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December 08, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-08

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Student Government Council:
Two Wavs To Vote

N ixon



Pro-SGC ...
A VOTE of preference for the proposed Stu-
dent Government Council is a vote for a
government that will be able to do more for you
than Student Legislature ever has or could.
SL features an electoral system which will
reward with office practically any good looking,
pleasant nonentity with the backing of a hous-
ing group and the desire to have "SL member"
on his record or the hope of finding in SL
meetings, a quiet spot to do her knitting. The
present legislature is thus bound by nature to
contain enough deadheads to block its taking
intelligent action, and hence to block its achiev-
ing any real prestige. Thinking students have
been trying to figure out a way to strengthen
SL ever since its establishment eight years ago.
A committee of students, faculty and admin-
istration was put to work on the job last year.
Their answer, after long hearings and much
NOW comes crawling out of the woodwork the
Labor Youth League, understandably the
opponents of any successful student govern-
ment. They find themselves with strange al-
lies, including some responsible, intelligent
students experienced in the way of student gov-
These responsible people seem to have for-
gotten how many times a weak, discredited
Student Legislature has disappointed them in
the past. They see SL as the champion of ac-
tive, progressive student opinion. They see
SGC as a timid, reactionary, undemocratic
group. They are comparing their most dire fears
of what might possibly happen under SGC with
vague, rosy unjustified hopes for SL.
The truth is that SL has generally been long
on sound and fury, short on accomplishment.
The ability to make a loud unintelligent noise
may win hog-calling contests, but it is not
what is needed in student government.
It should be perfectly obvious to anyone who
is ready to face the facts that the Regents and
the University administration must ultimately
run the University. But an effective student
government, one that has the respect of the
students, and the official recognition of the
Regents, could work out intelligent proposals,
present an intelligent brief, and put the best
thinking of the student body before the Re-
A STUDENT Gogernment Council could be
this effective kind of student government.
With only five or six members being elected at
once, it would attract high calibre represen-
tatives with ideas and ability. Seven seniors,
heads of campus organizations, will lend pres-
tige, experience in working with students and
administration, and some representation for
the particular interests of their "constituents."
If they vote In a bloc on the driving ban, so
will the elected members. It is unrealistic to
believe that they will all stick together on
matters affecting any of them: the interests of
Panhellenic, Assembly, IFC and IHC are the
same as those of other students on the question,
say, of whether Union and League membership
fees sliould be included in tuition and allocat-
ed by the University as they are now, or allo-
cated by SGC. Public meetings will insure pub.
lic opinion to prevent log-rolling not in the in.
terest of "constituents."
It is not too optimistic to expect that SGC
would have enough prestige to attract compe-
tent volunteer committee workers much more
effectively than SL's administrative wing.
HE REVIEW board of two deans, three fac-
ulty members, and two students is admittedly
somewhat of a question mark. Although we
voters can't predict just how this board will
behave, we should recognize one important
point. The inclusion of a board which must
act within 96 hours on any SGC legislation or
recommendations it wants to review, is a big
step forward. For the first time, we will have a

Anti-SGC . ..
ON THE SURFACE Student Government Coun-
cil looks like a step toward a stronger stu-
dent government. A closer look however shows
that contained in the pn are the instruments
to undermine its potentially powerful position.
(Assuming that it gets the still uncertain Re-
gents acceptance,) it offers the campus a stu-
dent government with increased powers and
official University recognition, yet its compo-
sition makes it unlikely that the group will ex-
ercise these new powers. Of the plan's many
deficiencies one of the greatest and one which
has been given little attention is the position of
the seven ex-officio members, forming more
than one-third of SGC's membership. They are
placed on the council on the "student expert"
theory. In reality however, they have had ex-
pert training only in the problems of direct
concern to the organization through whose ranks
they have risen. A thorough grasp of the prob-
lems facing the League or Inter-House Council
does not make an individual competent to carry
out such SGC functions as the taking of a strong
stand on controversial issues. In this important
area the history of student groups shows that it
is usually the student government and the peo-
ple trained in student government who take the
time to investigate controversial issues and the
responsibility of committing themselves on these
N ADDITION to the problem of competence
there is the question: As voting members of
SGC, when the interests of that Council and the
groups they represent come into conflict to
whom will the organizational leaders feel their
allegiance belongs? It seems to this writer
that after accepting the presidency of an or-
ganization an individual sees himself as the
protector of that group's prerogatives. His vote
on SGC would therefore be determined by the
interests of the group he heads. This in effect
makes him a lobbyist with a vote.
THE POSSIBILITY of the organizational block
sticking together on important issues is an-
other danger since it might prevent effective
action by elected members. This could happen
because none of them would favor setting up a
precedent for SGC legislating in an area (e.g.
the fraternities, the Union dining room) where
another organization now has exclusive juris-
diction. It could come about through simple
trading of votes. Or it might happen because of
their common training in groups where they
are seldom asked to take stands on controver-
sial questions. This training makes it less likely
that they will be willing to stick out their necks
by taking a strong position and accepting its
political consequences; it makes it more likely
that most of them will advocate the safer road
of watered down compromise. If the seven or-
ganizational heads choose to stick together they
need only persuade two of the 11 elected mem-
bers of their point of view to prevent passage of
any measure they oppose.
IF THE AIM of a new plan of student govern-
ment is really to create a group stronger
than Student Legislature the new body should
be composed entirely of people directly respon-
sible to the electorate, and large enough to car-
ry out the functions delegated to it.
--Phyllis Lipsky
a student government, recognized as the of.
ficial representative of student opinion plus
a prompt, authoritative determination of
whether the government is acting within its
The question on the ballot is 'do you prefer
SGC or SL?" While SGC is not perfect it offers
the possibility of getting something done for
the students. SL offers only the likelihood of
continued noise and inaction from an unrecog-
nized, ineffective group.
Between the two, the choice is obvious: Vote
for SGC.
-Jon Sobeloff

Need led
On Tactics
WASHINGTON - Ever since the
election, when it became appar-
ent that Oregon's bushy-browed
Sen. Wayne Morse would cast the
deciding vote in the Senate, both
Republican and Democratic lead-
ers have been super-sweet to the
independent senator they used to
For example, Vice Pres. Richard
Nixon sidled up to More the other
day and grabbed his hand
"Wayne, I want to congratulate
you on the high calibre campaign
you conducted," boomed the vice
president, referring to the past
election campaign.
"Dick," retorted Morse evenly,
"I wish I could say the same for
Cabinet Feud
Secretary of the Treasury Hum-
phrey, the man closest to Eisen-
hower, is embroiled in three back-
stage battles with Cabinet a col-
leagues. Their outcome will affect
the economy of the United States
for months to come. They might
also lead to the exit of George
Humphrey from official life.
Battle No. 1-is with Secretary
of State Dulles, et al, over a huge
new Marshall Plan for Asia. Hum-
phrey is opposed on the ground
that it will unbalance the budget.
So far Dulles has won out.
Battle No. 2-is with Secretary
of Agriculture Benson over the
disposal of crop surpluses. Hum-
phrey does not want them dumped
abroad in any quantity on the
argument that such dumping be-
comes an indirect crop support.
Battle No. 3-is over loans to
Latin America. Here the Presi-
dent's brother Milton is on the
other side of the fence - though
not actively embroiled in the dis-
Much more involved are Sen-
ators Capehart of Indiana, Hick-
enlooper of Iowa, Congressman
Fulton of Pennsylvania, w h o
though Republicans, believe the
GOP secretary of the treasury is
too tightfisted in loaning money
to Latin America. They argue that
the best way to prevent commu-
nism is to help develop our good
Dulles' Footwork
It was while Humphrey was in
Rio de Janeiro fighting Battle No.
3 that he just about lost Battle
No. 1. This is with John Foster
Dulles, Secretary of Defense Wil-
son and Foreign Operations Ad-
ministrator Harold Stassen over a
Marshall Plan to Asia.
Dulles who was supposed to go
to the Rio Conference, decided not
to go, appointed Humphrey as
chief U.S. delegate - though not
for the purpose of working behind
Humphrey's back. While Hum-
phrey was gone, however, he did
get busy with some fast footwork
which lined up part of the Cabinet
for the Asiatic Marshall Plan.
Dulles then called a secret meet-
ing of newsmen at a downtown
hotel and leaked the idea that cur-
rent Ameridan economic policies
with Asia were not good; that to
remedy this Eisenhower had
agreed to back his aid plan even
if it meant unbalancing the bud-
Stassen, who was already sold
on the idea, quickly called news-
men to a similar confidential
luncheon. Charley Wilson did like-
So when Humphrey got back
from Rio it was too late. He could
have had a personal showdown
with Ike and threatened his resig-'
nation, but Humphrey doesn't be-
lieve in operating that way.

(Copyright, 1954,
The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig ......Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers.............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff.......Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs ......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad..........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart........Associate Editor
Dave Livingston .........Sports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ... Assoc. Sports Editor
warren Wertheimer
.Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz ... ....Women's Editor
Joy Squires ..Associate Women's Editor
Janet Smith .Associate Women's Editor
Dean Morton ...Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak .......Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill wise......... Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski .Finance Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

Soap-Box Review . .
To the Editor:
I HAVE silently watched The Dai-
ly's deplorable trend in its movie
critiques towards the see-all, know-
all pseudo-sophisticated world of
the New Yorker Magazine. But
with the so-called review of "Car-
men Jones," this reader can re-
main silent no longer, Granted
that the question of whether or not
Bizet's "Carmen" should have been
made into "Carmen Jones" might
be considered a valid one, this is a
question which should not be ar-
gued in a movie review. It is the
object of the reviewer to discuss
whether the problem attempted by
the movie is successfully resolved,
not whether or not it should ever
have been made into a movie in
the first place. Mr. Malcolm is so
incensed at the blasphemy which
has supposedly been committed
that he hasn't written a review at
all, just a soap-box oratory on anti-
classic invasion.
A rdview should not be an argu-
ment over ethics but an appraisal
of what has been attempted. Thus
it is that Mr. Malcolm fails as a
critic in his review.
As for the "chorus of laughter,
hisses, and etc." which he reports
were prevalent in the matinee, I
can only state that this was the ex-
ception and not the rule. Our party
was visibly moved by the beauty of
the merging of the classic Carmen
into a modern folk drama, and
from the comments heard as we
left the theater, I can only sur-
mise that most people found the'
movie an exciting and stimulating
journey into new worlds.
I don't care one iota if it shocks
the sacred devotees of Grand Op-
era or if it shocks the confused Mr.
The music of opera is not an is-
land entire of itself. Its beauty can
serve to be introduced through new
media. The person who cannot ap-
preciate these moves towards plas-
ticity in cultural tastes is in my
estimation not only a square but
worst yet, distinctly on the rhom-
boid side.
Three cheers f o r "Carmen
-Leonard H. Manheim
So To Speak . .
To the Editor:
HAVE NOT seen "Carmen
Jones," being, one might say, a
simple homebody quite content
with baking pies and other vicari-
ous pleasures. The review of that.
movie, however, written, as it were,
by my roommate Donald Malcolm,
struck me as not merely unchari-
table but in surprisingly poor, for
him, taste. Bizet, were that dear
man still "with" us, would, I'm
certain, find the movie quite love-
ly. I must now return to my pies.
--J. W. Malcolm
* * *
Sour Grapes .. .
To the Editor:
IS MR. MALCOLM bitter because
he could not obtain tickets to
Mr. Hammerstein's "South Paci-
fic"? I'm sure that Mr. Bizet would
have enjoyed Dorothy Dandridge
every bit as much as Rise Stevens.
Speaking of Miss Dandridge the
film was in CinemaScope which is
reason enough for Georges to for-
get about his music and just feast
his eyes.
-Michael Braun '57
* * "
Conservative SGC,.. .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS to me that the SGC
plan would create a student gov-
ernment one-third of whose mem-
bers are untrained in any sort of
legislation. These organizational
representatives are not experienced
in coming to grips with controver-

sial issues and would most likely
make up a student government
which takes a very "safe" stand in-
stead of a dynamic, progressive
one. Therefore, I am opposed to
the SGC plan because of this inher-
ent fallacy.
--Joan Levin
Quadruplet Votes .. .
To the Editor:
URGE everyone to vote SGC
Do you realize that if you hap-
pen to live in a dorm, engage in
journalism and are active in the
League, you in effect have four
votes? Three through the ex-offi-
cio members of SGC and one
through the elected members. I
have only one.
We are given a miserable choice:
between a democratically elected
but so far powerless SL, and a
strong but aristocratically select-
ed SGC. We must repudiate this
choice even at the risk of killing
student government.
What I want is student govern-
ment that is both strong and dem-
ocratic; this could have been done
by giving SL the new powers of
SGC. If the Regents refuse let

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SGC Doubts ..
To the Editor:
IN THE LIGHT of recently-ex-
pressed doubts and apprehen-
sions by numerous students as re-
gard the prospective effectiveness
and 'progressive' nature of the
proposed S t u d e n t Government
Council plan, we felt compelled to
attempt an intensive-evaluation of
this plan, and would thus like to
rectify an admittedly superficial
appraisal on our part.
We maintain:
1. that the fewer number of stu-
dents on SGC (11, as opposed to 40
on SL) would render that body less
representative than is SL, and
would most assuredly not allow for
the expression of minority opinion.
2. that the composition of the
Board of Review (which has the
power to veto any action taken by
SGC) - two administration offi-
cials, thru faculty members ap-
proved by the President of the Uni-
versity, and two students-indi-
cates the disproportionately slight
voice students will have when SGC
policy conflicts with that of the
3. that if, at the end of its two
year trial period SGC were to be
considered undesirable by the Re-
gents, the by-law setting up the
Student Affairs Committee would
be reinstituted. Such action, how-

ever, would leave a void in the
place of student government.
We, the undersigned, ascribe to
that educational philosophy which
insists that students participate in
shaping their own education-the
realm of student government is not
alien to such endeavor.
We feel, further, that the advan-
tages which SGC does offer can
be achieved within the framework
of SL. We urge you to vote for the
continuation of SL'
--Bob Chigrinsky
-Paul Dormont
* * *
Support SGC ...
To the Editor:
T THIS time, we would like to
publicly affirm our full en-
dorsement of the principles em-
bodied in the Student Government
Council proposal. We view this as
a step in the right direction in
the continum for a better stu-
dent government.
We strongly urge the student
body's support for SGC in the
forthcoming all-campus poll.
The Members of Sphinx,
Junior Men's Honorary
* * *
CSP and Int'l. Center ...
To the Editor:
C O N C E R N I N G Internation-
al Center: the Common Sense
Party Platform is intended to ex-

press CSP's belief that an active
SL program with foreign students,
coupled with the achievement of a
Student Activities Center large
enough to fill the needs of all stu-
dent activities, will result in com-
plete understanding, cooperation
and mingling between foreign and
American students so that the
foreign students no longer feel the
need for a place which so encour-
ages their separation from Ameri-
can students as CSP believes the
International-Center does.
Thus, according to the Common
Sense Party platform, the abolish-
ment of International Center is a
natural, long-range result of suc-
cess in attempting integration of
foreign students rather than a
short-range matter of legislating
International Center out of exist-
-Ruth Rossner
* * *
United Action ..
To the Editor:
MR. MOORE: "Lets . . . make
our University a leader in a
college world movement to abo-
lish" the Student Bar Association.
-Gene Alkema
James W. Beatty
Keith Vander Weyden
Martin Packard
* * *
Russian Studies.
To the Editor:
PROFESSOR Ihor Sevcenko, of
the Slavic Languages Depart-
ment, attributed the recent 25 per
cent drop in Russian language stu-
dents to fear and "eyebrow rais-
ing." As a Russian Area major,
who has taken three full years of
the language, I personally doubt if
fear is the principal cause. A clear-
er, but less mysterious, explana-
tion is needed.
The crux of the problem is not
popular suspicion of well meaning
students. Nor is Russian an unus-
ually difficult language. However
the constant, repetitious, gloomy,
morbid, and uninspiring reading
material is unable to hold student
interest. The readers I had ranged
from dry recitation of tsars' dates
of birth, christening, marriage, cor-
onation, and death; or "cute" and
"nice" little stories; to a perpetual
diet of classical Russian literature.
I like Russian literature, but not
constantly and exclusively.
A more realistic program is
called for. One which offers well
balanced material in history, ge-
ography, sociology, economics, and
similar material. Current day pub-
lications that supply a student
with a vocabulary of terms and
expressions, common to modern
day life are essential to the second
and latter year courses. Four
years of classical Russian litera-
ture does not prepare a student for
United States State Department,
nor National Security Agengy Rus-
sian exams.
Our library is rich in newspa-
pers and journals from the Soviet
Union, reading material in Russian
published by our United States
Government agencies and no one
investigates the library. Why must
the Russian Department avoid
these publications? Certainly not
because of "eyebrow raising" as
Newsyeek reported that even Joe
McCarthy is taking a Berlitz course
in Russian! ! Who is the Russian
Department afraid of? Perhaps
they are simply providing an ex-
cuse for an unimaginative pro-
-Ted W. Wuerthner
* ," ,
Predicted Riot.. .
To the Editor:
REGARDING the band to-do at
Columbus, Ohio, following a
football game'of recent memory, a
timid toot of salutation to Common
Sense will not be untimely, amid

the accusations and . apologies
which are currently seeping into
the columns of The Daily.
As a front-line manipulator of a
Sackbut for several years in a
school band, in the days before
steamboats, nautch girls and cof-
fee-grinders became standard band
equipment, it was my pleasant
task to help clear a path through
crowds assembled along and on
our line of march. With a vigilant
motorcycle escort of police to help
out, we invariably arrived at the
football field so little scarred that
premium rates on our insurance
policies were never re-examined.
When the game ended, however,
our duties ended with it. Discreet-
ly tucking away our timbrels, oca-
rinas and fipple flutes, it was our
policy to led bedlam be, and to
steal as much as we could away.
By thus emulating the Arabs rath-
er than King Canute, several of us
have survived cravenly to this
very day, with plumes graying but
still in our possession, and with
instruments sheathed but unbroken.
Historians seem agreed that the
disaster of the Light Brigade at
Balaklava is attributable, not to
Russian uncouthness, but to the as-
ininity of the British high com-



I Ilil I il I 1 FII r 1 . I I 1 I

T HE SECOND annual Student Art Exhibit
sponsored by the Michigan Union, which
opened on Sunday and which is to continue
through December 15, consists of what is at
first sight a distracting variety of student work.
Arranged in an intense and labyrinthine con-
strution of screen-panels in the lobby of the
Union, the show consists of 20 oils, 24 water-
colors, 26 drawings, half-a-dozen lithographs,
and according to the program, a small group
of sculptures, but these last seem to have split
off from the rest of the rest of the show and I
have not yet succeeded in finding them.
Any show which presents a fair number of
works in four or five media, by some thirty or
forty artists who represent not only a great
diversity of style, aim, and training but also
a certain range in degree of control, may well
make a bewildering first impression on the
spectator, and this is true of the Student Art
Exhibit. But what is more significant about
the present show is that this first impression,
once one has begun to look more closely at in-
dividual pictures, quickly gives way to a grat-
ifying sense of being in the presence of a con-
siderable quantity of work which is distinctly
worth looking at,
Where diversity,-anddiversity in a number
of suchl imnrtn~+~,ntr- Pr cz_-stha nrdr1 o f the.

country-Anita Wiesner's "The Blue City," Sal-
ly Huber's untitled view of a town on a river
(Number 10),, James Tucker's "Forest" - very
different one from another yet having in com-
mon a lively and appealing use of rich or vivid
color as well as a certainty of form which one
cannot help being grateful for, Sally Angell's
"The Melon-Eaters" strikes me as being the
most powerful picture in the show, and Stu
Ross's pink, primrose-yellow, and charcoal
"Woman" is the picture one is most likely to
return to a third or fourth time to see if one
had done it justice the first two times. (His
brush-drawing, "Autograph," convinces one
immediately, both for its wit and for its beau-
tiful variety of stroke and texture.) Two of
James Anthony's water-colors, "Bridge at
Night" and "Reflections," stay in one's mind
by reason of the loveliness and subtlety of their
low-toned color harmonies and by their resi-
lience as abstract design. There are other pic-
tures one thinks back on with pleasure, too:
Mary Knizenza's "Clowns" (oil); a lithograph
by Sally Angell, "Back Alley"; a man's head
in pencil by James Tucker.
One's final impression is of the generosity of
spirit involved in the willingness of these young
artists to show their work simply for the sake

(Continued from Page 2)
pity Leaders: The Social Bases and
Social-Psychological Concomitants of
Community Power," Thurs., Dec. 9, 613
Haven Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Co-Chair-
men, Morris Janowitz and R. C. Angell.
Zoology Seminar: Dr. Karl P. Schmidt,
Chief Curator, Department of Zoology,
Chicago Natural History Museum, will
speak on "Zoological Realms and Re-
gions" Thurs., Dec. 9, at 4:15 p.m. Co-
Chairmen, Morris Janowitz and R. C.
Zoology Seminar: Dr. Karl P. Schmidt,
Chief Curator, Department of Zoology,
Chicago Natural History Museum, will
speak on "Zoological Realms and Re-
gions" Thurs., Dec. 9, at 4:15 p.m., 429
Mason Hall.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Dec. 9, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. P. M.
Naghdi of Engineering Mechanics will
speak on "The Effect of Elliptic Holes
on the Bending of Thick Plates."
Physical Therapy Meeting, Thurs.,
Dec. 9, 7:15 p.m., Room 1142 Main
Building, University Hospital. Impor-
tant for all Juniors and Seniors ex-
pecting to apply for admission to ei-
ther the degree or certificate curricu-
lum in physical therapy beginning in
June 19,55.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet Thurs., Dec. 9, Room
3401 Mason Hall, 4:00-5:30 p.m. F. Ha-
rary will speak on "A Generalization of
Heider's Theory of Group Behavior."
History of Mathematics Seminar will
meet at 4:30 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 9, in 3231
A.H. Prof. P. S. Jones will speak on
"Some Contributions of Monge to the
Development of the Modern Concept
of Geometry."
.Events Today
Le Cercle Francais will meet Wed. at
8:00 p.m. in the League. Two French
students will give their impressions of
the United States, and two American
students will discuss their impressions
of France. Film "Jeunesse de Neige,"
Sophomore Engineering Class Board
will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed., Dec. 8, in
Room 1300, East Engineering Bldg. Fu-
ture recognition plans will be made.
Open to the public.
Ullr Ski Club will meet in Room
3M&N of the Union Wed, at 8:00 p.m.
Refreshments, movie, "Skiing in the
Valley of the Saints," information
about Christmas vacation ski trips.

Sigma Xi. Wed., Dec. 8, 8:00 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheater. Visiting lec-
turer, Dr. Thomas J. E. O'Neill for Dr.
Robert P. Glover of Philadelphia, Pa.,
will speak on "Surgery's New Fron-
tier-The Heart." Public invited. Re-
Dream Girl, Elmer Rice's Broadway
comedy hit, will be presented tonight
at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. This production, under the direc-
tion of Elmer Rice, is presented under
the auspices of the Department of
Speech with the co-operation of the
Department of English. Tickets are
available at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre Box Office.
The congregational-Disciples Guild:
7:00 p.m., Discussion Group at Guild
The Student Zionist Group will meet
Wed., Dec. 8, at 8:00 p.m. at the Hillel
Movies. Free movie, "Realm of the
Wild," Dec. 7-13. 4th floor Exhibit
Hall, Museums Building, daily at 3:00
and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun.;
extra showing Wed. at 12:30. Open to
the public.
First Baptist Church. Wed., Dec. 8.
3:30-4:30 p.m. Beth's Music Hour. 4:30-
5:45 p.m. Tea at Guildhouse.
Pershing Rifles. Be at TCB in uni-
form Wed., Dec. 8 at 1930 hrs. for reg-
ular company drill. Bring gym shoes.
Lutheran Student Association--4:00
to 5:30 p.m. Coffee Break at the Center,
corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave.
Coming Events
Christian Science Organization Testi-
monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire-
side Room, Lane Hall.
International Center Tea. Thurs., Dec.
9, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Building.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House.
Thurs., Dec. 9, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy
Communion. Student-conducted Even-
song at 5:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 9, in the
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
La Petite Causette will meet Thurs.,
Dec. 9 from 3:30-5:00 pm. in the left
room of the Michigan Union cafeteria.
Anthropology Club meeting Thurs.,
Dec. 9, at 8:00 p.m., in Room 3-MN of
the Michigan Union. Dr. S. L. Wash-
burn, of the University of Chicago,
will speak on "Human Evolution." Re-
freshments, Open to the public.



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