FOUR TBE MICHIGAN DAILY" TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, FOUR TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1954 s, FREE ENTERPRISE': New Congress Should Stop This Give-away OUR COUNTRY'S foes of creeping socialism issued one last gasp Saturday. With the help of a straight Republican Party line vote, the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy cleared the Dixon-Yates private power contract. The Administration obtained a waiv- er on a provision of atomic law requiring such contracts to lie before the committee for thirty days while Congress is in session. The waiver enabled the Republicans to push the 'return. to private enterprise' measure to completion before the Democrats assume a majority Jan. 5. Despite efforts by many metropolitan news- papers to keep much of the Dixon-Yates con- troversy off the front pages, some of the less favorable intricacies of the project have man- aged to reach the reading public. A scrutiniza- tion of these intricacies makes it difficult to understand exactly why President Dwight D. Eisenhower and associates are so insistent on completing the contract. MOST CRITICISM of the project has been reiterated at length in previous discussions of this nature. Its proposed site is 200 miles from the area to be served. The site is below' flood level. The Atomic Energy Commission which was called in to act as contracting agent op- posed 3 to 2 the Dixon-Yates proposal. Ten- nessee Valley Authority administrators main- tained that during the life of the contract the Dixon-Yates scheme would cost taxpayers $140 million more than a TVA proposed plan in Ful- ton. Besides these factors it was revealed later that Edgar Dixon of the Dixon-Yates syndicate was involved in possible violations of the Hold- Ing Company Act, excessive exploitation of customers and doubtful accounting practices, while president of the Mississippi Power and Light Company. President Eisenhower continues to extol the contract as "a prime example of the way the system of free enterprise works." If reduction of governmental influence in United States power projects is the correct way to handle the power situation then at quick glance it might appear President right and his opposition is in reality a group of radical Democratic socialists. HOWEVER THE Dixon-Yates proposal is far removed from free enterprise in any sense of the word. As Albert Gore (D-Tenn) said a short time ago, the contract reeks of government subsidy and guaranteed profits. The govern- ment is to pay all construction costs, to repay the syndicate for all state, local, and federal' taxes. In addition the government is guaran- teeing the company monetary profits for 25 years. Although stipulations limiting yearly profits to $600,000 were written into the contract last week, Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) has as- serted enormous loopholes for excessive profits still exist. He estimated $1,000,000 extra could be made on sale of excess power capacity. UNLESS THE President in his naivete still really thinks the Dixon-Yates power offer is free enterprise, then the contract has to be chalked up to the excessive control big business interests have obtained in the present administration and held during the reign of the 83rd Congress. It is hoped the new Democratic controlled 84th Congress will make no false pretenses at free enterprise in a field where government owner- ship has proved so beneficial to the people as to those affected by the Tennessee Valley Authority. It shouldn't be too difficult for Democrats to line up a straight party line vote to kill the Dixon-Yates contract in the next legislative session. It would apply brakes to the two years' trend toward "free enterprise" egive-aways to big business interests. -Dave Baad DREW PEARSON 'No Loans' Helps Reds WASHINGTON - While the USA is worrying about Joe Mc- Carthy and while Washington is more deluged with pro-McCarthy church lobbyists than at any time in years, an all-important back- stage debate is going on regarding Latin Americauwhich could ad- vance the cause of communism greatly. In brief, Ambassador Merwin L. Bohan has resigned as U.S. am- bassador to the Rio de Janeiro economic conference because that conference will be run by Wall Street, not for the good of Pan American cooperation. The Rio de Janeiro economic conference, scheduled to open next week, was the bait held out by John Foster Dulles at the Caracas conference when he got our Latin friends to support the USA regard- Guatemala. Great things would be accom- plished at Rio, Dulles told the La- tinos as an alibi for little happen- ings at Caracas. Especially he held out the promise of big U.S. loans and economic aid. But now Ambassador Bohan has resigned for the specific reason that no real economic aid or loans will be forthcoming. What has happened, briefly, is this. For some time, Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey has ar- gued that the United States should not advance money to Latin Amer- icans but that they should borrow from the International Bank. This was one of the issues between Humphrey and Dr. Milton Eisen- hower Ike's brother, when the lat- ter visited Latin America. And at that time Milton won. He kept the Export-Import Bank alive as a means of loaning money to Latin America. However, brother Milton has gone back to Penn State College, while Secretary Humphrey re- mains on the job in Washington. In fact, he remains about the most powerful cabinet member in Ike's official family. Furthermore, Hum- phrey will be the top U.S. dele- gate to the Rio economic confer- ence. Dulles, who was planning to go, is now worn out and will not go. Hardboiled Humphrey So Humphrey has put across the policy that loans will not be made by the Ex-Im Bank unless Wall Street, operating through the In- ternational Bank, turns them down. State Department advisers don't entirely like the Humphrey pol- icy. But they are very discreet in their opposition. After all, Hum- phrey is the most powerful mem- ber of the cabinet. What they point out is that loan- ing money to Latin America is not a financial matter but a political one. In brief, we should not be loaningumoney to a semi-Commu- nist country even if it's sound fi- nancially. On the other hand, we may want to loan money to a friendly country which needs help to throw off communism. Meanwhile, Secretary Humphrey has proposed an "International Fi- nance Corporation" which would undertake borderline loans to Latin America. However, Latin Ameri- can finance ministers regard this as a nebulous promise for the fu- ture. They are definitely skeptical. (Copyright, 1954, By The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Brown Explains... To the Editor: NOW THAT the tumult and shouting has largely died away and the cries of "Crucify him! Crucify him!" have faded from the diagonal, the writer takes this op- portunity to clarify a few details in regard to the Innocent article. This is a clarification, not an ex- cuse. (1) The Innocent (reincarnate) myth was founded upon the basic presumption that it is ridiculous to conceive of the God who cre- ated the hippopotamus and the platypus as being devoid of a sense of humor and that, man supposed- ly being made in His image, this quality would also be transmitted. Unfortunately from a number of considerations this assumption proved unfounded. (2) It was never the intent of the writer to precipitate a Great Schism on the Michigan campus. The myth was originated as a private parody of dogmatic reli- gion in general bythe writer and a close circle of his friends, all of whom (perhaps surprisingly enough to some) are quite devout Christians, only distinguished from a number of their contemporaries by the ability to recognize and ap- preciate a humorous connotation. (3) Finally, it is the writer's opinion that nothing of a solid and enduring nature was ever harmed by a humorous connota- tion, indeed, often benefiting from it. When this condition (of free- dom to recognize a humorous as- pect) ceases to obtain, we shall be living under conditions such as Ray Bradbury describes in "Fah- renheit 451," in which the na- tion's communications media, fear- ful of offending any pressure group, degenerate into the sole transmission of soap operas. The writer trusts that this will suitably clarify any doubts and questions which may remain in the minds of Daily readers. -Russ Brown * * * Bunyan Trophy .,.. To the Editor: NOW THAT the time of the M-MSC game again draws near, it seems that a few thoughts on Soapy's Statue (the trophy to be awarded the winner of the game) would be apropos. Inasmuch as we are conceded a better chance to win the bauble this year than we were last year, it might not be a bad idea to offer a few suggestions on what is to happen to it while we keep it (assuming, of course, that we win it). Because the trophy may at some time have to be returned to the Aggies, any attempt to realize its economic value (as firewood, scrap or whatever else) should be dis- couraged. Perhaps the best place to keep it would be in a closet in the basement of the Athletics Ad- ministration Building, where no damage could befall it. But, it seems to us, the best thing to do with the monstrosity is to change the rules governing its awarding: give it to the loser, not the winner, of the game. Hence, we would have an even stronger reason to win (keep the thing off our campus) and the MSC boys, who seem to go for such trifles, would have an even stronger incentive to lose. Even this suggestion, however, has its drawbacks. Now that Wil- "Just A Little Watering Down, Boys" * ~ ~44 e. .-e LETTERS TO THE EDITOR More SGC Information, Interest Needed liams and Co. are in Lansing again for two more years, we ought to butter him up in order to raise our appropriation. Hence, to put the eyesore in the middle of he Diag would probably please him most. There let it be placed, where it may be viewed from Tappan Hall, the Romance Languages Building, the Pharmacology Build- ing, and the Economics Building. Architecturally speaking, it will be in its element. -Robert Kramp, '55 * * * Spoon-Fed? To the Editor: IT IS AN insult to the teaching profession that Carol North calls the "Recitation Lecturer" one of its members. He exists for the purpose of being seen and be- ing heard. There are too many of these pedantic, dogmatic indivi- duals in this University. Last year a teacher in explain- ing his course said we would be forced to reach for knowledge. He said -that those who exhibited a desire to learn, regardless of how few, would be given every aid of the teaching staff. Not since then have I had a course which contri- buted more to my development as a member of society. I developed an intense loyalty to the teachers who were helping me to achieve the realities of education and who because of professional ethics could not strike out against the imposters who are set on destroy- ing the already crumbling educa- tional system. . I am tired of being spoon-fed. I resent being stifled in my search for an education. If Miss North prefers to let someone hand her propaganda, it's all right with me but that she has the audacity to advocate this as a general rule is disgraceful. I hope that the teachers I have encountered who are living up to the high standards of their pro- fession will continue to do so. I know one student who would have left this over-rated institution long ago for the same secretarial job she will probably hold three years from now were it not for their stimulating classes which more than compensate for the frustra- ting hours spelt listening to the self-centered chatter of degener- ate orators. -Lois C. Schwartz,'57 * * * flail, Veal Pattie . To the Editor: CONGRATULATIONS to all you brave souls who dare defy dorm food, and thus participate in the insurrection. As a South Quadder, I cannot help but agree with Mr. Wise's editorial of No- vember 9. It seems to me that the evils of quad food are threefold. Firstly, these menus leave a good deal to be desired. Alas, only about two hot lunches a week are served, and I get terribly tired of being constantly and ruthlessly subjected to cold "luncheon meats." My tastebuds and gastric juices cry out, for the breath of life - hot food! Some entrees such as "Mul- ligatawny chowder" (week-in-re- view soup) and barbecued beef de la merde are repulsive enough to end up in the garbage pail. And several meals are awfully breezy. But I'll agree with the Mosher girls, beef birds are delish! The second evil is in the prep- aration of the food. I have no idea what takes place inside the cauldrons, but good vegetables manage to come out pretty sickly looking and completely tasteless. And the leaf-lettuce they use with salads (horrid stuff) resembles a well worn dollar bill-limp and de- jected. Do you know, I'm quite sure they throw in a whole field of garlic to the spaghetti sauce. Ah, as a gourmet it even pains me to think about it! And lastly, but not leastly, the servers have some sort of cata- pult apparatus that flings the food smack on the plate to look me straight in the eye with a defiant attitude. The look is powerfful enough to make my saliva coagu- late. And I say to myself, "It looks so foul, how can it taste good?" In closing,' may I quote a verse from the memoirs of one of our dear departed bretheren, a Ben- edictine monk whose cell overlook- ed the cloister of South Quad. Its title is: Ode to a Veal Pattie: Hail to thee, oh veal pattie! On the center of my plate you sattie. May I ask but one small question, Will you give me indigestion? I think that I shall never see One of you inside of me. Oh, tell me pattie, as we dine, Will you be my valentine? --John Froberger Jim Collins Bob Cantor Bald Facts"... To the Editor: IN REGARD to Mr. Frymer's editorial "Speak Up, SL; Are You For the Birds?" I would first like to present the facts of the situation as not printed in The Daily. First, groups in only two houses of Alice Lloyd participated in.the strike. Second, most of the girls who participated were freshmen who had never tasted the "birds" and were influenced by a small group of seniors who had disliked them when they were served two years ago. Third, the girls who did not act on word of mouth and tasted the "birds" found them to be very good. As for SL taking up the issue, it is not a problem for us but a problem to be worked out between the girls in their individual dorms and their dieticians. Is this a sensible headline: SL passes Re- solution-No More "Beef Birds" Should Be Served in Dormitories." -Margie Conn Alice Lloyd Hall SL Member 4 r 1 N OWTHAT the Student Government Coun- cil referendum has been approved by the Regents, all that apparently remains is the actual student opinion poll which will set SGC in motion or kill it altogether. But are students well enough acquainted with the proposal to vote intelligently? A recent survey taken by a Daily reporter and pub- lished last week indicated that more than two- thirds of the students did not know enough about SGC to venture an opinion. AT ASSEMBLY Dormitory Council meeting yesterday, the results of a poll conducted in individual dormitories showed that the major- ity of coeds knew little or nothing of the plan. Sample comments of residents reported by dorm representatives were "We don't care" "We'll take the middle of the road" "We guess it would be all right" and "Most of the cam- pus leaders are for it, so you can say that we are, too." In one residence hall two out of four floors said that they didn't know enough about the proposal to take even a straw vote. We don't know the reason for the lack of informed students. Perhaps it is because they are not interested in the plan, or perhaps be- cause they have no ready means of getting the information. In the former case, we wonder why they are uninterested in a plan of student government which surpasses any present form. THE REFERENDUM is a chance for us to express ourselves on one of the most important current campus issues. If the plan goes through, students will have an Administration-backed medium of voicing campus opinion. Everyone feels there are certain things he would like to reform on campus, but few seem to be taking a step further and investigating a proposed method of creating a way to do this. If lack of information sources is the reason. Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig............. Managing Editor Dorothy Myers........................... ..City Editor Jon Sobeloff................... Editorial Director Pat Roelofs ...,...... .... Associate City Editor Becky Conrad ......................Associate Editor Nan Swinehart........................Associate Editor Dave Livingston ........Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin ............Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer.............Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz. .....................Women's Editor Joy Squires ...... ....Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith...............Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.................. ....Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak........ .............Business Manager Phil Brunskill.............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise ................... ...Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski.... .. ....Finance Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member of -THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it' or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights or republication of all other matters herein are also re- then it is up to the major campus governing bodies to provide these sources. THE MAJORITY of students who know "enough about it to vote" feel that SGC, while not perfect, is the best possible form of student government for the University. Presupposing regential approval, SGC would be the authorized voice of the students. It would include representatives from the League, As- sembly, Inter-House and Inter-Fraternity Councils, Pan-Hellenic, the Union and The Daily. Eleven elected members would represent the campus at large. It would incorporate the functions of the present Student Affairs Committee and SL. The complete student body would be officially represented by the eighteen-member board. Working with a small number of members on funds provided by a student tax, SGC would be a unified and approved body, quali- fled to discover and express student opinion, and more likely to get concrete results than SL. THE REFERENDUM will come up before the students soon. If the plan is accepted by the voters, we hope that it will be for a stronger reason than "Most of the campus leaders are for it, so I guess we are, too." --J.ou Sauer j , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN MUSIC At Hill Auditorium ... JORGE BOLET, pianist Program: Haydn: Andante con variazioni; Beethoven: Sonata in E-flat major, Op. 81a; Liszt: Sonata in B minor; Chopin: Four Scherzi. IT WAS A big program-big even if viewed simply as an obstacle course, and, in its execution, it was evidence of a big pianist. Bolet's artistry may need a few corners knock- ed off, and a few others polished, but what we heard last night was the performance of an extraordinary technician, one who has an extraordinary controlling intelligence that brings his interpretations to life. The performance of the Haydn variations was no mere perfunctory nod to the eighteenth century. The work was given a thoughtful and imaginative reading, with carefully varied dy- namics and gradations of touch. It was a suc- cessful beginning for the recital, and was, in some respects, executed better than the Beeth- oven sonata which followed. This was a straightforward conception, in which the exub- erance of the finale was particularly well con- veyed. However, the slow movement somehow didn't hold one's attention throughout; and I, for one, became weary of the pianist's per- cussive approach to the main theme of the first movement every time it recurred. THE LISZT SONATA has its moments of bombast and its moments of pure saccharine, but it is a huge, unified conception, and re- mains a thrilling work. Mr. Bolet's perform- ance here was nothing less than dazzling. It was massive, delicate, brilliant, and somber by turns. The sensitivity of his dynamic shad- ings in the slow sections was no less impres- Will Russia Attempt To Force the Door? By J. M. iROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst WESTERN DIPLOMATS have always held in the back of their minds " the possibility that Soviet Russia, faced with rising Allied strength which threatened to cut off for good her hopes for expansion, might seek to break out by force before the doors were completely barred. In the last two or three years, Western rearmament having reach- ed the stage where the possibility of a successful war by anyone has become extremely remote, there has been a tendency to discount this idea and to assume that Russia would assess the remaining possibilities as not worth the risk. THERE HAS even been some hope, though this has been more pre- valent in Europe than in the United States, that Russia would begin to revamp her political as well as her military viewpoint to meet this changing condition, and that points of tension might be negotiated, leadng to a leveling off of the arms race. That has been one reason behind the concerted effort to mobilize the full strength of Europe, including Germany, despite the nervousness among many Europeans and some Americans over rearming Germany. This nervousness is openly expressed in the latest Soviet note. THE RUSSIANS have now quit operating through a smokescreen and gotten down to the bedrock of their policy, which is to block Europe-wide mobilization. They even appear to be ready to make some concessions-whether or not they intend to abide by them-to attain this end. The allies think they will have to make more concessions, and be forced to abide by at least some of them, if the negotiations come after, and not before, ratification of the Western European Union. ASIDE FROM the repeated assertions that formation of opposing blocs leads to war, the Soviet note contains one very definite threat. (Continued from Page 3) nomics for Business Training Course. The interviews will be at BusAd. Mon. & Tues., Nov. 15 & 16 A Representative From JMA, Civil Service, will interview those interested in the Junior Management Assistant exam. He will discuss opportunities un- der the JMA program at a group meet- ing, Mon., Nov. 15, at 4:00 p.m., in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Bldg. In addition he will talk to people at the Bureau of Appointments Mon. afternoon and Tues. morning, Nov. 15 & 16. TTues., Nov. 16 Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio --Women, BS or BA in any field, Feb. graduates, for Consumer Survey Work, involving travel throughout the United States. Mon., Nov. 15 Scott Paper Co., Chester, Pa.-LS&A and BusAd people for positions in the following departments: Consumers' Representative, Sales, Accounting, Con- troller's Division, Auditing Department, Personnel & Ind. Rel., Purchasing, and Traffic & Customer Service. Offices are throughout the U.S. Thurs., Nov. 18 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Detroit, Mich.-Feb. men in LS&A and BusAd for Sales Training Program. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, Milwaukee, Wis.-LS&A and BuAd men in commerce, law, & liberal arts for Sales. Fri., Nov. 19 Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill-Afternoon only. LS&A and BusAd men-Feb. grad., for Sales, Office Work, and Standards (Wage Incentive System). Students wishingnto make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Representatives from the following willinterview at Engineering: Wed., Nov. 18 Pittsburgh Desmoines, Pittsburgh, Penn.-B.S. & M.S. in Civil, Mech. E., and B.S. in Ind. E. for Executive Train- ing Program. American Viscose Co., Phila., Penn. .-B.S. in Mech. E., and all degrees of Chem. E. for, Research & Devel., & Plant Tech. Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Aircraft Div. & Atomic Div., - All in Aero., clear, and any other Engineering, for Research and Development. Students wishing to make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the Engr.8Placement Office, 248 W. Eng., Ext. 2182. Lectures American Chemical Society Lecture. Wed., Nov. 17, 8:00 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Dr. Alsoph H. Corwin of Johns Hopkins Uniyersity will speak on "Colors of Life." Academic Notices The Lit School Steering Committee will meet at 4:00 p.m. Tues., Nov. 16 in Dean Robertson's office. Sociology Coffee Hour: Undergradu- ate majors in Sociology, as well as So- ciology grads and faculty, are invited to the coffee hour at 4:00 p.m. Wed., Nov. 17, in the department lounge, 5th floor, Haven Hall. Engineering Senior and Graduate Stu- dent Seminar: First of three meetings on "How to Interview for a Job." Wed., Nov. 17, 4:00 p.m., Room 311, West Engineering Bldg.1 Geometry Seminar will meet at 7:00 p.m. Wed., Nov. 17, in 3001 A.H. Dis- cussion will continue on certain aspects of algebraic geometry. Events Today Xl Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta will give a tea for prospective members Tues., Nov. 16 at 8:00 p.m. in West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Academic Freedom Sub-Commission: First Meeting Tues., Nov. 16, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3K of the Union. Every- one welcome. The Corecreational Badminton Club will meet Tues., Nov. 16, at 8:00 p.m. in Barbour Gym. Bring your own shuttlecocks. Duetscher Verein, 7:30 p.m. Tues., Nov. 16 in Room 3-R of the Union. Prof. John Ebelke, Wayne University, will show slides and comment on life in post-war Munich. William Allen, Grad., will tell of his experiences as The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 4:30-5:45 p.m., Tea at the Guild House. Sigma Rho Tau-Open meeting for all engineers, architects, and technolo- gists interested in the "Guaranteed An- nual Wage issue. Prof. Ryder will dis- cuss both sides of the question. 7:30 p.m., Room 3B, Michigan Union. Lane Hall-Square Dancing Tonight at Lane Hall. Grey Austin, caller. 7:30- 10:00 p.m. S.R.A. Japanese Outing. Bus- es leave Lane Hall at 3:00 p.m. for Fresh Air Camp. Cars leave at 5:00 p.m. Girls will need late permission. Cancellation: SRA Council meeting has been cancelled. Members with reserva- tions will go on SRA-Japanese Outing, Coming Events Conference on Higher Education. Theme: Pre-Professional Education. Wed.. Nov. 17, Thurs., Nov. 18. Tryouts for the Annual French Play Wed. and Thurs., Nov. 17 and 18, 3:00- 5:15 p.m. in Room 408 of the Romance Language Building. All students with some knowledge of French are eligible. Research Club: The second meeting will be held in Rackham Amphithe- atre Wed., Nov. 17, at 8:00 p.m. Paul S. Dwyer (Mathematics): "The Art of Computation," and Hans Kurath (Eng- lish): "On Making a Dictionary." The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Wed., 7:00 p.m., Discussion Group at the Guild House. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold its annual poetry contest Wed., Nov. 17 in the League at 8:00 p.m. Prizes will be awarded, singing and refreshments. Vengan! Undergrad Zoology Club. Dr. Richard Hartman will talk on, "The Contribu- tions of the Electron Microscope to the Study of viruses." Demonstration of the microscope in operation. 7:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17, Room 2009, School of Public Health. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Wed., Nov. 17, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Student-Faculty Tea from 4:00-6:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17 at Canter- bury House. Lane Hail. Comnarative Religion Sem- s fI . T