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December 08, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-08

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lIc carthy
Claims Weakness
Toward Red Chin
Blasts Congratulations to Senat
Admits 'Mistake' in 1952 Electic
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) p
assailed President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday in an at
burn-the-bridges break with the Administration.
He accused the President of congratulating senators who
per "the exposure - of communism" and of putting up a "shr
show of weakness" toward Red Chinese who "are torturing and
washing American uniformed men."
Sen. Arthur Watkins (R-Utah) and Sen. Ralph Flanders (C
key figures in the move to rebuke Sen. McCarthy, have receive
citations on their work fr(


25 SL Seats




SGC Given
'U' Backing
By Hatcher

Lewis Sees
In Official


Expert Cites
Policy Needs
A re-examination of our foreign
policy and public debate on the
issue were urged by Harry
Schwartz, New York Times Soviet
expert, in a lecture yesterday at
Hill Auditorium.
"We need more imagination,
more experimentation," he said,
comparing the foreign policy of
the United States to that of Soviet
Schwartz commented that a
main feature of Kremlin poli-
cies has been imagination. "They
have not been afraid to reverse
themselves," he stated.
Discussing the present world sit-
uation, Schwartz said that the
Communists "have either ended
our dominance (in nuclear pow-
er) or are whittling it away."
The present Soviet policy is "all
part of a carefully calculated pol-
icy to convince the Western world
that they have nothing to fear,"
he told the audience.
Student Teo Ask
For Asylum
Petition for political asylum will
be filed by Buick Navidzadeh,
Grad, during a deportation hear-
ing at 2:30 p.m. today in Detroit.
Prof.. Beaufbrd J. George, Jr.,
of the Law School, who has been
handling the case for the Iranian
student, said yesterday he assumes
an order for Navidzadeh's deporta-
tion will be issued . during the
If this happens, the asylum
petition will be filed. A hearing
to collect evidence on the case
will be held later this month and
probably during the next month.
Testimony from this hearing will
then be sent to Immigration Ser-
vice headquarters in Washington
for final disposition.
9, Today's hearing will consider
>nly whether or not Navidzadeh's
passport is valid. The Iranian gov-
ernment revoked the student's
passport a few months ago, after
which he claimed he would be
executed if forced to return home.

Says "Mistaken"
Sen. McCarthy, who scorned to
apologize for conduct for which
the Sebate condemned him last
week, apologized instead for telling
the voters in 1952 that election of
President Eisenhower would mean'
"a vigorous, forceful fight against
Communists in government.
"I was mistaken," he said.
The White House quickly re-,
plied, by calling reporters' atten-
tion to the President's remarks of
last Thursday about the imprison-.
ment of 11 American airmen byI
Red China.!
The President said then he feltI
outraged but counseled against let-
ting America be goaded into acts
of war. He specifically rejected the
idea of a blockade of Communist
China, something advocated by
both Sen. McCarthy and Sen. Wil-
liam F. Knowland of California,
the Senate Republican leader.
Communist Report
Also, the White House cited Jus-
tice Department. reports on -ac-
complishments of the administra-
tion in its campaign against do-
mstic Communists.
The McCarthy statement, in-
terpreted by Sen. Flanders as open
"political war" with the adminis-
tration, set politicians to figuring!
the possible effects on the 1956
presidential fight. -
Asked if he would join a third
party movement, Sen. McCarthy
"I have no interest whatsoever
at the present time in a third par-
ty. I intend to work in the Re-
publican party."
The qualification "at the pres-I
ent time" was not lost on news-

University President Harlan H. ~
Hatcher and Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis gave ;p
backing last night to student sup-
port of the Student Government <>
ICouncil Plan.
President Hatcher, speakng of
the SGC referendum before Uni-
versity students at the polls today h
and tomorrow, said he thought SGCg
would be a much stronger and re-
sponsible student government than
the one in existence during the past
few years.
Vice-President Lewis said SGC
would bring student government STUDENTS LISTEN AS DEBATORl
into the official University family.
Need for Large Vote
While indicating the need for a P r
large vote during the two-day poll, o ansS
Vice-President Lewis said he would
like a strong indication of whether 1e ate11 AOenU - u in
or not students want SGC.
Dean Walter E. Emmons of the
engineering college and Prof. Ken-
I neth L. Jones of the botany depart- By LEE MARKS
ment, both members of the Stu- League President Lucy Landers, '55, debating in favor of the pro-
dent Government Study Commit- posed Student Government Council claimed last night, "Student Leg-;
tee split in the strength of their islature, as it exists today, cannot be an effective student government."
support for the plan. - Talking to a small group of students at an open debate Miss
Strongest for Present Landers said, "SL has no authority to formulate policy.
"It is impossible to have-student If approved, SGC would be recognized as an agent of the Univer-
government that can legislate to sity. It would be a step in the right direction. SGC is by no means an
its heart's content," Dean Emmons ideal student government. It was drawn up as a plan for Michigan:
said. He called SGC the strongest a hstn, otne isLnes
student government conceivable at this time, continued Miss Landers. c
unde thepresnt Uiverity ov-Little Difference
under the present University gov- "The form of government makes little difference in service activi-{
Although Prof. Jones called SGC ties-they'll get done no matter,
a "reasonable start" at student what government you have," Miss'
government he said he could de-GrOu ps Study Landers said.
velop little enthusiasm for the plan - Taking the opposite side of the
in its present state. Poblem question, Prof. Roger Heyns, a
He hopes the plan is flexible ro e is member of Student Affairs Com-
enough to allow for changes within mittee, said the SGC proposal does
itself when SGC begins to meet University housing, student- not recognize the need for devel-
practical situations. alumni relations. and increased ping leaders.
peview l Actionisnrolment problems were discuss "SGC offers limited opportuni-
Vice-President Lewis, Dean Em- sd at a three-hour Student-Fac- ties for leadership. Only a limited
mons, Prof. Jones and Dean of ulty-Administration Conference number of students will have the
Men Walter B. Rea all agreed SGC held yesterday afternoon in the experience of working with stu-
will not have jurisdictional areas in Michigan Union. dent government-18 out of thous-
which it is free from Board of Re- The conference, sponsored by ands" Prof. Heyns said.
view examination. the Union's University Relations Poor Criteria
Although the Board has the right committee under Chairman Jerry In opposition to Miss Landers

-Daily-Dean Morton
THE MOST crucial student govovernment election in
eight years faces the campus today and tomorrow.
Students are being asked to decide which of two
forms of student government they prefer-the present
Student Legislature or the proposed Student Government
Every student must realize that the Student Govern-
ment Council plan is no gilt-edged guarantee of more ef-
fective student government.
At the same time he must be aware that Student Legis-
lature has been greatly limited in its effectiveness during
the past eight years.
Whatever form of government is approved, the need
for highly qualified SL representatives is urgent, either to
carry on needed reforms in the Legislature, or to effect a
smooth transition to SGC.
Serious consideration should be given a candidate's
platform, record and ability. Candidates you are sure will
be effective members of student government, not the "just
good guys," deserve your vote.
A small vote will be interpreted as lack of interest;
the greater the number of ballots cast the more emphatic
it will be to the Regents that students feel the need for
strong student government.
In recent'years, the largest election turnout has been
less than 40 per cent of the campus.
Belief in the very concept of student government will
will be expressed in a vote that pushes well above that mark.
-The Senior Editors: Gene Hartwig, Dorothy
Myers, Jon Sobeloff, Pat Roelofs, Becky
Conrad, Nan Swinehart.

!Sought by 4
To Vote on J-Hop
Committee Issue
University students will be ask-
ed today and tomorrow whether
they want to retain their present
form of student government or
change to the much discussed pro-
posal of a Student Government
At the same time students will
select 25 of 34 candidates to serve
on Student Legislature for def-
mite terms or until there is a
change from the SL form of stu-
dent government.
University Regents appr.oved a
poll of student opinion on SWCat
their last meeting, Nov. 12. Results
of today and tomorrow's poll will
be reported to the Regents' Dec.
17 meeting.
Sixteen Booths
Voting booths will open at 8
p.m. and remain open until 5 p.m.
both today and tomorrow. There
will be sixteen booths located In
strategic spots on campus.
With another cold day forecast
-the temperature will range from
13 degrees in the early morning
to the low 30's in the afternoon-
David Levy, '57, SL elections chair-
man still hopes for a turn out
equal to last Spring's 6,071.
"Considering the unusual appeal
of the SGC poll, the turnout
should be as good as last spring's
unless there is extremely inclem-
ent weather" he said.
The first day vote in the last
election was 3500.
Want Decisive Indication
Proponents of SGC hope for
strong student support of the pro-
posed new form of student gov-
ernment. When they present the
poll results to the Regents Dec.
17, student leaders want decisive
indication that students actually
favor SGC.
Vice-President for Student -Af-
fairs, James A. Lewis said yester-
day he was very anxious that
.there be a large vote, whether it
be for or against SGC.
A large vote will show the Re-
gents students are interested in
student government.
If students turn down SGC, SL
will continue as the student gov-
ernment and the SGC idea will
probably be dropped.
Vice-President Lewis emphasiz-
ed that if a negative SGC vote is
registered, the search for a feas-
ible strong student government
will continue.
J-Hop Referendum
Buried under discussion of SGC
and. the interest in the SL election
is a referendum asking student
preference on keeping the J-Hop
Committee an elective body.
J-Hop Committee is presently
chosen every spring by students
who will be Juniors the following
Seven of the 34 candidates run-
ning for SL are incumbents.
Twelve of the aspirants are cam-
See SGC, Page 6


men. to review all SGC actions there Hays, '55, was attended by ap-j
isn't likely to be examination of proximately 50 persons represent-
S jroutine matters, Dean Emmons ing the three segments of campus
Biood Donationisaid. life.
SGC will apparently have the The discussion group on Univer-
St rsright to make recommendations sity Housing, chaired by Stan
Drv Syc swithout review by the Board. Levy, '55, Inter-House Council
"Ideally," Prof. Jones said, "the president, reviewed problems and
Alpha Phi Omega will begin its ' Board and SGC should work close- advantages of "co-ed living" in
three-day campaign for blood do- ly together on all issues." the quadrangles and off-campus
nations at 11 a.m. today in the rec- Recommendations housing problems.
reation room of Hinsdale House in "Although there is nothing obli- Lou Baldaccl, '56, led the dis-
East Quad. gatory about recommendations go- j ussion group that considered
Donations may be made until 5 ing before the Board, I can see lit- problems of student-alumni re-
p.m. and tomorrow and Friday tle reason for SGC wanting to keep I lations. Remarks centered around
from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Separate the Review Board ignorant of its strengthening student interest. in
trophies for residence groups, in- actions," Prof. Jones said. mnaintaining an active and con-
dependent campus organizations, President Hatcher; indicating tinuing relationship with the Uni-
and ROTC units will be awarded recommendations are in the rep- versity after graduation.
on a percentage basis. resenting student opinion' area, Increased enrollment problems
Anyone may donate blood, al- said he saw no reason why recom- were considered by the third group
though persons under 21 are re- mendations couldn't be sent direct- under the direction of John Baity,
quired to present a release signed ly to him and then passed to the 1'55. Inter-Fraternity Council ores- i

contention that feasibility, or ef-
fectiveness in getting work done,
was an important criteria in de-
ciding the form of student gov-
ernment, Prof. Heyns commented,
"It is such a poor criteria I won-
der if it exists at all."
Training, learning and a sense
of responsibility for undertaking
joint enterprises were termed'
"better criteria" by Prof. Heyns. E
Another objection to SGC rais-3
ed by Prof. Heyns was that it did.
not offer enough opportunity for
faculty-student inter action. De-
fining "University" as "faculty-
student relations," Prof. Heyns
said, "Under SGC interaction will
be limited."
Would Lack Independence
Prof. Heyns claimed SGC wouldj
lack independence. He said, "SGC
is dependent on administrators, it'
is dependent on the types of peo-
ple it chooses to exploit, and its
scope of functions is limited by
the Board of Review."
The Basic Issue
The basic issue, according to
Prof. Britton, was that SL, a duly
elected group, had no power while

1954 Union Opera To Open Tonight

by their parent or guardian. ]

Regents. ident.

Elmer Rice s Dream Girl' To Feature 18 Settings

Eighteen different settings will
be featured in the presentation of

Elmer Rice's "Dream Girl," which SAC, an appointed group, had all
opens at $ p~m. today at Lydia of it. "The plan accepted (SGC)
represented a compromise. There
Mendelssohn Theater. were concessions by everyone," he
The settings are representations said.
of the fertile imagination of the Defending the limited number
heroine. Her day dreams put the of representatives on SGC, Prof.
familiar characters of her every- Britton claimed, "A smaller group
day life in very unfamiliar situa- will have more prestige, be more
tions. I effective, and operate as a high
Sliding platforms carrying dif- level policy group.
ferent hackdrn make the variety i

The 1954 Union Opera--"Hail
to Victor!"-opens a three-day en-
gagement here at 8:30 p.m. to-
This year's production, written
by Murry Fryer, '56, tells how
coeds first came to the Univer-
sity. It takes place on -the campus
just before the turn of the cen-
tury, when women throughout the
country were campaigning for
equal rights with men.
The University then was all-
male, and women were struggling
--unsuccessfully--to be allowed to
attend. University men, feeling
that the arrival of women would
lower the status of the school,
search for a way to prevent Pres-
;,-"+- ,- Tl f'/' ,- vn" _


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