'.It.'HE IMIC.dlMAIN .trAlJL Y 'Dili,*. I l11T r, S: I I A V tit tt L stn is ay y n . xy r a , ,,, V N *A.LZ i}.Jl.' .y iV 1VlI3i lU, J.ItD} I WHO SHOULD TALK? Discussion or Lecture' In Recitation Sections We Should .. . STUDENT'S SHOULD recite in recitation sec- tions. That is what these classes are for. Assignments are given to students at these meetings to prepare for the following sessions. But when the student comes in prepared as he should, some instructors lecture on the reading material that composed the assignment, per- haps adding a sidelight of personal experience and usually pausing about three times during the hour to ask that time-worn seldom ans- wered question, "Are there any questions?" The duty of the recitation class instructor should be to stimulate discussions on the sub- ject the student has read about in his text and heard expounded in lectures. The old method of provoking interest in the subject character- ized the instructor as a villain clutching a role- book and fingering a name of a poor student Who rose and recited the prepared lesson. BUT THAT is not the way it should be done. It is up to the instructor to call forth his many years of experience in the field he is .teaching and the general ability which he should have as a TEACHER to present a leading statement or question to incite his pupils to think and speak and to keep them ventilating their ideas on the subject for the full period. A good recitation instructor should be able to keep all his pupils, or at least those who came here for an edu- cation, in a discussion without having to re- sort to lecturing,. Recitation periods with pupil participation can help the instructor evaluate a student's knowledge and should count as part of the total grade, perhaps offsetting the effect of a failing bluebook. If a student does not talk about what he has read in the text and heard at the lecture, he forfeits one of the learning methods-speaking. An active discussion in class encourages the student to speak. If presented with a stimulat- ing question he will think. The importance of this thinking ability overshadows the value of many facts the recitation instructor may put in the lap of the student. THE GREAT fear of public speaking would be reduced considerably if instructors encour- aged and enthused their students to speak in- stead of monopolizing the recitation period with a lecture no matter how interesting or in- formative it may be. Every student should speak before his class in every subject. Let's eliminate lectures from recitation per- iods. --Carl Werner He Should... THE MAIN purpose of recitation periods is to supplement the material given in a lec- ture. This can best be done by a further lec- ture by the recitation teacher. Lectures in which one professor speaks to 200 or 300 students who are trying to copy every word spoken are bound to lead to some confusion and misinterpretation of the lec- turer's actual meaning. Because the student thinks that he has taken down the correct facts, he will not have any questions to ask in his recitation period, and will not discover his error until penalized for it on an exam. There is no time for the little details that will firmly impress a point in a student's mind in a large lecture. If a recitation instructor is permitted to further expound the topic, then these points will come clear. A LECTURE in recitation brings forth a dif- ferent point of view from that which the stu- dent heard in the main lecture. This difference will more often clarify than confuse the facts, as the student is now given a more detailed and complete view of the subject. Further, a recitation teacher, in his lecture, can orient the facts more clearly for the stu- dent. His talk will draw the subjects closer to- gether, give the chronology and present transi- tions in the work, things which a larger lec- ture cannot do. The recitation teacher can take the facts of a lecture and present them in contrast or com- parison to present day facts. This leads to a more complete understanding by the student because the common sense and common know- ledge given in this second lecture put him on more familiar ground and make him more able to see the lasting significance of events. IN A recitation period, more than half of the students are unprepared. In such a situa- tion, "discussion" becomes impossible, bringing forth nothing but unimportant ideas, repeti- tious questions and desperate digging on the part of the instructor to get some intelligent information from his students. For the student who is prepared for his re-- citation periods, such a performance benefits nothing. He is merely bored and consequently loses all interest in the subject. A second leo- ture, on the other hand, will serve to further impress the facts on his mind and give him an added insight into the work. Should recitation teachers stop lecturing in their classes? No, for the added information they give is invaluable in helping the student to understand his work better. --Carol North DREW PEARSON: Revenge Methods Hurt Joe WASHINGTON. - The two fac- tors which have hurt Joe McCar- thy most during his acrimonious career in the Senate are: 1, his attacks on members of the Eisen- hower administration; 2, his vin- dictiveness against fellow senators who oppose him. McCarthy's attacks on members of the Eisenhower administration have been well publicized. His re- venge technique of investigating those who oppose him is not so well known. But it has made Sen- ate colleagues bitter. Here is part of the revenge record: Senator Symington of Missouri- When Symington persisted in dig- ging into the reasons why Don Surine was dropped from the FBI, a friend of McCarthy's approached Democratic senators on the Mc- Carthy committee and warned that if this line of cross-examination continued, McCarthy would insist on publishing the police records of senators. This was aimed at Symington who as a youngster went on a joy ride in a neighbor's car without bothering to ask per- mission and later pleaded guilty. The neighbor later wrote a letter pooh-poohing the incident. But it remains a matter of police record. Senator Jackson of Washington- When Jackson asked searching questions of Roy Cohn, Cohn jostled him in the corridor and whispered: "Want to get rough? We can get rough too." Surine then brought into the hearing room a file marked "Senator Jackson's Record" and ostentatiously put it on the table where everyone could see it. John J. McCloy-When McCloy, former high commissioner to Ger- many, now head of the Chase Bank, instigated Eisenhower's book-burning speech at Dartmouth, McCarthy investigators turned up in Germany to probe McCloy's op- erations, even including whether Mrs. McCloy used her government car to buy groceries. McCarthy also accused McCloy of destroying records on Communists inside the War Department. Sen. Robert Hendrickson of New Jersey-When Hendrickson signed the Senate subcommittee report condemning McCarthy's finances, McCarthy threatened to fight Hen- drickson's re-election, called him a "living miracle ... the only man in the world who has lived so long with neither brains nor guts." Senator Tydings of Maryland- When Tydings refused to confirm McCarthy's charges of Communists in the State Department, McCar- thy raised Texas and Chicago Tri- bune money to defeat Tydings and circulated a fake picture of Tyd- ings smiling at Communist chief Earl Browder. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine-When Mrs. Smith signed the Declaration of Conscience in- directly criticizing McCarthy's be- havior, he maneuvered one of his friends, Robert Jones, into running against her. Struve Hensel, Assistant Defense Secretary-When Hensel wrote a report on the Cohn-Schine attempts to browbeat the Army, McCarthy got hold of Hensel's income-tax re- turns and sent two investigators to browbeat Hensel's mother-in-law; even told her her daughter was in a hit-and-run accident in order to scare her into giving information. This is probably the first time in history that a personal, private army of investigators has been able to use U.S. Government re'c- ords and the power of U.S. Gov- ernment subpoenas in somewhat the same manner Hitler used his elite corps in Germany, (Copyright, 1954, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig.....anaging Editor Dorothy Myers.............. City Editor Jon Sobeloff........Editorial Director Pat Roelofs .....Associate City Editor Becky Conrad........Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.........Associate Editor Dave Livingston.......Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin.,... Assoc. Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer Associate Sports Editor Roz Shlimovitz....... Women's Editor Joy Squires.... Associate Women's Editor Janet Smith.. Associate Women's Editor Dean, Morton ........Chief Photographer Business Staff Lois Polak.........Business Manager Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager Bill Wise .......Advertising Manager Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager Telephone NO 23A24-1 40 A " 2k DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN "How Long Do You Think It'll Stay Radioactive" GENERATION: Bomber Shot Down--Who's In the Right? THE SHOOTING down of an American pho- to-mapping bomber Sunday by Russian jets raises the question whether the bomber was actually over international waters when it was fired upon. According to the Air Force, the RB-29 was never within 15 miles of Russian territory. An exactly opposite claim was registered by Moscow, which said Russian fighter planes in- tercepted it to make the bomber leave Soviet territory.. "The American plane opened fire on the Russian planes," Moscow's note said. "In view of this unprovoked action of the Am- erican intruder, the Soviet aircraft were com- pelled to retaliate the fire, after which the American aircraft left the air space of the So- viet Union and flew off in a southerly direc- tion." WHICH VERSION--the American or the Russian-is correct? Probably only the bomb- er's crew and their superiors know. For, in this cold war era, it may well be that the American airplane was mapping Russian territory and encroached within the Soviet's three-mile limit. However, it is fairly well established that the Russians have been doing this same thing in northern Canada and Alaska. Vapor trails from unidentified high-flying jets, presumably So- viet photo-reconnaissance planes, have been sighted in the far North. Information gathered on these missions may well be valuable to the Russians in the event of a future war. IN VIEW of this, the United States would indeed be foolish if it did not engage in the same type of activity. With a potential aggressor situated only a few minutes flying time from American airbases in Japan, we should, and more than likely already do, fly regular photo- reconnaissance missions over the outskirts of Russia and her Chinese satellite. This activity is militarily essential to prepare for any possible war in the future with Russia. When engaging in a little bit of necessary "cheating," we should necessarily be prepared to occasipnally accept the consequences. -Joel Berger (Continued from Page 2) Fri., Nov. 19 Swift & Co., Chicago, Tll.-Afternoon only, LS&A and BusAd men-Feb. grad., for Sales, Office Work, and Standards (Wage Incentive System) Students wishing to make appoint- ments with any of the above should contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures William Warner Bishop Lecture, as- pieces of the Department of Library Science. "Books and Communication; Some Social Implications of Publishing, Bookselling and Librarianship." Dan Lacy, Managing Director of the Ameri- can Book Publishers Council. 4:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 10, Rackham Amphitheatre. University Lecture. Auspices of the English Department. Elmer Rice, play- wright and director of plays, will speak on "The Drama as a Social Force.' Thurs., Nov. 11, at 4:10 p.m. Auditor- ium A, Angell Hall. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for William Coryell Mecham, Physics; thesis: "A Statistical Model for the Propagation of Radiation in Refraction Ducts Bounded by Rough Surfaces." Wed., Nov. 10, 1041 Randall Laboratory, 9:00 a.m. Co- Chairmen, D. M. Dennison and D. Mintzer. Anatomy Seminar: "Cytology and Cy- tochemistry of Skin Glands of the Caribou." Dr. Wilbur Quay; "Applica- tions of Organ Culture," Dr. Raymond Kahn. Nov. 10, 11 :00 a.m., Room 2501 East Medical Building. Geometry Seminar will meet Wed., Nov. 10, at 7:00 p.m. in 3001 A.H. Mr. Smoke will continue his discussion of topics in algebraic geometry. Preliminary Examinations in Linguis- tics will be given according to the following schedule: English Language, Fri., Nov. 12, 2:00 p.m., 2023 Angell Hall; Linguistic Science, Sat., Nov. 13, 9:00 a.m., 2023 Angell Hall. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for Dropping Courses Without Record will be Fri., Nov. 12. A course may be dropped only with the permis- sion of the classifier after conference with the instructor. The final day for Removal of Incompletes will be Fri., Nov. 12. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Of- Lice on or before Fri., Nov. 12. College of Architecture and Design mid-semester reports are due Fri., Nov. 12. It is only necessary to report "D" and "E" grades. Please send them to 207 Architecture. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test Nov. 13 are requested to report to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Sat. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemeter reports are due Fri., Nov. 12, for those students whose standing at midsemester is "D" or "E." Cards have been distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are provided for reporting freshmen and sophomores and white cards for juniors and seniors. The reports for .reshmen and sophomores should be sent to the Faculty Councelors for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall; those for juniors and seniors to Faculty Counselors for Juniors and Seniors, 1213 Angell Hall. Students not registered in this College but who elect- ed LS & A courses should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered, Additional cards may be obtained in 1210 or 1213 Angell Hall. 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Ap- plication of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., Nov. 11, Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. W. Tanner will speak on "nowl- edge of Signal Parameters and Detec- tion." Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Nov. 11, at 4:00 pnm. in Room 247 West Engineering. Prof. R. V. Churchill will speak on "Generalized Fourier Integrals." Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Jo- seph Shea will speak on "Stability of Structures Exposed to Wind" at 4:00- p.m. Thurs., Nov. 11, in Room 111, West Engineering Building. Concerts University of Michigan Symphony Or- chestra, Josef Blatt, Conductor, with Joseph Brinkman, Professor of Piano in the School of Music as soloist, 8:30 n.m.. Thims_. Nov. 11- in Hill Anditnr- Events Today Le Cerle Francais will meet Wed., Nov. 10, In the League at 8:00 p.m. Two skits and a film, "Haute Seine," will be shown. The Ensian picture will be taken. All members are urged to attend. Singing, dancing, and refreshments, History Department Coffee Hour-The sixth in a series of Union student-fac- ulty coffee hours will be held in rooms 3-L,M, and N of the Michigan Union from 4:00-5:00 p.m., Nov. 10, and will feature members of the History Dept. as special guests. The public is invited to meet the faculty informally. History students are especially urged to attend. Refreshments will be served. Skeptics' Corner. 'Ethics-by God or Man," Faculty. Lounge at the League. Professors George A. Peek and Wil- liam C. Trow, discussion leaders. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 10. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Wed., Nov. 10, after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Student-Faculty Tea Wed., Nov. 10 will not be held at Canterbury House, All Canterbury tea hounds are expected"at the Skeptic's Corner at the Union, Undergrad Zoology Club. Dr. Maurice' Seevers will give a lecture and demon- stration on the "Physiological Effects of Drugs Addicted to Animals," Sup- plementary film. Wed., Nov. 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Pharmacology Building. Re- freshments. Wesleyan Guild, Wed., Nov. 10. Mid- week Worship, 5:15 p.m. in the chapel. Mid-week Tea in the lounge, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. W.A.A. basketball clinic will be held Wed., Nov. 10 at 5:10 p.m. and Thurs., Nov. 11 at 7:15 p.m. in Barbour gym. W.A.A. timer's and scorer's meeting will be held Wed., Nov. 10 at 5:10 p.m. in Barbour Gym. Fencing room. Industrial Relations Club-Wed., 7:30 p.m., Student Lounge, BusinessrAdmin- istration. Topic: "Discharge for Gam- bling." Dr. Robert C. Shapiro, Psy- chiatrist, University Hospital, guest discussion leader. First Baptist Church. Wed.. Nov. 10. 4:30-6:00 p.m. Midweek chat in Guild House. Movies: Free movies. "Famous Fish I Have Met," "Introduction to Haiti," NOv. 9-15. 4th floor Exhibit Hall, Mu- seums Building. Films are shown daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.,rincluding Sat. and Sun., with an extra showing on Wed. at 12:30. Pershing Rifles. Report to TBC at 1930 hours for regular company drill Nov. 10. Bring tennis shoes. Vespers will be held in the Presbyter- ian student chapel at 5:00 p.m. Lutheran Student Association-Wed., 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Coffee Break at the Center, corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Ullr Ski Club will hold its first meet- ing Wed., Nov. 10th, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 3-S of the Union. St. Mary's Chapel-Novena devotions in the chapel Wed, at 7:30 p.m. An open forum discussion conducted by Father McPhillips in the Fr. Richard Center immediately following the serv- ices. Social hour, refreshments, The Congregational-Disciples Guild: 7:00 p.m., Discussion Group at Guild House. The Student Zionist Organization will meet Wed., Nov. 10, at 8:00 p.m., at the Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill, Coming Events International Center Tea. Thurs., Nov. 11, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Rackham Build- ing. Christian Science Organization Testi- monial Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Fire- side Room, Lane Hall. All are cordially invited, Lane Hall. Lecture by Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, spiritual leader of The Temple, Cleveland, Ohio. Topic: "Eth. ics-by God or Man." Thurs., 8:30 p.m. Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Skeptics' Corner, "Ethics-by God or Man." Room 439, Mason Hall. Prof. William Alston, discussion leader. Thurs., 4:15 p.m. La P'tite Causette will meet Thurs., Nov. 11 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the right room of the Michigan Union cafeteria. Venez tous et parlez fran- cais. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu. dent Breakfast at Canterbury House, Student Arts Magazine 'Entertaining, Stirring' GENERATION, Vol. 6, No. 1. 35 cents. GENERATION, the magazine which undertakes to represent both the voice and the form of the best in student creative expression, reach- es the public this morning with its fall issue. The sixty-four pages and cover will sell for thirty-five cents. You might do well to make the small investment, for this collec- tion of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and are-in this reviewer's opinion -is abundant in entertaining-even emotionally stirring-material. Four short stories, four poems and a long essay fill the issue. In addition there are six full-page reproductions of student art work ren- dered in six distinct media. Of this latter group there is one work es- pecially deserving of mention: an excellent ink drawing by Anne Good- year which is-gratifyingly-fully as perfect in its realization as in its conception. THE FOUR short fiction pieces offer a sharp contrast of writing technique, though perhaps they suffer from a lack of thematic variety. Three of the four stories deal specifically with children: ages eight, twelve and fourteen. One of the four poems-"Precious," by Richard Braun-also re- volves about a child. This, however, does not diminish- the success of the piece; in.review, it seems the best of the poetry from both the standpoint of cumulative effect and communication. The first short story, "The Lilies of Yesterday," by Lilia P. Aman-. sec, is a sensitively-written account of a most significant incident in a girl's life. The author is articulate, knows how to characterize econo- mnically, effectively; not only her main character, but those who sur- round her in the story as well. The details of the story seem not to be too well organized, but the total impression is good, owing in great part to a smooth-flowing prose. "A Game of Chess" by Mark Weingart is a graphically told history of a fourteen-year old boy, frustrated in his desire to please. There are, some good moments in the story and the style is nicely appropriate to the material. But nevertheless, we somehow don't fully sympathize with Tommy in the end. HENRY VAN DYKE'S "Happiness in a Hotel" carries on a Genera- tion tradition. It is a strange story, a story of perversity. Other tales of this type have appeared in this magazine's pages before; and at least one, in this reviewer's memory, later reached print in a national magazine. "Happiness in a Hotel" is unquestionably a well-written short story, and it may well gain equal acceptance. Regardless of its fate, however, it is one of those stories that you don't easily forget. There is also an illustrated story with words by Larry Pike and pictures by Stu Ross called "The Day the House Went Wild." It is con- cerned with the imaginative fancies of eight-year old Charles Dently. Pike is capable of a neat, subtle turns in his prose, but the piece doesn't sustain a consistently adult humorous mood. Obviously, however, the text and pictures together would make a delightfully entertaining chil- dren's story. WILLIAM WIEGAND, in his pioneering essay on "Arthur Miller and the Man Who Knows," makes the finest contribution to the issue. Wiegand's purpose is to interpret Miller's dramatic production in the light of what Miller was and believed during the college years at Mi- chigan, his period of apprenticeship, and his subsequent era of produc- tivity anddsuccess. Wiegand, going thoroughly into the playwright's background, discovers several significant links which tie Miller's thought and work to that of the master, Ibsen, and the contemporary, Odets. The writer's conclusions are specific, definite, and reflect a well- based authority which surely hereafter will be highly respected. All this-essay, fiction, poetry and art-is tucked into those sixty- four pages, between the covers. For the reader several distinct ex- periences await within. -Donald A. Yates LETTERSITO THE EDITOR -1 r .rr CURRENT MOVIES Poor Taste To the Editor: IN FIVE YEARS of Daily reading, we have never read an article so completely lacking in decency, or in such utterly poor taste as the profile of Russell Brown. We cannot comprehend how such a flagrantly vicious article was ever approved for publication. As members of the Jewish com- munity, we were deeply offended by this insult to another faith. We do not advocate censorship, and do feel that The Daily has gener- ally shown good taste in most edi- torial matters. However, this is not a question of censorship. It is one of respect for the deepest be- liefs of human beings. If The Daily has any self-respect, let it publicly apologize for this huge lapse of taste. -Mr. and Mrs. Don-David Lusterman (EDITOR'S NOTE: The story appearing in yesterday's Daily was a factual account of the ac- tivities and opinions of Russell Brown. The Daily in no way con- dones or endorses the attitudes or statements made by Mr. Brown nor did the paper intend either implicitly or explicitly to convey an impression of relig- ious bias in printing the story. Mr. Brown's activities have been known on campus for some time and in the opinion of the edi- tors merited being brought to the attention of our readers. The Daily recognizes theexcel- lent contributions that have been and are being made by the Roman Catholic Church as well as all religious faiths. The Daily did not intend in any way to be- little any person, belief or reli- gion and does not believe that it did so. We regret that the intent of the article, as a piece of fac- tual reporting, has been mis- construed and apoligize to those whom it may have offended.) "C" Angell Hall. All are invited to at- tend. The Congregational-Disciples Guild: Thurs., 7:00-8:00 p.m., Bible class at the Guild House. Fri., 7:15 p.m., meet I I YI I I Religion .. . To the Editor: IT WAS WITH sadness and con. fusion that I read The Daily of November 9. Your front page story covering Dean Liston Pope's lecture on "Ethics-By God or Man" and your page six story on the "student pope" seem to bear conflicting policies. On one page you recognize religion and make a factual report on a noted reli- gious authority's, speech; on an- other page you also recognize reli- gion, but in a much less solemn -even ridiculous manner. The feature article on the stu- dent "pope" and his supposed activities is, I believe, an attempt at humor. It would seem that when the subject matter of such a humorous article deals with basic beliefs and convictions of a large percentage of the paper's readers a bit of forethought would pre- cede publishing such an article. The Catholic Church holds that the Pope is God's chosen repre- sentative on earth. To deal with such a person humorously and with jest is to ridicule Catholic be- liefs. The Pope, the dogmas asso- ciated with him, and the tradi- tions that surround him are as sacred and loved by me as free- dom is loved by Daily editors. By all standards of journalism it is the place of a newspaper to report news to the public in an honest and unbiased manner. Fea- ture articles printed in a respected newspaper are supposedly enter- taining and educational; they are not outlets for sensationalism. However, it would seem that a further responsibility lies with The Michigan Daily. Although The Daily is not the official Uni- versity voice, it certainly influenc- es those removed from this cam- pus by giving a glimpse of Univer- sity life. I, as a student at Michi- gan, certainly do not want others to think my University holds a distorted sense of religion. I sincerely hope that the policy of The Daily will be .to continue to recognize religion, but in the solemn, serious manner that reli- gion should be recognized. -John T. Rine 4 At the State ... SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS, with Howard Keel. ONE OF FILMDOM'S oldest adages is a par- phrased proverb: "Make a better musical and the world will beat a path to your box- office." This has never been truer than in the case of "Seven Brides," which brings an origin- ality and a freshness to the screen that hasn't been seen since Leslie Caron enchanted movie- goers in "Lili." But this is on the opposite end of the scale; instead of delicacy, this adapta- tion of Stephen Vincent Benet's "Sobbin' Wom- en" has the lustiness and energy of Oregon Territory in 1850. The Cinemascope screen is filled to overflowing with beautiful mopntains and forests (although once there is a blatant backdrop that exudes an aura of poster-paint) ; New Books at the Library Davis, Burke-They Called Him Stonewall, New York, Rinehart & Company Inc., 1954. Havighurst, Walter-Annie Oakley of the Wild West, New York, The Macmillan Com- and the seven Pontipee brothers are as rug- ged a bunch as ever swaggered out of the back- woods country. Most of the movie is bubbling over with imaginative direction and the thorough en- joyment of a cast that doesn't quite take the whole thing seriously. The brightest lights in the cast are the Brothers and Brides: they romp energetically through a delightful, acrobatic Virginia Reel that is the high point of the film, followed immediately by a fine brawl in the midst of a barn-raising. Another highlight is the scene in which the brothers, slowly chopping logs and sawing wood as the snow drifts around them, sing the Lament For A Lonesome Polecat. Then they steal into town, kidnap themselves some brides, close the pass by an avalanche, and prepare for an uninterrupted, winter-long courtship - but the brides surprise them. The dancing brothers are not mentioned in the screen credits, nor are their female coun- terparts, but among them are Jacques D'Am- boise, of, I think, the New York City Ballet; and one of the "New Faces" ballerinas. The whole cast has been chosen with similar care, and director Stanley Donen has moulded the