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November 09, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-09

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Latest Deadline in the State






Harlan Gets
High Court
Post Once Held
By Grandfather
NEW YORK (WP)-A tall, ath-
letic-looking man of 55 yesterday
was nominated to the U. S. Su-
preme Court bench once occupied
by his grandfather.
The nominee, U. S. Circuit Judge
John Marshall Harlan, sat in his
office high in New York's Federal
Courthouse and in the midst of
a whirl of excitement last yester-
day good-humoredly told a news-
man: "I'd be glad to trade places
with you."
Colleagues and other well-wish-
ers interrupted his every other
word and news photographers is-
sued countless directions.
Harlan, a handsome man with
a quick smile, friendly blue eyes,
and thinning grey hair, bears the
name of his grandfather, who
served on the Supreme Court from
1877 until his death in 1911.
Prosecuting Experience
Harlan, the grandson, had con-
siderable experience as a trial
lawyer, prosecutor and crime bust-
er but none as a jurist when he
became an appeals judge eight
i months ago.
Though he admitted to being a
lifelong Republican, Harlan, a Chi-
cago native, said he never took an
active part in politics.
The hectic scene in his 23rd-
floor chamber climaxed a career
that began when he was graduated
from Princeton in 1920.
Rhodes Scholar
After leaving Princeton, Harlan
went to Oxford as a Rhodes schol-
ar. Later he attended the New
r York Law School.
During World War II he served
in the Air Force, retiring as a col-
onel with a Legion of Merit from
his own country and the Croix de
Guerre from France and Belgium.
Then he went back to private
practice until the state crime probe
called him again to public office in
He served as the State Crime
Commission's chief counsel for
nine months, then went into pri-
vate practice again.
More recently he defended, sue-
cessfully, an antitrust suit brought
by the government against the du
Pont interests.
World News

..."Ethics by God or Man"
Ideas of Gods, Ethics May.
Lead to Chaos-Dean Pope
"Man undertakes to construct both his ethics and, his gods and
the result is often chaos," Dean Liston Pope of the Yale Divinity
School said yesterday.
Speaking on "Ethics-by God or Man," under the auspices of
the Student Religious Association and the Campus Religious Council,
Pope declared that modern man makes all values relative, and after
constructing relative ethical sys-

tems, makes them absolute.
1 Soul Needs Values
"We try to invest our man-made
ethics with a religious sanction
because ethics cannot be divorced
from religion and the human soul
must have values to live by," he
Explaining that new absolute re-
ligions have arisen with deification
of the relative, he cited as exam-
ples the cult of indifference and1
the cult of scientism.
The last is not usually subscrib-
ed to by scientists themselves, who
admire and respect technological
Religion Defined
He defined religion as "any at-
titued or idea which has supreme
importance" and added that new
religions or cults spring tip because
"belief in something is inescap-
The most determined opposition
to totalitarian policies has come
from churchmen, who take their
stand squarely on Christian abso-
lutes. He pointed out that this is
significant in view of the charge
that devotion to absolutes leads
toward totalitarianism.
Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, spiritual
leader of The Temple, Cleveland,
will give the third in the series
of lectures at 8:30 p.m. Thursday
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Fraternity Ban
Refused Appeal
The Supreme Court refused
yesterday to reveiew a decision
that the State University of
New York may ban national
fraternities and sororities on
the campuses of 22 of its units.
The Trustees of the State
University acted last spring to
abolish all fraternity ties with
their national organizations,
Sonfe fraternities and sorori-I
ties appealed the action on
grounds it was unconstitutional.

Letter Fad
Breaks Law:
Postmaster General Arthur E.
Summerfield labeled chain letter'
get-rich-quick schemes ill e g a1
Sunday, claiming they violated
both postal lottery and fraud
Assertions that the latest scheme
is not under postal jurisdiction
because letters are circulated by
hand were denied by Summer-
Violation Stated
"The public may believe that
this latest chain scheme does not
involve any violation of postal
laws because the letters or 'charts'
are sold person-to-person and do
not go through the mails. The
money does go. through the mail,
however, and the scheme there-
fore violates postal laws," Sum-
merfield said.
University students who bought
chain letters when they were
brought down from Michigan State
College Oct. 31 reported few sub-
stantial returns.
Students Lose Faith
Although one student received
$70 and another $40, many buy-
ers said they were losing faith in
the scheme.
"I never expected the full $10,-
240 but I thonot I'd make some-
thing," one Ardent said, adding
"so far, I haven't made a cent."
Detective John Walters of the
Ann Arbor Police department said
no action has been taken against
local offenders yet, but he empha-
sized that local courts have always
been "very cooperative" when
dealing with violators of gambling

Reds Asked
To Settle
Plane Issue
Shooting of Plane
Brings Demand
By The Associated Press
The United States demanded
reparations from Russia yester-
day for the shooting down of an
American photo-mapping bomber.
Reds countered with charges that
the U.S. plane had violated Russian
territory and opened fire.
As on earlier occasions of this
sort, the American and Russian
versions were exactly opposite.
The U.S. Air Force claimed the
shooting Saturday was all done by
the Russians, with the American
bomber not replying, and stressed
that the scene was over Japanese
territory. It said the American
plane was never within 15 miles
of Soviet territory.
U.S. Protests
A note which said "the United
States strongly protests" and
wants "moral and material repa-
rations"-that is, an apology, dis-
ciplining of the Red airmen re-
sponsible and money to pay for the
destroyed plane and to compen-
sate the family of the lone airman
lost-was handed to the Soviet For-
eign Office by Ambassador Charles
E. Bohlen.
However, Moscow said in a note
its fighter planes intercepted the
American ship to ask it to leave
Soviet territory but "The Ameri-
can aircraft opened fire on them."
"In view of this unprovoked ac-
tion of the American intruder,"
the Russian note said, "The Soviet
aircraft were compelled to retali-
ate the fire, after which the Ameri-
can aircraft left the air -space of
the Soviet Union and flew off in
a southerly direction."
U.S. Airman Drowned
One airman, 2nd Lt. Sigfredo
Angulo of Los Angeles was
drowned when he became en-
snarled in his parachute, and 10
others parachuted to safety. An-
gulo's body was recovered.
Formal U.S. note of protest
promised that the Kremlin would
hear again from Washington aft-
er investigation had pinned down
all thef acts "regarding human
and material losses.''
A hot protest already had been
leveled by Gen. John E. Hull, U.S.
Far East commander in Tokyo. He
accused the Russians of a "pirati-
cal" attack which he said could
not possibly be excused.
Red Claims Overcome
"Any claim by the Soviet attack-
ers that our plane was over what
they consider' theirt erritory is
completely negated by the fall of1
the plane and of thes urvivors who
parachuted from it on Hokkaido
soil," he said.
Meanwhile, in Tokyo Capt. An-
thony F. Feith, skipper of the
plane, told a news conference it
was "never closert han 15 miles"
t Russian territory.
It was the third such incident in
the Japanest area in recent years.
All told since the cold war began
about eighty ears ago, about a,
dozen incidents have occurred in,
which Soviet planes attacked
American craft. Not all of these
have resulted in loss of life or of
Most recent incident was the-
shooting down off Siberia two
months ago of a U.S. Navy Nep-
tune bomber. The Russians said,
then the big plane had violated
Soviet air space and had opened
fire first on Soviet jets.1

Senators McCarthy, Watkins
Clash in Debate on Censure
In First Day of Special Session

Deadline Extension Set'
For SGC or SL Positions


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Rep. John Din-
gell (D-Mich) announced yester-
day he would introduce on the
first day of the new Congress a
bill to cut individual incometaxes
for everybody.
Rep. Dingell is the second-rank-
ing Democrat on the House Ways
and Means Committee, which
starts all tax bills through Con-
WASHINGTON - Wideranging
speculation on the choice of a new
Democratic National Committee
chairman, probably to be selected
Dec. 4 in New Orleans, seemed
yesterday to be narrowing to three
They are Michael V. DiSalle of
Toledo, Paul Butler of Indiana and
as a possible dark horse, Sen.
Earle C. Clements of Kentucky.
Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky says
Moscow is willing to continue talks
with the United States on President
Eisenhower's atoms for peace
Speaking yesterday in the U.N.
Assembly's Political Committee,
Vishinsky charged an attempt is
being made to pillory the Soviet
Union by representing the Rus-
sians as against the Eisenhower
* * *
BOSTON - President Eisenhow-
er said Monday that despite Rus-
sian provocation, "the specter of'
war looms less threateningly" now'
than in years.
He mentioned specifically, as an
instance of provocation, destruc-
tion of a U.S. Air Force plane by
two Russian planes Sunday nearj
* * *

Petitioning for student govern-
ment elections Dec. 8 and 9 has
again been extended, with the fi-
nal deadline now Nov. 12.
Total petitions now returned to
SL number 36, including seven SL
Campus Blood
Drive Begun
Registration for the Alpha Phi
Omega blood drive opened yester-
day at booths throughout the cam-
Sherman Sokolov, '56, service
fraternity president, said a goal of
1,500 pints has been set for the
drive. Registration will continue
weekdays from 9 to 11 a.m. and 2
to 5 p.m. until Nov. 28.
Booths have been set up at the
League, Union, the Diag and En-
gine Arch.
Students under 21 years of age
must secure parental permission
slips at the time they register, to
be completed before the blood is
donated on Dec. 6-15. The Ameri-
can Red Cross will handle the
blood-donation operations.
Sokolov said that the Alpha Phi}
Omega chapter at Michigan State
College netted 1,247 pints of blood
in their drive last month.
Assembly Starts
Food Preference
Survey for Coeds
It's not only what you eat but
how it's prepared--and how much
of it you get.
That was the consensus at yes-
terday's meeting of Assembly Dor-
mitory Council, when ADC discus-
sion turned to a possible solution
for last week's controversy over
"beef birds" in Alice Lloyd Hall.
To prevent future discontent
over meals served in women's res-
idence halls, Assembly, according
to its President Hazel Frank, '56,
has planned a program, beginning
this week, which will determine
the food preferences of all dormi-
tory women.
A survey will be carried out in
every residence hall, to find which
common menus are favored and
which ones aren't. Assembly rep-
resentatives will also question stu-
dents on general satisfaction with
portions of the food served, and

isconsin Senator
Denounces Report
Calls Rebuke Proposals 'Completely
Improper'; Argues on Alterations
WASHINGTON ()-The "Joe McCarthy session" of the Sen-
ate opened in an angry uproar before packed galleries yesterday.
In top oratorical form, Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) hurled
such terms as "imbecilic" and "fantastic" at a proposal to rebuke
his conduct.
And he blasted as "completely improper" a last-minute change
in the report of the special committee which recommended censure
for him.
Chairman Arthur Watkins (R-Utah) of the special committee
refused at first, white with anger, to show McCarthy the change. In
the end he produced it, however, and another committee member,
Sen. Frank Case (R-S.D.), slapped the revised report down in front
of McCarthy with a force that scattered papers.
The altered passage turned out to be technical in nature and
Sen. McCarthy told reporters he couldn't see that it made any major
Thus, in an atmosphere of flaring tempers and much confusion,
began the unprecedented extra Senate session, which must decide
whether to vote censure of Sen.Q

members who will run for re-elec-
tion. Although there had been
speculation that Steve Jelin, '55,
SL President would not run again
Jelin has returned a petition an-
nouncing his candidacy.
May Reopen Petitioning


Dave Levy, SL elections di- Yesterday's session was suppos-
rector, said yesterday that if the ed to be mainly formal, with the
Board'of Regents approves the swearing in of new senators and
Student Government Council plan the presentation of the Watkins
at its meeting Friday, petitioning committee's censure resolution.
will be reopened to give students Debate wasn't supposed to begin
who wish to run for SGC (but not until tomorrow.
for SL) a chance to apply. But it started with a roar when
Meanwhile the SL candidates' Republican Majority Leader Wil-
trainingwprogram will begin Wed- liam Knowland of California an-
nesday to orient potential SL or nounced the Watkins group want-
SGC members to the problem and ed a little more time to make
prGciplmerofs tudetgveprnend.changes" in its resolution and
principles of student government. 'also in its report.
Opening meeting will include a Changes "Improper"
general discussion on the theory
of student government. Sen. McCarthy, standing next

Meeting Places Set
The following meetings are
scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 11,
Nov. 16, and Nov. 18. Except for
the Nov. 11 meeting which will be
held at the SL headquarters in
Quonset Hut 'A,' the rest of the
meetings will be at the Union.
Included as topics of discus-
lion and explanation are 1) Stu-
dent government relations with the
faculty and other campus organi-
zations, 2) internal affairs, 3) and
parliamentary procedure.
All candidates are required to
attend these meetings in addition
to attending the remaining SL
meetings of the year, and at least
one weekly committee meeting.
A traditional pre-election pro-
cedure of SL, the training program
this semester is under the direction
of Ruth Rossner, '55, SL first

to the 67-year-old Sen. Watkins,
declared it would be "highly im-
proper" to make any changes now
in a report which was supposedly
completed and made public last
Sept. 27.
"I would strenuously object to
any changes in the report at this
time," Sen. McCarthy declared.
On the Senate floor after the
session ended, Sen. McCarthy
showed the old and new versions
to reporters. Principal change was
in a passage which argues that
the Senate is a continuing body-
that a senator can be censured in
one Congress for something he did
in a previous Congress. Sen. Mc-
Carthy disputes this, but he agreed
the change in wording was not a
major alteration.
With this first row out of the
way, the Senate agreed to devote
today's session to eulogizing mem-
bers who have died recently.

McCarthy on charges of contempt
of the Senate and abusive treat-
ment of an Army general who
once testified before him.
GOP Considers Praise
Talk began among some Repub-
licans of modifying the censure
resolution-of possibly writing in-
to it some praise of McCarthy's
Communist investigating.
But the angry turn taken almost
from the outset seemed to dim any
such possibility for the time be-
ing at least.

Students Wil
Hold Debate
k'On McCarthy
A debate on the censure of Sen.
Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) will
take place here tomorrow, al-
though one of a similar nature
was cancelled yesterday at Wayne
Prof. Carl Miller of the Wayne
University government department
called the censure question "not
an educational issue." He cancel-
led a debate there in which speak-
ers for the Young Democrats and
Young Republicans were to argue
in favor of the censure charge.
Burr McCloskey, secretary of the
American Rally Party, was to have
defended Sen. McCarthy.
Prof. Miller explained he had
cancelled the debate solely because
it "was scheduled without my con-
sent." He is in charge of the pro-
gram which has aided the forma-
tion of Young Democrat, Republi-
can and Socialist clubs on Wayne
University campus.
Adding the issue is an emotional
one "that people approach with
closed minds," he said "nothing
would have been gained from hold-
ing a debate on this subject."
A discussion of the same topic
between the University debating
team and that of Marquette Uni-
versity will be held at 4 p.m. to-
morrow in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Fire Relief-Fiunid
Swells; SL Guild
Plans Contribution
With nearly $350 already col-
lected $200 more promised for The
Daily Fire Relief Fund, evacuees
of the Monroe rooming house fire
here Oct. 28 may apply to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs for grants
from the Fund.
Contributions of $15 from the
University Dames, $10 from Evans
Scholars and $7 from Alpha Omi-
cron Pi sorority were received over
the weekend, helping swell the
Fund to $347.19.
In addition, SL's Cinema Guild
insurance fund Will ocntnibute
$200, CG chairman Chris Reifel,
'55, said yesterday.
Contributions may be mailed or
brought to the Student Public-
tions Bldg. daily.
Senior Society
iTn aind nut the.halls we wavnder

Work Starts on St. Lawrence Seaway

Opera Cast Announced;
Road Show To Be Given

Canals on the St. Lawrence River
will close during the next few
months when construction of the
long-awaited St. Lawrence Seaway
is expected to begin.
Work on the Seaway which will
enable ocean vessels todsail from
the Atlantic as far inland as Tole-
do, Ohio, will start at Cornwall,
Legislation to extend the Seaway
into Michigan will probably be in-
troduced in the next session of
Congress according to recently-de-
feated. Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-
Widening. Deenening Set

passed Congress last May, author-
izing construction of the Seaway
as far as Toledo.
Competition Needed
It is only with the completion of
the Upper Channel Development
Program that the 2,450 mile sea-
way to the heart of the country, as
originally visualized, can become a
The strategic importance of this
lifeline lies in the fact that the
Mesabi Iron range of Minnesota,
long the main supplier for the na-
tion's steel needs is rapidly de-
Vast ore deposits in Labrador

conceived very early in the history
of North America.
As early as 1700, a Frenchman,
Dollard de Casson, built a one and
a half foot canal around the La-
chine Rapids in the Quebec sec-
tion of the river.
Historical Traffic
From 1700 onward the French,
British and Canadians gradually
widened and deepened the St. Law-
rence canals. As a result there has
been a considerable amount of traf-
fic between the Great Lakes and
the Atlantic for at least a century.
In following decades the United
States took few positive steps to-
wards a St. Lawrence Seaway. Ef-

Cast for the 1954 Union Opera,
"Hail to Victor!" was announced
yesterday by Jay Grant, '55, Opera
general chairman.
Heading the cast in the title
role of Victor Valiant is Gordon
Epding, '55.
Other roles will be played as
Christopher Parker, '55, Presi-
dent Harlan Diagonal; Robert Ely,
Spec., Lydia; Thomas Lewy, '58,
Phil Phybate; Wayne Cooke, '55
BAd., Homer; Earl Sayer, '57,
Madelan; David Cobb, '57E, Barry;

Tom Chamberlain, 57E, Glen Tho-
met, 56E, Geo. McIntyre, '57,
Christ Pyrros, 56 BAd, Dexter Bart-
let, Mike Lutsch, 58E, Mike May,
Herbert Karzen, '57, Robert Segar,
'57, Jay Newberry, '58, John Chris-
tiansen, Grad., William Stansell,
'55 and Gordon Mars, '56.
Roadshow Petitions
Petitions for roadshow chair-
men for the Opera will be accept-
ed through Friday at Rm. 3R of
the Union.
Either men or women may sub-

any suggestions
the preparation

they may have
of meals.


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