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TUESDY, NOEMEaE 9,194 TU a'afT(Uaf!A iT UlA NV Y
A's Shifted to IC; Branoff Undergoes Op
6-2 Vote Transfers A's;
Nats, Tribe Fight Move
T 4>
Purdue Knocked Out of Big Ten Race;
'M', Buckeyes, Gophers Only Contendors
NEW YORK (AP)-The American
League yesterday approved the
shift of the Philadelphia Athletics
to Kansas City under the owner-
ship of Arnold Johnson of Chica-
,. go.
Hilligan Relays News
The decision was announced by
Earl Hilligan, public relations di-
rector of the league.
Hilligan said the vote was unan-
imous approving the sale of the
stock by Connie Mack and his sons
to Johnson. The vote was 6-2 for
shifting the franchise.
Johnson Must Sell Stadium
Under a provision of the approv-
al of the stock sale and the fran-
chise shift, Johnson must "divest
himself of all his interests in Yan-
kee stadium within 90 days."
Johnson said he would comply
with the order.
Walter "Spike" Briggs, owner
of the Detroit Tigers who had pro-
claimed himself as opposed to the
shfit earlier, in a surprise move
made the motion to approve the
franchise shift to Kansas City.
It was learned that the two
votes opposing the franchise shifts
were made by Washington and
Griffith Opposed Transfer
Griffith, soon toebe 85, had op-
posed the transfer because it
meant that Baltimore would be
shifted from a "western" team to
an "eastern" team and thus offer
competition to his Senators, both
at the gate and for television mon-
The new organization, to be
known as the Kansas City Athlet-
ics, will be in the western half of
the league with Cleveland, Chicago
and Detroit while Baltimore shifts
to the east with New York, Boston
and Washington. A new schedule
will be distributed to the clubs
within a week.
Shift Approved Earlier
It was the second time the
league had approved the shift to
Kansas City. On Oct. 12 they
agreed to let Johnson move the
club but set a deadline for Roy
and Earle Mack to agree to sell
their stock.
Grid Picks
It's gettin' harder every week.
With over 600 entries during
the past week, only a.total of
sixteen people were able to tie
Dave Livingston, Daily Sports
Editor, who picked fourteen
right out of the fifteen games.
This week The Daily is re-
laxing the rules of the contest
to allow those people who have
beaten the experts once and
gained two ties to have their
picks entered with the Daily
For this week, JERRY WAR-
CHAIZER, 320 E. Washington,
has been asked to submit his
entries as The Daily's guest
Remember, entries must be
mailed or brought to The Daily
before 10:00 P.M. Wednesday,
November 10. Submit as many
entries as you like, but be sure
they are in before the deadline.
Here are this week's games.
1. Michigan State at Michi-
2. Wisconsin at Illinois
3. North Carolina at Notre
4.Alabama at Miami (Fla.)
5. Army at Pennsylvania
6. Princeton at Yale
7. Washington at Southern
8. Indiana at Northwestern
9. Iowa at Minnesota
10. Ohio State at Purdue
11. S.M.U. at Arkansas
12. Missouri at Oklahoma
13. T.C.U. at Texas
14. Columbia at Navy
15. Auburn at Georgia
Michigan, Ohio State, and M-
nesota are the only teams which
are in contention for the Big Ten
football title as the conference sea-
son moves into its final two weeks
of action.
OSU"Sports Perfect Record
The Buckeyes, topping Pitt in a
non-conference tilt last Saturday,
still hold down the top spot with a
5-0 record in conference competi-
tion. Michigan gained an undis-
puted hold on second place with
its 14-7 win over Illinois.
Boasting a 4-1 mark, the Wol-
verines climbed out of a second-
place tie with Minnesota on the
strength of Saturday's win. Mang-
ling Oregon State in a non-confer-
ence contest, the Gophers dropped
to third place with a 3-1 record.
Purdue Eliminated
A contender last week, Purdue
dropped a 25-14 decision to Coach
Forest Evashevski's rebounding
Iowa squad and dropped from the
title race as a result of its second
defeat of the season. The Riveters
can hope to finish with only a 4-2
mark at best, not enough to bring
the bunting home to Lafayette, Ind.
Played at Iowa City, the tilt
which eliminated the Riveters may-
have a big bearing on the actual
title scrap, centering its influence
on two major contests scheduled
for this weekend. Purdue enter-
tains Ohio State on Saturday, while
Iowa meets Minnesota at Minneap-
olis the same afternoon.
Buckeyes' Chances Improve
Many grid experts figure the Riv-
eter loss may have helped the
Buckeyes in their bid for title
honors. They reason that a Purdue
squad with championship ambi-
tions would be a much tougher op-
ponent than a Purdue team which
had dropped into the also-ran class"
on the previous weekend.
In contrast, the Hawkeye win
seems to indicate that Evashevski+
has finally fashioned the hitherto+
spasmodic Iowa offense into a
smooth-running machine capable
of executing long, sustained drives.
If this conclusion is accurate, the
Gophers will be in for a rough 60
minutes when the referee's whis-
... leads Buck attack
tle signals the start of the con-
test at Memorial Stadium next,
MSC Revamps Offense
Michigan, the third contender,
also faces stiff competition Satur-
day afternoon, when Michigan
State invades Ann Arbor for the
traditional battle between the two
schools. Hugh "Duffy" Daugherty,
the Head Coach who is in his first
year at the helm of the Spartans,
revamped his offense for the game
with Washington State last week-
end and came out with a 54-6
slaughter of the Cougars.
The Spartans amassed a total
of 494 yards, 386 of them coming
on the ground. With only one Big
Ten win to their credit, the East
Lansing eleven has to beat the
Wolverines if they are to salvage
any glory out of an otherwise dis-
astrous 1954 campaign.
Iowa Surprises
With two upset wins over top con-
ference competition, Iowa has been
the surprise Big Ten team of the
past two weeks. After toppling a
Wisconsin squad which was fight-
ing desperately to remain in the
title chase, the Black-and-Gold
gridders stunned a high-flying, ti-
tle-contending Purdue squad by
scoring 25 points in the first half
and coasting to a 25-14 win.
Dawson Not Enough
In contrast to most of the Rivet-
er games this season, sophomore
quarterback Lenny Dawson, wasn't
enough to bring victory to Coach
Stu Holcomb's men. Dawson flood-
ed the air with passes, as is his us-
ual custom, connecting for 302
yards on aerials, but his passing
wizadry didn't phase the Hawk-
Ignoring Dawson's arm, the Iowa
City eleven rolled over the Rivet-
ers for a total of 407 yards, 368
on the ground, exhibiting the
crushing ground attack which
many experts thought would bring
the Hawkeyes the Big Ten title this
Bucks Drill
By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS - Ohio State's
Buckeyes went through light drill
yesterday starting a week stress-
ing fundamentals for the Purdue
game Saturday.
Vicie May Be Out
Coach Woody Hayes, said Don
Vicic of Cleveland, second-string
fullback, is hospitalized with a
leg infection and may miss the
trip to Lawayette, Ind.
Ken Vargo, the regular center
who broke. his arm in the Illi-
nos contest, began light workout
and may get some limited action
in the final season battle against
Michigan, Nov. 20.
Replacement center Bud Bond,
who suffered a cracked rib in the
Northwestern tussle, is also on the
doubtful list for the Purdue game.
LAFAYETTE - Purdue's foot-
ball squad gave careful attention
yesterday to a review of mistakes
made against Iowa as the Boiler-
makers began preparation for Sat-
urday's home contest with unde-
feated, untied Ohio State.
No Serious Injury
Purdue came through the 25-14
loss to the Hawkeyes without ser-
ious injury, and Coach Stu Hol-
comb indicated the same lineup
would face the Buckeyes.
Boilermaker scouts have warn-
ed that Ohio has the best balanc-
ed running attack Purdue has fac-
ed all season. The Buckeyes have
averaged 214.2 yards gained on the
ground per game in Big Ten play.
Purdue netted only 35 yards rush-
ing against Iowa.
'M'Star Out
For Season
Halfback Tony Branoff, who re-
injured his right knee against In-
diana ten days ago, underwent an
operation yesterday to have a piece
of cartilage removed from his
right knee at the University hos-
In 'good' Condition
The star wingback in Michigan's
single wing was reported in "very
good" condition last night by hos-
pital authorities. He had damaged
the knee originally in high school
and had reinjured it several times'
previously this season.
Branoff will be lost to the Mich-
igan team for at least the remain-
der of this season. The status of
his football future will probably
remain in doubt for some time aft-
er the operation.
The other starting members of
the team who missed the Illinois
encounter will also be on the side-
lines for the Michigan State con-
test. Center Jim Bates, who has
been sick off and on all season
has been released from Health
Service. There is a slight possibil-
ity that he will see some action
against Ohio State.
Jerry Williams, starting right
end, is still recovering from a
shoulder injury. He will miss the
MSC game and it appears doubt-
ful that he will see action at Co-
No new injuries were sustained
in the game against Indiana.
A strong second-half rally yes-
terday netted Cooley House an
18-9 victory over Anderson House
and the championship of thein-
tramural residence halls' second
place football playoffs.
Cooley Comes From Behind
Trailing 9-6 at the beginning of
the half, Cooley scored its winning
and insurance touchdowns, with
time to spare. Cal Atwood com-
pleted a touchdown pass to Pat
O'Brien to put Cooley into the
lead and later ran the ball over
for his team's third six-pointer of
the game.
Sharing the spotlight with Coo-
ley House were Evans Scholars
and Nu Sigma Nu who gained
triumphs in the first place semi-
finals of the Independent and
Pro Fraternity leagues, respective-
Bob McMasters' 13 yard toss to
Tony Drabik at the close of the
first half provided Evans with its
margin of victory, 6-0, over the
Phi Chi Takes Early Lead
Nu Sigma Nu spotted Phi Chi
a six point lead on Bill Lukash's
pass to Sani Barley, but overcame
the deficit to win, 13-6. Two scor-
ing aerials from Harry Allis to
Ted Stanford late in the game
gave the game to the Nu Sigs.
Cooley House Gridders Win
I-M Second-Place Playoff
Winchell won a third place title
by downing Adams House, 13-0, on
the all-round play of Jim Rein-
stra. After giving Winchell its
first score on a 40 yard intercep-
tion return, Reinstra completed
two passes to Lynn Martin for his
team's other touchdown and its
extra point.
Dasse Scores Twice
Frank Dasse ran for two scores
and passed to Maury Chase for
the other in Allen Rumsey's 18-0
conquest of Reeves House. The
victory gave Allen Rumsey the
dorms' fourth place crown.
Williams House copped the fifth
place championship by defeating
Kelsey House, 22-14, in the day's
highest scoring affair.
In the only other game, Phi
Alpha Delta squeezed by Tau Ep-
silon Rho, 15-12, to reach the Pro
Fraternity League finals.
Moment's Notice!?
!11 Expert Haircutters
* Compete Service
* Latest Methods
The Daseola Barbers
1 near Michigan Theatre
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Lions Increase Lead; New York, Philadelphia Tied
With the aid of the unpredictable
Los Angeles Rams, the powerful
Detroit Lions have advanced one
step closer to the Western Divi-
sion title of the National Football
Lions Increase Lead
This past weekend, which mark-
ed the beginning of the second half
of the football campaign, saw the
Lion club move one full game
ahead of the 49ers in the race for
the flag.
The glimmering hopes of the
49ers will, as a result of next Sun-
day's play, either flare brightly
once again or be extinguished. For
it is next weekend that San Fran-
cisco invades the "Motor City" to
meet the high-flying Lions.
49ers Must Win
It is a "must" game for the West
Coast aggregation. If they stop De-
troit, the 49ers will tie for the lead,
and if they lose . . . the cry of
"wait 'till next year" will echo
through the city of San Francisco.
Though the 49ers whipped the
th~e as
When police arrived at the college haberdashery, they
shook their heads in disbelief. Instead of being gagged
and bound, the salesman was actually glued to the floor.
They took quick stock of the clues... an empty glue pot
several odd-shaped pieces of cloth scattered about, an
empty show-case, an empty cash drawer. Ingenious
"Ugg glub," said the salesman, still all stuck-up aaa
stuck down, rather.
When they finally got him extricated with hot water and
chisels, he thanked them nicely and said, "What's the
matter with you jerks? I haven't been robbed."
"No," he explained, "I was simply making a demonstra-
tion of the Van Heusen Century shirt for some of the
boys. Showed them why the revolutionary one-piece
Century collar just won't wrinkle ever. Told 'em how reg-
ular collars are mnade of three layers of cloth, "glued"
and stitched together. I glued a set, just for emphasis ...
learned to demonstrate in Woolworth's."
"Get on with it," said the detective.
"Well, I showed 'em how these 3-piece jobs wrinkle and
wilt quickly even with starch or stays. I said the
Van Heusen Century collar would stay neat always-
without starch or stays-or their money back. When I
told 'em that Van Heusen Cepturys gave 'em lots more
wear than ordinary shirts, yet cost the same price (just
.$3.95 for whites and $4.50 for colors) they bought me out.
I was so overjoyed, I did a little jig and tripped over the
glue pot. Got stuck up."
"Oh, yeah?" yeahed the detective. "Well, where's all
the dough?"
"Oh, college men never pay. They just charge everything
to Dad."
(Editor's note: Oh, yeah?)
Lions when they met two weeks
ago, it looks as if the Lions will be
favored to hand San Francisco
their third straight defeat. Firstly,
the challengers will be without the
services of Hugh McElhenny, the
league's leading ground gainer,
and secondly, they will be forced
to travel more than half-way across
the country to play on a strange
Giants and Eagles Tied
In the Eastern Division, a two-
way tie between the New York
Giants and the Philadelphia Ea-
gles exists. The Pittsburgh Steel-
ers slipped back into fourth place
as they were dumped by the Gi-
ants. The Cleveland Browns moved
right back into the thick of things
-trailing the leaders by only a
A meeting of the two leaders,
the Eagles and the Giants, this
Sunday at the Polo Grounds in
New York is the "big" game in
the East. Philadelphia rules as the
Van Brocklin Stars
The big surprise in the pro loop
was, of course, Los Angeles' 42-34
upset win over the 49ers. Norm
Van Brocklin performed brilliant-
ly-per usual-as he completed 16
of 18 passes for 276 yards and
three touchdowns.
Elroy Hirsch, who starred for
Michigan, caught two of the scor-
ing aerials.
Giants Win Easily
Another shock to observers was
the ease in which New York4
whipped Pittsburgh. Scoring early
and almost at will, the Giants won,
30-6. Charlie Conerly enjoyed a
field day as he sparked the win-
ners with three touchdown passes.
A crowd of 36,358 suffering fans
-the third sellout at Forbes Field
-saw the Giants completely bottle
up the Steeler offense. The New
Yorkers recovered two fumbles
and intercepted five passes.
With Bobby Layne and Doak
Walker leading the assault, De-
troit humbled the Baltimore Colts,
27-3. Layne, as a result of fine
performances in his last two
games, seems to have regained his
hold on the first-string quarterback
Browns Scalp Redskins
The rebounding C l e v e l a n d
Browns scored a lopsided 62-3 vic-
tory over the hapless Washington
Redskins. George Ratterman, sub-
stituting for the slightly injured
Otto Graham, pitched four touch-
downs in 17 minutes. In his brief
appearance Ratterman connected
on 10 of 11 passes for 208 yards.
Philadelphia tuned up for their
battle with the Giants by whipping
the Chicago Cardinals, 30-14. Pass-
ing, as in most NFL games,, was;
the winning factor. Bob Thomason
flipped three TD aerials to spark
the winners.
Blanda Leads DriveI
In the only other game, the Chi-
cago Bears came from behind to
defeat Green Bay, 28-23. The win-
ning touchdown drive, which came
in the closing minutes of the fourth
quarter, was led by George Blan-
"Arthur Miller and the Man Who Knows" by William Wiegand
New stories by Henry Van Dyke, Mark Weingart, Lilia Amansec
A children's story with words by Larry Pike and pictures by
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