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December 03, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-03

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President Hatcher
Comments Off Record
See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t ty


_ .. ..




Official Sanction
Feature of Plan
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the last in a series of interpretive
articles dealing with the origin, purpose and structure of the proposed Stu-
dent Government Council, which will be submitted for student opinion in
a referendum Dec. 8 and 9.)
Daily Managing Editor
T HAT STUDENT Government Council would have official University
sanction is one statement frequently made about the plan current-
ly under discussion.
What does this mean and what would be its significance in the
future operation of SGC? Varying opinions have been expressed but
for an official answer it is necessary to look at the preamble of the
SGC proposal.
The heart of the explanation lies in the statement, "the Regents,
by State constitutional mandate, are charged with responsibilities of
management of all affairs of the University, and cannot delegate those
responsibilities without also holding the right to appraise, modify, or
suspend said delegations and acts of their agents'"
Agent of Regents
If approved by the campus in the Dec. 8-9 elections and subse-
quently by the Regents at their Dec. 17 meeting, Student Government
Council would become an "agent" of the Regents with a delegation
of authority over certain areas of student activity.
Such a delegation would in effect back up an SGC decision with
the force of University authority.
This differs from the present Student Legislature whose authori-
ty is derived from its constitution, approved by the campus and Stu-
dent Affairs Committee. SL holds no direct delegation of authority
from the Regents.!
Official Delegation
According to the preamble of the SGC plan such delegation would
provide an "official form of student government on the campus . .
(which) should adequately reflect student opinion and be properly
integrated with other agencies on the campus."
Under the present set-up Student Affairs Committee has dele-
gated to it authority from the Regents for regulation of student ac-
tivities. SAC, however, is not a body set up to represent student opin-
ion, a function that would be filled by SGC.
SL on the other hand is organized to represent student opinion
but lacks official recognition of that role by the Board of Regents.
The SGC plan would combine in the hands of one officially rec-
ognized student government functions of regulating student activitiesi
as well as representing student opinion to the administration and
Service Projects
Another often asked question about SGC is, who will handle the
service projects now carried out by Student Legislature since SGC
would only have a membership of 18.

S e n.eS
Pope S








T Two Counts
* * I Refuse Move
Collaps-e To Censure
__ 'n Zwieker

i ffers


Collapse Weakens
Long-Ailing Pontiff

Noting that the Senate reso-
lution about his conduct used
the word "condemned" instead
of "censured," a reporter asked
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-
Wis.) if he thought he had been
"I wouldn't say it was a vote
of confidence," he replied.
U.S., China

XII has suffered a severe collapse,
with a weakening of the gallant
heart that has served him through
55 years of priesthood.
Early today there was grave an-
xiety for his life.
Through 'the night, troubled Ro-
mans gathered in spacious St. Pe-
ter's Square and knelt on the
cobblestones to pray for recovery
of their Pope and bishop.
Catholics Asked to Pray
The Vatican's vicar. general,
Clement Cardinal Micara, urged
the world's 425 million Roman
Catholicsdto join in the prayers.
COm Muni st
r. -
States Plan
Arms Pool

Members of the Pope's family,
the Pacellis, were near his bedside.
Dr. Riccardo Galeazzi-Lisi, phy-
sician to the 78-year-old pontiff,
was constantly at his side. He had y
made emergency X-rays and called
in a surgeon for consultation. Up
to shortly before dawn there was
no further word on the Pope's con-N
The Pope had been ill before in
the nearly 16 years he had headed
the church, but never so gravely.S .iaaF
Became Serious Over Weekendh
This illness-starting as a recur-
rence of the gastritis and hiccup-
ing that sapped the Pope's strength
last winter-became serious last
weekerd. His collapse yesterday POPE PIUS XII, now gravely ill, is shown above giving his
weakened his heart, and there also during the Jubilee of his Consecration as Bishop.
was an indication that his condi- ---
tion was aggravated by an ulcer.E:
He was extremely weak and had FIFTH AMENDMENT CASE
been unable to take any food by
mouth for several days. His phys- Cornell Professor Giv
ician yesterday afternoon describ-
rd then Pra&o sronscin, s andr inc-



This remains a problem of implementation that will have to be MOSCOW (P)--The Soviet Un- pletely lucid. But apparently he
worked out by SGC when it comes into existence. ion and seven Eastern European was unconscious for a time after
Several suggestions have been made. One calls for the establishment Communist states yesterday sign- his collapse.
of an administrative wing structure, similar to that of the present 'ed a pledge to pool their armed Condition Unchanged
SL, which would carry out projects originated by SGC. forces and put them under a joint
A project like the book exchange or academic freedom week would command if the Western Powers At midnight, Msgr. Angelo Dell
be handled by such an administrative wing responsible to SGC. Iratify the Paris agreements to re- 'Acqua, substitute secretary of
arm West Germany. state, announced "The situation
Another suggested method would be t'o farm out the service proj- Premier Georgi Malenkov and is unchanged. Ther'e 'is nothingj
ects to existing activities such as the Union, League or one of the top members of the Soviet gov- new."
organized housing groups. ernment attended the ceremony But highly placed sources made
Still another might be to set up separate agencies responsible to in the great Kremlin Palace. The it clear the Pope's condition was
SGC. signing wound up a four-day se- indeed serious.
Policy Group curity conference called by the In the event of his death the
SGC itself would remain the policy making group with power over Russians to counter the West's College of Cardinals, now num-
funds allocated to carry out the project. defensive alliance, the North At- bering 64, would choose a succes-
Another fundemental question asked about SGC, is whether the lantic Treaty Organization, with sor.
Review Board would have to look oveI every action of the Council. an Eastern version of NATO. For the first time in 600 years
According to the SGC statement the Board would review actions Molotov Represents USSR Italians are not a majority in the
of the Council upon request of any of its members when there was Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov College of Cardinals, but it is gen-
a point at issue. signed for the Soviet Union. The erally thought here another Ital-
Such points would involve questions of the Council's jurisdiction other nations committed by the ian most likely would be chosen.
or if further consideration of an action were required in view of signatures of their chief delegates
are East Germany, Czechoslova-
Regental or administrative policy,.reEstGemny zehoana
In an cevent intent to review would have to be expressed within kia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Indian Deb
96 hours after the action was published in the Daily Official Bulletin dBulgaria and Albania.
Red China was represented at I i 1 f 1\Tl
or the action would become final. n

Suspension With Salar


By RONA FRIEDMAN ber of the faculty," was adopted
Cornell University has announced without opposition.
that Prof. Marcus Singer "has The Cornell Daily Sun in a front
been placed on salaried leave and page editorial also doubted that
relieved of his teaching responsi- there was any "real justification"
bilities pending disposition of the for this salaried leave. "No one
indictment" by the courts. has cast any aspersions on Prof.
Prof. Singer and seven others Singer's personal loyalty or integ-
were indicted for contempt of Con- rity," it said.
gress by a Federal Grand Jury. Prof. Singer who has been doing
The professor will be arraigned to- important cancer research is still
morrow in Washington, according supported in his work by the Amer-
to his attorney. ican Cancer Society. Concerning
Cited For Contempt his action, the professor recently
Appearing before tie House Un- commented, "What kind of a pro-
American Activities Committee fessor would I be if I was also an
last May, the zoology professor informer on one-time friends who
was cited for contempt for refus- have done nothing illegal.
ing, to name associates in a Marx-
ist study group at Harvard whicIH C To H old
hi n rit dnell hol b l ri t. whpn an

ne aa mILeai y eongetwu eIa
graduate student there in 1942.
Prof. Singer answered all ques-
tions relating to his personal ac-
tivities, but remained silent con-

Effect of Veterans' Influx

. o


On Language Studies Noted
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth
in a series of articles explaining the gether responsible for 324 hours,
new Literary Colleges language re- of teaching per day.
quirement and illustrating the various "It was a big job-but the- re-
language-training systems.) sults were very satisfying," Prof.
By ERNEST THEODOSSIN Joseph Yamagiwa, chairman of
and SHIRLEY CROOG the Far Eastern department said.
The great effect of the Second Prof. Yamagiwa headed the Jap-
"World War upon language training anese program at the University
Wr Wa uonirt languaed trai during the war.
iz the University is seldom real- Divided into four units, "the pro-
gram included an army-navy di-
The army operated lingual-' rected study, Prof. Yamagiwa said.
training programs were partly re- "The boys came to the University
sponsible for extending the oral- for a period of one year. Their 24-1
aural approach to language study, hour study week included four
which is now extensively employed hours in class for six days a week.
at the University. Each day two hours were devoted
Need for people trained in Eu- to speech, one to reading, and an-
ropean and Far Eastern languages other to dictation of Japanese
and cultures prompted the mili- characters.
tary to institute a language teach- Transla'tion Program
ing system, the Army Special "Doctors, lawyers, engineers, and
Training Program. government officials were in the
One of the University divisions, civil affairs program," he said.
the Far East unit, at one time "These men participated in gov-
turned out approximately 1,700 erning Japan directly after fight-
linguists. To do this the teaching ing was over. They took courses in
staff reached 85 instructors, to- See VETS, Page 8

ne conference oy an o server, I
Chang Wen-tien, its ambassador
in Moscow, who declared his gov-
ernment threw its full support be-
hind the eight-nation declaration.
A communique said the parti-
cipants agreed to meet again, in
case the Paris accords are ratified
by Western parliaments, to take
action putting the Communists'
mutual security pact into effect.
West German Troops
Western leaders have set March
2 as the target date for ratifi-
cation. When this is done 500,000
West German . troops will be
brought under the North Atlantic
Thursday's declaration said the
Red-ruled countries decided "in
case of ratification of the Paris
agreements, to implement joint
measures' in the field of their
armed forces and their commands,
as well as to take other defen-
sive measures."

India may lose to the Commu- cerning associates at first solely on
nists simply because she is vacil- the moral grounds of "honor and

Inter-House Council will hold
its second annual Residence Halls
Conference from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher, University Vice-Presi-
dent Wilbur K. Pierpont, Dean

lating between East and West,
Prof. John F. Muehl of the Eng-
lish department claimed at a
Young Democrat meeting yester-
Buddha V. Govindaraj, Grad.,
contended that India reviews each
specific problem individually, andF
therefore cannot align itself with
either East or West.

conscience" and his Fifth Amend-
ment privilege.
Cornell Student Council voted 16-1
to support Prof. Singer's stand on

Sign Treaty
States and Nationalist China yes-
terday signed a mutual security
treaty in which the United States
pledged that it would consider
an attack on Formosa "dangerous
to its own peace and safety."
The pact, which will last indef-
initely, was signed by Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles for
the United States and by Foreign
Minister George Yeh of the Re-
Mutual Defense Agreement
The key position in the text,
iwhich the State Department re-
leased after it was signed, says:
"Each party recognizes that an
armed attack in the west Pacific
area directed against the terri-
tory of either of the parties would
be dangerous to its own peace and
safety and declares it would act
to meet the common danger in ac-
cordance with its constitutional
Dulles said Wednesday .that in
the case of extreme urgency he
thought the President would have
the power to order United States
forces into action if Red China
attacks Formosa after the treaty
becomes effective, but if time per-
mitted the President would go to
Includes Formosa, Pescadores
The treaty made clear that the
reference to territories covered
Formosa and the nearby Pesca-
dore Islands and United States-
ruled islands in the Western Pa-
One of the key provisions
I pledges that the two governments
"will consult together from tipe
to time" -on defense problems. \
The United States has been at-
tempting to discourage National-
ist China from attacking the Com-
munist-held mainland. A purpose
of the treaty is to help stabilize
the Formosa region.
' Messiah'
Set To Open
The University Musical Society's
annual Christmas oratorio, "Mes-
siah," will be performed at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow and 2:30 p.m. Sun-
day in Hill Auditorium.
The Choral Union, composed of
1 330 members, the Society's Or-
chestra, conducted by Lester Mc-
Coy, Detroit harpsichordist Alice
Lungerhausen and four noted so-
loists will take part in the oratorio.
Lucine Amara, Metropolitan
Opera Soprano and Atwater Kent
Award winner, and Lillian Chook-
asian, experienced "Messiah" con-
tralto, will both be making their
first Ann Arbor appearances.
Also making their Ann Arbor de-
buts will be Charles Curtis, Kan-
sas State Teachers College musi-
cian and tenor in both stage and
movie versions of "This is the Ar-
my," and Donald. Gramm, radio

a moral basis after his original ci- of Men Walter B. Rea, and var-
tation. When Congress delivered its ious campus leaders including
citation, the Council reaffirmed its Student Legislature President
support by the same margin. Steve Jelin, Interfraternity Coun-
Fund-Raising Campaign cil P'esident John Baity and Un-
Plans for a fund-i'aising cam-- iorn President Tom Leopold have
paign were initiated but were post- been invited to attend the four-

State Senators
Vote Majority
WASHINGTON (N-- The Senate
officially condemned the conduct
of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-
Wis ) .on two counts yesterday by
a 67-22 vote, but refused to cen-
sure him for a "denunciation" of
Brig. Gen. Ralph' W. Zwicker.
All the 22 votes against the reso-
lution were from Republicans.
Twenty-two Republicans voted for
it, along with 44 Democrats and
the Senate's lone independent, Sen.
Wayne Morse of Oregon.
Both Michigan senators voted
with the majority
Four Week Session
In a tense, hushed finale to
months of blazing controversy, the
Senate completed its sole. major
item of business at a four-week ex-
traordinary session by declaring:
1. The Wisconsin Republican's
failure to help a 1951-52 investi-
gating subcommittee and his
"abuse" of the group's members,'
are "condemned" on the ground
they obstructed "the constitutional.
processes of the Senate."
2. Sen. McCarthy's "Communist
handmaiden" and other charges
against the Watkins committee,
which recommended censure for
him, likewise are "hereby con-
But another count ---abuse of
Gen. Zwicker when he testified be-
fore McCarthy's committee on the
Maj. Irving Peress case - never
even came to a vote.
Mixed Reaction
Early yesterday several influen-
tial senators-among them Sen.
Leverett Saltonstall (R - Mass.),
chairman of the Armed Services
Committee-made it plain they
didn't necessarily endorse McCar-
thy's language, but at the same
time took a severe view of the
Army's attitude in the case too.
By a 64-23 margin, the Senate
voted to rebuke Sen. McCarthy for
his blasts at the Watkins commit-
tee instead.
Sen. McCarthy, his injured arm
in a sling, came into the Senate
chamber when the final vote was
in progress. He paused at the cen-
ter rear door, then walked slowly
behind the last row of seats on the
Republican sidehjust as the man
who started the censure move,
Sen. Ralph Flanders (R-Vt.), sang
out a firm "aye."
Flanders and McCarthy
Grinning, Sen. McCarthy laid a
hand on Sen. Flanders' shoulder
with a sort of let-bygones-be-by-
gones air.
Sen. Flanders looked up, shook
a forefinger at Sen. McCarthy and,
his expression unsmiling, said
something inaudible to the galler-
Sen. McCarthy took his seat then,
voted "present" rather than "aye"
or "no" when his name was called,
and was deep in a conversation
with Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-
Mich.), when the final tally was
announced. Sen. McCarthy didn't
even look up.
"Circus Over"
Later he told newsmen he was
"very happy to get this circus
"I don't feel any different than
I did last night," he said. He had
referred to the senate proceedings
then as "a foul job."
After rebuking one of its own
members for the fourth time in
American history, the Senate ad-
journed sine die, in this case un-
til Jan, 5.
Senior Board
Supports SGC
Senior Board passed a five-point

approval of the Student Govern-
me nt Councilln ati uts mtir

Nehru, in not reshuffling the poned until after the summer when hour discussion.
government after independence the need would be more immedi- Although the session was held
from the British, "made the wrong ate. in conjunction with Assembly last
decision" Prof. Muehl said. He At a regular meeting of the Fac{ year,- tomorrow's conference in-
attributed this to the increase in ulty of the College of Art and Sci- cludes only IHC membership.
Communist strength in the coun- ences in June, a resolution express- Tom Bleha, '56, Executive Vice-
try. ing "faith in Professor Marcus President of IHC and in charge of
However, Govindaraj felt that Singer's loyalty and moral integri- the conference, called lack of sim-
Communism will never take over tty, respect for his scholarship and ilarity of problems the main rea-
the country because of Indian op- ability as a teacher, and confidence son for limiting representation at
position to Communist tactics. in his continuing value as a mem- this year's meeting.

'U' Operates 'Okayama* Field Station

SGC Questions
QUESTION: What percentage of SGC is elected? What


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in
a series of two articles on the Uni-
versity's Field Station for Japanese
At the edge of Okayama City in
Japan are three buildings sur-
rounded by barbed wire put up by
United States troops during .the
s Q(,nnriWn n, q

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