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November 18, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-18

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Stu'lent Government Hopes
& Regential Politics
See Page 4

Yl r e

Latest Deadline in the State

D43a ti4






Bi-Partisan Decision on SGC
Policy AskedP
BR Pid Posinoned bySL


Top Democrats Vote To Defray
Agree With Ike Up to Ten Doll
WASHINGTON (A) -r- President By MURRY
Dwight D. Eisenhower appealed. Indecision concerning the fina
to congressional leaders of both ment Council plan continued to p1
parties yesterday for continued meeting yesterday.
bipartisanship on foreign and de- In the following order, SL voted
fense policies, in "the best inter- 1) That the Student Legislatur
ests of our nation. 21 endorsing SGC. Opposed, 30 to 3.
Top Democrats, who will be 2) That SL support SGC. Befo
leaders in the new Congress, in- 3)Tath moinsprig
n w e SGC be tabled. Defeated 16 to 13.
* ident's view that such an ap- 4)Tath moinsprig
proach is essential"-provided SGC be postponed until after the
they are consulted ahead of time all-campus student poll on the sub-
on major, critical decisions. ject of student government pref-
Promises Consultation erence. Approved, 17 to 14.
Sen. Walter George (D-Ga.), Motion to Defray Costs
slated to become chairman of the In another important motion, SL
Senate Foreign Relations Commit- voted to aid in defraying the costs
tee, said President Eisenhower of campaigning of SL candidates
promised such advance consulta- by payment of up to $10 to each
tion "so far as that was practical." candidate who is not being finan-
For two and a quarter hours, cially supported by his housing
the President, Secretary of State unit.
John F. Dulles, Secretary of De- The major part of the meeting
Tense Charles Wilson and 22 Dem- was devoted to this question of
ocratic and Republican congres- what SL should do in relation to
sional chieftains explored Amer- the indefinite action of the Board
ica's present and future course in of Regents last Friday.
the fields of foreign affairs and John Donaldson, Grad., in ask-
national security. ing SL to rescind support for the
Those present included House SGC said that the question of ren-
Speaker Joseph Martin (R-Mass.), ovation of the campus student gov-
Rep. Samuel Rayburn (D-Tex.), ernment through the substitution
who will succeed Rep. Martin as of the SGC plan was being used by
speaker in January, and Republi- the Regents "to reorient students
can and Democratic floor leaders away from SL, leaving the Legisla-
and whips of both Senate and ture in a weakened form."
House. "The delaying action by the Re-
'Entirely Harmonious' gents is to kill any form of stu-
Various participants described dent government on campus," Don-
the meeting as entirely harmoni- aldson said. "If we really believe
ous. They said no mention was in strong student government, we
made of the position of Senate cannot place any faith in the Re-
* Republican Leader William Know- gents.'
land of California or of Sen. Must Express Opinion
Knowland's Senate speech Mon- Hank Berliner, '56, opposing the
day urging a congressional review motion, said "If we are express-
of foreign and defense policies. ing student opinion, as I feel we
Sec. Dulles said Tuesday there must, we must recognize that stu-
was no emergency to warrant the dent opinion is for the SGC."
review Knowland requested. After defeat of the motion, Larry
Sen. George and other conferees Levine, '56, asked SL "to take a
said they got the impression the definite stand" and moved that
Administration believes Russia is SL support the SGC plan in its
encountering internal difficulties present form.
in its satellite countries and con- Should Wait for Results
sequently is in a somewhat weaker This motion was finally postponed
world position than in the past. in another motion by Tom Bleha,
worl psitio thanie past e '56, who argued that SL should
He said he carried away a feel- wait for the results of the student
ing that both President Eisen- poll Dec. 8 and 9 before acting.
hower and Sec. Dulles "have a After this action, President Steve
strengthened conviction that we Jelin, '55, explained that though
are moving toward a stronger posi- SL had voted support for the SGC
tion in meeting the difficult prob-
lems of the world."
Dean Brown Ten SL Candid
Forv Cofmmon S

Campaign Costs
ars Per Candidate
1 outcome of the Student Govern-
ague the Student Legislature at its
d on these motions:
re rescind its motion of September
re vote was taken, a new motion:
plan at its meeting September 21,
it was with the following qualifi-
cations: permission for SGC to
write a constitution; increase of the
SGC membership, and financial
control by SGC over a limited num-
ber of student organizations.
Jelin said that these provisions
had not been accepted in the pres-
ent SGC plan, so that SL had ac-
tually no official statement on rec-
ord concerning its favorableness or
unfavorableness toward SGC.
Need More Candidates
Ruth Rossner, '55, presented the
motion authorizing the $10 cam-
paign expense aid, stressing that
candidates m a y request a n y
amount up to that sum.
At present there are 22 candi-
dates for 25 SL posts. Petitioning
will remain open until Monday.
Jelin Won't
Run Again
Steve Jelin, '55, president of the
Student Legislature, announced
yesterday that he will not run for
reelection to SL in December, be-
cause of "personal health reasons."
The student government head is
reportedly suffering from a stom-
ach ailment.
Jelin said yesterday, "I find it
impossible to submit myself and
my parents to the effect upon me
of another term of office.
"I would give anything to be
able to work out in my own mind
some solution that would enable
me to continue the work that has
meant so much to me. But given
the totality of my responsibility,
I unhappily must withdraw. I wish
it were otherwise."
Jelin, whose term expires in De-
cember, has previously submitted
a petition for candidacy in this
ates Endorsed
ense' Backing

Bohlen Due
For Russian iViC air
Policy Talks
U.S. Sends NewSt rts
Protest to Soviets
WASHINGTON (P)--Ambassa-
dor Charles E. Bohlen, President
Eisenhower's envoy to Moscow, is
due back here for top level con-
sultation on Soviet policy next
He is coming home in the midst
of United States efforts to find out
whether the Kremlin, which has ,a
been talking up peaceful coexist-
ence, is willing to call a halt to
the shooting down of American
New Protest
Bohlen's return was announced
by the State Department yester-
day. The announcement came
shortly after the department dis- *
closed the text of a new protest
note demanding the Soviet gov- 3
ernment take action to prevent a
recurrence of Soviet fighter at-
tacks such as that which downed
a RB29 photomaking plane Nov. '7
off Japan.
If Russia does not take "appro-
priate action," the note said, the
United States will provide its air-
craft in the future with "defen-
sive protection." That looked like
a warning that fighter escorts
would accompany all planes flying
in the vicinity of Soviet controlled
The protest note asked for "ap- DAILY MANAGING EDITOR
propriate disciplinary measures" MACHINE TO JAPA
against those who caused the at-
tack, in which one life was lost
But its main significance in theJapanese N
light of Moscow talks about co-
existence and improving Ameni- 7'ksPi
can-Sovietarelations seemedto lieD iscuss T hei
in these words:
Advises Steps BA
"The United States governmentBA
requests . . . all possible steps be After a whirlwind tour of cam-
taken to prevent the recurrence of pus yesterday, four leading Japa-
such incidents which are in fla- nese newspaper men relaxed over a
grant contradiction of recent cup of American coffee and an-
statements by high Soviet officials swered questions about conditions
that the Soviet Union seeks to in their homeland.
abate international tension." Economic, military and popula-
Bohlen has been a key figure in tion problems were chief areas of
the development of United States: discussion in the informal get-to-j
policy toward the Soviet Union for gether with Daily editors and Prof.
many years, and still is. Kenneth Stewart of the journalism
On the day the RB29 was shot department.
down, Bohlen went to a Kremlin Participating in the State De-
dinner and spent half an hour partment's foreign leader program,
talking with Soviet Premier Geor- the newsmen have been studying
gi Malenkov.

t S



Talk of 'Time Out'



--Daily-John Hirtzel
wsmen Nsit The Daily,
ir Homeland's Problems,

American newspapers and com-
munications in a coast-to-coast
Answering questions about their
country's increasing population,,
the'newsmen said that while birth-
control measures have been in-
troduced in Japan they have had
little effect so far.
For the most part birth-control
is understood and practiced by the
educated classes, but among the
vast rural population where there
is little understanding of the prob-
lem, few steps can be taken, they
pointed out.

IIn that conversation, Malenkov

Ten Student Legislature car
Lecture H onor dates were endorsed by the Cc
mon Sense Party at its meet
Prof. George Granger Brown, Chosen from a list of 13 app
Dean of the College of Engineer- cants for CSP backing in theZ
ing, was named yesterday to deliv- cember all-campus elections,t
er the 30th annual Henry Russell candidates will receive campa
Lecture next spring, assistance from CSP's campa
Dean Brown is the first engineer committee.
to be selected for the lectureship, Chairman of yesterday's me
regarded as the University's high- ing, Leah Marks, '56L, saidt
,F est professional recognition of aca- list of endorsed candidates is r
demic and scientific competence. final, but may be supplemented
Recommendation of the annual CSP's next meeting.
lecturer is made to the Board of Applicants Interviewed
Regents, by a research club coun- Applicants for CSP backing we
cil, in consultation with former interviewed by a special comm
lectureswas tee. Candidates were chosen on
During 1950, Dean Brown wagybasis of agreement with the part
director of the Atomic Energy platform.
Commission's Division of Engi- To be endorsed by the CSP
neering, with responsibility for the Student Legislature incumbe
? chemical engineering phases of Joan Bryan, '56, Charnya Butm
the commission's reactor devel- Joan Ba '56 , 'r .
'56. and Bob Leacock, '57,
opment program.
He has been a leader in the In-
dustrial Program, a plan begun JEFFERSONiAN
this fall to open direct channelsv
of communication between in- r
dustry and the engineering col- D os P
Dean Brown has been president
of the American Institute of
Chemical Society and the Ameri-
can Petroleum Institute.
In 1947, he became Edward Mille
Campbell University Professor of
Chemical Engineering.
Hatcher OK's
Debate Ban
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher said yesterday he "tended
? to favor" a Defense Department

y '


Also accepted as CSP candidates
are Cal Covell, '58E, Bill Haney,
'58, Sue Levy, '56, Bob Liss, '58,
George Litwin, '58, Paul Munding-
er, '56, and Si Silver, '58.
Constitution Ratified
In other business, a constitution
was ratified outlining CSP organi-
zation. It will be presented Tues-
day to the Student Affairs Commit-
tee for approval.
The Constitution provides voting
menbership in the party for any
University student in sympathy
with the purpose of the organiza-
tion upon payment of a nominal $1
dues. Non-voting membership is
open to any student who registers
with the party executive commit-
Officers of the party will be a
Chairman and a Treasurer to be
elected each semester within two
weeks after each all-campus stu-
dent election.


advocated practical solutions of
American-Soviet problems through
diplomatic channels instead of
letting them become big issues.
The reference in Wednesday's note
to recent statements by "high So-
viet officials" appeared to be a
reminder of the Premier's words.
MSC Pranksters
Await Hearigs
Four Michigan State students
will go before the MSC All-Col-
lege Judiciary today to answer for
their involvement in last week's
paint raid on the University cam-
Six others will go before MSC
Dean of Students Thomas King
tomorrow. Students involved were
allowed to choose between appear-
ing before the student judiciary
group and going before Dean King.
One student has yet to decide.

Visiting Students From Japan
'Tell of U.S.-Japanese Friction

The newsmen thought educa-
tion and the desire for better liv-
ing conditions would be important
factors in solving the problem.
Emmigration would probably pro-
vide the most lasting solution,
they said.
The visiting group included
Ken-ichiro Ichikawa, editor - in -
chief of the Hokkai Times; Tad-
ashi Nagano,.president of the Oita
Radio and Godo Press Co.; Yoshi-
taro Nishida, editor-in-chief of the
Hakodate Branch of the Hokkaido
Shimbun; and Naosada Takabat-
ake, editor-in-chief of the Kahoku
Shimpo, Sendai.
Accompanying the newsmen is
Joseph Yoshioka of the State De-
Talking about Japan's military
position and national feeling about
the new South-East Asia Treaty
Organization, the editors said that
while SEATO was considered a
good "first step," the military
weakness of tis present members
prevents it from being really ef-
One of the most hotly-debated
issues in Japan today is the re-
rearmament question, they said.
Newspapers are divided as to
whether it will do Japan any good
to rearm in the face of atomic war-
fare and domestic economic diffi-

To Consider
Delay Today
WASHINGTON (M - An elbow
bruise reportedly inflicted by a
vigorous admirer sent Sen. Joseph
R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) to the hos-
pital yesterday and there was talk
of calling "time out" in the Sen-
ate's censure fight.
Sen. Francis Case (R-SD), a
member of the Watkins committee
which recommended censure of
Sen. McCarthy, said "some con-
sideration" undoubtedly will be
given today to recessing the debate
unless Sen. McCarthy is able to
'Serious Questions'
Sen. Case told a reporter Sen.
McCarthy's absence "raises rather
serious questions both of the Sen-
ate's courtesy and its attitude to-
Iward a fellow senator,"
He noted Sen. McCarthy was
represented on the floor yester-
day, however, by the presence bf
his lawyer, Edward Williams, and
by Sen. Herman Welker (R-Ida.)
whose often interrupted pro-Mc-
Carthy speech filled most of the
Sen. Welker, floor manager for
the McCarthy side, challenged the
key findings of the Watkins com-
mittee as "absurd" and as "con-
trary to our whole theory of gov-
At Naval Hospital
Sen. McCarthy was admitted to
the nearby <Bethesda, Md., Naval
Hospital, where a hospital spokes-
man said he may remain for sev-
eral days.
Mrs. Mary Driscoll, McCarthy's,
secretary, said he hurt his elbow
in Milwaukee last Saturday when
an enthusiastic supporter shook
hands so hard it rammed the elbow
against a glass table top. The hos-
pital officer said a contusion re-
sulted and the elbow has now
grown swollen and painful.
Vote Soon
Senate Republican Leader Wil-
liam Knowland of California in-
dicated, however he doesn't think
Sen. McCarthy's hospitalization
need delay action.
Sen. Knowland was reported to
believe preliminary voting might
begin tomorrow.
Fire Victims
Aid Review
Begins Today
Reviewing of requests for grants
to 14 student roomers of the Mon-
roe rooming house destroyed , by
fire here Oct. 28 will probably be-
gin today, Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea said yesterday.
At least two departments took up
private collections for graduate
students and their wives who lost
most of their belongings in the
Because of this, The Daily Fire
Relief Fund administered by the
Office of Student Affairs will be
used primarily for the other stu-
dents, Dean Rea said.
He said that contributions to the
fund and special University grants
won't necessarily replace such
burned-out items as epensive suit-
cases with objects of equal price.

University grants will help fill
the gap between departmental con-
tributions, fund totals and total
losses of the students, he contin-
Although totals are not yet avail-
able, money collected by the Fund
will probably reach $700, including
$200 from the Student Legislature
Cinema Guild insurance fund.

Rearmament, the hydrogen bomb
program and United States mili-
tary bases are main sources of
disagreement between their coun-
try and the United States, visiting
Japanese students revealed in a
panel discussion of politics yes-
Members of the 16-man dele-
gation participating in the an-
nual Japan-American Conference
explained that the Japanese are
divided over the question of re-
armament. Yasuo Kamo said he
felt that this problem was such
that it would not be settled.
Talking about the recent hydro-
gen bomb tests in the Pacific
which injured Japanese fishermen,
the panel explained that this has
frightened their people very much.
"We do not hate the United
States because the fishermen were
killed," a student observed, "but
we sincerely hope that there will
be no such cases in the future."
However, the biggest problem
that Japan faces is the develop-
ment of political consciousness in
the people, they commented. "De-
mocracy is such a new idea that
Detroit Chosen
As Nominee-
For Olympics
CHICAGO 'R-The City of De-
troit yesterday was approved as
the American bidder for the 1960
Olympic Games by a selection
committee of the United States
Olympic Committee.

the people have no concept of it,"
one explained.
Parties are chosen on a person-
ality basis rather than a program
basis, the panel continued. Jap-
anese have such great respect for
government officials that no mat-
ter what type a job he did for his
party, they would vote for him.
Although they fear Communism,
they said they believe Communists
have the right to form a political

Society Awards Presented

to Speak at Hill Tonight
John Dos Passos, currently mak-
ing his first lecture tour, inspired
by recent research on Thomas
Jefferson, will speak at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
10 ' Third in the University Lecture
Course this semester, the talk is
entitled "Jefferson's Times."
The well known novelist, who
has also written plays, poems and
{. essays, recently published a work
entitled, "The Head and 7"leart
of Thomas Jefferson." Like many
of the author's other books, it has
:: been called by critics "a kind of

. . ".. ."."
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