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November 04, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-11-04

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Student Government
Plenty To Worry About
See Page 4


tr itgau
Latest Deadline in the State


i lf






Ferguson Loses
To McNamara
Haywroth, Griffiths Defeat Clardy,
Oakman in Congressional Races

By The Associated Press
Patrick V. McNamara, a virtual unknown in state politics, de-
feated Sen. Homer Ferguson in Tuesday's senatorial elections.
McNamara, a Detroit construction firm executive and president
of the American Federation of Labor Steamfitter's Union, won the
Democratic primary after death took former Sen. Blair Moody from
the race last August.
Ferguson, who has represented Michigan in the Senate for the
past 12 years, is chairman of the Republican policy committee of
the Senate and an Eisenhower Administration advisor.
The Republican candidate had a 200,000 majority as the race
came into predominantly'Democratic Wayne County. However, the
heavy Detroit vote for McNamara pushed him ahead, the final count
being 1,005,782 to 1,045,044.
In a victory statement yesterday McNamara declared that the
Qpeople of Michigan "have voiced
their disapproval" of the Eisen-
GPakes hower Administration.
In a statement conceding de-
feat, Ferguson said "the record of
the Republican Administration in
County Seats
Congress is still to my mind one
Iof the finest in my 12 years of
I 1 service in Washington. It gave
n E c oour people peace, prosperity with-
out war and a great hope for the


Despite the Democratic sweep on
the state level in Tuesday's elec-
tions, Washtenaw County elected
a full Republican slate.
In addition, the turnout of al-
most 40,000 voters established a
new record in the county for an
off-year election.
Christman Wins
Washtenaw County, now com-
prising the newly-created 33rd
District, elected former state rep-
resentative Lewis G. Christman
the county's first state senator. He
defeated Democrat Lewis C. Rei-'
4 mann,
Republicans George W. Sallade
and -Joseph E. Warner will repre-
sent the county in the State House
of Representatives. They defeated
John W. Carr III and Aloysius P.
Minick, respectively.
On the county level, Edwin L.
Klager defeated Lawrence Olters-
dorf for the post of sheriff and
Luella M. Smith was re-elected
county clerk, running against
Democrat Eleanor R. Graves.
Verner Re-elected
Also re-elected was William F.
Verner, who defeated Garvin J.
Brasseur for the position of county
treasurer. John H. Flook defeated
Harry E. Norton in the race for"
drain commissioner, while incum-
bent Edwin C. Ganzhorn and
Frank W. Staffan were elected
coroners. Incumbent William H.
Dickson lost his post to Staffan.
Patricia N. Hardy was elected
register of deeds, defeating Wil-
liam L. Schaules.
Edmund F. Devine, incumbent
prosecuting attorney, was unop-
posed as was Herbert S. Hicks who
ran for the office of surveyor.
Murray Cies
Reigion Issue
"Big philosophical argument to-
day is a metaphysical question be-
tween scientific naturalists and
Christian naturalists," the Rev. Fr.
John Courtney Murray commented
in the first lecture in the annual
"This I Believe" series yesterday.
Both positions, the professor of
theology at Woodstock College,
Maryland, continued before a
standing-room-only audience, seek
a vision of order in and of nature,
an infinite universal and an eth-
ical norm behind human behavior.
-Explaining that the only work-
able philosophy is the one that is
based on the totality of human ex-
perience throughout history, Fa-
ther Murray asserted that the
fault of scientific naturalism is an
error in method.
"Basing their proof on a too-
narrow interpretation of human
experience," he observed, "scien-
tific naturalists are subordinating
the truth to the method of search-
. ,e fnr - th frih2

Democrats also picked up two
of the state's congressional seats,
as Rep. Kit Clardy of East Lan-

Girls Beef
Alice Lloyd residents went on
strike in protest last night
against "beef birds," served as
an entree at dinner.
Having expressed disapproval
of "beef birds" last year, Lloyd
women struck to make their
position more emphatic.
"More than three-quarters of
the coeds refused to take the
food at all and those who did
take it left it on their plates,"
Shirley Ann Chenault, '56Ed.,
"We think it's about time
something is done about the
food situation here," Miss Che-
nault continued.
"Beef birds" were served at
Stockwell and other women's
dorms where coeds reported
strong disapproval but no vio-
lence. Alice Lloyd's dietician
had no comment.
The dictionary had no defi-
nition for "beef birds" but a
dorm student said it was a
"glop of breaded stuffing rolled
with thin slabs of beef."
Letter .Fadt
May Violate
U.S. Laws
Chain letters "seem like a con-
spiracy to violate gambling laws,"
Detective John Walters of the Ann
Arbor police. department said yes-1
Walters added that it would be
up to the county prosecutor's of-
fice to determine actual violations.
Although there has never been
prosecution in Ann Arbor for cir-
culation of chain letters, Walters
said "we've always had good co-
operation from courts in sentenc-
ing violators of gambling laws."
Don't Evade Regulations
Post office authorities in Lafay-
ette, Jd., where the craze is
sweeping Purdue, said circulating
the letters by hand did not evade
violation of federal post office reg-
ulations as long as money was
sent through the mail.
Students selling letters have
claimed that since they are sold
personally, rather than through the
mail, no violation is incurred.
However, Walters noted it makes
no difference whether letters or
only money is mailed. "If the let-
ters are illegal, then sending mon-
ey through theh mails is a part of
the conspiracy," he said.
Returns Reported
Several University students re-
ported returns of up to $70 on the
One student, who bought alet-
ter Monday morning, said he re-
ceived eight letters inyesterday's
mail, each containing a five dol-
lar bill.
Although a far cry from the
promised $1,240, the student said
he was satisfied, "since I only
bought my letter Monday. Besides,
I have nothing to lose."
Smaller gains were claimed by
other students but to date, no one
appears to have neared the "ack-

-Daily---John Hirtzel
WARM SPOT-Yesterday's unlooked-for warmth was a pleasant
surprise to most of the campus. Some students took advantage
of the momentary relief from freezing temperatures to catch
up on studying on the Diag.

--- I



Break in Weather

Entire Democratic State
Executive Ticket Elected

. . . new senator
sing and Rep. Charles G. Oakman
of Detroit were defeated in the
Clardy, who headed a congres-
sional investigation into Commu-
nist activities in Michigan lash
spring, was defeated by Donald
Hayworth, a speech professor at
Michigan State College.
Second Woman
Mrs. Martha Griffiths, former
state legislator and judge, won out
over Oakman. She is the second
woman in Michigan history to be-
come a member of Congress.
In the 13th District of Detroit,
history was made as Charles C.
Diggs, Jr., became the first Negro
to represent Michigan in Congress.
He is the third in the nation.
Diggs, who has served two terms
in the state Senate, defeated Lan-
don Knight, son of John S. Knight,
editor-publisher of the Detroit
Free Press.

Gov. G. Mennen Williams won
an unprecedented fourth term, de-
feating Donald S. Leonard in Tues-
day's elections as the entire Dem-
ocratic state executive ticket was
swept into office.
It was the biggest Democratic
victory in the state since 1932 and
is the first time a governor has
swept in a statewide slate since
the late Frank Murphy, a- Demo-
crat, did it in 1936 during the New
Deal landslide.
Economics and Popularity
Commenting on the electionn,
John P. White of the political sci-
ence department attributed the
Democratic victory in this state to
"the localized economic situation
and the personal popularity of Gov.
Co unseling
Meets Today
The twenty-sixth annual prin-
cipal-freshman and junior col-
lege conference opened last night
in the Union Ballroom with a
workshop and general session for
principals and -counselors.
Under the theme "Counseling
the Student," the 1954 Confer-
ence program will consist of inter-
views with students, general ses-
sions and open houses for princi-
pals and counselors from Michi-
gan and out-of-state schools.
New students from Michigan
high schools and junior colleges
have appointments this morning
in the Rackham Building and the
League with their former princi-
pals and counselors.
Featuring University President
Harlan H. Hatcher, Vice-Presi-
dent in Charge of Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis and other
prominent Michigan educators, the
conference will conclude with a
luncheon at 12:15 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom.
Vaccine Shots
Given Today
Flu vaccine inoculations will
continue to be administered from
8 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and from
1 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. today and to-
morrow and from 8 am to 11:45
am. Saturday.

Williams defeated Leonard by a
vote of 1,209,675 to 951,149.
He has previously been surround-
ed by Republican state legisla-
tors. However, men of his own par-
ty will be aiding him in his post
at Lansing for at least the nevt
two years.
Hart Wins
Philip A. Hart, Williams' own
Democratic choice for lieutenant
governor, won a smashing victory
over Lt. Gov. Clarence Reid, 1,-
110,247 to 933,639.
A former district attorney at De-
troit, Hart resigned after President
Eisenhower's victory and became
legal advisor to the governor. Hart
is considered by observers as Wil-
liams' choice to succeed him in
the gubernatorial position.
Democrat Thomas M. Kava-
naugh defeated incumbent Frank
G. Millard for the post of attor-
ney general by a vote of 1,091,867
to 990,867.
Brown Defeats Brake
Sanford A. Brown defeated D.
Hale Brake for the position of state
treasurer by more than 55,000
votes. Brake had held the office
longer than any other man in Mich-
igan history.
Secretary of State Owen J,
Cleary was defeated at the polls
by Democrat James M. Hare by
more than 40,000 votes.
In the race for auditor general,
Victor Targonski defeated John B.
Martin by a smaller margin.
Three Amendments Passed
Three constitutiunal amendments
won approval, but a fourth, which
would legalize charity-sponsored
bingo and other lotteries, was 'de-
feated by a slim 17,216 votes.
One of the amendments allows
an $80,000,000 bond bonus for Ko-
rean War veterans. This proposal
won overwhelmingly, 1,056,402 to
The other two amendments pro-
vide for sales tax distribution on a
current basis and permit a citizen
to move from one city to another
within 30 days of an election with-
out losing his franchise. Both pro-
posals were passed by large ma-

SL Passes
Fire Relief
Fund Aid
Housing Change
Plan Approved
Two motions dealing with the
Monroe fire tragedy here were
passed by the Student Legislature
One asked for improvement of
the present housing situation in
order to avoid similar occurences,
and another allocated up to $200
for The Daily Fire Relief Fund.
The housing motion,, presented
by Member-at-large Ruth Ross-
ner, '55, outlined four steps which,
according to the author, could pre-
vent reocurrence of the tragedy
and also help alleviate the critical
housing problem.
The points were:
1) Enforcement of the existing
building code. .
2) Make every effort to find
funds to hire at least one addi-
tional full-time University hous-
ing inspector. (At present there
is one full-time inspector)
3) Allow only that housing
which meets the requirements of
the Ann Arbor housing code to
be put on the University "ap-
proved" list.
4) Look into possibility of work-
ing with the appropriate city au-
thorities and local landlords to-
wards offering to help defray the
cost of constructing new dwellings
designed especially for students.
Dormont Offers Amendment
Paul Dormont, '55, amended the
motion to include in the last point
a stipulation that these students
would be housed without question
of race, relgiion or national ori-
With amendment, the motion
was passed 27 to 1 with Chuck
Skala, '55, voicing the only de-
clining vote.
In the second motion pertaining
to the rooming-house fire, SL ap-
proved a motion to have the Cin-
ema Guild Board contribute from
its insurance fund an amount of
not more than $200 to The Daily
The Guild Board was mandat-
ed to decide the final figure.
'Jelin Outlines SGC Question
The Student Government Coun-
ci question and its effect on the
December elections was outlined
by President Steve Jelin, '55.
Jelin stressed that there were
many points that, although asked
by SL, were not included in the
study committee plan, "we are
going to argue again to incorpo-
rate the student tax back into the
Jelin argued that the tax was
in the original SGC plan and that
without it, "there is no means of
"The whole SGC can stand or
fall on that issue," he said.
Dave Levy, '57, at the same time
urged SL members to support the
Student Government Council, if
the Regents should pass it Nov.
12. Levy said that "having some-
thing that exists is better than
having nothing."
Levy also announced that elec-
tion petitioning would be extended
no later than Nov. 6, although
there are only 30 persons signed as
candidates for the 23 posts.,
After the meeting President Je-
lin, in answer to rumors that he
would not run for re-election to
the SL next month, said that he
had as yet made no decision.
In other business Ron Richard-

son, '56, was voted to fill the SL
seat left open by the resignation
of Mort Cox, '56,

Democrats Have'
Margin in House
Oregon, New Jersey Elections Hold
Possible Key to Senate Domination
By The Associated Press
Democrats clinched command of the House yesterday and Repub-
licans fought furiously to save control of the Senate in an election of
baffling cross currents that kept the Senate outcome in doubt.
Teeter-totter races at opposite ends of the country, in New Jersey
and Oregon, held the key to the Senate outcome.
At 1:30 a.m. this morning, 2,483 precincts in Oregon had
reported their tallies of votes. Democrat Richard L. Neuberger was
1,905 votes ahead of Republican Guy Cordon in the hot race for
the Senate, Neuberger had, a total of 283,239 votes to Cordon's
While the shift definitely was to the party out of power, in keep-
ing with tradition in non-presidential elections it represented no Clear-
cut defeat for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration's program
and policies.

Eisenhower 'Astonished'
Admittedly "astonished and sur-
prised" at some of the results from
Tuesday's balloting, President Ei-
senhower told a news conference
that "no, I don't" see any disap-
proval of Administration policies in
loss of the House. Nor, he said, did
he detect any repudiation of the
program of his administration.
Democratic control of the Sen-
ate would mean the ousting of the
Government Operations Commit-
tee and the Senate Investigations
Free Hand Given
Overturn of Republican control
in the House will give the Demo-
crats a free hand to make full .use
of the congressional investigative
power to dig into the activities
of the Eisenhower administration.
There hasn't been divided politi-
cal control in Congress since Her-
bert Hoover was president.
One party or the other has con-
trolled both houses ever since the
1931-33 Congress, when the Repub-
licans had a one-vote margin in
the Senate and the Democrats con-
trolled the House.
Portland Helps
It was the vote from Portland,
the state's largest city, which gave
Neuberger his lead after he had
trailed 10,000 in early counts. The
city count came in slowly but by
the time 750 of 815 precincts in
Mulnomah County (Portland) had
reported, Neuberger went out in
front by nearly 900 votes.- At that
point Mulnomah gave him an edge
in the county of 15,000 over Cordon.
New Jersey Republican Clifford
P. Case's Senate campaign man-
ager last night asserted, "the elec-
tion is over--Clifford P. Case has
Declaration of victory in the Sen-
ate race came as Case held a ra-
zor-thin margin of 2,317 votes over
Democrat Charles R. Howell.
With the unofficial totals stand-
ing at 850,590 for Case and 858,-
273 for Howell, both political par-
ties said they certainly intended to
ask for recounts.

8 Governors
WASHINGTON ( - Democrats
swept Republicans out of eight
governorships this year in a gain
hailed by Democratic Chairman
Stephen Mitchell as. a Democratic
omen for the 1956 presidential
Republicans didn't pick up a
single seat now held by Democrats.
But in Wyoming, the last race to
be settled, Republican Milward
Simpson was elected last night
after a strong challenge bykDem-
ocrat William (Scotty) Jack.
That gave the Democrats 19
governorship victories, to the Re-
publicans' 15. The biggest sur-
prise was the eight states where
Democrats took command away
from Republican regimes.
Minnesota was the latest addi-
tion to the group, which included
such politically important states
as New York and Pennsylvania.
Others were Arizona, Colorado,
Connecticut and New Mexico.
In Minnesota, Orville Freeman,
Democrat - Farmer Labor candi-
date, upset incumbent Gov. C. El-
mer Anderson to end the Republi-
can party's 16-year hold on the
Counting Maine, 34 governor-
ships were at stake ,this year.
With their holdovers plus those
newly elected, Democratic gover-
nors will outnumber Republicans,
27 to 21. Republicans went into
this year's election with 29 gover-
nors to 19 for the Democrats.
Wants More
Atomic Talks
WASHINGTON A' - President
Eisenhower chose as his first post-
election statement yesterday an an-
nouncement that the United States
is trying to open up a "new phase"
of Russian-American negotiations
for creation of an international
atomic pool.
The chief executive's action at
a news conference underscored the
importance he attaches to foleign
issues which may dominate the
second half of his term.
Eisenhower disclosed that Soviet
Ambassador Georgi N. Zarubin
was receiving from Secretary of
State Dulles within a few minutes
a reply to the Russian note of Sept.
22 on the atomic pool plan, a plan
which Eisenhower initiated.
"I hope," the President said in
a statement, "this will start a new
phase in the U.S.-U.S.S.R. negotia-
tions which will be more fruitful
than the first phase, during which
the Soviets showed a lack of inter-
est in cooperating with the United
States to further international co-
operation in developing the peace-
ful uses of atomic energy."
T1 r -r- .


Play Tickets
Still on Sale


Off-Year Election Vote
Brings Usual Result

Tickets are still available for
three more performances of 'Ham-
Curtain time for the speech de-
partment production is 8 p.m. at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Selling for $1.50, $1.20 and 90 cents,
tickets can be obtained at the Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn box office from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. today through Sat-
Special student rate of 75 cents
will prevail for tonight's perform-
ance only.

In a record-breaking vote of
near 45,000,000, tradition was sus-
tained yesterday with the party
in power losing seats in a custo-
mary off-year election set-back.
In nine of the last ten non-presi-
dential elections, the party in
power has been forced to face an
up-swing in the strength of its
opponents. The only time in the
past 40 years that the major par-
ty has increased its control was
in 1934, the middle of President
17a. rlviT1 n n cn nl- cA,- f n-r

sensed a strong trend toward
their party in recent Maine and
Alaskan elections. Republican
hopes for a last-hour surge of
party enthuisiasm under the Ei-
senhower banner did not mater-
ialize to buck the Democratic
Nearly 45,000,000 Ballots
A partial Associated Press sur-
vey recorded that close to 45,000,-
000 ballots had been cast, with the
fia .--- a-ia A n +" +h


Hearings Cause Resignation

1 ssate Ciy Edtor

staged hearings of the three cases.

ments from Prof. Moore followingI

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