.. EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 Your Subscription ( WI, Toaall2-321 ogait L Scattered Showers, Cooler Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1954 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES Prof. Nickerson's Case Discussed Series Begins oin Issues Involved In Cases of Subpoenaed 'U' Men (Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of articles discussing evi- dence presented to University officials, faculty investigating and appeal committees and to The Daily in the cases of Prof. Mark Nickerson, H. Chandler Davis, and Prof. Clement Markert. The three men appeared before a House Sub-Committee on Un-American Activities at a Lansing hearing in May. They were suspended by University President Harlan H. Hatcher pending further investigation of their cases by University com- mittees. August 26 the Regents authorized dismissal of Profs. Nickerson and Davis. Prof. Markert was reinstated at that time. (Today's discussion is of the preliminary steps in the ease of Prof. Mark Nickerson.) Enrollment. Final Figure Passe May s Predictions; Reach 22,000 '4 ,By PAT ROELOFS Associate City Editor Prior to the May 10 session of the Clardy Committee hearings in Lansing, some 60 persons received subpoenas from the Commit- tee, according to press reports. Among those 60 persons was Prof. Mark. Nickerson of the Univer- sity pharmacology department in j hM d S I the MedicalSchool. Qjr0mhcmt .Soon after receipt of the sub- poena, Prof. Nickerson reports he contacted three University offi- Commituee cials and told them of the sub- poena. The three men were Prof. i e A. C. Furstenberg, Deanof the Report G1v en Medical School, Prof. Maurice Seevers, chairman of the pharma- cology department, and University Soon after Prof. Mark Nickerson President Harlan H. Hatcher. of the pharmacology department Prof. Nickerson said that in pri- mas suispendd by President Hatch-I vate conferences with the three Lambda Chi, SL To Debate New ]Delta Chi Cut Proposals 'on SGC Bias ClausesIB By MURRY FRYMER By DAVE BAAD Student Legislature members tonight will consider a motion ap- Two social fraternities with proving the proposed Student Government Council, but asking three chapters at the University remov- important modifications. ed their bias clauses during na- The meeting has been moved up one night from the usual tional conventions held this past Wednesday sessions in order to allow the Regents, meeting tomor-' summer. row, to consider the SL opinion. Delta Chi and Lambda Chi Al- - - +yAuthor of the motion, Ruth pha conventions at Biloxi, Missis- Rossner, '55, will ask that SL en- sippi and Miami Beach, Florida Eldection dorse the SGC plan with the f ol- voted to remove their existing loialugesinsfr utrsmd membership restrictions effective iwin suggestions for future mod- immediately. f+1ven H ere 1)iatea a Zeta Beta Tau's undergraduate 1) That after a one-year trial conference also decided to delete B Ca didat period, the SGC be allowed to in- its bias clause from the constitu -a;ul a es crease its own membership if it tion but the motion still must be iso desir~es; passed by the fraternity Executive The two opposing candidates for 2) That immediately upon its Council before it becomes effec- the position of U.S. Senator from institution, the SGC be allowed to ive. Michigan, Sen. Homer Ferguson, draft a constitution; this consti- The Council meets later this Republican incumbent, and Pat- tution to go into, effect (should month.'If the decision of the Con- rick V. McNamara, Democrat, last Review board not disapprove) vention is upheld it will lower to night delivered separate election with the approval of the student ten the number of fraternities on addresses to members of their re- body at the next all-campus elec- campus still maintaining some spective political parties. tion; and, kind of membership restriction. In his speech at a testimonial 3) That, in line with the the- Retain Clauses dinner held in the Michigan Union ory underlying an Associated Stu- At the same time Alpha Tau Ballroom, Sen. Ferguson applaud- dent movement, the SGC even- Omega and Delta Tau Delta de- ed the accomplishments of the tually be given financial control cided to retain membership dm- twenty-month old Eisenhower ad- of all student organizations ex- ministration. he passing of the pting publications, fraternities tionfor eovalriledntondamo- St. Lawrence Seaway Bill the Sen- and sororities. tion for removal failed to reach ator attributed exclusively to theansr1 s. the voting stage during the Sig- _efforts of the Republican adminis- Heavy Debate Expected ma Nu conference. tration, stating that it "will result The question of a constitution University Interfraternity Coun- in the blooming of Michigan and for the proposed new student gov- cil officials yere pleased with the the Middle West." ernment is expected to cause progress made toward opening up As to the possibility of a Third heavy debate. Feelings were voiced fraternity membership possibili- World War, the Senator predicted at the SL Cabinet session yester- ties and especially with the out- that "there will not be a hot war day that a constitution would re- come of the Delta Chi convention, in the near future." He said that strict as well as extend SGC au- Delta Chi Action Russia would not welcome anoth- thority. The Delta Chi National Con- er war because she "has gained a The SL meeting will be held to- ference vote was almost unani- great portion of the. earth and its night beginning at 7:30 p.m. in mous. Only one chapter from Ala- peoples since 1945 by penetration the Strauss Dining Hall, East bama dissented. from within." Quad. LSA Notes Largest Rise Over Fall '53 Freshman Class Sets New Record . , i WIJ5 tjttb Nt:jjUUU uy cj CAlUVIIt, KIMt Al er, pending investigation of his al- men he told them of some of his NEWEST ADDITION-POOL TABLE COMPLETE WITH CUES leged subversive activities, the past political activity and asked their advice on behavior before Medical School Executive Commit- the Clardy Committee. elC m e at G Oing O ut! tee conducted an inquiry of his PO- Lansing Hearing t e c n ut d a in ur ofhsp -L ni g ) eei g/ litical activities, On M ay 10, along with two oth- F o * q Di l v e Members of the Committee were er University faculty members and/ Dean Albert C. Furstenberg, Dr. two University students, Prof. - A. C. Kerlikowske, Dr. Wayne Nickerson appeared in Lansing. i Whitaker, Dr. John M. Sheldon, Dr. When questioned about member- Do you like to get in past "keep out' signs and find out about F. B. Fralick, Dr. A. A. Christman, ship in Communist "front" or- things before they happen? and Dr. B. L. Baker. ganizations or in the Communist Do you want a chance to show your selling ability or to learn The following letter, dated June Party, the pharmacologist re- the 'ways of the adverstising world? 11, was sent to President Hatcher fused to answer, citing the Fifth Do you want a chance to meet University officials, visiting digni- when the Committee study of Prof. Amendment. taries or campus leaders? Nickerarnes caseawasscompleted Nickerson's case was completed. Rep. Kit Clardy (R.-Mich.), The Michigan Daily, America's oldest continually published col- press by Prof. Nickerson. It read: if it was a fact lege newspaper, offers all these things-and more. that during conferences the lat- -'ter had had with University of- Tryout Meetings By JIM DYGERT Opening day figures on the number of resident credit students so far registered today total 17,702, according to an incomplete tabu- lation by Assistant Registrar Ed- ward G. Groesbeck. Already exceeding the 17,486 final figure for the fall of 1953, the figure of 17,702 indicates that the predicted enrollment of 18,500 will be more than met when final to- tals are available. Including the 3,000 taking Uni- versity 'credit courses in centers throughout the state, the final figure is expected to exceed 22,000. Teen of Fifteen Up . Increased enrollment was shown in the totals for ten of the Uni- versity's 15 schools and colleges. Of the five others, one reported enrollment identical to last year's and four showed small decreases. The number of Korean War vet- erans enrolled on the GI bill was set up conservatively at 1,200 by Mrs. Marjorie G. Uren of the Of- fice of Veterans Affairs, an in- crease of approximately 400 over last year's figure. Mrs. Uren also indicated that the number of World War II vets decreased from r # . . I 8ntrnnn irnffa7"nrfmrl in inir.i rr +T{ n .>t+ifi"m l iicinr3cr 'Ni- nhnfnc7r"anl v'_ ficials he had admitted he was a Aniyone inwrenseU in jUiing the wriUing, busiess or pnUtUg aptly the MedixecvSchool mmittee D member of the Communist Party staffs of The Daily may come to any of the scheduled tryout meetingsI Mark Nickerson on May 24, 1954 until 1951 and then withdrew to be held today, tomorrow and Thursday. Writing staff tryouts will and on June 3 1954 for a discus- membership. be held at 4:15 p.m and 7:30 p.m. today and at 5 p.m. tomorrow at slion of his association with the When Prof. Nickerson refused the Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St. Communist Party . . . He "drifted to answer this, Rep. Clardy point- Business staff tryout meetings are scheduled for 4:15 p.m. and away" (from the Party) chiefly ed out that one of the three with 7:15 p.m. tomorrow and at 4:15 Thursday at the Student Publications because of a limitation in time whom the pharmacologist had Bldg. which resulted from expansion of consulted could be called before Writing Staffs i his scientific activities. the Committee to give this infor- Beginners on editorial, sports and women's staffs will be trained Defends Communist Doctrines mation. in the fundamentals of headwriting and proofreading and progress "He repeatedly stated that he be- Following the Lansing hearing, to news, feature and editorial writing. After the first semester, the lieves in the principles of Commu- in which Prof. Nickerson refused tryout moves up to the soph staff and has the added responsibility of nism as taught when he was a to answer 40 questions on grounds covering a beat, where he or she will have the chance to meet cam- member and he continues to defend of the Fifth Amendment, Presi- pus personalities, faculty members, administrators and even a famous their doctrines . . . by reasoning. dent Hatcher suspended him, national figure. lHe has never denounced the Com- along with the other two faculty Business Stag munist Party and will not do so members who also refused to an- Newcomers to the busine taff wil learn the basic skis of ad- now. He ventures 'to state, how- swer questions about political be- vertising-layout service, contract and promotions. They will use this ever, that he would disapprove of iefs and activities. knowledge in working directly with local merchants. In addition they the Party were their precepts WtotPeui' those described by the newspapers Without Prejudice will become familiar with circulation, finance and business manage- r of today. He avoids any public dec- President Hatcher's statement ment. Following the initial semester as a tryout, they will become . i} i t ': Richard Good, '56 A&D, was in- fluential in the Lambda Chi Al-! pha constitutional change. As; chairman of the committee on general fraternity policy he di- See FRATERNITIES, Page 3 MSC Drops C i e B At the meeting of the Democrat- ic Women's Club of Ann Arbor, Senatorial aspirant Patrick V. Mc- Namara spoke on foreign policy. McNamara said that only by a "bi- partisan foreign policy," which he defined as a "policy which consults with the responsible leaders of the opposition party before and not after decisions are made," could world peace be attained. The Democratic candidate also chided the present Republican ad- ministration for releasing Chester Bowles and Eleanor Roosevelt3 from the positions they held under Pick Up Grid Seats at Grym't Football tickets can be picked1 up at Barbour Gymnasium (in or- der of semesters spent at the Uni- versity) at the following times: Groups three (4-5 semesters) and two (2-3 semesters) may pick up their tickets from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today. Block 'M' members may get 600 to 350. Largest increase was shown by the Literary College, with an en- rollment 384 students greater than that of the 1953-54 school year. The College of Engineering reg- istercd the second biggest increase, 286. -1,170Increase The net increase over 1953 open- ing day figures amounts to 1,170, more than the predicted 1,000 in- crease. Of the increase, 424 are women students. That the total enrollment has so far exceeded expectations indi- cates the predicted number of freshmen,h2,850, will also be ex- ceeded when the final count is made, giving the University its third record freshman enrollment in a row. U' Rule The Univ ersi~ty is Stays laration against Communism, how- ever, on the basis that he is not "h sufficiently well informed to pass judgment on the newspapers' eval- uation of the Party's present con- duct. Conclusions "After thorough consideration of these discussions, the Executive Committee came to the following conclusions : at that time was, "Suspension is soph staffers specializing in the department of their choice. ordered without prejudice to 'the ------- - final decision in their cases. If, further investigation seems to EX-DAILY EDITOR: warrant dismissal procedures, any person affected has the right to be heard by a special committee of Lunn Elected President the University Senate before fi- al action is taken by the Re-NC gentsd" Of sNSAm in Close ace IHe concluded his statement by: Big Ten school with sive driving ban. A decision on the igan State College t restrictions for stu C' average or better vers.'itv in such a. ni now the only 1 the Truman administration. He their tickets from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Predictions were made earlier a comprehen- stated that our present foreign pol- tomorrow. this year by Assistant Director of icy, together with unemployment, Group One (0-1 semesters) is Admissions Gayle C. Wilson on the part of Mich- constitutes this country's gravest scheduled from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. basis of applicants 4ccepted, o drop driving issue at present. tomorrow. Groesbeck later pointed out that dents with a ~~_ _ estimates- were tentative because left theUni-NSA O FRSee ENROLLMENT, Page 8 siio "_NSA ON FREEDOM: i 1.) We support the ulty member to the political beliefs. right of a Fac-I privacy of his? "2.) We believe, however, that the manner in which these beliefs are expressed may rightfully be- comec the concern of the University when there is evidence that this ex- pression is injurious to the gener- al welfare of the University. "3.) Dr. Nickerson has refused to answer the questions put to him by the House Un-American Activities S Committee concerning his political activities, and is not disposed now to make a public reply to them. See PROFESSORS, Page 3 Board of Regents May Discuss SGC The University Board of Regents saying "The University has urged Former Daily managing editor, ' all persons called before duly con- Harry Lunn, '54, became thef stituted Congressional committees eighth president of the National questiondfrankl oam reasnable Student Association in a tightly At ysugmt eetion-wCtimgeut the University's policy that all fuh lcinwnigu h a members of its family be given the toa tdn ogesmeig-- ~ - protection to which they are en-i at Iowa State College August 22I titled under our laws and tradi- to 31. tions." i1 Lunn succeeds James Edwards,k na graduate of the University of{ See PROFESSORS, Page 3) Illinois, who held the top position in the national student group lastr * year. Anitioch Keepsyer Serving briefly this summer as campus administrator for NSA's r X- i-o nniSt international program, Lunn grad- uatedwith honors in economics An amited orme Comunstfrom the University in June. An admitted former Communist, Elected August 31 on the final Prof. M. Metcalfof the Fine Arts day of the Congress, Lunn has department of Antioch College will taken up his new duties at NSA . HARRY LUNN, JR. be retained on the faculty with no headquarters offices in Philadel- Earler n te Mchian eginalLos Angeles for national affairs; change in his position. phia. Paul Sigmund, Jr.,'of the Harvard President Samuel B. Gould made ar rmT Graduate School for international Other Big Ten schools permit e e G To t I students to drive within certain oeatonmoilingsoecaser an Segregation Discussed arg o ee eof automobilesin some cases and M iss Inez Pilk restricted hours for -driving. B y Student Congress Two Renew Limited Ban A gargoyle first of anything was Two other changes in driving - a decorate water spout regulations this fall saw Illinois By GENE HARTWIG Because of evolution and other The University's policy prohib- noted sessions of the Seventh Na- ture Vice-President Ned Simon, is gie awyocrtnriy sits the operation of an automobile tional Student Congress late this '55,fsered on t e cmmitte he a Mndst t is gve way for by a student unless he is over 26 summer at Iowa State College. by former NSA president Al The magazine is published at a years of age, a teaching fellow, or The Congress was attended by Lowenstein.large and progressive institution qualified for a special permit is- more than 700 rain-drenched del- Bill of Rights of learning somewhere in the mid- sued to five categories of students egates from 250 colleges and uni- Characteristic of prevailing west. This institution is so large upon application. versities throughout the country. opinion at the Congress was a and so progressive that it often Enforcement of this ruling has Major action of the Congress change made in the Student Bill tends tb be ill-mannered. proved almost an impossibility, as came in the adoption of the re- of Rights of the NSA constitution. I That is why there is a Gargoyle. shown by an all-campus referen-. port of a'special committee on im- The new bill places both rights I All scholastically eligible mal- dum last year. The referendum plementation of the Supreme and responsibilities of students on contents are invited to join Gar- found student opinion overwhelm- Court ruling on segregation, an equal plane. . goyle. Writers, artists and black ingly in favor to modifying or re. End of Segregation There was general agreement sheep are especially welcome. moving the restrictions. The drive for formation of the See NSA, Page 3 All students interested in becom- Also, there are 1,000 to 1,200 committee was spear-headed by - ing rich, famous or neither are in- cars illegally on campus, accord- members of the Virginia-Carolina r E vited to attend a meeting to that ing to an estimate by Acting Dean SeGt h omitesIIroup in Ea Ost .1 effect. The meeting will be held at of Students Walter B. Rea. Over See text of the committee's 4 p.m. Thursday in the Student 1.500 snecial nermits were issued report an Page 4. .PublicationsBldg.