PAGE FO'CM THg MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 195 PAGE POUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIJILaDAY. WAVEMRFn 11 m';a ;ii ViV Ji/;iii i\ V i'J lti/,/, ,i . 1. 1i . :t7 /Z' 9 ONCE A WEEK: Can University Coeds Be Trusted? "Close Man With a Razor, Isn't He?" ALONG WITH "beef birds," bermuda shorts and the driving ban, the subject of wo- men's closing hours is one of perpetual contro- versy. But whether or not a student is in favor of the hours, he must admit that there are times when a 10:30 curfew is uncomfortably confin- Ing. Perhaps the University feels that we are not mature enough to decide for ourselves the best time to come in. Perhaps the Administration is trying to uphold a good moral reputation. However, it must be remembered that "where there's a will there's a way" and that there is more than one way for coeds to escape the re- strictions of dormitories after closing hours. THEY CAN sign out for home, receiving overnight permission, or they can neglect to sign out at all. These methods both have the same drawback. When a woman uses either of them, she must stay out the entire night. If the University feels that completely abol- ishing closing hours would be too radical a move, it might consider a more conservative re- formation of the plan. Granting the desirability of liberal control, a proposed revision would follow the present rules with one exception. Recognizing the need for a certain measure of freedom on week-nights, the plan incorpor- ates a specified number of automatic late per- missions per semester, averaging to about one a week. The nights on which these would take effect would be left to the individual resident. IN THIS WAY, coeds would be able to enjoy themselves occasionally during the week with- out having to call a halt to their evenings when ten o'clock strikes. The women would be allowed a certain amount of freedom and opportunity to exercise individual judgment, both of which are im- portant to the process of learning and matura- tion which is reported to be the primary pur- pose of the University. The Administration would feel satisfied, too, because they would be living up to their tradi- tional motherly attitude by imposing limits on the number of late permissions allowed. It should be noted that currently a coed is able to receive permission to come in later than the week-day curfew-but only for a good rea- son. Destination and reason for the request must be explicitly stated and the whole opera- tion is under the rather formidable title of "Special Late Permission."' VERY FEW coeds take advantage of this technicality, as the excuses of "I feel like going out" and "I had a big test today" would hardly be considered sufficient. However, in reality these are the main incentives for wanting to stay out late. Last year, a student representative body ap- proached the Administration with a request for permission to formulate such a plan of revi- sion. The students were brushed off with the statement that women are satisfied with the present regulations. The Administration's assertion was based on a questionaire filled out by University women which indicated that they considered the pro- posed number of "late pers" to be sufficient. However, coeds were unaware that a plan for week-day permissions was under consideration and they thought the question referred to weekend 1:30's, of which a liberal number were provided. THE PROPOSED PLAN has worked satis- factorily all over the country at Universities of which, incidentally, many have later regular closing hours than Michigan. Schools which have found the plan effective are Michigan State and Ohio State. No, the Administration would never go so far as to abolish women's hours. But perhaps it would consent to treat coeds as the mature individuals University students should be, and place in them a small measure of trust and freedom. -Lou Sauer VO Z.4- VIA tiN~k1 t~~-g' /. il4W~it~hr af;m N LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SUPREME COURT RULING: 'U' Uses Authority Wisely; Bias Clauses Fading WAY WAS officially cleared Monday for Uni- versity pressure on fraternities and sorori- ties to remove their bias clauses. Any apprehen- sion by University officials that such action would be unconstitutional for one reason or another was removed by the Supreme Court re- fusal to make State University of New York's ban on national fraternities and sororities, "a federal case." The Supreme Court refused to review the State University of New York resolution which in- addition to banning national fraternities and sororities, asked elimination of all 'artifi- cial criteria' in the selection of members. The State University decision came when affiliated groups claimed they couldn't remove their bias clauses because their national groups wouldn't let them. State University fraternities and sororities appealed the decision first to a special three- Jurdge federal court and then to the Supreme Court. Both courts claimed the question was not a federal issue. ALTHOUGH the Supreme Court decision re- moved all doubt about the legality of such Uni- versity control over fraternities, that actually isn't the question involved in the membership restriction situation. Interfraternity Council officials here don't deny the University's right to legislate toward removal of bias clauses, but have only questioned its advisability in the ex- isting situation. However, since the University does have su- pervisory power over campus social organiza- tions and since it advocates removal of bias. clauses (its refusal to admit new fraternities and sororities with bias clauses demonstrates this) some ask why it doesn't use its right and outlaw membership restrictions in University affiliated groups? Many idealistic factions on campus advocate such a move. They blame the University for its apathy and refusal to take its rightful responsibility in this situation. THIS IDEALISTIC viewpoint is not realistic. The University is aware of its responsibility and is opposed to the bias clauses still existing ini 10 of the University fraternity constitutions. However they believe that change toward re- moval of membership restrictions is better ac- complished by voluntary action from within fraternities than by coersion from without. As long as there is gradual progress from within fraternities for ending discrimin'atory clauses the University position is difficult to criticize. Fraternities are too closely tied to their national organization economically and from an organizational standpoint to suddenly convert themselves into local units. UNIVERSITY fraternities are gradually elim- inating membership restrictions. Last summer Delta Chi, Lambda Chi Alpha and Zeta Beta Tau dropped bias clauses. Acacia nearly suc- ceeded and Phi Delta Theta may be well on its way to removal. It has to be admitted this is an excellent record of progress in a field so cluttered with predjudice and tradition. If fraternities continue to work successfully toward bias clause elimination there will be no need for University officials to emulate the State University of New York's administration. The University by giving fraternities an op- portunity to rectify their own defects is dem- onstrating its confidence in the country's col- lege students. If the trend toward bias elimina- tion bogs down in a few years then it will be the University's responsibility to intervene. At present, ideological leadership in the form of condemnation of bias clauses seems to have motivated University fraternity men to take their own action on this issue. -Dave Baad No Humor... To the Editor: 'G THOSE of us who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and became Man in order that we might better save our souls, the attempt to glorify the ridiculing of Christianity is in ex- tremely poor taste. We see noth- ing humorous in calling Christian- ity the "... most deadly enemy of people and morality in our mod- ern world," nor isrthere anything funny about a "cross turned up- side down" and we fail to see the joke in "hearing confessions"-an integral part of the Catholic reli- gion. It is too bad that the news- paper on the campus of one of the finest universities in the world has to devote three columns to trash. And the article is no more than that. -Harry Cargas Biown Article .. . To the Editor: 1 Y OU HAVE hit a new low. It may be that your three- column spread on "Pope Innocent III" (Daily for November 9) is such subtle humor that my myopic and literal comprehension missesthe whole point of the story, but I think the article shows incredibly poor taste. I do not dispute the existence of Mr. Russell Brown; I do, however, wonder why Mr. Brown's inanities have become a proper subject for several inches of type in The Daily. As a Protestant of some twenty- two years standing, I find much in the "Innocent" article which I am sure will offend my Catholic friends; I know it offends me. --James A. Sellgren, '54 * *~ * Arms and the Man.. .. To the Editor: WE HAVE written this letter to right what we think an unin- tentional wrong on your part. A few weeks ago at the opening of the new Dramatic Arts Center you printed a review of "Arms and the Man." The review was honest. Its author, though he damned the play, wished the company all suc- cess in the future. Many of us, if we had not seen the play, were ready to agree, for the reviewer confirmed our secret fears. But since that reviewer shook his judicious head, something im- portant seems to have happened. Sunday night's performance was a complete delight. The acting was first rate, the direction intelligent, the pacing just right. The com- pany demonstrated that Shaw, whether his ideas are old hat or not, remains as good in the the- ater as ever. In short, when acted by a group as sensitive as this one, he compels us to laugh and accept him as contemporary. And the company managed to produce its effect against heavy odds. The house was less than half.- filled, properties were makeshift, costumes ingeniously fitted of un- likely materials. The very theater building, the old Masonic Temple, looked too respectable ever to house anything so raffish as dra- ma. But by the time the play had been going half an hour, the au- dience was completely with it. Our temporary embarrassment disap- peared, and we very soon realized that this was a real theater. This feeling is not an everyday feeling at all. Glossier actors than these often fail to achieve it. If the production once was stiff, It is not now. You will do the chil- ly crowds waiting in line to get in- to the flicks a favor to let them know that there is something else to do over the Ann Arbor week- end. --Franklin Dickey Allan Seager Fire Fund . . To the Editor: T IS TRULY a shame when out of 110 or more housing groups on campus, only $50 has been col- lected for the relief of the fire victims. I'm sure even as ridic- ulously low a sum as $5 from each group would hurt no group, and would produce a gianti step toward recovery. Perhaps the group re- presentatives (IFC, IHC, Panhel, etc.) could suggest this to their members. Perhaps it only needs a little more organized effort. However, it is also a shame when The Daily allows an "Editorial" of the calibre that appeared on Nov. 3 to be printed. I personally never like to see discriminatory practices, especially in editorials. How effective is it when you chastise the community, then try to put over that one group in that community is especially to blame? Are not the other groups inclined to feel they are "better" or partially absolved? Although I have deliberately "cut" the following quote, I be- lieve it sums up the two and one-quarter paragraphs which preceeded it in the editorial, yet points up what has angered me. "Yet absolutely no interest has been shown by the quadmen, in- cluding South Quadders who got out of bed in the wee hours of the night. . . " Don't you read the paper you write for, Mr. Berger? Who did the victims praise for aid given? Didn't you observe, Mr. Berger? or don't you believe, in that re- quisite for a good reporter. For surely you yourself live in the South Quad. You must not have been awake to write: "But still nothing concrete in the form of donations . ." Concrete donations, Mr. Berger? Ask some of the Quad men who fruitlessly tried to connect several sections of the ill-designed equip- ment here for use some ten to fifteen minutes before the fire de- partment answered the "3 minute call." Ask Chuck Blankenship how it feels to be second man on a hose and follow an asbestos clad fireman into the flames - ask if his blisters have healed yet-or if they caused him to quit during the rest of that long night. Ask other Quad men how difficult it is to handle a hose when you're soaking wet in freezing weather. Don't ever ride a group, Mr. Berger-it's composed of individ- uals-nor praise another, either directly or indirectly, on the basis of five per cent participation (3 out of 60 Greek groups)-the sta- tistics are too low. William Russell, '58 * * * *1*o Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.......Managing Editor Dorothy Myers...............City Editor Jon Sobelof...........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs........Associate City Editor Becky Conrad...........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.... ....Assocate Editor Dave Livingston..... Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.....Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer ...... .Associate sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz......... Women's Editor Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor. Janet Smith..Associate Women's Editor Dan Morton....... Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Pollak..... ....Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise........Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkosk. Finance Manager Teletihon NO 23-24-1 TODAY AND TOMORROW: Mendes-France Popular, Practical Leader, PARIS THE GOVERNMENT of Mendes-France thinks of itself, and is thought of by its supporters and its enemies, as engaged in in- augurating a new order of things But it is still in the preparatory phase, still clearing the ground, organizing its position, selecting its men, and preparing to act. Its principal activity thus far has been in foreign affairs, and the motive of that activity has been to dispose of the searing issues that have so weakened and so divided the French people, have so much pre- vented them from attending to their urgent domestic and national af- fairs. Mr. Mendes-France has had great success in his foreign policy, and by a general agreement it has won him much the strongest popular support enjoyed by any Prime Minister in the post war years. But this success is a mere preface to the business of his government which is to bring about a modernization of the French economy and a purge and a revival of the French democracy. ,* * * TN ORDER to concentrate on that task he had first to reappraise and and to revise drastically the French position abroad. By last spring the French position abroad was in the greatest disorder. There was the urgent threat of a military catastrophe in the Far East which might well have been followed by a disintegration of the Atlantic alliance in Europe. France was enormously overextended by commitments which she had neither the means nor the will to carry out. Thecountry was incapable of fighting a war in Indo-China which was so costly and so indecisive and, at the same time, of maintaining in Europe an army sufficient to keep the balance of power with a rearmed Germany. This menacing insolvency, which unwisely the United States refused to help correct, had to be cured in order to, avert "a general disaster and before a national revival and reconstruction could be undertaken. Mr. Mendes-France has gone a long way towards restoring the solvency of France in her foreign relations. He has done this by liquidating fle Indo-Chinese war and in Europe by persuading Britain to enter the continent in order to maintain and regulate a balance of power in Westtrn Europe. By these two great acts the deficit, though it is not yet closed, has been reduced, one may hope, to manageable size. France still faces grave problems in North Africa. But her general position in the world is stronger than it was, and within herself she is not for the time being torn by issues of foreign affairs. These are important achievements. But they do not, of course, solve the problems which manifest themselves, on the one hand, in the large Communist vote and, on the other hand, in the chronic instability of French public finances and of the parliamentary system. NOW THE government is, I repeat, only in the preliminary stage of its action. The question I have been studying in Paris was whether one could find and state the general lines, the controlling principles and the main forms, of Mr. Mendes-France's policy. This is not easy to do. For Mr. Mendes-France, whom I met first in 1944 and have often talked with before he came to power, is very far from being a geieral- izer. He is not a man with a doctrine or an ideology, a propounder of principles and formulas. This makes it harder to write about him, and impossible to sum him up neatly. His mind is empirical and his style is to be pragmatic, specific and practcal about the particular problems of France. Although he is a highly educated man, he is not in the least what-in the derogatory sense of the term-is called an intellectual. When he diagnoses a French problem he sounds, so it seems to me, not like the professor of medicine lecturing on general principles but like the family doctor who has konwn the patient since he was a child. For these reasons it is not possible to fix him in one of the stereo- typed catagories, to say for example that he is of the right or of the left. As a matter of fact his support runs all the way across the assem- bly and all across the country. It is to be found in big business and in the left wing trade unions. It runs from the Gaullist right through the Socialists on the left, and such is his hold on the French working class that he is undoubtedly the most formidable challenger that the Com- munists have yet had to deal with. * * * * T HIS EXTRAORDINARY popular strength, which he means to use to promote the internal reform of France is very interesting in- deed. It comes-so it would seem-not from any material benefits he has been able to confer on the mass of the people. It comes from the style of his political behavior. There is a popular feeling that at last France has a government that knows how to govern and has the will to govern, that it is not going to be deterred by anybody at home or abroad from acting decisively and conclusively. this sense of being gov- erned, of standing again on hard ground, of having at the center of things a man of lucid purposes and firm resolution, is the secret of his immense popularity and prestige.. It is an interesting and a significant bit of evidence that conven- tional democratic politcians, who think they must bribe the people rath- er than to give them good government, may not understand the people after all. (To be Continued) (Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN DREW PEARSON: Mar ginal Democrat Daniel WASHINGTON. -- The Demo- crats may have a harder time keeping their hairbreadth maority in the Senate than anyone realizes. When the Senate reconvened for the special McCarthy censure ses- sion, Charles E. Daniel, interim Democratic senator from South Carolina, a close friend of Ike's friend, Jimmie Byrnes, was having his picture taken with Vice Presi- dent Nixon. "I want you to know," he beamed, "that you can count on me. I want to work with you in every way possible. "And the man who's coming up to succeed me is the same way," he added, referring to senator- elect Strom Thurmond." "You can work with him, too." "That's fine," enthused Nixon. "When he comes, you send him around to me. We'll give him a royal welcome." New Citizens Two hundred and fifty new American citizens gather in the inter-department auditorium in Washington today to take what for them is a momentous oath. To ml- lions of others it will pass by un noticed. But to these 250, plus other groups around the U.S.A. it will be one of their most important steps since birth. For they will renounce their al- legiance to one country and take an oath of allegiance to a new. Today they become citizens of the United States. This ceremony takes place about once a month without most native Americans paying much attention to it. In New York today, 8,000 new citizens take the oath; other groups in other cities. And while it will attract no head- lines, the Women's Bar Associa- tion, the Advertising Council, the Sertoma Clubs, and other public- spirited organizations are cooperat- ing to solemnify the occasion and welcome these new Americans. Today, for instance, the Adver-' tising Council in Washington will present each new citizen with Ar- thur Goodfriend's stirring book "What is America?" while the Sertoma Club (service to mankind) will present copies of the Declara- tion of Independence. Unfortunate- ly, funds were not available to make a similar presentation to the 8,000 taking the oath of citizenship in New York. On previous occasions, the DAR. B'nai B'rith and other groups have entertained the new citizens at small receptions immediately after the naturalization ceremony. in a quiet, unpublicized, constructive type of citizenship which will pre- vent communism far more than the witch-hunting scaremongering of Joe McCarthy. Stevenson's Grandfather Adlai Stevenson seldom refers to his grandfather, who was vice president of the United States in the administration of Grover Cleve- land. But the other day Adla, and advisers 'were in ex-Sen. William Benton's suite at the Savoy Plaza Hotel in New York when they re- ceived a telegram from Vice Presi dent Nixon demanding that 'Adai retract his statement that Nixon was following the Communist party line. Advisers offered Stevenson all sorts of suggestions for a reply to the man the Democrats now call "McNixon." Finally Stevenson said: "Well, I suppose I could reply as follows: 'Dear Mr. Nixon: I have now received two telegrams' Congress will dig into politicking inside the railroad retirement board b by two Eisenhower ap- pointees. from the vice president of the United States. The first was from my grandfather. Sincerely yours, Adlai Stevenson.''' He did not, however, send the telegram. Politics With RR Money One of the first investigations when the Democrats take over The RR Board was set up to administrate the pensions of raile' road workers and is operated by the money withdrawn each week from railroad workmen's salaries. It is not a political organization. However, after Eisenhower ap- pointed as new chairman, Ray- mond J. Kelly of Chicago, former Michigan commander of the Amer- ican Legion, things began to change. He was followed by Frank C. Squire, another Chicagoan, and together they have proposed re- moving 10 administrative posts from civil service to . make room for worthy Republicans. As an excuse for this politcal gravy, the rumor has been spread that there is a "cell of 10 known Communists in the railroad retire- ment board office . Chief spreader of the rumor is Harold Rainville, listed as "spe- cial assistant" to Senator Dirksen of Illinois, though he actually works for the Republican Commit- 0 {. CURRENT MOVIES At Architecture Aud... . I WAS A MALE WAR BRIDE CHIEFLY through spirited performances from Cary Grant and Ann Sheridan, I Was a Male War Bride manages to overcome some of the most cliched comedy situations turned out by Hollywood in the last three decades. Produced in 1949, the film employs the then- current problem of what happens to. foreign males who marry American WACs. The prob- lem is no longer either very fresh or interest- ing; but the cast plays it for all its worth, and through sheer force of dermination drives across numberous laughs. Henri Rochard (Cary Grant), a French army officer, and WAC Lt. Catherine Gates (Ann Sheridan) are sent on a secret mission in West Germany, bribing a black market artisan to work for the French. However, they are so But some of the intended humor is just a little too "old-hat." For instance, the unmar- ried couple, through Fate's whims, find them- selves locked in a single bedroom. For over ten minutes, the script writers drain this situa- tion for all its worth. Then there is the problem of the honeymoon night: they can't find a vacant bed. Some of Henri's complaints will probably strike even the most sophisticated movie viewer as in poor taste and essentially unhumorous. OTHER SCENES feature the run-away jeep (thank you Keystone Cops), the love scene in the haystack (reminiscent of It Happened One Night), and the police arrest bit where the heroine allows the hero to work himself into a complicated position. The whole affair de- generates to a very low point when Grant is forced to become a female impersonator. (Continued from Page 2) Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hall. Lane Hall. Lecture by Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, spiritual leader of The Temple, Cleveland, Ohio. Topic: "Eth- ics-by God or Man." Thurs., 8:30 p.m. Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Skeptics' Corner, "Ethics-by God or Man." Room 439, Mason Hall. Prof. William Alston, discussion leader. Thurs., 4:15 p.m. La P'tite Causette will meet Thurs., Nov. 11 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the right room of the Michigan Union cafeteria. Venez tous et parlez fran- cais. Episcopal Student Foundation. St. dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Thurs., Nov. 11, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. The Political Science Round Table will meet Thurs., Nov. 11, at 7:45 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater. Panel dis- cussion-"Europe on Either Side of the Iron Curtain." Prof. James H. Mel- sel, Ulrich Straus, Zander Hollander, and Heinz Kohler. Prof. Daniel Wit will moderate; Hans Guth and Emilio Stanley will participate. The NAACP will present Prof. D. R. Pearce of the English Dept. in a dis- cussion of "The Negro in Literature." Thurs., Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in Aud. "C" Angell Hall. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Thurs., 7:00 p.m., Bible class at the Guild House. Fri., 7:15 p.m., meet at the Guild House to go to Pep Rally, returning later for games and refresh- ments. First Baptist Church. Thurs., Nov. 11. 7:00 p.m. Yoke Fellowship in Church Prayer Room. Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Princi- pals meet tonight as per schedule iii back of Hill Auditorium, Room 215. Coming Events Hillel: Fri. evening services at 7:15 p.m., followed by speaker. School House Hop, sponsored by the School of Education. Fri.,, Nov. 12 from 9:00 p.m. - 12 a.m. at the University Elementary School Gymnasium. Stag or drag-25c per person-boy and girl bid. Wesleyan Guild. Fri., Nov. 12 "Turkey Trot" couple dance in the lounge, 8:00 p.m. SOc a couple. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 12, at Canterbury House. Mr. John Peat- ling, Assistant, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Saginaw, will discuss "John Wesley and the Methodists." SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hall Library, Fri., 4:15 p.m. The Hillel Foundation will be Guild host, Newman Club square dance Fri., 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. at the Fr. Richard Center. A professional caller will be on hand. Refreshments. Michigan Actuarial' Club. Hubert. Vaughan. Fellow of the Institute of Ac- tuaries, past President, of the Actuar- ial Society of Australasia, will speak on "Some Recent Developments in Interpolation" at 3:00 p.m. in Room