SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUDAYNOVEBER , 194 TH MICIGANflAI.V Influenza Injections End Today COMMON GOAL: Bond of Experience Used By Alcoholics Anonymous Singers To Give Performance Students Told Of Epidemic Predictions Flu epidemics for the next year are predicted by medical authori- ties and today is the last day that students and faculty members will be able to receive free immuniza- tion shots at the University Health Service. The department will be open from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and with no waiting for the shots. The Health Service guarantees 100 per cent negligible reactions. The vaccine used is the most recent development in flu vac- cines. It is important to get the innoculation before an epidemic hits because it takes from two to four weeks before immunity to the disease develops. The immuniza- tion effects last about four months. In redent experiments ten times as many test subjects contacted the disease as those who received the innoculations. As yet, this is the only known prevention for. the disease. Symptoms of the flu are high fevers, chills, sore throat and tightness in the chest. Since this virus disease affects the upper respiratory systems, any other dis- turbances of this area could be flu symptoms. Flu epidemics hit large num- bers of the population at once and occur in very widespread areas. The effects of the disease last from ten days to two weeks. According to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe of Health Service, "We are disappointed in student par- ticipation this year. The Health Service purchased this vaccine to innoculate anyone who wishes a high degree of flu immunity and particiation in the project has not been up to expectations." All students wishing the shots today should bring their ID cards with them to Health Service. -Daily-Chuck Kelsey IMMUNIZATION-Bill Coulter watches as a Health Service nurse innoculates him with the vaccine to provide immunity to influenza. The whole process takes about five minutes and re- actions are negligible. Today is the last day for shots. FloorshOw Cast Announced For Annual Soph Scandals Soph Scandals' cast has been chosen and rehearsals are now underway for the weekend of en- tertainment on Dec. 3 and 4. The following women were chosen to take part in the floor- show: Marlene Davis, Jo Ann Karch, Erika Erskine, Phyllis Ab- bot, Roberta Johnson, Roberta Evans, Barbara Gilmore, Janet Jagusch, Joyce Reuben, Jacqueline Povenz, Nancy Rovner, Jocelyn Watt, Pamela Farley. Sharon Straub, Clarice Wicks, Joyce Murray, Joani Rosen, Mary-' ilyn Smith, Patricia Earhart, Peg- gy Zvelch, Margaret Ross, Ann Titterington, Betty Jean Kafka, ai ph 'L (Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cheek," etc.) Sue Clemenson, Maral Molyneaux, Joan Feldman, Judy Geeting, Nancy Howell, Janet Burwell, and Kathryn Adams were also chosen. Also scheduled to participate in the program are Carole Davis, Kay McKenzie, Peggy Day, Pa- tricia Cooper, Patricia Wright, Paula Wilson, Diane Kierdorf, Phyllis Singer, Frances Crowley, Dee Galonska, Sue Arnold, Sue Chaffee, Mary Ellen Jones, Jac- queline Langmaid. Jane Fowler, Lou Ann Moxley, Shirley Curtiss, Mary Alice Fast, Patricia Babcock, Eleanor Shur, Mickey Gendell, Jacqueline foyer, Martha Stockard, Donna Ellis, Kathryn Protzman, Claire Zim- merman, Mary Clagett, Doris Lin- ton, Adelaide Scott and Nancy Marsh. Concluding the list of perform- ers are Nancy Snyder, Sue Sabel, Carol Kirschner, Joanne Sheets, Geraldine O'Hara, Janet Roberts, Sally Wilkinson, Ann James, Janet Dietrich, Mary Avery, Joan Holm- burg, Shirley Abbott, Patricia Likert, Roberta Arnold. Berky Blashfield, Katherine Fodell, Mary Jane Storer, Chris Knaggs, Sue Werbelow, Arlis Garon, Sally Staples, Ann Bragr- Larsen, Sally Truesdall, Ellen Price, Margaret Galdonyl., Dorothy Allaben, Cynthia Orr, Eleanor Hooper, Noreen Rupp and Terry Kuhn. In addition to the floorshow committee, there are committees for decorations, publicity, refresh- ments, tickets, makeup, programs, music, skript and stunts. A 11 sophomores are welcome to help make this event a success by sign- ing up for a committee in the Undergraduate Office at the League. General chairman for this year is Mary Lee Birmingham, with Nancy MacDonald as the assist- ant chairman. This year, the sophomores are planning to present two plays at each of the dances. EDITOR'S NOTE: This interview was held with a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. By MARY HELLTHALER Alcoholism is like diabetes, in that it can't be cured, but it can be arrested and controlled. Alcoholics Anonymous is a group which uses this principle in help- ing its members overcome their desire for and dependence on al- cohol. Although it is not generally known, there is actually a rela- tively small amount of organiza- tion between the numerous groups throughout the nation. A cen- tral office is located in New York City, which issues several pamph- lets and takes care of over-all problems. Once a year a directory is put out giving lists of the times and places of meetings in all parts of the country and the names of the secretaries. This is for the bene- fit of members who wish to at- tend meetings while they are trav- eling. Secretary's Position Rotates The secretaries are the only persons whose names are known to the public, and the position ro- tates from member to member. There are no membership dues, rules to follow, or lists of mem- bership. For this reason there is no way of knowing who belongs or how many persons are connected with the organization. In the various cities where an AA group is located, a telephone number is available in the tele- phone book for those seeking help. From this they are in turn refer- red to members on call. AA feels that alcoholism, like any other chronic sickness must have something to control it, just as diabetics must have shots for their entire lives. Therefore, mem- bers gather together in meetings for the strength that this provides. Two Types of Meetings Meetings are of two types- closed for alcoholics only, and open for members and their relatives and friends. At the closed meetings, anything at all is discussed. Those attend- ing may use the period in any way they wish. It is at this time that everyone, from janitor to bank president is put on an equal stan- dard, for all have the same prob- lem. All have a common bond of experience, so that anything one person says does not shock the rest. It is a wonderful equalizer. These get-togethers are excel- lent psychologically, for they pro- vide an opportunity for members to be completely frank with them- selves and others. It also is use- ful in providing an example. When one person sees how others with the same trouble are not drinking, it gives them an incentive to quit, and provides hope for the future. The open meetings are more of a social gathering. There is usually a speaker who gives his views on AA. Criterion for an Alcoholic The criterion for an alcoholic is whether or not there is any char- acter change during drinking-us- ually negative or for the worse. An example is when a basically honest person after drinking, steals. It is definitely not a person who: drinks all the time, because there are those, who are not affected by excessive drinking and those who can not take more than one drink. Alcoholism is a disease. There are definite stages with continued drinking. The first symptom is when an individual noticeably en- joys alcohol, not only the drinks his host offer, but the extra ones he fixes for himself in the kit- chen. He is the type who always wants to be the bartender. The second stage has begun when the person gets fits of re- morse after a hard night of drink- ing and terrible hangovers occur. When blackouts begin, the third stage has been reached. Blackouts are periods when a person appears on the surface to be functioning normally. He may look as though he has only had a few drinks, however, there are times when an alcoholic has long periods where he can not remem- ber a thing he has done. Results of Excess This is probably the first time a person realizes that he has a drinking problem. After this if drinking is not stopped, delirium tremors begin. Physical disorders may result and finally, death, if the person hasn't been killed in an accident or committed suicide in one of his dark periods. Religion and the law usually are not enough to help these people. A combination of psychological and spiritual help are needed, and this is what AA tries to give. Most alcoholics have emotional diffi- culties and turn to the bottle in a crisis. There are 12 rules which each member must accept. In summary they are that he must admit that he cannot lick his problem by himself; that there is a force greater than the individual; that he has certain character defects and emotional difficulties and that nothing is good unless you can give it away, in reference to advice and help with drinking problems of others. Also used by AA is a psycho- ligical gimmick. Alcoholics look at drinking only in the light of the next 24 hoursinstead of telling themselves they cannot drink again for the rest of their lives. Curing ofeDisturbances Once they are sober, they try to cure the emotional disturbanc- es bothering them, such as if they are dishonest, trying to become honest, in hopes that the cause for the drinking might be elim- inated. AA is getting more and more younger people in now, because they are beginning to become aware of the early stages and wanting to stop before it is too late. There are even AA groups in prisons. Before this time, there was a return of 90 per cent of the men who were paroled because they had committed crimes under the influence of alcohol. Now there is only a 20 per cent return. There is no stand taken by AA on prohibition politics or any con- troversial issues. Their sole ob- jective is sobriety for themselves. Jr. Panhellenic To Hear Lecture On 'How to Study' Junior Panhellenic Association is sponsoring its second Study Forum at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the League Ballroom. Speaker for the program will be Donald E. P. Smith, chief of the Reading Improvement Services. He will give a talk on "Hints on How to Study," including ideas on studying for bluebooks, of the es- say, multiple-choice and true-false, types. Smith has spoken to many groups in the past abgut the same topic. Last year Junior Panhel held its first forum, and according to many students, it proved very helpful. The discussion has been sched- uled at this time so that students may receive help before their mid- semester examinations.I ii THE INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT OF NED FUTTY Chloe McColgate was a beautiful coed who majored in psych and worked in the I.Q. testing department of the university. She did not work there because she needed money; she worked there because she loved and admired intelligence above all things. "I love and admire intelligence above all things," is the way she succinctly put it. Ned Futty, on the other hand, was a man who could take intelli- gence or leave it alone. What he loved and admired above all things was girls. "What I love and admire above all things is girls," is the way he put it. One day Ned saw Chloe walking by on the campus. "Holy Toledo!" he exclaimed. "How sweetly flows that liquefaction of her clothess!" The following day he saw her walking past again. "Great balls of fire!" he exclaimed. "Next, when I cast mine'eyes and see that brave vibration each way free, 0, how that glittering taketh me!" When he saw her again the next day, he could no longer contain himself. He ran up and blocked her way. "Excuse me," he said, tugging his forelock, "I am Ned Futty and I love you beyond the saying of it. Will you be mine?" She looked at his quarter-inch haircut, his black rimmed glasses, his two-day beard, his gamy T-shirt, his tattered jeans, his de- composing tennis shoes. "You are not unattractive," she admitted, "but for me beauty is not enough. Intelligence is what I require in a man." "I'm smart as a whip" said Ned with a modest blush. "Back home everybody always said, 'You got to get up pretty early in the morning to get ahead of old Ned Futty."' "Maybe so," said Chloe, "but if you don't mind, I'd like to make sure. Will you come into the I.Q. testing department with me?" "With you I would go into a malted milk machine," cried Ned Futty and laughed and smote his thigh and bit Chloe's nape in an excess of passion and high spirits. Scampering goatlike, he followed her into the LQ. testing department. "First I will test your vocabulary," said Chloe. "Shoot!" said Ned gaily and licked her palm. "What does juxtaposition mean?" "Beats me," he confessed cheerily. "How about ineffable?" "Never heard of it," smiled Ned, plunging his face into her clavicle. "Furtive?" "With fur on?" said Ned doubtfully, Chloe sighed. "How are you on arithmetic?" she asked. "A genius," he assured her. "What's the difference between a numerator and a denominator?" "My feeling exactly!" said Ned with an approv~ng nod. "What's the difference?" "If a man earns fifty dollars a month," said Chloe, "and saves 12% of his earnings, how long would it take him to save $100?" "Forever," said Ned. "Who can save anything on $50 a month?" "How do you find a square root?" "How should I know?" replied Ned, giggling. "I'm no square." "How are you on English?" asked Chloe. "I speak it fluently," said Ned with quiet pride. "What is the present tense of wrought?" "Wreet," replied Ned, clutching Chloe to him and dancing 32 bars of the Maxixe. "Next I will test you for manual dexterity," said Chloe. She handed him a board punched full of oddly shaped holes and a collection of oddly shaped pegs. "Fit the pegs in the holes," she instructed him. "Let's neck instead," suggested Ned. "Maybe later," said Chloe. "First the pegs." He fumbled about for a longish interval. Finally he tired of it and reached for Chloe. But she fended him off. "Ned Futty," she said, "you are dumb. You have the highest dumbness score of anybody I have ever tested. Consequently I cannot be your girl, for I love and admire intelligence above all things." He hurled himself on the floor and clasped her about the knees. "But I love you!" he cried in anguish. "Do not send me from you, or you will make my world a sunless place -- full of dim and fearful shapes!l" "I am sorry," she answered, "but you are too dumb." "Reconsider, madam," he begged, "else a miasm looms before me." "Go," she said coldly. FRIENDS (QUAKER) MEETING Lane Hall 10:00 A.M.-Young Friends. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Visitors wel- come. 3:30-5:30 P.M.-"Who Are the Quakers?" A panel discussion. 1106 South Forest Ave. LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL f(National Lutheran Council) Hill and Forest Avenue Dr. H. O. Yoder, Pastor Sunday- 9:00 and 11:00 A.M.-Worship Services 10:00 A.M.-Bible Study 6:00 P.M.-Supper and Program following: Speaker, Prof. Paul Kauper, Law Faculty. Tuesday- 7:15-8:15-"Studies in Biblical Faith." Series led by Dr. George Mendenhall. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division St. Sunday Services at 8, 9, 11 A.M., and 8 P.M. Lectures on The Faith of the Church at 4:30 P.M. Supper Club at 6:30 P.M. ST. NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 414 North Main Rev. Father Eusebius A. Stephanou 9:30 A.M.-Matins Service 10:30 A.M.-Devine Liturgy Alternate Thursdays, Nov. 4, 7:30 P.M.-Ortho- dox Student Guild EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Broadway at Plymouth Rd. 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:30 P.M. Evening Service R. L. Lewis, Minister, Phone NO 3-4061 BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED 423 South Fourth Ave. Walter S. Press, Pastor Warren Winkler, Director of Student Work 10:45 A.M.-Worship Service: Sermon by Rev. Press: "Steadiness in the Christian Life" 7:00 P.M.-Student Guild at the Bethlehem Church FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 502 East Huron, Phone NO 8-7332 Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister Beth Mahone, Asst. Student Counselor Sunday, November 7- 9:45-Study Philippians 11:00-Sermon 6:45 Prof. Leroy Waterman speaks to Guild on "Religion of Jesus" FIRST METHODIST CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDATION 120 South State Street Merrill R. Abbey, Erland G. Wangdahl, Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers 9:00 and 10:45 A.M.-Worship: "Does Religion Dare?" Dr. Abbey, preaching. 9:30 and 10:15 A.M.-Student Seminars, Topics: "Basic Methodist Beliefs," and "Great Ideas of the Bible." 5:30 P.M.-Supper and Fellowship 6:45 P.M.-Worship. and Program. .Debate "Ethics by God or Man." The main speakers C. Grey Austin, David Luce. Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, open daily. MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan Streets Rev. George Barger, Minister 10:45--Morning Worship. Sermon: WHAT ONE CHRISTIAN CAN DO 9:45 A.M.-Church School CONGREGATIONAL-DISCIPLES STUDENT GUILD 7:00 P.M.-Congregational Church: Student program: "Living a Responsible Life in the Community" Under the direction of Maynard Klein, associate professor of Chor- al Music, the 85-voice Michigan Singers will make a special public appearance for a nationally- known corporation's banquet at 8 p.m. Monday in the Union. Wearing their traditional black and white concert attire, the mix- ed group will sing a program of choral music. Featured numbers include "Alleluia", by Randall Thompson, "The Doe", by Hinde- mith", "I'd Enter Your Garden", a selection from a group of Brahms Folk Songs, "Wedding Chorus" from "Windsor Forest", by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and selections from the Brahms "Liebeslieder Waltzes". Organized as an extra-curricular choir, the Michigan Singers is a select group of musicians, whoI will tour the New England states on their annual concert tour dur- ing spring vacation. This year the, Singers will end their singing tour in New York City, with a com- bined concert with the Symphony Band in Carnegie Hall. Concerts in Michigan Cities Concerts will also be presented in Wayne, Eaton Rapids, and other Michigan cities during the first semester. A special public ap- pearance at the Ann Arbor Christ- mas Sing, Dec. 11, in Hill Audi- torium, is also slated. Now active as an extra-curri- cular group, the Singers spend an ambitious week learning new choral music quickly and prefect- ing it for performance in good style. They have already appeared I1 twice in Ann Arbor in musical programs. The first concert fea- tured a program of the composi- tions of the contemporary English composer, Ralph Vaughan Wil- liams, who was visiting the campus as guest lecturer on October 11 and 12. Broadcast over WUOM, the Michigan Singers presented a pro- gram of modern music, as a part of the Contemporary Music Week activities in October. Music' per- formed was by Poulenc, Hinde- mith, Randall Thompson, Vau- ghan Williams, and Finney. Another program scheduled is to be presented for visiting teach- ers and music educators, from Michigan who will be attending- the annual Music Educators Mid- western Conference, Jan. .7. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw, Phone NO 2-0085 Edward H. Redman, Minister Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bailey, Advisor to Students Mrs. Fay A. Kincaid, Director of Religious Education Miss Betsy Gidley, Organist 10 A.M.-Unitarian Adult Group and Church School 11 A.M.-Services. Rev. Max D. Goebler of Mad- ison, Wisconsin, guest minister on: "The In- exhaustible Resource." 5 P.M.-Unitarian Youth Fellowship at 1111 White Street 7:30 P.M.-Unitarian Student Group at the church with Rev. Max D. Gaebler CAMPUS CHAPEL (Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches of Michigan) Washtenaw at Forest Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director Res. Ph. NO 5-4205. Office Ph. NO 8-7421 10:00 A.M.-Morning Service 7:00 P.M.-Evening Service FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH William and State Sts. Minister-Rev. Leonard A. Parr Minister to Students: Rev. H. L. Pickerill; Assoc. Sue Gillespie. Church School and Nursery at 10:45 a.m. Public Worship at the same hour. Dr. Parr's subject will be "What Religion Does Not Do." From 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. the annual Open House and Tea will be held in Pilgrim Hall. Student Guild in Mayflower Room at 7:00 p.m. Discussion: "Our Opportunities and Respon- sibilities in Community Service." THE CHURCH OF CHRIST 530 West Stadium (Formerly at Y.M.C.A.) Sundays-10:15 A.M., 11:00 A.M., 7:30 P.M. Wednesdays-7:30 P.M., Bible Study, G. Wheeler Utley, Minister Hear: "The Herald of Truth" WXYZ-ABC Net- work Sundays--1:00-1:30 P.M. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Corner Lawrence and Thayer Phone NO 3-2139 Rev. Herbert Nation, Minister Phone NO 2-5361 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School:: "Get the Man Out of the Fish" 11:00 A.M.-Rev. Paul Smith will speak 7:00 P.M.-Young People's Meeting 7:45 P.M.-Evangelistic Service. Every Evening-7:45 P.M.-First Revival Ser- vices. A hearty welcome is extended to all students. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH State and Huron Streets, Phone NO 2-2112 Wm. C. Bennett, Pastor 10:00 A.M.-Sunday School 11:00 A.M.-Dr. Merrill C. Tenny of Wheaton College 6:00 P.M.-Student Guild 7:30 P.M.-"PUTTING THE LORD FIRST"-- Pastor Bennett Wednesday, 7:30-Mr. Bill Fletcher of NAVI- GATORS will be speaking. A cordial welcome awaits you here. Come ex- pecting a real blessing. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Scientist 1833 Washtenaw Ave. 9:30 A.M.-Sunday School 11:00 A.M.-Sunday Morning Service Nov. 7-Adam and Fallen Man 8:00 P.M.-Weanesday:Testimonial Service A free reading room Is maintained at 339 South Main Street where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, bor- rowed or purchased. Reading Room hours are Monday, 11:00 A.M. to 9 P.M.; Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 A.M. to 5 P.M.; and Sunday 2:30 to 4:30 P.M. Events Around Cam pus_ UNION-The Union will open ' its doors to students, alumni, and guests from 4:15 to 6:15 p.m. to- day for an open house after the Illinois football game. Alex Camp- bell's band will provide music for dancing and mixing in the ball- room. Refreshments will be serv- ed. I * EDUCATION COUNCIL-There will be an Education Council meet- ing at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the Education School Lounge. * * * PANHEL-Panhell aic Associa- tion will not meet Na onday. * * VOLLEYBALL - The following teams will play in the volleyball tournament: At 7:15 p.m. Mon- day-Mosher I vs. Couzens I; At 7:15 p.m. Tuesday-Yost I vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Couzens II vs. Kleinstueck I. SOPH SCANDALS-All collec- tors of sophomore dues for Soph Scandals may bring in their money from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to the Undergraduate Office at the Lea- gue. There will be a mass cast re- hearsal for Soph Scandals at 9 a.m. today at the League. * * * FORTNITE-Auditions for As- sembly Fortnite emcees will be held from 3:15 to 5 p.m. Monday in the League. Women are asked to come in pairs with prepared acts, since Fortnite is using two emcees working together this year. RENT-A-CAR LICENSES Nye Standard Rates Include: Gas and oil and Insurance. Phone NO 3-4156 NO 8-9757 Motor Sales Inc. A 11 11 11111 Fix ALL-WOOL M~fBLANKETS SUPER PLENAMINS to guard your family's diet Each tablet contains g --- more than your mini- mum daily require- ment (where estab- lished) of 11 Vitamins "~ plus Liver and 12 Min- SUPER erals including Iron. "M FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AND STUDENT CENTER 1432 Washtenaw Ave. Henry Kuizenga and George Laurent, Ministers William S. Baker and Eduard Sue, University Pastors ii II