See Page 4
Sitr jtau
Latest Deadline in the State
D4ali 4
UN Group Asks
Debate onFliers
Lodge Says UN Sent Men to Korea;
British Give Strong Support to U.S.
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)-United Nations Steering Commit-
tee beat down Soviet opposition yesterday and recommended, 10-2,
that the Assembly begin urgent debate tomorrow on the case of 11
American airmen held by Red China on espionage charges.
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., chief American delegate who had re-
quested immediate action by the 60-nation Assembly, told the commit-
tee that "we in the United Nations cannot let these men down. They'
are United Nations men. They were sent to Korea by the United Na-
Shortly before the Steering Committee met, Lodge and the 15
UN Allies of the United States in Korea agreed on a resolution. It
was reported they would ask the Assembly to call on Secretary Gen-
eral Dag Hammerskjold to use "unremitting efforts" to obtain the
release of the men and report back
Panel Plans
SGC Debate
Campus questions about the
proposed Student Government
Council Plan may be answered
at an SGC Forum to be held at
8 p.m. today in the Natural Sci-
ence building.
Sponsored by SAC and oth-
er student organizations, a stu-
dent-faculty panel will debate
and evaluate weaknesses of the
SGC proposal, and a similar
group will argue in favor of the
Prof. Roger Heyns of the psy-
chology department and a
member of SAC, and SL presi-
dent Steve Jelin, '55 will eval-
uate objections to the plan.
Jelin explained, "This is the
first public pro-con discussion
of the issue, and I intend to
take this opportunity to ex-
plain 18 or 19 specific objec-
tions I have to the SGC plan."
Prof. Earl W. Britton of the
engineering college and a mem-
her of the Laing Committee,
with League President Lucy
Landers, '55, will argue in favor
of the plan.
Miss Landers stated, "I will
endeavor to explain why I feel
that the proposed SGC is an
effective and necessary form of
student government for this
campus at this time."
Yoshida Resigns Post
As Japanese Premier;
Followers Quit Cabinet
1 }
SNew State
-Daily-Lynn Wallas
DREAM GIRL-Gwen Arner, who plays the title role in Elmer
Rice's "Dream Girl" tries on the costume she will wear while
imagining she is a great actress in one of the play's dream se-
quences. Phyllis Pletcher, speech department costume designer
adjusts the hat. Miss Arner's dream sequence costumes, the same
ones worn by Betty Field in the New York production were
brought to Ann Arbor by Rice. "Dream Girl" opens tomorrow
and runs through Saturday.
Second Room i-ng-House
Fire Claims No VictimS
Second major student rooming-house fire here in a month and a
half occurred Sunday evening, but no-one was injured in the confla-
With five students living in the three-story structure at 1125
White St., the fire was first noticed about 9:20 p.m., bringing fire
trucks from both Ann Arbor fire stations racing to the scene.
According to the owner, Nellie M. Crots, the house was very badly
Fire Chief Benjamin Zahn
City Studies
Fire Escape
Expense and problems in puttir
up fire escapes may soon be mod
fied when a semi-packaged fi
escape is manufactured, accordir
to John Ryan, city building i:
Unistrut Corp., now workingc
several projects in conjuncti
with the University's Schooli
Architecture and Design, expec
to produce a pre-engineered fi
escape, according to firm eng
neer Donald Wisman.
Although none have been it
stalled, tentative estimates pla
the cost, unassembled, as sligh
ly more than $300.
Cases Differ
"Of course," said Wisman, "cor
ditions vary and costs will diff
with individual cases." No corn
parisons have been made yet b
tween Unistrut and other fire e
capes but calls to local weldir,
shops and carpenters indicate
may be both cheaper and easi
to install than conventional e
Each fire escape, accordingt
Wisman, will be individually er
gineered. University students wi
do some of the engineering an
have agreed to help test and eva
uate the product, Wisman said.
Can Meet Regulations
Material for the fire escap
has been approved by Ryan ar
Wisman claimed, "We can me{
any building code regulations ea.
The fire escapes will be manL
factured by sections and then it
stalled, either by the owner c
Unistrut Corp.
At present, no firms in the Ar
Arbor area specialize in fire e:
capes although Ryan said, "A?
most any carpenter or weldir
shop will build one."
ISA Disagrees
With CSP Stand
International Students Assoc
ation announced official disagree
ment with Articles 13 and 16ec
the Common Sense Party plat
form at the meeting of its Hou,
Representatives yesterday.
Stating the ISA feels foreig
students can present to the Ac
mincfninn .hpr r1m hr-,.r
yesterday said the third floor, whichj
- was occupied by one student,
should not have been used for
rooming quarters. It was designed
as an attic and was not large
enough for living, quarters, the
chief said.
Students living in the home were
Jerry Hammett, '58, Joseph Juska,
'58, William Housman, Richard
Sylvesta, and Thomas McLean, '56.
Basement Source
The blaze started in the base-,
rig ment in boards and furniture pil-
re ed near the coal stoker, a short
ng distance from a chimney pipe.
n- From the stack of wood, flames
quickly traveled into the flooring,
through a partition and upward1
on between the walls, enveloping the
ofback stairs.
of -
ts Chief Zahn said there was no
re fire escape or even a vertical lad-
i- der on the house. When the house
is rebuilt, he commented, such
n- equipment will have to be in-
ce cluded.
t- Building Inspector John Ryan
said he believed an inspection of
the rooming house has never been
n- made.
'er -
- Storms, Tornadoes
s- Leave 22 Dead
er A total of 22 persons are dead as
s_ a result of this weekend's weather,
with heavy eastern snowstorms
to and many southern tornadoes.
n- Pelleston, Mich., had the du-
ill bious honor of being the nation's
d coldest spot-thermometers there
i- dipped to 12 below zero. The Port
Huron area was blanketed with
snow from a freak storm which left
the city with 16 inches.
to the Assembly by Dec. 31.
Britain Supports U.S.
Britain gave the United States
strong support throughout, reflect-
ing here the vigorous denuncia-
tion of Red China's action by
British Foreign Secretary Sir An-
thony Eden in the House of Com-
France, Colombia, Australia, Ice-
land, Nationalist China, Thailand,
Ecuador and Cuba also voted for
putting the case before the As-
Soviet Union and Czechoslovak-
ia, branding the airmen as "spies,"~
voted against it. Burma and Syria
abstained, saying the cases should
be taken up first by the Korean
Armistice Commission. Lodge said
five requests for action by that
group had been made and noth-
ing had happened.
Jacob A. Malik, Soviet ambas-
sador to Britain, assailed the
American request for Assembly
action and said it had been done
because someone had found it
necessary to find an incident to
increase international tension.
Lodge immediately answeredj
with a strong rejection of that
"Most of those in this room
know Dwight Eisenhower," Lodge
said, "They know he wants peace.
They know that he and I, carry-
ing out his instructions here, don't
want to intensify the cold war."
Senate Group
vestigations subcommittee yester-
day resumed its hearings on al-
leged Communist infiltration into
defense plants with its charman,
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.)
He was reported nursing his sore
Eight witnesses testified at the
closed door session, but what they
said was not disclosed by sub-
committee staff members nor by
the two senators who attended.
Sens. Carl E. Mundt (R-SD) and
Charles E. Potter (R-Mich). The
three Democrats on the subcom-
mittee were reported to be. out of
Only witness identified was
Herman E. Thomas of Allentown,
Pa., a former FBI undercover
agent in the Communist party.
Potter said the other seven were
rulers Topic
Of Speech
Harry Schwartz, New York,
Times Soviet affairs specialist, will
discuss "The Men Who Rule Com-
munism" 8:30 p.m. today at Hill
Fourth guest speaker in the
present University Lecture Series,
Schwartz will include in his talk
the problems of co-existence and
the possibility of its practical ap-
Local IFC
Gets Trophy
At Meeting
During the National Inter-Fra-
ternity Council conference in Phil-
adelphia over the weekend, the
University IFC won an award for
being the most outstanding fra-
ternity group in its class during
the past year.,
The Class B trophy is given an- i
nually to the best IFO located in
a city of between 50,000 and 75,-
000 population in the United
States and Canada.
Attending the meeting from
here were Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea, assistant to the Dean of Men
and Counselor to Fraternities Wil-
liam S. Zerman, IFC president
John C. Baity, '55 and IFC Ad-
ministrative Vice-President Rob-!
ert C. Weinbaum, '56.
Featured during the NIFC con-j
ference were discussions of com-I
mon fraternity problems and fra-
ternity life in general. NIFC mem-
planneterougout the s s
ering several cities.
season, wim a rast-SnoUw tourUoV-
FINAL REHEARSALS-Union Opera cast members hold final re-
hearsals of "Hail to Victor," whose world premiete is scheduled
tomorrow at the Michigan Theater. Further performances are
n~nnal hrtihnitth hH~v anen it arnrichw mi n~i
plication, and a comparison of
Russian and American military
and economic strength.
Schwartz joined the Times staff
as a regular contributor in 1951.
Previously, he had served with
the War Production Board, and
Department of Agriculture in
1942. He also worked with the Of-
fice of Strategic Services and the
State Department. Author of
many books on Russia, Schwartz
has lectured at Harvard, Prince-
ton, Cornell and many other col-
leges and universities.
Tickets will be on sale from 10
a.m. until 8:30 p.m. today at the
Hill Auditorium box office. They
are priced at $1.25, $1 and 50 cents.
B l' A ' L"[. rn' r.r t,
I .
owies Discusses
SquareD- D Strike
George E. Bowles, Chairman of
the Michigan Labor Mediation
Board, discussed the settlementI
of the Square D Co. strike in al
lecture sponsored by the Indus-;
trial Relations Club yesterday.
His talk entitled "Government
Mediation in Strikes" showed the
strike as an example of the part
mediation plays in strike settle-i
ment, and analyzed the problems
and forces of the situationI
bers are cliosen from universities
and colleges whose IFC groups
apply for membership in the na-
tional organization.
The award won by the local or-
ganization was given on basis of
superiority in four categories -
service to member fraternities, the
community, fraternity ideals and
the University and general stu-
dent body.
Grand trophy for the most out-
standing IFC organization in the
United States and Canada, went
to Ohio State University.
Galens Drive Ends
The annual Galen Medical Hon-
orary Society Christmas drive
netted $6,755.12 for the Galen
Workshop in University Hospital.
With some money still outstand-
ing the amount should be $6,800,1
and alumni contributions will
make the total somewhat larger.
Joint Judiciary Council
Opens Petitioning Today
Petitioning for Joint Judiciary
Council opens today. Although the Council i com-
Answering some of the ques- posed of five male and five female
tions that may occur to prospec- members, he pointed out, petitions
tive Joint Judic members, Tawfiq are usually filed at the ratio of
Khoury, '55E, present Joint Judic six to one in favor of men stu-
chairman, emphasized that both dents.
men and women students may pe- Any student in good standing
tis eligible, providing he has 601
credit hours by this semester's end.
I Khoury added, however, "experi-
11 I C ! ence in campus affairs or student'
I organizations and knowledge of
Petitioning begins today for University regulations is certainly
the five positions open on Joint helpful.'
Judiciary Council. Members are chosen irrespective
Five students to serve for of their school within the Univer-
one-year terms will be selected sity and of their graduate or un-
on the basis of their petitions dergraduate status. Khoury said,
and subsequent interviews. however, that an attempt is made
Prospective Judie members may to keep a balance between grad-
hand in petitions until Fri., uate and undergraduate students
Dec. 17. Petitions are available on the Council.
at and must be turned in to
Student Legislature headquar- Students with further questions
ters in Quonset A near Water- may call Khoury at NO-8-7534 or
man gym. Janet Rutherford, '55, at NO-
Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
Recalls World War II Impetus
The warmth of Sunday in Pearl Harbor was more than, accented
thirteen years ago today when Japan brought the United States into
World War II by sinking most of the U.S. Navy there.
Taking completely by surprise, the country plunged into con-
Head Seen
In Hatoyama
Move Prevents
General Election
TOKYO (M'-The foreign office an-
nounced today that Prime Min-
ister Shigeru Yoshida and his cab-
met had resigned.
The resignation opened the way
for a new cabinet headed by Yo-
shida's old rival, Ichiro Hatoyama.
It spares the two conservative
parties, Yoshida's Liberal and Ha-
toyama's Democrats, the ordeal of
a general election which might see
an upsurge of socialist power.
Favors Red Ties
Hatoyama is pro-United State,
like Yoshida, but favors trade and
diplomatic ties with Russia and
Communist China.
The announcement of Yoshida's
resignation came only a few hours
before the Democrats and Social-
ists planned to introduce a ro-con-
fidence motion 'against the prm
The opposition parties had the
votes to ram it through the lower
To Name Successor
That body, known as the Diet,
now has the, task of naming a new
prime minister.
Yoshida huddled with party lead-
ers singly, and in groups as the
prime minister's followers search-
ed for a plan to meet the crisis.
Party executives And rank-and-
filers were split down the middle.
Some pleaded with the prime min-
ister to resign and let the Diet
choose a new prime minister.
Others urged new elections.
Dissolution of the Diet would
have forced nationwide elections
within 40 days. Elections were op-
posed by the businessmen who
bankroll Yoshida's party, and by
most of the party members them-
Says Budget
Won't Balance
WASHINGTON W-Secretary of
the Treasury George M. Humphrey
disclosed yesterday that the gov-
ernment faces another red ink
He declined to say what the ad-
ministration would recommend re-
garding tax cuts scheduled to go
into effect next April.
"We will not be able to balance
the budget in fiscal 1956," Hum-
phrey told a news conference. Fis-
cal 1956 begins next July 1. He
said later in a television version
of the conference that, "We are
struggling to cut expenditures in
each department and we will con-
tinue to do so until a balance is
finally reached."
Humphrey declined to take a po-
sition on the tax outlook,
from the Bethlehem Steel plant at
Bethlehem, Pa., which has secret
defense contracts.
Elementary Students Begin New Lingual Lessons
fusion and hurried preparations for
People attempted to guess how
studying under American teach-T -
ers in Pearl Harbor would react,
and the general feeling was that!
they would remain loyal to the
The government acted against
this assumption and imprisoned1
all the Nisei as well as Japanese
At the University, students be-
the young
Japanese students,I
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles explaining the
Literary College's new language requirement and illustrating the various
language-training systems.)
"When I told them I would see them only once last week," Prof. Pas-
quariello related, "a rather timid girl whispered aloud, 'Aw shucks!' "
"Children are great actors," he continued. "They are quite unin-
hibitedin imitating the foreign accent.
"Buenos Dias, Senor Pasquariello!"
With this greeting, the third grade begins its bi-weekly Spanish
class at Haisley School, taught by Prof. Anthony Pasquariello of the1
Spanish department.
The third grade class is one group of grammar school children
taking part in a pilot study on language learning in the elementaryI
grades. The study also includes a fourth grade German class at Burns
Park school, taught by Prof. Otto Graf of the German department,
and a fifth grade French class at Angell school, taught by Prof. Vin-
cent Scanio of the Italian department.
Dispel Fear
"By teaching languages at an early age, we dispel the fear of1
There are problems, however, in teaching languages to children. came interested in the war and
One is to hold the attention of members of the group by varying lesson forgot classes. The Daily reported
programs. This is done chiefly through group activities and games. that more than one concientious
In these games, usually relay events, the children ask their class- student who tried to tear away
mates the foreign names of such objects as pencils, pictures and cray- from the radio for a bluebook was
ons. Songs are also taught to illustrate numerals and objects. dragged back and told that tests
Use Different Approaches didn't matter.
The age and development of the children also plays a part in how
much they can learn in the half-hour sessions. To illustrate, it is dif- Li set To Discuss
ficult to teach third graders how to tell time in Spanish, when not all
have mastered this task in English. I P l1 Lical ituatlon
Language training in the elementary grades is not entirely recent.
German was taught to many children in the mid-nineteenth century, The problem of extreme right-
until the outbreak of World War I. Interest waned during the period I wing grouns in American democ-
SGC Questions
Question: Does SGC have p.ower to enforce its delega-
tions of projects to other student organizations?
Answer: SGC's power to grant and withdraw recognition
from student groups could provide some measure of enforcement
should any group fail to carry out projects it agreed to accept,
Assuming that SGC was granted a student tax, SGC would also
have a degree of financial control over student organizations
which agreed to accept certain tasks. A specific amount of
money could be granted an organization if it undertook a specific
job which could be subsequently withdrawn if the task was not
Question: One of the major complaints about SL has been
that an elected member is not responsible to a specific con-
stituency. Does SGC correct this in its elected members?
Answer: No, elected members of SGC are chosen from the
campus-at-large and do not represent any specific constituency.
Question: Did SL ever provide organizational participation
and speaking privileges for major campus organizations now
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