See Page 4
1MwF A6
Latest Deadline in the State
t Y
'Sense' Party
Gives Plans
Of Campaign
Publicity on Big
Scale Outlines
A "spectacular" publicity cam-
paign was outlined by the Com-
mon Sense Party at its meeting
at the Union last night.
Bill Allen, Grad, publicity chair-
man, announced that a minimum
of 5,000 flyers would be distribut-
ed before the December student
government elections. The mater-
ial will inform the campus popu-
lation of general aims and pur-
poses of CSP.
The complete CSP platform for
the coming elections is printed in
full in the space below.
Sponsors Speeches
A speech campaign, including
every housing unit and student or-
ganization on campus, will be
sponsored by the party. Non-can-
didiates will mainly comprise the
speaking "army" unless there are
not enough men to "go around."
Vishinsky Dies
Of Heart Attack
Foreign Minister Was Preparing
Important UN Atom Debate Speech
NEW YORK (A--Andrei Y. Vishinsky died of a heart attack yes-
terday while preparing for one of the most important debates in his
career as the Soviet Union's leading orator.
His blistering voice and brilliant mind had lifted him from the
role of obscure bureaucrat to world fame in the East-West cold war.
Vishinsky was 70. He died at 9;30 a.m. EST, the Soviet delegation to
the United Nations announced, at its headquarters on Park avenue
here. He had collapsed earlier, after attending a dinner given Sun-
day night by the French delegation.
Appoint Commission for Funeral
A Moscow broadcast announced yesterday that the Soviet gov-
ernment and Communist Party had appointed a commission to take
charge of the funeral of Vishinsky, and said his body would be brought
Tall Tree
foot balsam fir tree from the
woods of northern Michigan,
described as one of "presiden-
tial proportions," w iI I be
brought to Washington to be-
come the national community
Christmas tree.
President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower will press a switch light-
ing the tree on the evening of
Dec. 17 to inaugurate the "Pag-
eant of Peace" ceremonies on
the White House grounds.
Major radio and television
networks will broadcast the tree
lighting ceremonies.
Edward J. Kelly, general
chairman of the pageant, said
the giant fir tree was donated
by Michigan State College.
WASHINGTON (A') -- The Su-j
preme Court decided yesterday to
wait until it has a full membership
of nine justices before hearing ar-
guments on how and when to end
segregation in public schools.
Arguments scheduled to begin
Dec. 6 were called off "in view of
the absence of a full court."
Caused by Jackson
A vacancy was created by the
death of Justice Robert H. Jack-
son on Oct. 9.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er has named Judge John Mar-
shall Harlan of the United States'
Court of Appeals in New York to
fill the vacancy but the Senatet
will not act on the nomination
Mendes-France Proposes Big
Four Meeting To
After German Ar
Fa nsMob
Band A fter
OSU Game
to Moscow.
He was the Soviet Union's first
deputy foreign minister, with per-
manent assignment as chief dele-
gate to the UN. He had spent some
of his last working hours getting
ready for a renewal of the debate
on the atoms-for-peace plan with
which President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower challenged the Soviet Union
to prove its peaceful intentions to
the world.
The debate was postponed, as
were all other UN sessions except
World News
By The Associated Press
Sheppard . . .
CLEVELAND -- An old school
chum testified yesterday Dr. Sam-
uel H. Sheppard spoke twice with-
in three years of divorcing his
slain wife, Marilyn.
The osteopath is on trial for her
murder July 4.
On the second occasion, said Dr.
Lester Hoversten, he warned Dr.
Sheppard that his wife was a tol-!
erant woman and that "he might
actually be jumping from the fry-
ing pan into the fire."3
During less than half a day on
the witness stand, Dr. Hoversten
also testified:
1. He saw no sign of unhappi-
ness or discontent as a guest in,
the Sheppard home.
2. When he saw Dr. Sheppard,
a day after the murder, the de-
fendant wept and told him, "Why
couldn't they have killed me in-,
stead of Marilyn, because Chip-
his son-would need Marilyn more
than he would need me."
* * *-
/'*cCrth y ....
CSP-talks will concern the im- By DAVID KAPLAN
portance of good and effective stu- As an aftermath of Saturday'st
dent government at the Univers- football game at Ohio State, Mich-
ity. igan's Marching Band was victim
Lucille Kurian, '55, BAd, sub- of post-game enthusiasm.
committee chairman, reported that When the Band took the field,
Quad station WCBN has alloted playing "Victors" and Ohio State's
15 minutes every weekday at 5:15 fight song, a mob of fans started
p.m., starting Monday, for CSP snake-dancing through the bands-
to give a public service broadcast. men.
The broadcasts, designed to in- "Everybody was suspicious of
form interested people of the pres- trouble," a bandmember said, "and
ent state of student government as the mob got bigger and bigger1
at the University and future pos- a general commotion started. Sud-
sibilities for "better" government, denly, someone grabbed a hat off
will terminate the day before thestedfthinsmt
election. started things."
Student Fears Hats Stolen
More than a dozen hats had
Members discussed the problem been stolen by souvenir hunters,
of interesting students in CSP. others lost plumes and several
"One of our main difficulties in small fights began. "Most of the
enlisting members has been the hats have been recovered," Prof.
fear of students to enter any po- William D. Revelli, Band Director
litical organization whatsoever. said. Eight are still missing.
"The CSP is interested only in Neither band officials nor bands-
achieving a better form of stu- men are sure of who started the
dent representation. We are not a snake-dance or who participated
radical group by any means," Al- in the hat-snatching and fights.
len said. . Some bandsmen thought that they
Unanimously approved for CSP were either Michigan or Ohio
backing Sally Staples, '57, makes State students.
the eleventh candidate with Com- Others feel that they were Col-
mon Sense backing to run in the umbus townspeople who had at-
December 8-9 election. tended the game.
Paul Dormnt,155, also petition- "You know how it is in a mob."
ed for CSP support in the cominga bandsman commented. "I was
election, but was refused. goff in a corner of the band and
couldn't see who was carrying on,
but it got to be a real free-for all."
CSP .Presents "Some Instruments Dented
No instruments were stolen, but-
F ll Platfora few were dented in the course
F l i a o inE of the post-game activities. One
of the trumpeters had a trumpet
The Common Sense Party, first mouthpiece pushed into his mouth
student political party to take part and a tuba player had his tuba
in an election on the University of dented as a result of a tackle from
Michigan campus, has submitted behind.
its platform to the student body for The band will make its last pub-
their consideration. lic appearance this season when
Briefly, this is the platform: it marches in the General Motors
1-To work for a "dead" week- Carnival today in Flint.
end prior to the final examination Officially ending the season will
rbe a banquet on Dec. 2 at the
period. Lage
2-To seek extended closing hours League.,
in women's residences."
3--To see that no racial, religious lP
or ethnic considerations be used in er Pl it
placing students in 'U' housingj
units, except on the request of the May Eliminate1
individual student. l
4-To make the theory that p- DPeriods
litical and economic beliefs should O"'-"""'
1955 Michiganensian by assistant house gr
Palmer, '57, associate engravings editor Mi
and organizations editor Bernice Paricin, '56
on sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the
Administration Bldg., Engine Arch, near the
before January. WASHINGTON - Sen. Joseph!
Decision in May McCarthy (R-Wis.) was reported
Decison i Mayto have undergone minor surgery
In a unanimous decision last at BethesdaeNaval Hospital yes-
May 17, the court ruled that seg- terday.
regation in public schools is un- He told a caller he was feeling
constitutional. The decision, how- better but he didnt think he would
ever, left unanswered - pending get out until Monday.
further arguments - the question That is the day the Senate is to
of how and when desegregation resume debate on whether to cen-
must be carried out. sure him. Sen. McCarthy is under
In other cases yesterday, the treatment for bursitis of the el-
court: bow, attributed to an injury fromt
Said federal and state legisla- I an over-zealous handshaker. a
tures have almost unlimited pow- * *
on the Diag. The
Dick Harrison, 'i
to $6.50 on Dec.!
'Ensian is still selling for
56, promotions editor, the
a meeting of tribute to the col-
league known as the "no" man of
the UN.
Attended by Russian Doctor
The Soviet delegation said Vi-
shinsky was attended by a Russian
physician-in common with the So-
viet custom of shunning Western,
contacts except when necessary.,
A funeral announcement is expect-
ed later.
New York police were called, and
Lt. John McCarthy was admitted
to a room where Vishinsky lay
fully clothed on a bed. The Soviet
'delegation announced he died of
an acute stenocradiac attack. This
is angina pectoris, a suffocation of
the heart.
Speculation began immediately
on Vishinsky's successor. One pos-
sibility mentioned as Andrei Gro-
myko, deputy USSR foreign min-
ister who formerly headed Mos-
cow's UN delegation.
Lodge Comments
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge,
chief U.S. delegate to the UN
saw Vishinsky just before midnight
Sunday at a dinner given by the
French to visiting Premier Pierre
Mendes-France. Vishinsky was "in
fine good humor, laughing . and
talkative as always," Lodge said.
"Mr. Vishinsky represented one
of the world's greatest powers with
extraordinary energy a n d re-
sourcefulness," Lodge stated.
ers to order
slum areas.
redevelopment of{
Refused to pass on validity of
an Alabama law making marriage
of a Negro and a white person a
'Can Dinners'
To Aid Needy
Because of an Assembly Associa-
tion project, Thanksgiving will
bring a full meal to 26 of Ann
Arbor's needy families.
For the fifth consecutive year,
Assembly undertook the collection
of cans and packages of foods in
women's residence halls at special
"Tin Can Dinners" in the dormi-
tories last week-with no coed ad-
mitted unless she brought a por-
tion of food for the families.
Names of the food recipients
were given Assembly by the Dun-
bar Community Center. The 30
large boxes of goods collected were
distributed Sunday, under a group
headed by Lois Shein, '56, Lois
Yandell, '57 and Turker Karamiz-
rak, '55E, International Students'
Association president,
} t
Yoshida .Y,.
TOKYO-Prime Minister Shig-it
eru Yoshida's storm-tossed politi- c
cal ship was deserted yesterday by
35 Diet members and Minister of a
State Masazumi Ando, who called b
on Prime Minister Yoshida to re-
In his resignation, Ando declar-
ed that "the only way to save the
state" was for Yoshida to step
down from his six-year tenure as
prime minister.
NATO . . .
WASHINGTON -The military
chiefs of the North Atlantic Treaty f
Organization met here yesterday
but postponed consideration of q
West German rearmament until: q1
their next meeting in Paris in mid- A
Peck To Lecture Ih
To European Club1h
Prof. George A. Peek of the po- C
litical science department will ad-
dress the European Club on the!s
peculiarities of the American sys- ci
tem of government at 8 p.m. to-+e
day in the International Center. b
Future of Trial I
Period Rests on
Thanksgiving vacation begins at the close<
nd ends at 8 a.m. Monday.
The four-day holiday was extended on a t
ears at the Deans' Conference last Marchv
[hat the practice would be discontinued if t
lasses Wednesday and Monday.
Extension of the trial period was based on
ttendance in the various colleges was relative
efore and the Monday after Thanksgiving va
Assistant to the President Erich A. Walt
should hope
will be asj
Jry Indicts Ias they we
for their W
E I coming bac
Ex-Instr'uctor !oigbc
X Engineeri
David Davi
A former University instructor dents to av
vas among eight persons indicted week. "Stu
y a federal grand jury yesterday time to get
or contempt of Congress and they sh
The eight refused to answer schedule in
uestions before the House Un- days in futu
American Activities Committee. Before 19
The one time University in- holiday wa
tructor, Lloyd Berenblatt, taught trial basis o
ere between 1947-50 of the Stude
He was called before the House giving vaca
Jn-American Activities Commit- day.
ee in connection with a series of University
earings it held in 1953-54 on sized that a
ommunism. tem is likel
Assistant Attorney William Hitts holiday pri
aid the cases of two others once attendance
ited by the committee for alleg- and Monday
d contempt were not presented
)y the Grand Jury.
vthe___- -Drujit
From theS
Aided by th
Mystic plan
"got the bird" last Tuesday when darkness.
a 43 pound turkey for Thanks- Many rock
holiday with his World War II torches
Montgomery. The British mili- Observed by
esident and Mrs. Eisenhower at nagic.
Georgia. Most decay
One Like It Finally from
said he hopes to raise a big From the c
t the presentation in the White emerer
k, "Turkey Management" and Causing th
ower laughed and reminded his shiver
Gettysburg, Pa., is finished he Causing nat
;. All to bend
raise big turkeys may be re- And to cap
ure Department's report which Wizar
Take Place
t- UN Speech
fi r Rejects Red
Asks Agreement
On Austrian Pact
French Premier Pierre Mendes-
France yesterday suggested a Big
Four conference on outstanding
problems-but only after the West-
ern European nations and the Unit-
ed States have ratified the ton-
don and Paris agreements to free
and rearm West Germany.
' v' ' The French Premier told the UA
Assembly that a conference of
United States, Britain, France and
the Soviet Union could be held
next May in Paris. He said the
agreements should be ratified by
the countries concerned by that
-Daily-Dean Morton 'time and added that an agreement
are selected for the on an Austrian treaty would be a
happy prelude to such a session.
oups editor Mary Jo Praises Eisenhower
ke Montgomery, '55,
. The 'Ensian will be Rejecting the recent Soviet pro-
Unio, th Busnes posals for a security conference of
Union, the Business 20 to 25 countries, Premier Men
women's dorms and des-France praised President Ei-
$6, but according to senhower's atoms-for-peace pro-
price will be raised gram and said France would coop-
erate in it and inmeasures being
pursued in the Disarmament Com-
mission to limit armaments.
Ht ydThe absence of Soviet Chief Dele-
gate Andrei Y. Vishinsky from the
. assembly hall w h i I e Mendes
tuden that all was not well with the us
sidelegate. He died before the
Premier spoke but his deathws
of Wednesday's classes not made known until almost an
hour after Premier Mendes-France
rial basis for two more finished.
with the understanding Now, with Moscow obviously pur-
oo many students cut suing a more flexible policy and
presenting a new look to the world,
i a report showing that some elegreater inerest on the
ly good the Wednesday French suggestion.
cation last year. Ready to MeetRussia
ter said yesterday, "I n Washington, a State Depart-
that students this year ment spokesman in effect backed'
jealous of the privilegeuppemndesrnce
re last year by staying said the United States is prepared
Vednesday classes and to meet with Russia whenever it
k on time." seems probable that such a meet-
ng Councl President, ing would be fruitful and after ade-
es, '55, also urged stu- quate preparation.
oid cutting classes this "Ratification of the Paris agree-
dents worked a long ments should precede such nego
the extended vacation tiations, so that our course in this
hould observe the class r e s p e c t is irreversible," the
order to keep the holi- spokesman, Henry Suydam, said.
ure years," he said. The Soviet attitude on Premier
52, when the four-day Mendes-France was shown by an
s first instituted on a attack by Pravda, the official Com-
on the recommendation munist Party newspaper, whb as
nt Legislature, Thanks- sailed him as an enemy of Euro-
ation included but one pean security.
Once before, in the 1951 Assem-
y officials have empha- bly in Paris, the then French presi-
a return to the old sys- dent, Vincent Auriol, proposed a
y if students abuse the Big Four parley but nothing came
vilege by showing poor of it.
at classes Wednesday Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., chief
American delegate, said it would
Ybe studied with the closest atten-
tion and care. He said Premier
rs Brew Mendes-France was "wise to spe-
cify that ratification of the Paris
agreements was an indispensable
,c P-' otiont prerequisite"
Stgnehenge circleM ono
ie witches cauldron
is were brewed in LawViolations
were examined
4111were overturned l..n r e R U
0wea~vertrnbazngCarged RCA
to heat from blazing
y men of knowledge and Civil action under the Sherman
Antitrust Act has been filed
ed, were burned, were against the Radio Cor.poration of
. America.
n the murky grove The complaint alleges that since
ave where Fingal 1932, RCA has monopolized the
radio-television patent licensing
of the Mighty Oak business, excluding potential or
actual competitors from the pat-'
e earth to shake and ent licensing business.
The complaint also alleges RCA
ions and cities to cower licenses almost all radio-television
i the twig and sapling manufacturers under standard
ture the sturdy awend: form agreements, called "package
ding Wintergreen licenses," containing provisions re-
not be criteria for the hiring and
firing of a faculty member, so long
as he does not attempt to influ-
ence others through his position as
a teacher, a University policy.
5-To encourage and help stu-
dent organizations with discrim-
inatory clauses in their constitu-
tions to remove such clauses and
the consequent practices.
6-To continue omitting discrim-
inatory clauses from new hous-
ing programs.
7-To advocate the use of the
'Michigan House Plan' as the ba-
sis for future growth of the resi-
dence hall system. This concept
means small self-sufficient living
units with their own staffs' and
house governments and including
their own social, study, and eating
8-To work for the integration
of the athletic program into the
educational community.
See CSP, Page 6
Foreign Students
O- A A I1-.SIU
Prof. Paul Dwyer of the mathe-
matics department submitted two
proposed calendars to the Univer-
sity Calendaring Committee at a
meeting yesterday.
Main change explicit in the two
plans would cut the "lame-duck"
period between Christmas vaca-
tion and final exams from the
present two weeks to one week.
No decision will be made until
the committee has studied pos-
sible ramifications of a calendar
change in the athletic program,
the Residence Halls set-up and
orientation program.
Basic difference between the two
plans involves scheduling the be-
ginning of orientation week either
one or two weeks after Labor Day.
Both plans wouldballow the full 15
Iweeks of classes before exams.
Registration would move up to
Monday of orientation week allow-
ing classes to begin Thursday.
Christmas vacation would be
shortened to 11 or 12 days.
Final exams would begin Fri-
(Inv Thusd, wmld l.pvp z .
Bigger Turkeys Crowd Food
President Dwight D. Eisenhower"
Perry Browning presented him with
giving dinner.
He is intending to share his h
comrade Field Marshal Viscount 1
tary leader will be the guest of Pr
the Augusta National Golf Club in
Hopes To Raise
Accepting the bird, the President
+ 'turkey like it someday.
Immediately one of his guests a
House garden whipped out a boo
offered it to him. President Eisenho
benefactor that when his farm near
is going to do some serious farming.
President Eisenhower's plan to
vised when he reads the Agricultu