Groff sky, MacFarland Head
'M' Basketball, Hockey Squads
7 - 11 111 11
steady performer
Seixas, Trabert
Cop Net Match
MELBOURNE (P)-Vic Seixas
and Tony Trabert sent America's
Davis Cup stocks up another notch
yesterday when they subdued Aus-
tralia's Lew Hoad and Ken Rose-
wall in a bitterly fought, five-set
semifinal doubles match in the
Victorian Tennis Championships.
The U.S. tandem, surprise win-
ners in the challenge round dou-
bles last year, turned back the
20-year-old Aussies, 10-12, 6-2,
3-6,m6-2, 6-4.
Now they go into Friday's finals
against Wimbledon champions Rex
Hartwig and Mervyn Rose, an-
other Australian cup possibility.
The Davis Cup matches will be
at Sydney, Dec. 27-29.
I, .1
Paul Groffsky was a Michigan
sports fan long before he entered
the University.
A mutual admiration society has
been formed in recent years, how-
ever, since Michigan has become
quite a Groffsky booster.
The 6-4, 205-lb. captain of this
year's Michigan basketball squad
has virtually lived sports, dating
back to his boyhood days in Map-
lewood, N.J. "It's about half of
my life, I guess," he admits.
This would have to include ac-
tive participation as well as ol-
lowing of athletics. In addition
to his success on the hardwoods,
Groffsky was selected recently as
all-fraternity intramural football
end for the past season, having
sparked his fraternity, Sigma Al-
pha Mu, to the first-place playoff
Competes in blsrael
Paul got a thrill in the fall of
'53 when he was selected as a
member of the United States cage
team which participated in the
Maccabeean Games, a sort of Jew-
ish Olympics, in Israel. Competing
against other Jewish entries from
various parts of the globe, the
American squad swept all of the
six games it played.
He had to wear glasses last sea-
son to correct his near-sightedness,
but no longer needs them. He was
anything but near-sighted when it
came time for him to choose a
college, however. Overlooking the
nearby eastern institutions, Groff-
sky found Michigan to his liking.
Switches to Forward
Having played center for Col-
umbia High in Maplewood, Paul
remained at the position during
MSC, OSU, Iowa
Win Cage Openersl
Three Western Conference teams.
opened-the 1954-55 basketball sea-
son with victories last night as
Michigan State dumped Mar-
quette, 91-72, OhiodStateddowned
Pittsburgh, 98-87, and Iowa crush-
ed Washington of St. Louis, 80-61.
The Spartans set a new modern-
day, one game scoring record as
Coach ForddyAnderson made his
initial debut with the team.
his first two years here. He began
to look and feel like a midget, how-
ever, after playing for a while
against such giants of the Big Ten
as Don Schlundt of Indiana, John
Kerr of Illinois, Chuck Kalafat of
Minnesota, and Paul Morrow of
Wisconsin, and he became regular
forward last season when six-foot-
eight-inch Harvey'Williams arriv-
ed on the scene.
Paul came under the freshman-
eligible rule when he entered
school, and thus boasts three years
of Varsity experience to his credit.
Although just an ordinary player
in high school, averaging about 11
points a game, he stuck with the
squad. Although he wasn't what
the coaches call a "natural," his
determination and aggressiveness
prompted Coach Bill Perigo to give
him a shot at a Varsity berth.
Most Valuable
Just how well he did procede to
prove himself is brought out by
the fact that his teammates select-
ed him as the squad's most valu-
able player during his sophomore
year, when he scored 301 points
to lead the Wolverines in that de-
Paul is very enthusiastic about
Michigan's chances for the com-
ing season. He points out that all
Starting with this Saturday,
the Intramural Building will be
open every Saturday afternoon.
--Earl Riskey
of last year's starting five are re-
turning, and that they have really
been "hitting" in practice.
He hesitates to predict a first-t
place for the Wolverines, since a
jump from last to first is rare in
any league, but definitely feels
that "we should finish in the top
five" in the Big Ten.
With Groffsky in there, don't
bet against it.
A spirited jet who last year
thrilled hockey fans whenever he
got his stick on the puck, Bill Mac-
Farland, is back again, this time
in the role of captain, to lead the
Michigan pucksters in their an-
nual struggle for the Western
Hockey League crown.
Coach Vic Heyliger had nothing
but praise for his protege. After
lauding his "great instinctive abil-
ity," Heyliger added, "he's a fine
playmaker and works all the time
when playing."
Ties Record
A favorite of fans and players
alike, MacFarland tied the NCAA
Hockey Tournament scoring record
at Colorado Springs last season by
garnering five goals and four as-
sists in the championship match-
es. This topped off his season's
record of 26 goals and 18 assists, a
total of 44 points in 21 games. It
placed him as the second leading
scorer and helped earn him the
title of the team's most valuable
player along with Doug Mullen.
MacFarland, who hails from To-
ronto, Ontario, started playing
hockey while still in grade school.
At Lawrence Park Collegiate High
School he played on the varsity
hockey team and during his ten-
ure there, lost one of his front
teeth, a silent testimony to the
ruggedness of the sport.
During his high school hockey
career he played against former
Michigan pucksters John McKen-
nell and Doug Philpott and their
success here influenced his deci-
sion to come to the U of M.
Starts at Center
Last year he established himself
as one of the mainstays of the
Wolverine squad and he will un-
doubtedly figure prominently in
the fast approaching season. In
the opener against McGill tomor-
row night, Coach Heyliger will
have him playing center between
sophomore wings George Dunning-
an and Jerry Karpinka to form
one of the two available lines. As
both of these wings are the "pass-
ing type," Heyliger has high hopes
for this combination.
A junior in Business Adminis-
tration, MacFarland still has two
seasons of athletic eligibility left.
Whether or not he will be able
to lead the small squad of twelve
players to another highly success-
... goalie's nemesis
ful finish remains to be seen.
Friday Evening Dinner
December 5-6:00 PM.
must be made and paid for by Thursday Evening
at Hillel 7-10 P.M.
Marriage for Gridders
Key to OSU Success?
Friday Evening Services
of Saginaw, Michigan
Now that the Michigan-Ohio
State game is two weeks past and
the smoke of battle has settled,
football analysts are giving way
to sociologists in throwing out
theories to account for Michigan's
Bill Corum, Hearst papers' col-
umnist, scoffs at the superficiality
of analysing football games in
terms of "T-formations," "single
wing power plays," "buck-later-
als" and mundane pass patterns.
Instead he claims to have dis-
covered the real difference be-
tween Michigan and the nation's
number one team: marriage.
According to a report in Time
Magazine, Dec. 6, Corum's column
carried a conveniently written let-
ter from an unnamed Michigan
"undergraduate," explaining the
new theory.
Not Enough
"Of course," said Corum's Mich-
igan friend, "we have some mar-
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Chicago Bears Climb to Second Place
vied men too but we just didn't
have enough of them."
There are four married men on
the University's squad, 12 on Ohio
The letter, supposedly written
by a University student, described
the second halg: "The Buckeyes
settled down like steady-going
married men checking over the
monthly bills on the first of the
month and they took charge and
beat us pretty handily.
"Little Women"
"I guess those State players got
to thinking that they didn't want
to be hearing all winter how the
Little Women had missed a trip
to Los Angeles just because they
weren't men enough to beat us
"They might have also been
thinking that if they didn't beat
us, they might wind up with a can
of beans and franks for Thanks-
giving dinner. A thing like that
can bring out the college spirit in
a man mighty fast."
A University student commented,
"Ohio State's team didn't seem
so steady the first three quarters
-when did they get married, at
Duncan McDonald, '56, claimed,
"Being married doesn't affect my
playing in the least. I don't think
there's much truth in the theory."
Dick Balzhiser, '55E, former
Michigan fullback, said "Being
married has a stabilizing effect on
everything you do but I don't know
how much it helps your football
playing. We had a lot of married
men on the team last year and it
didn't do us much good. The
theory is entirely irrelevant."
I-M Scores
Van Tyne 6, Winchell 0
Alpha Omega 5, Phi Rho Sigma 1
Van Tyne 2, Huber 1
Adams 3, Anderson 0 (forfeit)
Gomberg 3, Taylor 0 (forfeit)
Alpha Tau Omega 3, Tau Delta
Phi 0
Sigma Nu 38, Sigma Chi 19
Chi Psi 34, Delta Tau Delta 23
Chi Phi 36, Phi Kappa Tau 21
Zeta Beta Tau 41, Phi Gamma
Delta 16
Sigma Phi Epsilon 39, Phi Kap-
pa Psi 18
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The Bears are back!
Once the mightiest name in pro-!,
fessional football, then a beleagu-
ered doormat, the Chicago Bears
of the National Football League
have fought their way back into
prominence once again.
The only team left with a chance'
to catch the leading Detroit Lions
in this year's Western Division
race, the Bears must win its re-:
maining two games against the
archrival Chicago Cardinals and
the leaders themselves, the Lions,
while Detroit must win just one
game of its last three, in order
to snare the title once again.
What has made this team, a'
second division squad last season,I
into a contender this year? Whatj
lays ahead for the Chicago outfit!
that boasts one of the greatest tra-
ditions in the game?
"Monsters of the Midway"
For years, the big burly Bears
of George Halas were known as
the "Monsters of the Midway" as.
they rolled to nine pro champion-
ships in the years 1921-46. With
names like Jack Manders, Red
Grange,Bronco Nagurski, Beattie
Feathers, Norm Standlee, Ray'{
Nolting, George Traf ton, Bill Hew-
itt, George McAfee, Joe Stydahar,
George Wilson, Danny Fortmann,
Ken Kavanaugh, Bulldog Turner,'
Sid Luckman, Johnny Lujack, and
Bobby Layne dotting the roster, it
is no wonder that the Black and
Orange were the most feared team
in the league.I
Suddenly, following the Second of the score. George Blanda, a
World War, the roof fell in. Luck- second rate quarterback from Ken-
man, for years the pass master of tucky was supposed to fill Luck-
Basman's shoes, but he didn't. Attend-
the T-Formation, which the B ance fell off at vine-cald Wrigley
were instrumental in establishing, Field.
retired. The veteran center Tur- This
ner hung up his cleats for good. That something as theappe
The Osmanski brothers reached of many of these rookies into top
the end of the trail, and Halas, the flight pro players. Hill became
owner coach of the Bears, had to one of the most sensational ends
rebuild. to grace the league in years.
The Bears, for years an insti- Stone became a feared scatback,
tution on Chicago's Northside, and Blanda's passing ability im-
suddenly fell in the standings. Up- proved threefold.
land Browns, and Los Angeles Bratkowski Subs
starts like the Detroit Lions, Cleve-B s
Rams came to the forefront. The More recently, last week in fact,
"Old Guard" was dead, and teams a Georgia youngster, Zeke Brat-
"ld Guhrd"wasdegtnanedskmswkowski, stepped into the injured
like the Washington Redskins, New Blanda's shoes, and proceeded to
York Giants, Green Bay Packers,, toss the Los Angeles Rams into
and Philadelphia Eagles, longolon Alo Aneesfamscm-
powers in the league, slump~ed right oblivion. All of these factors com-
pwersh theHlame.lubined to boost the Bears into sec-
with the Halasmen. and place in the rugged Western
Halas Rebuilds Division, where they currently rest.
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Read and Use Daily Classifieds
Halas had to rebuild anew,
and in typical fashion he filled his
roster with unknowns. Men like
George Gulyanics from Mishawaka
State Teachers College, Art Davis
from Alabama State, Harlon Hill
from Alabama Teachcrs, Bill An-
derson from Compton, Billy Stone
from Bradley, and many others
were drafted into the Halas re-
These green rookies were not up
to the rugged standards set by
the mighty Lions, the bruising
Browns, and the other power-
houses. The Bears gave them all
a run for their money, but in the
end wound up on the short end
A title this year is practically
an impossibility, but it is not an
exaggeration to say that the Bears
of next year and the year after will
be a power to be rekoned with.
The youthful Bears, bolstered by
such veterans as Ed Spriilkle, Don
Kindt, Harry Jagade, Larry Brink,
and others, are jelling into a team
reminiscent of old time juggaer-
Look out, for those "big bad
Bears" will again become a by-
word around the NFL for the next
few seasons, and it is a pretty sure
bet that the smile on George Hal-
as's face will widen come next
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