PAGE ETGTIT I'M MTCATrAN T!ATT.V T.YR TYf. 1 ^t 1 w YV Ps 1 sww r . . . PAGE EIGT TW1llTfll!tlf ATTA iL i FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1954 I 4 HERITAGE AND TRADITION': Local Men Plan To Honor U.S. Indians e By GAIL GOLDSTEIN A group of Ann Arbor profes-1 sional and business men is at- tempting.- to honor "the first American" with a lasting tribute. A new national park honoring the American Indian is the aim of this group charted by the Michi- gan Securities Commission as The Memorial to the American Indian Foundation. This non-profit or- 'Skoal! It's Noel! *9. ganziation is celebrating its first anniversary this month. No Site Selected No site has been selected for the memorial, but a place in South- western United States is being sought. The memorial would con- sist of a massive 40,000 square foot museum, a research center, an amphitheater, and a 250-foot fig- ure of an American Indian. E. H. Daniels, Ann Arbor sculp- tor and designer conceived the idea for the national memorial when he was executing the State Lincoln Memorial for the state of Indiana.- As planned by the foundation, the Indian memorial would be constructed in a great valley with the monument itself, if possible, built on a. plateau. The museum building would be divided into a giant rotunda flank- ed by two separate exhibit wings. A building for personnel and re- search will also contain a main library, reading rooms, seminar rooms, offices and storage areas. Amphitheater for 5000 A giant amphitheater is to be built into the hills and would seat over 5,000 persons. Here authentic, Indian performances will be given for the public. The most prominent part of the memorial project will be the giant figure of a typical American In- dian. The granite reproduction would be constructed on a steel framework and contain an eleva- tor inside it to carry tourists to the folded left arm of the Indian which is to form a large balcony. Officers of the corporation are Prof. Volney H. Jones, curator of ethnology, president; Jacques Les- Strang, executive vice-president; Stanley G. Thayer, secretary; and Stephen J. Filipiak, treasurer. Financing for the project will come from three types of contribu- tions: charter memberships, re- stricted to 1,000 to establish an initial reservoir of working capi- tal; contributions from major in- dustries; and public subscription. Cost of the memorial is estimated at $7,000,000. Long Term Project Prof. Jones feels that the pro- ject will be a long-term one. He states that the interior of the memorial is still in the planning stage, although the outer details have been fairly well worked out. "One of the main questions that we have been asked," Prof. Jones said, "is why isn't the memorial going to be constructed in Michi- gan if a Michigan group is plan- ning it. "We feel that it is a memorial to educate the whites to the Indian heritage and tradition. However, we also feel that the Indian feels discriminated against and take lit- tle pride in their traditions. "By locating the memorial in the southwest where the majority of the Indians in the United States live, we would be able to reach them and instill pride in them again. Since there are only a few Indians remaining in Michigan, this would not be the logical place to construct the memorial." Prof. Jones also feels that the memorial would be a tourist at- traction for the southwest and of, significant educational value to the people of this country. Vet's Effect On Lingual Studies Told (Continued from Page 1) area study and spent about 15 hours per week in language train- ing." Another aspect of the institute was the translation program oper- ated for the office of The Provost Marshall General. Here materials were translated into English for use by the army as the Japanese territory was occupied. An army specialized Training Program was divided between work in area and language. Again, ap- proximately 15 hours per week were 'spent in language training, Difficulty with Teachers The spoken language was needed not only for interrogation but also for getting around in the coun- try. '"We faced a great many prob- lems when we tried to obtaih Jap- anese teachers, "Prof. Yamagiwa said. "Our instructors came from both Japan and the United States. "Dialect differences, varying ages, and a wide divergence of ex- perience created dilemmas. We used the trained teachers in begin- ning courses and native speakers in advance courses. Living Space Shortage "Our housing problem was tre- mendous. There was a shortage of available living space in Ann Ar- bor. We finally took over a few fraternity houses, vacated because of the draft. "The students were skeptical about learning 'Michigan Japa- nese'-but the results were suc- cessful," Prof. Yamagiwa said. "An illustration is the story about the American soldier who rushed off the boat and tried to speak Jap- anese with a stevedore. After a few words he ran back to the landing and shouted, 'Good grief, it works!'" Galen Shop Drive S upplies 4' 0 T ools, 11 -_ 6 // u \ , !4...S@?uI the holiday season with sparkling OCRISTMAS CARDS FROM THE STUDIO OF ROSALIND WELCHER They're gathered together for your perusal in a handsome holi- day album. The book that makes such happy holiday reading I Come see them ot... FOLLETT'S State St. at N. University Japanese City Serves as Site For U' Station (Continued from Page 1) Since March 1950, a series of interdisciplinary and long-term community studies has been under way. Its goal is to approximate knowledge in communities in the Inland Sea Region. The findings are gradually being checked against other areas of Japan. Specialists Take Part Specialists in almost every field of the social sciences and humani- ties, as well as doctors and natural scientists are taking part in the study. Interdisciplinary team work is used in these studies in order to more effectively attack a series of topical problems. In addition to these joint activi- ties, each worker carries forward an individual research project. Japanese scholars and students have willingly co-operated with the field station work. Beardsley Comments According to Prof. Richard K. Beardsley of the anthropology de- partment and member of the Cen- ter for Japanese Studies, the field station was part of the Center's original design. "It was felt from the beginning that there should be a field sta- tion as a necessary part of the Center's training program," Prof. Bearsley commented. However, the station could not be opened until the Army gave its permission. It began operation in 1950, and is now listed as one of the chief tourist attractions of Okayama City. For this reason the people living in the immediate vicinity are gen- erally well disposed towards the station. "The weather in Okayama is like Ann Arbor's, except that there is more rain," Prof. Beardsley commented. "And of course there are the usual typhoons," he con- tinued. liateria ls One of the most popular rooms with young patients in Univer- sity Hospital is the Galens work- shop. Friday is the first of a two-day drive to secure donations for the support of the workshop. Main- tained entirely by the Galens, a v :" junior medical honorary the ninth floor room plays, an important part in the Hospital School pro- gram. This year's goal of $6,500 will be used to provide, a full time teacher, plus all craft materials and equipment used in the work- shop. Included among the tools in the room are jig saws, a kiln, looms and wood working tools. Craft supplies are also secured and some of the things the children can work With are plastics, leather, clay materials for weaving, tex- tiles, and paints of various kinds. Not strictly for entertainment the craft work ties in with cur- rent school projects. In a recent cowboys and Indians unit, child- ren learned about Indian sign writing in their morning classes and in their craft periods applied the sign writing they had learned to tiles, and to pottery. One art media is concentrated on at a time. How their materials are made and where they came from are taught. Anything made in the shop can be taken home and patients have made rugs, bill folds, belts, key cases, book ends and book cases, One young boy built a cage for a N pet pig in the shop. In the spring, gardening is a part of the program, :Flats are obtained and planted by the child- ren. This way they can learn about plants by watching them grow. A lLY Installed also in the shop is a glass bee hive. A complete teach- ing unit has been planned around the hive, and some of the pa- tients through their observations E and study of the hive have learn- AT URE ed enough to earn spending money through their own bee hives after returning home. All of the craft books were bought through Galen donations. Many of the school books and Story bygames are also bought by Galens. Permanent equipment, such as big Y SEVERANCE games used in the play rooms, and toys and games used on the carts which are taken to the wards are purchased through donations from the honorary. es Courtesy of Every year too, the Galens help with the Christmas party. Dolls, S ITY HOSPI TAL for' the girls, games and toys used for gifts, and the cowboy flash- ALENS SocI ETY lights to be given to the boys this year have all come out of-the do- nations to the Galens tag day drive. N RECORDS AND BOOKS ARE IMPORTANT TO THE CHILDREI m -m A Few Reprints of the Fall STUDENT DIRECTORY are available at Student Publications Building 420 Maynard Street $100 D, PF- FE) KATH) Pictur UN IVER! and the G GALENS DONATIONS SUPPLY TOOLS r I ___..________.__.._.____.___'w___ :".... . : . . :..,... ',.Wr ...xL.,t;aa.,. ,. . .rSon... .wv.. f cade jewelry shop 16 NICKELS ARCADE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN December 3, 1954 Dear Sir: Again in 1954, the most talked about gift for mother is the very fashionable "GRANDMOTHER BRACELET". The popular name "Grandmother Bracelet" does not imply that mother need be a grandmother to have earned the right to wear one. The bracelet is a "JEWELRY ALBUM" of her husband, children . . . Her family. Tags are selected for each member of the family . . . heart shapes for the girls, rounds for the boys. We engrave a name and birthdate on each. The tags are then fastened to a chain in the same manner as a charm bracelet. Mother will be proud to own this custom made bracelet. She will wear with pride this gift which represents all that is near and dearest to her. She will, we know, appreciate the sentiment of your choice. Bracelets, gold filled or sterling, are priced at $1.96; Tags $1.41 each. These prices include tax and as always, THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR ENGRAVING. Our engraving facilities permit us to engrave any gift for you, some day on request. Normal service, however, will be to engrave for delivery the day following purchase. : ,:.; ,. a ..,L-: w v 1: 'S, :i ' : : i:^ y:;{ gy ' *:i{ ++?.: §r: .;?: : i N;:; . : t $ y : T: THROUGH THE WORKSHOP THIS BOY MADE A PEN FOR HIS PETS . i ,