PAGE FOUR IRE 11111l:UIGA i°!i DA" V FRIDAT- NOVEMR14,11L A-AMAAL X M-,..M X.p XV VV ZANVADAW VI, tAVD'% FRUSTRATED PHONERS: Administration Worries About Busy Signals Too O ANYONE trying to telephone the women's dorms, especially those on the Hill, the constant repetition of "Sorry, that line is busy," is a source of annoyance. The phone situation bothers the administra- tion too. According to Leonard A. Schaadt, Business Manager of Residence Halls, the administra- tion is well aware of the situation and working constantly to alleviate the problem." In Stockwell there are 25 corridor phones, two pay phones and one student government phone, averaging out to one phone per 14 4/5 girls. Mosher-Jordan combined have 23 cor- ridor phones, four pay phones and one stud- ent government phone, averaging 16% girls on each phone. Alice Lloyd has 25 corridor phones, four pay phones and one student government phone, with an average of 18 3/5 girls a phone. COMMENTING ON the possibility of in- stalling more corridor phones, Schaadt said that such a move seems infeasible, because of financial difficulties and also because the present line system and switchboards can't accomodate any more. Situations in East and West Quads are bet- ter than those on the Hill, as each house has its own switchboard. Of course, the South Quad setup, with a phone in each room, is the best on campus. The switchboards are set up to give maxi- mum service, as one does not receive a busy signal upon dialing the residence hall number unless every phone on every corridor is being used. FIVE FULL-TIME and three part-time operators are employed by the residence halls., Only three stations can operate at one time, however, and these are used at the most crowded hours of the day-noon to 10.:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. A limit of three minutes per call has been put into effect, but the operators don't always enforce this rule. Students may not have private phones in their rooms because the telephone company, from which the residence halls rent their equipment, hasn't enough of that equipment to handle such a situation. Schaadt also reports that the telephone com- panq has always been very cooperative,- and that this fall they have brought in experts from Detroit to make a survey of the prob- lem and offer possible solutions. "WE HAVEN'T been able to come up with a satisfactory answer yet, but with the pre- sent investigation sponsored by the telephone company, we hope to arrive at a solution in the near future," Schaadt said. The frustrated phoners on campus are hop- ing for a rapid solution, too. -Carol North SpeakUpSL* Are You For the Birds? ALTHOUGH THE Student Legislature has heard repeated urgings to consider issues of the greatest student interest, it has chosen, for the most part, to ignore the advice. The student strike at Alice Lloyd further accentuates this problem. WHEREAS THE Legislators have involved themselves in such problems as faculty dis- missals, the driving ban, the housing situation, and severance pay, all bringing relative un- concern from the student body, the "beef bird" insurrection has been brewing. Finally at their evening meal Wednesday, the residents could wait for SL no longer. The girls attempted to take the situation into their own hands by striking against the "glop of breaded stuffing rolled with thin slabs of beef." NO DOUBT, SL is planning to avoid this issue just as it did the Bermuda Shorts con- troversy. With its usual indifference to real student issues, the Legislature members show no signs of changing their course. Nor do the dieticians at Alice Lloyd. -Murry Frymer She Knew You Could Be Un'- Without the Other DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go- Round WASHINGTON - New York news- papers last month featured front- page stories calling attention to the fact that it was exactly 25 years since the tragic 1929 stock- market crash that precipitated the Hoover depression. After recalling the billions lost to big and little investors all over the U.S.A., they noted that the Stock Market had climbed back to the , same high peak of 1929 and speculated wheth- er another crash could happen. Here in Washington, meanwhile, a Senate subcommittee has been digging out some possible answers to that question. Given not one cent of funds by Senator Jenner of Indiana who holds the purse strings on Senate probes, the Langer-Kefauver Com- mittee has pieced together an amazing story of how some of the safeguards erected to prevent an- other stock-market crash have been ignored. These safeguards included: 1. Creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission to police the Stock Market and protect the investor. 2. The Public Holding Corpora- tion Act which required big utili- ties to ditch the rule of Wall Street. Electric light and power companies, under the Holding Cor-- poration Act, were to be bossed by the local people who bought the power and paid the electric light bills. However, here is what the Lan- ger-Kefauver Committee found. Wall Street Rule-The Securities and Exchange Commission, sup- posed to police Wall Street, now appears to be working, in part, with Wall Street. Significantly, the SEC Chairman appointed by Presi- dent Eisenhower is Ralph Demm- ler, Pittsburgh partner of the Dave Reed Law Firm. Just how Eisenhower picked him to head up the vital agency sup- posed to protect the investing pub- lic remains a mystery. For his senior partner the late Senator Reed of Pennsylvania, fought the SEC, also battled against the Hold- ing Corporation Act which the SEC is supposed to enforce. The Reed-Demmler Law Firm represented the Mellon interests plus various Pittsburgh banks and it's difficult to understand how a man picked from this background could enforce the SEC laws with any great enthusiasm. At any rate here is how the SEC operated in regard to the Mississippi Power and Light Com- pany, which is part of the Dixon- Yates combine now being awarded a lush government power contract by direct authority of Eisenhower himself, despite the opposition of the TVA Authority and a Majority of the Atomic Energy Commission. "Untruth'-in-Securities On September 22, J. D. Stieten- roth, long-time secretary-treasurer of the Mississippi Power and Light Co.. telegraphed the SEC that a statement filed with the SEC re- garding the Mississippi Power and Light and its parent company, Middle South Utilities, was false. "I desire," he warned the SEC, "to withdraw each and every fi- nancial figure and any and all data which are included in both registration statements." This should have been a red light to the SEC to hold up the sale of stock proposed by Middle South Utilities and Mississippi 'Power and Light. The name of the law establishing the Securities and Exchange Commission is "The Truth-In-Securities Act" which re- quires registration of bond and stock sales to the public to be truthful. Yet here was a telegram from the secretary-treasurer of Missis- sippi Power and Light that the registration statements were not truthful. Despite this, the SEC did absolutely nothing. The stock flo- tation was OK'd next day. Quizzed about this by the Lan- ger - Kefauver committee, SEC officials admitted that they sent no one to Mississippi to probe the charges made by Stietenroth. In- stead they ignored his telegram and let the allegedly "false" stock flotation be issued. SEC on the Griddle Cross-examined as to whether it was not the job of 'the SEC to prevent false statements regard- ing the flotation of stock and bond issues, here is how Chairman Demmler of the SEC ducked: Mr. Sidney Davis, counsel for the Langer-Kefauver Committee: "Is it fair to say, Mr. Chairman, that one purpose of the Securities Exchange Act is to protect in- vestors by requiring that a full and accurate disclosure be made in a prospectus to the public be- fore shares can be issued? "Chairman Demmler. I think the statute speaks for itself, Mr. Da- vis. "Mr. Davis. Is my statement cor- rect, sir? "Chairman Demmler. I think perhaps we had better read from WAY BACK WHEN, somewhere around the fifth grade, I remember an unusual teach- er. She was not only smart, but also intelli- gent. But it took until now for me to appreciate her exacting meticulousness about words. She taught English. She insisted not only on the exact word at all times, but also on the exact prefix or suffix on every word that had one or the other. She would know how to handle the present confusion, misinterpretation, and downright stubborn misunderstanding. But, alas, she lies dead, buried under the weight of misused, mis- leading prefixes. "Long Life" *- sm.gR.,c,.,.e.M.,. ar ca +w6 .d. s..a~a".b,. sqs. 4. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR YES, SHE would have solved everything. She would have changed the name of the House Un-American Activities Committee to the House Anti-American Activities Committee. You see, to her, being un-American (whatever that is) and being anti-American would be two quite different things. As I said, she was also intelligent. She would next have obliged every good American, nay, every American, to carry his dictionary where- ever he went if he did not already know it by heart. -Jim Dygert Review Plight... To the Editor: WHATEVER could have influen- ced you, at this crucial time, to publish the detestable book re- view of Glory, God, & Gold, index and all, which escapes the epithet "naive" only by virtue of being abyssmally stupid. Even with our limited knowledge of literary mat- ters, without even adjusting the eyes for fine focusing, high power, we can spot errors of both gram- mar rhetoric and confusion of the two which would greatly disturb a grader of freshman papers. What nonsense this is. ". . . a book ... depicts history not as a succession of . . . but as the ac- tions . . ." etc. What sort of gram- matical construction of this to be spread on the hitherto unstained pages of The Daily? "Formless names?" Whatever are formless names? Can a name have form? Can a name "populate" a book? Assume "realistic proportions?" Another passage from this inept review relates the tale of the "first hen-pecked husband to cross the Rio Grande and the poor man's wife . . ." Whose wife was that? Was she the hen-pecking wife of this notorious character from out of the West, the first hen-pecked man, or was she the wife of some beggar? Beerman is not clear about that at all. What of that "day before yesterday," when the ato- mic bomb was detonated? I know of no atomic test scheduled for any day before yesterday. Possibly Beerman has knowledge of atomic tests not revealed to the public. Must he not come forth with this information, preferably u n d e r oath? However, we quickly pass over the intervening paragraphs of this childish exposition and strike a droll passage wherein it is claimed that there is an "all-American team chosen to tell the all-Amer- ican story." Certainly the tabloid approach to history which Well- man has evolved to suit his pur- poses hardly qualifies him for a place on the all-American team, whatever that may be. Let us pray for more valuable reviews in the future; otherwise The Daily may lose the fine repu- tation built up by other far more capableband competentreviewers. -J. Philip Benkard Quad Donation . .. To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL written by Joel Berger, concerning stud- ent reaction to The Daily's fund- raising campaign for the survivors of last week's Monroe Street fire, has caused widespread resentment among the residents of South Quadrangle. We wonder if Mr. Berger, who is, himself, a resident of South Quadrangle, is aware of all that was done by the mem- bers of his residence hall to aid the victims of the fire at that time. Their actions were hardly those characteristic of men inac- tivated by introspection. These men were responsible in a large degree for the saving of life and property; Mr. Berger was either unaware of this fact, or else he deliberately chose to ignore it in favor of a more sensationalistic approach to reporting. However, facts are facts, and not only can they not be ignored by a good newspaperman, but they should not be twisted by him, even if his motives are ultimately in the interests of worthwhile and necessary charity. The facts, in this case, are so much more in- spiring and could have served his purpose so much more effectively, that it seems the facts had better be presented in their true light, so that these survivors need not suffer a lack of help, merely be- cause Mr. Berger's misguided ef- forts have alienated many who were most eager to help in any way they could. The facts are these: The quadmen did indeed get out of bed in "the wee hours" of the night, but not to watch a house burn down; they got out of bed so that they might better extend a helping hand to a house- ful of people who were badly in need of help. Many quadders manned hoses; many entered the burning house in an attempt to save whatever could be saved. They raised ladders so that those living on upper floors could es- cape-this was done before the fire department arrived. This sort of action hardly implies non- chalance, or a purely morbid in- terest. The behavior of the quad men was in every sense useful, practical and intelligent; their in- terests were purely humanitarian. In the light of this information, with which Mr. Berger was ob- viouslyhunacquainted, it would seem that perhaps an apology is due to the men of the South Quad. If Mr. Berger showed as much in- terest in his residence hall as he would have us believe he shows in charitable pursuits, his facts might be straighter and the help he seeks might be more readily given. -Robert Burgee Leo Roach. Dick Light Jack Knaggs Frank Rizzo Suimner Elwell (EDITOR'S NOTE: The above letter was accompanied by a $45 donation to the Daily Fire Relief Fund from the men of Huber House.) Strange Contrast in Soviet Internal, External Policy (Editor's Note: The author of the following article is studying in the United States as a Fulbright Exchange student from Germany. As a war correspondent in the German Army, he spent- five years as a prisoner-of-war in the Soviet Union.) IT SEEMS THAT the external and internal policies of the homeland of that Proteletarian paradise, the Soviet Union, can be seen as a hydra with multi-colored tentacles. Recent tactics of the Kremlin and its instrument for foreign affairs, the Cominform, include fraterniza- tion with different types of political or cultural organizations in various countries. Local Communist parties follow a consistently anti-Commun- ist line when they feel they can destroy democratic goals of these nations. But the Soviets cannot escape the fact that the Western World is more and more able to compare the internal and external policy of the Kremlin. The flags under which local Communist parties sail are localism and nationalism. Behind these two flags, however, waves the guiding hand of the Communist Manifesto. And nothing could ever change its long-term aims. Recently during discussions of the German question, without doubt there was one most crucial question foremost in the European mind: will the acceptance of a sovereign West Germany destroy the hope of a peaceful reunification of the nation presently split up between the Western and Eastern camps? Is there some way to solve this modern riddle of the Sphinx in the near future. The policy of West German government chief Konrad Adenauer follows one path: as long as an authoritarian state exists where human rights are flagrantly disregard- ed, the derman people will maintain no trust in a Soviet proposal for an all-German election or a free unified Germany. This strongly anti-totalitarian attitude clearly adds up to hard- ship for millions of East Germans who must live under a Communist government, and also for masses of West German refugees from the East. But the majority of the West German people hold fast to the line of this policy. They are confronted every day with the results of So- viet "peace-loving" tactics. Stories of refugees from all the Iron Cur- tain countries conflict with Cominform pamphlet reports distributed in 69 languages all over the world. Two years ago, in East Germany the Communistic Youth Organization "Freie Deutsche Jugend" did feel they had the upper hand and arrested with the help of the Soviet and East German Secret Police thousands of young Christian Youth, closed their club houses and forced the anti-communlistic Youth underground. But today, after the German issue has become more and more a delicate matter in the Kremlin foreign policy, the young Chris- tian Youth not only can move relatively freely but the FDJ is trying to build a more cooperative bridge to the Christian Youth movements. They try to join Christian Youth meetings, offer speak- ers and other help. Whatever this policy may have as its goal, the Christian Youth movements are careful, resentful. Why? They know best that still hundreds of their comrades are in forced labour camps, that behind this friendly face of the Communistio Youth there is a definite tactic which cannot mean anything else than a temporary hiding behind this mask. Whatever twists may occur in the Soviet propaganda intended for foreign countries, the real viewpoint of the Soviets is revealed In the policy of their own political party organizations in the Soviet Union, This year the 12th Congress of the All-Soviet Leninist Young Com- munist League, the Congress Report of the Central Committee tells us about the latest stands of this most important instrument of Com- munist education: "A few words about the atheistic upbringing of young people and about anti-religious propaganda. It must be admitted that anti-reli- gious propaganda has fallen off seriously in the Young Communist League and that here and there it has ceased entirely. Some YCL per- sonnel are inclined to underrate the harmful influence of the church' on young people and children. There are no grounds whatsoever for such complacency. The facts show that some young men and women are influenced by religious ideology. The problem is to end indifference to the work of the church amoung our young people in every way and to fully reinstate YCL anti-religious propaganda." When we consider that the Young Communist League I a con- trolled arm of the Communist government, and that it holds a powerful military as well as a political and educatidnal ax over one- fifth of the earth's surface we can imagine how strong every one of their Congressional decisions can be. Its anti-religious views are not only expressed in words, or in advice, but are also transformed into action, as we can realize by anti-Semitic purges during 1952 and 1953 and the anti-clerical purges in satellite countries in re- cent years. The Committee report abounds in glorious words about the "un- beatable Soviet youth, the most splendid weapon of the proletarian revolution." No scientific field, no discovery made in the last few years was not invented or solved by Soviet youth or their fathers. The words go on interminably. But the same passages of self-criticism show us that we don't work with human machines when we deal with the "Com- munist Youth," but with young people, who either belong or don't belong to the YCL, with or without reason. The idea that among the non-joiners are the enemies of the Soviet society is expressed over and over again. But the YCL Committee makes a distinction between those who harm their fatherland and those who are just lost little sheep who should be guided back into the arms of the "most glorious youth or- ganization of the world." The former are classified as enemies, for which there is no place in a proletarian paradise. These are children of Christian families, children whose parents serve time in a con- centration camp for some political crime (in Soviet eyes that of anti- Communism) or children with relatives who have escaped to the West. But what about the lost sheep? From the same report: "There is yet another question which must be discussed ... We cannot overlook the fact that some young people still harbor ves- tiges of the accursed capitalistic 'past in their minds. These ves- tiges manifest themselves in indolence, a slovenly attitude toward work, violations of labor and state discipline, and loose living. To our shame there are still Soviet young people who are contaminated by vices of the past-hangers-on who lead empty, parasytic lives. Loudly-dressed people in Tarzan haircuts, so-called "zoot-suiters," roam the main streets of Moscow, Leningrad, Tbilisi, Yerevan and a number of cities. They do not work or study, but spend -the eve- nings in bars or heckling girls. Who are they? How do they live and by what means? Whop are their parents? Who are their comrades? It is our duty not to content ourselves with condemning this phe- nomenon in general terms but to deal with each and every one of these young people. The YCL must proclaim relentless and deter- mined war against all kinds of "zoot-suiters," aristocrats and other parasites and hoodlums. All of them must be forced to work, and to work honestly and behave as befits Soviet People." George Orwell's "1984" is a fantastic book. God grant that the kind of educational policy it depicts will never be used in the countries of the Western world. But my feelings lie with the Russian youth who must grow up under such a totalitarian machine, and I hope that more and more of the Western people make the distinction between the "glorious Soviet youth" and the enemies of this regime. Here we under- stand Adenauer's policy, and we cannot agree with a mild view that 1 I: -, mn Interpreting the News By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THERE HAVE BEEN strong indications for several years that the extremist blocs at both ends of the American political axis have been losing strength to the center. For a long time Congressional action has been dependent on the coalition votes of inter- party blocs. In 1952 the Republicans gained control of both houses by tiny margins. Now the Democrats have done the same. These narrow divisions in Congress, however, since they are the sum total of individual and only slightly related local election contests, are less indicative than the extreme closeness of Sixty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Eugene Hartwig... ..................... Managing Editor Dorothy Myers........................City Editor Jon Sobeloff........................ .Editorial Director Pat Roelofs......................Associate City Editor Becky Conrad................... Associate Editor Nan Swinehart.........................Associate Editor Dave Livingston..........................Sports Editor Hanley Gurwin................ Associate Sports Editor Warren Wertheimer..........Associate Sports Editor Roz Shiimovltz...................... Women's Editor Joy Squires..............,Associlate Women's Editor Janet Smith.................Associate Women's Editor Dean Morton.......................Chief Photographer Business Stafff Lois Pollak....................Business Manager Phil Brunskl..............Associate Business Manager Bill Wise.......................Advertising Manager -Mr Jean Monnok .... ....Fnnce Mana.. the decisions in so many of the individual con- tests themselves. Elections have been decided by handfuls of votes in numerous areas. ONE IS almost tempted to say that no greater benefit could come to American politics than to keep the politicians of both parties constantly aware that they are walking a tight-rope, subject to ruin by the least bobble. That is a fundamental of the two-party sys- tems which has not always worked because of violent swings in public sentiment from time to time, leading to party overconfidence and laziness in government. But there are dangers, too, when party con- trol of government is so narrow that it has no real mandate, and responsibility is too much divided. It leads to indecision just as surely as does that bane of European political systems, a super abundance of parties. It also leads to buckpassing. When there is fault in govern- ment, it leads to difficulty for the public in placing the blame. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S quick decision to get to work with the new leaders of Con- gress in order'"to get the business of the coun- try done indicates that he is taking his new difficulties philosophically. In one respect, the situation gives him an opportunity to prove whether he is a great President. It puts upon him and his adminis- tration the responsibility of presenting to Con- gress only such proposals as have been worked out so carefully that their need is apparent. It places upon Democratic leaders the res- ponsibility for seeing to it that no truly bene- ficial legislation falls victim to partisan ex- pediency. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN V (Continued from Page 2) stoner of Education in Prussia prior to the Nazi era. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for William Nathaniel Wasson, Education; thesis: "A Study of Direct Measurements of venous Pressure in Rest and During Exercise," Fri., Nov. 5, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman; P. A. Hunsicker. Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business: Application blanks for the Feb. 3 administration of the Admis- sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi- ness are now available at 110 Rack- ham Building and 150 Business Ad- ministration. Application blankstare due in Princeton, N.J. not later than Jan. 20. L.ogic Seminar--Fri. nv .5 4:00 n.m. Hall, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, C. H. Coombs. Concerts Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violin; Robert Courte, vio- la; and Oliver Edel, cello; will present the second program in the series of Sun.hafternoon concerts:covering the Beethoven Quartets at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 7 in Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will include: Quartet in A major, Op. 18, No. 5; Quartet in F minor, Op. 95; Quartet in B-flat major, Op. 130. The concert is open to the public without charge. Exhibitions Styles in Chinese Painting, Nov. 3-23; Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on weekdays, 2:00 -5:00 p.m. on Suns. The public is in- vited. Art Exhibit, Rackham Galleries. Chet I says: "Well, maybe the Soviets are ed in this type of work is invited to attend. Shakespeare's "Hamlet" will be pre- really not so bad after all." -Peter Kalinke Library at Lane Hall, Fri., 4:15 p.n . Grace Bible students will be the Guild host.