rAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRMAY, NOVEMBER 12,1954 WAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY rRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1954 AND LAST YEAR? Unexpected Painting Win Embarrasses MSC a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a N ARTICLE in Tuesday's Michigan State News, published in East Lansing, must be causing considerable embarassment to State officials. "Apparently sensing an unhappy Saturday 3n the gridiron, several University of Michi- gan students have already gotten in their pre- game licks," it starts off. "Sneaking about in the wee hours of Mon- day morning . . ." continues the article as it describes the painting of Sparty attributed to University students. Tom King, State's dean of students, issued a statement: "BECAUSE THE STUDENTS from south of here want to act like juveniles, that doesn't mean we must." Monday morning, 18 MSC students were arrested by Ann Arbor police for liberally sprinkling the campus with green paint. "Similar views were expressed by other co- lege officials who called the U. of M. efforts childish and immature," reads the last para- graph of the State News story. Municipal Court Judge Francis O'Brion sen- tenced several MSC students, fining them $11.85. Others, who stood mute, will have a hearing later this week. OF COURSE, last year it was our turn to blush as four chagrined University students were returned to Ann Arbor while MSC stu- dents apparently managed to leave their mark and escape. So far no "childish and immature" students from the University have been caught this year though-it is not even a known fact that any went up to State, paint bucket in hand. Scorecard on immature juveniles caught for this year reads to date-Michigan 0-MSC 18. As for the unhappy Saturday on the grid- iron we are supposed to be facing, we might point out that pre-game forecasters have the University out front by three to six points, not as large a margin as State's 18-0 but nonetheless sufficient. -Lee Marks Scientists Should Have Plumbers' Independence I NA LETER to the editor in this week's Reporter magazine, Albert Einstein said that he would rather be a plumber or a ped- dler than a scientist. Under present circumstances, Einstein feels that almost any occupation provides more per- sonal independence than that which he has chosen and he has repeatedly advocated that scientists called to testify before the McCarthy investigating committee refuse to do so. EINSTEIN'S stand is one for which he de- serves credit. It outlines the feelings of many scientists who today are serving their country "without enthusiasm and without fruitful in- spiration." According to Vannevar Bush, pres- ident of Carnegie Institute in Washington, they would prefer to be judged on professional merit, without introduction of other criteria. A certain amount of governmental restric- tion on scientists working on security projects is necessary, but the present method of inves- tigation is so thorough that scientists feel their individualism is being sacrfced needlessly. Refusal of security clearance to J. Robert Op- penheimer, Einstein said, typified the "syste- matic, widespread attempt to destroy mutual trust and confidence, which constitutes the severest possible blow against society." WHEN REGULATIONS and restrictions reach the point at which one of the greatest living scientists will publicly state that he would "rather be a plumber or a carpenter," it is time for the government to take notice and do what it can to make science the desir- able profession it deserves to be. -Lou Sauer U' Orchestra Brilliant In Debut At Hill Auditoium... UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA; Josef Blatt, conductor; with Joseph Brink- man, pianist Wagner: Tanhauser Overture Beethoven: Concerto No. 5 (Emperor) Prokofiev: Classical Symphony Dukas: The Sorcerer's Apprentice IN THE FAST few weeks advance reports have been tabbing this year's version of the 'U' Symphony " as the best in recent years. In last night's debut these reports were proven true. Chief reason for the improvement is the strings. As usual the Violoncello and Contra- bass sections are outstanding, but this year the Violas and second Violins, with increased depth and superior tone quality, are able to balance them. Adding the dependable first Vio- lins, the entire string ensemble, under the di- rection of concertmistress Jane Stoltz, became a splendid nucleus for a fine orchestra. Michi- gan of course is noted for its wind, brass, and percussion players. Assuredly this student or- chestra makes its share of mistakes, but they are much less noticeable with this new tonal balance. The orchestra plays with much en- thusiasm, a credit to its conductor Prof. Blatt, and their interpretations were in the best or- chestral tradition. THE ORCHESTRA began with Wagner's Tannhauser Overture, featuring the gallant trombone section and some lovely playing from the celli. This overture, though knocked about a lot, is a wonderful show piece and really not slight musically. It is too bad that both it and the Dukas had to be on the same program. Something out of the ordinary would have given the program more interest. The Dukas, shop-worn as it is, was performed brilliantly, including a distinguished Contrabassoon solo by Mr. Beck. Prokofiev's beautifully wrought and very musical Classical Symphony rounded out the main orchestral part of the program. Here is where Prof. Blatt as an interpreter came to the fore. It was a performance stunn- ing in its delineation of each section and mood, bringing out the work's Mozartean heri- tage and Russian background. I BELIEVE that it has been at least six years since Prof. Brinkman last concertized in Ann Arbor. He couldn't have picked a more difficult work for his return than Beethoven's "Emperor" concerto. Yet the length of his ab- sence and the difficulty of the concerto never obscured the fact that he is a musician of artistic maturity and integrity. Under Prof. Brinkman's hands the work was magnificently conceived in the best tradition of the piano, without fireworks but with plenty of artistic know-how. Few pianists have the matchless tone of Prof. Brinkman. With this as a tool he was able to really communicate the lyricism of this concerto, lyricism of any mood but always a beautiful lyric flow. The long lay- off has not been the best thing for Prof. Brinkman's technique; there was a failing here. But for his many students and admirers in Ann Arbor his playing was, I am sure, an inspiration. --Donald Harris Congratulations. To the Editor: WISH to commend the Michigan Daily for publishing the interest- ing, informative, and amusing story of the activities and opinions of Russell Brown, of whom I had never heard. I am glad that the Daily courageously placed the news of the story above the dan- ger of offending some of its read- ers. What is new is newsworthy; what is "poor taste" in some re- ligions may be ritual in others. The Lustermans and Mr. Stone, who practice two of the world's many old and well-established (in spite of ridicule) religions, seem to be concerned because "Innocent III's" views are at odds with some of them. He has the constitutional right to express those views, and the free, public press has the right, if not the duty, to air them so long as the freedoms of others are not Jeopardized. Indeed the Daily should be con- gratulated for bringing to light this "reincarnated pope" who has "come to establish a new totalitar- ian order." I thought Ernest Theo- dossin's article so free from bias that he and the Daily editors should be in no danger of criticism from tolerant Americans or a "curse" from "Innocent III." -Richard K. Putney, Grad. Humor?-Where?... To the Editor: THE "HUMOR" that some of the Daily readers have obviously detected in your article on "Pope Innocent III" cannot, as I see it, have been derived from the actual presentation of Russell Brown's behavior. The facts (penance for house mother, miracle fires, and a head abbess at Martha Cook) are not at all funny unless accepted as ridiculous by the reader. This "hu- mor," rather, is a product of the reader's iiability to accept such unusually close and obviously de- viant behavior as anything but ri- diculous. If the authors of yester- day's caustic letters to the editor believe that humor is to be found in your article on the "Pope," let them first determine the origin of the humor, and then direct their criticism. -William M. Heston Deeply Disturbed... To the Editor: WE HAVE just finished reading your article on Russell Brown, "self-styled Pope Innocent III," and are deeply disturbed over the Daily's lack of prudence in sen- sationalizing Mr.pBrown's activi- ties. We are still trying to decide whether he is a "nut" or just pos- sesses a perverted sense of humor. The purpose of a student publi- cation, such as the Daily, is to serve the student body by inform- ing them, but, with this article, you have succeeded only in confus- ing them. If Mr. Brownsdoes suffer from a perverted sense of humor, then the Daily should have allowed him to suffer in anonymity. But if he is being smart-alecky sacrilegious, then the Daily has shown very poor taste and a lack of judgment which is amazing. -Jean Basham Irma Saulson Pam Bowles Peggy Brown Judie Levy Carole Magee * * * - Murder Details ... To the Editor: DETAILS of a child's murder are printed without any charges that the ARTICLE was in poor taste, or even charges that it was pro murder. However, the printing of some facts concerning an anti-religious person (just enough facts to give those few uninitiated into his ex- ploits an idea of their kind and quality) brings charges that the ARTICLE was in poor taste, and that it favored anti-religious ac- tivities. The printing of those details of a child's murder may be consid- ered in poor taste by the mother of the child concerned. But an analy- sis of the situation shows the news- paper is merely doing its job and the mother's position, not the fac- tual reporting, produces the, reac- tion. Sensitivity is the real cause of the recent outbreak resulting from the straight, factual, true report of a campus character which was not a comment on religion by The Michigan Daily. And before anyone else informs me that if it were my religion .. . allow me to set the record straight: I do not oppose the showing of Oliver Twist, Birth of a Nation, or DKE floats. And when caught in the right mood, I may even be willing to fight for equal rights for white Protestants. --Leah Marks . *P ? Nohoi Prze ? . . . FO /.4.ING * c,' . " Rd - her queer and antiquated way that these "intellectuals" (shall we mis- call them?) were merely guilty of that worst of social errors-shock- ingly poor taste. Shades of the Committee of Prot- estants, Jews and Catholics-that "Higher Education" should reduce our sons to such depths in search of humor! Perhaps that chap who said you couldn't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse knew what he was talk- ing about, after all. It's hardly de- batable-is it in this instance? -Kathleen Y. Thayer Abilities . . To the Editor: YOU WILL be pleased to hear that one of your recently pub- lished articles, "Student Reveals Life as Famous Pope," was respon- sible for the salvation of three lit- erature students. Steadfast for some time in our choice of voca- tion, we had blithely supposed our- selves to be in possession of cer- tain critical and creative abilities. But we was wrong! Our senses of humor, for one thing, apparently have not reach- ed a state ofdevelopment which would enable us to enjoy the re- volutionary type "humor" the Daily now indulges in. Oblivious to the satiric merits of the Theodos- sin piece, we must confess we searched for some underlying mo- tive that might have prompted the editors of a reputable newspaper to print said article. Alas! Thus frustrated with things lit- erary, we made application for im- mediate transfer to the Chemistry Dept. Since our allegiance is now to M.I.T., and not to Harvard's School of Letters, may we exhort you, Russell A. Brown, to join your extension-bishop post-haste? -LaVerne Kostelnik Judy Way Marjorie Austin * * * Daily Policy... To the Editor: W E WERE quite shocked to turn to the back page of today's Daily, Tuesday, Nov. 9, and see such an asinine article as "Pope Innocent III." Needless to say, we consider such an article to be in very poor taste and certainly un- funny. It is difficult for us to see just what constructive purpose this type of story can possibly have. This article belongs in some cb- cure "humor" magazine. In these times of national and International tension it is import- ant that peoples of different cul- tural, national, racial, and reli- gious backgrounds make a sincere attempt to understand each other and live peaceably together. Such childish and offensive articles as this one only tend to widen the gap of misunderstanding between these various groups. More co-op- eration between all people is to us a very important matter. Surely, the Daily's editorial pol- icy is on a higher moral level than the printing of this article would indicate. If so, there is no excuse for its appearance, and the Daily should either apologize for it or give a valid reason for printing it. In addition, it would seem to us that Mr. Brown has demonstrated an almost unbelievable immaturity and a verywarped sense of humor in this and other attempts to at- tract attention. Finally, here's to more humorous "human interest" stories in times to come! -Tom Travis and Bob Bacon, Members, Congregational-Dis- ciples Student Guild More Reigion ... UF7'a on God, on politics, and, on the broiling of steak, and whot respects the right of others-includiing Mr. Brown, Mr. Theodossin, and the editors of The Daily-tk have theirs, I wish to register .a protest on the publication of Mr. Theo- dossin's story, a protest based on the simple criterion of good taste and good breeding. Admittedly, the line which di- vides what is in good 1aste from what is in bad taste is d(ifficult to discern in some cases, even for newspaper editors. Notwithstand- ing the fact that there is no pre- cise formulary applicable to every conceivable case, all of us, includ- ing newspaper editors, can make use of our imagination, to predict the effect that any action will have on any particuler group of people. If we can't we had better make an effort to lectrn how. In view of the fact that such a story could appear in The Daily, it ap- pears that its editors will have to make a special effort. Now, in my opinion there is nothing "wrong" with Mr. Theo dossin's story. It's merely a matter of manners. Quite conceivably there exists some literary vehicle somewhere in which such a piece of writing would reach an audi- ence which might find it amusing, erudite, instructive, wflat have you. But not in' a collegie newspaper whose readers number Christians, Jews, Muslims, and so on, as well as those who respect the beliefs of these peoples. -J. Talayco Excellent, Bad... . To the Editor: AFTER READING yesterday's article by Mr. Theodossin I laughed heartily. Never before have I read anything quite so amusing, so well written. The ar- ticle is an excellent satire of a very delicate subject. I believe that each should be to his own, a policy of isolationism, so to speak, therefore, although the article exhibited traces of fine journalism, because of the touchy subject, the article was in very bad taste. --Flelicite Island , : ,:'s- ' i s.. _" ' _ .td - .. ' { k _. " E;, - w : , I- - I " -WA "Now, Don't Be Afraid To Speak Frankly" Tryouts.. . To the Editor: " FOR YEARS, Michigan students have stumbled through an inky darkness, unaware of the many fine things that can be- gained through faith-the right kind of faith, that is. Now, at last, a savior has seen fit to make himself known. At least we can cast off the chains of Christianity that bind us and follow "The Pope" to a new-and much more exciting-world. I would like very much to know when and where "The Pope" will present his next address so that I can get a front row seat. Also, I wonder if you could tell me when he's holding tryouts for disciples? --Jim Bradley Russ' Belief... To the Editor: E: Mr. and Mrs. Don-David Lusterman, who don't believe that other people's deepest beliefs ought to be offended. Isn't their a r t i c1 e somewhat vehemently against those that Russ holds? Also re: John T. Stone, who sees the Daily's publication of fanfare for "Ethics-By God or Man" as a "contradiction" to the article on Russ. If I were as patently partisan to my feelings as Mr. Stone seems to be, I would agree that they are contradictory. If the Daily should be censored, I would (if I were that emotional) be quite happy to have seen all references to "Ethics --By God or Man" left out. The only difference between Russ and many of the rest of us is that he has the courage to say, however bizarrely, what we have the tact not to say. -C. D. Hanover, III , * * Attention .. . To the Editor: S IT a policy of the Daily to play up sensationalism as it did in the article about the student pretend- ing to be a "Pope?" If a person wantsto gain attention by acting silly, does the Daily see to it that he is satisfied? -Roy Moxley Noble... To the Editor: JUST A FEW WORDS in support of Mr. Benkard's letter, which appeared in Friday's Daily. It seems to me that reviews by Burton K. Beerman are not only poor but bad. Seldom do his re- views come out with any touch of gramatical polish or even a de- cent, every-day sort of knowledge of what he has seen or read. As I recall, in his review of "Ivan the Terrible," he mentioned (inciden- tally, I suspect) that the Boyars were a tribe in Russia. Actually the Boyars were the nobility or the lords of Russia, who formed a . council for the czar. Mr. Beerman's favorite phrase seems to be "thus then . . ." Aft- er an ambiguous ramble over his subject, he generally sums up with something like "Thus then, we have the music of Sergaii Proko- fieff, which makes us a good mov- ie, which we here on campus all ought to see, since we got the chancet." (This particular review struck me as being the last straw, although his others have a certain perverted similarity to it.) Considering reviews in general, another outstanding one of late is immediately brought to mind: the review of the melancholy Dane, otherwise known to all and sundry as "Shakespeare's great tragedy, 'Hamlet ." One of the most preg- nant comments, which opens great avenues of thought, "Immediately one remembers Sir Laurence Oliv- ier's Hamlet but there is no simi- larity," was succeeded by a re- mark about Hamlet's "blazing eyes." His blazing eyes undoubt- edly furthered the production no end, although sitting in the bal- cony, no sparks reached me. This must be the result of being one of the unfortunate few. Perhaps the Daily could establish some sort of little school for re- viewers before they let them loose on us campus-type kids ... Thus then we could read for knowledge, not for laughs. -M. G. Rudolph Apathetic .. . To the Editor: PETE ECKSTEIN'S editorial in the November 4 Daily only reiterated a seemingly pet peeve of Daily Editors. They don't seem to like mud-slinging. It makes apathy well up in their bosoms. It is an insult to their intelligence. They can be likened to the box- er who has been dealt a blow be- low the belt. Instead of continu- ing to fight, they drop their gloves and get into a discussion with the referee about ethics, morals, fair- play-and, above all-intelligence. (Continued from Page 2) Chem., Elec., & Mech. E., plus Chem majors, for Research & Development, Process Development, & Design, In- strumentation, Productio, works En- gineering, Control Laboratory, Process Safety, Sales. Clark Equipment Company, Jackson, Mich.-B.S. & M.S. degrees in Mech. E. for Process & Industrial Engineering Production Design and Development, R. K. LeBlond Machine Tool Com- pany, Cincinnati, Ohio-B .S. & M.S. degrees in Elec., E. Mech., Ind., & Mech. E., also Math. & Physics majors. Must be U.S. citizens and, except for engineers, veterans. American Cyanamid Company, New York, N.Y.-B.S., M.S. & PhD degrees In Chem. E. for Research and Develop- ment, Manufacturing, Sales, Purchas- ing. Students wishing to make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the Engineering Placement Of. fice, 248 W. E., Ext. 2182. Academic Notices Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test Nov. 13 are requested to report to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Sat. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due Fri., Nov. 12, for those students whose standing at midsemester is "D" or "E." Cards have been distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are provided for reporting freshmen and sophomores and white cards for juniors and seniors. Reports for freshmen and sophomores should be sent to the Faculty Counselors for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall; those for juniors and seniors to Faculty Counselors for Juniors and Seniors, 1213 Angell Hall. Students not registered in this College but who elect- ed LS & A courses should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be obtained in 1210 or 1213 Angell Hall. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for Dropping Courses Without Record will be Fri., Nov. 12. A course may be dropped only with the permis- sion of the classifier after conference with the instructor. The final day for Removal of Incompletes will be Fr., Nov. 12. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Of- fice on or before Fri., Nov. 12. Biological Chemistry S e min ar: "Transglycosidation with Disaccha- rides," under the direction of Dr. R. L. Garner; Room 319, West Medical Build- ing, Fri., Nov. 12, at 4:00 p.m. Logic seminar will meet Fri., Nov. 12, at 4:00 p.m. in 443 Mason Hall. Mr. G. R. Livesay will digcuss a paper by Rasiowa and Skorsk, entitled "A Proof of the Completeness Theorem of Godel." Psychology Colloquium. Fri., 4:15 p.m. Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Dr. E. Lowell Kelly will speak on "5,000 Years of Marriage: Problems, Data and Methods of a Study of 300 Engagements Over Twenty Years." All interested graduate students are invited. School of Business Administration. Faculty meeting, Fri., Nov. 12, 3:00 p.m., Room 146 B.A. Doctoral Examination for John Vin- cent Forpeano, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "The Effect of Amino Acid An- alogs on Protein Metabolism: I. Syn- thesis of DL-B, B-Diethylalanine and Assay of its Effect on Rat Growth and Liver Composition. II. Study of Altera- tions in Rat Plasma Protein Fractions Induced by Ethionine Administration," Sat., Nov. 13. 311 West Medical Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, Melvin Levine. Concerts Combined Concert. University of Michigan and Michigan State Glee Clubs. 8:30 p.m., Sat., Nov. 13, Hill Au- ditorium. Student Recital: Phyllis Bentley BI- son, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Nov. 14, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Benning Dexter, Mrs. Elson will play the fol- lowing program: Partita No. 5 in G Major, Bach; Sonata in E Major, Op. 109, Beethoven; Ondine, Ravel; Ru- manian Folk Dances, Bartok; Ballad in G Minor, Op. 23, Chopin. The pro- gram will be open to the public with- out charge. Choral Union Concert Jorge Bolet, Cuban-American pianist, will give the fifth concert in the Choral Union Series Mon., Nov. 15, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Bolet will play the Haydn Andante con variazion; Beethoven's Sonata in E-flat major (Les Adieux); Liszt Sonata in B minor; and four Chopin Scherzos-Numbers 1, Op. 30; 2, Op. 31; 3, Op. 39; and No. 4, Op. 54. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Tow- er. Tickets will also be on sale on the night of the concert after 7:00 p.m. in Hill Auditorium box office. Events Today Design Committee of the Block "M" Section of the Wolverine Club will hold its weekly meeting today in Room 3-B of the Michigan Union, between 3:00 and 5:00. All those who have signed up for the committee are required to be there. Anyone else interested in this type of work is invited. Hillel: Fri. evening services at 7:15 p.m., followed by speaker. School House Hop, sponsored by the School of Education. Fri., Nov. 12 from 9:00 p.m. - 12 a.m. at the University Elementary School Gymnasium. Stag or drag-25c per person-boy and girl bid. Wesleyan Guild. Fri., Nov. 12 "Turkey Trot" couple dance in the lounge, 8:00 p.m. SOc a couple. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 12, t I DRAMA REVIEW { Lydia Mendelssohn*... Tennessee Williams' "SUMMER AND SMOKE" ANN ARBOR'S Civic Theater is presenting its second production of the season, Sum- mer and Smoke, throughtomorrow. This was Williams' first play after his award-winning A Streetcar Named Desire. It is nowhere near as dramatic as Streetcar, trying to achieve its impact by underwriting. In last evening's production, it was mainly through the performance of Ruth Livingston as the heroine, that it was an effective play. Alma Winemiller is a minister's daughter in a small town about 50 years ago. The play deals with this sensitive, poetic girl, hemmed in by her minister-father and mentally-ill mother as well as the cold outside world she is unable to face. Livingston as the lonely Alma who keeps the play together when the other actors have ap- parently lost contact with their parts. Tom Wallace as the young doctor, .while offering good contrast to Alma, tended to exaggerate his mannerisms. Both fathers in the play were weak, serving only to enhance Miss Livingston's performance. Lucille Talayco, Jackie Hall and Harriet Ben- nett Hamme were fine in lesser roles. This is not an easy play for production even though there is only one setting. The 13 scenes tend to make the play choppy and while speedy changes were made, the lags were oft- en too long. The final scene when Alma takes up with a stranger was done a little too fast so that her change was questionable. Ted Heusel's direction was steady, giving enough emphasis to Alma's fanciful world and not make it too dream-like. The fast-paced ending leaves much to be desired, however, and Sixty-Fif.th Year Edited and mansged by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the board in Control of Student Publicatiis. Editoral Staff Eugene Hartwig......Managing Editor Dorothy Mylers. , .........City Editor Jon Sobeloff. . ....... . Editorial Director Pat Roelofa........Associate City Editor Becky Conrad.,...:.....Associate Editor Nan Swlnehart.. .,,.... ,.Associate Editor Dave Livingston. ........ .Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin. Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Werthelnr~ ...........Associate Sports Editor Roz Shiimovitz.......Women's Editor Joy Squires. . .. Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith.. Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.......Chief Photographer Busiwess Staff Lois Pollak..........Business Manager Phil Brunskll, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monlroski. Finance Manager r