EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State Daii4 CLOUDY, COOL VOL. LXV, No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 SIX PAGES i S France, U.S., Urge Early Rearmament Russian Delaying Tactics Blocked WASHINGTON (A - French Pre mier Mendes-France and Secretary S of State John F. Dulles turned down swiftly yesterday a move by Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov to delay ratification of German re- armaient by the Western Powers. Instead "tmey called for "early ratification" by all the Allies be- fore any new conference with Rus- sia They declared themselves against "improvised d e b a t e s intended mainly for propaganda," an ob- vious slap at Moscow, Moscow Source Molotov's move came in Moscow where the Foreign Office made public an interview by him sug- gesting that Russia would be wil- SIng to delay the European securi- ty conference it has proposed for Nov. 29 if the Western Powers would delay ratification of the new Western European Union treaties. Dules and Mendes-France pro- longed their talks here long enough to have a quick look at news re- ports of the proposal. They agreed on its informal reection, which was the effect of their communi- que. If necessary, officials said, it will be formally rejected. From the communique and from information provided by officials these other points stood out in the talks: 1.kDulles and Mendes-France agreed that the organization of three new Communist divisions, two of them armored, in Northern Viet Nam creates a serious new threat in Indochina. Critically important matter of continuing American financial sup- port for French forces in South Viet Nam, at the rate of several hundred million dollars a year, was left to other negotiations. 2. Dulles agreed to consider use of United States influence to try and prevent any outside agitation to make trouble for the French among the Arabs in North Africa. Premier Hopeful 3. Mendes - France reviewed "hopefully" possibilities for estab- lishing better relations between France ahd Germany as a step toward creation of a united and peaceful Europe. 4. Associates privately confirmed the usual assurances of a commu- nique that the talks occurred in a friendly, cooperative atmosphere. This was a matter of some signifi- cance this time since Dulles had deep misgivings about the French Premier following the French As- sembly's defeat of a European De- fense Community last August. 5. Dulles assured Mendes-France that when France makes a formal appeal for British and American support of an agreement with Ger- many on the long disputed Saar territory, the United States gov- ernment will do whatever it pos- sibly can to give such support. Churches Plan 'Share Surplus' Aid Program By DAVID L. BOWEN AP Newsfeatures Writer A special Thanksgiving appeal will be made in thousands of Prot- estant churches this week for a program its sponsors see as a re- turn to the literal spirit of the Pilgrim's first 'Ithanksgiving in 1621. The motive then was to share the fruits of labor with neighbors of different tradition and belief in a search for peace and mutual prosperity. That is precisely what the "Share Our Surplus" program hopes to accomplish on a world- wide scale, according to the Rev. R. Norris Wilson, executive direc- tor of Church World Service, the xi Rose Bowl Plans Set byBuckeyes 'M' Cited for 'Champion' Calibre Game, Despite Shattering Loss By DAVE LIVINGSTON Daily Sports Editor Special To The Daily COLUMBUS - A truly great Ohio State football team sent this city into ecstacies yesterday afternoon as the Buckeyes conclusively established their right to an undisputed Big Ten title and a January 1 Rose Bowl bid. The dauntless Ohioans hammered a game band of Wolverines into submission, 21-7, after Michigan had taken an early 7-0 lead and an upset appeared to be in the making. Coach Woody Hayes' gridders were, not to be denied as they turned an intercepted pass in the closing minutes of the first half into the tying score, and then rammed across two last quarter touchdowns, Drive Stops One Foot Short With the score tied late in the third period, the Buckeyes stopped Michigan on the one-foot line after four plays had gained as many yards for the Wolverines. That magnificent goal-line stand proved to Courtesy Gordon Summerbel --Daily-ChuckC Kelsey A 'DARK DAY IN COLUMBUS-But bright for Pasadena-bound OSU fans, who watched intricate plays like the one shown above. Thousands of homebound Wol- verine fans sat glued to television sets all afternoons, with facial expressions varying from premature delight to solemn resignation. All Campus Quiet After Final Loss While people were cutting up in Columbus last night, it was pret- ty quiet in Ann Arbor. Greeting each other with muf- fled "hello's," students ambled along slowly, thinking of roses that never were. "It would have been so bad if they'd really killed us," one stu- dent said, "but it looked so close- after the first half I thought- we had it sewed up." Television sets blared all over: town, watched by large numbers of students and townspeople. The! Union cafeteria was jammed and noisy-until the last quarter when it quieted down. In the beginning, television sound wasn't working properly and overly-excited fans let off steam by cursing the set every time a sign appeared saying, "Our sound is not up to standard." There wasn't much to do in; Ann Arbor last night to ease the sting of seeing the country's most surprising team come so close, only to be repelled by Cassidy & Co. 'Roses Redder on OSU Side of Stadium '6 By JOEL BERGER Special to The Daily COLUMBUS, Ohio - It snowed once again for the Michigan-Ohio State football game, but this time it was a snow of paper from the stands, a snow of tears from Michi- gan rooters and a snow of cheers for Rose Bowl-bound OSU. The blizzard of paper and cheers came at the game's end, as delir- ious Ohio State partisans realized they were headed for Pasadena in the first game they've played there since New Year's Day, 1950. Torn newspapers and tissue pa- per cascaded fromn the upper dec onto the field, reminding onlookers of the "snow bowl" game here in 1950, which Michigan won, 94. No Goal Posts After the game was over and the two marching bands had left the stadium, the only visual reminders of the titanic battle were two mounds of paper where the goal posts had once been, and two score- boards bearing the legend: "Ohio 21-Michigan 7." But there were reminders of the game in the minds r f all, who saw it. For some, it later seemed a little unreal, foreign to memories fuzzy from too much to drink. For other rooters of both teams, the memory of the game came lat- er yesterday when they were asked to speak louder. They couldn't- they were too hoarse. For still other Wolverine fans the game's memory was partly su- perseded by the struggle to buy tickets. Friday night the sellers were naming the prices. Then it rained early yesterday. With leaden skies mercifully withholding their wet contenes dur- ing the game, ticket prices- were practically being named by buy- ers at noon yesterday. Some OSU students sold their tickets and watched the game over television. They weren't aln-.p wards of 50,000,000 football fans throughout the country a i s o watched the spectacle on TV. OSU's Screams Overpowering During the first half of the con- test Michigan rooters were quite vocal in their support. By midway in the last half, however, they didn't have a chance. Ohio State partisans drowned them out with their freizied screaming. Block M's OSU counterpart, Block O, performed to the delight of fans here all through the game. One' of their stunts required flip- ping flashcards through 45 sepa- rate ovements. During half - time, both bands gave rooters a show which will' long be remembered here. Michigan's band did part of last week's show, playing "Brazil" as a huge coffee percolator brewed java. Both Bands At Best Also in the show were the "St. Louis Blues" and "Sh-Boom" dance routines. After the Michigan band left the field the Ohio State marching band brought the crowd to its feet with a show called "Music in the American Scene." Biggest production was a huge dragon formed by the band, which breathed smoke and roared, only to have its head cut off and fall to the ground as a student dressed as a knight beheaded it. Following the game both goal- posts disappeared beneath an ava- lanche of OSU students. One even came prepared with a small saw, which speeded up the job consid- erably. More than 6,000 Michigan stu- dents, who came here for the game, left the stadium with memories of a sad losing battle. They headed to temporary residences in local fraternities and sororities to pre- pare for the evening's big dates. In these, anyway, they had some- thing to look forward to. But as they left the horseshoe-' shaped stadium, some with tears streaming down their cheeks, they couldn't help reflecting that the wrong set of rooters was singing something Michigan fans had them- selves sung at local parties and bars Friday night. The song was "California, Here We Come." white Space GLENVILLE, W. Va. (AP) -. The Weekly Glenville Demo- crat went to press last week with a front page, bearing only its masthead and an embar- rassed explanation to readers. "It only happenis once in a life time, but it does happen," the paper explained in a two- column box smack in the mid- dle of the page, "We had all the paper made up and ready to go to press at 3 p.m. Wednes- day. "En route from the make-up stone to the press we pied the whole front page. That means that all the type, cuts, cutlines, heads, leads, slugs and so forth fell in a jumbled mass. "So here we are with almost a blank Page One. Sorry. But that's the story this week. Noise Called Only Object Of Grid Fan By LEE MARKS Gone are the days when a foot- ball fan could cite mere enjoyment as his excuse for watching his Alma Mater: Now, according to a new theory, it's all psychological. People go to football games to make noise and let off steam. "Stadiums are the ony places left where a person can be noisy," one writer says. TD Screaming Excuse "Sometimes a fellow just wants to stand up and scream but hef doesn't dare, except when a touch- down is being made," he continues. Alumni, who thought they came to games because thye liked foot-r ball, learn now it's just to get rid' of complexes. Prof. Dorwin Cartwright of the; psychology department said the theory sounds reasonable. No Problems Solved "Football games undoubtedly help relax tensions but they don't solve many basic problems," Prof.; Cartwright noted. The theorist, a Detroit Free Press writer, also proposed that "this is the most shushed-up civil- ization of all time." A student laughed and remark- ed, "If this is the most shushed- up civilization, the others must have been pretty noisy. . Prof. Cartwright said the state- ment would be "hard to prove." He noted, "When you think of the; New England Puritan period, it's hard to accept a statement like that." Another member of the psychol- ogy department refuted the theory, saying he himself went to football games simply because "because they're a lot of fun.' AT HILL TONIGHT: W orld Famous Baritone Fired Twice for Singing By DAVE KAPLAN Distinguished Metropolitan Opera baritone Leonard Warren, who will appear at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, was twice fired because of his singing. The first time was in a ,Manhattan fur establishment. Officials objected to his singing while counting mink and muskrat skins. Later the director of New York's Radio City Music Hall Glee Club discharged Warren becauseti be the straw that broke Michigan', 99 yards for the score all Colum- bus was waiting for. With 44 seconds left in the game and Michigan still trying desper- ately to tie the score, Howard "Hopalong" C a s s a d y plowed through left guard from the one to plant an insurance touchdown. Diminutive Tad Weed kicked his third perfect conversion as 82,- 438 fans turned the Ohio State sta- dium into a madhouse. The Big Ten athletic directors will cast their ballots for the Rose Bowl nominee tonight, but the vote will be a mere formality as the Buckeyes won their ninth confer- ence crown with a 7-0 record, and boast their first perfect season since 1944. 'M' Ties for Second The Wolverines, who outplayed Ohio State for three frustrating quarters- yesterday, dropped into a tie with Wisconsin for second place in the Western Conference, each with 5-2 records. That is the highest Michigan has finished since 1950 when it won 'the title and the Rose Bowl berth. . Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's Wol- verines marched 68 yards after the opening kickoff to score before Ohio had its hands on the ball. On the first two plays from scrimmage tailback Danny Cline picked up a total of thirty-three yards to put the ball on State's 35. Nine plays later Michigan was faced with a fourth and one situation on the seven yard line. The next play completely fooled the Buckeyes as Fred Baer drove into the center of the line and hand- ed off to Lou Baldacci who in turn pitched out to Cline who swept left end all alone for a touchdown. Kra- mer's kick was perfect. See BUCKEYES, Page 2 Liquor Sales Rise Locally, Fall in State Liquor sales, which state-wide have dropped below last year's ten month total, are up in Ann Arbor. Figures reported by the Ann Arbor News showing a rise of over $100,000 in local sales were corraborated by one local beer and wine merchant. He estimated "a slight rise-roughly 5 per cent" over last year. Students compromise approxi- mately 30 per cent of his total business the merchant said, towns- people making up the rest. Local drugstore proprietors con- tacted refused to comment, stat- ing that they were only agents of the state who sold for an Ann Arbor liquor store., The News figures showed a drop of 4.93 per cent from last year's state-wide, all-time high sales record of $134,091,807 for the period from January to October. Masquerade YIVn TN P A 10,..- s back, for Ohio promptly marched National Roundup By The Associated Press HcCarthy Censure., WASHINGTON -Senators who recommended that Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) be censured for his treatment of Brig. Gen, Ralph W. Zwicker said yesterday they will stand fast despite the de- fection of one of their number, Sen. Francis H. Case (R=SD)., The Senate session called to consider the censure issue now is in recess until Nov. 29 because of the hospitalization, of McCarthy for treatment of an elbow injury Plane Explodes ,.,, COLLEGE STATION, Tex. A Navy training plane exploded over the Texas A & M College campus here early today, killing two oc- cupants of the plane and spraying parts of the campus with wreck- age. Names of the victims were with- held pending notification of'next. of-kin. * * * Bishops Oppose... WASHINGTON - The Roman Catholic bishops of the United States yesterday defined this country's real enemy as atheistic materialism and said the nation "must recover and renew its Christian faith" if it is to survive. Justice Investigation . WASHINGTON - Sen. William Langer (R-ND), yesterday invited Atty. Gen. Herbert O. Brownell and Dist. Judge. Luther W. Young- dahl to a public hearing on Tues- day to investigate "the conduct of the Department of Justice in f ii- ing" an affidavit of bias against the judge. ATOM DEFENSE: White House Conducts Drill WASHINGTON (N( - President Dwight D. Eisenhower tried out the communication lines in a White House bomb shelter yesterday as top government officials scattered to secret emergency posts miles from the capital in an atomic at- tack drill. For six hours, many. operations of governmenthwere directed in theory from the remote control stations in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and possibly elsewhere that would be manned in event of an actual at- tack. Pres, Eisenhower, who directed the invasion of Europe from bomb- battered England in World War II, spent 10 or 15 minutes receiving onerational renorts in an uner- she said his voice "wasn't virile enough." When Warren tried out for the Metropolitan Auditions of the Air in 1939, the baritone was the 79th singer to be heard by conductor Wilfred Pelletier in one day, Suspected a Trick Pelletier believed a weary tech- nician was played a trick and had substituted a recording of world- famous singer. After pleading with his staff to give the serious young man a chance, the conductor was finally convinced that the War- ren voice was real. After intensive study in Italy, Warren made his debut in 1939 and. within four seasons estab- lished himself as the Metropoli- tan's ranking baritone. "Warren Room" A focal point in a Manhattan Home Furnishings Show last year was the "Leonard Warren Room." Inspired by "Rigoletto," the room took as its keynote the designs by the famous painter Eugene Ber- man for the Met's new production CAMPUS' ONLY LOCAL FRATERNITY: Optimism Replaces War Setbacks for Trigotn By DAVE BAAD Trigon, the University's only local fraternity,- may finally be re- covering from setbacks received during World War II. Bolstered by a special Interfraternity Council ruling last spring, which enabled the local to activate immediately 13 men without a pledge training period, the fraternity has not only become an active organization again but is making optimistic future plans. Ten of the original 13 to be activated became members of the fraternity and are presently experiencing an intensive post-initiation training program.I Pledge Period Replaced IFC officials stipulated as part of their special ruling that Trigon give the new actives post-initiation on training in place of the usual pledge period. Bob Roensch, Grad., told IFC's Executive Council last week the training period was moving successfully and should reach completion shortly. The 10 new members, all active in local church young people's organizations, bring Trigon's membership to 17. Most Residents Active "Trigon would never join a national organization," Roensch stat- °d emphatically Friday, while discussing the comeback of his frater- nity during the past few months. "Our fraternity is based on the three-fold principle 'duty to God,' 'duty to University,' and 'duty to each brother'," he said emphasizing that more than lip service was involved in the first ideal. Church Work Voluntary P.eligious work is purely voluntary, but the fraternity generally only pledges men already active in local religious groups. Organized in 1905 by 12 members of the Brotherhood of St. An- drew (national men and boys' organization of the Episcopal Church), the fraternity grew steadily until World War I. Although the usual wartime difficulties occurred, the local boun- ced back stronger than ever after the war, reaching maximum strength in the 1920's. Seldom possessing more than 30 men in the active ranks during its history, Trigon refuses to pledge a membership exceeding house capacity.° Post-war Troubles