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November 06, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-06

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* *k * * *k *7*k*
Controversial Diplomat Fired by Secretary Duties


John Davies
Said To Lack
Five-Man Board
Find Him Loyal
Davies, Jr., controversial diplomat
cleared eight times under the Tru-
man administration, was fired by
Secretary of State Dulles yester-
day on the grounds he lacked
judgment, discretion and reliabil-
Sec. Dulles, who said he acted on
the unanimous recommendation
of a five-man inquiry board, de-
clared that neither he nor the
board had found Davies "disloyal
in the sense of having any Com-
munist affinity" or consciously
helping an enemy of this coun-
Attacked by McCarthy
Davies, under attack for years
by Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-
Wisc.) and others, said he would
not contest Sec. Dulles' ruling. He
handed reporters a statement say-
"There has been enough recrim-
ination. I am not prepared to add
to it and thereby detract from the
strength of my country in its
mortal struggle with the Com-
munist enemy ... I must be con-
tent to let history by my judge."
Davies has been a target of
criticism by those who contend
that United States officials did
not give sufficient aid to the
Chaing Kai-shek regime in China
and that this helped pave the way
for the Commnist takeover. Much
R of Davies 23-year diplomatic serv-
ice was in China.
Saw Power Shift
Published State Department re-
cords state that during World War
II years Davies expresed the be-
lief power in China was shifting
from the Nationalists to the Reds.
According to these records, he ar-
gued the United States must take
strong measures to revitalize Chi-
ang's party but if this could not
be done it should consider work-
ing with and trying to capture
the cooperation of the Commun-
Patrick J. Hurley, who was am-
bassador to China in 1944-45, ac-
cused Davies and others of "sabo-
taging" a policy of aiding Chaing.
'Welcome Disclosures'
Davies, in his statement yester-
day, said he would welcome public
disclosures by Sec. Dulles of the
whole record of his case. Such
a disclosure, he said, should in-
clude "my 1950 recommendations
that we seek a preventive show-
down with the Soviet Union." This
was the first public intimation that
he had made such a recommenda-
tion He did not elaborate in his
Premier Says
Reds Eye Asia
NEW YORK - Prime Minister
Shigeru Yoshida of Japan said
yesterday evening "only the blind
will fail to see that the Commun-
ists regard Japan as the ultimate
prize of their Pacific conquests."
Aiding the Communist design in
Asia, he said, is "ancient and deep-
seated poverty and disease" and
the "strong nationalist emotions
that have followed in the wake of
freedom from centuries of colonial
Economic, political and cultural

plans of the Allies therefore are
the "test of strength in fighting
communism in Asia" as much as
military plans, he added in a
speech to the Japan Society.
1- 'ud Cm Ar a db.I

May Face Defeat ~~~~~~~
Rep. Cole Says Congress Powerless
To Table TVA Addition Proposal *'$ F
WASHINGTON (A)-Rep. W. Sterling Cole (R-N.Y.) said yes-
terday Congress is powerless to stop the controversial Dixon-Yates
contract from going into effect, but Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.)s
predicted the new Democratic-controlled Congress would take steps 4 ..r.r
to kill it.
The exchange of views sharpened a party-line split during public
hearings by the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee on the :
proposal to have private interests y

Ill1ini Sill ursue
First Big Ten1Wi
Branof f, Jim Bates To Miss Game;
.Caroline May See Limited Action
Daily Sports Editor
Seven short weeks ago Illinois was rated the classof, the Big Ten
while Michigan was listed as an unknown quantity.
As the two teams resume one of football's longest rivalries at
1:30 this afternoon in the Michigan Stadium the Wolverines remain
a baffling outfit, while the Illini enter not as favorites but as under-
dogs and the doormat of the Conference.
A "Must" Game for 'M
For Michigan the contest ranks as a "must" if its Conference
title and Rose Bowl hopes are to v

erect a 107 million dollar steam
plant to supply added power to
the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Committee Chairman
Rep. Cole is chairman of the
committee, which is weighing an
Administration request to give an
immediate go-ahead for the con-
tract, approved but not yet signed
by the AEC.
The law requires that the con-
tract lay before the committee for
30 days while both houses of Con-
gress are in session-or until next
February-unless the committee
itself waives that period. The con-
gressional group has no authority
to alter or veto the contract.
"There is nothing that Congress
can do to stop the contract from
going into effect," Rep. Cole said,
"unless the President himself ac-
quiesces in congressional action."
Sen. Gore, who was on the wit-
ness stand, replied: "There are
things Congress can do in a legis-
lative way to kill that contract,
and I think they'll be done."
Democratic congressmen, who
made the contract a hot cam-
paign issue, have insisted that the
committee observe the full 30-day
waiting period thereby carrying
it over to the next session. Top
Administration spokesmen have
urged that it be waived to permit
construction of the plant in time
to supply added power needed by
1957 in the TVA area.
Replace TVA Power
The power would be furnished
the TVA for the Memphis, Tenn.,
area to replace some TVA elec-
tricity used by the AEC.
Sen. Gore was a leader in the
Senate's 13-day marathon debate
over this issue and other atomic
questions last fall.
The contract, he testified, "reeks
of government subsidy and guar-
anteed profits." It grants the com-
pany "complete immunity from in-'
creases in the tax burden," he1
In that respect, Sen. Gore tes-
tified, the contract still violates
"the spirit and the letter" of an1
amendment which he sponsored7
and the last Congress approved1
prohibiting direct reimbursement
to the company for federal income
Blue Skies?
The weatherman says it will
be a nice day for a football
With the special considera-
tion reserved for football Sat-1
urdays, the temperature has ar-
ranged to hit the near 50'6. A
drop to the low 40's is expected
for latetoday.

AEC Power
Contract Still
Under Fire
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond article in a series on the Dix-
on-Yates entract controversy.)
Although Sen. Bourke B. Hicken-
looper (R.-Ia.) postponed hearings
on the Dixon-Yates contracts be-
fore his Joint Congressional Com-
mittee on Atomic Energy until aft-
er the election, the Senate Judici-
ary Committee uncovered more in-
formation about the transaction.
Headed by Sen. William Langer
(R.-N.D.), the committee heard
Arthur E. McLean, a Little Rock,
Ark., bank president on Oct. 21.
McLean's testimony was concerned
mainly with Arkansas Power and
Light, a subsidiary of Dixon's Mid-
dle South Utilities Company.
Corrupt, Ruthless'
McLean called the AP and L
"most corrupt and ruthless" and
advised that the Dixon-Yates con-
tract be examined very closely be-
fore approval.
The next day former Gov. Sidney
S. McMath of Arkansas attributed
his defeat in the 1952 election to
the AP and L. He testified the com-
pany offered financial support to
his campaign if he would oppose a
rural electrification cooperative;
he mentioned the company had
viciously threatened to oppose him
if he did not try to block the coop-
Next week, Leland Olds, chair-
man of the Federal Power Com-
mission in the Truman Administra-
tion, and Gordon Clapp, former
TVA chairman who left his post
last May, testified before the Lang-
er committee.
Olds declared that the Dixon-
Yates contract was a "conspiracy
to undermine, disintegrate and ul-
timately take over the TVA" on
the part of private utility com-
Clapp criticized the contract on
five points. He called it "a bad fi-
nancial deal for the taxpayers"
and said that it was an unwise
engineering plan.
He charged that the contract will
make the government pay twice
as much as is called for. He called
the Bureau of the Budget and the
AEC "promoters and sponsors of
the deal."
Finally, Clapp cmrrged that the
contract is part of a "scheme to,
squeeze TVA into submission to the
private utilities."

Band To Honor Sousa's Memory

stay alive. For Illinois, Michigan's
most persistent conqueror in re-
cent years, a victory would turn
an otherwise dismal season into
at least a semblance of success.
Bennie Oosterbaan's Wolverines,
still smarting froni the 13-9
spanking administered by Indiana
last week, boast a 3-1 Big Ten
record-one that is topped only
by Ohio State's perfect slate. On
the other hand Ray Eliot's Illini,
who have yet to post a Confer-
ence triumph, picked off their
only win of the season two weeks
ago against an impotent Syracuse
* 60,000 Fans to Watch
That's the picture as the two
squads square off before about
60,000 fans this afternoon. But
one might as well forget the re-
cords-anything can happen in a
Michigan-Illinois game.
The Wolverines have held the
unhealthy role of favorite more
than once in the past four years,
but it has been the Orange and
Blue who emerged on top each
Line Takes Blame
The line that has, been given
all the blame for Illinois' current
unimpressive showing has shown

Michigan Marching Band will
salute the memory of John Philip
Sousa on his 100th birthday at
half time during today's game.
Included in the program will be
Sousa's "The Thunderer, " "El
Capitan," "Liberty Bell," "Saber
and Spurs," "The U.S. Field Ar-
tillery" and "The Stars and Stripes
The band will form a"giant
"SOUSA," two liberty bells, a
horse and rider, an atomic can-
non and a shield. A projectile will
be shot from the human cannon
and will burst into the word

Prof. William D. Revelli, direc-
tor of the marching band, said the
shield formation which will accom-
pany "The Stars and Stripes For-
ever" will contain a "very unusual
surprise for our audience."
A 60 by 80 foot United States
flag will be paraded by 30 volun-
teer students from Cooley House
during the last selection. They
practiced with the Band yesterday
under Prof. Revelli's direction.
Sousa was born in 1854. At the
age of 17 became orchestral con-
ductor of a traveling theatrical
unit and he became conductor of
the Theater Comique of Washing-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
Policy Briefing...
WASHINGTON-President Eisenhower, described as eager to
get on "cordial and constructive" working terms with the Democrats,
yesterday called leaders of both parties in Congress to a conference
on foreign policy Nov. 17.
While this is not the first time that a White House briefing has
been held for both Demobratic and Republican leaders, it gave new
emphasis to Eisenhower's expressed wish for good relations.
Wednesday, the day after the voters decided to replace Republi-
cans with Democrats in control of the new Congress, Eisenhower
said he would consult with leaders of both parties on both domestic
and foreign issues.

ton in 1872. As a violinist, he play-
ed in Offenbach's orchestra at the
Philadelphia Exposition in 1876. In
1880 he became leader of the
United States Marine Corps Band
but 12 years later formed his own
Sousa toured the world several
times and gave more than 10,000
concerts, - earning the title of
"March King" before he died in
Clarify Act
For Aliens
Panel Explains Law
To Foreign Students
Foreign students at the Univer-
sity were informed yesterday on
what they must do to retain their
status under the Immigration and
Nationality Act of 1952.
Edward J. Duggan, deputy dis-
trict director, Horace E. Wiley,
chief of inspection and examina-
tions branch and Lucile Salyers,
chief of the non-immigrant stud-
ent section of the Detroit Immi-
gration and Naturalization Service
participated in a panel discussion
clarifying problems facing foreign
If a student entered the United
States with a limited or single en-
try visa, they warned, he is not
able to visit Canada except in
cases of unforeseen emergency.
Should he leave the United States,
he would need another visa to re-
turn, they pointed out.
Students must have permission
from immigration authorities to
work, the officials continued, and
although permits will be given in.
case of need, the law. has been
modified to allow on-campus em-

U.S. Offers
Atom Peace
Plans to UiN
The United States yesterday gave
the United Nations a detailed plan
for implementing President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's atoms-for-peace
It proposed 1) sharing mater-
ials and know-how through bi-
lateral agreements, 2) a 1955 sci-
entific conference and 3) forma-
tion of an international atomic
energy agency.
The Soviet Union was told "the
door is still open" for Russian
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., United
States chief delegate, spelled out
for the General Assembly's Poli-
tical Committee the details of the
proposals laid down to the Assem-
bly by the President last Dec. 9
and by Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles Sept. 23.
He announced that the United
States was now "prepared to start
discussions with other countries
for the conclusion of bilateral
agreements" to supply them With
atomic information, technical aid
and fissionable materials for
building half million dollar atomic
research piles.
He said it-with other unspeci-
fied countries-would sponsor an
Assembly resolution to put the
UN into "international coopera-
tion in developing the use of the
atom for peace" as quickly as pos-
sible. United States sources dater
added that this probably would be
introduced in the committee early
next week.
Listens Intently
Andrei Vishinsky, Soviet deputy
foreign minister, listened intently
to Lodge, following his copies, of
the speeches and sometimes, tak-
ing notes. He gave no indication
of when he would speak.
Lodge's address came two days
after the President's Washington
announcement that a United
States note to the Soviet ambas-
sador there had proposed further
American-Soviet negotiations on
atoms for peace.
Knight Says
Election Was
Boost to Adlai
CHICAGO, Nov. 5 (A'-Publishe
John S. Knight today said "the one
man who profited most from the
election results was Adlai Steven-
He said Stevenson, the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee in 1952,
probably will be that party's can-
didate for President again in 1956.
Knight, editor and publisher of
the Chicago Daily News and other:
Knight newspapers, addressed the
Mid-Continent Trust Conference of
the American Bankers Association.
Several days before the Republi-
cans made their nominations in
1952, Knight accurately predicted
the then Sen. Richard Nixon would.

. .. seeks revenge

* * *


Assembly Board Plans Pro

Censorship Planning ...
WASHINGTON-The Office of Defense Mobilization yesterday
created a Committee on National Censorship Planning headed by Lt.
Gen. Willard S. Paul, Ret. Nine federal agencies will be represented
on the panel, which will have the task of getting a blueprint ready
for use in case of need.
Paul told a reporter that he "subscribes wholeheartedly to the
policy of voluntary censorship control" as it operated in World
War II.
When the agency representatives have been picked and have
sketched out the plans for a wartime organization, an ODM spokes-
man said, representatives of newspapers, radio, television, the com-
munications industries and other media of information will be
brought into the planning.
Peace Treaty...
RANGOON, Burma-The state
of war between Burma and Japan
itest on Food officially ended yesterday with the
signing of a peace treaty.
Inaseparate reparations agree-
that each of the parties concerned ment, goods, loans and technical
can appreciate the other's posi- help over the next 10 years
tion. compensate for damage and suf-
"Assembly knows how to set up fering inflicted on Burma by the
the machinery to work satisfactor- Japanese invasion in World War
ily with the agencies concerned," IL
she added.
Aclar -.-- .. s +h4cr+ +a T. 7 -.. " P T1

16 People Escape Injury
In Emergency Landing

a great improvement week by
week. And the fleet corps of Illini
backs that includes J. C. Caroline,
Mickey Bates, and Abe Woodson
are champing at the bit waiting
for a few holes to open up so that
they can have a place to run.
If things aren't moving too well
on the ground quarterback FEn
Lindback is expected to test the
Wolverines with his passes, for
Illinois scout Leo Johnson was
See MICHIGAN, Page 3

Recent demonstrations of disap-
proval of dormitory food have led
Assembly Board to action on the
At a meeting Thursday, board
members, acutely aware of the
need for action. decided ou a nlan

and Prescott houses made out a
petition Thursday when hash was
served at noon. Girls at Stockwell
reported that even before the
Lloyd incident the complaints were
heavy, and since then have inten-
MiacPrnk rf.4,.-rI +ht+th

WASHINGTON (P) - After cir-
cling nervously for 2 hours and
11 minutes, an American Airlines
plane with a crippling, nose wheel
ground to a precarious but safe
landing at National Airport yes-

The plane raced down the run-
way and slowly settled on its
damaged nose wheel, which fold-
ed under the burder. The orange-
streaked, aluminum nose bump-
ed into the concrete and the plane
1n.ia1+DA amn, i mediately its tail

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