'-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DfAILY in & r-4w ftvnrt&ww Ca mpagners DECEMBERlicie,1nBa-i am paigners State Policies on Basicu PAGEs HRE epstio s Shirley Lawson F r o s h Weekend, Financial Committee; Sophomore Cabar- et; Pan Hel Ball, Tickets and Decorations; Dorm and House Judiciary; Michigras showbooth; Orientation Leader. ('57, incum- bent). 1. Yes. I believe the district sys- tem would create more interest in elections. The candidates would be better known by the students and the elected person could better re- present the opinion of their dis- trict and introduce legislation in which they were interested. How- ever, it would be important that apportionment of districts be fair. 2. No. I do not believe that toler- ance can be forced on an organi- zation. There must be general con- census by the campus as a whole. Unless tolerance is achieved by general acceptance, organizations will find means of restricting membership. Bob Leacock South Quad Judiciary, Chair- man; South Quad Council; IHC Representative; SL Culture and Education Committee, Chairman. (CSP, '57, Incumbent). .* * 1. Yes. The district system will provide closer contact between the electorate and the representative. The district system will be an im- provement both public-relations- wise and representation-wise. 2. Yes. The student government should take stands on any form of discrimination which affects any University student. 3. Membership in a campus po- litical party should be determined only on the basis of certain inher- ent beliefs and not on such things as affiliation or non-affiliation. Po- litical parties must not split the campus on anything but opinions and beliefs of a political nature. Campus political parties will pre- sent solid programs. The success or failure to implement its pro- gram will determine the success or failure of the party. Political parties coupled with a district sys- tem would provide a very stable representative-electorate bond. 4. Yes. One of the prime func- tions of student government is the expression of all-campus student opinion. If the 'student opinion is strong on any issue, the student government should take a corre- spondingly strong stand. 5. No. The student government shouldrstart service projects when they are needed; but when a proj- ect becomes self-sustaining, it should be delegated to another stu- dent organization involved in serv- ice such as the Junior IFC or APO. 6. Yes. I believe the SGC is an improvement over the existing stu- dent government and I will cam- paign for its approval by the cam- pus. s * * I BELIEVE THE proposed Stu- dent Government Council is an im- provement over the existing Stu- dent Government. If the SGC is approved by the Regents, I will campaign for its ratification by the campus. There has been much nriticism of the SL lately for spendwg too much time on issues which many students- feel do not directly con- cern them, and not enough time on practical projects. I feel this crit- icism is unjustified, for while the SL has spent much discussion on such issues, it has also been work- ing steadily and efficiently on worthwhile projects. These proj- ects should be publicized. I would like to spend much of next year working in this area. I am not alarmed by student apathy. It is only natural that some apathy exist when campus issues are at a low ebb. When Student Government urgently needs student backing, I believe the support will be forthcoming. Paul Mundinger Union Dance Committee; Ev- ans Scholar, Treasurer. (CSP, '56). 1. Yes, I believe that a District System of electing representatives will help make the representatives on S.L. more responsible. Should the students in a district feel that their opinions are not being proper- ly represented, they may call their representative or use some other method of controllir.- their repre- sentative and in this manner ob- tain the representation desired. 2. Yes, discrimination in private housing and in organizations di- rectly affects the students. Since S.L. is to represent students, stands on such'discriminatorypractices should definitely be taken by S.L. 3. Yes. 4. No opinion. 5. Yes. 6. Yes, S.G.C. gives the students a government that has definite powers. S.G.C. can, therefore, have a stronger voice in expressing stu- dent opinion. This campus wants and needs effective expression of student opinion and I am in favor of a government that will give us such expression. * * * I STAND FOR A unified and strong student government. I be- live this can be accomplished through the efforts of the Common Sense Party, and I therefore stand on its platform. 1 especially shall strive for: 1) a policy that final decisions on student government recommenda- tions to the Board of Regents be made within three months of the date of presentation, 2) jurisdic- tion of student government in all areas of student affairs, and 3) a district system of electing student representatives. Accomplishment of these aims, I believe would make student gov- ernment effective and give stu- dents the voice they should have in University affairs. Ron Richardson Glee Club; Junior IFC; Union . Opera Publicity; SL Public Rela- tions Committee; WUOM Radio Guild. ('56, Incumbent). 1. If a practical plan of district representation can be formulated, I feel it would or could contribute to responsible government. 2. I feel that Student Legislature should act to remove discrimina- tion in all cases where no action is being initiated from within the group in question. 3. Yes, when and if they can be- come rational and responsible working groups. 4. I feel that each SL member should determine the relevancy of the particular issue to the Student Body. There are limits to SL juris- diction, I believe, but these limits should be defined on the basis and merit of the individual cases. 5. Cinema Guild Board and Stu- dent Book Exchange, but not the Homecoming Dance. The former are truly service projects, whereas the Homecoming Dance is solely a financial gesture which could be turned over to some other (per- haps more needy) organization. 6. Yes. I FAVOR A University housing program which will meet the ex- panding enrollment realistically; removal of fraternity selectivity clauses, voluntarily, from within the fraternity system; removal of the driving ban; continued endorse- ment and financial support of Free' University of Berlin; and initia- tion of a system of allotted late permissions for women-which can be used during the week. * * * I BELIEVE that this is the most important, decisive period of stu- dent government. If the Student Government Council becomes a re- ality, the S.L. must be ready to pass on its principles, knowledge, and wealth of experiences to the new body, and in every way, help to strengthen and firmly establish it. If S.L. continues, it necessarily must be strengthened and support- ed. I BELIEVE I can honestly and sincerely represent student opin- ion, and will make every effort to effectively promote an informed and active student government. 3. No. Political parties would split this campus. Candidates would represent a' platform, not the students, and conversely, stu- dents would not evaluate the can- didate-but the party. Most issues 1 on this campus are promoted in the interest of the students. There j are not enough issues to require political parties. 4. No. Although one of SL's ob- jectives is to express student opin- ion, in this case, it should be ex- pressed only if it is positively shown that the student body wants SL to express such an opinion. Then opinion should be expressed rarely and should be only an opin- ion. 5. Yes. Service projects should be maintained by SL, such as Ci- nema Guild and the book ex- change. If SL had a permanent in- come, it could relinquish the Homecoming dance to another or- ganization and, in the case of Ci- J nema Guild, a larger share of the profits could go to the sponsor. 6. Yes. Effective execution of this plan could be accomplished only if it included the three stip- ulations of the SL motion: 1) that the council be given financial con- trol over other student organiza- tions, 2) that after a year the council be allowed to increase its " membership if they deem it neces- sary; and 3) that the council be allowed to write its own constitu- tion. IF STUDENT GOVERNMENT is to persist on this campus, it must have a reliable source of income; I therefore, I favor the enactment of a student tax. A plan for perpetuating more in- terest in student governneit is, important. Accordingly, a forum ein which student government members and the student body as a whole participates could be ' established, as well as a district system of election or delegates to be designated to districts after election to better represent the campus. Sue Levy Transfer student; student representative; Yearbook; '56). gov't. (CSP, * * * 1. Yes A district system would make representation more mean- ingful if provisions could be made so that strong minorities are rep- resented. 2. Yes. Student Legislature can be an important initiator in elimi- nating certain discrimination poli- cies, as was done concerning the bias clauses, where SL took the ini- tial step. Once a group begins to take action, however, SL should retire, without forcing disciplinary measures. 3. Yes. Parties are effective' when they point out issues, have a strong platform, require candi- dates to stand behint their poli- cies and approach principles in an intelligent manner. Parties, like the CSP, can clarify issues. 4. Yes, because these issues af- fect students directly more than in- directly, students should enter into these areas. However, there should be a consultation with Administra- tion and Faculty beforehand to clarify factors in order to avoid rash emotional statements. 5. No. The functions of SL should not be primarily those of service. SL should take up only those proj- ects that cannot be handled by oth- er groups. Homecoming and Cine- ma Guild are an integral part of SL's finances. However, I would favor turning these projects over to other organizations should the campus approved student tax go into effect. Janet Neary SL Executive Wing: Interna- tional Committee, Forum Com- mittee. (CSP, '58) * * * 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. I believe that campus political parties fulfill the great need for placing the issues clearly before the students. They would provide a unified program to which the candidates could be held after the election. 4. Yes. On issues which affect students either directly or indirect- ly, the students should be able to express their opinions. 5. Yes. I believe that service projects which are beneficial to students and which would not be carried on by any other campus group are a responsibility of the student government. 6. If the SGC receives over- whelming support from the stu- dent body, and if the Regents will recognize it, then I would favor the change.rHowever, I think that there are serious defects in the SGC, especially its small size. I would oppose any change which would limit representation without giving student government the pow- er and support it deserves. * * * I WILL WORK TOWARD: (1) continued pressure for the aboli- tion of discriminatory clauses in Jean* Schlusberg Class of '58. * * * 1. No. 2. Yes. If the student body, in a referendum, shows a definite re- quest for action on a question like discrimination in private housing, then it is the duty of SL to do ev- erything in its power to enforce such a request. Student Legisla- ture should be the mouth-piece for all student requests. 3. Yes. Political Parties, by in- jecting issues instead of personal- ities into the campaign, would heighten interest in the elections and thus strengthen student gov- ernment on campus. 4. No. I don't feel S.L. should "stick its neck out" on issues that' don't concern the student body di- rectly. 5. Yes. I feel S.L. should not only conduct service projects; but should also be the coordinating agent for all student activities on campus. 6. Yes. If the student body, in the special poll, backs SGC. I would favor its coming into exist- ence. However I feel that the plan needs more student representation in order to be effective. * * * SL IS AT the turning point of its existence. Either it will be abol- ished or will go forward, a strong- er organization. We, as the stu- dent body must see that it is strengthened and give it our full support. In order to strengthen SL, two ideas could be adopted: one, more pressure should be applied, to the administration to get the ideas of you, the student body, passed. Two, SL should have a represen- tative on the Regents Board. We realize the power of a vote is im- possible; but if we had a delegate there, we would know what was going on and SL would be heard. Let's make SL known and strong. Si Silver Daily staff (CSP, '58). s s * 1. A district system of electing student government represents= tives could result in a more repre- sentative body, but it could also prevent many capable people from being on the student government. Therefore I favor a district system for a large body such as SL but favor campus-wide elections for a smaller body such as SGC. 2. Yes, I believe that student gov- ernment should take a strong stand against all forms of racial or religious discrimination. Further- more, I believe that the student government should take positive steps and offer its assistance to any organization wanting to re- move such discriminatory clauses in their constitutions. 3. Yes, 4. I believe that the student gov- ernment should take stands on the principles involved in issues indi- rectly affecting the student body for these questions often include matters of academic freedom which is the concern of the stu- dents. Whether or not to take a stand on an individual case would depend upon the circumstances in- volved. 5. It should carry on some serv- ice projects. However, many it now runs mostly for revenue could be turned over to other organiza- tions if the student tax could be put into effect. 6. Yes. The proposed SGC would provide the student body with a more effective voice and a source of solution to problems that are now not considered. In spite of its weak points, (SL's proposed modifications) it is stronger than SL and is a step forward. * * * I BELIEVE THAT an aggressive and effective student government is an intrinsic part of university life. Michigan has never known an effective student government. I fully support the program of the Common Sense Party, of which I am a member and endorsed can- didate, because I believe that it answers many of the vital prob- lems facing the student body. all housing groups, (2) a re-evalu- ation of the student judiciary, giv- ing it more freedom and authority, and (3) co-operation among the student groups on campus. As a candidate of the Common Sense Party, I support its platform. I have been going to SL meet- ings and working at the SL office since thefirst week of school. This experience has given me a firm belief in the ideals of student gov- ernment, but I also believe these ideals could be more adequately carried out. If the students are to support the SL, the members must be enthu- siastic, as well as informed about student opinion on issues. I will al- ways work hard for my belief in student government. 6. Yes. However, I feel that two improvements are necessary: (1). that SGC must have a written con- stitution and (2) that it be allowed to increase its membership if it finds this necessary. In this way student opinion and student gov- ernment will be expressed and dis- played in the manner that they deserve. s s * I WANT A strong government, but also a purposeful one. I agree with the platforms proposed by CSP, for at this time our problem is not one of advocating one spe- cial issue as much as it is of tak- ing a stand on basic problems that must be passed once the new SL has been elected. At this critical and crucial mo- ment SL needs people who will work hard, who are enthusiastic, and who will handle the problems arising in the coming weeks. If the voice of SL should become strong, perhaps even the Regents would listen and hasten decisions. Ronald Shorr I }: . f ::\: } . :.i i James Perkins Debate. ('58) * * * 1. I favor the district system. I believe the districts should be split up so there is a representative from each student organization and three representatives from each quad or residence hall. This would make SL larger, but it would also make it a truly representa- tive body. 2. I do not think it is within the realm of the SL's power to con- cern itself with housing discrimi- nation, because it can't do any- thing about it if it tried, and would only suffer loss of prestige, a commodity of which it has dan- gerously little at present! 3. I believe that SL should sup- port a party system, but it should not do so, until there are at least two factions on campus vying for power. 4. Because it only serves to low- er the prestige of SL to handle such affairs that only concern the students indirectly, the SL should not concern itself with those af- fairs. 5. I favor SGC if it is recognized by the Regents and then only if it has more power than SL. Block M, Sub-chairman ('58). * * f* 1. No. (1) It is not needed because interests are the same all over campus. (2) It would cause lower quality of candidates, necessitate nomination in the districts. (3) There is seemingly no fair way of districting this campus. 2. Yes. It is SL's obligation in expressing student opinion to the University administration to ac- tively discourage discrimination in housing and organizations. This is in keeping with national policy shown by the recent Supreme Court ruling. 3. Yes. Campus political parties can be good but only if there is a practical division of forces. There must be more than one party, and the parties must differ in pro- grams, although they may agree on fundamentals. 4. Yes. Issues which affect the student body either indirectly or directly should come under the SL's jurisdiction as does anything influencing campus life. 5. Yes. Here is a very real op- portunity for SL to carry on a definite action for all the students. Activities and services of campus- wide nature should be the respon- sibility of the representative of the student body. This will also tend to strengthen SL by giving the students an opportunity to see SL function. 6. Yes. In order to have more ef- fective student representation, an influential, close-knit student gov- ernment is needed. The Student i I 1 1 George Litwin Class of '58, (CSP). * * * 1. I believe a District System would be more representative and stimulate greater student interest by bringing the issues closer to the students. An all-campus elec- tion is too far away from the stu- dent body. 2. Yes. SL should voice student opinion on any questions involv- ing the student body. If students feel that discriminatory housing must go, then SL should act ac- cordingly. 3. Yes. The organization of cam- pus political parties and action groups would increase student in- terest and bring the issues to the students. I am a member and candidate of the Common Sense Party which I feel will stimulate action in the present SL. 4. Yes. Any issue which con- cerns the students' role at the Uni- versity is proper subject matter for SL. As contributing members of the University and as the sons and daughters of taxpayers, stu- dents have a right to express their opinions on University affairs, and the SL is the voice of student ex- I PLEDGE MYSELF to vigor- ously support my backers in any endeavors that are within the spir- it of SL. I favor partitioning the Univer- sity into election districts. I be- lieve this will lead to more active student interest, thus strengthen- ing SL. I favor a party system because this would concentrate power in one or two groups, rather than in many individuals. This would show the Regents that SL is the student voice, so they could give more pow- er to SL. Government Council seems to be just that. Its compact size should make it efficient. The inclusion of seven campus officers should insure a body of high competence which has the respect of the Board of Regents. The ex-officio members should insure high quality leader- ship plus stress on issues concern- ing major-campus organizations. T h e eleven elected members should make the elections selective and hence an organization of high- er caliter. MY PROGRAM IS TWOFOLD: (1) If SL is to be replaced by SGC, I would like to help SQC get the foothold it needs and deserves. However, it is possible that SL will remain as our student government. Therefore, (2) If SL remains as the representative of the student body, I would like to help build it into a really effective student gov- ernment. Marvin Star man, Detroit Junior Roundtable . of Christians and Jews, Chairman; Daily Staff. ('58). 1.No. A large unit could control voting in a certain area. It might prevent a good candidate from run- ning if there are several qualified persons in the same district. 2. Yes. SL must actively back student opinion on this issue, for it directly concerns the students, who, considering it important, are demanding action. 3. Yes. If two good political par- ties can be established, I feel that SL would benefit greatly. Then an elected candidate would be obliged to follow his party's platform. These parties must be strong and must be based on student opinion. 4. I believe that SL should take stand on certain issues which are of this nature. However, on these occasions, student opinion must, definitely be of a clear-cut major- ity and the issue must be one of serious consequences. 5. Yes. SL should continue to sponsor all of these programs, be- cause each of them is badly needed and the SL can sponsor them with more success than any other or- ganization on campus. However, if the badly needed student tax is passed, the Homecoming Dance student leaders to prove selves to the University, * * * them- I FEEL THAT the present stu- dent government is weak and in- efficient. However, I believe that the organization ofe student action and pressure groups would lead to a more representative and pop- ular legislative body. I am a mem- ber of the Common Sense Party, and support its platform, stressing these points: (1) Stronger student organizations like Judic, so that students can have a voice in their own affairs; (2) Later women's hours, to be administered by hous- Nick Red field Cinema Guild Board ('57). 1. Yes, I think a district system would be much more effective in bringing the student body and the Student Legislature into closer con- tact. 2. SL has already taken a stand on this question, but the admin- istration has blocked action on this issue in the past, and has given no indication that it will not block ac- tion in the future. 3. Yes, it seems that campus po- litical parties would tend to stimu- Bob Sommer SL Culture and Education Com- mittee; SL Finance Committee. ('57, Incumbent). * * * 1. Yes. The District System will make the members of the student government responsible to certain -districts. Thus, they will be able to express the ideas and opinions of their district. 2. Yes. Discrimination affects the students and therefore should be part of SL's job. 3. Yes. Campus political parties will create more interest in student government thru competition, among narties. Robert Liss Tryout for Union staff (CSP, '58). AT A RECENT Union staff meet- ic if %IMa rio - r - - - .faff"f i r ?* .