PAGE .19X TIME MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1954 Looking ahead with General Electric TOUR U.S. UNIVERSITIES: Frenchmen Discuss Student Government] How do you measure up in leadership qualities? 4> By MARY ANN THOMAS Student leaders are not often asked by a prominent statesman to discuss student problems and to of- fer solutions for these issues. In France Premier Pierre Men- des-France asked for and received the suggestions of the president of the National Union of French Stu- dents. Equivalent to America's Nation- al Student Association, but larger in scope of power, the UNEF rep- resents two-thirds of the universi- ty and college student population and is the sole organization reflect- ing the aims of the entire student body. Students Visit Campus Two officers of this association, Roger Aldebert and Jacques Etch- everry, visited the campus Monday and yesterday on a 30-day tour sponsored by the Foreign Leader Program of the State Department. A 1 d e b e r t, vice-president of UNEF, is the typification of the dashing young Frenchman. A law student at the University of Paris, the visitor is interested in studying American student life and institu- tions-organizations, buildings and leisure activities. He hopes to improve French stu- dent facilities that are provided by UNEF. This organization is in re- ality a union "in the American sense" which has pressed for and achieved many substantive im- provements for all students. UNEF Defends Students "We try to defend the point of view of the student in society," he explained. The group sponsors and organizes student health and men- tal care programs, travel offices, a national sport department and stu- dent restaurants in every univer- sity. Main problem of the extensive medical program is the treatment of tubercular students. Etcheverry explained that 900 students catch TB yearly causing the 1600-bed fa- cilities provided by the UNEF tof be always occupied.I To help carry out this program, the UNEF organized a student so- cial security plan in which the ill need to pay only 18 percent of medical costs while TB patients are treated free of charge. heads Student Insurance The National Mutual of French Students, which Etcheverry heads, was established in 1948 to organ- ize the insurance program. Stu- dents pay $3 a year for the bene- fits. In full charge the MNEF sets up dispensaries, sanitoriums and rest homes for students. Explaining the sports program SGC Proposal Faces Vote BStudents (Con~tinuedi from Page 1) paigning with the backing of the newly - formed studenty Common Sense Party. All candidates have been given $10 by SL to help defray cam- paign costs. SL President Steve Jelin, '55, whose term expires this month commented that the "importance of the referendum on the form of student government has been em- phasized to a degree that often overlooks the equally important election of candidates to the pres- ent student government, SL." "Whatever the referendum re- sult, those elected representatives will serve on behalf of the stu- dent body for some time. The stu- dents should select wisely." SGC Confusion More than 860 man-hours will be necessary today and tomorrow to man the 16 voting booths spread across campus. The elections committee chair- man have spent $400 working for two months on the election. The chairmen have been extra- ordinarily hampered by the con- fusion arising over the SGC ques- tion. They didn't know SGC would be on the ballot until the SL meet- ing Nov. 17. Levy complimented the chair- men on doing their work extreme- ly well considering, the unusual difficulties. Ballot counting will start around 7 p.m. tomorrow and continue un- til its completion sometime Fri- day morning. Republican Group To Elect Officers Young Republican Club will hold its annual election of officers at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League Rumpus Room. Following the business meeting, a party is being planned for mem- bers. Refreshments will be served. -Daily-Dean Morton FRENCH STUDENT LEADERS PAUSE FOR REFRESHMENT DURING VISIT TO CAMPUS A young man who can lead has always had a good chance of success, but his prospects were never better than now. There's a steadily growing demand in industry for men to fill top professional and management jobs fellows with a special ability to work well with other people and inspire their best work. At General Electric, we're constantly on the lookout for them. Ten traits we look for, above, addt up to a pretty good indication of potential success in business. Not everyone has them all to a top degree, but the basic characteristics are always present and can be developed in the men we pick to help lead General Electric. We hope you can rare yourself very high on the list and find it helpfiul. that UNEF runs, Aldebert com- mented that, while they don't teach games, they decide the sportive calendar for inter-scholastic and international competition. T h e group also manages ski camps, stu- dent mountaineering clubs and oth- er social activities through local organizations. Aldebert and Etcheverry had an interesting story to tell about their recent trip to Russia on an ex- change program similar to that of the State Department. Travel In Russia Although t h e i r MVD - trained guides were careful to show the group the best part of Russia, the students were struck with the ex- treme poverty of the people. The two Frenchmen reported that often, in order to get a true picture of life under Communism, the visit- Sigma Xi To Hold Cardiac Lecture Sigma Xi, society for encourage- ment of scientific research will sponsor a lecture on cardiac sur- gery at 8 p.m. today in the Rack- ham Amphitheater. Guest speaker at the meeting, which is open to the public, will be Dr. Thomas J. O'Neill, cardiac surgeon from Philadelphia, who will speak on "Surgery's New Fron- tier-the Heart." ing group would form more sight- seeing trips than guides were pro- vided, and in that way they could sneak into "forbidden" churches and sections of the city. Professing the desire to save money for us, Aldebert added smil- ing, they would give us free film and also develop it for us. How- ever, a majority of the pictures-in- variably those showing poor sec- tions or conditions-were never re- turned. "But we were able to smuggle about 16 rolls of film out of the country," they continued. Group To Talk on Arbitration Dealing with the effective use of' arbitration, a conference on Labor- Management problems for lawyers will be held Friday and Saturday.' The conference will begin Fri- day afternoon when types of arbi- tration are scheduled for discus- sion. Saturday breakfast will be fol- lowed by more sessions. Questions will be answered at the end of the Arbitration Clinic in the afternoon. Leading lawyers from Detroit will attend and featured speaker is J. Noble Braden of the American Arbitration Association in . New York. MAR01 OF DIMES JANUARY 3-31 4 U I1 (PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT), 7 r rl "I~ I F-,dj it Z E:j . II J' What is the Background of SGC? On our campus, the firing of Professor Nickerson and Dr. Davis indicated that the President and the Regents retreated under the pressures of McCarthyism. The Administration has also shown its retreat by sponsoring' conformity on other matters: by two successive vetoes of anti-bias clause motions passed by thee Student Legislature; by the banning of numerous speakers invited by student organizations; and by the maintenance of such a restrictive atmosphere on the campus, that one after another of once flourishing student organizations have disap- peared: the CLC, the SPA, the SDA and the Green Feather organization. The University Administration is now applying the same tactics to eliminate the Student Legislature. President Hatcher stated: "The trouble with SL is it moved in on the University like explorers moving in on the conquest of Africa." This means that in the eyes of the Administration, ho student organization will be looked upon with favor unless it bows in every respect to the wishes of the Administration. The Administration, in our opinion, desires to replace the SL now, after it has been in existence about eight years, precisely because SL, during the past school year, PLAYED A LEADING ROLE IN DEFENDING STUDENTS' RIGHTS AND QUESTIONING MANY PHASES OF UNIVERSITY LIFE. Specifically, the SL sponsored Academic Freedom Week; it passed resolutions which defended the rights of students called before the Un-American Activities Committee; it opposed discriminationbin League houses, and it sponsored a forum where four subpoenaed people had the opportunity to speak. We think that it was no mere coincidence that the idea of a replacement for SL was hatched at a time when SL was so vigorously outspoken. The only way to preserve the independent voice of the students on the campus is to defeat the SGC plan and to work for a strong Student Legislature. What does the SGC Plan Provide for? 1. The SGC plan provides for a Board of Review which has power to decide the scope of SGC action, which in our opinion, amounts to a veto power. This Board of Review is composed of two deans and three faculty members chosen by-none other than the Administration. 2. The SGC plan substitutes the opinions of eleven elected student representatives for the present forty elected representatives. 3. Before the electiors even take place, the dice are loaded against the majority of students in that certain campus institutions have automatic representation. In fact, these institutions have seven out of eighteen members of SGC. On the other hand, the plan does not guarantee representation for other organizations on campus. 4. While the SL provides that the National Student Association Coordinator shall be a member of the cabinet, the SGC plan does not even provide for the NSA coordinator to be a member of student government. The direct contact of the student government with the national student movement will be severed. The main channel through which students throughout the country express their interests, will be shut off from our student government and student body. Would the SGC Have More Power than the Student Legislature? No. Student authority does not come about from a gentlemen's agreement between the students and the Board of Regents. On the contrary, it is derived from the unhamp- ered ability of students to register their opinions INDE- PENDENTLY. A student government with real power must reflect the wishes of the student body, and be free to fight for the realization of those wishes. The SGC would have no power except the power to conform. What is the Students' Stake in Retaining Student Legislature? The purpose of a university is to provide the conditions to investi- gate different points of view and arrive at the truth. It is no accident that there has been a constant demand by students for an atmosphere of freedom, without which investigation and inquiry are impossible. One of the main forms of freedom on a campus is a student government through which a majority have the ability to express themselves. 'k On a campus of 18,000 students, 40 representatives are few enough from the point of view of granting the greatest lattitude of expression to students. Four hundred representatives would be a number more in keeping with this need. But eleven elected representatives for 18,000 students - that is fantastic! The students' stake in retaining SL is therefore a big one, and is part of the stake we have in preserving the atmosphere of free inquiry itself. Keep your eye on the ball! Don't be misled by the propaganda barrage for SGC. A large vote for the Student Legislature would be the first step in strengthening a responsive, effective and independ- ent student government. It would be a vote of confidence for the Student Legislature which could not for long be ignored. I I