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December 02, 1954 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1954-12-02

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'U' Musical Society Presents 'Messiah',
To Star Choral Union Group, Soloists


Continuing a 75-year tradition,
the University Musical Society's
annual presentation of Handel's
"Messiah" will take place at 8:30
p.m. Satuiday and 2:30 p.m. Sun-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Participating in the concerts will
be' the Musical Society Choral Un-
ion and Orchestra conducted by
Lester McCoy, Alice Lungerhausen,
Detroit harpisehordist and four
noted soloists.
Lucine Amara, Metropolitan Op-
era star, will sing the soprano role
in her first Ann Arbor appearance.
Award Winner
After winning the Atwater Kent
Award in 1948, Miss Amara made
her concert debut the following
year under Pierre Monteux and the
San Francisco Symphony Orches-
She joined the Met roster in 1950

and has sung soprano roles in such
operas as "Pagliacci" and "Car-
Lillian Chookasian, also making
her Ann Arbor debut, will sing the
contralto role.
Chicago Education
After receiving her musical edu-
cation in Chicago, Miss Chookasi-
an established herself as a concert
singer and oratorio performer
throughout the country.
Last season, she sang twelve
performances of the "Messiah" in
cities from coast-to-coast, includ-
ing appearances in Boston, Chica-
go, Salt Lake City and Milwaukee.
Charles Curtis, who will sing the
tenor role, began his musical ca-
reer when he appeared as a violin
soloist in a one-room schoolhouse
in his native Kansas.
Assistant Conductor
During his undergraduate days
at Kansas State Teachers College,
Curtis was assistant conductor of
the orchestra, glee club, band and
He has since appeared in opera,
oratorio and in both stage and
movie versions of "This is the Ar-
Donald Gramm, like the other
three soloists, will be heard in Ann
Arbor for the first time. He has
appeared on radio, television as
well as in recitals and as soloist
with leading symphony orchestras.
He has won the Paul Lavalle
Scholarship as well as first prize
at Chicagoland Music Festival.
"Messiah" History
Through the years, Handel's
"Messiah" has been closely associ-
ated with the University Musical

Seventy-five years ago, singers
from four local church choirs
banded together for the primary
purpose of singing choruses from
the "Messiah."
Later its activities were expand-
ed to include other choral works
as well as a larger choir member-
ship. At present, the members of
the Choral Union total 330.
Choral Union
The University Choral Union is
.one of the oldest and largest choral
bodies in the country, maintaining
a continued existence of more than
three quarters of a century.
Tickets for both "Messiah" per-
formances are on sale at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Tower. Priced at
50 and 75 cents, they will also be
on sale at the Hill Auditorium box-
office one hour before each per-

In Foreign
Lands Vary
The Philippines never have any
snow due to average winter tem-
peratures of 60 to 70 degrees, but
they sing "White Christmas" just
the same.
"Christmas is celebrated very
similarly to that in the United
States," Eduardo Sevilla, a gradii-
ate student in chemistry from the
Philippines, explained, "because
Americans have lived there for
fifty years."
"We import imitation snow and
holiday decorations," he contin-
ued, "but our celebration is much
more intense-a fiesta."
In the Philippines which is pre-
dominantly Catholic, preparation
for the holiday begins with Advent
when many people give up certain
pleasures and attend Mass daily
believing they will have a better
Festivities Begin Early
"Nine days before Christmas we
have a special Mass called Missa
de Gallo at 4 a.m.," Sevilla com-
mented. "It is a highly festive af-
fair with stalls selling rice cakes,
candles, games and breakfasts lin-
ing the streets to the church."
"This is the time for the young
men to get dates to go to Mass
together," he smiled.
Another Philippine tradition is
for each family to make a bam-
boo star to hang outside the gate
of the house in commemoration of
the star of Bethlehem.
" Spanish Custom
"The Spaniards introduced the
custom of acting out the Christ-
mas story traveling from house to
house singing carols," the chem-
istry student added, "and the cele-
bration is climaxed with 'a big
meal after midnight Mass Christ-
mas Eve.
"There is always a lot of food in+
every home Christmas Day," Se-
villa joked, "so the young men visit
all their girl-friends for the food."
In addition to exchanging pre-
sents with friends and family in
the Philippines, youngsters go to
all their. baptism, communion and
confirmation sponsors and ask for,
Big Parties Held Dec. 23
So the family may be together1
Christmas Eve, all big parties and1
jam sessions are held Dec. 23. "But
because of this I usually sleep all1
the next day," Sevilla added. 1
An interesting feature of these1
fiestas is the marathon of bands.,

Records make as good Christ-
mas gifts as they ever did, if not
Local record store owners ex-
plain that although the variety
and quantity of recordings sold
remain almost even throughout
the year, the number of sales is
consistently high. One merchant
commented that, just like any
other business, the sales do go up
at Christmas time, but that the
kind of records sold is extremely
Although there is a seasonal
demand for Carols during the Yule
season, the general demand seems
to correspond more with imme-
diate releases, whether in summer
or winter.
Few Vacation
Jobs Available
Although Christmas may seem
far off, indications are students
who want part time jobs before
and during vacation will have to
look for them early.
For instance, post office officials
report no jobs available any long-
er. Applications were received Nov.
15 and in only a few hours, more
than 200 people applied for the 125
available jobs.
"They started lining up outside
the postoffice at 8 a.m.-mostly
University students," a post office
employer claimed.
. Too Early To Tell
Saying "It's still too early to tell
for sure," R. Roberts of the Uni-
versity Personnel Bureau forecast
a fairly tough time for students
looking for jobs.
"So far eve haven't had any open-
ings. We usually get some but you
can't go by past experience," Rob-
erts said.
"This year it seems students are
going out on their own, anticipat-
ing the rush and getting jobs be-
fore employers can report open-
ings to us," he continued.
Local Unemployment
Roberts pointed out an additional
complication-local unemployment.'
With Michigan plagued by unem-
ployment, many townspeople will
be competing with students for
temporary jobs, Roberts said.
Local bookstorcs and shops con-
tacted said some extra help would
be taken on for the Christmas rush
but in many cases jobs were al-
ready spoken for.

Discs Ease Gift Problem


TV Offers Financial Planning Tips

The use of long-playing and
high-fidelity equipment has,of
course, boosted record sales to new
heights. Record companies explain
that new equipment, and subse-
quently an increased awareness
of music by Americans, has forced
them to produce competitively
better recordings.
The repertories of all types of
music is being increased by most
companies, although many of them
are hesitant in greatly increasing
their stock of contemporary mu-
sic. They claim that record com-
panies are not obliged to produce
records that won't sell. "Our lis-
teners must show a demand first,"
they all agreed.
There are companies, however,
that deal specially with less popu-
lar records. Esoteric is recording
harp music by Poulenc and Satie.
Bartok is working on all of Bela
Bartok's music.
Classical best-sellers are mostly
"bread-and-butter" items.
. Favorite symphonies are Beet-
hoven's Ninth, Dvorak's "New
World," Berlioz's "Fantastique"
and Tchaikovsky's First and Ninth.
Among the favorite piano con-
certs, according to leading record
companies, are Beethoven's "Em-
peror," Schumann's "Concerto in
A minor," Rachmaninoff's Second
and Grieg's A minor Concerto.
Accepted as a matter of course
are old favorites including Rimsky-
Korsakov's "Scheherazade," Ra-
vel's "Bolero," Tchaikovsky's "Ro-
meo and Juliet" and his "Swan
Jazz Popular
Along with the latest hits, the
Glenn Miller and the Louis Arm-
strong modern jazz albums are
selling well. Recording studio jam
sessions and concert hall record-
ings add to the popularity of jazz
Benny Goodman, Bessie Smith,
Bix Biderbeck, Django Rienhardt
and Dave Brubeck are all in de-
Many small companies have
formed to record first-hand and
special kinds of jazz.
Records are carrying through
their tradition of being popular
gifts. Record companies, pushing
as fast as popular taste will let
them, are coming out with revi-
sion and completely new works
every year.
If enough customers demand a
piece of music, they will get it,
if not this'Christmas, then next.

Help comes'to the harried house-
holder, struggling to make the
family income go as far as pos-
It begins Dec. 5 when University
television inaugurates a new
eight-week series, "Planning Your
Financial Future," which offers
practical hints by specialists in
various fields of personal finance.
The series, designed for those
with incomes large or small, sur-

veyes such subjects as the family
budget, the bank account, finan-
cing a home, business and consum-
er credit, investments, problems of
wills and the new income tax law.'
Providing-expert advice on these
topics are representatives of De-
troit banks and trust companies,
which organizations cooperated
with the School of Business Ad-
ministration in presenting the ser-





sIn Instead of having one band, parties
CHARLES CURTIS I LESTER McCOY DONALD GRAMM hire two, which often try to outlast > r S ' 9 4 J %g 444&414g4 4 p
CHARLES__________ LESTER _McCOYDONALD_______ each other playing through the
night until morning.
MAILING HINTS: "Many times I have left a party
to go home and when I came back
" " the bands were still playing," Se-
Postmaster Koch Reports on Anticipated PvilaretarlJeD
Practical Joke Day
Post Office Plans for Usual Holiday Rush "ettes.Catauhedinsm-
festivities. Although held in com- r
By DEBRA DURCHSLAG memoration of babies who were
ready been received to fill all Dec. 12, and local mail from Dec. martryred, the feast has become
Rain, sleet, snow and even openings. 17 to Dec20 another April Fools day.
The peak in parcel post mailing Parcel post to distant points "With all the holiday spirit in the
Thn ' nis expected to be reached early in should go out no later than Dec. air, the practical jokes catch you
The post office's version of San- December, with the main force 8, with Dec. 14 suggested as the unawares," the Filipino comment-
ta Claus trudges through snow and of auxiliary workers expected to last date for other packages. ed.
slushbial ba f he be put on in mid-December. Because of the large Chinese pop-
proverbial Christmas cheer. Special windows for stamps will ulation, two Christmas celebrations
Busy stemming the tide of the Beginning Monday, Dec. 13, a be opened in the main Post Of- +ae hel chrtm ontheapart.
Christmas rush, the mailman may full force of mail workers will be fice as well as Nickels Arcade and In Februay th ay
lack St. Nick's "cheery smile," but on hand to cope with the aval- E. University branches beginning is famed for its lauriats, meals
he makes an important contribu- anche. Last year more than 1,842,- Dec. 13. cistinm fo t o 100 main
tion to the traditions of the sea 000 pieces of mail were processed Lcsfrot-on n o n shispn ffom 15 to 100p mkin
son, by Ann Arbor stations, and a rec- greeting cards will also be given book.
Postmaster Oswald J. Koch re- ord load is again expected. out. Cards are requested to be tied "The trick is to sample a little" ... e ,x :> .9,, ... . ?
ports that an Ann Arbor staff will Authorities urge early mailing into two bundles, with the labels bit of each dish," Sevilla com-
be increased by 125 workers, bring- of both packages and cards. Out- inserted in the bundles. The sys- mented, "but we are used to hav-
ing the post office crew to more going letters and cards are advised tem, used in the past two seasons, ing three or four of your main
than 300. Applications have al- to be mailed early in the week of has facilitated mail handling. dishes in one meal."
See our
Op hui cAi4tma 7pee Complete Selection
is again avaliable to you for making r STATIONERY
your personalized photographic Michigan and Personalized
Christmas cards. GIFT BOOKS
Children's, Fiction, and Non-Fict
You may use your own camera, or ours, and we
will furnish the lighting and helpful suggestions.. LEATHER G O D
Shown Below is a Sample Christmas Card.

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