THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. NAVIi1WR~R ~2 1~a~& 7.l V " L/l.T1i1L' All FI U, L J V* x WILD WEEKEND: Columbus Bedlam Reveals Lack of Class "You Think ?" MUSIC REVIEW By DAVE LIVINGSTON Daily Sports Editor T HE OHIO STATE football team deserves all the praise in the world. The Buckeyes are a great team, for it took a great one to- beat Michigan Saturday. The Ohio gridders accepted their victory gratefully and gracefully-they appreciated the frustration and heartbreak that were as much a part, as well as a result, of the titanic strug- gle as were the bushels of roses that flooded the State dressing room at its conclusion. But to Columbus-more precisely, to the football fanatics who inhabit the city that is far better known as the seat of Ohio State football than as the capital of Ohio-we ad- vance only our sympathy. FOR TWO days the milling throngs that en- gulfed the city completely lost their equi- libriufi. Often such athletic events as took place in the packed Ohio State Stadium Sat- urday are used as an excuse for a little excess indulging and hilarity. Football was not an excuse this past weekend. It was the cause and it provided the effect. Somebody remarked Saturday night that the celebration downtown surpassed that of V-J Day. It wouldn't be surprising, for we are con- vinced that 90 per cent of the people in Co- lumbus would rather beat Michigan than win a war THERE IS A vague something called "class." We still don't know exactly what it is, ex- cept that it's what the people who took over Columbus sorely lack..This is not "sour grapes." We repeat: the Buckeye football team was mag- nificent in every respect. It is the people who "support" the team that make us wonder once again about the place of athletics in our so- ciety. To say that football in Columbus was blown up out of perspective would be the understate- ment of the year. As far as we could tell the Governor would have had to declare Columbus a disaster area had their team lost. As it was he might have done so. Perhaps it can be attributed to lack of experience, for Columbus isn't used to winning, but the animal Instincts that psychologists tell us are in every- one blossomed out after the game almost as fast as did the roses. THE MICHIGAN band attempted to give its post-game performance. It was nothing more than an attempt, for THE OHIO STATE CHEERLEADERS led a snake dance through the ranks. One bandsman still has a swollen lip. His cornet was jammed down his throat as he fought to keep his hat from being stolen. The same hysteria (the papers called it "Rose Fever") gripped all of Columbus, manifesting itself in every conceivable form. In the press- box the men standing right behind us, who had through three quarters pieced together a guillo- tine from which Woody Hayes' head was to roll Sunday morning lost little time in calling the losing Wolverines such things as "chicken- hearted," and had equally inappropriate phras- es for the man they had crucified for 45 of the 60 minutes of the game. N THE Ohio State locker room even Hayes could utter nothing more intelligent than "Whoopee" as he jumped off a chair. When Michigan Athletic Director Fritz Crisler came in and offered his congratulations Hayes im- mediately yelled for a photographer to get a picture of such a "memorable event." Downtown all was bedlam. Buses were de- railed and bonfires burned at the intersection of High and Broad Streets as the hotels rocked and rolled with the sounds of "I don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan." The newspapers reflected the prevailing at- titude as the first pages of their Sunday edi- tions talked of nothing but roses and the bril- liant Buckeyes and humbled Michigan. Mur- ders, wars, and peace negotiations were rele- gated to inside pages. It was an interesting weekend. We had heard stories about Columbus after a Michigan-Ohio State game. But after all, we are from Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan, where football is still maintained as at least some semblance of sport. We could hardly be expect- ed to be prepared for what we saw and heard. Go down to Columbus in two years, when the Buckeyes and Wolverines will again generate a happy delirium. We guarantee that when you leave, whether the Maize and Blue wins or los- es, you will never have been so proud of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan. Maybe that something called "class" isn't so vague after all. r x a G A t i r ....-- , ,- - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR i s ii At Rackham... Stanley Quartet (Gilbert Ross, Emil Raab, violins; Robert Cour- te, viola; Oliver Edel, cello.) All- Beethoven program: Quartet in F major, Op. 18, No. 1; Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 74; Quartet in A minor, Op. 132. TECHNICAL PRECISION, fine ensemble, and interpretative rightness made Sunday's concert (the fourth in the Stanley Quar- tet's complete Beethoven series) a rewarding one. The players were all in good form, and the music was served faithfully. The F ma- jor quartet which opened the pro- gram is as fresh and expressive a work as Beethoven ever wrote, ex- cept perhaps for thefinal move- ment, in which the quality of the ideas seems to drop a little. The work was played deftly and grace- fully, although a little more atten- tion should have been paid to dy- namics. There were a few phrases which, instead of tapering off slightly at the end, simply disap- peared. Prevailing air currents in Rackham Lecture Hall caused some difficulty in the first move- ment, it might be added. A gust of wind turned over a page in Mr. Edel's part, and he continued to play from memory until there was a rest where he could flip back the page. Resourceful fellows, these chamber music players. The beautiful and warm-hued E- flat Quartet came off equally well in performance. The first move- ment, in particular, was planned in such a way that the famous piz- zicato passages (which give the work its unwelcome nickname of the "Harp Quartet") created a striking impression of suspense and expectation, which was resolved by the reappearance of the open- ing material. The slow movement had a slightly harsh tonal quality, but the scherzo and finale were ex- cellently paced and executed. The A minor quartet is, of course, one of the masterpieces of the litera- ture. The Stanley group has really arrived at an interpretation of this music; one which might be some- what lacking in finesse and tonal polish, but one that presents the music intact, with the sweep and expressive power it needs. With two more concerts to go in the Beethoven cycle, the quartet has already done impressive things, and we may safely expect more to come. -Dave Tice A t Hill Auditorium Leonard Warren, baritone. LEONARD WARREN, who, ac- cording to his advertising, is the World's Greatest Baritone, sang a very pleasant and entertain- ing recital at Hill on Sunday eve- ning. Mr. Warren is not 'particu- larly renowned as a recital singer, while as an opera baritone he ranks at the top. So it was not sur- prising to hear five arias during the course of the evening. Mr. Warren possesses one of the most effective vocal instruments that I know of. His tone is always rich, mellow and a ..oy to listen to for the, sheer sound of it. The beauty of his concepts of musical line and phrasing, and his masterful exe- cution of those concepts mark him as a musician of great understand- ing and imagination. However, Sun- day evening I waited the whole recital for him to "open up" and give us the full beauty and power of his voice; he never did. Indeed, the upper part of his register was so covered that the volume and in- tensity actually diminished (as the pitch rose. But on the other hand there are ifew baritones that can demonstrate such control on high g's and a's as we heard Sunday. I suspect that Mr. Warren was rather tired; at least it seemed that inertia bound him throughout the evening to a rather restricted level of emotional and vocal ex- pression. The arias included Ford's mono- logue from Falstaff, Wolfram's "Song to the Evening Star" from Tannhauser, Valentine's aria from Faust, "Largo al factotum" from The Barber of Seville (which near- ly fell to pieces pianistically and vocally), and "Di Provenza iy mar" from La Traviata. We heard among other songs the familiar "Amarilli" of Caccini, and the high spirited "Chanson a boire" of Ravel. Though we may wonder at the programming of the "agnus Dei" of Bizet, the effectiveness of its presentation could not be doubted. Mention ought to be made of "The Donkey" of Hageman, which is a fine. example of the type of song that relies for its effect on a very flashy accompaniment, an affect- ing verse, and hardly anything in the way of singing. Willard Sektberg, the accompa- nist, played two solos after inter- mission in near-darkness, the ef- fectiveness of which lighting and playing was somewhat doubtful. -Don Nelson NTERPRETING THE NEWS: Western, Communist Diplomats Friendlier (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was sent over the Associated Press wires just two days be- fore the death of Russian Deputy Foreign Minis- ter Andrei Y. Vishinsky yesterday.) By MAX HARRELSON UNTIED NATIONS, N.Y.-Strange things are happening at the UN these days. For the first time in almost nine years, Western and Communists diplomats are carrying on private negotiations on issues before the world organi- sation and unanimous decisions are emerging. This does not mean there are no longer any differences between East and West or that the cold war is ended, but it does reflect an im- portant change in atmosphere and attitude and it has resulted in a sharp easing of tension here. Where the new trend will lead or what is behind the conciliatory gestures of the Rus- sians, this correspondent does not pretend to know. But the Soviet attitude here appears to be an extension of the same policy which led to the end of the fighting in Korea and Indo- China. A T ANY rate, the current session of the UN General Assembly has the distinction of being the first since 1946 to achieve a unani- mous vote on anything except purely procedur- al matters. This Assembly already has recorded one unanimous vote and another is expected early this week. The two questions involved are the already- approved plan of work for the UN Disarma- ment Commission and President Eisenhower's atoms-for-peace plan. The final resolutions on both questions were arrived at in private ne- gotiations. For the first time in UN history, the Rus- sians have submitted their views to the Western delegates privately and sought to have them in- corporated into Western resolutions. In the past, they had always studiously refrained from engaging in any private bargaining. IN BOTH the disarmament discussions and the atoms-for-peace debate, however, they submitted informal amendments and agreed to modifications and compromises. Although they did not get all they asked for in either case, they won enough concessions to satisfy them. Even more significant than the simple fact that the negotiations took place is that, on the atoms-for-peace plan, the negotiators were Chief U.S. Delegate Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vi- shinsky. Two years ago, when Lodge first arrived here as head of the U.S. delegation, he refused to have his picture taken shaking hands with Vi- shinsky and the fiery Soviet delegate spent most of his time blasting the United States and the West in general. ONE DAY last week, observers noted Lodge and Vishinsky in a private huddle on the floor of the political committee. They chatted earnestly, Vishinsky handed Lodge a document and they parted laughing. This was part of the private give-and-take that led to agreement, but it symbolizes the new atmosphere. Another evidence of the change is the new tone of the speeches heard in UN debate. Vi- shinsky, the kindly old gentleman, who thanks Lodge for his efforts to explain a point and who apologizes when he differs from the West Dn some provision of a resolution. Even on issues on which the East and West differ sharply, the tone of the speeches is soft- er and more gentle. IS THIS just a brief interlude in the cold war? There is one bit of evidence that Rus- sia intends to pursue the new policy for a while. They have just appointed Arkady A. Sobolev, former assistant secretary general of the UN, as deputy to Vishinsky here. Sobolev is on bet- ter terms with the Western diplomats at the UN than any other high ranking Soviet diplo- mat. Hissed Myth To the Editor: Re Mr. Theodossin's review of On The Waterfront: It seems The Daily movie critics are quite expert in writing the easy sarcastic re- views of mediocre movies, but have difficulty in meeting the challenge of reviewing a really excellent film. Mr. Theodossin's comment on the inevitability of a comparison between Brando's Kowalski and Brando's Terry Malloy is no ex- cuse for doing the obvious himself. The review was superficial and trivial, failing entirely to suggest the powerful over-all theme of the movie and its superb treatment. The things which should have been commented on and - were omitted in favor of obvious re- marks, a resume of the plot and a list of the actors, were such things as the very strong thematic insist- ence on the concept of the power of the individual to make a moral choice and to influence others by it. This is clearly keynoted in the priest's "crucifixion speech," in the symbol of Joey's coat (a mod- ern day Christ's robe), in the use of the camera as it first focuses on the older Malloy's hanging boy -arms outstretched-and in the incredible loneliness of Terry Mal- loy, who is made no cliched hero the instant he "turns state's evi- dence." All of this - and much, much more-was not even suggested by Mr. Theodossin's review. Instead of giving the potential viewer some guide to aid him in understanding the point of the whole film, Mr. Theodossin ably confuses us all by suggesting we try to keep Stan- ley Kowalski in mind. This is not a film about the animalistic traits of various characters portrayed by Marlon Brando. It is not a film about Marlon Brando; it is a film about some guy you never heard of who made one decision for him- self that proved he was a little big- ger, momentarily, than the mass. If Mr. Theodossin is incapable of seeing Terry Malloy, dockworker anonymous, for being distracted by Stanley Kowalski, then either Brando failed, or the film failed, or Mr. Theodossin is suffering from acute near-sightedness. -Sonya Peretz Bert Peretz Non-'Academic' Debate To the Editor: THIS IS for the benefit of those who feel that freedom of speech and expression is still part of the American way of life. The United States Naval and Military academies have just with- drawn their debating teams from intercollegiate competition because the topic is: Resolved, that the United States should extend diplo- matic recognition to the Commu- nist government of China. The Army uses as its excuse the fact that it does not wish cadets to de- bate on subjects which envolve is- sues on which the national policy has already been set. The Navy is more blunt. They seem to feel that any midshipman arguing the affirmative side is sprouting the Communist party line. One of the writers is a member of the Univer- sity debate team and assures Daily readers that those on the team who argue the affirmative side are as loyal to their country as the cadets who are willing to devote their lives to its defense. Do the Army and Navy feel that the students, professors, cadets, and private cit- izens who support recognition have anything but their country's wel- fare at heart? Any issue is not de- batable if we must avoid discuss- ing topics on which national policy hnr lr'DQrl? hP~nst. c+. ehv. Communist Manifesto will show that many of Marx's ideas have been supported by both major American parties as needed re- forms. The point to be made here is that all issues must be argued on their merits and not upon who first advocated them. The Army and Navy are depriv- ing the cadets of participating in the democracy for which they may die, but in their folly they are per- forming a service. They have awakened us to the fact that fear and illogical reasoning are not confined to the civil branches of our government. We hope that West Point's most illustrious grad' uate in Washington will see that this unfortunate robbery of Ameri- can liberty is corrected, --John Shepherd, '56 George Mason, '56 John Corey, '56BAd. Al Smallman, '55 Mickey Pelavin, '58 Lit * * * Reporting .. . To the Editor: I THINK that the article on "In- nocent III" was the greatest piece of reporting that has ever been seen on God's earth ! As usual, The Daily left no stone unturned in their crusade to bring the news to hungry Wolverines. God bless you and your whole staff, as I know He will. You are all wonderful, and your paper is the best ever seen on God's earth. -Dan Soref * * * Landlord Bigots- To the Editor: IT SEEMS to me that the refusal of many Ann Arbor landlords to accept Negro students as room- ers, as described in recent articles in The Daily, is shameful. These people talk democracy but they live bigotry. And the University, the churches, the citizenry-all of us-share their guilt in so far as we accept this situation. Just now we reprove the Southern States because they do not want to accept Negroes in their schools. And yet we deny them a place to live. What kind of democracy is this? --Watson Dickerman * r DREW PEARSON: Why Milton Won't Go To Rio WASHINGTON - Here is the inside reason why Milton Eisen- hower, brother of the President, refused to go to South America as a member of the American delegation to the big Pan Amer- ican Economic Conference which opened in .Rio de Janeiro yester- day. Milton, it can be revealed, vig- orously objects to Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey's tightfisted policy toward loans to Latin-Amer- ican governments. And rather than alibi for a shortsighted policy which he believes imperils the good-neighbor policy, Milton just announced he would stay home, He had previously disagreed with Humphrey when the secretary of the treasury wanted to combine the Export-Import Bank with the World Bank. Milton, jast returned from a trip through Latin Amer- ica, argued to the contrary and won. However, Secretary Humph- rey is the chief delegate at the Rio Economic Conference and the President's brother just didn't want to be in the position of bucking- him. This makes the third important change in the American delegation to the Pan American Economic Conference. First, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles dropped out, though he had previously stated at the Caracas conference that he would be present and that he considered this conference one of the most important of the year. Second, Merwin Bohan, special U.S. ambassador in charge of pre- paring for the Rio conference, re- signed. He, too, opposed the no- government-loan policy of Secre- tary Humphrey, argued that the best way to stop communism in Latin America was to help in the economic ' development of that area. On top of this, Milton Eisenhow- er dropped out. No wonder Latin- American delegates are skeptical, and that Chile has proposed a spe- cial "Inter-Latin American Bank" which would raise all its money in Latin America with not a single dollar from the U.S.A. . Nothing could please the Krem- lin more. Co-Existence Here is one of many reasons why Eisenhower sticks to a "co-exis- tence" policy with Russia, despite pressure from Senator Knowland and some from the Pentagon. The American embassy has re- ported that a major split appears to be developing between Premier Malenkov and Foreign Minister Molotov. Malenkov apparently wants to follow a softer line in dealing with the United States. But Molotov, the fiery old Bolshevik, violently disagrees, even wants to step up the pace of the cold war. At the October Revolution re- ception, for instance, where Mal- enkov talked so reasonably with U.S. Ambassador Bohlen, Molotov stood by gloweing and shaking his head,' obviously burned up about the whole business. Despite this, Malenkov went right ahead talking with Bohlen, gavehis per- sonal promise that the door to the Kremlin would always be open to settle any incident threatening Russian-American relations. T h e conversation occurred just before Eisenhower took his "turn-the- other-cheek" attitude at the press conference following the U.S. born- ber incident in Hokkaido. Egyptian Plot The so-called assassination plot against Premier Nasser actually is a big phony. The whole thing was engineered by kNasser's fol- lowers as a means of getting rid of President Neguib. American agents have now learned that 'the so-called assassin was hired secretly and given in- structions to make sure he missed when he fired his revolver at Nas- ser. He was promised he could go free .afterward. This explains why the assassin fired eight shots at Nasser from a distance of only 20 feet and missed each time. Irony is that the assassin now probably will be shot himself be- cause it would look too phony to permit him to go free. Youngest Bureaucrat Assistant Secretary of Labor Rocco Siciliano, aged 32, is not only one of the youngest members of the President's "little cabinet," but an untiring impresario of gov- ernment service for other up-and- coming young men of ability and vision. Siciliano is only one generation away from the "melting pot." His parents wereItalian immigrants, who finally settledl in Salt Lake City, Utah, and established a thriv- ing restaurant business. Young Siciliano, a graduate of the Uni- versity of Utah and Georgetown Law School, had a meteoric ca- reer as a labor-relations expert DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN C r I The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to .all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication (be- fore 10 a.nm. on Saturday). Notice of lectures, concerts, and organization meetings cannot be published oftener than twice. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1954 Vol. LXV, No. 55 Notires Teaching Candidates: A representative from the Mount Clemens, Michigan Public Schools will be on campus Tues., Nov. 23 to interview interested elemen- tary teaching candidates. For appoint- ments, contact Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., No 3-1511, 'Ext. 489. 1955 Campus Parking Permits: All those eligible to receive Campus Park- ing Permits for the calendar year 1955 may apply at the Information Desk, Second Floor Lobby, Administration Building. Permits will be issued to those who have obtained the State li- cense plate for 1955. No permits for 1955 will be issued for 1954 license plates. Please present registration card for 1955 when applying for permit, The permit for 1955 will be a decal and is to be placed in the lower right-hand cor- ner of the rear window. Please fol- low the directions for attachingdecal. Air Force ROTC: Notice is hereby given that the Air Force Officer Quali- fying Tests for AFROTC cadets will be given in Kellogg Auditorium from 1:00-5:00 p.m., Fri., Dec. 3 and from 8 a.m.-12:OOM. Sat., Dec. 4. Attendance of all concerned at both sessions is required. General Libraty and all Divisional Li- braries will be closed Nov. 25 (Thanks- giving Day) and Nov. 27. No Sun. Serv- ice Nov. 28. The General Library will be open wed., Nov. 24 and Fri., Nov. 26, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. All service units within the building will be open on their regular schedules. Divisional 11- braries will be closed Wed. evening and will be open their regular schedules Fri., Nov. 26. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at Engineering during the week of Nov. 29: Mon., Nov. 29 United Aircraft Corp., Pratt & Whit- ney Co., E. Hartford, Conner-All de- grees of Aero., Elect., Mech., Metal., and Chem. E., and Engrg. Physics for Design & Development of Aircraft Pow- er Plants including the following basic types: Turbo-jet, Turbo-prop, Piston & Nuclear.. Tues., Nov. 30 A-na i ~nr. .7 - nnMnh _..'R Wed., Dec. 1, 1954 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Paint Div., Springdale, Penn.--B.S. & M.S. degree in Chem. and Chem. E., espe- cially in the field of plastics and pro- tective coatings for Research, Develop- ment, and Technical Sales. (p.m. only) Lion Oil Co., Research Div., El Dora- do. Ark.-PhD in Chem. E., will, how- ever, see other degrees, for Research. Wed. & Thurs., Dec. 1 & 2 The Trane Co., LaCrosse, Wis.-B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Civil, Elect., Chem. E., Engrg. Mech., and all degrees in Mech. for Sales Management, Sales Engrg., Research, Product Design & Develop- ment, Ind. Engrg. University of Mich.,. Engrg. Research Institute, Willow Run Research Center, Ypsilanti, Mich.-All degrees in plect E.. Engrg. Math and Physics for Re- search and Devel. Security clearance required. Students wishing to make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the Engineering Placement Of- fice, Room 248 W. Engrg., Ext. 2182. Representatives from the - following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Tues., Nov. 30 Sutherland Paper Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.-June men in BusAd and Econ. for Sales. Michigan Bell Telephone-Feb. wom- en in Lit. & Languages, Psych. & Soc., BusAd., Educ., Science & Math., and Arts for Management Training Pro- gram. Thurs., Dec. 2 Boy Scouts of America, Chicago, Ill. -Interviewing for various parts of the country, Feb. & June men in BusAd and LS&A for Executive positions. Students wishing to make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Also contact the.Bureau for the following interview Dec. 2: Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio-Interviewing for various districts, BusAd & LS&A men for work in Sales, Credit Dept., Field Sales Accounting, and Retread Shop Management. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: City of Midland, Mich. has a vacancy in the Engineering Dept. for a Design Engrg. to work on the Water Dept. staff. Applicant should have degree in Civil, Structural, or Mech. E. with at least 2 yrs. of active practice and suc- cessful experience in the field and at least 2 yrs. experience in the office and experience in design of water works and sewage disposal systems. Closing date for applications is Dec. 15, 1954. R. K. LeBlond, Cincinnati, Ohio -- Training Program for Math. or Physics major who is mechanically inclined and has_ had a mechanical drawing course either in high school or in college. Anchor Rubber Products Inc., Cleve- land, Ohio, has an opening in the sales organization for two men who have a .college education and are residents of the state of Mich. The position does re- quire a small amount of traveling. U ..Civil Service nmmisio n. Bureau WHAT THEY'RE SAYING Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers............. City Editor Jon Sobeloff,......., .Editorial Director Pat Roelofs. .......Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.......Associate Editor Dave Livingston.........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.Assoc. Sports Editor warren Wertheimer Assoiate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz ....Women's Editor Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith.. Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton........Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak. .. Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise....Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkosai Finance Manager Troof l n."o X1 THE ACTION of the play,.begins. It consists of physical movements and words being uttered by the actors. We listen and watch, as yet unable to enjoy- the necessary "suspen- sion of disbelief" in what is happening before us. Then comes that "quickening" moment, as the Greeks used to call it, and imperceptibly the actors become characters in an incident that we are sharing. The momentum of the action grows greater and our immersion in the play deeper. Our awareness of our own in- no baby ever grew so rapidly as the infant audience. In no time at all, through the mys- terious collaboration of the creative and inter- pretive talents involved, the audience has found wisdom and become godlike. The inspiration of the ancient theatre's altar, the essential gravity and sacredness behind the capering and absurd humor of the first satyr comedies, the hunger for union with the 'divine, are all contributing now to the audience's estate. A work of art is being realized. The drama. "the I