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November 19, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-19

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Si rI~9a


, 6

Latest Deadline in the State


Pep Rally To Spark
Wolverine Sendoff

More Bounce
To the Ounce

impossible, but
say :

W) -- - Sounds
two policemen

Davis Writes



For Crucial



Associate Sports Editor
With fullback Fred Baer still a
doubtful starter, the Michigan grid
squad ran through its last strenu-
ous workout yesterday before its
Big Ten championship battle with
OSU Saturday at Ohio Stadium.
As the Wolverine eleven ran
through defensive practice against
Ohio State's running attack, Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan said, regarding'
Baer: "I don't know whether he'll
be in good enough shape to play
or not." Michigan is already minus
its first string center, Jim Bates,
and back Tony Branoff.
The Wolverines will journey to
Columbus hoping to play the spoil-
er role again, as they have thrice
so far this season. This time the
odds are really against them, but
if team spirit can be substituted
for past performances, then Michi-
gan has an excellent chance of
embarrassing the Buckeyes in
their own back-yard.
Need Convincing Victory
The young Wolverine team real-
izes that while even a one-point
victory would earn them a share
of the Big Ten title, it will take a
convincing victory to earn the Rose
Bowl nomination of the Big Ten
Faculty Representatives.
Physically the team is in about
the same shape as it was for last
week's game against the Spartans.
The only men missing from the
line-up due to injuries are still end
Jerry Williams, halfback Tony
Branoff, and center-linebacker Jim
Oosterbaan had hoped that Bates
would be available for tomorrow's
contest but doctors have advised
against his seeing action.
Weather May Be Factor
One of the big determining fac-
tors in tomorrow's clash may be
the weather. According to the Wil-
low Run Weather Bureau Columbus
is expected to be a bit damp over
the week-end. Showers are forecast
for both today and tomorrow in the
Ohio city.
While the wet ground may slow
up the speedy Buckeye backfield,
it will also cut down on the scor-
ing for the Wolverines, a factor
which will go a long way toward in-
fluencing the Rose Bowl vote in
case the Wolverines win.
Fans Via Television
While thousands of University
students will be making the trip
to Columbus to cheer the Wolver-
ines in the last regular season
game of the year, most of Ann Ar-
bor and vicinity will be watching,
the game over television.
For one of the few times this
season, the NCAA .is presenting a
game which has national signifi-
cance and they couldn't have1
picked a better one than the Mich-
igan-Ohio State clash.
If Michigan wins, it will be the
19th time that the Wolverines have
won or tied a Western Conference
World News

... doubtful starter

Presidents, deans and faculty
members from colleges throughout
Michigan met here in a two-day
conference with the aim of map-
ping plans for better pre-profes-
sional education.
During the four sessions of the
eighth annual Conference on
Higher Education, Michigan edu-
cators discussed phases of medi-
cal, engineering, and business ad-
ministration training.
The Conference also included a
report by Dean Charles E. Ode-
gaard of the literary college and
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the
graduate school on "America's Re-
sources of Specialized Talent."
Stresses 'Hard Thinking'
"Hard thinking" and emotional
maturity were stressed by Dean
Stanley F. Teele of Harvard's
Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration for the student pre-
paring for professional study of
"Neither intellectual capacity
nor specific knowledge alone pro-
vide much of a guarantee of suc-
cess in a professional school or
profession," Dean Teele said. He
urged that research be undertaken
to providing means of judging
these extra-academic qualities.
"Lack of a sense of mission" in
present-day medical students was
discussed by Dean Aura E. Sever-
inghaus of Columbia's College of
Physicians and Surgeons.
A 'High Calling'
Students "feel that it is senti-
mental to regard one's work as a
high calling," he continued, "but
they might well remember the
Oslers, the Grenfells, and the Al-
bert Schweitzers." Dean Servering-
haus maintained that competence
and attitude are equally signifi-
cant in a man's life.
Personality traits of the profes-
sional student were also stressed
by Maynard M. Boring, manager
of Technical Personnel Develop-
ment Services of General Electric
Company. Many basic difficulties
in professions were attributed to
bad habits and traits, which Bor-
ing said should have been cor-
rected earlier in the educational
The difficulty that college grad-
uates encounter in coping with hu-
man relations problems was cited
by Boring as one of the greatest
problems of the firms which hire'
Need Closer Association
Boring also brought out the1
need for closer association between
high school systems and colleges
and industries in order to develop
each individual to the limit of his
The Conference also included
discussion groups on the problems
of liberal arts and pre-profession-4
n e nr +4,,r+ T4, +n- An.- -

Michigan's upset-minded football
team will get a rousing student
sendoff today for the climactic bat-
tle of the season tomorrow against
Ohio State at Columbus.
Led by three bands, the stu-
dents will swarm from the front
of the Union at 2:00 p.m. toward
Yost Field House where the team
is expected to leave by bus for
Willow Run Airport at 2:45 p.m.
Master of ceremonies Howard
Nemorovski, Grad., is expected to
call on Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
and team captain Ted Cachey as
well as a few other players for
short speeches during the rally.1
Three Bands To Play
Although the University March-
ing Band will be well on its way
to Columbus by Pep Rally time,
Phi Gamma Delta and Taylor
House's marching bands and a
group of musicians from the Air
Force ROTC unit will provide
music for the affair.
Starting from divergent spots
on campus the bands will converge
in front of the Union and lead the
students down to the Field House.
The Phi Gam band will starts
from its fraternity house, march
down Hill Street and then to the
Union. Taylor will open its playing
in the West Quad, South Quad
area, with the Air Force group!
starting at the Diagonal.
Balzhiser Urges Attendance
Richard Balzhiser, '55E, who
has helped in the preparations for
today's rally said yesterday, "it's
now up to the students to show
they are behind the team."
"The team has been faced with
crippling injuries all year but it
has still managed to pull some big
upsets in their clutch games.
"Students can show the players
today how much. they will be be-
hind them tomorrow in Columbus,"
Balzhiser concluded.
Want Large Crowd
Pep rally officials want no repe-
tition of last year's sparsely at-
tended Michigan State game send-'
off or of previous pre-game rallies!
for home games this season.
"There's no reason why 5,000
students can't be outside Yost Field
House for the rally," Balzhiser
Alumni Secretary
Comes To Rescue
A University Alumni Association
official, Robert 0. Morgan yester-
day rescued three employes of the
University Club in Chicago from
a locked vault.
The employes had been locked
in an office vault for more than
two hours in the morning by three
robbers who escaped with $2,500.
A trapped clerk shouted the com-
bination to Morgan.
Morgan is assistant general sec-
retary and field secrtary of the
Alumni Association.

A wafer-thin water glass fell
from an eighth floor window of
the snazzy Terrace Plaza Hotel
this morning, struck a fender
of a parked automobile, dent-
ing ' it, then bounced off into
the street, and didn't break.
It was not even chipped, said
Policemen Ralph Adams and
Joseph McCarthy, who were
summoned following the inci-
dent. They could not find out
who dropped the glass.
Dos Passos
AsKs Liberty
The problem facing this gener-
ation of Americans is to adapt our
institutions to a rapidly changing
industrial society and still pre-
serve individual liberty, accord-
ing to novelist John Dos Passos.
Dos Passos presented this propo-
sition to a Hill Auditorium audi-
ence last night saying that the
answer lay in the foundations set
by the earliest generation of Amer-
Americans haven't explained to
the rest of the world the basic
principal of freedom and its ap-
plication, he said, "maybe because
we don't understand it oursleves."
Need Have No Fear

ic.y: a ...Y
-Daily-Lynn Wallas
DAC PRODUCTION--Joseph Gistirak as Mr. Dbelle comforts his daughter Blanaid, Irma Hurley,
in one of the final scenes of the Dramatic Arts Center production, "The Moon in the Yellow
River," which opens tonight at the Masonic Temple.
Arts Center Comedy.To Open.

If $we understood liberty we "The Moon in the Yellow River,"
would have nothing to fear from a philosophic comedy dealing with as director of television program- "The Moon in the Yellow Riv-
Communist propaganda, the nov- the Irish revolution, opens at 8:15 ming for the British Broadcasting er" will run through Dec. 5.
elist declared. Combating Com- p.m. today at the Dramatic Arts Company and has recently di- Memberships for the remain-
munism, he said, is primarily a Center rected productions for the Pro- der of the season cost $8.60. Single
Y CneIvincetown Playhouse. admissions are $1.65.
matter of understanding. Written by Denis Johnston, the vince__wnPayhuse. __ dmisins are_$1.6_._
Although he was at one time an play is the second presentation of
advocate of socialism, Dos Passos the Center's seven play season. CALLED STALL:
commented, "It is not hard to come The show's ten member cast in-
to the conclusion that socialism cludes four local actors as well ;
and individual liberty don't mix ! as six members of the profession- [,,-I*1V A

too well."
He explained that he believes so-
cialism is inevitable. It is not, how-
ever, the "pain killer" some people
tend to think it is, the novelist
Looks to Constitution
In looking for an answer to the
problem of preserving individual,
liberty Dos Passos turned to the
generation of men who wrote the
Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution.
He wanted to know what such
words as "freedom" and "democ-
racy" meant in terms of the di-
rect human experience of the men
who used them every day. Today,
he declared they have become
"like a coin that has been worn
smooth" so that we can't see their
Ideals Still Apply
The author of "The Mind and
Heart of Thomas Jefferson" said
that although they were formulat-
ed before the industrial revolution,
Jeffersonian ideals still apply.
"We are just getting far enough
away from the generation of 1776,"
he said, "to appreciate their last-
ing contribution."1

al company. Robert Kingston, of
the English department, plays
Captain Potts. Aunt Columba is u ~ SO
played by Burnette Staebler, Bet-
ty Ann White appears as Agnes,
and Jerold H. White as Willie. WASHINGTON Ili-The Senate
Irma Hurley, James Coco, Ralph censure debate until Nov. 29 beca
Drischell. Peter Breck, Paul Carr McCarthy-and the Wisconsip Repu
and Joe Gistirak, members of the
Center's company will also ap- require final action in this sessionc
pear. Some Democrats and Sen. Wa
Miss Hurley will play Blanaid., McCarthy side of trying to stall a
Coco will appear as Herr Tausch.. suring McCarthy until after the Dec
Drischell as George, Breck as Dar- I ent Republican-controlled session.
rell Blake, Carr as Commandant Both the McCarthy camp and
Lannigan and Gistirak will take the Senate's GOP leadership sharp-
the role of Willie. ly denied any such intention.
The play's author, currently a Vote 76 to 2
professor at Mount Holyoke Col- The vote in favor of the 11-day
lege, has directed plays for an ex- recess, which will leave less than
perimental Irish theater, served four weeks for consideration of the
censure move, was 76-2. Only
( Comm, mnnis Chi f Sens. Herbert Lehman (D-Lib-NY)
Communist r and James Fulbright, (D-Ark) vot-
ed against it.
The vote, preceded by sharp de-
WASHINGTON (A) - The De- bate, came after the Senate's phy-
partment of Justice said yesterday sician reported McCarthy's elbow
night Junius Irving Scales, 34. injury and infection will require
identified as the leader of the treatment which will make it in-
Communist party in North and advisable for the senator to leave
South Carolina and Tennessee, had Bethesda, Md., Naval Hospital be-
been arrested at Memphis, Tenn. fore Nov. 29.
in Discri-mnation
Ann Arbor faces a seller's market, Dean Rea said. "I know of no
remedy except experimentation and education."
Try To Persuade LandlordsI
"We have tried to persuade the landlords," he said, in those
few cases that had been called to his attention. His office however
would be "reluctant to be the focal point of complaints."
"If you go out crusading" you're likely to run into opposition,
Dean Rea added. "People dislike being forced into doing anything."
Student Legislature has gone after the problem too, mainly from
the standpoint of apartment listings which landlords call into the
Office of Student Affairs.
Request Listings
A resolution was passed last year requesting that the listings
be made on a non-discriminatory basis. According to Tom Bleha,
'56, former chairman of the SL Human Relations Committee, those
in charge of listings felt that all available housing was badly needed,
and a compromise was worked out whereby those landlords who
accept Negroes or foreign students indicate that fact in the listings.
Several such cards are now on the listings board in the Student
Affairs office.
Diana Hewitt, chairman of SL's Anti-Discrimination Board,
.. . 1 4 - . .. . . .... .. I - ,I-,_ . i. n+-.iv,+V

yesterday called off its McCarthy
ause of the hospitalization of Sen.
blican's backers blocked a move to
of Congress.
ayne Morse (Ind-Ore) accused the
final vote on the question of cen-
c. -24 deadline for action at the pres-

By Decision,
Ackley Says
'I.]' Says Cases
considered Fully
Dismissed mathematics instruc-
tor H. Chandler Davis has filed a
formal complaint concerning his
dismissal and severance pay with
the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors, he said yester-
Although he has also requested
an investigation of his dismissal,
Davis asked the AAUP to give im-
mediatesattention to Regental re
fusal of severance pay. He filed
the complaint before the most re-
cent action of the University Board
of Regents definitely saying that
"under the circumstance, sever-
ance pay is not warranted."
He based his complaint on a
letter received from University
Secretary and Assistant Vice-Pres-
ident Herbert G. Watkins contain-
ing the information that the Re-
gents had indicated there would be
no severance pay.
Ackley Comments on Decision
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Eco-
nomics Department Prof. Gardner
Ackley released a statement ex-
pressing the "keenest disappoint-
ment at the Regents' action regard-
ing severance pay."
President of the University Chap-
ter of AAUP, Prof. Ackley said.
''I think that the University's ac-
tion was a serious mistake, which
threatens to undermine faculty con-
fidence in other aspects of the ten-
ure system."
Prof. Ackley said, "This action
ignores the explicit provision con-
tained in the statement of Prin-
ciples on Academic Freedom and
Tenure which was drawn up joint-
ly and approved by the AAUP, rep-
resenting college faculties, and the
Association of American Colleges,
representing American colleges
and universities."
"No Legal Status"
Adding that the "statement has
been generally accepted in academ-
ic circles as the definitive expres-
sion of the rights and responsibili-
ties of university faculties," Prof.
Ackley pointed out, "To be sure,
it has no legal status."
He added, 'however, "it has
strong moral force" and "it pro
vides the only generally accepted
definition of principles of tenure
which presumably underlie fac-
ulty appointments here and else-
where. Severance pay (or, as an
alternative, one-year notice) is an
integral part of the tenure sys-
According to the AAUP state-
ment, severance pay is required in
all dismissal cases "not involving
moral turpitude."
Prof. Ackley felt, too, that fur-
ther explanation of the Regents'
decision should be given by the
Regents' Statement
Director of University Relations
Arthur L. Brandon made no addi-
tion to the Regents' statement that
"The Regents have given careful
consideration to the cases, and con-
clude that the circumstances of
these cases do not warrant sever-
ance pay."
Brandon emphasized, however,

that the Regents had given the
cases, along with the literary school
faculty's resolution recommending
severance pay for Davis, lengthy
and careful deliberation.
University Vice - President and
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie-
huss pointed out there' are no pro-
visions in the Regents' by-laws re-
garding severance pay.
View Each Case Separately
Because there was no legal ba-
sis for a decision, the individual
cases of severance pay had to be
decided on the bases provided by
the particular circumstances, he
Reference to principles other
than legal principles then becomes
s-nn -cer mA ~.hi - -~d4'A ria-

By The Associated Press
ear Agreement...
The Western powers and Russial
reached virtual agreement yester-
day on a compromise plan endors-
ing and advancing President Eisen-
hower's atoms-for-peace program.
Only one point of difference re-
mained and diplomatic quarters
predicted this would not stand in
the way of unanimous approval of
the plan by the UN.
The only difference outstanding
between the East and West now is
a Western stipulation limiting in-
vitations to a scientific conference
to members of the UN and its
specialized agencies. Russia wants
no restrictions, apparently with
the intention of including Commu-
nist China if possible.
Poison Gas..,
WASHINGTON - Sen. William
Jenner (R-Ind) told the Senate the
idea of peaceful coexistence with
Russia is "a poison gas" which is
spreading over the United States,

No 0Decrease Seen

IHC Rejects
Bid To Support
Inter-House Council yesterday
rescinded by an overwhelming
majority a motion passed at its
Nov. 11 meeting calling for IHC
support of all independent candi-
dates to the Student Legislature.
Proposed by Wally Hoyle, '58,
the original motion called for.
IHC's.Campus Affairs Committee
to put' up posters listing all inde-
pendent candidates, giving them
IHC endorsement and support.
The motion to rescind' this ac-
tion was proposed by Bob Lea-
cock, '57.
Forced Endorsement
Leacock said Hoyle's motion
forced endorsement of certain can-
didates regardless of their quali-
"Also," Leacock claimed, "the
motion fosters the idea of a split
between independents and affiliat-
ed men, something I have always
been against."
During a brief discussion, Lea-
cock said he believed voters
"should vote for the best men, not
for those representing specific in-
terest groups."
By-Laws Passed
Three of four proposed by-law
amendments were passed unan-
imously by the council.
The fourth, requiring each
Council member to serve on a ma-
jor committee with attendance
requirements to prevail as they do
at Council meetings, was tabled.
Larry Levine. '56. snoke against

There appears to be little prospect for an early decrease in
the amount of discrimination in Ann Arbor housing.
Few contend that nothing should be done. Few suggest a solution.
Most calls for action are centered on the University. "The
University is big business" is the way it's often expressed, "and
they can pull a lot of strings if they want to." More specifically,
there are calls for the University to build more non-discriminatory
housing in order to put "more pressure on townspeople to take
whomever they can get."
Increase of 6,000
One high University official estimates an increase of 6,000
students by 1960 without a corresponding increase in housing,
because the financing of any future non-discriminatory dormitories
is about at "the end of the rope."
Others suggest the establishment of "uniform criteria for every-
one who expected to rent a room" to students.
"How can a University do anything about a person's private
home?" Dean of Women Deborah Bacon asked. "We don't have
any authority over private housing." She said Ann Arbor is no
different than any other place in the country,' pointing out that
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