-
Well-wishing telegrams from Gov. G. Mennen Williams and other Voters Don't Hesitate tions. It is the only fraternity
persons were read to the cast before the performance by Jay Grant, According to Bill Adams, '57, SL house on campus without an out-
4'55, Opera general chairman. poll director, the electorate almost side fire escape, according to Jim
Tells Coed History without exception showed little hes- dent of Interfraternity Council.
A t end Thsyasal-male musical terdsay. s-- When original inspections were
comedy, 35th in the 46-year history "Dimade by Dunstan last semester,
of the Opera, was written by Mur- iscussion around the polls Tau Delta Phi was also in viola-
resentation ry Frymer, '56, and tells the story rt bothfor and against the tion but since then has erected an
of how women students first came SGC plan," Adams concluded. outside fire escape to comply with
ito the University campus. CSP Confusion safety standards.
ature is awarded in Stockholm next The setting of the tale is Ann Thirty-four candidates are run- Walters said, "Chi Psi alumni
gway, will not be present. Arbor at the turn of the century, ning for 25 positions in the SL elec- have contended the house is fire-
and short story writer, will remain and the hero is Victor Valiant, tion. proofed enough so wire ladders
ecovers" from "wouids" received played by Gordon Epding, '55. The Adams said yesterday there was leading from the dormitories are
on an African safari, enrollment is male only, and wom- considerable confusion among stu- sufficient. Whether or not they are
en are out to change the situation. dents about the meaning of the sufficient will be determined by the
e the Nobel Prize for Literature, - (CSP) designation next to 12 of new inspector"
ngthy profile in next week's Time Women Win Agreement the SL candidates x 1Inspected Fraternities
Robert Manning, "Papa," as his A delegation of females win an (CSP) indicates the students are Last year," Dunstan inspected
talked a great deal about writing agreement from President Harlan running with backing from the all fraternities for sanitary and
Diagonal that if they can change Common Sense Party. health conditions and compliance
Victor's shy retiring personality by ______with fire safety standards. Al-
'After Gandhi' Set J-Hop time, they'll be allowed to ir L y [ though he did not specifically fol-
attend classes at the University. T7_ low city building codes, ""he was
As Panel Su j ect Tonight's and tomorrow's per- Arbitration Talk as familiar with them as anyone
A formances of the Opera have been could be," according to Dean of
"After Gandhi What?" will be completely sold out, according to "Labor-Management Arbitration Men Walter B. Rea.
the topic of a panel discussion to I Tim Moulthroup, '56, publicity for Lawyers" will be the topic of Most infractions reported dealt
be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. chairman. The Opera will move to a two-day 'conference sponsored with minor improvements. "When
Lansing Saturday for a perform- by the law school this weekend. Dunstan made his report, all
3-KLMN of the Union. ance in the Sexton High School au- Starting tomorrow afternoon houses were in pretty good shape.
'With Prof. James Morgan of the ditoiriuim. with a welcome from University It was not so much a matter of
economics department acting as j A Christmas roadshow tour will vice-president James A. Lewis, te violation as just pointing out im-
moderator, the three panelists will take "Victor" to Buffalo, Dec. 27; lawyers will hear an appraisal of provements that should be made,"
discuss Ghandi's constructive pro- Akron, Dec. 28; Detroit, Dec. 29; arbitration given by Ralph T. Walters said.
gram and what is being done Toledo, Dec. 30; and Chicago, Seward, arbitrator from Wash- Copies of Dunstan's report were
about it. Jan. 1. ington, D.C. sent to the fraternity's national
--__-_ _ _ _--" office, alumni office, chapter
president and IFC Councillor Wil-
liam Zerman.
Given Thirty Days
Fraternity presidents were giv-
of0 te Case Starts Public Court en 30 days to comply with Dun-
stan's commendations r and re-
l I port to the Executive Fraternity
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first Committee, consisting of three
in a series of articles on The Court a life sentence for murder in the victed murderer? From whence alumni, the five fraternity dis-
of Last Resort.) Washington State Penitentiary at came the concept that final jus- trict presidents, and Zerman.
Walla Walla, was open to the tice resided in the people? How did t een dher-ay.
By JI DYGRT "At the end of the 30-day per-
BlmosteyoDe Rt public as the Court's crew of ex- they create a method to imple- iod: there was only one infrac-
Almost everyone has, at one time perts investigated it. ment that concept? tion outstanding," Walters noted.
or another, picked up a book by poured in to Argosy, con- Gradual Idea Zerman commented, "Judging
Erle Stanley Gardner and found Leatersrpored inetoergosy, con
himself unable to put it down until firming Gardner's and Steeger's Gadner and Steeger did not from Dunstan's reports and subse-
thmelst linbe had been rd. nI premise that an informed public create the Court instantaneously. quent fraternity action, I'd say
the last line had beenread. demanded the facts. It was an idea that grew out of fraternity conditions were present-
Gardner's fiction has been, it must The Boggie case, touched off by Gardner's experience as a prac- ly very satisfactory."
ner on s ee, imusticing attorney, of Steeger's con-
bow to the' remarkable seven-year a visit from a prison chaplain viction that Argosy should stand
history of The Court of Last Re- to Gardner at his California ranch, for something, and of. an unusual Lewis Discusses
isort, founded by Gardner and captured America's fancy. Wasexrsmingdowndthe.peniunsul ofi Dicu se
Harry Steeger, owner of Argosy Boggie guilty or innocent of mur- Bajcursiondon the peninsula of
Magazine. -, der? The Court's investigator's As a practicing lawyer, Gardner
What is the Court of Last Re- had made a preliminary examina- became known for his unorthodox Vice-president of Student Af-
sort? Gardner says it is the public. tion, decided he was innocent, and methods. What b' calls "a quix- fairs James A. Lewis discussed the
It is the public which must decide set out to prove it. otic streak which has always been importance of interaction and
whether a man is innocent or Court Asked Answers part of my nature" led him to communication among people at
guilty when there is strong evi- Gardner, Steeger, and others champion the cause of the under- the Speech Assembly in Rackham
dence that intricacies of legal pro- who agreed to donate their time dog. Lecture Hall yesterday. .
cedure or plain abuse of justice were the investigators. The Court ' Gardner's legal activities were His speech entitled, "Let's Talk
have delivered him into the tor- was the public. And the Court publicized by Alva Johnston in It Over" emphasized that struc-

near tsurgery naveu warfied os E. G. Williamson, who expressed "difficulty in seeing that this
in any other surgical field. speaker's topic provides opportun--

i ne rnztaaelpnla moracic ana 1

cardiac surgeon said that new op-
erations are now performed to
correct heart defects previously
beyond help.
To Be Shown
Faculty members and students
who are interested in seeing xer-
ography, the fast, economical way
of reproducing anything written,
printed, typed or drawn, may at-
tend a demonstration of this
equipment between 10 a.m. and 4
p.m. today in Rm. 104 of the Me-
chanical Industrial Laboratory.
Particularly desirable for print-

ity for our students to learn new
slants on some national issues."
Editorials in the Minnesota
Daily favored Mrs. Sobell's ap-
pearance, claiming "her personal
cause is one concerning basic
American rights: fair trial and
penalty fitting the crime. She has
a right to be heard."
'42 Graduate of 'U'
Sobell graduated in 1942 from
the University, with a Master of
Science in Engineering degree. He
Engineering Group
Elects Prof. Kohl
Prof. John C, Kohl of the civil
engineering department and- di-
rector of the Transportation In-


took undergraduate work at the
City College of New York, where
he was a classmate of Julius Ros-
During his New York years he
presided over a Community par-
ty cell block.
He did not serve in World War1
TI, having a draft deferment for1
his participation in war work-
chiefly with radar.;
Fled to Mexico1
In June, 1950, shortly after
David Greenglass was arrested on
charges of giving atomic bomb
secrets to the Russians, Sobell
fled his Queens, N.Y. home and
his position with the Reeves Equip-
ment Company to Mexico, alleg-
edly as a tourist.

T }


. I

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